#!/usr/bin/env bash GIT_ROOT=$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" && git rev-parse --show-toplevel) _current_dir=$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" && pwd) source "$_current_dir/lib/setup/path-support.sh" source_lib "platform.sh" nixOpts=( "--arg env {BUILD_ENV=\"${BUILD_ENV}\";}" "--arg env {ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT=\"${ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT}\";}" "--arg env {ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE=\"${ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE}\";}" "--argstr build-type ${BUILD_TYPE}" "--argstr build-number ${BUILD_NUMBER}" "--argstr keystore-file ${STORE_FILE}" ) if is_macos; then # Start a watchman instance if not started already and store its socket path. # In order to get access to the right versions of watchman and jq, we start an ad-hoc nix-shell that imports the packages from nix/nixpkgs-bootstrap. WATCHMAN_SOCKFILE=$(watchman get-sockname --no-pretty | jq -r .sockname) nixOpts+=( "--argstr watchmanSockPath ${WATCHMAN_SOCKFILE}" "--option extra-sandbox-paths ${STORE_FILE};${WATCHMAN_SOCKFILE}" ) else nixOpts+=( "--option extra-sandbox-paths ${STORE_FILE}" ) fi ${GIT_ROOT}/nix/build.sh targets.mobile.${TARGET_OS}.release "${nixOpts[@]}"