Revisions from develop:
- 59ceddbaa develop origin/develop fix(wallet): fix bridge transactions (#20902)
- 99ccbc338 Cover wallet send events with tests Part 2 #20411#20533 (#20721)
- 8c2d5398b Enabling WalletConnect feature flag (#20906)
- 67c83b13e fix(wallet): remove edit routes button in bridging (#20874)
- 11a84ba14 feat(wallet): disable complex routing (#20901)
- 1f5bb579c chore(wallet): disable bridging on unsupported tokens (#20846)
- 4586f8007 Add toggle in advanced settings for mobile data
- 55c620e59 fix: create password for small screen (#20645)
- 525609f0a Wallet Activity: transactions are not sorted by time #20808 (#20862)
- 90653955a chore(settings): Disable telemetry option (#20881)
- d27ab756d fix_:display group message using the new ui (#20787)
- c6a1db633 ci: enable split apks & build only for arm64-v8a (#20683)
- 73777e052 Ensure keycard account can send transaction after upgrading from v1 to v2 #20552 (#20845)
- a6d3fc374 [#20524] fix: the missed keypairs are shown in the key pair list screen (#20888)
- a671c7083 fix broken screen and navigation when syncing fails (#20887)
- a45991b6d 🥅 Filter connected dapps based on testnet mode, reject proposals and requests gracefully (#20799)
- 2e9fa22e4 feat: wallet router v2 (#20631)
- 737d8c4d5 rename sub to fix error when requesting to join community (#20868)
- 3aa7e103f Sync process is blocked on Enabled notifications screen (#20883)
- c1d2d44da perf: Fix app freeze after login (#20729)
- 0fed8113d e2e: updated testnet switching and added one test into smoke
- 53c35cb55 fix(wallet): Linear gradient exception on invalid colors for watched account cards (#20854)
- be8236554 chore(settings)_: Remove testnet toggle from legacy advanced settings (#20875)
- eae8a6559 feat(wallet)_: Add beta info box in activity tab (#20873)
- fe54a25a3 fix: not clearing network & web3-wallet on logout (#20886)
- 15a4219ef Reject wallet-connect request by dragging the modal down (#20763) (#20836)
- 2ffbdac89 WalletConnect show expired toast (#20857)
- 402eb8397 fix Issue with scrolling WalletConnect transaction on Android (#20867)
- ff88049a0 Fix WalletConnect header alignment on Android (#20860)
- cee21241d WalletConnect no internet edge-cases (#20826)
- 60ad7c8a2 chore(tests): New match-strict? cljs.test directive (#20825)
- 4989c9278 fix_: Adding own address as saved addresses (#20839)
Upgrade re-frame to latest, from v1.3.0 (released on
2022-08-27) to latest v1.4.3 (released on 2024-01-25).
Important changes:
- [Added] re-frame.alpha namespace, for testing proposed features (see flows
( and polymorphic
- [Added] dispatch-sync now emits a :sync trace to indicate when it has
- Re-frame upgraded its dependency on Reagent to latest v1.2.0.
- There are two breaking changes in v1.4.0, but they don't affect us because we
don't use interceptors path and unwrap.
This PR upgrades clj-kondo (our Clojure linter) from v2023-09-07 to
v2024-03-13, so ~6 months of development updates.
You can check out the changes starting at
Nothing terribly useful to us this time, but as usual, clj-kondo can catch
more problems and more reliably than before.
Problem: failed equality checks as in "(is (= expected actual))" will give a
single, long line of output that for anything but the simplest data structures
is unreadable by humans, and the output doesn't give a useful diff.
Solution: use library and its test
directive "match?" which will pinpoint where two data structures differ. Then,
instead of "(is (= ...", use "(is (match? expected actual)". It works
The library offers other nice matchers, but the majority of the time match? is
Can we use another test runner like Kaocha? kaocha-cljs2
( would be able to print better
test errors out of the box, among other features, but I have no clue if it would
work well or at all in our stack (in theory yes, but it's a larger piece of
This commit is the foundational step to start using malli
( in this project.
Take in consideration we will only be able to realize malli's full power in
future iterations.
For those without context: the mobile team watched a presentation about malli
and went through a light RFC to put everyone on the same page, among other
discussions here and there in PRs.
To keep things relatively short:
1. Unit, integration and component tests will short-circuit (fail) when
inputs/outputs don't conform to their respective function schemas (CI should
fail too).
2. Failed schema checks will not block the app from initializing, nor throw an
exception that would trigger the LogBox. Exceptions are only thrown in the
scope of automated tests.
3. There's zero performance impact in production code because we only
instrument. Instrumentation is removed from the compiled code due to the
usage of "^boolean".
4. We shouldn't expect any meaningful slowdown during development.
**What are we instrumenting in this PR?**
Per our team's agreement, we're only instrumenting the bare minimum to showcase 2 examples.
- Instrument a utility function using the macro
- Instrument a quo component quo.components.counter.step.view/view using the
functional approach.
Both approaches are useful, the functional approach is powerful and allow us to
instrument anonymous functions, like the ones we pass to subscriptions or event
handlers, or the higher-order function quo.theme/with-theme. The macro approach
is perfect for functions already defined with defn.
**I evaluated the schema or function in the REPL but nothing changes**
- If you evaluate the source function, you need to evaluate schema/=> or
schema/instrument as well.
- Remember to *var quote* when using schema/instrument.
- You must call "(status-im2.setup.schema/setup!)" after any var is
re-instrumented. It's advisable to add a keybinding in your editor to send
this expression automatically to the CLJS REPL, or add the call at the end of
the namespace you are working on (similar to how some devs add "(run-tests)"
at the end of test namespaces).
**Where should schemas be defined?**
For the moment, we should focus on instrumenting quo components, so define each
function schema in the same namespace as the component's public "view" var.
To be specific:
- A schema used only to instrument a single function and not used elsewhere,
like a quo component schema, wouldn't benefit from being defined in a separate
namespace because that would force the developer to constantly open two files
instead of one to check function signatures.
- A common schema reused across the repo, like ":schema.common/theme" should be
registered in the global registry "schema.registry" so that consumers can just
refer to it by keyword, as if it was a built-in malli schema.
- A common schema describing status-go entities like message, notification,
community, etc can be stored either in the respective
"src/status_im2/contexts/*" or registered globally, or even somewhere else.
This is yet to be defined, but since I chose not to include schemas for them,
we can postpone this guideline.
Upgrades and cleans up all production Clojure dependencies and 1 dev-only
dependency (com.taoensso/tufte).
- Remove warning "WARNING: update-keys already refers to:
#'clojure.core/update-keys in namespace: io.aviso.exception"
- Remove hickory and mvxcvi/alphabase dependencies they are not used.
- Upgrade com.taoensso/tufte from 2.1.0 to 2.6.3
- Upgrade transit-cljs from 0.8.248 to 0.8.280
- Upgrade cljs-bean from 1.3.0 to 1.9.0
- Remove workaround for com.taoensso/timbre in shadow-cljs.edn
- Upgrade com.taoensso/timbre from 4.10 (Status fork) to 6.3.1
Clojure dependencies require only JARs to work. Downloading POMs is both
a waste of time, space, and bandwidth. In addition POMs create edge
cases that we would have to handle, an would rather avoid.
For example, the `guice` package which shows up in the classpath
includes a JAR named `guice-4.2.2-no_aop.jar`. The issue with that is
that there is no corresponding POM in the directory:
Either we have to make a special case for such packages, or we can just
skip POMs entirely and avoid the mess.
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
This commit adds a custom linter to verify i18n/label is called with a qualified
keyword, like :t/foo. More sophisticated linters are possible too.
We also set the stage for other developers to consider more lint automation
instead of manually reviewing conventions in PRs.
If you want to understand how to write custom linters, check out You can fire
the Clojure JVM REPL in status-mobile and play with the clj-kondo hook too, it
works beautifully.
Why do we care? By making sure all translation keywords are qualified with "t",
it is trivial to grep or replace them because they're unique in the repo, and
can't be confused with other words if you search by ":t/<something>".
Note: It's a best practice to commit clj-kondo configuration from external
libraries in the .clj-kondo directory. The directory .clj-kondo/babashka is
auto-generated, that's why it was added.
This commit upgrades Shadow CLJS from 2.11.16 (released on Feb/21) to latest
2.25.0 (Jul/23), so ~1.5 years worth of upgrades. By upgrading shadow we
can finally use the latest major Clojure version 1.11.x.
Why upgrade shadow?
- Shadow CLJS controls the ClojureScript version we can use. In order to use the
latest major Clojure version we must upgrade Shadow CLJS.
- Shadow CLJS releases new versions very frequently, and if you take a look at
its changelog, you'll see
it had tons and tons of bug fixes over the years. I hope some of them help
improve the DX for certain contributors who recently reported issues with
- Clojure 1.11 brings new features, bug fixes and even performance improvements
(although I think the performance mostly impacts Clojure on the JVM). See the
Things that can be beneficial to us, or are interesting nonetheless:
- New :as-alias to be used in require, which is like :as but does not require
the namespace to load. This means namespaced keywords using :as-alias can't
cause circular dependency errors. This feature would very useful if we used
namespaced keywords, but we don't, so...
- New macros run-test and run-test-var to run single test with fixtures and
- New iteration function, useful for processing paginated data.
- New update-keys function: applies a function to every key in a map.
- New update-vals function: applies a function to every value in a map.
Examples for update-vals and update-keys. They should perform better than the
common reduce-kv approach since they use a transient data structure.
(let [m {:a 1 :b 2}]
(update-vals m inc)) ; => {:a 2, :b 3}
(let [m {:a 1 :b 2}]
(update-keys m name)) ; => {"a" 1, "b" 2}
Why change namespaces within __tests__ directories?
Any namespace with the word --tests-- throws an error, like the one below. I
didn't bother investigating why, so I changed the guidelines to reflect the new
convention. It's probably related to the double dashes in the name.
Namespace quo2.components.dividers.--tests--.divider-label-component-spec has a
segment starting with an invalid JavaScript identifier at line 1
This commit upgrades re-frame to v1.3.0 (latest stable release), released ~9
months ago, in 2022-08-27. This is a solid upgrade, with no breaking changes as
far as I tested status-mobile. It's a great testament of re-frame's stability
and commitment to backwards compatibility, as are many Clojure libs.
The big, and truly relevant addition is the introduction of the :fx built-in
effect that was added ~3 years ago in Aug/2020 in v1.1.0.
Relevant changelog:
- Global interceptors are now supported (added in v1.0.0).
- reg-event-fx will just warn (not generate an error) if the effect map returned
contains an unknown effect key.
- re-frame will now warn us when we are calling subscribe outside of a reactive
- "re-frame now guarantees that a :db effect, if present, will be actioned
before any other sibling effects. re-frame continues to provide NO guarantees
about the order in which other effects will be actioned."
- There's syntactic sugar for trivial reg-sub declarations (added in v1.3.0).
See the documentation for reg-sub for more details
- "The built-in effect :dispatch-later can now take a single map value.
Supplying a sequence of maps is now deprecated in favor of using multiple
:dispatch-later effects within the new :fx effect."
On M1 calling `shadow-cljs` fails with:
Execution error (UnsatisfiedLinkError) at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary/load (
dlopen(/private/var/folders/__/x311ykg17rqgq2wyl4kn1pdr0001yh/T/jna8753030888504535661.tmp, 0x0001):
tried: '/private/var/folders/__/x311ykg17rqgq2wyl4kn1pdr0001yh/T/jna8753030888504535661.tmp'
(fat file, but missing compatible architecture (have (unknown,i386,x86_64), need (arm64e)))
This is due to an outdeted dependency on JNA 3.2.2, which is pulled in
by `hawk` package which up until release `2.11.16` was a `shadow-clj`
dependency which was removed because it was:
>Only used to be used on macOS since it was slightly faster than the default
>JVM implementation. However in Big Sur it seems to cause issues and break
>completely or just be a lot slower.
Dropped the explicit dependency on `org.clojure/core.async` to avoid:
WARNING: The org.clojure/core.async dependency in shadow-cljs.edn was ignored.
Default version is used and override is not allowed to ensure compatibility.
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
This way the name of the repo makes at least some sense and
matches the `status-desktop` repo naming.
Also updated `status-jenkins-lib` since it also contained
references to `status-react` repo and job names.
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
It seems like this worked before purely because the `cljfmt` library was
already in the `~/.m2` cache folder. This issue was noticed when I
cleaned up the `~/.m2` folder on one Jenkins slave host and the Lint stage
started randomly failing.
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
Signed-off-by: andrey <>
Rename events
Add router to handle all links
Use router in add new chat
Unify universal link and universal qr with router
Add icon for universal scanner
Update tests
Now routing is tested in routing PR
QA fixes
Scan own profile
Handle more EIP
Fix wallet scanner
Fix stack for view profile in UL
Signed-off-by: Gheorghe Pinzaru <>
- Drop `nix/mobile/android/maven-and-npm-deps/default.nix`
- Replace it with much simpler `nix/tools/patchNodeModules`
- Move Gradle patching tool to `nix/pkgs/patch-maven-srcs`
- Simplify it by using `gradle.deps` and patched node modules separately
- Change `TARGET` for `release-android` to `default`
- Move `mobile/` to `scripts/`
- Move `nix/mobile/android/targets/release-android.nix` to `nix/mobile/android/release.nix`
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
Depending on Maven version the file that contains name of repository
will be named _remote.repositories or _maven.repositories.
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
Signed-off-by: Andrey Shovkoplyas <>