Unit tests for mark seen functionality
This commit is contained in:
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
(transport.message/send (protocol/map->MessagesSeen {:message-ids message-ids}) chat-id cofx)))
;; TODO (janherich) - ressurect `constants/system` messages for group chats in the future
(defn- mark-messages-seen
(defn mark-messages-seen
[chat-id {:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(when-let [all-unviewed-ids (seq (get-in db [:chats chat-id :unviewed-messages]))]
(let [me (:current-public-key db)
@ -7,17 +7,45 @@
[status-im.chat.console :as console-chat]
[status-im.chat.events :as chat-events]))
(def contact
{:address "c296367a939e0957500a25ca89b70bd64b03004e"
:whisper-identity "0x04f5722fba79eb36d73263417531007f43d13af76c6233573a8e3e60f667710611feba0785d751b50609bfc0b7cef35448875c5392c0a91948c95798a0ce600847"
:name "testuser"
:photo-path "contacts://testuser"
:dapp? false})
(def test-db
{:current-public-key "me"
:chats {const/console-chat-id console-chat/chat
"status" {:public? true
:unviewed-messages #{"6" "5" "4" "3" "2" "1"}
:message-statuses {"6" {"me" {:message-id "6"
:chat-id "status"
:whisper-identity "me"
:status :received}}
"5" {"me" {:message-id "5"
:chat-id "status"
:whisper-identity "me"
:status :received}}
"4" {"me" {:message-id "4"
:chat-id "status"
:whisper-identity "me"
:status :received}}}}
"opened" {:unviewed-messages #{}
:message-statuses {"1" {"me" {:message-id "1"
:chat-id "opened"
:whisper-identity "me"
:status :seen}}}}
"1-1" {:unviewed-messages #{"6" "5" "4" "3" "2" "1"}
:message-statuses {"6" {"me" {:message-id "6"
:chat-id "status"
:whisper-identity "me"
:status :received}}
"5" {"me" {:message-id "5"
:chat-id "status"
:whisper-identity "me"
:status :received}}
"4" {"me" {:message-id "4"
:chat-id "status"
:whisper-identity "me"
:status :received}}}}}})
(deftest init-console-chat
(testing "initialising console if console is already added to chats, should not modify anything"
(let [db {:chats {const/console-chat-id console-chat/chat}}
fx (chat-events/init-console-chat {:db db})]
(let [fx (chat-events/init-console-chat {:db test-db})]
(is (not fx))))
(testing "initialising console without existing account and console chat not initialisated"
@ -35,3 +63,23 @@
(:chat-id console-chat/chat)))
(is (= (:current-chat-id db)
(deftest mark-messages-seen
(testing "Marking messages seen correctly marks loaded messages as seen and updates absolute unviewed set"
(let [fx (chat-events/mark-messages-seen "status" {:db test-db})
me (:current-public-key test-db)]
(is (= '(:seen :seen :seen)
(map (fn [[_ v]]
(get-in v [me :status]))
(get-in fx [:db :chats "status" :message-statuses]))))
(is (= 1 (count (:data-store/tx fx))))
(is (= nil (:shh/post fx))) ;; for public chats, no confirmation is sent out
(is (= #{"3" "2" "1"} (get-in fx [:db :chats "status" :unviewed-messages])))))
(testing "With empty unviewed set, no effects are produced"
(is (= nil (chat-events/mark-messages-seen "opened" {:db test-db}))))
(testing "For 1-1 chat, we send seen messages confirmation to the recipient as well"
(is (= #{"4" "5" "6"}
(set (get-in (chat-events/mark-messages-seen "1-1" {:db test-db})
[:shh/post 0 :message :payload :message-ids]))))))
Reference in New Issue