#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeo pipefail GIT_ROOT=$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" && git rev-parse --show-toplevel) CURRENT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )" . "$CURRENT_DIR/lib/setup/path-support.sh" source_lib "properties.sh" source_lib "platform.sh" STORE_FILE=$(property_gradle 'STATUS_RELEASE_STORE_FILE') STORE_FILE="${STORE_FILE/#\~/$HOME}" function cleanup() { trap - EXIT ERR INT QUIT if [ -n "$nixResultPath" ]; then echo "Deleting derivations from Nix store..." . ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh releaseDrv=$(nix-instantiate --quiet $nixOpts) if [ -n "$releaseDrv" ]; then local releaseSrcPath=$(nix-store -q --binding src $releaseDrv) local releaseOutPath=$(nix-store -q --outputs $releaseDrv) local releaseRefs=( $(nix-store -q --references $releaseDrv) ) local prodBuildDrv=$(printf -- '%s\n' "${releaseRefs[@]}" | grep -e "jsbundle-android.drv") local prodBuildSrcPath=$(nix-store -q --binding src $prodBuildDrv) local prodBuildOutPath=$(nix-store -q --outputs $prodBuildDrv) nix-store --delete $prodBuildDrv $prodBuildSrcPath $prodBuildOutPath $releaseDrv $releaseSrcPath $releaseOutPath 2> /dev/null fi fi } trap "cleanup" EXIT ERR INT QUIT [ -z "$BUILD_TYPE" ] && BUILD_TYPE='nightly' exportedEnv=() if [ -n "$NDK_ABI_FILTERS" ]; then exportedEnv+=( "NDK_ABI_FILTERS=''${NDK_ABI_FILTERS}'';" ) # NOTE: Do not include spaces in the Nix attribute set, otherwise it'll create issues with automatic bash quoting fi exportedEnvFlag='' if [ ${#exportedEnv[@]} -ne 0 ]; then exportedEnvFlag="--arg env {${exportedEnv[@]}}" fi nixOpts="--option extra-sandbox-paths ${STORE_FILE} \ --argstr target-os ${TARGET_OS} \ --argstr build-type ${BUILD_TYPE} \ --argstr keystore-file ${STORE_FILE} \ --show-trace \ $exportedEnvFlag \ -A targets.mobile.${TARGET_OS}.release" # Run the build outType='release' if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" != "release" ] && [ "$BUILD_TYPE" != "nightly" ]; then outType="pr" fi nixResultPath=$(. ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh && nix-build --pure --fallback --no-out-link $nixOpts) if [ -n "$${nixResultPath}" ]; then targetPath="android/app/build/outputs/apk/${outType}/app-${outType}.apk" cpFlags='-v' is_linux && cpFlags='-fv --no-preserve=mode' mkdir -p android/app/build/outputs/apk/${outType} && \ cp ${cpFlags} "${nixResultPath}/app.apk" "${targetPath}" && \ chmod u+w ${targetPath} fi