#!/usr/bin/env bash _localPropertiesPath=./android/local.properties function downloadUrl() { if program_exists "aria2c"; then aria2c --max-connection-per-server=16 --split=16 --dir="$1" -o "$2" "$3" else wget --show-progress --output-document="$1/$2" "$3" fi } function install_nsis() { # NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a professional open source system to create Windows installers. It is designed to be as small and flexible as possible and is therefore very suitable for internet distribution. linux_install nsis } function install_node() { if nvm_installed; then install_node_via_nvm else install_node_via_package_manager fi } function install_and_setup_package_manager() { if is_macos; then install_homebrew_if_needed brew_tap "caskroom/cask" elif is_linux; then # Linux buildtools=( autoconf automake build-essential cmake curl g++ libssl-dev libtool make python-dev wget unzip ) for package in "${buildtools[@]}"; do linux_install "$package" done fi } function install_wget() { if is_macos; then brew_install wget fi # it's installed on ubuntu/debian by default } function needs_java8_linux() { ! program_exists "java" || !(java -version 2>&1 | grep -q "1.8.0") } function install_java8() { if is_macos; then brew_cask_install "caskroom/versions/java8" elif is_linux; then if needs_java8_linux; then sudo su << EOF add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y apt update echo oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections apt install -y oracle-java8-installer EOF else already_installed "java8" fi fi } function install_leiningen() { if is_macos; then brew_install leiningen elif is_linux; then install_leiningen_linux fi } function install_leiningen_linux() { local destination=/usr/bin/lein if ! program_exists "lein"; then cecho "@b@blue[[+ Installing lein...]]" sudo su << EOF curl --silent \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technomancy/leiningen/stable/bin/lein \ -o $destination chmod 755 $destination cd $HOME && lein upgrade EOF else already_installed "lein" fi } function install_clojure_cli() { if is_macos; then brew_install clojure elif is_linux; then install_clojure_cli_linux fi } function install_clojure_cli_linux() { if ! program_exists "lein"; then cecho "@b@blue[[+ Installing Clojure CLI...]]" local current_dir=$(pwd) sudo su << EOF curl --silent \ https://download.clojure.org/install/linux-install- \ -o /tmp/clojure chmod +x /tmp/clojure cd /tmp ./clojure EOF cd "$current_dir" else already_installed "Clojure CLI" fi } function install_watchman() { if is_macos; then brew_install watchman elif is_linux; then if ! program_exists "watchman"; then local current_dir=$(pwd) local clone_path="/tmp/watchman" git clone https://github.com/facebook/watchman.git $clone_path cd $clone_path git checkout v4.9.0 ./autogen.sh && \ ./configure && \ make && \ sudo make install cd "$current_dir" else already_installed "watchman" fi fi } function install_homebrew_if_needed() { ! is_macos && return 1 if test ! $(which brew); then cecho "@b@blue[[+ Installing homebrew]]" ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" brew update else already_installed "Homebrew" fi } function install_android_sdk() { if is_macos; then brew_cask_install android-sdk elif is_linux; then install_android_sdk_linux fi use_android_sdk } function install_android_sdk_linux() { cecho "@b@yellow[[+ Skipping Android SDK setup, not implemented on Linux]]" return 1 } function install_maven() { brew_install maven linux_install maven } function install_react_native_cli() { cd "$(repo_path)" local npm_command="npm" if is_linux && ! nvm_installed; then # aptitude version of node requires sudo for global install npm_command="sudo npm" fi if npm list -g | grep -q react-native-cli; then already_installed "react-native-cli" else $npm_command install -g react-native-cli fi } function install_node_via_nvm() { local nvmrc="$(repo_path)/.nvmrc" cd "$(repo_path)" if [ ! -e "$nvmrc" ]; then cecho "@b@blue[[+ Installing Node 8 (Node 10 is not supported by Realm and Node 9 doesn't support npm 5.5.1)]]" nvm install 8.9.4 nvm alias status-im 8.9.4 echo status-im > "$nvmrc" nvm use status-im npm install -g npm@5.5.1 # Explicitly downgrade to v5.5.1 of npm, since Status Desktop builds require it (npm install hangs with version higher than 5.5.1). We could maintain two versions of npm (5.5.1 for Desktop and a more recent on for mobile) but that can be confusing and lead to inconsistent environments else local version_alias=$(cat "$nvmrc") nvm use $version_alias local version=$(node -v) cecho "+ Node already installed ($version_alias $version via NVM)... skipping." fi local npm_version=$(npm -v) if [[ $npm_version != "5.5.1" ]]; then cecho "@b@red[[+ npm version $npm_version is installed. npm version 5.5.1 is recommended.]]" fi } function install_node_via_package_manager() { if ! program_exists "node"; then if is_macos; then brew_install node elif is_linux; then curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_9.x | sudo -E bash - linux_update linux_install nodejs fi else cecho \ "+ Node already installed ($(node -v) via package manager)... skipping." fi } function required_pod_version() { cat "$(repo_path)/ios/Podfile.lock" | grep "COCOAPODS: " | awk '{ print $2 }' } function correct_pod_version_is_installed() { ! program_exists "pod" && return 1 [[ "$(required_pod_version)" == "$(pod --version)" ]] } function using_rvm() { program_exists "rvm" } function initialize_rvm() { cd "$(repo_path)" if [ ! -e "$(repo_path)/.ruby-version" ]; then rvm use --default > /dev/null echo "$(rvm current)" > .ruby-version fi rvm use . >/dev/null } function using_cocoapods() { is_macos } function install_cocoapods() { ! using_cocoapods && return 1 local gem_command="sudo gem" local destination="system Ruby" local version=$(required_pod_version) if using_rvm; then initialize_rvm gem_command="gem" destination="RVM ($(rvm current))" fi if ! program_exists "pod"; then $gem_command install cocoapods -v "$version" elif ! correct_pod_version_is_installed; then cecho "@b@blue[[+ Updating to cocoapods $version]]" $gem_command uninstall cocoapods --ignore-dependencies --silent $gem_command install cocoapods -v "$version" else cecho "+ cocoapods already installed to $destination... skipping." fi } function dependency_setup() { cecho "@b@blue[[\$ $@]]" echo cd "$(repo_path)" eval "$@" || (cecho "@b@red[[Error running dependency install]]" && exit 1) echo echo " + done" echo } function use_android_sdk() { if [ -n "$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT" ]; then if ! grep -Fq "sdk.dir" $_localPropertiesPath; then echo "sdk.dir=$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT" | tee -a $_localPropertiesPath fi else local _docUrl="https://docs.status.im/docs/build_status.html" cecho "@yellow[[ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable not defined, please install the Android SDK.]]" cecho "@yellow[[(see $_docUrl).]]" echo exit 1 fi } function install_android_ndk() { if grep -Fq "ndk.dir" $_localPropertiesPath; then cecho "@green[[Android NDK already declared.]]" else local _ndkParentDir=~/Android/Sdk mkdir -p $_ndkParentDir cecho "@cyan[[Downloading Android NDK.]]" PLATFORM="linux" if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then # we run osx PLATFORM="darwin" fi downloadUrl . android-ndk.zip https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r10e-$PLATFORM-x86_64.zip && \ cecho "@cyan[[Extracting Android NDK to $_ndkParentDir.]]" && \ unzip -q -o ./android-ndk.zip -d "$_ndkParentDir" && \ rm -f ./android-ndk.zip && \ _ndkTargetDir="$_ndkParentDir/$(ls $_ndkParentDir | grep ndk)" && \ echo "ndk.dir=$_ndkTargetDir" | tee -a $_localPropertiesPath && \ cecho "@blue[[Android NDK installation completed in $_ndkTargetDir.]]" fi }