#!/usr/bin/env bash # Needed to fail on must_get_env() set -e GIT_ROOT=$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" && git rev-parse --show-toplevel) source "${GIT_ROOT}/scripts/colors.sh" function must_get_env() { declare -n VAR_VALUE="$1" if [[ -n "${VAR_VALUE}" ]]; then echo "${VAR_VALUE}" return fi echo -e "${RED}No required env variable:${RST} ${BLD}${!VAR_VALUE}${RST}" 1>&2 exit 1 } function append_env_export() { VAR_NAME=${1} VAR_VALUE=$(must_get_env "${VAR_NAME}") echo "export ${VAR_NAME}=\"${VAR_VALUE}\";" >> "${SECRETS_FILE_PATH}" } config='' if [[ -n "${STATUS_GO_SRC_OVERRIDE}" ]]; then config+="status-im.status-go.src-override=\"${STATUS_GO_SRC_OVERRIDE}\";" fi config+="status-im.commit-hash=\"$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)\";" config+="status-im.build-type=\"$(must_get_env BUILD_TYPE)\";" config+="status-im.build-number=\"$(must_get_env BUILD_NUMBER)\";" config+="status-im.android.abi-split=\"$(must_get_env ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT)\";" config+="status-im.android.abi-include=\"$(must_get_env ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE)\";" nixOpts=() # We create if now so the trap knows its location export SECRETS_FILE_PATH=$(mktemp) chmod 644 ${SECRETS_FILE_PATH} # If secrets file was created we want to remove it. trap "rm -vf ${SECRETS_FILE_PATH}" EXIT ERR INT QUIT # Secrets like this can't be passed via args or they end up in derivation. if [[ -n "${INFURA_TOKEN}" ]]; then append_env_export 'INFURA_TOKEN'; fi if [[ -n "${OPENSEA_API_KEY}" ]]; then append_env_export 'OPENSEA_API_KEY'; fi # If no secrets were passed there's no need to pass the 'secretsFile'. if [[ -s "${SECRETS_FILE_PATH}" ]]; then nixOpts+=("--argstr" "secretsFile" "${SECRETS_FILE_PATH}") fi nixOpts+=("--option" "extra-sandbox-paths" "${KEYSTORE_PATH} ${SECRETS_FILE_PATH}") # Used by Clojure at compile time to include JS modules nixOpts+=("--argstr" "buildEnv" "$(must_get_env BUILD_ENV)") # On Darwin we hit a sandbox serialization limit of 65535. # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/4119 if [[ "$(uname -s)" =~ Darwin ]]; then nixOpts+=("--option" "build-use-sandbox" "false") else nixOpts+=("--option" "build-use-sandbox" "true") fi nixOpts+=("--arg" "config" "{${config}}") "${GIT_ROOT}/nix/scripts/build.sh" targets.mobile.android.release "${nixOpts[@]}"