const WebSocket = require('ws'); const { NativeModules } = require('react-native'); require('@react-native-async-storage/async-storage/jest/async-storage-mock'); require('react-native-gesture-handler/jestSetup'); jest.mock('react-native-reanimated', () => { const Reanimated = require('react-native-reanimated/mock'); // The mock for `call` immediately calls the callback which is incorrect // So we override it with a no-op = () => { }; return Reanimated; }); jest.mock('@react-native-async-storage/async-storage', () => mockAsyncStorage); jest.mock('react-native-navigation', () => ({ getNavigationConstants: () => ({ constants: [] }), Navigation: { constants: async () => { } } })); jest.mock("react-native-background-timer", () => ({})) jest.mock('react-native-languages', () => ({ RNLanguages: { language: 'en', languages: ['en'], }, default: {}, })); NativeModules.ReactLocalization = { language: 'en', locale: 'en' }; global.navigator = { userAgent: 'node', } global.WebSocket = WebSocket