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synced 2025-02-01 21:57:16 +00:00
chore(tests)_: Facilitate writing event tests (#20424)
Introduces a new macro deftest-event to facilitate writing tests for event handlers. Motivation came from the _problem of having to always extract event handlers as vars in order to test them_. Although the implementation of deftest-sub and deftest-event are similar, deftest-sub is critically important because it guarantees changes in one subscription can be caught by tests from all other related subscriptions in the graph (reference: PR https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/pull/14472). This is not the case for the new deftest-event macro. deftest-event is essentially a way of make testing events less ceremonial by not requiring event handlers to be extracted to vars. But there are a few other small benefits: - The macro uses re-frame and "finds" the event handler by computing the interceptor chain (except :do-fx), so in a way, the tests are covering a bit more ground. - Slightly easier way to find event tests in the repo since you can just find references to deftest-event. - Possibly slightly easier to maintain by devs because now event tests and sub tests are written in a similar fashion. - Less code diff. Whether an event has a test or not, there's no var to add/remove. - The dispatch function provided by the macro makes reading the tests easier over time. For example, when we read subscription tests, the Act section of the test is always the same (rf/sub [sub-name]). Similarly for events, the Act section is always (dispatch [event-id arg1 arg2]). - Makes the re-frame code look more idiomatic because it's more common to define handlers as anonymous functions. Downside: deftest-sub and deftest-event are relatively complicated macros. Note: The test suite runs just as fast and clj-kondo can lint code within the macro just as well. Before: ```clojure (deftest process-account-from-signal-test (testing "process account from signal" (let [cofx {:db {:wallet {:accounts {}}}} effects (events/process-account-from-signal cofx [raw-account]) expected-effects {:db {:wallet {:accounts {address account}}} :fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address]] [:dispatch [:wallet/request-new-collectibles-for-account-from-signal address]] [:dispatch [:wallet/check-recent-history-for-account address]]]}] (is (match? expected-effects effects))))) ``` After ```clojure (h/deftest-event :wallet/process-account-from-signal [event-id dispatch] (let [expected-effects {:db {:wallet {:accounts {address account}}} :fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address]] [:dispatch [:wallet/request-new-collectibles-for-account-from-signal address]] [:dispatch [:wallet/check-recent-history-for-account address]]]}] (reset! rf-db/app-db {:wallet {:accounts {}}}) (is (match? expected-effects (dispatch [event-id raw-account]))))) ```
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
legacy.status-im.utils.styles/def clojure.core/def
legacy.status-im.utils.styles/defn clojure.core/defn
test-helpers.unit/deftest-sub clojure.core/defn
test-helpers.unit/deftest-event clojure.core/defn
taoensso.tufte/defnp clojure.core/defn}
:linters {:case-duplicate-test {:level :error}
:case-quoted-test {:level :error}
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
"reg-fx" :arg1-pair
"testing" :arg1-body
"deftest-sub" :arg1-body
"deftest-event" :arg1-body
"test-async" :arg1-body
"wait-for" :arg1-body
"with-deps-check" :arg1-body
@ -105,14 +105,12 @@
:on-success [:wallet/get-accounts-success]
:on-error [:wallet/log-rpc-error {:event :wallet/get-accounts}]}]]]}))
(defn process-account-from-signal
[{:keys [db]} [{:keys [address] :as account}]]
{:db (assoc-in db [:wallet :accounts address] (data-store/rpc->account account))
:fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address]]
[:dispatch [:wallet/request-new-collectibles-for-account-from-signal address]]
[:dispatch [:wallet/check-recent-history-for-account address]]]})
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/process-account-from-signal process-account-from-signal)
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/process-account-from-signal
(fn [{:keys [db]} [{:keys [address] :as account}]]
{:db (assoc-in db [:wallet :accounts address] (data-store/rpc->account account))
:fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address]]
[:dispatch [:wallet/request-new-collectibles-for-account-from-signal address]]
[:dispatch [:wallet/check-recent-history-for-account address]]]}))
@ -156,26 +154,22 @@
:on-success [:wallet/remove-account-success toast-message]
:on-error [:wallet/log-rpc-error {:event :wallet/remove-account}]}]]]}))
(defn get-wallet-token-for-all-accounts
[{:keys [db]}]
{:fx (->> (get-in db [:wallet :accounts])
(fn [{:keys [address]}]
[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address]])))})
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/get-wallet-token-for-all-accounts
(fn [{:keys [db]}]
{:fx (->> (get-in db [:wallet :accounts])
(fn [{:keys [address]}]
[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address]])))}))
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/get-wallet-token-for-all-accounts get-wallet-token-for-all-accounts)
(defn get-wallet-token-for-account
[{:keys [db]} [address]]
{:db (assoc-in db [:wallet :ui :tokens-loading address] true)
:fx [[:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wallet_getWalletToken"
:params [[address]]
:on-success [:wallet/store-wallet-token address]
:on-error [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account-failed address]}]]]})
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account get-wallet-token-for-account)
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account
(fn [{:keys [db]} [address]]
{:db (assoc-in db [:wallet :ui :tokens-loading address] true)
:fx [[:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wallet_getWalletToken"
:params [[address]]
:on-success [:wallet/store-wallet-token address]
:on-error [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account-failed address]}]]]}))
@ -401,14 +395,12 @@
[{:method "wallet_startWallet"
:on-error [:wallet/log-rpc-error {:event :wallet/start-wallet}]}]]]}))
(defn check-recent-history-for-all-accounts
[{:keys [db]}]
{:fx (->> (get-in db [:wallet :accounts])
(mapv (fn [{:keys [address]}]
[:dispatch [:wallet/check-recent-history-for-account address]])))})
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/check-recent-history-for-all-accounts check-recent-history-for-all-accounts)
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/check-recent-history-for-all-accounts
(fn [{:keys [db]}]
{:fx (->> (get-in db [:wallet :accounts])
(mapv (fn [{:keys [address]}]
[:dispatch [:wallet/check-recent-history-for-account address]])))}))
@ -479,35 +471,32 @@
:text (i18n/label :t/provider-is-down {:chains chain-names})
:duration constants/toast-chain-down-duration}]])]})))
(defn reset-selected-networks
[{:keys [db]}]
{:db (assoc-in db [:wallet :ui :network-filter] db/network-filter-defaults)})
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/reset-selected-networks
(fn [{:keys [db]}]
{:db (assoc-in db [:wallet :ui :network-filter] db/network-filter-defaults)}))
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/reset-selected-networks reset-selected-networks)
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/update-selected-networks
(fn [{:keys [db]} [network-name]]
(let [selected-networks (get-in db [:wallet :ui :network-filter :selected-networks])
selector-state (get-in db [:wallet :ui :network-filter :selector-state])
contains-network? (contains? selected-networks network-name)
update-fn (if contains-network? disj conj)
networks-count (count selected-networks)]
(cond (= selector-state :default)
{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:wallet :ui :network-filter :selected-networks] #{network-name})
(assoc-in [:wallet :ui :network-filter :selector-state] :changed))}
(defn update-selected-networks
[{:keys [db]} [network-name]]
(let [selected-networks (get-in db [:wallet :ui :network-filter :selected-networks])
selector-state (get-in db [:wallet :ui :network-filter :selector-state])
contains-network? (contains? selected-networks network-name)
update-fn (if contains-network? disj conj)
networks-count (count selected-networks)]
(cond (= selector-state :default)
{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:wallet :ui :network-filter :selected-networks] #{network-name})
(assoc-in [:wallet :ui :network-filter :selector-state] :changed))}
;; reset the list
;; - if user is removing the last network in the list
;; - if all networks is selected
(or (and (= networks-count 1) contains-network?)
(and (= (inc networks-count) constants/default-network-count) (not contains-network?)))
{:fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/reset-selected-networks]]]}
;; reset the list
;; - if user is removing the last network in the list
;; - if all networks is selected
(or (and (= networks-count 1) contains-network?)
(and (= (inc networks-count) constants/default-network-count) (not contains-network?)))
{:fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/reset-selected-networks]]]}
{:db (update-in db [:wallet :ui :network-filter :selected-networks] update-fn network-name)})))
(rf/reg-event-fx :wallet/update-selected-networks update-selected-networks)
(update-in db [:wallet :ui :network-filter :selected-networks] update-fn network-name)}))))
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
(ns status-im.contexts.wallet.events-test
[cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing]]
[cljs.test :refer-macros [is testing]]
[re-frame.db :as rf-db]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.contexts.wallet.events :as events]))
[test-helpers.unit :as h]))
(def address "0x2ee6138eb9344a8b76eca3cf7554a06c82a1e2d8")
@ -53,114 +55,98 @@
:removed false})
(deftest scan-address-success-test
(let [db {}]
(testing "scan-address-success"
(let [expected-db {:wallet {:ui {:scanned-address address}}}
effects (events/scan-address-success {:db db} address)
result-db (:db effects)]
(is (match? result-db expected-db))))))
(h/deftest-event :wallet/scan-address-success
[event-id dispatch]
(is (match? {:wallet {:ui {:scanned-address address}}}
(:db (dispatch [event-id address])))))
(deftest clean-scanned-address-test
(let [db {:wallet {:ui {:scanned-address address}}}]
(testing "clean-scanned-address"
(let [expected-db {:wallet {:ui {:send nil
:scanned-address nil}}}
effects (events/clean-scanned-address {:db db})
result-db (:db effects)]
(is (match? result-db expected-db))))))
(h/deftest-event :wallet/clean-scanned-address
[event-id dispatch]
(reset! rf-db/app-db {:wallet {:ui {:scanned-address address}}})
(is (match? {:wallet {:ui {}}}
(:db (dispatch [event-id])))))
(deftest reset-selected-networks-test
(testing "reset-selected-networks"
(let [db {:wallet {}}
expected-db {:wallet {:ui {:network-filter {:selector-state :default
(set constants/default-network-names)}}}}
effects (events/reset-selected-networks {:db db})
result-db (:db effects)]
(is (match? result-db expected-db)))))
(h/deftest-event :wallet/reset-selected-networks
[event-id dispatch]
(reset! rf-db/app-db {:wallet {}})
(is (match? {:wallet
{:ui {:network-filter {:selector-state :default
(set constants/default-network-names)}}}}
(:db (dispatch [event-id])))))
(deftest update-selected-networks-test
(h/deftest-event :wallet/update-selected-networks
[event-id dispatch]
(testing "update-selected-networks"
(let [db {:wallet {:ui {:network-filter {:selected-networks
:selector-state :changed}}}}
network-name constants/arbitrum-network-name
(let [network-name constants/arbitrum-network-name
expected-db {:wallet {:ui {:network-filter {:selected-networks
:selector-state :changed}}}}
props [network-name]
effects (events/update-selected-networks {:db db} props)
result-db (:db effects)]
(is (match? result-db expected-db))))
:selector-state :changed}}}}]
(reset! rf-db/app-db
{:wallet {:ui {:network-filter {:selected-networks
:selector-state :changed}}}})
(is (match? expected-db (:db (dispatch [event-id network-name]))))))
(testing "update-selected-networks > if all networks is already selected, update to incoming network"
(let [db {:wallet {:ui {:network-filter {:selector-state :default
(set constants/default-network-names)}}}}
network-name constants/arbitrum-network-name
(let [network-name constants/arbitrum-network-name
expected-db {:wallet {:ui {:network-filter {:selected-networks #{network-name}
:selector-state :changed}}}}
props [network-name]
effects (events/update-selected-networks {:db db} props)
result-db (:db effects)]
(is (match? result-db expected-db))))
:selector-state :changed}}}}]
(reset! rf-db/app-db
{:wallet {:ui {:network-filter {:selector-state :default
(set constants/default-network-names)}}}})
(is (match? expected-db (:db (dispatch [event-id network-name]))))))
(testing "update-selected-networks > reset on removing last network"
(let [db {:wallet {:ui {:network-filter {:selected-networks
:selector-state :changed}}}}
expected-fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/reset-selected-networks]]]
props [constants/optimism-network-name]
effects (events/update-selected-networks {:db db} props)
result-fx (:fx effects)]
(is (match? result-fx expected-fx)))))
(let [expected-fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/reset-selected-networks]]]]
(reset! rf-db/app-db
{:wallet {:ui {:network-filter {:selected-networks
:selector-state :changed}}}})
(is (match? expected-fx
(:fx (dispatch [event-id constants/optimism-network-name])))))))
(deftest get-wallet-token-for-all-accounts-test
(testing "get wallet token for all accounts"
(let [address-1 "0x1"
address-2 "0x2"
cofx {:db {:wallet {:accounts {address-1 {:address address-1}
address-2 {:address address-2}}}}}
effects (events/get-wallet-token-for-all-accounts cofx)
result-fx (:fx effects)
expected-fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address-1]]
[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address-2]]]]
(is (match? expected-fx result-fx)))))
(h/deftest-event :wallet/get-wallet-token-for-all-accounts
[event-id dispatch]
(let [address-1 "0x1"
address-2 "0x2"]
(reset! rf-db/app-db {:wallet {:accounts {address-1 {:address address-1}
address-2 {:address address-2}}}})
(is (match? [[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address-1]]
[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address-2]]]
(:fx (dispatch [event-id]))))))
(deftest get-wallet-token-for-account-test
(testing "get wallet token for account"
(let [cofx {:db {}}
effects (events/get-wallet-token-for-account cofx [address])
expected-effects {:db {:wallet {:ui {:tokens-loading {address true}}}}
:fx [[:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wallet_getWalletToken"
:params [[address]]
:on-success [:wallet/store-wallet-token address]
:on-error [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account-failed
(is (match? expected-effects effects)))))
(h/deftest-event :wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account
[event-id dispatch]
(let [expected-effects {:db {:wallet {:ui {:tokens-loading {address true}}}}
:fx [[:json-rpc/call
[{:method "wallet_getWalletToken"
:params [[address]]
:on-success [:wallet/store-wallet-token address]
:on-error [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account-failed
(is (match? expected-effects (dispatch [event-id address])))))
(deftest check-recent-history-for-all-accounts-test
(h/deftest-event :wallet/check-recent-history-for-all-accounts
[event-id dispatch]
(testing "check recent history for all accounts"
(let [address-1 "0x1"
address-2 "0x2"
cofx {:db {:wallet {:accounts {address-1 {:address address-1}
address-2 {:address address-2}}}}}
effects (events/check-recent-history-for-all-accounts cofx)
result-fx (:fx effects)
expected-fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/check-recent-history-for-account address-1]]
[:dispatch [:wallet/check-recent-history-for-account address-2]]]]
(is (match? expected-fx result-fx)))))
(reset! rf-db/app-db
{:wallet {:accounts {address-1 {:address address-1}
address-2 {:address address-2}}}})
(is (match? expected-fx (:fx (dispatch [event-id])))))))
(deftest process-account-from-signal-test
(testing "process account from signal"
(let [cofx {:db {:wallet {:accounts {}}}}
effects (events/process-account-from-signal cofx [raw-account])
expected-effects {:db {:wallet {:accounts {address account}}}
:fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address]]
[:wallet/request-new-collectibles-for-account-from-signal address]]
[:dispatch [:wallet/check-recent-history-for-account address]]]}]
(is (match? expected-effects effects)))))
(h/deftest-event :wallet/process-account-from-signal
[event-id dispatch]
(let [expected-effects {:db {:wallet {:accounts {address account}}}
:fx [[:dispatch [:wallet/get-wallet-token-for-account address]]
[:wallet/request-new-collectibles-for-account-from-signal address]]
[:dispatch [:wallet/check-recent-history-for-account address]]]}]
(reset! rf-db/app-db {:wallet {:accounts {}}})
(is (match? expected-effects (dispatch [event-id raw-account])))))
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.walk :as walk]))
(defn- subscription-name->test-name
(defn- keyword->test-name
(->> [(namespace sub-name)
(name sub-name)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
(map #(string/replace % #"\." "-"))
(string/join "-")))
(defmacro ^:private testing-subscription
(defmacro ^:private testing-restorable-app-db
[description & body]
`(cljs.test/testing ~description
(restore-app-db (fn [] ~@body))))
@ -46,17 +46,79 @@
;; Act and Assert
(is (= <expected> (rf/sub [sub-name])))))
[sub-name args & body]
[sub-name bindings & body]
`(let [sub-name# ~sub-name]
(cljs.test/deftest ~(symbol (subscription-name->test-name sub-name))
(let [~args [sub-name#]]
(cljs.test/deftest ~(symbol (keyword->test-name sub-name))
(let [~bindings [sub-name#]]
(fn []
;; Do not warn about subscriptions being used in non-reactive contexts.
(with-redefs [re-frame.interop/debug-enabled? false]
{'cljs.test/testing `testing-subscription
'testing `testing-subscription}
{'cljs.test/testing `testing-restorable-app-db
'testing `testing-restorable-app-db}
(defmacro ^:private event-dispatcher
"Returns an s-exp that can build an event dispatcher given an event vector."
`(fn [event-v#]
(let [event-id# (first event-v#)
all-interceptors# (re-frame.registrar/get-handler :event event-id#)
interceptors-without-fx# (remove #(= :do-fx (:id %)) all-interceptors#)]
(assert (seq all-interceptors#)
(str "Event does not exist '" event-id# "'"))
(:effects (re-frame.interceptor/execute event-v# interceptors-without-fx#)))))
(defmacro deftest-event
"Defines a test var for an event `event-id`.
This macro primarily exists to facilitate testing anonymous event handlers
directly, without the need to extract them to vars.
Similar to `deftest-sub`, this macro uses the re-frame machinery.
Consequently, the test body is no longer guaranteed to be pure, as all
interceptors will run (except for the standard `:do-fx`).
Within the test, we can directly mutate `re-frame.db/app-db` atom to set up
test data. Upon test completion, it is guaranteed that the app-db will be
restored to its original state.
Any usage of the `cljs.test/testing` macro within `body` will be modified to
ensure the app-db is restored.
The macro offers two bindings, namely `event-id` and `dispatch`. The
`dispatch` function is similar to `re-frame.core/dispatch`, but without
executing effects. It returns the map of effects we can assert on and it's
(ns events-test
(:require [test-helpers.unit :as h]))
(h/deftest-event :wallet/dummy-event
[event-id dispatch]
(let [expected {:db {:a false}}]
;; Arrange
(swap! rf-db/app-db {:a true})
;; Act and Assert
(is (match? expected (dispatch [event-id arg1 arg2])))))
[event-id bindings & body]
`(let [event-id# ~event-id]
(cljs.test/deftest ~(symbol (keyword->test-name event-id))
(let [dispatcher# (event-dispatcher)
~bindings [event-id# dispatcher#]]
(fn []
(with-redefs [re-frame.interop/debug-enabled? false]
{'cljs.test/testing `testing-restorable-app-db
'testing `testing-restorable-app-db}
(defmacro use-log-fixture
Reference in New Issue
Block a user