# Sign in flow ## tl;dr In general, at first we try to encrypt realm database using password and then proceed with the rest of operations. We do not wait for `Statusgo.Login` callback in order to show `:home` screen with chats as this call may add more than 1s to the process. ![img](sign_in_diagram.jpg) ## In details #### Main flow: 1. User enters password 2. Presses "Sign In" 3. Attempt to open account's db 4. _a._ If DB file doesn't exist go to [**Empty DB flow**](#empty-db-flow) _b._ Otherwise continue 5. _a._ If db can't be encrypted go to [**Verify password flow**](#verify-password-flow) _b._ Otherwise continue 6. _a._ If db can't be migrate DB schema **show migrations failure popup with option to erase DB** _b._ Otherwise continue 7. Proceed with [**UI flow**](#ui-flow) and [**Statusgo.Login flow**] (#statusgologin-flow) #### Empty DB flow: 1. Verify password 2. _a._ If password is wrong **show "Wrong password" label** _b._ Otherwise continue 3. Create account's DB (by opening it with correct encryption key) 4. Proceed with [**UI flow**](#ui-flow) and [**Statusgo.Login flow**] (#statusgologin-flow) #### Verify password flow: 1. Verify password 2. _a._ If password is correct **show encryption failure popup with option to erase DB** _b._ Otherwise **show "Wrong password" label** #### Statusgo.Login flow: 1. Start node 2. "node.ready" event received 3. Statusgo.Login is called 4. Statusgo.Login callback 5. _a._ If password is incorrect **show error popup (passwords used for db encryption and for account do not match)** _b._ Otherwise continue 6. Done #### UI flow: 1. Load necessary data for last 10 chats 2. Show `:home` screen 2. Load the rest of chats 3. Show them too 4. Done