#!/bin/bash RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' NC='\033[0m' PLATFORM="" _current_dir=$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" && pwd) source "$_current_dir/lib/setup/path-support.sh" source_lib "packages.sh" EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION="v$(toolversion node)" # note the 'v' in front, that is how node does versioning EXPECTED_YARN_VERSION="$(toolversion yarn)" # note the lack of 'v' in front. inconsistent. :( # if no arguments passed, inform user about possible ones if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}This script should be invoked with platform argument: 'android', 'ios' or 'desktop'${NC}" exit 1 else PLATFORM=$1 fi if [[ $PLATFORM == 'setup' ]]; then load_nvm_if_available fi if ! program_version_exists node $EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION || ! program_version_exists yarn $EXPECTED_YARN_VERSION; then echo -e "${YELLOW}********************************************************************************************" echo -e "The current environment doesn't contain the expected versions of node and/or yarn" echo -e " - node:\texpected\t${EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION}" echo -e " \t\tfound\t\t$(node -v) ($(which node))" echo -e " - yarn:\texpected\t${EXPECTED_YARN_VERSION}" echo -e " \t\tfound\t\t$(yarn -v) ($(which yarn))" echo -e "Please open another console to reload the environment, and then run 'make setup' if necessary." load_nvm_if_available if nvm_installed; then echo -e "Afterwards, run 'nvm use status-im' in the terminal and try again." fi echo -e "**********************************************************************************************${NC}" exit 1 fi if [[ $PLATFORM == 'android' ]]; then _localPropertiesPath=./android/local.properties if [ ! -f $_localPropertiesPath ] || ! grep -Fq "ndk.dir" $_localPropertiesPath > /dev/null; then if [ -z $ANDROID_NDK_HOME ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}NDK directory not configured, please run 'make setup' or add the line to ${_localPropertiesPath}!${NC}" exit 1 fi fi fi if [[ $PLATFORM == 'setup' ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Finished! Please close your terminal, and reopen a new one before building Status.${NC}" else echo -e "${GREEN}Finished!${NC}" fi