#import "Jail.h" #import "RCTStatus.h" //source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/23387659/828487 #define NSStringMultiline(...) [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:#__VA_ARGS__ encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] @implementation HandlersJs - (void)log:(JSValue *)data { NSLog(@"jail log: %@", [data toString]); } - (NSString *)send:(JSValue *)payload { char * result = CallRPC((char *) [[payload toString] UTF8String]); return [NSString stringWithUTF8String: result]; } - (void)sendAsync:(JSValue *)args { // TODO(rasom): fix this black magic, need to figure how to pass more than one // parameter to sendAsync JSValue *payload = [args callWithArguments:@[@0]]; JSValue *callback = [args callWithArguments:@[@1]]; dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ NSString *result = [self send:payload]; dispatch_async( dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [callback callWithArguments:@[result]]; }); }); } - (BOOL)isConnected { return YES; } - (void)sendSignal:(JSValue *)data { [Status jailEvent:_chatId data:[data toString]]; } - (void)setChatId:(NSString *)chatId { _chatId = chatId; } - (void)addToContext:(JSContext *)context { [context setObject:self forKeyedSubscript:@"statusNativeHandlers"]; } @end @implementation Cell @end @implementation Jail - (void)initJail:(NSString *)js { _initialJs = js; } - (NSDictionary *)parseJail:(NSString *)chatId withCode:(NSString *)js { Cell *cell = [self createCell:chatId withCode:js]; JSContext *context = cell.context; [_cells setValue:cell forKey:chatId]; JSValue *catalog = context[@"catalog"];; JSValue *exception = [context exception]; NSString *error; if(exception != nil) { error = [exception toString]; [context setException:nil]; } NSDictionary *result = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:[catalog toString], @"result", error, @"error", nil]; return result; } - (NSDictionary *)call:(NSString *)chatId path:(NSString *)path params:(NSString *)params { Cell *cell = [_cells valueForKey:chatId]; JSContext *context = cell.context; if(cell == nil) { return [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:nil, @"result", @"jail is not initialized", @"error", nil]; } JSValue *callResult = [context[@"call"] callWithArguments:@[path, params]]; JSValue *exception = [context exception]; NSString *error; if(exception != nil) { error = [exception toString]; [context setException:nil]; } NSDictionary *result = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:[callResult toString], @"result", error, @"error", nil]; return result; } - (Cell *)createCell:(NSString *)chatId withCode:(NSString *)js { if(_cells == nil) { _cells = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:1]; } Cell * cell = [Cell new]; JSContext *context = [JSContext new]; cell.context = context; HandlersJs *handlers = [HandlersJs new]; [handlers setChatId:chatId]; [handlers addToContext:context]; [self addTimer:cell]; [context evaluateScript:_initialJs]; JSValue *excep = [context exception]; NSLog(@"err1 %@", [excep toString]); NSString *webJs = NSStringMultiline ( var statusSignals = { sendSignal: function (s) {statusNativeHandlers.sendSignal(s);} }; var setTimeout = function (fn, t) { var args = [fn, t]; var getItem = function(idx) {return args[idx];}; return jsTimer.setTimeout(getItem); }; var setInterval = function (fn, t) { var args = [fn, t]; var getItem = function(idx) {return args[idx];}; return jsTimer.setInterval(getItem); }; var clearInterval = function (id) { jsTimer.clearInterval(id); }; var Web3 = require('web3'); var provider = { send: function (payload) { var result = statusNativeHandlers.send(JSON.stringify(payload)); return JSON.parse(result); }, sendAsync: function (payload, callback) { var wrappedCallback = function (result) { console.log(result); var error = null; try { result = JSON.parse(result); } catch (e) { error = result; } callback(error, result); }; var args = [JSON.stringify(payload), wrappedCallback]; var getItem = function(idx) {return args[idx];}; statusNativeHandlers.sendAsync(getItem); } }; var web3 = new Web3(provider); var console = { log: function (data) { statusNativeHandlers.log(data); } }; var Bignumber = require("bignumber.js"); function bn(val){ return new Bignumber(val); } ); [context evaluateScript:webJs]; excep = [context exception]; NSLog(@"err2 %@", [excep toString]); [context evaluateScript:js]; excep = [context exception]; NSLog(@"err3 %@", [excep toString]); [context evaluateScript:@"var catalog = JSON.stringify(_status_catalog);"]; excep = [context exception]; NSLog(@"err4 %@", [excep toString]); return cell; } - (void)addTimer:(Cell *)cell { TimerJS *timer = [TimerJS new]; cell.timer = timer; [timer addToContext:cell.context]; } -(void)reset { NSArray *keys = [_cells allKeys]; for (NSString *key in keys) { Cell *cell = [_cells valueForKey:key]; TimerJS *timer = cell.timer; [timer stopTimers]; [_cells removeObjectForKey:key]; } } @end