mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 18:40:54 +00:00
fix multiple set view-id events dispatched (#19083)
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
[status-im.contexts.profile.push-notifications.events :as notifications]
[status-im.contexts.shell.jump-to.state :as shell.state]
[status-im.contexts.shell.jump-to.utils :as shell.utils]
[status-im.navigation.core :as navigation]
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@
(defn init
(native-module/init #(re-frame/dispatch [:signals/signal-received %]))
(when platform/android?
(native-module/set-soft-input-mode adjust-resize))
@ -11,86 +11,88 @@
[status-im.navigation.view :as views]
[utils.re-frame :as rf]))
(fn [screen-key]
(let [screen (views/screen screen-key)]
(navigation/register-component screen-key
(fn [] (gesture/gesture-handler-root-hoc screen))
(fn [] screen)))))
(defn init
(fn [screen-key]
(let [screen (views/screen screen-key)]
(navigation/register-component screen-key
(fn [] (gesture/gesture-handler-root-hoc screen))
(fn [] screen)))))
(fn []
(navigation/set-default-options options/default-options)
(reset! state/curr-modal false)
(reset! state/dissmissing false)
(re-frame/dispatch [:bottom-sheet-hidden])
(if (= @state/root-id :multiaccounts-stack)
(re-frame/dispatch-sync [:set-multiaccount-root])
(when @state/root-id
(reset! theme/device-theme (rn/get-color-scheme))
(re-frame/dispatch [:init-root @state/root-id])
(re-frame/dispatch [:chat/check-last-chat])))
(fn [view-id]
(when (get views/screens view-id)
;;NOTE when back from the background on Android, this event happens for all screens, but we
;;need only for active one
(when (and @state/curr-modal (= @state/curr-modal view-id))
(effects/set-view-id view-id))
(when-not @state/curr-modal
(effects/set-view-id view-id)
(reset! state/pushed-screen-id view-id)))))
;;;; Modal
(fn [id]
(if (= "dismiss-modal" id)
(when-let [event (get-in views/screens [(last @state/modals) :on-dissmiss])]
(rf/dispatch event))
(when-let [handler (get-in views/screens [(keyword id) :right-handler])]
(fn []
(if (> (count @state/modals) 1)
(let [new-modals (butlast @state/modals)]
(reset! state/modals (vec new-modals))
(effects/set-view-id (last new-modals)))
(reset! state/modals [])
(reset! state/curr-modal false)
(effects/set-view-id @state/pushed-screen-id)))
(let [component @state/dissmissing]
(fn []
(navigation/set-default-options options/default-options)
(reset! state/curr-modal false)
(reset! state/dissmissing false)
(when (keyword? component)
(effects/open-modal component)))))
(re-frame/dispatch [:bottom-sheet-hidden])
(if (= @state/root-id :multiaccounts-stack)
(re-frame/dispatch-sync [:set-multiaccount-root])
(when @state/root-id
(reset! theme/device-theme (rn/get-color-scheme))
(re-frame/dispatch [:init-root @state/root-id])
(re-frame/dispatch [:chat/check-last-chat])))
;;;; Toast
(fn [view-id]
(when (get views/screens view-id)
;;NOTE when back from the background on Android, this event happens for all screens, but we
;;need only for active one
(when (and @state/curr-modal (= @state/curr-modal view-id))
(effects/set-view-id view-id))
(when-not @state/curr-modal
(effects/set-view-id view-id)
(reset! state/pushed-screen-id view-id)))))
; `:flex 0` is the same as `flex: 0 0 auto` in CSS.
; We need this to override the HOC default layout which is
; flex 1. If we don't override this property, this HOC
; will catch all touches/gestures while the toast is shown,
; preventing the user doing any action in the app
#(gesture/gesture-handler-root-hoc views/toasts
#js {:flex 0})
(fn [] views/toasts))
;;;; Modal
;;;; Bottom sheet
(fn [id]
(if (= "dismiss-modal" id)
(when-let [event (get-in views/screens [(last @state/modals) :on-dissmiss])]
(rf/dispatch event))
(when-let [handler (get-in views/screens [(keyword id) :right-handler])]
(fn [] (gesture/gesture-handler-root-hoc views/bottom-sheet))
(fn [] views/bottom-sheet))
(fn []
(if (> (count @state/modals) 1)
(let [new-modals (butlast @state/modals)]
(reset! state/modals (vec new-modals))
(effects/set-view-id (last new-modals)))
(reset! state/modals [])
(reset! state/curr-modal false)
(effects/set-view-id @state/pushed-screen-id)))
(let [component @state/dissmissing]
(reset! state/dissmissing false)
(when (keyword? component)
(effects/open-modal component)))))
;;;; Toast
; `:flex 0` is the same as `flex: 0 0 auto` in CSS.
; We need this to override the HOC default layout which is
; flex 1. If we don't override this property, this HOC
; will catch all touches/gestures while the toast is shown,
; preventing the user doing any action in the app
#(gesture/gesture-handler-root-hoc views/toasts
#js {:flex 0})
(fn [] views/toasts))
;;;; Bottom sheet
(fn [] (gesture/gesture-handler-root-hoc views/bottom-sheet))
(fn [] views/bottom-sheet)))
;; LEGACY (should be removed in status 2.0)
@ -129,12 +129,11 @@
(defn open-modal
(let [{:keys [options name]} (get views/screens component)
sheet? (:sheet? options)]
(let [{:keys [options]} (get views/screens component)
sheet? (:sheet? options)]
(if @state/dissmissing
(reset! state/dissmissing component)
(set-view-id name) ; TODO https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/issues/18811
(reset! state/curr-modal true)
(swap! state/modals conj component)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user