# 0014. Team-structure | Date | Tags | |---|---| | 2023-06-16 | wallet team | ## Status Proposed ## Context: In order to try out vertical team, which is a structure that is wanted by the company, we will be creating a wallet team within the mobile team. Some member of the mobile team will join the current wallet team, which is composed by developers from desktop and lead by @alaibe, on a voluntary basis. The responsibilities of the team are to implement the new wallet UI, with the support of the current wallet team, which will be assisting with the status-go work. ## Decision The team members for the initial wallet team are: - @rasom - @OmarBasem - @vkjr - @J-Son89 - @briansztamfater - @smohamedjavid - @ulisesmac - @erikseppanen - @mmilad75 - @tumanov-alex