mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 14:14:39 +00:00
Requesting message in group chat now contains recipient name (#1396); restructuring of commands
This commit is contained in:
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ function previewSend(params, context) {
lineHeight: 18
"to " + params["bot-db"]["public"]["recipient"]["name"]
I18n.t('send_sending_to') + " " + params["bot-db"]["public"]["recipient"]["name"]
markup = [firstRow, secondRow];
} else {
@ -506,18 +506,51 @@ status.command({
prefill: [context["current-account"]["name"], val],
prefillBotDb: {
contact: context["current-account"]
public: {
recipient: context["current-account"]
preview: function (params, context) {
var firstRow = status.components.text(
I18n.t('request_requesting') + " "
+ status.localizeNumber(params.amount, context.delimiter, context.separator)
+ " ETH"
var markup;
if (params["bot-db"]
&& params["bot-db"]["public"]
&& params["bot-db"]["public"]["recipient"]
&& context["chat"]["group-chat"] === true) {
var secondRow = status.components.text(
style: {
color: "#9199a0",
fontSize: 14,
lineHeight: 18
I18n.t('request_requesting_from') + " " + params["bot-db"]["public"]["recipient"]["name"]
markup = [firstRow, secondRow];
} else {
markup = [firstRow];
return {
markup: status.components.text(
I18n.t('request_requesting') + " "
+ status.localizeNumber(params.amount, context.delimiter, context.separator)
+ " ETH"
markup: status.components.view(
style: {
flexDirection: "column"
@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ I18n.translations = {
send_explanation_2: 'usually within a minute.',
send_explanation_3: 'probably within 30 seconds.',
send_explanation_4: 'probably within a few seconds.',
send_sending_to: 'to ',
eth: 'ETH',
request_title: 'Request ETH',
request_description: 'Request a payment',
request_requesting: 'Requesting ',
request_requesting_from: 'from ',
validation_title: 'Amount',
validation_amount_specified: 'Amount must be specified',
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
(fn [{:keys [contacts current-account-id chats] :as db}
[_ {{:keys [command params content-command type]} :content
:keys [message-id from chat-id on-requested jail-id] :as message} data-type]]
:keys [message-id chat-id jail-id on-requested from] :as message} data-type]]
(let [jail-id (or jail-id chat-id)
jail-id' (if (get-in chats [jail-id :group-chat])
(get-in chats [jail-id :command-suggestions (keyword command) :owner-id])
@ -10,24 +10,24 @@
(def console-commands
(fn [params _]
(dispatch [:create-account (params "password")]))
(fn [{:keys [password]} _]
(dispatch [:create-account password]))
(fn [params id]
(dispatch [:sign-up (params "phone") id]))
(fn [{:keys [phone]} id]
(dispatch [:sign-up phone id]))
(fn [params id]
(dispatch [:sign-up-confirm (params "code") id]))
(fn [{:keys [code]} id]
(dispatch [:sign-up-confirm code id]))
(fn [params id]
(dispatch [:open-faucet (params "url") id]))
(fn [{:keys [url]} id]
(dispatch [:open-faucet url id]))
(fn [params id]
(let [debug-on? (= (params "mode") "On")]
(fn [{:keys [mode]} id]
(let [debug-on? (= mode "On")]
(dispatch [:account-update {:debug? debug-on?}])
(if debug-on?
@ -49,10 +49,14 @@
(register-handler :invoke-console-command-handler!
(fn [_ [_ {:keys [chat-id command-message] :as parameters}]]
(let [{:keys [id command params]} command-message
{:keys [name]} command]
(dispatch [:prepare-command! chat-id parameters])
(fn [_ [_ {{:keys [command
:as content} :command
chat-id :chat-id
:as all-params}]]
(let [{:keys [name]} command]
(dispatch [:prepare-command! chat-id all-params])
((console-commands (keyword name)) params id)))))
(register-handler :set-message-status
@ -168,10 +168,10 @@
(handlers/register-handler ::send-message
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key current-account-id] :as db} [_ command-message chat-id]]
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key current-account-id] :as db} [_ command chat-id]]
(let [text (get-in db [:chats chat-id :input-text])
data {:message text
:command command-message
:command command
:chat-id chat-id
:identity current-public-key
:address current-account-id}]
@ -179,41 +179,30 @@
(dispatch [:set-chat-input-metadata nil chat-id])
(dispatch [:set-chat-ui-props {:sending-in-progress? false}])
(dispatch [:check-commands-handlers! data])
(not (str/blank? text))
(dispatch [:prepare-message data]))))))
(handlers/register-handler :proceed-command
(fn [db [_ command chat-id]]
(let [jail-id (or (get-in command [:command :bot]) chat-id)]
(let [params
{:command command
:chat-id chat-id
:jail-id jail-id}
(fn [db [_ {{:keys [bot]} :command :as content} chat-id]]
(let [params {:content content
:chat-id chat-id
:jail-id (or bot chat-id)}
on-send-params (merge params
{:data-type :on-send
:after #(dispatch [::send-command %2 content chat-id])})
after-validation #(dispatch [::request-command-data on-send-params])
validation-params (merge params
{:data-type :validator
:after #(dispatch [::proceed-validation %2 after-validation])})]
(merge params
{:data-type :on-send
:after (fn [_ res]
(dispatch [::send-command res command chat-id]))})
(dispatch [::request-command-data validation-params])))))
#(dispatch [::request-command-data on-send-params])
(merge params
{:data-type :validator
:after #(dispatch [::proceed-validation-messages
command chat-id %2 after-validation])})]
(dispatch [::request-command-data validation-params]))))))
(handlers/register-handler ::proceed-validation-messages
(handlers/register-handler ::proceed-validation
(fn [db [_ command chat-id {:keys [markup validationHandler parameters]} proceed-fn]]
(fn [db [_ {:keys [markup validationHandler parameters]} proceed-fn]]
(let [set-errors #(do (dispatch [:set-chat-ui-props {:validation-messages %
:sending-in-progress? false}]))]
@ -235,7 +224,7 @@
(handlers/register-handler ::send-command
(fn [db [_ on-send {{:keys [fullscreen]} :command :as command} chat-id]]
(fn [db [_ on-send {{:keys [fullscreen bot]} :command :as content} chat-id]]
(if on-send
(when fullscreen
@ -244,9 +233,9 @@
:sending-in-progress? false}])
(dispatch [::request-command-data
{:command command
{:content content
:chat-id chat-id
:jail-id (get-in command [:command :bot])
:jail-id (or bot chat-id)
:data-type :preview
:after #(dispatch [::send-message % chat-id])}])))))
@ -256,8 +245,8 @@
[_ {{:keys [command
:as c} :command
:keys [message-id chat-id jail-id data-type after]}]]
:as content} :content
:keys [chat-id jail-id data-type after]}]]
(let [{:keys [dapp? dapp-url name]} (get contacts chat-id)
message-id (random/id)
metadata (merge metadata
@ -266,7 +255,10 @@
:name (i18n/get-contact-translated chat-id :name name)}))
owner-id (:owner-id command)
bot-db (get bot-db chat-id)
params (assoc (input-model/args->params c) :bot-db bot-db)
params (merge (input-model/args->params content)
{:bot-db bot-db
:metadata metadata})
command-message {:command command
:params params
:to-message (:to-message-id metadata)
@ -274,11 +266,12 @@
:id message-id
:chat-id chat-id
:jail-id (or owner-id jail-id)}
request-data {:message-id message-id
:chat-id chat-id
:jail-id (or owner-id jail-id)
:content {:command (:name command)
:params (assoc params :metadata metadata :bot-db bot-db)
:params params
:type (:type command)}
:on-requested #(after command-message %)}]
(dispatch [:request-command-data request-data data-type])))))
@ -344,11 +337,11 @@
(dispatch [:update-seq-arguments chat-id])
(dispatch [:send-current-message]))]
(dispatch [::request-command-data
{:command command
{:content command
:chat-id chat-id
;;TODO(alwx): jail-id ?
:data-type :validator
:after #(dispatch [::proceed-validation-messages
command chat-id %2 after-validation])}])))))
:after #(dispatch [::proceed-validation %2 after-validation])}])))))
(handlers/register-handler :set-chat-seq-arg-input-text
(fn [{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} [_ text chat-id]]
@ -22,19 +22,28 @@
[status-im.utils.types :as types]))
(defn prepare-command
[identity chat-id clock-value request
{:keys [id preview preview-string params command
to-message handler-data content-type]}]
(let [content (or request {:command (command :name)
:params params})]
[identity chat-id clock-value
{request-params :params
request-command :command
:keys [prefill prefillBotDb]
:as request}
{:keys [id params command to-message handler-data content-type]}]
(let [content (if request
{:command request-command
:params (assoc request-params :bot-db (:bot-db params))
:prefill prefill
:prefill-bot-db prefillBotDb}
{:command (:name command)
:params params})
content' (assoc content :handler-data handler-data
:type (name (:type command))
:content-command (:name command)
:bot (:bot command))]
{:message-id id
:from identity
:to chat-id
:timestamp (time/now-ms)
:content (assoc content :handler-data handler-data
:type (name (:type command))
:content-command (:name command)
:bot (:bot command))
:content content'
:content-type (or content-type
(if request
@ -50,50 +59,50 @@
(and (= console-chat-id chat-id)
(console/commands-names (keyword command-name))))
(register-handler :check-commands-handlers!
(register-handler :check-commands-handlers!
(fn [_ [_ {:keys [command message chat-id] :as params}]]
(let [{:keys [command] :as message} command]
(let [params' (assoc params :command-message message)
command-name (:name (:command message))]
(console-command? chat-id command-name)
(dispatch [:invoke-console-command-handler! params'])
(let [{:keys [command] :as content} command]
(console-command? chat-id (:name command))
(dispatch [:invoke-console-command-handler! params])
(:has-handler command)
(dispatch [::invoke-command-handlers! params'])
(:has-handler command)
(dispatch [::invoke-command-handlers! params])
(dispatch [:prepare-command! chat-id params']))))
(dispatch [:prepare-command! chat-id params])))
(dispatch [:set-chat-ui-props {:sending-in-progress? false}]))))
(register-handler :prepare-command!
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key network-status] :as db}
[_ add-to-chat-id {:keys [chat-id command-message command] :as params}]]
[_ add-to-chat-id {{:keys [handler-data
:as content} :command
chat-id :chat-id
:as params}]]
(let [clock-value (messages/get-last-clock-value chat-id)
request (:request (:handler-data command))
handler-data (:handler-data command)
hidden-params (->> (:params (:command command))
(filter #(= (:hidden %) true))
request (:request handler-data)
hidden-params (->> (:params command)
(filter :hidden)
(map :name))
command' (->> (assoc command-message :handler-data handler-data)
(prepare-command current-public-key chat-id clock-value request)
command' (->> (prepare-command current-public-key chat-id clock-value request content)
(cu/check-author-direction db chat-id))]
(log/debug "Handler data: " request handler-data (dissoc params :commands :command-message))
(log/debug "Handler data: " request handler-data params)
(dispatch [:update-message-overhead! chat-id network-status])
(dispatch [:set-chat-ui-props {:sending-in-progress? false}])
(dispatch [::send-command! add-to-chat-id (assoc params :command command') hidden-params])
(when (cu/console? chat-id)
(dispatch [:console-respond-command params]))
(when (and (= "send" (get-in command-message [:command :name]))
(when (and (= "send" (:name command))
(not= add-to-chat-id wallet-chat-id))
(let [ct (if request
command-message' (assoc command-message :id (random/id)
:content-type ct)
params' (assoc params :command-message command-message')]
(let [ct (if request
content' (assoc content :id (random/id)
:content-type ct)
params' (assoc params :command content')]
(dispatch [:prepare-command! wallet-chat-id params'])))))))
(register-handler ::send-command!
@ -129,30 +138,30 @@
(register-handler ::invoke-command-handlers!
(fn [{:keys [bot-db accounts current-account-id] :as db}
[_ {:keys [chat-id address command-message]
:as parameters}]]
(let [{:keys [id command params]} command-message
{:keys [type name bot owner-id]} command
path [(if (= :command type) :commands :responses)
to (get-in db [:contacts chat-id :address])
identity (or owner-id bot chat-id)
bot-db (get bot-db (or bot chat-id))
params {:parameters (assoc params :bot-db bot-db)
:context {:from address
:to to
:current-account (get accounts current-account-id)
:message-id id}}]
[_ {{:keys [command
id]} :command
:keys [chat-id address]
:as orig-params}]]
(let [{:keys [type name bot owner-id]} command
handler-type (if (= :command type) :commands :responses)
to (get-in db [:contacts chat-id :address])
identity (or owner-id bot chat-id)
bot-db (get bot-db (or bot chat-id))
params {:parameters params
:context {:from address
:to to
:current-account (get accounts current-account-id)
:message-id id}}]
{:jail-id identity
:path path
:path [handler-type name :handler]
:params params
:callback (fn [res]
(dispatch [:command-handler! chat-id parameters res]))})])))))
(dispatch [:command-handler! chat-id orig-params res]))})])))))
(register-handler :prepare-message
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
(let [params (:params command)]
(->> args
(map-indexed (fn [i value]
(vector (get-in params [i :name]) value)))
[(keyword (get-in params [i :name])) value]))
(into {}))))
(defn command-dependent-context-params
@ -77,12 +77,12 @@
markup (subscribe [:get-in [:message-data :preview message-id :markup]])]
(fn [{:keys [message-id content from incoming-group]}]
(let [commands @commands-atom
{:keys [prefill prefillBotDb params]
{:keys [prefill prefill-bot-db prefillBotDb params]
text-content :text} content
{:keys [command content]} (parse-command-request commands content)
command (if (and params command)
(merge command {:prefill prefill
:prefill-bot-db prefillBotDb})
:prefill-bot-db (or prefill-bot-db prefillBotDb)})
[view st/comand-request-view
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
(defn command-handler!
[_ [chat-id
{:keys [command-message] :as parameters}
{:keys [command] :as params}
{:keys [result error]}]]
(let [{:keys [context returned]} result
{handler-error :error} returned]
@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
(dispatch [:set-chat-ui-props {:validation-messages (cu/generate-hiccup markup)}]))
(let [command' (assoc command-message :handler-data returned)
parameters' (assoc parameters :command command')]
(let [command' (assoc command :handler-data returned)
params' (assoc params :command command')]
(if (:eth_sendTransaction context)
(dispatch [:wait-for-transaction (:id command-message) parameters'])
(dispatch [:prepare-command! chat-id parameters'])))
(dispatch [:wait-for-transaction (:id command) params'])
(dispatch [:prepare-command! chat-id params'])))
(not (or error handler-error))
(dispatch [:prepare-command! chat-id parameters])
(dispatch [:prepare-command! chat-id params])
:else nil)))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user