#!/usr/bin/env bash if [ `uname` == 'Darwin' ]; then echo " Uh oh. We seem to be on macOS where I don't know how to bypass the PRNG and can't guarantee the entropy of the data. Run this on Linux or BSD, or use 'pwgen --secure 86' instead if using a PRNG is acceptable. " exit 1 fi echo " Generating random passphrases with 512 bits of entropy and a length of 86 characters, intended for publicly hosted private keys. This is total overkill even for AES-256, but we want some headroom if the RNG is less than perfect and they aren't meant for human memorisation. If this hangs, move the mouse around, type into a different window and do some disk and network I/O to generate additional noise for the entropy pool. When done, intersperse some random characters of your choice throughout the passphrases. " for PASS in INNER OUTER KEYCHAIN; do echo "$PASS" head -c 64 /dev/random | base64 | head -c 86 echo -e "\n" done