# 0005. Use Discovery v5 protocol | Date | Tags | |---|---| | 2018-05-14 | architecture, p2p, ethereum | ## Status proposed ## Context Currently peers for messaging are hardcoded in the app. This means we can't easily scale, as some of these nodes might fill up when we have more than N active users. Discovery v5 protocol (https://ideas.status.im/ideas/092-disc-v5-research, https://github.com/fjl/p2p-drafts/blob/master/discv5-eip.md) allow us to discover new peers from the app and scale server peers in our cluster independently. This is vital for high availability/reliability and security. ## Decision - Use and enable Discovery v5 for all networks - Do this before beta is released This means we have capacity to achieve 5000+ DAU / 500 concurrent connection. It seems unlikely we can do so with reliable messaging in the current setup. Trade-off for this is: - Uncertainty in introducing a new protocol leading to possible delays - Possible increase in CPU/Network (we can disable protocol once peers are found though) ## Consequences - This is a top priority for P2P team, lead by @dshulyak and assisted by @adambabik and @jacob - We need this battle tested to get it into app as soon as possible - Chat, mobile team and QA team should be aware of this protocol change