import logging from typing import List import pytest import requests import time from json import JSONDecodeError from decimal import Decimal from os import environ import tests class NetworkApi(object): def __init__(self): self.network_url = '' % tests.pytest_config_global['network'] self.faucet_url = '' self.faucet_backup_url = '' self.headers = { 'User-Agent':"Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit\ /537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/77.0.3865.90 Safari\/537.36", } self.chat_bot_url = '' self.api_key = environ.get('ETHERSCAN_API_KEY') def log(self, text: str): tests.test_suite_data.current_test.testruns[-1].steps.append(text) def get_transactions(self, address: str) -> List[dict]: method = self.network_url + 'module=account&action=txlist&address=0x%s&sort=desc&apikey=%s' % (address, self.api_key) try: return requests.request('GET', url=method, headers=self.headers).json()['result'] except TypeError as e: self.log("Check response from etherscan API. Returned values do not match expected. %s" % e) def get_token_transactions(self, address: str) -> List[dict]: method = self.network_url + 'module=account&action=tokentx&address=0x%s&sort=desc&apikey=%s' % (address, self.api_key) try: return requests.request('GET', url=method, headers=self.headers).json()['result'] except TypeError as e: self.log("Check response from etherscan API. Returned values do not match expected. %s" % e) def is_transaction_successful(self, transaction_hash: str) -> int: method = self.network_url + 'module=transaction&action=getstatus&txhash=%s' % transaction_hash return not int(requests.request('GET', url=method, headers=self.headers).json()['result']['isError']) def get_balance(self, address): method = self.network_url + 'module=account&action=balance&address=0x%s&tag=latest&apikey=%s' % (address , self.api_key) for i in range(5): try: return int(requests.request('GET', method, headers=self.headers).json()["result"]) except ValueError: time.sleep(5) pass def get_latest_block_number(self) -> int: method = self.network_url + 'module=proxy&action=eth_blockNumber' return int(requests.request('GET', url=method).json()['result'], 0) def find_transaction_by_hash(self, address: str, transaction_hash: str): transactions = self.get_transactions(address=address) for transaction in transactions: if transaction['hash'] == transaction_hash:'Transaction is found in Ropsten network') return'Transaction is not found in Ropsten network') def find_transaction_by_unique_amount(self, address, amount, token=False, decimals=18, wait_time=600): counter = 0 while True: if counter >= wait_time: for entry in range(0,5): self.log('Transaction #%s, amount is %s' %(entry+1, float(int(transactions[entry]['value']) / 10 ** decimals))) self.log(str(transactions[entry])) 'Transaction with amount %s is not found in list of transactions, address is %s' % (amount, address)) else: counter += 10 time.sleep(10) try: if token: transactions = self.get_token_transactions(address) additional_info = 'token transactions' else: transactions = self.get_transactions(address) additional_info = 'ETH transactions' except JSONDecodeError as e: self.log(str(e)) continue self.log('Looking for a transaction with unique amount %s in list of %s, address is %s' % (amount, additional_info, address)) try: for transaction in transactions: if float(int(transaction['value']) / 10 ** decimals) == float(amount): self.log( 'Transaction with unique amount %s is found in list of transactions, address is %s' % (amount, address)) return transaction except TypeError as e: self.log("Failed iterate transactions " + str(e)) continue def wait_for_confirmation_of_transaction(self, address, amount, confirmations=12, token=False): start_time = time.time() while round(time.time() - start_time, ndigits=2) < 900: # should be < idleTimeout capability transaction = self.find_transaction_by_unique_amount(address, amount, token) if int(transaction['confirmations']) >= confirmations: return time.sleep(10)'Transaction with amount %s was not confirmed, address is %s, still has %s confirmations' % (amount, address, int(transaction['confirmations']))) def verify_balance_is_updated(self, initial_balance, recipient_address, wait_time=360): counter = 0 while True: if counter >= wait_time:'Balance is not changed during %s seconds, funds were not received!' % wait_time) elif initial_balance == self.get_balance(recipient_address): counter += 10 time.sleep(10) self.log('Waiting %s seconds for funds' % counter) else: self.log('Transaction is received') return def verify_balance_is(self, expected_balance: int, recipient_address: str, errors: list): balance = self.get_balance(recipient_address) if balance / 1000000000000000000 != expected_balance: errors.append('Recipients balance is not updated on etherscan') def faucet(self, address): return requests.request('GET', '%s/0x%s' % (self.faucet_url, address)).json() def faucet_backup(self, address): return requests.request('GET', '%s/0x%s' % (self.faucet_backup_url, address)).json() def get_donate(self, address, external_faucet=True, wait_time=300): initial_balance = self.get_balance(address) counter = 0 if initial_balance < 1000000000000000000: if external_faucet: self.faucet_backup(address) response = self.faucet(address) while True: if counter >= wait_time:"Donation was not received during %s seconds!" % wait_time) elif self.get_balance(address) == initial_balance: counter += 10 time.sleep(10) self.log('Waiting %s seconds for donation' % counter) else: self.log('Got %s for %s' % (response["amount_eth"], address)) return def start_chat_bot(self, chat_name: str, messages_number: int, interval: int = 1) -> list: url = '%s/ping/%s?count=%s&interval=%s' % (self.chat_bot_url, chat_name, messages_number, interval) text = requests.request('GET', url).text return [i.split(maxsplit=5)[-1].strip('*') for i in text.splitlines()] def get_rounded_balance(self, fetched_balance, actual_balance): fetched_balance, actual_balance = str(fetched_balance), str(actual_balance) # get actual number of decimals on account balance decimals = abs(Decimal(fetched_balance).as_tuple().exponent) rounded_balance = round(float(actual_balance), decimals) return rounded_balance