.PHONY: nix-add-gcroots clean nix-clean run-metro test release _list _fix-node-perms _tmpdir-rm help: SHELL := /bin/sh help: ##@other Show this help @perl -e '$(HELP_FUN)' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) # This is a code for automatic help generator. # It supports ANSI colors and categories. # To add new item into help output, simply add comments # starting with '##'. To add category, use @category. GREEN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2) RED := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 1) WHITE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 7) YELLOW := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 3) RESET := $(shell tput -Txterm sgr0) HELP_FUN = \ %help; \ while(<>) { push @{$$help{$$2 // 'options'}}, [$$1, $$3] if /^([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s*:.*\#\#(?:@([a-zA-Z\-]+))?\s(.*)$$/ }; \ print "Usage: make [target]\n\nSee STARTING_GUIDE.md for more info.\n\n"; \ for (sort keys %help) { \ print "${WHITE}$$_:${RESET}\n"; \ for (@{$$help{$$_}}) { \ $$sep = " " x (32 - length $$_->[0]); \ print " ${YELLOW}$$_->[0]${RESET}$$sep${GREEN}$$_->[1]${RESET}\n"; \ }; \ print "\n"; \ } HOST_OS := $(shell uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # This can come from Jenkins ifndef BUILD_TAG export BUILD_TAG := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) endif # We don't want to use /run/user/$UID because it runs out of space too easily. export TMPDIR = /tmp/tmp-status-mobile-$(BUILD_TAG) # This has to be specified for both the Node.JS server process and the Qt process. export REACT_SERVER_PORT ?= 5001 # Default metro port used by scripts/run-android.sh. export RCT_METRO_PORT ?= 8081 # Fix for ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED error. export NODE_OPTIONS += --openssl-legacy-provider # The path can be anything, but home is usually safest. export KEYSTORE_PATH ?= $(HOME)/.gradle/status-im.keystore # Our custom config is located in nix/nix.conf export NIX_USER_CONF_FILES = $(PWD)/nix/nix.conf # Location of symlinks to derivations that should not be garbage collected export _NIX_GCROOTS = ./.nix-gcroots # Defines which variables will be kept for Nix pure shell, use semicolon as divider export _NIX_KEEP ?= TMPDIR,BUILD_ENV,\ BUILD_TYPE,BUILD_NUMBER,COMMIT_HASH,\ ANDROID_GRADLE_OPTS,ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT,ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE,\ STATUS_GO_SRC_OVERRIDE,STATUS_GO_IPFS_GATEWAY_URL # Useful for Android release builds TMP_BUILD_NUMBER := $(shell ./scripts/version/gen_build_no.sh | cut -c1-10) #---------------- # Nix targets #---------------- # WARNING: This has to be located right before all the targets. SHELL := ./nix/scripts/shell.sh shell: export TARGET ?= default shell: ##@prepare Enter into a pre-configured shell ifndef IN_NIX_SHELL @ENTER_NIX_SHELL else @echo "${YELLOW}Nix shell is already active$(RESET)" endif nix-repl: SHELL := /bin/sh nix-repl: ##@nix Start an interactive Nix REPL nix repl default.nix nix-gc-protected: SHELL := /bin/sh nix-gc-protected: @echo -e "$(YELLOW)The following paths are protected:$(RESET)" && \ ls -1 $(_NIX_GCROOTS) | sed 's/^/ - /' nix-upgrade: SHELL := /bin/sh nix-upgrade: ##@nix Upgrade Nix interpreter to current version. nix/scripts/upgrade.sh nix-gc: export TARGET := nix nix-gc: nix-gc-protected ##@nix Garbage collect all packages older than 20 days from /nix/store nix-store --gc nix-clean: export TARGET := default nix-clean: ##@nix Remove all status-mobile build artifacts from /nix/store nix/scripts/clean.sh nix-purge: SHELL := /bin/sh nix-purge: ##@nix Completely remove Nix setup, including /nix directory nix/scripts/purge.sh nix-update-gradle: export TARGET := gradle nix-update-gradle: ##@nix Update maven nix expressions based on current gradle setup nix/deps/gradle/generate.sh nix-update-clojure: export TARGET := clojure nix-update-clojure: ##@nix Update maven Nix expressions based on current clojure setup nix/deps/clojure/generate.sh nix-update-gems: export TARGET := fastlane nix-update-gems: ##@nix Update Ruby gems in fastlane/Gemfile.lock and fastlane/gemset.nix fastlane/update.sh nix-update-pods: export TARGET := ios nix-update-pods: ##@nix Update CocoaPods in ios/Podfile.lock cd ios && pod update #---------------- # General targets #---------------- _fix-node-perms: SHELL := /bin/sh _fix-node-perms: ##@prepare Fix permissions so that directory can be cleaned $(shell test -d node_modules && chmod -R 744 node_modules) $(shell test -d node_modules.tmp && chmod -R 744 node_modules.tmp) $(TMPDIR): SHELL := /bin/sh $(TMPDIR): ##@prepare Create a TMPDIR for temporary files @mkdir -p "$(TMPDIR)" # Make sure TMPDIR exists every time make is called _tmpdir-mk: $(TMPDIR) -include _tmpdir-mk _tmpdir-rm: SHELL := /bin/sh _tmpdir-rm: ##@prepare Remove TMPDIR rm -fr "$(TMPDIR)" _install-hooks: SHELL := /bin/sh _install-hooks: ##@prepare Create prepare-commit-msg git hook symlink @ln -s -f ../../scripts/hooks/prepare-commit-msg .git/hooks -include _install-hooks # Remove directories and ignored files clean: SHELL := /bin/sh clean: _fix-node-perms _tmpdir-rm ios-clean android-clean ##@prepare Remove all output folders git clean -dXf # Remove directories, ignored and non-ignored files purge: SHELL := /bin/sh purge: _fix-node-perms _tmpdir-rm ##@prepare Remove all output folders git clean -dxf watchman-clean: export TARGET := watchman watchman-clean: ##@prepare Delete repo directory from watchman watchman watch-del $${STATUS_MOBILE_HOME} pod-install: export TARGET := ios pod-install: ##@prepare Run 'pod install' to install podfiles and update Podfile.lock cd ios && pod install; cd -- FLEETS_FILE := ./resources/config/fleets.json update-fleets: ##@prepare Download up-to-date JSON file with current fleets state curl -s https://fleets.status.im/ \ | sed 's/"warning": "/"warning": "DO NOT EDIT! /' \ > $(FLEETS_FILE) echo >> $(FLEETS_FILE) $(KEYSTORE_PATH): export TARGET := keytool $(KEYSTORE_PATH): @./scripts/generate-keystore.sh keystore: $(KEYSTORE_PATH) ##@prepare Generate a Keystore for signing Android APKs fdroid-max-watches: SHELL := /bin/sh fdroid-max-watches: ##@prepare Bump max_user_watches to avoid ENOSPC errors sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 fdroid-nix-dir: SHELL := /bin/sh fdroid-nix-dir: ##@prepare Create /nix directory for F-Droid Vagrant builders mkdir -m 0755 /nix chown vagrant /nix fdroid-fix-tmp: SHELL := /bin/sh fdroid-fix-tmp: ##@prepare Fix TMPDIR permissions so Vagrant user is the owner chown -R vagrant "$(TMPDIR)" fdroid-build-env: fdroid-max-watches fdroid-nix-dir fdroid-fix-tmp ##@prepare Setup build environment for F-Droud build fdroid-pr: export TARGET := android-sdk fdroid-pr: ##@prepare Create F-Droid release PR ifndef APK $(error APK env var not defined) endif scripts/fdroid-pr.sh "$(APK)" xcode-clean: SHELL := /bin/sh xcode-clean: XCODE_HOME := $(HOME)/Library/Developer/Xcode xcode-clean: ##@prepare Clean XCode derived data and archives rm -fr $(XCODE_HOME)/DerivedData/StatusIm-* $(XCODE_HOME)/Archives/*/StatusIm* ios-simulator-cache-clean: SHELL := /bin/sh ios-simulator-cache-clean: ##@prepare Clean iOS Simulator Caches rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Cache #---------------- # Release builds #---------------- release: release-android release-ios ##@build Build release for Android and iOS build-fdroid: export BUILD_ENV = prod build-fdroid: export BUILD_TYPE = release build-fdroid: export ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT = false build-fdroid: export ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE = armeabi-v7a;arm64-v8a;x86;x86_64 build-fdroid: ##@build Build release for F-Droid @scripts/build-android.sh build-android: export BUILD_ENV ?= prod build-android: export BUILD_TYPE ?= nightly build-android: export ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_versionCode ?= $(TMP_BUILD_NUMBER) build-android: ##@build Build unsigned Android APK @scripts/build-android.sh release-android: export TARGET := keytool release-android: export KEYSTORE_PATH ?= $(HOME)/.gradle/status-im.keystore release-android: keystore build-android ##@build Build signed Android APK @scripts/sign-android.sh result/app-arm64-v8a-release-unsigned.apk release-ios: export TARGET := ios release-ios: export IOS_STATUS_GO_TARGETS := ios/arm64 release-ios: export BUILD_ENV ?= prod release-ios: watchman-clean ios-clean jsbundle ##@build Build release for iOS release xcodebuild \ -scheme StatusIm \ -configuration Release \ -workspace ios/StatusIm.xcworkspace \ -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' \ -UseModernBuildSystem=N clean archive jsbundle: SHELL := /bin/sh jsbundle: export BUILD_ENV ?= prod jsbundle: ##@build Build JavaScript and Clojurescript bundle for iOS and Android nix/scripts/build.sh targets.mobile.jsbundle #-------------- # status-go lib #-------------- status-go-android: SHELL := /bin/sh status-go-android: ##@status-go Compile status-go for Android app nix/scripts/build.sh targets.status-go.mobile.android status-go-ios: SHELL := /bin/sh status-go-ios: ##@status-go Compile status-go for iOS app nix/scripts/build.sh targets.status-go.mobile.ios status-go-library: SHELL := /bin/sh status-go-library: ##@status-go Compile status-go for node-js nix/scripts/build.sh targets.status-go.library #-------------- # Watch, Build & Review changes #-------------- run-clojure: export TARGET := clojure run-clojure: ##@run Watch for and build Clojure changes for mobile yarn shadow-cljs watch mobile run-metro: export TARGET := clojure run-metro: ##@run Start Metro to build React Native changes @scripts/run-metro.sh run-re-frisk: export TARGET := clojure run-re-frisk: ##@run Start re-frisk server yarn shadow-cljs run re-frisk-remote.core/start # TODO: Migrate this to a Nix recipe, much the same way as nix/mobile/android/targets/release-android.nix run-android: export TARGET := android # Disabled for debug builds to avoid 'maximum call stack exceeded' errors. # https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/issues/18493 run-android: export ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_hermesEnabled := false run-android: export ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_universalApk := false run-android: ##@run Build Android APK and start it on the device @scripts/run-android.sh SIMULATOR=iPhone 13 # TODO: fix IOS_STATUS_GO_TARGETS to be either amd64 or arm64 when RN is upgraded run-ios: export TARGET := ios run-ios: export IOS_STATUS_GO_TARGETS := ios/arm64;iossimulator/amd64 run-ios: ##@run Build iOS app and start it in on the simulator @scripts/run-ios.sh "${SIMULATOR}" show-ios-devices: ##@other shows connected ios device and its name xcrun xctrace list devices # TODO: fix IOS_STATUS_GO_TARGETS to be either amd64 or arm64 when RN is upgraded run-ios-device: export TARGET := ios run-ios-device: export IOS_STATUS_GO_TARGETS := ios/arm64;iossimulator/amd64 run-ios-device: ##@run iOS app and start it on the first connected iPhone @scripts/run-ios-device.sh #-------------- # Tests #-------------- # Get all clojure files, including untracked, excluding removed define find_all_clojure_files $$(comm -23 <(sort <(git ls-files --cached --others --exclude-standard)) <(sort <(git ls-files --deleted)) | grep -E '((\.clj-kondo\/status-im)|(src).*\.clj[sc]?$$)|((\.clj-kondo\/(status-im|config))|(src).*\.edn$$)|shadow-cljs\.edn') endef lint: export TARGET := clojure lint: export CLJ_LINTER_PRINT_WARNINGS ?= false lint: ##@test Run code style checks @sh scripts/lint/re-frame-in-quo-components.sh && \ sh scripts/lint/direct-require-component-outside-quo.sh && \ sh scripts/lint/require-i18n-resource-first.sh && \ clj-kondo --config .clj-kondo/config.edn --cache false --fail-level error --lint src $(if $(filter $(CLJ_LINTER_PRINT_WARNINGS),true),,| grep -v ': warning: ') && \ ALL_CLOJURE_FILES=$(call find_all_clojure_files) && \ scripts/lint/translations.clj && \ zprint '{:search-config? true}' -sfc $$ALL_CLOJURE_FILES && \ sh scripts/lint/trailing-newline.sh && \ node_modules/.bin/prettier --check . # NOTE: We run the linter twice because of https://github.com/kkinnear/zprint/issues/271 lint-fix: export TARGET := clojure lint-fix: ##@test Run code style checks and fix issues ALL_CLOJURE_FILES=$(call find_all_clojure_files) && \ zprint '{:search-config? true}' -sw $$ALL_CLOJURE_FILES && \ zprint '{:search-config? true}' -sw $$ALL_CLOJURE_FILES && \ clojure-lsp --ns-exclude-regex ".*/\.clj-kondo/.*|.*/src/status_im/core\.cljs|.*/src/test_helpers/component_tests_preload\.cljs$$" clean-ns && \ sh scripts/lint/trailing-newline.sh --fix && \ node_modules/.bin/prettier --write . shadow-server: export TARGET := clojure shadow-server:##@ Start shadow-cljs in server mode for watching yarn shadow-cljs server _test-clojure: export TARGET := clojure _test-clojure: export WATCH ?= false _test-clojure: status-go-library _test-clojure: ifeq ($(WATCH), true) yarn node-pre-gyp rebuild && \ yarn shadow-cljs compile mocks && \ nodemon --exec "yarn shadow-cljs compile test && node --require ./test-resources/override.js $$SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO" -e cljs else yarn node-pre-gyp rebuild && \ yarn shadow-cljs compile mocks && \ yarn shadow-cljs compile test && \ node --require ./test-resources/override.js "$$SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO" endif test: export SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO := target/test/test.js test: export SHADOW_NS_REGEXP := .*-test$$ test: ##@test Run all Clojure tests test: _test-clojure # Note: we need to override the :output-to and :ns-regexp options because # shadow-cljs has a bug where it will not read from the env vars to expand the # configuration when the shadow-cljs mobile target is already running. test-watch-for-repl: export TARGET := default test-watch-for-repl: export SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO := target/test/test.js test-watch-for-repl: export SHADOW_NS_REGEXP := .*-test$$ test-watch-for-repl: ##@test Watch all Clojure tests and support REPL connections rm -f "$$SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO" && \ yarn install && shadow-cljs compile mocks && \ concurrently --kill-others --prefix-colors 'auto' --names 'build,repl' \ "yarn shadow-cljs watch test --verbose --config-merge '{:output-to \"$(SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO)\" :ns-regexp \"$(SHADOW_NS_REGEXP)\"}'" \ "until [ -f $$SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO ] ; do sleep 1 ; done ; node --require ./test-resources/override.js $$SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO --repl" test-unit: export SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO := target/unit_test/test.js test-unit: export SHADOW_NS_REGEXP := ^(?!tests\.integration-test)(?!tests\.contract-test).*-test$$ test-unit: ##@test Run unit tests test-unit: _test-clojure test-integration: export SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO := target/integration_test/test.js test-integration: export SHADOW_NS_REGEXP := ^tests\.integration-test.*$$ test-integration: ##@test Run integration tests test-integration: _test-clojure test-contract: export SHADOW_OUTPUT_TO := target/contract_test/test.js test-contract: export SHADOW_NS_REGEXP := ^tests\.contract-test.*$$ test-contract: ##@test Run contract tests test-contract: _test-clojure test-android: jsbundle test-android: export TARGET := android test-android: ##@test Android Gradle test cd android && ./gradlew test test-component-watch: export TARGET := clojure test-component-watch: export COMPONENT_TEST := true test-component-watch: export BABEL_ENV := test test-component-watch: export JEST_USE_SILENT_REPORTER := false test-component-watch: ##@ Watch tests and re-run no changes to cljs files @scripts/check-metro-shadow-process.sh rm -rf ./component-spec nodemon --exec 'yarn shadow-cljs compile component-test && jest --config=test/jest/jest.config.js --testEnvironment node ' -e cljs test-component: export TARGET := clojure test-component: export COMPONENT_TEST := true test-component: export BABEL_ENV := test test-component: export JEST_USE_SILENT_REPORTER := false test-component: ##@test Run component tests once in NodeJS @scripts/check-metro-shadow-process.sh rm -rf ./component-spec yarn shadow-cljs compile component-test && \ jest --clearCache && jest --config=test/jest/jest.config.js --testEnvironment node # Reference: https://flow-storm.github.io/flow-storm-debugger/user_guide.html#_debugging_react_native_applications run-flow-storm: export SHADOW_CLJS_BUILD_ID := :mobile run-flow-storm: export TARGET := clojure run-flow-storm: export GDK_DPI_SCALE := 1.0 run-flow-storm: ##@run Start FlowStorm debugger clj -Sforce -Sdeps '{:deps {com.github.jpmonettas/flow-storm-dbg {:mvn/version "3.7.5"}}}' \ -X flow-storm.debugger.main/start-debugger \ :port 7888 \ :repl-type :shadow \ :build-id $(SHADOW_CLJS_BUILD_ID) #-------------- # Other #-------------- geth-connect: export TARGET := android-sdk geth-connect: ##@other Connect to Geth on the device adb forward tcp:8545 tcp:8545 && \ build/bin/geth attach http://localhost:8545 ios-clean: SHELL := /bin/sh ios-clean: ios-simulator-cache-clean ios-clean: ##@prepare Clean iOS build artifacts git clean -dxf -f target/ios android-clean: SHELL := /bin/sh android-clean: ##@prepare Clean Gradle state git clean -dxf -f ./android/app/build; \ rm -rf android/.gradle \ rm -rf android/build \ rm -rf ~/.gradle android-ports: export FLOWSTORM_PORT ?= 7722 android-ports: export TARGET := android-sdk android-ports: export RCT_METRO_PORT ?= 8081 android-ports: ##@other Add proxies to Android Device/Simulator adb reverse tcp:$(RCT_METRO_PORT) tcp:$(RCT_METRO_PORT) && \ adb reverse tcp:3449 tcp:3449 && \ adb reverse tcp:4567 tcp:4567 && \ adb reverse tcp:$(FLOWSTORM_PORT) tcp:$(FLOWSTORM_PORT) && \ adb forward tcp:5561 tcp:5561 android-devices: export TARGET := android-sdk android-devices: ##@other Invoke adb devices adb devices android-pull-geth: export TARGET := android-sdk android-pull-geth: export VERSION ?= debug android-pull-geth: adb pull "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/im.status.ethereum$$( [ "$(VERSION)" = "release" ] || echo ".$(VERSION)" )/files/Download/geth.log" android-tail-geth: export TARGET := android-sdk android-tail-geth: export VERSION ?= debug android-tail-geth: adb shell 'while true; do cat; sleep 1; done < /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/im.status.ethereum$$( [ "$(VERSION)" = "release" ] || echo ".$(VERSION)" )/files/Download/geth.log' android-clean-geth: export TARGET := android-sdk android-clean-geth: export VERSION ?= debug android-clean-geth: adb shell 'rm /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/im.status.ethereum$$( [ "$(VERSION)" = "release" ] || echo ".$(VERSION)" )/files/Download/geth.log' android-logcat: export TARGET := android-sdk android-logcat: ##@other Read status-mobile logs from Android phone using adb adb logcat | grep -e RNBootstrap -e ReactNativeJS -e ReactNative -e StatusModule -e StatusNativeLogs -e 'F DEBUG :' -e 'Go :' -e 'GoLog :' -e 'libc :' android-install: export TARGET := android-sdk android-install: export BUILD_TYPE ?= release android-install: ##@other Install APK on device using adb adb install result/app-$(BUILD_TYPE).apk _list: SHELL := /bin/sh _list: @$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$' patch-file: export TARGET := default patch-file: ##@other Generates patch file for npm deps @scripts/patch-npm-lib.sh #-------------- # REPLs #-------------- repl-clojure: export TARGET := clojure repl-clojure: ##@repl Start Clojure repl for mobile App yarn shadow-cljs cljs-repl mobile repl-nix: nix-repl ##@repl Start an interactive Nix REPL #-------------- # Dev Automation Flows #-------------- auto-login: export TARGET := default auto-login: ##@auto runs flow for login or onboarding app on simulator/emulator maestro test "maestro/create-account-or-login.yaml" auto-custom: export TARGET := default auto-custom: ##@auto runs any custom maestro automation flow on simulator/emulator ifndef FLOW $(error Usage: make automate FLOW=your-maestro-flow-file.yaml) endif maestro test "$(FLOW)"