# Description This folder contains configuration for [Nix](https://nixos.org/), a purely functional package manager used by the Status app for its build process. # Configuration The main config file is [`nix/nix.conf`](/nix/nix.conf) and its main purpose is defining the [binary caches](https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ch-basic-package-mgmt) which allow download of packages to avoid having to compile them yourself locally. __NOTE:__ If you are in Asia you might want to move the `nix-cache-cn` to be first in order of `extra-substituters`. Removing `cache.nixos.org` could also help. # Shell In order to access an interactive Nix shell a user should run `make shell`. The Nix shell is started in this repo via the [`nix/shell.sh`](/nix/shell.sh) script, which is a wrapper around the `nix-shell` command and is intended for use with our main [`Makefile`](/Makefile). This allows for an implicit use of `nix-shell` as the default shell in the `Makefile`.