def getVersion(type = null) { /* if type is undefined we get VERSION from repo root */ def path = "${env.WORKSPACE}/VERSION" if (type != null) { path = "${env.WORKSPACE}/${type}/VERSION" } return readFile(path).trim() } def getToolVersion(name) { def version = sh( returnStdout: true, script: "${env.WORKSPACE}/scripts/toolversion ${name}" ).trim() return version } def branchName() { return env.GIT_BRANCH.replaceAll(/.*origin\//, '') } def parentOrCurrentBuild() { def c = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause) if (c == null) { return currentBuild } return c.getUpstreamRun() } def timestamp() { /* we use parent if available to make timestmaps consistent */ def now = new Date(parentOrCurrentBuild().timeInMillis) return now.format('yyMMdd-HHmmss', TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC')) } def gitCommit() { return GIT_COMMIT.take(6) } def pkgFilename(type, ext) { return "StatusIm-${timestamp()}-${gitCommit()}-${type}.${ext}" } def doGitRebase() { sh 'git status' sh 'git fetch --force origin develop:develop' try { sh 'git rebase develop' } catch (e) { sh 'git rebase --abort' throw e } } def genBuildNumber() { def number = sh( returnStdout: true, script: "./scripts/" ).trim() println "Build Number: ${number}" return number } def getDirPath(path) { return path.tokenize('/')[0..-2].join('/') } def getFilename(path) { return path.tokenize('/')[-1] } def getEnv(build, envvar) { return build.getBuildVariables().get(envvar) } def buildDuration() { def duration = currentBuild.durationString return '~' + duration.take(duration.lastIndexOf(' and counting')) } def pkgFind(glob) { def fullGlob = "pkg/*${glob}" def found = findFiles(glob: fullGlob) if (found.size() == 0) { sh 'ls -l pkg/' error("File not found via glob: ${fullGlob} ${found.size()}") } return found[0].path } def installJSDeps(platform) { def attempt = 1 def maxAttempts = 10 def installed = false /* prepare environment for specific platform build */ sh "scripts/ ${platform}" while (!installed && attempt <= maxAttempts) { println "#${attempt} attempt to install npm deps" sh 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile' installed = fileExists('node_modules/web3/index.js') attemp = attempt + 1 } } def uploadArtifact(path) { /* defaults for upload */ def domain = '' def bucket = 'status-im' /* There's so many PR builds we need a separate bucket */ if (getBuildType() == 'pr') { bucket = 'status-im-prs' } /* WARNING: s3cmd can't guess APK MIME content-type */ def customOpts = '' if (path.endsWith('apk')) { customOpts += "--mime-type='application/'" } /* We also need credentials for the upload */ withCredentials([usernamePassword( credentialsId: 'digital-ocean-access-keys', usernameVariable: 'DO_ACCESS_KEY', passwordVariable: 'DO_SECRET_KEY' )]) { sh """ s3cmd \\ --acl-public \\ ${customOpts} \\ --host='${domain}' \\ --host-bucket='%(bucket)s.${domain}' \\ --access_key=${DO_ACCESS_KEY} \\ --secret_key=${DO_SECRET_KEY} \\ put ${path} s3://${bucket}/ """ } return "https://${bucket}.${domain}/${getFilename(path)}" } def getBuildType() { def jobName = env.JOB_NAME if (jobName.contains('e2e')) { return 'e2e' } if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/pull requests')) { return 'pr' } if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/nightly')) { return 'nightly' } if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/release')) { return 'release' } return params.BUILD_TYPE } def getParentRunEnv(name) { def c = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause) if (c == null) { return null } return c.getUpstreamRun().getEnvironment()[name] } def changeId() { /* CHANGE_ID can be provided via the build parameters or from parent */ def changeId = env.CHANGE_ID changeId = params.CHANGE_ID ? params.CHANGE_ID : changeId changeId = getParentRunEnv('CHANGE_ID') ? getParentRunEnv('CHANGE_ID') : changeId if (!changeId) { println('This build is not related to a PR, CHANGE_ID missing.') println('GitHub notification impossible, skipping...') return null } return changeId } return this