mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 05:16:46 +00:00
[#4874]: Specified gas price is automatically reverted to default one if open Assets or any screen to specify Recipient
Signed-off-by: Julien Eluard <julien.eluard@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns status-im.ui.screens.wallet.choose-recipient.events
(:require [status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.ui.screens.wallet.send.events :as send.events]
[status-im.utils.ethereum.core :as ethereum]
[status-im.utils.ethereum.eip681 :as eip681]
[status-im.utils.handlers :as handlers]
@ -17,14 +18,17 @@
{:pre [(not (nil? address))]}
db [:wallet :send-transaction]
#(cond-> (assoc % :to address :to-name name :whisper-identity whisper-identity)
(fn [{old-symbol :symbol :as old-transaction}]
(let [symbol-changed? (not= old-symbol symbol)]
(cond-> (assoc old-transaction :to address :to-name name :whisper-identity whisper-identity)
value (assoc :amount value)
symbol (assoc :symbol symbol)
gas (assoc :gas (money/bignumber gas))
gasPrice (assoc :gas-price (money/bignumber gasPrice))
(and gas symbol-changed?) (assoc :gas (money/bignumber gas))
from-chat? (assoc :from-chat? from-chat?)
(and symbol (not gasPrice))
(assoc :gas-price (ethereum/estimate-gas symbol)))))
(and gasPrice symbol-changed?)
(assoc :gas-price (money/bignumber gasPrice))
(and symbol (not gasPrice) symbol-changed?)
(assoc :gas-price (ethereum/estimate-gas symbol)))))))
(defn- extract-details
"First try to parse as EIP681 URI, if not assume this is an address directly.
@ -36,8 +40,9 @@
{:address s :chain-id chain-id})))
;; NOTE(janherich) - whenever changing assets, we want to clear the previusly set amount/amount-text
(defn changed-asset [fx old-symbol new-symbol]
(defn changed-asset [{:keys [db] :as fx} old-symbol new-symbol]
(-> fx
(merge (send.events/update-gas-price db))
(assoc-in [:db :wallet :send-transaction :amount] nil)
(assoc-in [:db :wallet :send-transaction :amount-text] nil)
(assoc-in [:db :wallet :send-transaction :asset-error]
@ -54,8 +59,7 @@
(fn [{{:keys [network] :as db} :db} [_ data origin]]
(let [{:keys [view-id]} db
current-chain-id (get-in constants/default-networks [network :config :NetworkId])
(let [current-chain-id (get-in constants/default-networks [network :config :NetworkId])
{:keys [address chain-id] :as details} (extract-details data current-chain-id)
valid-network? (boolean (= current-chain-id chain-id))
previous-state (get-in db [:wallet :send-transaction])
@ -63,19 +67,19 @@
new-symbol (:symbol details)
old-amount (:amount previous-state)
new-amount (:value details)
new-gas (:gas details)]
new-gas (:gas details)
symbol-changed? (and old-symbol new-symbol (not= old-symbol new-symbol))]
(cond-> {:db db
:dispatch [:navigate-back]}
(and address (= :choose-recipient view-id)) (assoc :dispatch [:navigate-back])
(and address valid-network?) (update :db #(fill-request-details % details))
(and old-symbol new-symbol (not= old-symbol new-symbol)) (changed-asset old-symbol new-symbol)
symbol-changed? (changed-asset old-symbol new-symbol)
(and old-amount new-amount (not= old-amount new-amount)) (changed-amount-warning old-amount new-amount)
;; NOTE(goranjovic) - the next line is there is because QR code scanning switches the amount to ETH
;; automatically, so we need to update the gas limit accordingly. The check for origin screen is there
;; so that we wouldn't also switch gas limit to ETH specific if the user pastes address as text.
;; We need to check if address is defined so that we wouldn't trigger this behavior when invalid QR is scanned
;; (e.g. whisper-id)
(and address (= origin :qr) (not new-gas)) (use-default-eth-gas)
(and address (= origin :qr) (not new-gas) symbol-changed?) (use-default-eth-gas)
(not address) (assoc :show-error (i18n/label :t/wallet-invalid-address {:data data}))
(and address (not valid-network?)) (assoc :show-error (i18n/label :t/wallet-invalid-chain-id {:data data :chain current-chain-id}))))))
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
(defmethod navigation/preload-data! :wallet-send-transaction
[db [event]]
(re-frame/dispatch [:wallet/update-gas-price])
(if (= event :navigate-back)
(assoc-in db [:wallet :send-transaction] transaction-send-default)))
(re-frame/dispatch [:wallet/update-gas-price])
(assoc-in db [:wallet :send-transaction] transaction-send-default))))
@ -100,15 +100,34 @@
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ amount symbol decimals]]
{:db (set-and-validate-amount-db db amount symbol decimals)}))
(defn update-gas-price
([db edit? success-event]
{:update-gas-price {:web3 (:web3 db)
:success-event (or success-event :wallet/update-gas-price-success)
:edit? edit?}})
([db edit?] (update-gas-price db edit? :wallet/update-gas-price-success))
([db] (update-gas-price db false :wallet/update-gas-price-success)))
(defn recalculate-gas [{:keys [db] :as fx} symbol]
(-> fx
(assoc-in [:db :wallet :send-transaction :gas] (ethereum/estimate-gas symbol))
(merge (update-gas-price db))))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ edit?]]
(update-gas-price db edit?)))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ symbol]]
{:db (-> db
(let [old-symbol (get-in db [:wallet :send-transaction :symbol])]
(cond-> {:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:wallet :send-transaction :symbol] symbol)
(assoc-in [:wallet :send-transaction :amount] nil)
(assoc-in [:wallet :send-transaction :amount-text] nil)
(assoc-in [:wallet :send-transaction :asset-error] nil)
(assoc-in [:wallet :send-transaction :gas] (ethereum/estimate-gas symbol)))}))
(assoc-in [:wallet :send-transaction :asset-error] nil))}
(not= old-symbol symbol) (recalculate-gas symbol)))))
@ -313,18 +332,6 @@
:masked-password password
:on-completed on-transactions-modal-completed}})))
(defn update-gas-price
([db edit? success-event]
{:update-gas-price {:web3 (:web3 db)
:success-event (or success-event :wallet/update-gas-price-success)
:edit? edit?}})
([db edit?] (update-gas-price db edit? :wallet/update-gas-price-success)))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ edit?]]
(update-gas-price db edit?)))
(defn sign-transaction-modal [{:keys [db]} default-gas-price]
;;TODO(goranjovic) - unify send-transaction and unsigned-transaction
(let [{:keys [id password] :as send-transaction} (get-in db [:wallet :send-transaction])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user