Refactor Quo preview (#16996)
Improvements to quo previews:
- Change quo-preview.preview code to be more aligned with our guidelines.
- Remove duplication when setting up preview screens in quo-preview.main. Now we
only need to specify the :name and :component keys and fallback to a good
default for "{:options {:topBar {:visible true}}".
- Auto-generate descriptor labels based on the key.
- Fix form field colors for dark & light, especially for Android.
- Redesigned form fields to look nicer 💄
- Create component that abstracts away the code for rendering the form fields
and the preview area. This will aid us in creating more consistent looking
preview screens and keep things DRY.
How do we use the new code?
Just as before, define a state binding and use it to build up the arguments of
the component. Then, use the preview/preview-container to wrap the component.
You can use certain props to control how the preview is styled, etc, but that's
about it.
(def descriptor
[{:type :text :key :label}
{:key :chevron-position
:type :select
:options [{:key :left}
{:key :right}]}])
(defn view
(let [state (reagent/atom {:chevron-position :left
:label "Welcome"})]
(fn []
[preview/preview-container {:state state :descriptor descriptor}
[quo/divider-label @state]])))
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,48 +1,26 @@
(ns status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.colors.color-picker
(:require [quo2.core :as quo]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[react-native.blur :as blur]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview :as preview]))
(def descriptor
[{:label "Color:"
:key :color
[{:key :selected
:type :select
:options (map (fn [color]
(let [k (get color :name)]
{:key k :value k}))
{:label "Blur?"
:key :blur
:type :boolean}])
{:key :blur?
:type :boolean}])
(defn cool-preview
(defn view
(let [state (reagent/atom {:color "orange" :blur false})
blur (reagent/cursor state [:blur])
color (reagent/cursor state [:color])]
(let [state (reagent/atom {:selected :orange
:blur? false})]
(fn []
[rn/touchable-without-feedback {:on-press rn/dismiss-keyboard!}
[rn/view {:padding-bottom 150}
[preview/customizer state descriptor]
[(if @blur blur/view :<>)
[rn/view {:padding-vertical 60 :align-items :center}
{:blur? @blur
:selected @color
:on-change #(reset! color %)}]]]]])))
(defn preview-color-picker
{:background-color (colors/theme-colors
:flex 1}
{:flex 1
:keyboard-should-persist-taps :always
:header [cool-preview]
:key-fn str}]])
{:state state
:descriptor descriptor
:blur? (:blur? @state)
:show-blur-background? true}
[quo/color-picker (assoc @state :on-change #(swap! state assoc :selected %))]])))
@ -1,54 +1,29 @@
(ns status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.dividers.divider-label
(:require [quo2.components.dividers.divider-label :as divider-label]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[react-native.core :as rn]
(:require [quo2.core :as quo]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview :as preview]))
(def descriptor
[{:label "Label:"
:key :label
:type :text}
{:label "Chevron position:"
:key :chevron-position
[{:type :text :key :label}
{:type :text :key :counter-value}
{:type :boolean :key :increase-padding-top?}
{:type :boolean :key :blur?}
{:key :chevron-position
:type :select
:options [{:key :left
:value "Left"}
{:key :right
:value "Right"}]}
{:label "Counter value:"
:key :counter-value
:type :text}
{:label "Increase padding top:"
:key :increase-padding-top?
:type :boolean}
{:label "Blur:"
:key :blur?
:type :boolean}])
:options [{:key :left}
{:key :right}]}])
(defn cool-preview
(defn view
(let [state (reagent/atom {:label "Welcome"
(let [state (reagent/atom {:blur? false
:chevron-position :left
:counter-value 0
:counter-value "0"
:increase-padding-top? true
:blur? false})]
:label "Welcome"})]
(fn []
[rn/touchable-without-feedback {:on-press rn/dismiss-keyboard!}
[rn/view {:padding-bottom 150}
[preview/customizer state descriptor]
[rn/view {:padding-vertical 60}
[divider-label/divider-label @state]]]])))
(defn preview-divider-label
{:background-color (colors/theme-colors
:flex 1}
{:flex 1
:keyboard-should-persist-taps :always
:header [cool-preview]
:key-fn str}]])
{:state state
:descriptor descriptor
:blur? (:blur? @state)
:show-blur-background? true}
[quo/divider-label @state]])))
@ -1,100 +1,56 @@
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[quo2.core :as quo]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[react-native.core :as rn]
(:require [quo2.core :as quo]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im2.common.resources :as resources]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview :as preview]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview :as preview]))
(def descriptor
[{:label "Title"
:key :title
:type :text}
{:label "Description"
:key :description
:type :text}
{:label "Link"
:key :link
:type :text}
{:label "Container width"
:key :width
:type :text}
{:label "With logo?"
:key :with-logo?
:type :boolean}
{:label "With description?"
:key :with-description?
:type :boolean}
{:label "With thumbnail?"
:key :with-thumbnail?
:type :boolean}
{:label "Disabled text"
:key :disabled-text
:type :text}
{:label "Enabled?"
:key :enabled?
:type :boolean}
{:label "Thumbnail"
:key :thumbnail
[{:type :text :key :title}
{:type :text :key :description}
{:type :text :key :link}
{:type :number :key :width}
{:type :boolean :key :with-logo?}
{:type :boolean :key :with-description?}
{:type :boolean :key :with-thumbnail?}
{:type :text :key :disabled-text}
{:type :boolean :key :enabled?}
{:key :thumbnail
:type :select
:options (mapv (fn [k]
{:key k
:value (string/capitalize (name k))})
:options (mapv (fn [k] {:key k})
(keys resources/mock-images))}
{:label "Thumbnail size"
:key :thumbnail-size
{:key :thumbnail-size
:type :select
:options [{:key :normal
:value :normal}
{:key :large
:value :large}]}])
:options [{:key :normal}
{:key :large}]}])
(defn cool-preview
(defn view
(let [state (reagent/atom
{:title "Rarible - NFT Marketplace"
:description "Turn your products or services into publicly tradeable items"
{:description "Turn your products or services into publicly tradeable items"
:disabled-text "Enable Preview"
:enabled? true
:link ""
:thumbnail :collectible
:width "295"
:with-logo? true
:with-thumbnail? true
:with-description? true
:enabled? true
:thumbnail-size :normal
:disabled-text "Enable Preview"})]
:title "Rarible - NFT Marketplace"
:width 295
:with-description? true
:with-logo? true
:with-thumbnail? true})]
(fn []
(let [width (utils.number/parse-int (:width @state) 295)
thumbnail (get resources/mock-images (:thumbnail @state))]
[rn/view {:style {:margin-bottom 20}}
[preview/customizer state descriptor]
{:style {:align-items :center
:margin-top 20}}
{:logo (when (:with-logo? @state)
(resources/get-mock-image :status-logo))
:title (:title @state)
:description (when (:with-description? @state)
(:description @state))
:enabled? (:enabled? @state)
:on-enable #(js/alert "Button pressed")
:disabled-text (:disabled-text @state)
:link (:link @state)
:thumbnail (when (:with-thumbnail? @state)
:thumbnail-size (:thumbnail-size @state)
:container-style {:width width}}]]]))))
(defn preview
{:style {:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-5 colors/neutral-95)
:flex 1}}
{:flex 1
:keyboard-should-persist-taps :always
:header [cool-preview]
:key-fn str}]])
(let [thumbnail (get resources/mock-images (:thumbnail @state))]
[preview/preview-container {:state state :descriptor descriptor}
{:logo (when (:with-logo? @state)
(resources/get-mock-image :status-logo))
:title (:title @state)
:description (when (:with-description? @state)
(:description @state))
:enabled? (:enabled? @state)
:on-enable #(js/alert "Button pressed")
:disabled-text (:disabled-text @state)
:link (:link @state)
:thumbnail (when (:with-thumbnail? @state)
:thumbnail-size (:thumbnail-size @state)
:container-style {:width (:width @state)}}]]))))
@ -1,30 +1,18 @@
(ns status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.links.url-preview
[quo2.core :as quo]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im2.common.resources :as resources]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview :as preview]))
(def descriptor
[{:label "Title"
:key :title
:type :text}
{:label "Body"
:key :body
:type :text}
{:label "With logo?"
:key :with-logo?
:type :boolean}
{:label "Loading?"
:key :loading?
:type :boolean}
{:label "Loading message"
:key :loading-message
:type :text}])
[{:type :text :key :title}
{:type :text :key :body}
{:type :boolean :key :with-logo?}
{:type :boolean :key :loading?}
{:type :text :key :loading-message}])
(defn cool-preview
(defn view
(let [state (reagent/atom
{:title "Status - Private, Secure Communication"
@ -33,29 +21,12 @@
:loading? false
:loading-message "Generating preview"})]
(fn []
[rn/touchable-without-feedback {:on-press rn/dismiss-keyboard!}
[rn/view {:style {:padding-bottom 150}}
[preview/customizer state descriptor]
{:style {:align-items :center
:padding-horizontal 16
:margin-top 50}}
{:title (:title @state)
:body (:body @state)
:logo (when (:with-logo? @state)
(resources/get-mock-image :status-logo))
:loading? (:loading? @state)
:loading-message (:loading-message @state)
:on-clear #(js/alert "Clear button pressed")}]]]])))
(defn preview
{:style {:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/white colors/neutral-95)
:flex 1}}
{:flex 1
:keyboard-should-persist-taps :always
:header [cool-preview]
:key-fn str}]])
[preview/preview-container {:state state :descriptor descriptor}
{:title (:title @state)
:body (:body @state)
:logo (when (:with-logo? @state)
(resources/get-mock-image :status-logo))
:loading? (:loading? @state)
:loading-message (:loading-message @state)
:on-clear #(js/alert "Clear button pressed")}]])))
@ -1,50 +1,34 @@
(ns status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.links.url-preview-list
[quo2.core :as quo]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im2.common.resources :as resources]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview :as preview]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview :as preview]))
(def descriptor
[{:label "Number of previews"
:key :previews-length
:type :text}])
[{:type :number :key :previews-length}])
(defn cool-preview
(defn view
(let [state (reagent/atom {:previews-length "3"})]
(let [state (reagent/atom {:previews-length 3})
padding 20]
(fn []
(let [previews-length (min 6 (utils.number/parse-int (:previews-length @state)))
padding 20]
[rn/view {:style {:padding-bottom 150}}
[preview/customizer state descriptor]
{:style {:align-items :center
:margin-top 50}}
{:horizontal-spacing padding
:preview-width (- (:width (rn/get-window))
(* 2 padding))
:on-clear #(js/alert "Clear button pressed")
:key-fn :url
:data (for [index (range previews-length)
:let [index (inc index)]]
{:title (str "Title " index)
:body (str "" index)
:logo (resources/get-mock-image :status-logo)
:loading? false
:url (str "" index)})}]]]))))
(defn preview
{:style {:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/white colors/neutral-95)
:flex 1}}
{:flex 1
:keyboard-should-persist-taps :always
:header [cool-preview]
:key-fn str}]])
{:state state
:descriptor descriptor
:component-container-style {:padding-horizontal 0}}
{:horizontal-spacing padding
:preview-width (- (:width (rn/get-window))
(* 2 padding))
:on-clear #(js/alert "Clear button pressed")
:key-fn :url
:data (for [index (range (:previews-length @state))
:let [index (inc index)]]
{:title (str "Title " index)
:body (str "" index)
:logo (resources/get-mock-image
:loading? false
:url (str "" index)})}]])))
@ -2,39 +2,33 @@
(:require [quo2.core :as quo]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[quo2.theme :as quo.theme]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im2.common.resources :as resources]
[ :as data]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview :as preview]))
(def descriptor-type
{:label "Type:"
{:type :select
:key :type
:type :select
:options [{:key :discover :value "Discover"}
{:key :engage :value "Engage"}
{:key :share :value "Share"}]})
:options [{:key :discover}
{:key :engage}
{:key :share}]})
(def descriptor-locked
{:label "Locked?" :key :locked? :type :boolean})
{:type :boolean :key :locked?})
(def descriptor-unread-count
{:label "Unread count:" :key :unread-count :type :number})
{:type :number :key :unread-count})
(def descriptor-title
{:label "Title:" :key :title :type :text})
{:type :text :key :title})
(def descriptor-blur
{:label "Blur?" :key :blur? :type :boolean})
{:type :boolean :key :blur?})
(def descriptor-member-stats
[{:label "Total member count:"
:key :members-count
:type :number}
{:label "Active member count:"
:key :active-count
:type :number}])
[{:type :number :key :members-count}
{:type :number :key :active-count}])
(def descriptors-base
@ -43,29 +37,27 @@
(def descriptors-type-discover
(conj descriptors-base
{:label "Info:"
{:type :select
:key :info
:type :select
:options [{:key :token-gated :value "Token gated"}
{:key :default :value "Default"}]}
:options [{:key :token-gated}
{:key :default}]}
{:label "Member stats?"
:key :members?
:type :boolean}))
:type :boolean
:key :members?}))
(def descriptors-type-engage
(conj descriptors-base
{:label "Info:"
{:type :select
:key :info
:type :select
:options [{:key :notification :value "Notification"}
{:key :mention :value "Mention"}
{:key :muted :value "Muted"}
{:key :token-gated :value "Token gated"}
{:key :navigation :value "Navigation"}
{:key :default :value "Default"}]}))
:options [{:key :notification}
{:key :mention}
{:key :muted}
{:key :token-gated}
{:key :navigation}
{:key :default}]}))
(def descriptors-type-share
(conj descriptors-base {:label "Subtitle:" :key :subtitle :type :text}))
(conj descriptors-base {:type :text :key :subtitle}))
(defn descriptors
[{:keys [members? info] :as state}]
@ -88,7 +80,7 @@
(into [descriptor-blur] descs)
(defn cool-preview
(defn view
(let [state (reagent/atom {:blur? false
:customization-color :blue
@ -103,30 +95,16 @@
:unread-count 5})]
(fn []
(let [customization-color (colors/custom-color-by-theme (:customization-color @state) 50 60)]
[rn/touchable-without-feedback {:on-press rn/dismiss-keyboard!}
[rn/view {:style {:margin-bottom 20}}
[preview/customizer state (descriptors @state)]
[rn/view {:style {:margin-vertical 30 :align-items :center}}
(merge @state
{:container-style {:width 335}
:logo (resources/get-mock-image :status-logo)
:tokens (:tokens data/community)
:customization-color customization-color
:on-press #(js/alert "List item pressed")
:on-long-press #(js/alert "Long pressed item")
:on-press-info #(js/alert "Info pressed")
:members (when (:members? @state)
{:members-count (:members-count @state)
:active-count (:active-count @state)})})]]]]))))
(defn preview
{:style {:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-5 colors/neutral-95)
:flex 1}}
{:style {:flex 1}
:keyboard-should-persist-taps :always
:header [cool-preview]
:key-fn str}]])
[preview/preview-container {:state state :descriptor (descriptors @state)}
(merge @state
{:container-style {:width 335}
:logo (resources/get-mock-image :status-logo)
:tokens (:tokens data/community)
:customization-color customization-color
:on-press #(js/alert "List item pressed")
:on-long-press #(js/alert "Long pressed item")
:on-press-info #(js/alert "Info pressed")
:members (when (:members? @state)
{:members-count (:members-count @state)
:active-count (:active-count @state)})})]]))))
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
(:refer-clojure :exclude [filter])
[quo2.core :as quo]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[ :as style]
[status-im2.common.theme.core :as theme]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.animated-header-list.animated-header-list :as animated-header-list]
[status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.avatars.account-avatar :as account-avatar]
@ -120,344 +120,233 @@
(def screens-categories
{:foundations [{:name :shadows
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component shadows/preview-shadows}]
:animated-list [{:name :animated-header-list
:options {:topBar {:visible false}}
:component animated-header-list/mock-screen}]
:avatar [{:name :group-avatar
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component group-avatar/preview-group-avatar}
{:name :icon-avatar
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component icon-avatar/preview-icon-avatar}
{:name :user-avatar
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component user-avatar/preview-user-avatar}
{:name :wallet-user-avatar
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component wallet-user-avatar/preview-wallet-user-avatar}
{:name :channel-avatar
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component channel-avatar/preview-channel-avatar}
{:name :account-avatar
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component account-avatar/preview-account-avatar}]
:banner [{:name :banner
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component banner/preview-banner}]
:buttons [{:name :button
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component button/preview-button}
{:name :composer-button
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component composer-button/preview-composer-button}
{:name :dynamic-button
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component dynamic-button/preview-dynamic-button}
{:name :slide-button
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component slide-button/preview-slide-button}
{:name :predictive-keyboard
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component predictive-keyboard/preview-predictive-keyboard}]
:browser [{:name :browser-input
:options {:topBar {:visible false}}
:component browser-input/preview-browser-input}]
:calendar [{:name :calendar
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component calendar/preview-calendar}
{:name :calendar-day
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component calendar-day/preview-calendar-day}
{:name :calendar-year
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component calendar-year/preview-calendar-year}]
:code [{:name :snippet
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component code-snippet/preview-code-snippet}]
:colors [{:name :color-picker
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component color-picker/preview-color-picker}]
:component color-picker/view}]
:community [{:name :community-card-view
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component community-card/preview-community-card}
{:name :community-membership-list-view
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component community-membership-list-view/preview-community-list-view}
{:name :discover-card
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component discover-card/preview-discoverd-card}
{:name :token-gating
:options {:insets {:bottom? true}
:topBar {:visible true}}
:options {:insets {:bottom? true}}
:component token-gating/preview-token-gating}
{:name :channel-actions
:options {:insets {:bottom? true}
:topBar {:visible true}}
:options {:insets {:bottom? true}}
:component channel-actions/preview-channel-actions}]
:counter [{:name :counter
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component counter/preview-counter}
{:name :step
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component step/preview-step}]
:dividers [{:name :divider-label
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component divider-label/preview-divider-label}
:component divider-label/view}
{:name :new-messages
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component new-messages/preview-new-messages}
{:name :divider-date
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component divider-date/preview-divider-date}
{:name :strength-divider
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component strength-divider/preview-strength-divider}]
:drawers [{:name :action-drawers
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component action-drawers/preview-action-drawers}
{:name :documentation-drawer
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component documenation-drawers/preview-documenation-drawers}
{:name :drawer-buttons
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component drawer-buttons/preview-drawer-buttons}
{:name :permission-drawers
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component permission-drawers/preview-permission-drawers}]
:dropdowns [{:name :dropdown
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component dropdown/preview-dropdown}]
:empty-state [{:name :empty-state
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component empty-state/preview-empty-state}]
:gradient [{:name :gradient-cover
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component gradient-cover/preview-gradient-cover}]
:graph [{:name :wallet-graph
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component wallet-graph/preview-wallet-graph}]
:info [{:name :info-message
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component info-message/preview-info-message}
{:name :information-box
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component information-box/preview-information-box}]
:inputs [{:name :input
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component input/preview-input}
{:name :locked-input
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component locked-input/preview-locked-input}
{:name :profile-input
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component profile-input/preview-profile-input}
{:name :recovery-phrase-input
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component recovery-phrase-input/preview-recovery-phrase-input}
{:name :search-input
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component search-input/preview-search-input}
{:name :title-input
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component title-input/preview-title-input}]
:numbered-keyboard [{:name :keyboard-key
:options {:insets {:top? true}
:topBar {:visible true}}
:options {:insets {:top? true}}
:component keyboard-key/preview-keyboard-key}
{:name :numbered-keyboard
:options {:insets {:top? true}
:topBar {:visible true}}
:options {:insets {:top? true}}
:component numbered-keyboard/preview-numbered-keyboard}]
:links [{:name :url-preview
:options {:insets {:top? true}
:topBar {:visible true}}
:component url-preview/preview}
:options {:insets {:top? true}}
:component url-preview/view}
{:name :url-preview-list
:options {:insets {:top? true}
:topBar {:visible true}}
:component url-preview-list/preview}
:options {:insets {:top? true}}
:component url-preview-list/view}
{:name :link-preview
:options {:insets {:top? true}
:topBar {:visible true}}
:component link-preview/preview}]
:options {:insets {:top? true}}
:component link-preview/view}]
:list-items [{:name :account-list-card
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component account-list-card/preview}
{:name :channel
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component channel/preview-channel}
{:name :community-list
:options {:insets {:top? true}
:topBar {:visible true}}
:component community-list/preview}
:options {:insets {:top? true}}
:component community-list/view}
{:name :preview-lists
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component preview-lists/preview-preview-lists}
{:name :user-list
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component user-list/preview-user-list}
{:name :token-value
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component token-value/preview}]
:loaders [{:name :skeleton
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component skeleton/preview-skeleton}]
:markdown [{:name :texts
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component text/preview-text}
{:name :markdown-list
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component markdown-list/preview-markdown-list}]
:messages [{:name :gap
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component messages-gap/preview-messages-gap}
{:name :system-messages
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component system-message/preview-system-message}
{:name :author
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component messages-author/preview-author}]
:navigation [{:name :bottom-nav-tab
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component bottom-nav-tab/preview-bottom-nav-tab}
{:name :top-nav
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component top-nav/preview-top-nav}
{:name :page-nav
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component page-nav/preview-page-nav}
{:name :floating-shell-button
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component floating-shell-button/preview-floating-shell-button}]
:notifications [{:name :activity-logs
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component activity-logs/preview-activity-logs}
{:name :activity-logs-photos
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component activity-logs-photos/preview-activity-logs-photos}
{:name :toast
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component toast/preview-toasts}
{:name :notification
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component notification/preview-notification}]
:onboarding [{:name :small-option-card
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component small-option-card/preview-small-option-card}]
:password [{:name :tips
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component tips/preview-tips}]
:profile [{:name :profile-card
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component profile-card/preview-profile-card}
{:name :collectible
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component collectible/preview-collectible}
{:name :select-profile
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component select-profile/preview-select-profile}]
:reactions [{:name :react
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component react/preview-react}]
:record-audio [{:name :record-audio
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component record-audio/preview-record-audio}]
:switcher [{:name :switcher-cards
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component switcher-cards/preview-switcher-cards}]
:selectors [{:name :disclaimer
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component disclaimer/preview-disclaimer}
{:name :filter
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component filter/preview}
{:name :selectors
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component selectors/preview-selectors}
{:name :select-reactions
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component selector-reactions/preview}]
:settings [{:name :privacy-option
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component privacy-option/preview-options}
{:name :accounts
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component accounts/preview-accounts}
{:name :settings-list
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component settings-list/preview-settings-list}
{:name :reorder-item
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component reorder-item/preview-reorder-item}
{:name :category
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component category/preview}]
:share [{:name :qr-code
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component qr-code/preview-qr-code}
{:name :share-qr-code
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component share-qr-code/preview-share-qr-code}]
:tabs [{:name :segmented
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component segmented/preview-segmented}
{:name :tabs
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component tabs/preview-tabs}
{:name :account-selector
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component account-selector/preview-this}]
:tags [{:name :context-tags
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component context-tags/preview-context-tags}
{:name :tags
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component tags/preview-tags}
{:name :permission-tag
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component permission-tag/preview-permission-tag}
{:name :status-tags
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component status-tags/preview-status-tags}
{:name :token-tag
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component token-tag/preview-token-tag}]
:text-combinations [{:name :title
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component title/preview-title}]
:wallet [{:name :account-card
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component account-card/preview-account-card}
{:name :account-overview
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component account-overview/preview-account-overview}
{:name :network-amount
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component network-amount/preview}
{:name :network-bridge
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component network-bridge/preview}
{:name :progress-bar
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component progress-bar/preview}
{:name :summary-info
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component summary-info/preview}
{:name :token-input
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component token-input/preview}
{:name :wallet-overview
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component wallet-overview/preview-wallet-overview}]
:keycard [{:name :keycard-component
:options {:topBar {:visible true}}
:component keycard/preview-keycard}]})
(def screens (flatten (map val screens-categories)))
(defn navigation-bar
(defn- navigation-bar
(let [logged-in? (rf/sub [:multiaccount/logged-in?])
has-profiles? (boolean (rf/sub [:profile/profiles-overview]))
@ -477,48 +366,51 @@
(theme/set-theme :dark)
(rf/dispatch [:init-root root]))))}}]))
(defn theme-switcher
(defn- theme-switcher
{:style {:flex-direction :row
:justify-content :space-between
:padding-horizontal 24
:padding-vertical 12}}
[rn/view {:style style/theme-switcher}
[quo/button {:on-press #(theme/set-theme :light)} "Set light theme"]
[quo/button {:on-press #(theme/set-theme :dark)} "Set dark theme"]])
(defn category-view
(defn- category-view
(let [open? (reagent/atom false)]
(let [open? (reagent/atom false)
on-change #(swap! open? not)]
(fn [category]
[rn/view {:style {:margin-vertical 8}}
[quo/dropdown {:selected @open? :on-change #(swap! open? not) :type :grey}
(clojure.core/name (key category))]
{:selected @open?
:on-change on-change
:type :grey}
(name (key category))]
(when @open?
(for [{:keys [name]} (val category)]
^{:key name}
(for [{category-name :name} (val category)]
^{:key category-name}
{:type :outline
:container-style {:margin-vertical 8}
:on-press #(rf/dispatch [:navigate-to name])}
(clojure.core/name name)]))])))
:on-press #(rf/dispatch [:navigate-to category-name])}
(name category-name)]))])))
(defn main-screen
(defn- main-screen
(fn []
{:flex 1
:padding-bottom 8
:padding-horizontal 16
:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/white colors/neutral-90)}
(map (fn [category]
^{:key (get category 0)}
[category-view category])
(sort screens-categories))]]]))
[rn/scroll-view {:style (style/main)}
(for [category (sort screens-categories)]
^{:key (first category)}
[category-view category])]])
(def screens
(->> screens-categories
(map val)
(map (fn [subcategory]
(update-in subcategory
[:options :topBar]
{:visible true})))))
(def main-screens
[{:name :quo2-preview
@ -1,216 +1,178 @@
(ns status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
(:require [camel-snake-kebab.core :as camel-snake-kebab]
[clojure.string :as string]
[quo2.core :as quo]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[quo2.theme :as theme]
[quo2.theme :as quo.theme]
[react-native.blur :as blur]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im2.common.resources :as resources]
[ :as style]
(:require-macros status-im2.contexts.quo-preview.preview))
(def container
{:flex-direction :row
:padding-vertical 8
:flex 1
:align-items :center})
(defn touchable-style
{:flex 1
:align-items :center
:justify-content :center
:padding-horizontal 16
:height 44})
(defn select-style
{:flex 1
:flex-direction :row
:align-items :center
:padding-horizontal 16
:height 44
:border-radius 4
:background-color colors/neutral-20
:border-width 1
:border-color colors/neutral-100})
(defn select-option-style
(merge (select-style)
{:margin-vertical 8
:justify-content :center}
(if selected
{:background-color colors/primary-50-opa-30}
{:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-20 colors/white)})))
(def label-style
{:flex 0.4
:padding-right 8})
(defn label-view
(defn- label-view
[_ label]
[rn/view {:style label-style}
(when-let [label-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-100 colors/white)]
{:style {:color label-color}})
[rn/view {:style style/label-container}
[rn/text {:style (style/label)}
(defn modal-container
{:flex 1
:justify-content :center
:padding-horizontal 24
:background-color "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)"})
(defn- humanize
;; We explicitly convert `k` to string because sometimes it's a number and
;; Clojure would throw an exception.
(-> (if (keyword? k) k (str k))
(string/replace "-" " ")
(defn modal-view
{:padding-horizontal 16
:padding-vertical 8
:border-radius 8
:flex-direction :column
:margin-vertical 100
:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-20 colors/white)})
(defn- key->boolean-label
(let [label (humanize k)]
(if (string/ends-with? label "?")
(str label "?"))))
(defn customizer-boolean
(defn- key->text-label
(str (humanize k) ":"))
(defn- customizer-boolean
[{:keys [label state] :as args}]
(let [state* (reagent/cursor state [(:key args)])]
[rn/view {:style container}
(let [label (or label (key->boolean-label (:key args)))
field-value (reagent/cursor state [(:key args)])
active? @field-value]
[rn/view {:style style/field-row}
[label-view state label]
{:style {:flex-direction :row
:flex 0.6
:border-radius 4
:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-20 colors/white)
:border-width 1
:border-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-100 colors/white)}}
{:style (merge (touchable-style) {:background-color (when @state* colors/primary-50-opa-30)})
:on-press #(reset! state* true)}
[rn/view {:style (style/boolean-container)}
{:style (style/boolean-button {:active? active? :left? true})
:on-press #(reset! field-value true)}
[rn/text {:style (style/field-text active?)}
{:width 1
:margin-vertical 4
:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-20 colors/white)}]
{:style (merge (touchable-style)
{:background-color (when (not @state*) colors/primary-50-opa-30)})
:on-press #(reset! state* false)}
[rn/text {}
{:style (style/boolean-button {:active? (not active?) :left? false})
:on-press #(reset! field-value false)}
[rn/text {:style (style/field-text (not active?))}
(defn customizer-text
(defn- customizer-text
[{:keys [label state limit suffix] :as args}]
(let [state* (reagent/cursor state [(:key args)])]
[rn/view {:style container}
(let [label (or label (key->text-label (:key args)))
field-value (reagent/cursor state [(:key args)])]
[rn/view {:style style/field-row}
[label-view state label]
[rn/view {:style {:flex 0.6}}
[rn/view {:style style/field-column}
{:value @state*
{:value @field-value
:show-cancel false
:style {:border-radius 4
:border-width 1
:color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-100 colors/white)
:border-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-100 colors/white)}
:keyboard-appearance (theme/theme-value :light :dark)
:on-change-text #(do
(reset! state* (if (and suffix (> (count %) (count @state*)))
(str (string/replace % suffix "") suffix)
:style (style/field-container false)
:keyboard-appearance (quo.theme/theme-value :light :dark)
:on-change-text (fn [text]
(reset! field-value (if (and suffix
(> (count text) (count @field-value)))
(str (string/replace text suffix "") suffix)
(when limit
{:max-length limit}))]]]))
(defn customizer-number
(defn- customizer-number
[{:keys [label state default] :as args}]
(let [state* (reagent/cursor state [(:key args)])]
[rn/view {:style container}
(let [label (or label (key->text-label (:key args)))
field-value (reagent/cursor state [(:key args)])]
[rn/view {:style style/field-row}
[label-view state label]
[rn/view {:style {:flex 0.6}}
[rn/view {:style style/field-column}
{:value (str @state*)
{:value (str @field-value)
:show-cancel false
:style {:border-radius 4
:border-width 1
:color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-100 colors/white)
:border-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-100 colors/white)}
:keyboard-appearance (theme/theme-value :light :dark)
:on-change-text (fn [v]
(reset! state* (utils.number/parse-int v default))
:style (style/field-container false)
:keyboard-appearance (quo.theme/theme-value :light :dark)
:on-change-text (fn [text]
(reset! field-value (utils.number/parse-int text default))
(defn value-for-key
(defn- find-selected-option
[id v]
(:value (first (filter #(= (:key %) id) v))))
(first (filter #(= (:key %) id) v)))
(defn customizer-select
(defn- customizer-select-modal
[{:keys [open options field-value]}]
{:visible @open
:on-request-close #(reset! open false)
:status-bar-translucent true
:transparent true
:animation :slide}
[rn/view {:style (style/modal-overlay)}
[rn/view {:style (style/modal-container)}
[rn/scroll-view {:shows-vertical-scroll-indicator false}
(for [{k :key v :value} options
:let [v (or v (humanize k))]]
^{:key k}
{:style (style/select-option (= @field-value k))
:on-press (fn []
(reset! open false)
(reset! field-value k))}
[rn/text {:style (style/field-text (= @field-value k))}
[rn/view {:style (style/footer)}
{:style (style/select-button)
:on-press (fn []
(reset! field-value nil)
(reset! open false))}
[rn/text {:style (style/field-text false)}
[rn/view {:style {:width 16}}]
{:style (style/select-button)
:on-press #(reset! open false)}
[rn/text {:style (style/field-text false)}
(defn- customizer-select-button
[{:keys [open selected-key]}]
{:style (style/select-container)
:on-press #(reset! open true)}
{:style (style/field-select)
:number-of-lines 1}
(if selected-key
(humanize selected-key)
"Select option")]
[quo/icon :i/chevron-right]]])
(defn- customizer-select
(let [open (reagent/atom nil)]
(fn [{:keys [label state options] :as args}]
(let [state* (reagent/cursor state [(:key args)])
selected (value-for-key @state* options)]
[rn/view {:style container}
(let [label (or label (key->text-label (:key args)))
field-value (reagent/cursor state [(:key args)])
selected-key (:key (find-selected-option @field-value options))]
[rn/view {:style style/field-row}
[label-view state label]
[rn/view {:style {:flex 0.6}}
{:visible @open
:on-request-close #(reset! open false)
:statusBarTranslucent true
:transparent true
:animation :slide}
[rn/view {:style (modal-container)}
[rn/view {:style (modal-view)}
(for [{k :key v :value} options]
^{:key k}
{:style (select-option-style (= @state* k))
:on-press #(do
(reset! open false)
(reset! state* k))}
[rn/text {:color (if (= @state* k) :link :secondary)}
{:flex-direction :row
:padding-top 20
:margin-top 10
:border-top-width 1
:border-top-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-100 colors/white)}
{:style (select-option-style false)
:on-press #(do
(reset! state* nil)
(reset! open false))}
[rn/text "Clear"]]
[rn/view {:width 16}]
{:style (select-option-style false)
:on-press #(reset! open false)}
[rn/text "Close"]]]]]]
{:style (select-style)
:on-press #(reset! open true)}
(if selected
[rn/text {:color :link} selected]
[rn/text "Select option"])
{:position :absolute
:right 16
:top 0
:bottom 0
:justify-content :center}
[rn/text "↓"]]]]]))))
[rn/view {:style style/field-column}
{:open open
:options options
:field-value field-value}]
[customizer-select-button {:open open :selected-key selected-key}]]]))))
(defn customizer
[state descriptors]
{:style {:flex 1}
:padding-horizontal 16}
{:style {:flex-shrink 1
:padding-horizontal 20}}
(for [desc descriptors
:let [descriptor (merge desc {:state state})]]
@ -237,19 +199,6 @@
{:key k :value (string/capitalize (name k))})))}
[{:label "Show error:"
:key :error
:type :boolean}
{:label "Label:"
:key :label
:type :text}
{:label "Type:"
:key :type
:type :select
:options [{:key :primary :value "Primary"}
{:key :secondary :value "Secondary"}]}])
(defn blur-view
[{:keys [show-blur-background? image height blur-view-props style]} children]
@ -262,8 +211,7 @@
:overflow :hidden}}
{:source (or image (resources/get-mock-image :community-cover))
:style {:height "100%"
:width "100%"}}]
:style {:height "100%" :width "100%"}}]
(merge {:style {:position :absolute
:top 0
@ -271,9 +219,7 @@
:left 0
:right 0}
:blur-amount 10
:overlay-color (colors/theme-colors
:overlay-color (colors/theme-colors colors/white-opa-70 colors/neutral-80-opa-80)}
{:style (merge {:position :absolute
@ -281,3 +227,33 @@
:padding-horizontal 16}
(defn preview-container
[{:keys [state descriptor blur?
blur-container-style blur-view-props blur-height show-blur-background?]
:or {blur-height 200}}
{:style (style/panel-basic)
:shows-vertical-scroll-indicator false}
[rn/pressable {:on-press rn/dismiss-keyboard!}
[rn/view {:style style/customizer-container}
[customizer state descriptor]]
(merge {:style style/component-container}
(if blur?
{:show-blur-background? show-blur-background?
:height blur-height
:style (merge {:width "100%"
:flex-grow 1}
(when-not show-blur-background?
{:padding-horizontal 0
:top 0})
:blur-view-props (merge {:blur-type (quo.theme/get-theme)}
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
(:require [quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[quo2.foundations.typography :as typography]))
;;;; Form fields
(def field-border-radius 12)
(def field-flex-percentage 0.6)
(def text-default typography/paragraph-1)
(defn field-active-bg-color
(colors/theme-colors colors/primary-50 colors/primary-60))
(defn field-default-color
(colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-100 colors/white))
(defn field-default-bg-color
(colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-20 colors/neutral-80))
(defn field-default-border-color
(colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-30 colors/neutral-70))
(def field-row
{:flex-direction :row
:padding-vertical 6
:align-items :center})
(def field-column
{:flex field-flex-percentage})
(defn field-container
(merge text-default
{:color (if active?
(colors/theme-colors colors/white colors/white-opa-95)
(colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-100 colors/white))
:border-width 1
:border-color (field-default-border-color)
:border-radius field-border-radius
:padding-vertical 9
:padding-horizontal 12}))
(defn field-text
(merge text-default
{:color (if active?
(colors/theme-colors colors/white colors/white-opa-95)
(def customizer-container
{:flex-shrink 1
:padding-top 12})
(defn select-container
(merge (field-container false)
{:flex-direction :row
:align-items :center
:border-radius field-border-radius
:background-color (field-default-bg-color)
:border-width 1
:border-color (field-default-border-color)}))
(defn field-select
(merge text-default
{:flex-grow 1
:color (field-default-color)}))
(defn select-option
(merge (field-container selected?)
{:justify-content :center
:flex 1
:margin-vertical 4}
(if selected?
{:border-color (field-active-bg-color)
:background-color (field-active-bg-color)}
{:background-color (field-default-bg-color)})))
(defn select-button
(merge (select-option false) {:align-items :center}))
(def label-container
{:flex (- 1 field-flex-percentage)
:padding-right 8})
(defn label
(merge text-default
{:color (field-default-color)}))
(defn boolean-container
{:flex-direction :row
:flex field-flex-percentage
:border-radius field-border-radius})
(defn boolean-button
[{:keys [active? left?]}]
(cond-> {:flex 1
:align-items :center
:justify-content :center
:padding-vertical 9
:padding-horizontal 12
:border-color (if active?
:border-top-width 1
:border-bottom-width 1
:background-color (if active?
(assoc :border-top-left-radius field-border-radius
:border-bottom-left-radius field-border-radius
:border-left-width 1)
(not left?)
(assoc :border-top-right-radius field-border-radius
:border-bottom-right-radius field-border-radius
:border-right-width 1)))
;;;; Modal
(defn modal-overlay
{:flex 1
:justify-content :center
:padding-horizontal 24
:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-80-opa-60 colors/neutral-80-opa-80)})
(defn modal-container
{:padding-horizontal 16
:padding-vertical 8
:border-radius 12
:margin-vertical 100
:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/white colors/neutral-95)})
(defn footer
{:flex-direction :row
:padding-top 10
:margin-top 10
:border-top-width 1
:border-top-color (colors/theme-colors colors/neutral-10 colors/neutral-80)})
;;;; Misc
(defn panel-basic
{:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/white colors/neutral-95)
:flex 1})
(def component-container
{:flex-grow 1
:min-height 200
:padding-vertical 20
:padding-horizontal 20})
(defn main
{:flex 1
:padding-bottom 8
:padding-horizontal 16
:background-color (colors/theme-colors colors/white colors/neutral-90)})
(def theme-switcher
{:flex-direction :row
:justify-content :space-between
:padding-horizontal 24
:padding-vertical 12})
Reference in New Issue