# This file defines custom shells as well as shortcuts
# for accessing more nested shells.
{ config ? {}
, pkgs ? import ./pkgs.nix { inherit config; } }:

  inherit (pkgs) lib mkShell callPackage;

  # everything else we define in nix/ dir
  targets = callPackage ./targets.nix { inherit config; };

  # the default shell with most commonly used tools
  default = callPackage ./shell.nix { };

  # Combines with many other shells
  node-sh = mkShell {
    buildInputs = [ pkgs.androidPkgs ];
    shellHook = ''
      export STATUS_REACT_HOME=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
      $STATUS_REACT_HOME/nix/scripts/node_modules.sh ${pkgs.deps.nodejs-patched}

  # An attrset for easier merging with default shell
  shells = {
    inherit default;

    nodejs = node-sh;

    # for calling clojure targets in CI or Makefile
    clojure = mkShell {
      buildInputs = with pkgs; [ clojure flock maven openjdk ];
      inputsFrom = [ node-sh ];

    # for 'make watchman-clean'
    watchman = mkShell {
      buildInputs = with pkgs; [ watchman ];

    # for running fastlane commands alone
    fastlane = targets.mobile.fastlane.shell;

    # for running gradle by hand
    gradle = mkShell {
      buildInputs = with pkgs; [ gradle maven goMavenResolver ];
      inputsFrom = [ node-sh ];
      shellHook = ''
        export STATUS_NIX_MAVEN_REPO="${pkgs.deps.gradle}"
        export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="${pkgs.androidPkgs}"
        export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="${pkgs.androidPkgs}/ndk-bundle"

    # for 'scripts/generate-keystore.sh'
    keytool = mkShell {
      buildInputs = with pkgs; [ openjdk8 ];

    # for targets that need 'adb' and other SDK/NDK tools
    android-env = pkgs.androidShell;

    # helpers for use with target argument
    ios = targets.mobile.ios.shell;
    android = targets.mobile.android.shell;
    desktop = targets.desktop.shell;
    linux = targets.desktop.linux.shell;
    macos = targets.desktop.macos.shell;
    windows = targets.desktop.macos.shell;
    status-go = targets.status-go.mobile.android;

  # for merging the default shell with others
  mergeDefaultShell = (key: val: lib.mergeSh default [ val ]);

# values here can be selected using `nix-shell --attr shells.$TARGET default.nix`
# the nix/scripts/shell.sh wrapper does this for us and expects TARGET to be set
in lib.mapAttrs mergeDefaultShell shells