Add new text input component
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
(:require [quo2.components.markdown.text :as text]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]))
(def variants-colors
"Colors that keep the same across input's status change"
{:light {:label colors/neutral-50
:icon colors/neutral-50
:cursor (colors/custom-color :blue 50)
:button-border colors/neutral-30
:clear-icon colors/neutral-40
:password-icon colors/neutral-50}
:light-blur {:label colors/neutral-80-opa-40
:icon colors/neutral-80-opa-70
:cursor (colors/custom-color :blue 50)
:button-border colors/neutral-80-opa-30
:password-icon colors/neutral-100
:clear-icon colors/neutral-80-opa-30}
:dark {:label colors/neutral-40
:icon colors/neutral-40
:cursor (colors/custom-color :blue 60)
:button-border colors/neutral-70
:password-icon colors/white
:clear-icon colors/neutral-60}
:dark-blur {:label colors/white-opa-40
:icon colors/white-opa-70
:cursor colors/white
:button-border colors/white-opa-10
:password-icon colors/white
:clear-icon colors/white-opa-10}})
(def status-colors
{:light {:default {:border-color colors/neutral-20
:placeholder colors/neutral-40
:text colors/neutral-100}
:focus {:border-color colors/neutral-40
:placeholder colors/neutral-30
:text colors/neutral-100}
:error {:border-color colors/danger-opa-40
:placeholder colors/neutral-40
:text colors/neutral-100}
:disabled {:border-color colors/neutral-20
:placeholder colors/neutral-40
:text colors/neutral-40}}
:light-blur {:default {:border-color colors/neutral-80-opa-10
:placeholder colors/neutral-80-opa-40
:text colors/neutral-100}
:focus {:border-color colors/neutral-80-opa-20
:placeholder colors/neutral-80-opa-20
:text colors/neutral-100}
:error {:border-color colors/danger-opa-40
:placeholder colors/neutral-80-opa-40
:text colors/neutral-100}
:disabled {:border-color colors/neutral-80-opa-10
:placeholder colors/neutral-80-opa-30
:text colors/neutral-80-opa-30}}
:dark {:default {:border-color colors/neutral-80
:placeholder colors/neutral-50
:text colors/white}
:focus {:border-color colors/neutral-60
:placeholder colors/neutral-60
:text colors/white}
:error {:border-color colors/danger-opa-40
:placeholder colors/white-opa-40
:text colors/white}
:disabled {:border-color colors/neutral-80
:placeholder colors/neutral-40
:text colors/neutral-40}}
:dark-blur {:default {:border-color colors/white-opa-10
:placeholder colors/white-opa-40
:text colors/white}
:focus {:border-color colors/white-opa-40
:placeholder colors/white-opa-20
:text colors/white}
:error {:border-color colors/danger-opa-40
:placeholder colors/white-opa-40
:text colors/white}
:disabled {:border-color colors/white-opa-10
:placeholder colors/white-opa-20
:text colors/white-opa-20}}})
(defn input-container
[colors-by-status small? disabled?]
{:flex-direction :row
:padding-horizontal 8
:border-width 1
:border-color (:border-color colors-by-status)
:border-radius (if small? 10 14)
:opacity (if disabled? 0.3 1)})
(defn left-icon-container
{:margin-left (if small? 0 4)
:margin-right (if small? 4 8)
:margin-top (if small? 5 9)
:height 20
:width 20})
(defn icon
{:color (:icon colors-by-variant)
:size 20})
(defn input
[colors-by-status small? multiple-lines?]
(merge (text/text-style {:size :paragraph-1 :weight :regular})
{:flex 1
:text-align-vertical :top
:padding-horizontal 0
:padding-vertical (if small? 4 8)
:color (:text colors-by-status)}
(when-not multiple-lines?
{:height (if small? 30 38)})))
(defn right-icon-touchable-area
{:margin-left (if small? 4 8)
:padding-right (if small? 0 4)
:padding-top (if small? 5 9)})
(defn password-icon
{:size 20
:color (:password-icon variant-colors)})
(defn clear-icon
{:size 20
:color (:clear-icon variant-colors)})
(def texts-container
{:flex 1
:flex-direction :row
:height 18
:margin-bottom 8})
(def label-container {:flex 1})
(defn label-color
{:color (:label variant-colors)})
(def counter-container
{:flex 1
:align-items :flex-end})
(defn counter-color
[current-chars char-limit variant-colors]
{:color (if (> current-chars char-limit)
(:label variant-colors))})
(defn button
[colors-by-variant small?]
{:justify-content :center
:align-items :center
:height 24
:border-width 1
:border-color (:button-border colors-by-variant)
:border-radius 8
:margin-vertical (if small? 3 7)
:margin-left 4
:margin-right (if small? -4 0)
:padding-horizontal 7
:padding-top 1.5
:padding-bottom 2.5})
(defn button-text
{:color (:text colors-by-status)})
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
(ns quo2.components.input.view
(:require [oops.core :as oops]
[quo2.components.icon :as icon]
[ :as style]
[quo2.components.markdown.text :as text]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[reagent.core :as reagent]))
(defn- label-&-counter
[{:keys [label current-chars char-limit variant-colors]}]
(let [count-text (when char-limit (str current-chars "/" char-limit))]
[rn/view {:style style/texts-container}
[rn/view {:style style/label-container}
{:style (style/label-color variant-colors)
:weight :medium
:size :paragraph-2}
[rn/view {:style style/counter-container}
{:style (style/counter-color current-chars char-limit variant-colors)
:weight :regular
:size :paragraph-2}
(defn- left-accessory
[{:keys [variant-colors small icon-name]}]
[rn/view {:style (style/left-icon-container small)}
[icon/icon icon-name (style/icon variant-colors)]])
(defn- right-accessory
[{:keys [variant-colors small disabled on-press icon-style-fn icon-name]}]
{:style (style/right-icon-touchable-area small)
:disabled disabled
:on-press on-press}
[icon/icon icon-name (icon-style-fn variant-colors)]])
(defn- right-button
[{:keys [variant-colors colors-by-status small disabled on-press text]}]
{:style (style/button variant-colors small)
:disabled disabled
:on-press on-press}
[rn/text {:style (style/button-text colors-by-status)}
(def ^:private custom-props
"Custom properties that must be removed from properties map passed to InputText."
[:type :variant :error :right-icon :left-icon :disabled :small :button :label
:char-limit :on-char-limit-reach :icon-name])
(defn- base-input
[{:keys [on-change-text on-char-limit-reach]}]
(let [status (reagent/atom :default)
on-focus #(reset! status :focus)
on-blur #(reset! status :default)
multiple-lines? (reagent/atom false)
set-multiple-lines! #(let [height (oops/oget % "nativeEvent.contentSize.height")]
(if (> height 57)
(reset! multiple-lines? true)
(reset! multiple-lines? false)))
char-count (reagent/atom 0)
update-char-limit! (fn [new-text char-limit]
(when on-change-text (on-change-text new-text))
(let [amount-chars (count new-text)]
(reset! char-count amount-chars)
(when (>= amount-chars char-limit)
(on-char-limit-reach amount-chars))))]
(fn [{:keys [variant error right-icon left-icon disabled small button label char-limit
multiline clearable]
:or {variant :light}
:as props}]
(let [status-path (cond
disabled :disabled
error :error
:else @status)
colors-by-status (get-in style/status-colors [variant status-path])
variant-colors (style/variants-colors variant)
clean-props (apply dissoc props custom-props)]
(when (or label char-limit)
{:variant-colors variant-colors
:label label
:current-chars @char-count
:char-limit char-limit}])
[rn/view {:style (style/input-container colors-by-status small disabled)}
(when-let [{:keys [icon-name]} left-icon]
{:variant-colors variant-colors
:small small
:icon-name icon-name}])
(cond-> {:style (style/input colors-by-status small @multiple-lines?)
:placeholder-text-color (:placeholder colors-by-status)
:cursor-color (:cursor variant-colors)
:editable (not disabled)
:on-focus on-focus
:on-blur on-blur}
:always (merge clean-props)
multiline (assoc :on-content-size-change set-multiple-lines!)
char-limit (assoc :on-change-text #(update-char-limit! char-limit %)))]
(when-let [{:keys [on-press icon-name style-fn]} right-icon]
{:variant-colors variant-colors
:small small
:disabled disabled
:icon-style-fn style-fn
:icon-name icon-name
:on-press (fn []
(when clearable (reset! char-count 0))
(when-let [{:keys [on-press text]} button]
{:colors-by-status colors-by-status
:variant-colors variant-colors
:small small
:disabled disabled
:on-press on-press
:text text}])]]))))
(defn- password-input
(let [password-shown? (reagent/atom false)]
(fn [props]
(assoc props
:auto-capitalize :none
:auto-complete :new-password
:secure-text-entry (not @password-shown?)
:right-icon {:style-fn style/password-icon
:icon-name (if @password-shown? :i/hide :i/reveal)
:on-press #(swap! password-shown? not)})])))
(defn input
"This input supports the following properties:
- :type - Can be `:text`(default) or `:password`.
- :variant - :light(default), :light-blur, :dark or :dark-blur.
- :small - Boolean to specify if this input is rendered in its small version.
- :multiline - Boolean to specify if this input support multiple lines.
- :icon-name - The name of an icon to display at the left of the input.
- :error - Boolean to specify it this input marks an error.
- :disabled - Boolean to specify if this input is disabled or not.
- :clearable - Booolean to specify if this input has a clear button at the end.
- :on-clear - Function executed when the clear button is pressed.
- :button - Map containing `:on-press` & `:text` keys, if provided renders a button
- :label - A label for this input.
- :char-limit - A number to set a maximum char limit for this input.
- :on-char-limit-reach - Function executed each time char limit is reached or exceeded.
and supports the usual React Native's TextInput properties to control its behaviour:
- :value
- :default-value
- :on-change
- :on-change-text
[{:keys [type clearable on-clear on-change-text icon-name]
:or {type :text}
:as props}]
(let [base-props (cond-> props
icon-name (assoc-in [:left-icon :icon-name] icon-name)
clearable (assoc :right-icon
{:style-fn style/clear-icon
:icon-name :i/clear
:on-press #(when on-clear (on-clear))})
on-change-text (assoc :on-change-text
(fn [new-text]
(on-change-text new-text)
(if (= type :password)
[password-input base-props]
[base-input base-props])))
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
@ -139,6 +140,9 @@
(def drawer-buttons quo2.components.drawers.drawer-buttons.view/view)
(def drawer-buttons quo2.components.drawers.drawer-buttons.view/view)
(def permission-context quo2.components.drawers.permission-context.view/view)
(def permission-context quo2.components.drawers.permission-context.view/view)
(def input quo2.components.input.view/input)
(def channel-list-item
(def channel-list-item
(def menu-item
(def menu-item
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
(def neutral-5-opa-70 (alpha neutral-5 0.7))
(def neutral-5-opa-70 (alpha neutral-5 0.7))
(def neutral-80-blur-opa-80 "rgba(25,36,56,0.8)")
(def neutral-90-opa-70 (alpha neutral-90 0.7))
(def neutral-90-opa-70 (alpha neutral-90 0.7))
;;80 with transparency
;;80 with transparency
@ -152,6 +153,10 @@
(def success-60-opa-40 (alpha success-60 0.4))
(def success-60-opa-40 (alpha success-60 0.4))
(def danger "#E95460")
;; Danger with transparency
(def danger-opa-40 (alpha danger 0.4))
(def danger-50 "#E65F5C")
(def danger-50 "#E65F5C")
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
(ns status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.inputs.input
[clojure.string :as string]
[quo2.components.input.view :as quo2]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview :as preview]))
(def descriptor
[{:label "Type:"
:key :type
:type :select
:options [{:key :text
:value "Text"}
{:key :password
:value "Password"}]}
{:label "Variant:"
:key :variant
:type :select
:options [{:key :light
:value "Light"}
{:key :dark
:value "Dark"}
{:key :light-blur
:value "Light blur"}
{:key :dark-blur
:value "Dark blur"}]}
{:label "Error:"
:key :error
:type :boolean}
{:label "Icon:"
:key :icon-name
:type :boolean}
{:label "Disabled:"
:key :disabled
:type :boolean}
{:label "Clearable:"
:key :clearable
:type :boolean}
{:label "Small:"
:key :small
:type :boolean}
{:label "Multiline:"
:key :multiline
:type :boolean}
{:label "Button:"
:key :button
:type :boolean}
{:label "Label:"
:key :label
:type :text}
{:label "Char limit:"
:key :char-limit
:type :select
:options [{:key 10
:value "10"}
{:key 50
:value "50"}
{:key 100
:value "100"}]}
{:label "Value:"
:key :value
:type :text}])
(defn cool-preview
(let [state (reagent/atom {:type :text
:variant :light-blur
:placeholder "Type something"
:error false
:icon-name false
:value ""
:clearable false
:on-char-limit-reach #(js/alert
(str "Char limit reached: " %))})]
(fn []
(let [background-color (case (:variant @state)
:dark-blur "rgb(39, 61, 81)"
:dark colors/neutral-95
:light-blur "rgb(233,247,247)"
blank-label? (string/blank? (:label @state))
icon? (boolean (:icon-name @state))
button-props {:on-press #(js/alert "Button pressed!")
:text "My button"}]
[rn/touchable-without-feedback {:on-press rn/dismiss-keyboard!}
[rn/view {:style {:padding-bottom 150}}
[rn/view {:style {:flex 1}}
[preview/customizer state descriptor]]
{:style {:flex 1
:align-items :center
:padding-vertical 60
:background-color background-color}}
[rn/view {:style {:width 300}}
(cond-> @state
:always (assoc
:on-clear #(swap! state assoc :value "")
:on-change-text #(swap! state assoc :value %))
(:button @state) (assoc :button button-props)
blank-label? (dissoc :label)
icon? (assoc :icon-name :i/placeholder))]]]]]))))
(defn preview-input
{:style {:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/white colors/neutral-90)
:flex 1}}
{:style {:flex 1}
:keyboardShouldPersistTaps :always
:header [cool-preview]
:key-fn str}]])
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.tags.status-tags :as status-tags]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.tags.status-tags :as status-tags]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.tags.tags :as tags]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.tags.tags :as tags]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.tags.token-tag :as token-tag]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.tags.token-tag :as token-tag]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.inputs.input :as input]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.wallet.lowest-price :as lowest-price]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.wallet.lowest-price :as lowest-price]
[ :as network-amount]
[ :as network-amount]
[ :as network-breakdown]
[ :as network-breakdown]
@ -165,6 +166,9 @@
{:name :information-box
{:name :information-box
:insets {:top false}
:insets {:top false}
:component information-box/preview-information-box}]
:component information-box/preview-information-box}]
:inputs [{:name :input
:insets {:top false}
:component input/preview-input}]
:list-items [{:name :channel
:list-items [{:name :channel
:insets {:top false}
:insets {:top false}
:component channel/preview-channel}
:component channel/preview-channel}
Reference in New Issue