tests for group module

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Shovkoplyas 2017-08-09 17:42:56 +03:00 committed by Roman Volosovskyi
parent 0ada614d62
commit a91a945bfa
5 changed files with 266 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -535,3 +535,112 @@
(select-keys db [:web3 :current-public-key]))})
{:dispatch-n [[:navigate-to-clean :chat-list]
[:navigate-to :chat topic]]}))))
(fn [new-chat]
(chats/save new-chat)))
(fn [{:keys [new-chat web3 current-public-key]}]
(let [{:keys [chat-id public-key private-key contacts name]} new-chat
identities (mapv :identity contacts)]
{:web3 web3
:group {:id chat-id
:name name
:contacts (conj identities current-public-key)
:admin current-public-key
:keypair {:public public-key
:private private-key}}
:identities identities
:message {:from current-public-key
:message-id (random/id)}})
{:web3 web3
:group-id chat-id
:identity current-public-key
:keypair {:public public-key
:private private-key}
:callback #(dispatch [:incoming-message %1 %2])}))))
(fn [{:keys [group-id web3 current-public-key keypair]}]
{:web3 web3
:group-id group-id
:identity current-public-key
:keypair keypair
:callback #(dispatch [:incoming-message %1 %2])})))
(defn group-name-from-contacts [contacts selected-contacts username]
(->> (select-keys contacts selected-contacts)
(map :name)
(cons username)
(string/join ", ")))
(defn prepare-group-chat
[{:keys [current-public-key username]
:group/keys [selected-contacts]
:contacts/keys [contacts]} group-name]
(let [selected-contacts' (mapv #(hash-map :identity %) selected-contacts)
chat-name (if-not (string/blank? group-name)
(group-name-from-contacts contacts selected-contacts username))
{:keys [public private]} (protocol/new-keypair!)]
{:chat-id (random/id)
:public-key public
:private-key private
:name chat-name
:color default-chat-color
:group-chat true
:group-admin current-public-key
:is-active true
:timestamp (random/timestamp)
:contacts selected-contacts'}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ group-name]]
(let [new-chat (prepare-group-chat (select-keys db [:group/selected-contacts :current-public-key :username
{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:chats (:chat-id new-chat)] new-chat)
(assoc :group/selected-contacts #{}))
::save-chat new-chat
::start-listen-group (merge {:new-chat new-chat}
(select-keys db [:web3 :current-public-key]))
:dispatch-n [[:navigate-to-clean :chat-list]
[:navigate-to :chat (:chat-id new-chat)]]})))
(fn [{{:keys [current-public-key] :as db} :db}
[_ {:keys [from]
{:keys [group-id group-name contacts keypair timestamp]} :payload}]]
(let [{:keys [private public]} keypair]
(let [contacts' (keep (fn [ident]
(when (not= ident current-public-key)
{:identity ident})) contacts)
chat {:chat-id group-id
:name group-name
:group-chat true
:group-admin from
:public-key public
:private-key private
:contacts contacts'
:added-to-at timestamp
:timestamp timestamp
:is-active true}
exists? (chats/exists? group-id)]
(when (or (not exists?) (chats/new-update? timestamp group-id))
{::start-watching-group (merge {:group-id group-id
:keypair keypair}
(select-keys db [:web3 :current-public-key]))
:dispatch (if exists?
[:update-chat! chat]
[:add-chat group-id chat])})))))

View File

@ -405,17 +405,6 @@
:pending? true}]
(defn remove-contact-from-group [whisper-identity]
(fn [contacts]
(remove #(= whisper-identity (:identity %)) contacts)))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ whisper-identity group-id]]
(let [{:group/keys [contact-groups]} db
group' (update (contact-groups group-id) :contacts (remove-contact-from-group whisper-identity))]
{:dispatch [:update-contact-group group']})))
;;used only by status-dev-cli

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
[re-frame.core :refer [dispatch reg-fx reg-cofx inject-cofx]]
[status-im.utils.handlers :refer [register-handler-db register-handler-fx]]
[status-im.components.styles :refer [default-chat-color]]
[status-im.data-store.chats :as chats]
[status-im.data-store.contact-groups :as groups]
[clojure.string :as string]
[status-im.utils.random :as random]
@ -22,11 +21,6 @@
;;;; FX
(fn [new-chat]
(chats/save new-chat)))
(fn [new-group]
@ -47,40 +41,6 @@
(fn [[contact-group-id selected-contacts]]
(groups/add-contacts contact-group-id selected-contacts)))
(fn [{:keys [new-chat web3 current-public-key]}]
(let [{:keys [chat-id public-key private-key contacts name]} new-chat
identities (mapv :identity contacts)]
{:web3 web3
:group {:id chat-id
:name name
:contacts (conj identities current-public-key)
:admin current-public-key
:keypair {:public public-key
:private private-key}}
:identities identities
:message {:from current-public-key
:message-id (random/id)}})
{:web3 web3
:group-id chat-id
:identity current-public-key
:keypair {:public public-key
:private private-key}
:callback #(dispatch [:incoming-message %1 %2])}))))
(fn [{:keys [group-id web3 current-public-key keypair]}]
{:web3 web3
:group-id group-id
:identity current-public-key
:keypair keypair
:callback #(dispatch [:incoming-message %1 %2])})))
;;;; Handlers
@ -103,75 +63,6 @@
(fn [db [_ id]]
(update db :selected-participants conj id)))
(defn group-name-from-contacts [contacts selected-contacts username]
(->> (select-keys contacts selected-contacts)
(map :name)
(cons username)
(string/join ", ")))
(defn prepare-chat [{:keys [current-public-key username]
:group/keys [selected-contacts]
:contacts/keys [contacts]} group-name]
(let [selected-contacts' (mapv #(hash-map :identity %) selected-contacts)
chat-name (if-not (string/blank? group-name)
(group-name-from-contacts contacts selected-contacts username))
{:keys [public private]} (protocol/new-keypair!)]
{:chat-id (random/id)
:public-key public
:private-key private
:name chat-name
:color default-chat-color
:group-chat true
:group-admin current-public-key
:is-active true
:timestamp (random/timestamp)
:contacts selected-contacts'}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ group-name]]
(let [new-chat (prepare-chat (select-keys db [:group/selected-contacts :current-public-key :username
{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:chats (:chat-id new-chat)] new-chat)
(assoc :group/selected-contacts #{}))
::save-chat new-chat
::start-listen-group (merge {:new-chat new-chat}
(select-keys db [:web3 :current-public-key]))
:dispatch-n [[:navigate-to-clean :chat-list]
[:navigate-to :chat (:chat-id new-chat)]]})))
(fn [{{:keys [current-public-key] :as db} :db}
[_ {:keys [from]
{:keys [group-id group-name contacts keypair timestamp]} :payload}]]
(let [{:keys [private public]} keypair]
(let [contacts' (keep (fn [ident]
(when (not= ident current-public-key)
{:identity ident})) contacts)
chat {:chat-id group-id
:name group-name
:group-chat true
:group-admin from
:public-key public
:private-key private
:contacts contacts'
:added-to-at timestamp
:timestamp timestamp
:is-active true}
exists? (chats/exists? group-id)]
(when (or (not exists?) (chats/new-update? timestamp group-id))
{::start-watching-group (merge {:group-id group-id
:keypair keypair}
(select-keys db [:web3 :current-public-key]))
:dispatch (if exists?
[:update-chat! chat]
[:add-chat group-id chat])})))))
(fn [{{:group/keys [contact-groups selected-contacts] :as db} :db} [_ group-name]]
@ -185,7 +76,7 @@
::save-contact-group new-group})))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ new-group]]
{:db (update db :group/contact-groups merge {(:group-id new-group) new-group})
::save-contact-group new-group}))
@ -262,6 +153,17 @@
{:db (update-in db [:group/contact-groups group-id :contacts] #(into [] (set (concat % new-identities))))
::add-contacts-to-contact-group [group-id contacts]}))))
(defn remove-contact-from-group [whisper-identity]
(fn [contacts]
(remove #(= whisper-identity (:identity %)) contacts)))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ whisper-identity group-id]]
(let [{:group/keys [contact-groups]} db
group' (update (contact-groups group-id) :contacts (remove-contact-from-group whisper-identity))]
{:dispatch [::update-contact-group group']})))
(fn [{{:group/keys [contact-group-id] :as db} :db} _]

View File

@ -221,8 +221,7 @@
(dispatch [:update-geolocation (js->clj % :keywordize-keys true)]))))
(dispatch [:set-in [:debug :watch-id] @watch-id]))))]))))
(dispatch [:update-geolocation (js->clj % :keywordize-keys true)])))))))]))))
(register-handler :update-geolocation
(fn [db [_ geolocation]]

View File

@ -94,10 +94,21 @@
:fullscreen true
:suggestions-trigger "on-change"}})
(def test-contact-group
{:group-id "1501682106404-685e041e-38e7-593e-b42c-fb4cabd7faa4"
:name "Test"
:timestamp 0
:order 0
:pending? false
:contacts (list
{:identity "bchat"}
{:identity "Commiteth"}
{:identity "demo-bot"})})
(def dapps-contact-group
{:group-id "dapps"
:name "ÐApps"
:order 0
:order 1
:timestamp 0
:contacts [{:identity "wallet"}
{:identity "oaken-water-meter"}
@ -127,6 +138,7 @@
{"browse" browse-contact-from-realm-db
"wallet" wallet-contact})
(defn test-fixtures []
(rf/reg-fx ::handlers/init-store #())
@ -136,14 +148,22 @@
(rf/reg-fx ::contacts-events/stop-watching-contact #())
(rf/reg-fx ::contacts-events/send-contact-request-fx #())
(rf/reg-fx ::group-events/save-contact-group #())
(rf/reg-fx ::group-events/save-contact-groups #())
(rf/reg-fx ::group-events/add-contacts-to-contact-group #())
(rf/reg-fx ::group-events/save-contact-group-property #())
(rf/reg-fx ::group-events/add-contacts-to-contact-group #())
(fn [coeffects _]
(assoc coeffects :all-contacts [browse-contact-from-realm-db])))
(fn [coeffects _]
(assoc coeffects :all-groups {(:group-id test-contact-group) test-contact-group})))
;;TODO implement tests later for :add-chat? and :bot-url
@ -155,6 +175,7 @@
(deftest contacts-events
load-default-contacts (add-contact-groups, add-contacts, add-contacts-to-group ;TODO add-chat, load-commands!)
add-contact-handler (add-new-contact-and-open-chat, status-im.contacts.events/add-new-contact,
status-im.contacts.events/send-contact-request ;TODO start-chat)
@ -162,7 +183,10 @@
contact-update-received (update-contact ;TODO :update-chat!)
hide-contact (update-contact ;TODO :account-update-keys)
add-contact-handler (add-pending-contact, status-im.contacts.events/add-new-contact
status-im.contacts.events/send-contact-request ;TODO :discoveries-send-portions)"
status-im.contacts.events/send-contact-request ;TODO :discoveries-send-portions)
@ -185,11 +209,18 @@
(is (= {"browse" browse-contact-from-realm-db} @contacts))
(is (= browse-global-commands @global-commands)))
(testing ":load-default-contacts! event"
(testing ":load-contact-groups event"
;;Assert the initial state
(is (and (map? @contact-groups) (empty? @contact-groups)))
(rf/dispatch [:load-contact-groups])
(is (= {(:group-id test-contact-group) test-contact-group}
(testing ":load-default-contacts! event"
;; :load-default-contacts! event dispatches next 5 events
;; :add-contact-groups
@ -199,11 +230,17 @@
;;TODO :load-commands!
(rf/dispatch [:load-default-contacts!])
(is (= {"dapps" dapps-contact-group} (update @contact-groups "dapps" assoc :timestamp 0)))
(rf/dispatch [:set-in [:group/contact-groups "dapps" :timestamp] 0])
(is (= {"dapps" dapps-contact-group
(:group-id test-contact-group) test-contact-group}
(is (= contacts-browse-wallet
(let [new-contact-public-key "0x048f7d5d4bda298447bbb5b021a34832509bd1a8dbe4e06f9b7223d00a59b6dc14f6e142b21d3220ceb3155a6d8f40ec115cd96394d3cc7c55055b433a1758dc74"
new-contact-address "5392ccb49f2e9fef8b8068b3e3b5ba6c020a9aca"
new-contact {:name ""
@ -302,4 +339,106 @@
(is (= (assoc contacts-browse-wallet new-contact-public-key (assoc recieved-contact''
:pending? false))
(testing ":create-new-contact-group event"
(let [new-group-name "new group"]
(rf/dispatch [:select-contact new-contact-public-key])
(rf/dispatch [:select-contact "wallet"])
(rf/dispatch [:select-contact "browse"])
(rf/dispatch [:deselect-contact "browse"])
(rf/dispatch [:create-new-contact-group new-group-name])
(rf/dispatch [:deselect-contact "wallet"])
(rf/dispatch [:deselect-contact new-contact-public-key])
(let [new-group-id (->> @contact-groups
(filter #(= (:name %) new-group-name))
new-group {:group-id new-group-id
:name new-group-name
:order 2
:timestamp 0
:contacts [{:identity new-contact-public-key}
{:identity "wallet"}]}
groups-with-new-group {new-group-id new-group
"dapps" dapps-contact-group
(:group-id test-contact-group) test-contact-group}]
(rf/dispatch [:set-in [:group/contact-groups new-group-id :timestamp] 0])
(is (= groups-with-new-group @contact-groups))
(let [groups-with-new-group' (update groups-with-new-group new-group-id assoc :name "new group name")]
(testing ":set-contact-group-name event"
(rf/reg-event-db ::prepare-group-name
(fn [db _] (assoc db :new-chat-name "new group name"
:group/contact-group-id new-group-id)))
(rf/dispatch [::prepare-group-name])
(rf/dispatch [:set-contact-group-name])
(is (= groups-with-new-group' @contact-groups)))
(let [groups-with-new-group'' (-> groups-with-new-group'
(update new-group-id assoc :order 1)
(update "dapps" assoc :order 2))]
(testing ":save-contact-group-order event"
(rf/reg-event-db ::prepare-groups-order
(fn [db _]
(assoc db :group/groups-order
(->> (vals (:group/contact-groups db))
(remove :pending?)
(sort-by :order >)
(map :group-id)))))
(rf/dispatch [::prepare-groups-order])
(rf/dispatch [:change-contact-group-order 1 0])
(rf/dispatch [:save-contact-group-order])
(is (= groups-with-new-group'' @contact-groups)))
(testing ":add-selected-contacts-to-group event"
(rf/dispatch [:select-contact "browse"])
(rf/dispatch [:add-selected-contacts-to-group])
(rf/dispatch [:deselect-contact "browse"])
(is (= (update groups-with-new-group'' new-group-id assoc :contacts [{:identity new-contact-public-key}
{:identity "wallet"}
{:identity "browse"}])
(testing ":remove-contact-from-group event"
(rf/dispatch [:remove-contact-from-group "browse" new-group-id])
(is (= groups-with-new-group'' @contact-groups)))
(testing ":add-contacts-to-group event"
(rf/dispatch [:add-contacts-to-group new-group-id ["browse"]])
(is (= (update groups-with-new-group'' new-group-id assoc :contacts [{:identity new-contact-public-key}
{:identity "wallet"}
{:identity "browse"}])
(rf/dispatch [:remove-contact-from-group "browse" new-group-id]))
(testing ":delete-contact-group event"
(rf/dispatch [:delete-contact-group])
(is (= (update groups-with-new-group'' new-group-id assoc :pending? true)