mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 11:34:45 +00:00
group adding/adding
This commit is contained in:
@ -406,9 +406,8 @@
(register-handler :add-chat
(fn [{:keys [chats]} [_ chat-id chat]]
(when-not (get chats chat-id)
(dispatch [::add-chat chat-id chat])))))
(fn [_ [_ chat-id chat]]
(dispatch [::add-chat chat-id chat]))))
(register-handler ::add-chat
(-> add-new-chat
@ -572,3 +571,29 @@
(let [chat (-> (chats/get-by-id chat-id)
(update :clock-value inc))]
(dispatch [:update-chat! chat])))))
(register-handler :update-group-message
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key web3 chats]}
[_ {:keys [from]
{:keys [group-id keypair timestamp]} :payload}]]
(let [{:keys [private public]} keypair]
(let [{:keys [updated-at removed-at]} (chats/get-by-id group-id)
is-active (chats/is-active? group-id)
chat {:chat-id group-id
:public-key public
:private-key private
:updated-at timestamp}]
(when (and (= from (get-in chats [group-id :group-admin]))
(or (not (chats/exists? group-id))
(> timestamp removed-at)
(> timestamp updated-at)))
(dispatch [:update-chat! chat])
(when is-active
{:web3 web3
:group-id group-id
:identity current-public-key
:keypair keypair
:callback #(dispatch [:incoming-message %1 %2])}))))))))
@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
(dispatch [:upsert-chat! {:chat-id chat-id'
:group-chat group-chat?
:clock-value clock-value}])
(dispatch [::add-message chat-id message'])
(dispatch [::add-message chat-id' message'])
(when (= (:content-type message') content-type-command-request)
(dispatch [:add-request chat-id' message']))
(dispatch [:add-unviewed-message chat-id' message-id]))
(if (and
(= (:content-type message) content-type-command)
(not= chat-id wallet-chat-id)
(not= chat-id' wallet-chat-id)
(= "send" (get-in message [:content :command])))
(add-message-to-wallet db message)))))
@ -39,9 +39,10 @@
(defview message-input [input-options set-layout-size]
[input-message [:get-chat-input-text]
disable? [:get :disable-input]]
disable? [:get :disable-input]
active? [:chat :is-active]]
[text-input (merge
(plain-input-options disable?)
(plain-input-options (or disable? (not active?)))
{:placeholder-text-color :#c0c5c9
:auto-focus false
:blur-on-submit true
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
:default default-chat-color}
:group-chat {:type :bool
:indexed true}
:group-admin {:type :string
:optional true}
:is-active :bool
:timestamp :int
:contacts {:type :list
@ -20,6 +22,12 @@
:optional true}
:removed-at {:type :int
:optional true}
:removed-from-at {:type :int
:optional true}
:added-to-at {:type :int
:optional true}
:updated-at {:type :int
:optional true}
:last-message-id :string
:public-key {:type :string
:optional true}
@ -80,10 +80,45 @@
(chats/remove-contacts current-chat-id selected-participants))
(defn notify-about-removing!
[{:keys [current-chat-id selected-participants]} _]
[{:keys [web3 current-chat-id selected-participants chats current-public-key]} _]
(let [{:keys [private public] :as new-keypair} (protocol/new-keypair!)
{:keys [name private-key public-key]
:as chat} (get chats current-chat-id)
old-keypair {:private private-key
:public public-key}
contacts (get chat :contacts)
identities (-> (map :identity contacts)
(clojure.set/difference selected-participants))]
(dispatch [:update-chat! {:chat-id current-chat-id
:private-key private
:public-key public}])
(doseq [participant selected-participants]
;;todo implement
(let [id (random/id)]
(doseq [keypair [old-keypair new-keypair]]
{:web3 web3
:group-id current-chat-id
:identity participant
:keypair keypair
:message {:from current-public-key
:message-id id}}))))
{:web3 web3
:group-id current-chat-id
:identity current-public-key
:keypair new-keypair
:callback #(dispatch [:incoming-message %1 %2])})
{:web3 web3
:group {:id current-chat-id
:name name
:contacts (conj identities current-public-key)
:admin current-public-key
:keypair new-keypair}
:identities identities
:message {:from current-public-key
:message-id (random/id)}})))
(defn system-message [message-id content]
{:from "system"
@ -113,7 +148,7 @@
;; about the api call that removes participants from the group?
((after remove-members-from-chat!))
;; todo uncomment
;((after notify-about-removing!))
((after notify-about-removing!))
((after create-removing-messages!))
((enrich deselect-members))
@ -130,25 +165,40 @@
(defn notify-about-new-members!
[{:keys [current-chat-id selected-participants
current-public-key chats web3]} _]
(let [{:keys [public-key private-key name contacts]} (chats current-chat-id)
(let [{:keys [name contacts]} (chats current-chat-id)
identities (map :identity contacts)
keypair {:public public-key
:private private-key}]
{:web3 web3
{:keys [public private]
:as new-keypair} (protocol/new-keypair!)
group-message {:web3 web3
:group {:id current-chat-id
:name name
:contacts (conj identities current-public-key)
:admin current-public-key
:keypair keypair}
:identities selected-participants
:admin current-public-key}
:message {:from current-public-key
:message-id (random/id)}})
:message-id (random/id)}}]
(dispatch [:update-chat! {:chat-id current-chat-id
:public-key public
:private-key private}])
(protocol/start-watching-group! {:web3 web3
:group-id current-chat-id
:identity current-public-key
:keypair new-keypair
:callback #(dispatch [:incoming-message %1 %2])})
(-> group-message
(assoc-in [:group :keypair] new-keypair)
(assoc :identities selected-participants)))
(-> group-message
(assoc-in [:group :keypair] new-keypair)
(assoc :identities identities)))
(doseq [identity selected-participants]
(protocol/add-to-group! {:web3 web3
:group-id current-chat-id
:identity identity
:keypair keypair
:keypair new-keypair
:message {:from current-public-key
:message-id (random/id)}}))))
@ -37,8 +37,9 @@
[view st/modal-inner-container
[text {:style st/modal-member-name} name]
[touchable-highlight {:on-press remove-member}
[text {:style st/modal-remove-text}
(label :t/remove)]]]]]))
(label :t/remove)]]]]]]))
(defview chat-members []
[members [:current-chat-contacts]]
@ -145,11 +146,11 @@
(when (pos? (count validation-messages))
[text {:style st/chat-name-validation-message} (first validation-messages)])])
(defn group-settings []
[view st/group-settings
[scroll-view st/body
(defview members []
[current-pk [:get :current-public-key]
group-admin [:chat :group-admin]]
(when (= current-pk group-admin)
[text {:style st/members-text} (label :t/members-title)]
[touchable-highlight {:on-press #(dispatch [:navigate-to :add-participants])}
;; TODO add participants view is not in design
@ -157,7 +158,14 @@
[icon :add_gray st/add-members-icon]
[text {:style st/add-members-text}
(label :t/add-members)]]]
(defn group-settings []
[view st/group-settings
[scroll-view st/body
[text {:style st/settings-text}
(label :t/settings)]
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
(s/join ", ")))
(defn prepare-chat
[{:keys [selected-contacts] :as db} [_ group-name]]
[{:keys [selected-contacts current-public-key] :as db} [_ group-name]]
(let [contacts (mapv #(hash-map :identity %) selected-contacts)
chat-name (if-not (s/blank? group-name)
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
:name chat-name
:color default-chat-color
:group-chat true
:group-admin current-public-key
:is-active true
:timestamp (.getTime (js/Date.))
:contacts contacts})))
@ -92,28 +93,31 @@
(register-handler :group-chat-invite-received
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key web3] :as db}
[_ {{:keys [group-id group-name contacts keypair timestamp] :as payload} :payload}]]
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key web3]}
[_ {:keys [from]
{:keys [group-id group-name contacts keypair timestamp]} :payload}]]
(let [{:keys [private public]} keypair]
(let [removed-at (chats/removed-at group-id)
is-active (chats/is-active? group-id)
contacts' (keep (fn [ident]
(when (not= ident current-public-key)
{:identity ident})) contacts)
chat {:name group-name
:group-chat true
:group-admin from
:public-key public
:private-key private
:contacts contacts'}]
(when (or (not (chats/exists? group-id))
(> timestamp removed-at))
(dispatch [:add-chat group-id (assoc chat :is-active true
:timestamp timestamp)])
(when-not is-active
:contacts contacts'
:added-to-at timestamp
:timestamp timestamp
:is-active true}
{:keys [removed-from-at] :as chat-from-db} (chats/get-by-id group-id)]
(when (or (not chat-from-db)
(and (> timestamp removed-at)
(> timestamp removed-from-at)))
(dispatch [:add-chat group-id chat])
{:web3 web3
:group-id group-id
:identity current-public-key
:keypair keypair
:callback #(dispatch [:incoming-message %1 %2])}))))))))
:callback #(dispatch [:incoming-message %1 %2])})))))))
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
(defn init-whisper!
[{:keys [rpc-url identity groups callback
hashtags contacts profile-keypair pending-messages]
contacts profile-keypair pending-messages]
:as options}]
{:pre [(valid? ::options options)]}
(debug :init-whisper)
@ -72,12 +72,6 @@
(let [web3 (u/make-web3 rpc-url)
listener-options {:web3 web3
:identity identity}]
;; start listening to user's inbox
{:to identity
:topics [f/status-topic]}
(l/message-listener (assoc listener-options :callback callback)))
;; start listening to groups
(doseq [{:keys [chat-id keypair]} groups]
@ -85,6 +79,12 @@
{:topics [chat-id]}
(l/message-listener (assoc listener-options :callback callback
:keypair keypair))))
;; start listening to user's inbox
{:to identity
:topics [f/status-topic]}
(l/message-listener (assoc listener-options :callback callback)))
;; start listening to profiles
(doseq [{:keys [identity keypair]} contacts]
(watch-user! {:web3 web3
@ -66,9 +66,11 @@
(s/def :group/name string?)
(s/def :group/id string?)
(s/def :group/admin string?)
(s/def :group/contacts (s/* string?))
(s/def ::group
(s/keys :req-un [:group/name :group/id :group/contacts :message/keypair]))
(s/keys :req-un
[:group/name :group/id :group/contacts :message/keypair :group/admin]))
(s/def :invite/options
(s/keys :req-un [:options/web3 :protocol/message ::group ::identities]))
@ -83,7 +83,9 @@
(dispatch [:pending-message-remove message]))
:seen (dispatch [:message-seen message])
:group-invitation (dispatch [:group-chat-invite-received message])
:update-group (dispatch [:update-group-message message])
:add-group-identity (dispatch [:participant-invited-to-group message])
:remove-group-identity (dispatch [:participant-removed-from-group message])
:leave-group (dispatch [:participant-left-group message])
:contact-request (dispatch [:contact-request-received message])
:discover (dispatch [:status-received message])
@ -117,23 +119,22 @@
invitee-name (if (= identity current-identity)
(label :t/You)
(:name (contacts/get-by-id identity)))]
(messages/save chat-id {:from "system"
{:from "system"
:group-id chat-id
:message-id message-id
:content (str (or inviter-name from) " " (label :t/invited) " " (or invitee-name identity))
:content-type text-content-type})))
:content-type text-content-type}))
(defn participant-removed-from-group-message [chat-id identity from message-id]
(defn participant-removed-from-group-message [identity from message-id]
(let [remover-name (:name (contacts/get-by-id from))
removed-name (:name (contacts/get-by-id identity))]
(->> (str (or remover-name from) " " (label :t/removed) " " (or removed-name identity))
(system-message message-id)
(messages/save chat-id))))
(system-message message-id))))
(defn you-removed-from-group-message [chat-id from message-id]
(defn you-removed-from-group-message [from message-id]
(let [remover-name (:name (contacts/get-by-id from))]
(->> (str (or remover-name from) " " (label :t/removed-from-chat))
(system-message message-id)
(messages/save chat-id))))
(system-message message-id))))
(defn participant-left-group-message [chat-id from message-id]
(let [left-name (:name (contacts/get-by-id from))]
@ -149,17 +150,38 @@
(register-handler :participant-removed-from-group
(fn [_ [action from group-id identity message-id]]
(log/debug action message-id from group-id identity)
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key chats]}
[_ {:keys [from]
{:keys [group-id identity message-id]} :payload
:as message}]]
(when-not (messages/get-by-id message-id)
(let [admin (get-in chats [group-id :group-admin])]
(when (= admin from)
(if (= current-public-key identity)
(dispatch [::you-removed-from-group message])
(let [message
(participant-removed-from-group-message identity from message-id)
:group-id group-id)]
(chats/remove-contacts group-id [identity])
(participant-removed-from-group-message group-id identity from message-id))))
(dispatch [:received-message message])))))))))
(register-handler :you-removed-from-group
(register-handler ::you-removed-from-group
(fn [_ [action from group-id message-id]]
(log/debug action message-id from group-id)
(you-removed-from-group-message group-id from message-id)
(chats/set-active group-id false))))
(fn [{:keys [web3]}
[_ {:keys [from]
{:keys [group-id message-id timestamp]} :payload}]]
(let [{:keys [added-to-at]} (chats/get-by-id group-id)]
(when (> timestamp added-to-at)
(let [message
(-> (you-removed-from-group-message from message-id)
(assoc :group-id group-id))]
(dispatch [:received-message message]))
(protocol/stop-watching-group! {:web3 web3
:group-id group-id})
(dispatch [:update-chat! {:chat-id group-id
:removed-from-at timestamp
:is-active false}]))))))
(register-handler :participant-left-group
@ -186,12 +208,16 @@
(register-handler :participant-invited-to-group
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key]}
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key chats]}
[_ {:keys [from]
{:keys [group-id identity message-id]} :payload}]]
(participant-invited-to-group-message group-id current-public-key identity from message-id)
(let [admin (get-in chats [group-id :group-admin])]
(when (= from admin)
(participant-invited-to-group-message group-id current-public-key identity from message-id)])
(when-not (= current-public-key identity)
(dispatch [:add-contact-to-group! group-id identity])))))
(dispatch [:add-contact-to-group! group-id identity])))))))
(register-handler :add-contact-to-group!
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
(defn- decrypt [key content]
(r/read-string (e/decrypt key content))
{:content (r/read-string (e/decrypt key content))}
(catch :default err
(log/warn :decrypt-error err)
(debug :decrypt-error err)
{:error err})))
(defn- parse-content [key {:keys [content]} was-encrypted?]
(debug :parse-content
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"Content exists:" (not (nil? content)))
(if (and (not was-encrypted?) key content)
(decrypt key content)
{:content content}))
(defn message-listener
[{:keys [web3 identity callback keypair]}]
@ -42,9 +42,12 @@
(i/normalize-hex from))
;; allow user to receive his own discoveries
(= type :discover))
(let [content (parse-content (:private keypair) payload' (not= "0x0" to))
payload'' (assoc payload' :content content)
(let [{:keys [content error]} (parse-content (:private keypair)
(not= "0x0" to))]
(if error
(debug :failed-to-handle-message error)
(let [payload'' (assoc payload' :content content)
message' (assoc message :payload payload'')]
(callback (if ack? :ack type) message')
(ack/check-ack! web3 from payload'' identity)))))))
(ack/check-ack! web3 from payload'' identity)))))))))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user