Commit Graph

4629 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Brian Sztamfater 5829eaf77b
feat: scan account from QR (#17464)
Signed-off-by: Brian Sztamfater <>
2023-10-17 13:47:21 -03:00
Parvesh Monu e6e29a8521
Implement animations for discover communities screen 2023-10-17 21:48:46 +05:30
flexsurfer 6f9bcd1bb1
rename quo2 (#17660) 2023-10-17 17:27:18 +02:00
Icaro Motta 7ae96e86f1
Enable ns sorting linter and clean+sort all namespaces (#17618) 2023-10-16 22:03:18 +00:00
flexsurfer 27cd7d4edd
remove quo lib (#17626) 2023-10-16 18:34:00 +02:00
flexsurfer b970b723a5
move legacy subs step 1 (#17648) 2023-10-16 15:47:20 +02:00
flexsurfer ca88de162a
[#17435] migrate status-im.notifications (#17603) 2023-10-13 12:40:50 +02:00
Icaro Motta 7f960f9be5
Add custom linter for i18n/label translation keywords (#17610)
This commit adds a custom linter to verify i18n/label is called with a qualified
keyword, like :t/foo. More sophisticated linters are possible too.

We also set the stage for other developers to consider more lint automation
instead of manually reviewing conventions in PRs.

If you want to understand how to write custom linters, check out You can fire
the Clojure JVM REPL in status-mobile and play with the clj-kondo hook too, it
works beautifully.

Why do we care? By making sure all translation keywords are qualified with "t",
it is trivial to grep or replace them because they're unique in the repo, and
can't be confused with other words if you search by ":t/<something>".

Note: It's a best practice to commit clj-kondo configuration from external
libraries in the .clj-kondo directory. The directory .clj-kondo/babashka is
auto-generated, that's why it was added.
2023-10-11 18:53:34 -03:00
Mohsen 36dd828a55
[#17446] fix: Display name is not shown in chats after sync (#17591) 2023-10-10 14:36:40 +03:00
Ulises Manuel 1abd1e9420
[#16329] QR code variants (#17221)
* Rename wallet-user-avatar's `:color` prop to `:customization-color`
* Refactor QR code component and implement all variants
  - Improve preview screen
* Update QR code usages
* Remove `status-im2.common.qr-code-viewer.view/qr-code-view` component
to keep only one implementation.
* Remove the node dependency:
  "qrcode": "^1.4.1"
2023-10-08 17:42:58 -06:00
Icaro Motta 6e897f0ea6
Migrate away from rf/defn and rf/merge (first step) (#17451)
This commit shows how to move away from rf/defn
f12c7401d1/src/utils/re_frame.clj (L1-L90)
& rf/merge
f12c7401d1/src/utils/re_frame.cljs (L39-L85)
and why we should do it.

## Problems

Before jumping to solutions, let's understand the problems first, in no order of

### Problem 1: Cyclic dependencies

If you ever tried to move event handlers or the functions used inside them to
different files in status-mobile, you probably stumbled in cyclic dependency

When an event is registered in re-frame, it is globally available for any other
place to dispatch. The dispatch mechanism relies on globally unique keywords,
the so called event IDs, e.g. :chat/mute-successfully. This means that event
namespaces don't need to require other event namespaces, just like you don't
need to require subscription namespaces in views.

rf/merge increases the likelihood of cyclic dependencies because they force
event namespaces to require each other. Although not as common, this happened a
few times with devs in the team and it can be a big hassle to fix if you are
unlucky. It is a problem we should not have in the first place (at least not as

### Problem 2: We are not linting thousands of lines of code

The linter (clj-kondo) is incapable of understanding the rf/defn macro. In
theory, we could teach clj-kondo what the macro produces. I tried this, but gave
up after a few tries.

This is a big deal, clj-kondo can catch many issues and will continue to catch
more as it continue to evolve. It's hard to precisely count how many lines are
affected, but `find src/ -type f -name 'events.cljs' -exec wc -l {} +` gives us
more than 4k LOC.

### Problem 3: Blocking RN's UI thread for too long

Re-frame has a routing mechanism to manage events. When an event is dispatched,
it is enqueued and scheduled to run some time later (very soon). This process is
asynchronous and is optimized in such a way as to balance responsiveness vs the
time to empty the queue.

>[...] when processing events, one after the other, do ALL the currently queued
>events. Don't stop. Don't yield to the browser. Hog that CPU.
>[...] but if any new events are dispatched during this cycle of processing,
>don't do them immediately. Leave them queued.

Decisions were made (way back in 2017) to reduce the number of registered
re-frame events and, more importantly, to coalesce events into bigger ones with
the rf/merge pattern. I tried to find evidence of real problems that were trying
to be solved, but my understanding is that decisions were largely based on
personal architectural preferences.

Fast-forward to 2023, and we are in a situation where we have many heavy events
that process a LOT of stuff in one go using rf/merge, thus blocking the UI
thread longer than we should. See, for example,
[](3082605d1e/src/status_im2/contexts/profile/login/events.cljs (L69)),
[](3082605d1e/src/status_im2/contexts/profile/login/events.cljs (L98)),
and many others.

The following excerpt was generally used to justify the idea that coalescing
events would make the app perform better.

> We will reduce the the amount of subscription re-computations, as for each
> distinct action, :db effect will be produced and swapped into app-db only once
> --

This is in fact incorrect. Re-frame, ever since 2015 (so before the original
discussions in 2017) uses a concept of batching to process events, which means
subscriptions won't re-run after every dispatched event, and thus components
won't re-render either. Re-frame is smarter than that.

> groups of events queued up will be handled in a batch, one after the other,
> without yielding to the browser (previously re-frame yielded to the browser
> before every single event).
> -- 39adca9367/docs/releases/ (050--2015-11-5)

Here's a practical example you can try in a shadow-cljs :mobile REPL to see the
batching behavior in practice.

;; A dummy event that toggles between DEBUG and INFO levels.
(re-frame/reg-event-fx :dummy-event
  (fn [{:keys [db]}]
    {:db (update-in db
                    [:profile/profile :log-level]
                    (fn [level]
                      (if (= "DEBUG" level)

(def timer
  (js/setInterval #(re-frame/dispatch [:dummy-event])

;; 1. In component status-im.ui.screens.advanced-settings.views/advanced-settings,
;; add a print call to see when it's re-rendered by Reagent because the
;; subscription :log-level/current-log-level will be affected by our dummy event.
;; 2. Also add a print call to the subscription :log-level/current-log-level to
;; see that the subscription does NOT re-run on every dispatch.

;; Remember to eval this expression to cancel the timer.
(js/clearInterval timer)

If you run the above timer with 50ms interval, you'll see a fair amount of
batching happening. You can infer that's the case because you'll see way less
than 20 print statements per second (so way less than 20 recomputations of the
subscription, which is the max theoretical limit).

When the interval is reduced even more, to say 10ms (to simulate lots of
dispatches in a row), sometimes you don't see a single recomputation in a 5s
window because re-frame is too busy processing events.

This shows just how critical it is to have event handlers finishing as soon as
possible to relinquish control back to the UI thread, otherwise responsiveness
is affected. It also shows that too many dispatches in a row can be bad, just as
big event handlers would block the batch for too long. You see here that
dispatching events in succession does NOT cause needless re-computations.

Of course there's an overhead of using re-frame.core/dispatch instead of calling
a Clojure function, but the trade-off is clearly documented: the more we
process in a single event, the less responsive the app may be because re-frame
won't be able to relinquish control back to the UI thread. The total time to
process the batch increases, but re-frame can't stop in the middle compared to
when different dispatches are used.

Thus, I believe this rf/merge pattern is harmful as a default practice in an
environment such as ours, where it's desirable end-users feel a snappy RN app. I
actually firmly believe we can improve the app's responsiveness by not
coalescing events by default. We're also preventing status-mobile from taking
the most advantage from future improvements in re-frame's scheduler. I can
totally see us experimenting with other algorithms in the scheduler to best fit
our needs. We should not blindly reduce the number of events as stated here

Solution: only coalesce events into one pile when it's strictly desirable to
atomically update the app db to avoid inconsistencies, otherwise, let the
re-frame scheduler do its job by using fx, not rf/merge. When needed, embrace
*eventual app db consistency* as a way to achieve lower UI latency, i.e. write
fast and short events, intentionally use :dispatch-later or other timing effects
to bend the re-frame's scheduler to your will.

There's another argument in favor of using something like rf/merge which I would
like to deconstruct. rf/merge gives us a way to reuse computations from
different events, which is nice. The thing here is that we don't need rf/merge
or re-frame to reuse functions across namespaces. rf/merge complects re-frame
with the need to reuse transformations.

Instead, the solution is as trivial as it gets, reuse app db "transformers"
across events by extracting the logic to data store namespaces
(src/status_im/data_store). This solution has the added benefit of not causing
cyclic dependency errors.

### Problem 4: Clojure's language server doesn't understand code under rf/defn

Nowadays, many (if not most) Clojure devs rely on the Clojure Language Server to be more effective. It is an
invaluable tool, but it doesn't work well with the macro rf/defn, and it's a
constant source of frustration when working in event namespaces. Renaming
symbols inside the macro don't work, finding references, jumping to local
bindings, etc.

Solution: don't use rf/defn, instead use re-frame's reg-event-fx function and
clojure-lsp will understand all the code inside event handlers.

### Problem 5: Unit tests for events need to "test the world"

Re-frame's author strongly recommends testing events that contain non-trivial
data transformations, and we do have many in status-mobile (note: let's not
confuse with integration tests in status_im/integration_test.cljs). That, and
non-trivial layer-3 subscriptions should be covered too. The reasoning is that
if we have a well developed and tested state layer, many UI bugs can be
prevented as the software evolves, since the UI is partially or greatly derived
from the global state. See re-frame: What to Test?
39adca9367/docs/ (what-to-test).
See PR Introduce subscription tests, where I share more
details about re-frame's testing practices.

When we use rf/merge, we make unit testing events a perennial source of
frustration because too many responsibilities are aggregated in a single event.
Unfortunately, we don't have many devs in the team that attempted to write unit
tests for events to confirm my claim, but no worries, let's dive into a real

In a unit test for an event, we want to test that, given a cofx and args, the
event handler returns the expected map of effects with the correct values
(usually db transformations).

Let's assume we need to test the following event. The code is still using the
combo rf/defn & rf/merge.

(rf/defn accept-notification-success
  {:events [:activity-center.notifications/accept-success]}
  [{:keys [db] :as cofx} notification-id {:keys [chats]}]
  (when-let [notification (get-notification db notification-id)]
    (rf/merge cofx
              ( (map data-store.chats/<-rpc chats))
              (notifications-reconcile [(assoc notification :read true :accepted true)]))))

As you can see, we're "rf/merging" two other functions, namely ensure-chats and
notifications-reconcile. In fact, ensure-chats is not registered in re-frame,
but it's 99% defined as if it's one because it needs to be "mergeable" according
to the rules of rf/merge. Both of these "events" are quite complicated under the
hood and should be unit tested on their own.

Now here goes the unit test. Don't worry about the details, except for the expected output.

(deftest accept-notification-success-test
  (testing "marks notification as accepted and read, then reconciles"
    (let [notif-1          {:id "0x1" :type types/private-group-chat}
          notif-2          {:id "0x2" :type types/private-group-chat}
          notif-2-accepted (assoc notif-2 :accepted true :read true)
          cofx             {:db {:activity-center {:filter        {:type types/no-type :status :all}
                                                   :notifications [notif-2 notif-1]}}}

          expected {:db         {:activity-center {:filter        {:type 0 :status :all}
                                                   :notifications [notif-2-accepted notif-1]}
                                 :chats           {}
                                 :chats-home-list nil}
                    ;; *** HERE ***
                    :dispatch-n [[:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count]
          actual   (events/accept-notification-success cofx (:id notif-2) nil)]
      (is (= expected actual)))))

Notice the map has a :dispatch-n effect and other stuff inside of it that are
not the responsibility of the event under test to care about. This happens
because rf/merge forces the event handler to compute/call everything in one go.
And things get MUCH worse when you want to test an event A that uses rf/merge,
but A calls other events B and C that also use rf/merge (e.g. event
:profile.login/get-chats-callback). At that point you flip the table in horror
😱, but testing events and maintaining them should be trivial.

Solution: Use re-frame's `fx` effect.

Here's the improved implementation and its accompanying test.

(defn accept-notification-success
  [{:keys [db]} [notification-id {:keys [chats]}]]
  (when-let [notification (get-notification db notification-id)]
    (let [new-notifications [(assoc notification :read true :accepted true)]]
      {:fx [[:dispatch [:chat/ensure-chats (map data-store.chats/<-rpc chats)]]
            [:dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/reconcile new-notifications]]]})))

(re-frame/reg-event-fx :activity-center.notifications/accept-success accept-notification-success)

(deftest accept-notification-success-test
  (testing "marks notification as accepted and read, then reconciles"
    (let [notif-1          {:id "0x1" :type types/private-group-chat}
          notif-2          {:id "0x2" :type types/private-group-chat}
          notif-2-accepted (assoc notif-2 :accepted true :read true)
          cofx             {:db {:activity-center {:filter        {:type types/no-type :status :all}
                                                   :notifications [notif-2 notif-1]}}}

          ;; *** HERE ***
          expected {:fx [[:dispatch [:chat/ensure-chats []]]
                         [:dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/reconcile [notif-2-accepted]]]]}
          actual   (events/accept-notification-success cofx [(:id notif-2) nil])]
      (is (= expected actual)))))

Notice how the test expectation is NOT verifying what other events do (it's
actually "impossible" now). Using fx completely decouples events and makes
testing them a joy again.

### Problem 6: Unordered effects

status-mobile still uses the legacy way to describe the effects map, which has
the problem that their order is unpredictable.

> Prior to v1.1.0, the answer is: no guarantees were provided about ordering.
> Actual order is an implementation detail upon which you should not rely.
> -- 39adca9367/docs/ (order-of-effects)

> In fact, with v1.1.0 best practice changed to event handlers should only
> return two effects :db and :fx, in which case :db was always done first and
> then :fx, and within :fx the ordering is sequential. This new approach is more
> about making it easier to compose event handlers from many smaller functions,
> but more specificity around ordering was a consequence.
> -- 39adca9367/docs/ (order-of-effects)

### Problem 7: Usage of deprecated effect dispatch-n

We have 35 usages, the majority in new code using dispatch-n, which has been
officially deprecated in favor of multiple dispatch tuples in fx. See
39adca9367/docs/ (L114)

### Problem 8: Complexity 🧙‍♂️

Have you ever tried to understand and/or explain how rf/merge and rf/defn work?
They have their fare share of complexity and have tripped up many contributors.

This is not ideal if we want to create a project where contributors can learn
re-frame as quickly as possible. Re-frame is already complicated enough to grasp
for many, the added abstractions should be valuable enough to justify.

Interestingly, rf/merge is a stateful function, and although this is not a
problem in practice, it is partially violating re-frame's spirit of only using
pure functions inside event handlers.

### Problem 9: Using a wrapping macro rf/defn instead of global interceptors

When rf/defn was created inside status-mobile, re-frame didn't have global
interceptors yet (which were introduced 3+ years ago). We no longer have this
limitation after we upgraded our old re-frame version in PR

Global interceptors are a simple and functional abstraction to specify functions
that should run on every event, for example, for debugging during development,
logging, etc. This PR already shows this is possible by removing the wrapping
function without causing any breakage.

## Conclusion

By embracing re-frame's best practices for describing effects
39adca9367/docs/FAQs/ (use-the-fx-effect),
we can solve long standing issues that affect every contributor at different
levels and bring the following benefits:

- Simplify the codebase.
- Bring back the DX we all deserve, i.e. Clojure Language Server and clj-kondo
  fully working in event namespaces.
- Greatly facilitate the testability of events.
- Give devs more flexibility to make the app more responsive, because the new
  default would not coalesce events, which in turn, would block the UI thread
  for shorter periods of time. At least that's the theory, but exceptions will
  be found.

The actions to achieve those benefits are:

- Don't use the macro approach, replace rf/defn with
- Don't use rf/merge, simply use re-frame's built-in effect :fx.
- Don't call event handlers as normal functions, just as we don't directly call
  subscription handlers. Use re-frame's built-in effect :fx.

## How do we refactor the remainder of the code?

Some numbers first:

- There are 228 events defined with rf/defn in src/status-im2/.
- There are 34 usages of rf/merge in src/status_im2/.

## Resources

- Release notes where fx was introduced in re-frame:
  39adca9367/docs/releases/ (110-2020-08-24)
2023-10-05 16:11:45 -03:00
Icaro Motta b73ac6b107
Upgrade clj-kondo and configure new linters (#17543)
- Upgrade clj-kondo to latest version to take advantage of new linters. From
  version 2023.04.14 to
- Use new linter ":unused-alias" and set at WARN level for the moment, because
  otherwise the PR would increase a bit too much, but it did catch many unused
  "require" aliases. Added in version 2023.09.07
- Use new linter ":case-symbol-test" and fix the reported errors, added in
  version 2023.07.13
- Use new linters ":equals-true", ":plus-one", and ":minus-one" and fix reported
  errors, added in version 2023.05.18
- Raise level from WARN to ERROR for linter "uninitialized-var".
- Explicitly add ":case-duplicate-test" to clj-kondo config, renamed in version
- Explicitly add ":case-quoted-test" to clj-kondo config, renamed in version
- Explicitly add ":deprecated-namespace" to clj-kondo config, added in version

2023-10-05 15:50:57 -03:00
flexsurfer db787f9d4b
remove status-im.utils.clocks (#17434) 2023-09-27 12:04:40 +02:00
flexsurfer a847f508f9
[#17410] migrate status-im.ethereum.core (#17422) 2023-09-27 11:57:51 +02:00
Parvesh Monu 90cb5d3d88
fix group card remains in shell after leaving the group (#17417) 2023-09-26 20:33:56 +05:30
Ibrahem Khalil da5086aae2
[17377-17378] Fix reply view in activity center showing only one phot… (#17388) 2023-09-26 15:59:36 +03:00
flexsurfer 723573833e
[#17357] move status-im.async-storage.core (#17380) 2023-09-25 12:45:39 +02:00
flexsurfer b2cae88924
[#17383] migrate status-im.utils.types (#17389) 2023-09-25 09:32:55 +02:00
Jamie Caprani 0ae1e9bc5a
chore: updating theming in quo2 components and chat (#17199) 2023-09-21 00:41:00 +02:00
flexsurfer ddd0796381
[#17355] status-im.utils.image-processing (#17356) 2023-09-20 16:14:53 +02:00
flexsurfer 92cc49184d
move messages legacy view (#17354) 2023-09-20 15:42:57 +02:00
flexsurfer 5bb954f8a7
[#17351] remove status-im.utils.platform (#17352) 2023-09-20 14:17:52 +02:00
flexsurfer 6a169bd0bd
[#17347] move [status-im.utils.http :as http] to status-im2 (#17350) 2023-09-20 14:16:07 +02:00
frank cb9ae21cf2
process backedup(profile/settings) signal (#17306) 2023-09-19 22:05:59 +08:00
frank d5af6b62a7
fix: display name not displayed after sync (#17311) 2023-09-19 17:18:38 +08:00
frank 442600bc28
use new API for ens name registration (#17127)
* use new API for ens name registration


* update status-go-version.json

* update status-go-version.json

* fix Error:Field validation for 'KeycardPairingDataFile' failed on the 'required' tag

* update status-go-version.json

* fix lint issue
2023-09-16 11:37:06 +08:00
Volodymyr Kozieiev 4006495b22
fix keyword renaming performance (#17291) 2023-09-15 12:02:44 +01:00
Icaro Motta e2f837fcbc
Raise clj-kondo linter levels (#17289)
Recently, we changed clj-kondo default fail-level from "warning" to "error", but
we missed the fact that we needed to raise the default level for all linters set
to "warning".
2023-09-14 11:28:43 -03:00
flexsurfer 07d1b13520
temporary remove "curated.communities.update" (#17286) 2023-09-14 15:57:29 +02:00
Mustafa Ateş Uzun 599cf0fb24
fix: web-prefixes function (#17239) 2023-09-11 12:37:24 +02:00
Flavio Fraschetti a30a80f8a1
Replace old skeleton with new (#17169)
fixes #17103

### Follow up from #16865

This commit focuses on enhancing the user experience by replacing our legacy skeleton loaders with the latest version. Additionally, it introduces a refined approach for deprecating outdated components and functions to maintain a cleaner codebase.

### Key Changes

Replace existing skeleton loaders with the latest skeleton-list component for improved performance and usability.
Implement a standardized deprecation method, using either naming conventions or metadata annotations, for phasing out old components and functions.
2023-09-07 16:31:11 +01:00
Samuel Hawksby-Robinson d63b1240d7
Fix for Android error `route ip+net: netlinkrib: permission denied` (#17166)
* status-go branch update


* comment start-searching-for-local-pairing-peers out

* revert status-go-version.json


Co-authored-by: frank <>
2023-09-06 15:24:40 +08:00
Volodymyr Kozieiev f3f85f9911
Wallet activity component (#17141)
* Wallet activity component

* Component description added

* removed unnecessary piece

* lint fix

* Review notes

* fix issue with blur preview

* lint fix
2023-09-01 16:20:15 +01:00
Parvesh Monu 77fc7a92d9
Don't display "Add Unknown as contact to send a Message" if chat is not loaded 2023-09-01 18:04:54 +05:30
Icaro Motta 857c9c2f74
Unshadow remaining core & non-core vars (#17138)
Unshadows all remaining vars in status-mobile, including non
cljs.core/clojure.core ones. The only exceptions are cljs.core/type and
cljs.core/name (which happen quite often, so I'm not sure if it's worth
unshadowing them).
2023-09-01 11:54:53 +00:00
yqrashawn 7e9ba0768a
fix: support new design ident ring width (#17034) 2023-09-01 16:35:46 +08:00
Ibrahem Khalil a218499f2a
[16728] Allow message editing to save link previews (#17117) 2023-08-31 10:59:49 +03:00
Andrea Maria Piana a00eb6292f
Remove 3 words alias
2023-08-30 16:48:43 +01:00
Andrea Maria Piana ca7a519f89
Fix contract call for communities 2023-08-30 09:29:03 +01:00
Ulises Manuel 6156bfc472
[#16963] Refactor page nav and fix its API (#17031)
* Refactor page-nav and fix API

* Update and fix page-nav in scroll-page component

* Update page-nav uses in quo-preview

* Update page-nav uses in syncing

* Update page-nav uses in communities

* Update page-nav uses in wallet

* Update page-nav uses in onboarding
2023-08-28 02:44:53 -07:00
John Ngei 66e3b60703
Add members to open community
* add members to open community

* fix: join open community notification
2023-08-18 15:38:35 +03:00
yqrashawn a6710f902f
feat: render all avatars using media server (#16193) 2023-08-15 09:59:40 +08:00
Jamie Caprani 302c54b6c4
Refactor some quo2 components to use best practices
* chore: update quo2 group avatar to best practices

* chore: update quo2 browser-input to best practices

* chore: update quo2 dynamic-button to best practices

* chore: update quo2 tabs to best practices

* chore: cleanup quo2 core file

* chore: use best practices in quo2 banner

* chore: use best practices in quo2 step
2023-08-10 03:59:13 -07:00
Volodymyr Kozieiev 86e16564fa
Fetching featured communities (#16829)
Featured communities updated from status-go signal
Community card skeleton now is a part of a component
2023-08-07 16:43:58 +01:00
flexsurfer bc18e8aac5
[#16254] Add new system messages in chat history when accepting a con… (#16775)
* [#16254] Add new system messages in chat history when accepting a contact request
2023-08-07 10:56:54 +02:00
frank 7b425c1a53
Add method for fast creation of communities (#16806)
* fast create community to test

* fix: in PR builds only token gated community is available

* update status-go-version.json
2023-08-03 08:59:28 +08:00
Icaro Motta b9890a9d44
Upgrade shadow-cljs and ClojureScript (#15417)
This commit upgrades Shadow CLJS from 2.11.16 (released on Feb/21) to latest
2.25.0 (Jul/23), so ~1.5 years worth of upgrades. By upgrading shadow we
can finally use the latest major Clojure version 1.11.x.

Why upgrade shadow?

- Shadow CLJS controls the ClojureScript version we can use. In order to use the
  latest major Clojure version we must upgrade Shadow CLJS.

- Shadow CLJS releases new versions very frequently, and if you take a look at
  its changelog, you'll see
  it had tons and tons of bug fixes over the years. I hope some of them help
  improve the DX for certain contributors who recently reported issues with

- Clojure 1.11 brings new features, bug fixes and even performance improvements
  (although I think the performance mostly impacts Clojure on the JVM). See the

Things that can be beneficial to us, or are interesting nonetheless:

- New :as-alias to be used in require, which is like :as but does not require
  the namespace to load. This means namespaced keywords using :as-alias can't
  cause circular dependency errors. This feature would very useful if we used
  namespaced keywords, but we don't, so...
- New macros run-test and run-test-var to run single test with fixtures and
- New iteration function, useful for processing paginated data.
- New update-keys function: applies a function to every key in a map.
- New update-vals function: applies a function to every value in a map.

Examples for update-vals and update-keys. They should perform better than the
common reduce-kv approach since they use a transient data structure.

    (let [m {:a 1 :b 2}]
      (update-vals m inc)) ; => {:a 2, :b 3}
    (let [m {:a 1 :b 2}]
      (update-keys m name)) ; => {"a" 1, "b" 2}

Why change namespaces within __tests__ directories?

Any namespace with the word --tests-- throws an error, like the one below. I
didn't bother investigating why, so I changed the guidelines to reflect the new
convention. It's probably related to the double dashes in the name.

    Namespace quo2.components.dividers.--tests--.divider-label-component-spec has a
    segment starting with an invalid JavaScript identifier at line 1
2023-07-28 13:40:54 -03:00
Siddarth Kumar 1c405d3ed9
chore: wire up `startSearchForLocalPairingPeers` (#16803)
This commit initialises the status-go method `startSearchForLocalPairingPeers` which in turn will produce logs that are important for peer discovery while local pairing and will produce logs important to detect local pairing crashes.
2023-07-28 15:22:58 +05:30
Icaro Motta 238e35a281
Unshadow more Clojure core vars (#16777)
This is a continuation of (Lint
& fix some shadowed core Clojure(Script) vars).

Notes: As a reminder, the goal is to eventually disallow shadowing core Clojure
vars entirely, but to get there and avoid rebase hell and regressions, we need
to do in smaller steps, especially because we can't safely automate the process
of unshadowing vars.

We are already down from ~500 shadowed core vars to 350 in total.

Why is this PR is using names such as "s", "v" or "sym"? Names such as s or v
are the so called idiomatic names, and are listed in the Clojure Style Guide I used them whenever I felt
appropriate. For the var cljs.core/symbol I opted to use sym, even though the
symbol in question is not necessarily a Clojure symbol, I think the alias
conveys the meaning well enough

New vars linted:

- comparator
- identity
- str
- symbol
- val

Outstanding shadowed vars include type, name, hash, comp.
2023-07-26 11:26:12 +00:00
frank 02d45fa06f
discard backup message when recovering account (#16748)
* discard backup message when recovering account

* fix test failed

* update status-go-version.json
2023-07-25 15:03:57 +08:00
Brian Sztamfater e672bf9163
feat: onboarding transition for new to status flow (#16554)
Signed-off-by: Brian Sztamfater <>
2023-07-24 10:17:36 -03:00
Omar Basem e33c877989
feat: camera screen (1/2) (#16569)
* feat: camera screen (1/2)
2023-07-24 16:46:43 +04:00
John Ngei 2317e856bf
Mute community
* mute and unmute community


* mute and unmute community and all community chats


* updated statu-go


* refactored mute chat drawer


* refactored mute chat drawer


* fixing mute channels

* fixed mute community channels

* update community chats mute status


* added mute and unmute community toast


* unmute community when atleast one community channel is unmuted


* updated status-go


* updated status-go version v0.162.5
2023-07-19 16:30:42 +03:00
flexsurfer 32f18c3d3c
[#16703] The display name is not resolved in chats for user sender after relogin (#16704) 2023-07-18 10:04:42 +02:00
Icaro Motta 88c4521321
Move to (#16573) 2023-07-12 18:26:04 +00:00
Andrés Felipe Ceballos M c55f12ecf8
[#15950] Updated build-image-messages (#16518)
Author: andresceballosm <>
2023-07-12 18:34:29 +05:30
Icaro Motta 6170686e34
Rewrite Community List component (#16527)
Re-implements the component Community List according to guidelines
and, most importantly, fixes a bunch of issues and tries to achieve 100%
compatibility with Figma.

The new implementation is trying to mirror Figma properties as much as possible.



- Refactor to guidelines.
- Fix: original implementation in money/format-amounts had a bug caught by new
  unit tests ("1000000" was formatted incorrectly).
- Fix: Community permission tag correct background when theme is overridden and
  when blur is enabled.
- Fix: Notification dot uses correct colors for dark mode and blur variants.
- Fix: Community stats background when blur is enabled.
- Fix: Community stats icon color when blur is enabled.
- Add: The component's Quo preview screen is smarter and will only show form
  fields (aka descriptors) that are relevant for each component type (engage,
  discover or share).
- Add: replace hardcoded community statistics with an implementation that
  actually accepts real numbers and which are correctly formatted.
- Add: New Quo descriptor type number.
- Add: Component uses correct shadows according to foundations/shadows.
2023-07-12 11:14:24 +00:00
Parvesh Monu bcb55a1ab3
Enable shell navigation (#16438) 2023-07-12 13:24:50 +05:30
Parvesh Monu 728d9d01c5
fix App is not opened on the last viewed chat with biometric login enabled (#16516) 2023-07-10 15:33:31 +05:30
Andrea Maria Piana 1e8ea3fd16
Enable lightclient
2023-07-07 15:40:24 +01:00
Siddarth Kumar d76e64b1bb
fix: profile redirect on newly created account (#16340)
This commit gets rid of the app-state check which is buggy,
The app-state becomes `active` after the universal link code has executed always resulting in the redirect not happening.
2023-07-07 19:21:00 +05:30
flexsurfer ac675e28eb
[#16520] ENS setting is unavailable on PRs when test network is set (#16521) 2023-07-07 15:34:02 +02:00
Jamie Caprani 25b088833d
chore: move button into view and style files (#16442)
* chore: move button into view and style files
2023-07-07 00:20:37 -07:00
flexsurfer 3395baa966
fix smthg test folder (#16519) 2023-07-07 08:46:54 +02:00
flexsurfer 4327653b0b
[#16422] Merge profile and profile overview into one map in status-go (#16507)
* [#16422] Merge profile and profile overview into one map in status-go
2023-07-06 19:46:21 +02:00
Icaro Motta 9ed68ee7d1
Lint & fix some shadowed core Clojure(Script) vars (#16500)
It's well known that shadowing core Clojure vars can lead to unexpected bugs. In
fact, it's a common source of bugs in other languages too. In the status-mobile
repository there are, in total, 562 shadowed vars, ~500 are core vars. Excluding
the "old code" we still have 285 offenders.

In status-mobile I've already seen two bugs caused by shadowed vars, both with
the shadowed var "name". But probably other problems happened in the past, and
others will happen in the future if we don't do something about this. This PR is
also my response to my frustration trying to review PRs and checking for
shadowed vars, humans were not meant for that!

In this commit we are enabling ":shadowed-var" to lint certain (not all) core
vars as errors (not warnings). In future PRs we can gradually unshadow more
vars. For the record, name is shadowed 40 times in the new code and 130 in
total, and type is shadowed 93 times in the new code and 124 in total!

What about non-core vars, should we allow shadowing? There are ~70 non-core
shadowed vars. In my opinion, we should also lint and disallow shadowing
non-core vars, since it may cause the same kind of bugs of shadowing core vars.
But this decision can be left for another moment/issue, after we have fixed the
most prominent problem of shadowing core vars.

Which vars are unshadowed in this PR? I fixed 62 errors and unshadowed
cljs.core/iter, cljs.core/time, cljs.core/count, cljs.core/key,


- [clj-kondo linter: shadowed-var](
2023-07-06 10:28:07 +00:00
flexsurfer 4decba8d00
multiaccounts refactoring S3, refactor keychain and touchid, move and refactor create/recover/login profile (#16448)
* multiaccounts refactoring S3 E1, refactor keychain and touchid,simplify app init flow, refactor biometric flow
* S3 E2 move and refactor create/recover/login methods
2023-07-06 11:25:57 +02:00
Icaro Motta 19ca8e28a5
Lint and fix missing trailing newlines (#16445)
Apply the Clojure Style Guide recommendation to end files with proper lines
(having a trailing newline character). See
2023-07-04 19:40:13 +00:00
Brian Sztamfater c2c79cc1ac
feat: implement onboarding modal transition for sign in screen (#16167) 2023-07-04 12:43:08 -03:00
Andrea Maria Piana 36a72f2d63
Set nameserver on login 2023-07-01 08:39:12 +01:00
flexsurfer d9f7510d13
key-storage cleanup (#16427) 2023-06-29 14:29:39 +02:00
flexsurfer c5a7bf39d7
multiaccounts refactoring part1 (#16414) 2023-06-28 13:48:34 +02:00
Jamie Caprani e0e693791f
chore: small refactor to remove some uses of status-im in status-im2 (#16358) 2023-06-27 07:11:07 -07:00
Jamie Caprani 46182ad308
chore: move activity centre and share into shell namespace (#16395) 2023-06-27 03:48:23 -07:00
Omar Basem 86219dbad8
feat: save image (#16268)
* feat: save image
2023-06-27 11:03:29 +04:00
frank ab16ca34dd
improve: enable collect logs before login (#16392) 2023-06-27 07:42:53 +08:00
Jamie Caprani 9767c3f3a5
chore:move jump-to functionality inside namespace for shell (#16361) 2023-06-23 16:39:42 +01:00
Jamie Caprani e5778ee300
feat: add new theming mechanism (#16191)
* chore: set react-dom to same version as react
2023-06-23 05:11:50 -07:00
Ibrahem Khalil 7aa40b8adf
[14556, 14259] Allow users to mute community channels and to mute chats for specific duration (#15128) 2023-06-22 08:25:17 +03:00
frank db44ee67e6
init status-go logging once app start up (#16325)
2023-06-22 07:45:55 +08:00
erikseppanen d91e67cae7
Add featured-community data (#16232) 2023-06-21 10:07:00 -04:00
Andrea Maria Piana 66cd3edf7f
Use new login endpoint

This commit changes the login endpoint so that it uses LoginAccount.
The main difference is that is consistent with the two others we use for
creation/importing, and this will override the networks and use the
secrets provided.
2023-06-20 16:51:15 +01:00
Mohamed Javid b397411daa
Upgrade `react-native-camera-kit` library to resolve camera issues in Sign In screen (#16248)
Signed-off-by: Mohamed Javid <>
2023-06-20 18:50:05 +05:30
Parvesh Monu 4f4489ee51
fix the activity center crash when replying with an image (#16281) 2023-06-15 17:36:48 +05:30
Parvesh Monu bcc20c7458
Shell navigation and animations 2023-06-14 22:18:01 +05:30
Omar Basem fbe4b0a36c
feat: Lightbox share images (#16224)
* feat: share images
2023-06-14 18:24:55 +04:00
flexsurfer 2932bbea85
[#15836] Images not displayed in chat when received by user with app … (#16256) 2023-06-13 18:21:33 +02:00
Parvesh Monu f38c85546f
fix App crashes when pressing on community link (#16019) 2023-06-12 22:39:22 +05:30
frank 78d6db5bf0
chore: align changes to RequestAllHistoricMessagesWithRetries (#16244) 2023-06-12 15:22:04 +08:00
Mohamed Javid 2df1b46975
[iOS] Perform preflight check for local network permission (#16150)
Signed-off-by: Mohamed Javid <>
2023-06-09 15:55:15 +05:30
Mohamed Javid c59de7dbf8
[Fix] Navigation to message reaction (#16218)
Signed-off-by: Mohamed Javid <>
2023-06-08 21:47:10 +05:30
Omar Basem a5455739c6
Add Images count to reply (#16194)
* fix: images reply count


Co-authored-by: pavloburykh <>
2023-06-07 18:35:51 +04:00
Alexander 396ee208bf
Chat Screen Top Bar UI + new UI for user details (#15204)
* Fixes

* Reformatting + fixes

* Functions rewrite

* f-function

* One more f-function

* Minor constants fixes

* Jump to button removal

* Footer insets fix

* Better loading indicator

* Review fixes

* Fixes for Android

* More fixes

* More fixes

* Fix

* Fixes for scaling

* Overscroll fixes

* Better empty view on Android

* Android fixes, scrolling fixes

* Value fix

* Code style fixes

* Fix for scroll indicator insets

* Fixes

* Accessibility-ids

* Code style fixes

* Footer fix

* Style update
2023-06-01 16:08:47 +01:00
flexsurfer a4bc18ee3f
improve photo-selector and adjust according to the latest designs (#16053) 2023-06-01 10:35:57 +02:00
Mohamed Javid d142d58677
Local Pairing Updates (#16065)
Signed-off-by: Mohamed Javid <>
2023-06-01 13:40:22 +05:30
Ibrahem Khalil 56dbb77ee5
[15660] Show who sent message reaction (#15677) 2023-06-01 09:21:33 +02:00
Roman Volosovskyi d395ca6cc6
Allign to latest accounts changes 2023-05-30 13:57:09 +02:00
Roman Volosovskyi a18cf2f786
Old wallet 2023-05-26 09:14:45 +02:00
flexsurfer 2c44882c35
clean old onboarding and communities (#15994) 2023-05-24 11:16:12 +02:00
Brian Sztamfater a3ce2aa578
fix: audio recording bugs while scroll in chat
Signed-off-by: Brian Sztamfater <>
2023-05-23 11:49:34 -03:00