pipeline { agent { label 'master' } options { timestamps() disableConcurrentBuilds() /* Prevent Jenkins jobs from running forever */ timeout(time: 45, unit: 'MINUTES') /* Limit builds retained */ buildDiscarder(logRotator( numToKeepStr: '10', daysToKeepStr: '30', artifactNumToKeepStr: '10', )) } stages { stage('Prep') { steps { script { println "Current JOB: ${env.JOB_NAME}" /* load common lib */ cmn = load('ci/common.groovy') gh = load('ci/github.groovy') /* just for a shorter access */ btype = cmn.utils.getBuildType() } } } stage('Build') { parallel { stage('iOS') { steps { script { ios = cmn.ci.Build('status-react/combined/mobile-ios') } } } stage('Android') { steps { script { apk = cmn.ci.Build('status-react/combined/mobile-android') } } } stage('Android e2e') { steps { script { apke2e = cmn.ci.Build('status-react/combined/mobile-android-e2e') } } } } } stage('Archive') { steps { script { sh('rm -f pkg/*') cmn.ci.copyArts(ios) //cmn.ci.copyArts(iose2e) cmn.ci.copyArts(apk) cmn.ci.copyArts(apke2e) dir('pkg') { /* generate sha256 checksums for upload */ sh "sha256sum * | tee ${cmn.utils.pkgFilename(btype, 'sha256')}" archiveArtifacts('*') } } } } stage('Upload') { steps { script { /* object for easier URLs handling */ urls = [ /* mobile */ Apk: cmn.pkgUrl(apk), Apke2e: cmn.pkgUrl(apke2e), iOS: cmn.pkgUrl(ios), /*iOSe2e: cmn.pkgUrl(iose2e),*/ Diawi: cmn.utils.getEnv(ios, 'DIAWI_URL'), /* upload the sha256 checksums file too */ SHA: cmn.uploadArtifact(cmn.utils.pkgFind('sha256')), ] /* add URLs to the build description */ cmn.ci.setBuildDesc(urls) /* Create JSON file with newest build URLs */ switch (btype) { /* legacy naming, should have named it nightly.json */ case 'nightly': cmn.updateBucketJSON(urls, 'latest.json'); break } } } } stage('Publish') { steps { script { switch (btype) { case 'nightly': build('misc/status.im', wait: false); break case 'release': gh.publishReleaseMobile(); break } } } } stage('Run e2e') { when { expression { btype == 'nightly' } } steps { script { e2eApk = cmn.utils.getEnv(apke2e, 'SAUCE_URL') build( job: 'end-to-end-tests/status-app-nightly', wait: false, parameters: [string(name: 'APK_NAME', value: e2eApk)] ) } } } } }