{ nixpkgs-bootstrap ? import ./nix/nixpkgs-bootstrap.nix { }, pkgs ? nixpkgs-bootstrap.pkgs, target-os ? "all" }: let project = import ./default.nix { inherit target-os pkgs nixpkgs-bootstrap; inherit (nixpkgs-bootstrap) config; }; mkShell = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/bootstrapped-shell.nix { inherit stdenv; inherit (pkgs) mkShell; }; platform = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/platform.nix { inherit target-os; }; # TODO: Try to use stdenv for iOS. The problem is with building iOS as the build is trying to pass parameters to Apple's ld that are meant for GNU's ld (e.g. -dynamiclib) stdenv = pkgs.stdenvNoCC; in mkShell { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ # utilities bash curl file git gnumake jq ncurses lsof # used in scripts/start-react-native.sh ps # used in scripts/start-react-native.sh unzip wget clojure leiningen maven watchman ]; inputsFrom = [ project.shell ]; TARGET_OS = target-os; shellHook = project.shell.shellHook; }