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synced 2025-01-11 11:34:45 +00:00
Merge pull request #486 from status-im/feature/translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,671 @@
I18n.translations = {
en: {
location_title: 'Location',
location_description: 'Share your location',
location_address: 'Address',
browse_title: 'Browser',
browse_description: 'Launch the browser',
send_title: 'Send ETH',
send_description: 'Send a payment',
request_title: 'Request ETH',
request_description: 'Request a payment',
request_requesting: 'Requesting ',
validation_title: 'Amount',
validation_amount_specified: 'Amount must be specified',
validation_invalid_number: 'Amount is not valid number',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Not enough ETH on balance ('
ru: {
location_title: 'Местоположение',
location_description: 'Поделитесь своим местоположением',
location_address: 'Адрес',
browse_title: 'Браузер',
browse_description: 'Запуск браузера',
send_title: 'Отправить ETH',
send_description: 'Отправить платеж',
request_title: 'Запросить ETH',
request_description: 'Запросить платеж',
request_requesting: 'Запрос ',
validation_title: 'Сумма',
validation_amount_specified: 'Необходимо указать сумму',
validation_invalid_number: 'Сумма не является действительным числом',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Недостаточно ETH на балансе ('
af: {
location_title: 'Ligging',
location_description: 'Deel jou ligging',
location_address: 'Addres',
browse_title: 'Webblaaier',
browse_description: 'Begin die webblaaier',
send_title: 'Stuur ETH',
send_description: 'Stuur \'n betaling',
request_title: 'Versoek ETH',
request_description: 'Versoek \'n betaling',
request_requesting: 'Besig met versoek ',
validation_title: 'Bedrag',
validation_amount_specified: 'Bedrag moet gespesifiseer word',
validation_invalid_number: 'Bedrag is nie \'n geldige syfer nie',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Nie genoeg ETH in rekening nie ('
ar: {
location_title: 'الموقع',
location_description: 'شارك موقعك',
location_address: 'العنوان',
browse_title: 'المتصفح',
browse_description: 'تشغيل المتصفح',
send_title: 'إرسال ETH',
send_description: 'إرسال مدفوعات',
request_title: 'طلب ETH',
request_description: 'طلب مدفوعات',
request_requesting: 'مُطَالَبَة ',
validation_title: 'المبلغ',
validation_amount_specified: 'يجب تحديد المبلغ',
validation_invalid_number: 'المبلغ المحدد غير صحيح',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'لا يوجد ETH كافي بالحساب ('
'zh-hant': {
location_title: '位置',
location_description: '分享您的位置',
location_address: '地址',
browse_title: '流覽器',
browse_description: '啟動流覽器',
send_title: '發送 ETH',
send_description: '發送一筆付款',
request_title: '請求 ETH',
request_description: '請求一筆付款',
request_requesting: '正在請求',
validation_title: '金額',
validation_amount_specified: 'ي未指定金額',
validation_invalid_number: '金額數字無效',
validation_insufficient_amount: '餘額中 ETH 不足 ('
'zh-hans': {
location_title: '位置',
location_description: '分享你的位置',
location_address: '地址',
browse_title: '浏览器',
browse_description: '启动浏览器',
send_title: '发送ETH',
send_description: '付款',
request_title: '请求ETH',
request_description: '要求付款',
request_requesting: '正在请求',
validation_title: '金額',
validation_amount_specified: '必须指定金额',
validation_invalid_number: '金额不是有效数字',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'ETH余额不足 ('
'zh-yue': {
location_title: '所在位置',
location_description: '分享所在位置',
location_address: '地址',
browse_title: '瀏覽器',
browse_description: '啟動瀏覽器',
send_title: '發送ETH',
send_description: '發送付款',
request_title: '徵求ETH',
request_description: '徵求付款',
request_requesting: '徵求中',
validation_title: '金額',
validation_amount_specified: '必須指定金額',
validation_invalid_number: '指定金額並非有效數字',
validation_insufficient_amount: '沒有足夠ETH餘額 ('
'zh-wuu': {
location_title: '位置',
location_description: '分享您的位置',
location_address: '地址',
browse_title: '浏览器',
browse_description: '启动浏览器',
send_title: '发送ETH',
send_description: '发送付款',
request_title: '请求ETH',
request_description: '请求付款',
request_requesting: '请求中 ',
validation_title: '金额',
validation_amount_specified: '金额必须明确',
validation_invalid_number: '金额不是一个有效数字',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'ETH余额不足 ('
nl: {
location_title: 'Locatie',
location_description: 'Deel je locatie',
location_address: 'Adres',
browse_title: 'Browser',
browse_description: 'Start de browser',
send_title: 'Stuur ETH',
send_description: 'Stuur een betaling',
request_title: 'Vraag ETH aan',
request_description: 'Vraag om een betaling',
request_requesting: 'Wordt aangevraagd ',
validation_title: 'Bedrag',
validation_amount_specified: 'Bedrag moet worden opgegeven',
validation_invalid_number: 'Bedrag is geen geldig nummer',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Niet genoeg ETH op saldo ('
fr: {
location_title: 'Emplacement',
location_description: 'Partager votre emplacement',
location_address: 'Adresse',
browse_title: 'Navigateur',
browse_description: 'Lancer le navigateur',
send_title: 'Envoyer l\'ETH',
send_description: 'Envoyer un paiement',
request_title: 'Demander l\'ETH',
request_description: 'Demander un paiement',
request_requesting: 'Demande en cours...',
validation_title: 'Montant',
validation_amount_specified: 'Le montant doit être spécifié',
validation_invalid_number: 'Le montant n\'est pas un nombre valide',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Pas assez d\'ETH sur le solde ('
de: {
location_title: 'Ort',
location_description: 'Teilen Sie Ihren Ort',
location_address: 'Adresse',
browse_title: 'Browser',
browse_description: 'Browser starten',
send_title: 'ETH abschicken',
send_description: 'Zahlung senden',
request_title: 'ETH anfragen',
request_description: 'Zahlung anfragen',
request_requesting: 'Frage an',
validation_title: 'Betrag',
validation_amount_specified: 'Betrag muss angegeben werden',
validation_invalid_number: 'Betrag ist keine gültige Zahl',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Nicht genügend ETH auf dem Konto ('
hi: {
location_title: 'स्थान',
location_description: 'अपना स्थान साझा करें',
location_address: 'पता',
browse_title: 'ब्राउज़र',
browse_description: 'ब्राउज़र लॉन्च करें',
send_title: 'ETH भेजें',
send_description: 'भुगतान भेजें',
request_title: 'ETH का अनुरोध करें',
request_description: 'भुगतान का अनुरोध करें',
request_requesting: 'अनुरोध किया जा रहा है',
validation_title: 'राशि',
validation_amount_specified: 'राशि निर्दिष्ट की जानी चाहिए',
validation_invalid_number: 'राशि वैध संख्या नहीं है',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'बैलेंस पर पर्याप्त ETH नहीं है ('
hu: {
location_title: 'Helyszín',
location_description: 'Helyszín megosztása',
location_address: 'Cím',
browse_title: 'Böngésző',
browse_description: 'Böngésző indítása',
send_title: 'ETH küldése',
send_description: 'Kifizetés küldése',
request_title: 'ETH igénylése',
request_description: 'Fizetés igénylése',
request_requesting: 'Igénylés ',
validation_title: 'Összeg',
validation_amount_specified: 'Az összeget meg kell határozni',
validation_invalid_number: 'Az összeg nem egy elfogadott szám',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Nincs elég ETH a számlán ('
it: {
location_title: 'Posizione',
location_description: 'Condividi la tua posizione',
location_address: 'Indirizzo',
browse_title: 'Browser',
browse_description: 'Lancia il browser',
send_title: 'Invia ETH',
send_description: 'Invia un pagamento',
request_title: 'Richiedi ETH',
request_description: 'Richiedi un pagamento',
request_requesting: 'Richiesta in corso ',
validation_title: 'Ammontare',
validation_amount_specified: 'L\'ammontare deve essere specificato',
validation_invalid_number: 'L\'ammontare non è un numero valido',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'ETH insufficiente sul bilancio ('
ja: {
location_title: '位置',
location_description: '位置情報を共有',
location_address: 'アドレス',
browse_title: 'ブラウザ',
browse_description: 'ブラウザを起動',
send_title: 'ETHを送信',
send_description: '支払いを送信',
request_title: 'ETHをリクエスト',
request_description: '支払いをリクエスト',
request_requesting: 'リクエスト中',
validation_title: '金額',
validation_amount_specified: '金額を特定する必要があります',
validation_invalid_number: '金額は有効な数字ではありません',
validation_insufficient_amount: '残高に十分なETHがありません('
ko: {
location_title: '위치',
location_description: '내 위치 공유하기',
location_address: '주소',
browse_title: '브라우저',
browse_description: '브라우저 시작하기',
send_title: 'ETH 보내기',
send_description: '지불금 보내기',
request_title: 'ETH 요청',
request_description: '지불금 요청',
request_requesting: '요청 중 ',
validation_title: '금액',
validation_amount_specified: '금액을 지정해야 합니다',
validation_invalid_number: '금액이 유효한 숫자가 아닙니다',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'ETH 잔고가 부족합니다 ('
pl: {
location_title: 'Lokalizacja',
location_description: 'Udostępnij swoją lokalizację',
location_address: 'Adres',
browse_title: 'Przeglądarka',
browse_description: 'Uruchom przeglądarkę',
send_title: 'Wyślij ETH',
send_description: 'Wyślij płatność',
request_title: 'Poproś o ETH',
request_description: 'Poproś o płatność',
request_requesting: 'Przesyłanie prośby',
validation_title: 'Kwota',
validation_amount_specified: 'Należy określić kwotę',
validation_invalid_number: 'Kwota nie jest prawidłową liczbą',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Brak wystarczającej liczby ETH na koncie ('
'pt-br': {
location_title: 'Localização',
location_description: 'Compartilhar sua localização',
location_address: 'Endereço',
browse_title: 'Navegador',
browse_description: 'Abrir o navegador',
send_title: 'Enviar ETH',
send_description: 'Enviar um pagamento',
request_title: 'Solicitar ETH',
request_description: 'Solicitar um pagamento',
request_requesting: 'Solicitando',
validation_title: 'Quantia',
validation_amount_specified: 'É necessário especificar a quantia',
validation_invalid_number: 'A quantia não é um número válido',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'ETH insuficiente no saldo ('
'pt-pt': {
location_title: 'Location',
location_description: 'Partilhar a sua localização',
location_address: 'Endereço',
browse_title: 'Navegador',
browse_description: 'Abrir o navegador',
send_title: 'Enviar ETH',
send_description: 'Enviar um pagamento',
request_title: 'Solicitar ETH',
request_description: 'Solicitar um pagamento',
request_requesting: 'A solicitar',
validation_title: 'Montante',
validation_amount_specified: 'O montante deve ser especificado',
validation_invalid_number: 'O montante não é um número válido',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Não há ETH suficiente no saldo ('
ro: {
location_title: 'Locație',
location_description: "Partajează locația",
location_address: 'Adresă',
browse_title: 'Browser',
browse_description: 'Lansare browser',
send_title: 'Trimite ETH',
send_description: 'Trimite o plată',
request_title: 'Solicită ETH',
request_description: 'Solicită o plată',
request_requesting: 'Se solicită',
validation_title: 'Sumă',
validation_amount_specified: 'Trebuie menționată o sumă',
validation_invalid_number: 'Suma nu are forma unui număr valid',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Sold ETH insuficient ('
sl: {
location_title: 'Lokacija',
location_description: 'Deli svojo lokacijo',
location_address: 'Naslov',
browse_title: 'Brskalnik',
browse_description: 'Zaženi brskalnik',
send_title: 'Pošlji ETH',
send_description: 'Pošlji plačilo',
request_title: 'Zahtevaj ETH',
request_description: 'Zahtevaj plačilo',
request_requesting: 'Zahtevam ',
validation_title: 'Vsota',
validation_amount_specified: 'Vsota mora biti izrecno navedena',
validation_invalid_number: 'Vsota ni veljavna številka',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Stanje ETH na računu je prenizko ('
es: {
location_title: 'Ubicación',
location_description: 'Comparte tu ubicación',
location_address: 'Dirección',
browse_title: 'Navegador',
browse_description: 'Iniciar el navegador',
send_title: 'Enviar ETH ',
send_description: 'Enviar un pago',
request_title: 'Solicitar ETH',
request_description: 'Solicitar un pago',
request_requesting: 'Solicitando',
validation_title: 'Cantidad',
validation_amount_specified: 'Hay que especificar la cantidad',
validation_invalid_number: 'La cantidad no es un número válido',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'No hay suficiente ETH en conjunto ('
'es-ar': {
location_title: 'Ubicación',
location_description: 'Comparte tu ubicación',
location_address: 'Dirección',
browse_title: 'Navegador',
browse_description: 'Iniciar navegador',
send_title: 'Enviar ETH',
send_description: 'Enviar un pago',
request_title: 'Solicitar ETH',
request_description: 'Solicitar un pago',
request_requesting: 'Solicitando ',
validation_title: 'Monto',
validation_amount_specified: 'Debes especificar el monto',
validation_invalid_number: 'El monto no es un número válido',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'No tienes suficiente ETH en tu saldo ('
sw: {
location_title: 'Eneo',
location_description: 'Shiriki eneo lako',
location_address: 'Anwani',
browse_title: 'Programu ya utafutaji',
browse_description: 'Zindua programu ya utafutaji',
send_title: 'Tuma ETH',
send_description: 'Tuma malipo',
request_title: 'Omba ETH',
request_description: 'Omba malipo',
request_requesting: 'Kuomba ',
validation_title: 'Kiasi',
validation_amount_specified: 'Kiasi lazima kifafanuliwe',
validation_invalid_number: 'Kiasi si nambari halali',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'ETH haitoshi kwenye salio ('
sv: {
location_title: 'Plats',
location_description: 'Dela din plats',
location_address: 'Adress',
browse_title: 'Webbläsare',
browse_description: 'Starta webbläsaren',
send_title: 'Skicka ETH',
send_description: 'Skicka en betalning',
request_title: 'Begär ETH',
request_description: 'Begär en betalning',
request_requesting: 'Begär ',
validation_title: 'Belopp',
validation_amount_specified: 'Beloppet måste anges',
validation_invalid_number: 'Beloppet är inte ett giltigt nummer',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Inte tillräcklig ETH på balansen ('
'fr-ch': {
location_title: 'Emplacement',
location_description: 'Partagez votre emplacement',
location_address: 'Adresse',
browse_title: 'Navigateur',
browse_description: 'Lancer le navigateur',
send_title: 'Envoyer des ETH',
send_description: 'Envoyer un paiement',
request_title: 'Demander des ETH',
request_description: 'Demander un paiement',
request_requesting: 'Demande ',
validation_title: 'Montant',
validation_amount_specified: 'Le montant doit être spécifié',
validation_invalid_number: 'Le montant n\'est pas un nombre valable',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Pas assez d\'ETH sur le solde ('
'de-ch': {
location_title: 'Standort',
location_description: 'Teile dein Standort',
location_address: 'Adresse',
browse_title: 'Browser',
browse_description: 'Starte den Browser',
send_title: 'Sende ETH',
send_description: 'Senden eine Zahlung',
request_title: 'Fordere ETH an',
request_description: 'Eine Zahlung anfordern',
request_requesting: 'Anfordern ',
validation_title: 'Betrag',
validation_amount_specified: 'Der Betrag muss angegeben werden',
validation_invalid_number: 'Der Betrag ist nicht gültig',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Nicht genug ETH vorhanden ('
'it-ch': {
location_title: 'Posizione',
location_description: 'Condividi la tua posizione',
location_address: 'Indirizzo',
browse_title: 'Browser',
browse_description: 'Avvia il browser',
send_title: 'Invia ETH',
send_description: 'Invia un pagamento',
request_title: 'Richiedi ETH',
request_description: 'Richiedi un pagamento',
request_requesting: 'Richiesta in corso... ',
validation_title: 'Importo',
validation_amount_specified: 'Specificare l\'importo',
validation_invalid_number: 'Importo inserito non valido',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Saldo ETH non sufficiente ('
th: {
location_title: 'ตำแหน่ง',
location_description: 'แชร์ตำแหน่งของคุณ',
location_address: 'ที่อยู่',
browse_title: 'เบราว์เซอร์',
browse_description: 'เปิดเบราว์เซอร์',
send_title: 'ส่ง ETH',
send_description: 'ส่งการชำระเงิน',
request_title: 'ร้องขอ ETH',
request_description: 'ร้องขอการชำระเงิน',
request_requesting: 'กำลังร้องขอ ',
validation_title: 'จำนวน',
validation_amount_specified: 'จำเป็นต้องระบุจำนวน',
validation_invalid_number: 'จำนวนไม่ใช่หมายเลขที่ถูกต้อง',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'มี ETH ไม่เพียงพอในยอดคงเหลือ ('
tr: {
location_title: 'Konum',
location_description: 'Konumunuzu paylaşın',
location_address: 'Adres',
browse_title: 'Tarayıcı',
browse_description: 'Tarayıcıyı başlat',
send_title: 'ETH gönder',
send_description: 'Bir ödeme gönder',
request_title: 'ETH iste',
request_description: 'Bir ödeme iste',
request_requesting: 'İsteniyor ',
validation_title: 'Miktar',
validation_amount_specified: 'Miktar belirtilmelidir',
validation_invalid_number: 'Miktar geçerli bir sayı değil',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Yeterli ETH bakiyesi yok ('
uk: {
location_title: 'Місцезнаходження',
location_description: 'Поділіться своїм місцезнаходженням',
location_address: 'Адреса',
browse_title: 'Браузер',
browse_description: 'Запустити браузер',
send_title: 'Надіслати ETH',
send_description: 'Надіслати платіж',
request_title: 'Запит ETH',
request_description: 'Запит платежу',
request_requesting: 'Запит ',
validation_title: 'Сума',
validation_amount_specified: 'Сума повинна бути вказана',
validation_invalid_number: 'Сума не дійсне число',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Не вистачає ETH на балансі ('
ur: {
location_title: 'مقام',
location_description: 'اپنا مقام بتائیں',
location_address: 'پتہ',
browse_title: 'براؤزر',
browse_description: 'براؤزر کھولیں',
send_title: 'ETH بھیجیں',
send_description: 'ادائیگی کریں',
request_title: 'ETH کی درخواست دیں',
request_description: 'ادائیگی کی درخواست دیں',
request_requesting: 'درخواست کی جارہی ہے ',
validation_title: 'رقم',
validation_amount_specified: 'رقم درج کی جانی چاہیے۔ ',
validation_invalid_number: 'رقیم درست ہندسے نہیں ہیں',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'ETH میں کافی بیلنس نہیں ہے ('
vi: {
location_title: 'Vị trí',
location_description: 'Chia sẻ vị trí của bạn',
location_address: 'Địa chỉ',
browse_title: 'Trình duyệt',
browse_description: 'Mở trình duyệt',
send_title: 'Gửi ETH',
send_description: 'Gửi một khoản thanh toán',
request_title: 'Yêu cầu ETH',
request_description: 'Yêu cầu một khoản thanh toán',
request_requesting: 'Đang yêu cầu ',
validation_title: 'Số tiền',
validation_amount_specified: 'Số tiền phải được xác định',
validation_invalid_number: 'Số tiền không phải là một số hợp lệ',
validation_insufficient_amount: 'Không đủ ETH trong số dư ('
name: "location",
icon: "location",
title: "Location",
description: "Share your location",
title: I18n.t('location_title'),
description: I18n.t('location_description'),
color: "#a187d5",
preview: function (params) {
var text = status.components.text(
@ -36,7 +699,7 @@ status.command({
name: "address",
type: status.types.TEXT,
placeholder: "Address"
placeholder: I18n.t('location_address')
@ -53,8 +716,8 @@ function browseSuggestions(params) {
name: "browse",
title: "Browser",
description: "Launch the browser",
title: I18n.t('browse_title'),
description: I18n.t('browse_description'),
color: "#ffa500",
fullscreen: true,
suggestionsTrigger: 'on-send',
@ -80,8 +743,8 @@ function validateSend(params, context) {
return {
errors: [
"Amount must be specified"
@ -93,8 +756,8 @@ function validateSend(params, context) {
return {
errors: [
"Amount is not valid number"
@ -105,8 +768,8 @@ function validateSend(params, context) {
return {
errors: [
"Not enough ETH on balance ("
+ web3.fromWei(balance, "ether")
+ " ETH)"
@ -133,8 +796,8 @@ var send = {
name: "send",
icon: "money_white",
color: "#5fc48d",
title: "Send ETH",
description: "Send a payment",
title: I18n.t('send_title'),
description: I18n.t('send_description'),
params: [{
name: "amount",
type: status.types.NUMBER
@ -207,9 +870,9 @@ status.response(send);
name: "request",
title: "Request ETH",
title: I18n.t('request_title'),
color: "#7099e6",
description: "Request a payment",
description: I18n.t('request_description'),
params: [{
name: "amount",
type: status.types.NUMBER
@ -229,7 +892,7 @@ status.command({
params: {
amount: params.amount
content: "Requesting " + params.amount + "ETH"
content: I18n.t('request_requesting') + params.amount + "ETH"
@ -1,4 +1,568 @@
var phones = [
I18n.translations = {
en: {
phone_title: 'Send Phone Number',
phone_description: 'Find friends using your number',
phone_placeholder: 'Phone number',
confirm_description: 'Confirmation code',
confirm_validation_title: 'Confirmation code',
confirm_validation_description: 'Wrong format',
password_description: 'Password',
password_placeholder: 'Type your password',
password_placeholder2: 'Please re-enter password to confirm',
password_error: 'Password should be not less then 6 symbols.',
password_error1: 'Password confirmation doesn\'t match password.',
password_validation_title: 'Password'
ru: {
phone_title: 'Отправить номер телефона',
phone_description: 'Найти друзей, используя ваш номер',
phone_placeholder: 'Номер телефона',
confirm_description: 'Код подтверждения',
confirm_validation_title: 'Код подтверждения',
confirm_validation_description: 'Неверный формат',
password_description: 'Пароль',
password_placeholder: 'Введите свой пароль',
password_placeholder2: 'Повторно введите пароль для подтверждения',
password_error: 'Пароль должен содержать не менее 6 символов',
password_error1: 'Подтверждение пароля не совпадает с паролем',
password_validation_title: 'Пароль'
af: {
phone_title: 'Stuur telefoonnommer',
phone_description: 'Vind vriende deur jou nommer te gebruik',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefoonnommer',
confirm_description: 'Bevestigingskode',
confirm_validation_title: 'Bevestigingskode',
confirm_validation_description: 'Verkeerde formaat',
password_description: 'Wagwoord',
password_placeholder: 'Tik jou wagwoord in',
password_placeholder2: 'Tik asseblief weer jou wagwoord in om te bevestig',
password_error: 'Wagwoord mag nie minder as 6 simbole wees nie.',
password_error1: 'Wagwoordbevestiging is nie dieselfde as wagwoord nie.',
password_validation_title: 'Wagwoord'
ar: {
phone_title: 'أرسل رقم الهاتف',
phone_description: 'ابحث عن الأصدقاء باستخدام رقمك',
phone_placeholder: 'رقم الهاتف',
confirm_description: 'رمز التأكيد',
confirm_validation_title: 'رمز التأكيد',
confirm_validation_description: 'صيغة خاطئة',
password_description: 'كلمة المرور',
password_placeholder: 'اكتب كلمة المرور الخاصة بك',
password_placeholder2: 'الرجاء إعادة إدخال كلمة المرور للتأكيد',
password_error: 'ينبغي أن لا تقل كلمة المرور عن 6 رموز.',
password_error1: 'لا يتوافق تأكيد كلمة المرور مع كلمة المرور.',
password_validation_title: 'كلمة المرور'
'zh-hant': {
phone_title: '發送手機號碼',
phone_description: '使用您的號碼發現好友',
phone_placeholder: '手機號碼',
confirm_description: '確認碼',
confirm_validation_title: '確認碼',
confirm_validation_description: '格式錯誤',
password_description: '密碼',
password_placeholder: '鍵入您的密碼',
password_placeholder2: '重新鍵入您的密碼',
password_error: '密碼不得短於6個字元。',
password_error1: '確認密碼與鍵入的密碼不一致。',
password_validation_title: '密碼'
'zh-hans': {
phone_title: '发送电话号码',
phone_description: '用你的号码来查找朋友',
phone_placeholder: '电话号码',
confirm_description: '确认码',
confirm_validation_title: '确认码',
confirm_validation_description: '格式错误',
password_description: '密码',
password_placeholder: '输入密码',
password_placeholder2: '请重新输入密码以确认',
password_error: '密码应不少于6个字符。',
password_error1: '密码确认信息与密码不匹配。',
password_validation_title: '密码'
'zh-yue': {
phone_title: '發送電話號碼',
phone_description: '使用本電話號碼查找好友',
phone_placeholder: '電話號碼',
confirm_description: '驗證碼',
confirm_validation_title: '驗證碼',
confirm_validation_description: '格式錯誤',
password_description: '密碼',
password_placeholder: '輸入密碼',
password_placeholder2: '請重新輸入密碼確認',
password_error: '密碼不能短於6個字符.',
password_error1: '確認密碼與輸入密碼不符.',
password_validation_title: '密碼'
'zh-wuu': {
phone_title: '发送电话号码',
phone_description: '用您的号码查找朋友',
phone_placeholder: '电话号码',
confirm_description: '确认码',
confirm_validation_title: '确认码',
confirm_validation_description: '错误格式',
password_description: '密码',
password_placeholder: '输入密码',
password_placeholder2: '请重新输入密码确认',
password_error: '密码应不小于6个字符。',
password_error1: '密码确认不匹配。',
password_validation_title: '密码'
nl: {
phone_title: 'Stuur telefoonnummer',
phone_description: 'Zoek vrienden met behulp van je nummer',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefoonnummer',
confirm_description: 'Bevestigingscode',
confirm_validation_title: 'Bevestigingscode',
confirm_validation_description: 'Verkeerd format',
password_description: 'Wachtwoord',
password_placeholder: 'Typ je wachtwoord',
password_placeholder2: 'Voer je wachtwoord opnieuw in om te bevestigen',
password_error: 'Wachtwoord moet minstens 6 tekens hebben.',
password_error1: 'Wachtwoordbevestiging komt niet overeen met wachtwoord.',
password_validation_title: 'Wachtwoord'
fr: {
phone_title: 'Envoyer le numéro de téléphone',
phone_description: 'Trouver des amis en utilisant votre numéro',
phone_placeholder: 'Numéro de téléphone',
confirm_description: 'Code de confirmation',
confirm_validation_title: 'Code de confirmation',
confirm_validation_description: 'Format incorrect',
password_description: 'Mot de passe',
password_placeholder: 'Tapez votre mot de passe',
password_placeholder2: 'Veuillez retapez votre mot de passe pour le confirmer',
password_error: 'Le mot de passe doit contenir 6 symboles au minimum.',
password_error1: 'Le mot de passe de confirmation ne correspond pas au mot de passe.',
password_validation_title: 'Mot de passe'
de: {
phone_title: 'Telefonnummer absenden',
phone_description: 'Freunde mit Ihrer Nummer finden',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefonnummer',
confirm_description: 'Bestätigungscode',
confirm_validation_title: 'Bestätigungscode',
confirm_validation_description: 'Falsches Format',
password_description: 'Passwort',
password_placeholder: 'Geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein',
password_placeholder2: 'Bitte geben Sie das Passwort zur Bestätigung erneut ein',
password_error: 'Das Passwort sollte nicht weniger als 6 Stellen beinhalten',
password_error1: 'Die Passwortbestätigung stimmt nicht mit dem Passwort überein',
password_validation_title: 'Passwort',
hi: {
phone_title: 'फ़ोन नंबर भेजें',
phone_description: 'अपने नंबर का उपयोग करके दोस्त ढूंढें',
phone_placeholder: 'फ़ोन नंबर',
confirm_description: 'पुष्टि कोड',
confirm_validation_title: 'पुष्टि कोड',
confirm_validation_description: 'गलत प्रारूप',
password_description: 'पासवर्ड',
password_placeholder: 'अपना पासवर्ड टाइप करें',
password_placeholder2: 'पुष्टि करने के लिए फिर से पासवर्ड दर्ज करें',
password_error: 'पासवर्ड 6 प्रतीकों से कम का नहीं होना चाहिए।',
password_error1: 'पासवर्ड पुष्टि पासवर्ड मेल नहीं खाता है।',
password_validation_title: 'पासवर्ड'
hu: {
phone_title: 'Telefonszám küldése',
phone_description: 'Ismerősök megkeresése telefonszám alapján',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefonszám',
confirm_description: 'Megerősítési kód',
confirm_validation_title: 'Megerősítési kód',
confirm_validation_description: 'Rossz formátum',
password_description: 'Jelszó',
password_placeholder: 'Add meg a jelszavad',
password_placeholder2: 'A megerősítéshez kérjük, add meg újra a jelszavad',
password_error: 'A jelszó nem lehet hosszabb 6 szimbólumnál.',
password_error1: 'A megerősített jelszó nem egyezik a jelszóval.',
password_validation_title: 'Jelszó'
it: {
phone_title: 'Invia numero di telefono',
phone_description: 'Trova gli amici che usano il tuo numero',
phone_placeholder: 'Numero di telefono',
confirm_description: 'Codice di conferma',
confirm_validation_title: 'Codice di conferma',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato errato',
password_description: 'Password',
password_placeholder: 'Digita la tua password',
password_placeholder2: 'Reinserisci la password per confermare',
password_error: 'La password deve contenere almeno 6 caratteri.',
password_error1: 'Conferma password\ la password non corrisponde.',
password_validation_title: 'Password'
ja: {
phone_title: '電話番号を送信',
phone_description: 'あなたの番号を使用している友人を検索',
phone_placeholder: '携帯電話番号',
confirm_description: '確認コード',
confirm_validation_title: '確認コード',
confirm_validation_description: '間違った形式',
password_description: 'パスワード',
password_placeholder: 'パスワードを入力してください',
password_placeholder2: '確認のためにパスワードを再入力してください',
password_error: 'パスワードは6文字以下でなければなりません.',
password_error1: 'パスワードの確認がパスワードと一致しません。',
password_validation_title: 'パスワード'
ko: {
phone_title: '전화번호 보내기',
phone_description: '내 번호를 사용하여 친구 찾기',
phone_placeholder: '전화번호',
confirm_description: '확인 코드',
confirm_validation_title: '확인 코드',
confirm_validation_description: '잘못된 형식',
password_description: '비밀번호',
password_placeholder: '비밀번호를 입력하세요',
password_placeholder2: '확인을 위해 비밀번호를 다시 입력해 주세요',
password_error: '비밀번호는 6자 이상이어야 합니다.',
password_error1: '확인용 비밀번호가 원래 비밀번호와 일치하지 않습니다.',
password_validation_title: '비밀번호'
pl: {
phone_title: 'Wyślij numer telefonu',
phone_description: 'Znajdź znajomych, używając swojego numeru',
phone_placeholder: 'Numer telefonu',
confirm_description: 'Kod potwierdzający',
confirm_validation_title: 'Kod potwierdzający',
confirm_validation_description: 'Nieprawidłowy format',
password_description: 'Hasło',
password_placeholder: 'Wpisz swoje hasło',
password_placeholder2: 'Wprowadź ponownie hasło, aby potwierdzić',
password_error: 'Hasło powinno zawierać co najmniej 6 symboli.',
password_error1: 'Wprowadzone i potwierdzone hasła nie są takie same.',
password_validation_title: 'Hasło'
'pt-br': {
phone_title: 'Enviar número de telefone',
phone_description: 'Encontrar amigos por meio do seu número',
phone_placeholder: 'Número de telefone',
confirm_description: 'Código de confirmação',
confirm_validation_title: 'Código de confirmação',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato incorreto',
password_description: 'Senha',
password_placeholder: 'Digite sua senha',
password_placeholder2: 'Por favor, digite a senha novamente para confirmar',
password_error: 'A senha deve ter no mínimo 6 símbolos.',
password_error1: 'A confirmação da senha é diferente da senha.',
password_validation_title: 'Senha'
'pt-pt': {
phone_title: 'Enviar o Número de Telefone',
phone_description: 'Encontrar amigos que utilizem o seu número',
phone_placeholder: 'Número de telefone',
confirm_description: 'Código de confirmação',
confirm_validation_title: 'Código de confirmação',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato errado',
password_description: 'Palavra-passe',
password_placeholder: 'Digite a sua palavra-passe',
password_placeholder2: 'Por favor, volte a digitar a palavra-passe para confirmar',
password_error: 'A palavra-passe não deve ter menos de 6 símbolos.',
password_error1: 'A confirmação da palavra-passe não coincide com a palavra-passe.',
password_validation_title: 'Palavra-passe'
ro: {
phone_title: 'Trimite numărul de telefon',
phone_description: 'Găsește prieteni folosindu-ți numărul de telefon',
phone_placeholder: 'Număr de telefon',
confirm_description: 'Cod de confirmare',
confirm_validation_title: 'Cod de confirmare',
confirm_validation_description: 'Format greșit',
password_description: 'Parolă',
password_placeholder: 'Tastează parola',
password_placeholder2: 'Te rugăm să re-introduci parola pentru a confirma',
password_error: 'Parola trebuie să aibă cel puțin 6 simboluri.',
password_error1: 'Parola confirmată nu este aceeași cu parola introdusă.',
password_validation_title: 'Parolă'
sl: {
phone_title: 'Pošlji telefonsko številko',
phone_description: 'Iskanje prijateljev z uporabo tvoje telefonske številke',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefonska številka',
confirm_description: 'Potrditvena koda',
confirm_validation_title: 'Potrditvena koda',
confirm_validation_description: 'Neveljaven format',
password_description: 'Geslo',
password_placeholder: 'Vnesi svoje geslo',
password_placeholder2: 'Prosimo, ponovno vnesi geslo za potrditev',
password_error: 'Geslo mora vsebovati vsaj 6 simbolov.',
password_error1: 'Potrditev gesla se ne ujema z geslom.',
password_validation_title: 'Geslo'
es: {
phone_title: 'Enviar número de teléfono',
phone_description: 'Encontrar amigos que estén utilizando tu número',
phone_placeholder: 'Número de teléfono',
confirm_description: 'Código de confirmación',
confirm_validation_title: 'Código de confirmación',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato erróneo',
password_description: 'Contraseña',
password_placeholder: 'Escribe tu contraseña',
password_placeholder2: 'Por favor, vuelve a escribir la contraseña para confirmar',
password_error: 'La contraseña no debe ser inferior a 6 símbolos.',
password_error1: 'La confirmación de contraseña no coincide con la contraseña.',
password_validation_title: 'Contraseña'
'es-ar': {
phone_title: 'Envia un número telefónico',
phone_description: 'Encuentra amigos utilizando tu número',
phone_placeholder: 'Número telefónico',
confirm_description: 'Código de confirmación',
confirm_validation_title: 'Código de confirmación',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato incorrecto',
password_description: 'Contraseña',
password_placeholder: 'Ingresa tu contraseña',
password_placeholder2: 'Ingresa tu contraseña para confirmar',
password_error: 'Las contraseñas deben contener no menos de 6 símbolos.',
password_error1: 'La confirmación de la contraseña no coincide con la contraseña.',
password_validation_title: 'Contraseña'
sw: {
phone_title: 'Tuma Namba ya Simu',
phone_description: 'Pata marafiki kwa kutumia namba yako',
phone_placeholder: 'Namba ya simu',
confirm_description: 'Kificho cha uthibitisho',
confirm_validation_title: 'Kificho cha uthibitisho',
confirm_validation_description: 'Muundo hafifu',
password_description: 'Nenosiri',
password_placeholder: 'Andika nenosiri lako',
password_placeholder2: 'Tafadhali ingiza tena nenosiri kuthibitisha',
password_error: 'Nenosiri lisiwe chini ya alama 6.',
password_error1: 'Uthibitisho wa nenosiri haulingani na nenosiri.',
password_validation_title: 'Nenosiri'
sv: {
phone_title: 'Skicka telefonnummer',
phone_description: 'Hitta vänner som använder ditt nummer',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefonnummer',
confirm_description: 'Bekräftelsekod',
confirm_validation_title: 'Bekräftelsekod',
confirm_validation_description: 'Fel format',
password_description: 'Lösenord',
password_placeholder: 'Skriv ditt lösenord',
password_placeholder2: 'Var god ange ditt lösenord igen för att bekräfta',
password_error: 'Lösenordet bör inte vara mindre än 6 symboler.',
password_error1: 'Lösenordsbekräftelsen matcharinte lösenordet.',
password_validation_title: 'Lösenord'
'fr-ch': {
phone_title: 'Envoyer numéro de téléphone',
phone_description: 'Trouvez des amis en utilisant votre numéro',
phone_placeholder: 'Numéro de téléphone',
confirm_description: 'Code de confirmation',
confirm_validation_title: 'Code de confirmation',
confirm_validation_description: 'Mauvais format',
password_description: 'Mot de passe',
password_placeholder: 'Tapez votre mot de passe',
password_placeholder2: 'Veuillez saisir à nouveau le mot de passe pour confirmer',
password_error: 'Le mot de passe doit avoir au moins 6 caractères.',
password_error1: 'La confirmation du mot de passe ne correspond pas au premier mot de passe.',
password_validation_title: 'Mot de passe'
'de-ch': {
phone_title: 'Sende Telefonnummer',
phone_description: 'Finde Freunde mittels deiner Telefonnummer',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefonnummer',
confirm_description: 'Konfirmationscode',
confirm_validation_title: 'Konfirmationscode',
confirm_validation_description: 'Falsches Format',
password_description: 'Passwort',
password_placeholder: 'Gib dein Passwort ein',
password_placeholder2: 'Bitte gib das Passwort zur Bestätigung erneut ein',
password_error: 'Passwort sollte nicht kleiner als 6 Symbole sein.',
password_error1: 'Passwort Bestätigung stimmt mit Passwort nicht überein.',
password_validation_title: 'Passwort'
'it-ch': {
phone_title: 'Invia numero di telefono',
phone_description: 'Trova amici che utilizzano il tuo numero',
phone_placeholder: 'Numero di telefono',
confirm_description: 'Codice di conferma',
confirm_validation_title: 'Codice di conferma',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato errato',
password_description: 'Password',
password_placeholder: 'Digita la tua password',
password_placeholder2: 'Inserisci nuovamente la password per confermare',
password_error: 'La password non può contenere meno di 6 caratteri.',
password_error1: 'La password di conferma non corrisponde alla password.',
password_validation_title: 'Password'
th: {
phone_title: 'ส่งหมายเลขโทรศัพท์',
phone_description: 'ค้นหาเพื่อนโดยใช้หมายเลขของคุณ ',
phone_placeholder: 'หมายเลขโทรศัพท์',
confirm_description: 'รหัสยืนยัน',
confirm_validation_title: 'รหัสยืนยัน',
confirm_validation_description: 'รูปแบบผิด',
password_description: 'รหัสผ่าน',
password_placeholder: 'พิมพ์รหัสผ่านของคุณ',
password_placeholder2: 'โปรดกรอกรหัสผ่านอีกครั้งเพื่อยืนยัน',
password_error: 'รหัสผ่านควรมีสัญลักษณ์ไม่น้อยกว่า 6 ตัว',
password_error1: 'การยืนยันรหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกับรหัสผ่าน',
password_validation_title: 'รหัสผ่าน'
tr: {
phone_title: 'Telefon Numarasını Gönder',
phone_description: 'Telefon numaranı kullanarak arkadaşlarınızı bulun',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefon numarası',
confirm_description: 'Onay kodu',
confirm_validation_title: 'Onay kodu',
confirm_validation_description: 'Hatalı format',
password_description: 'Şifre',
password_placeholder: 'Şifrenizi girin',
password_placeholder2: 'Onaylamak için lütfen parolanızı yeniden girin',
password_error: 'Şifre 6 simgeden daha kısa olmamalıdır.',
password_error1: 'Şifre onayı, şifre ile eşleşmiyor.',
password_validation_title: 'Şifre'
uk: {
phone_title: 'Надіслати номер телефону',
phone_description: 'Знайдіть друзів, використовуючи свій номер',
phone_placeholder: 'Номер телефону',
confirm_description: 'Код підтвердження',
confirm_validation_title: 'Код підтвердження',
confirm_validation_description: 'Неправильний формат',
password_description: 'Пароль',
password_placeholder: 'Введіть свій пароль',
password_placeholder2: 'Будь ласка, введіть пароль ще раз для підтвердження',
password_error: 'Пароль повинен бути не менше 6 символів.',
password_error1: 'Підтвердження паролю не співпадає з паролем.',
password_validation_title: 'Пароль'
ur: {
phone_title: 'فون نمبر بھیجیں',
phone_description: 'فون نمبر استعمال کرتے ہوئے دوستوں کو تلاش کریں',
phone_placeholder: 'فون نمبر',
confirm_description: 'تصدیقی کوڈ',
confirm_validation_title: 'تصدیقی کوڈ',
confirm_validation_description: 'غلط فارمیٹ',
password_description: 'پاسورڈ',
password_placeholder: 'اپنا پاسورڈ لکھیں',
password_placeholder2: 'برائے مہربانی تصدیق کے لیے اپنا پاسورڈ دوبارہ لکھیں',
password_error: 'پاسورڈ 6 اعداد سے چھوٹا نہیں ہونا چاہیے۔',
password_error1: 'تصدیقی پاسورڈ پاسورڈ سے مماثل نہیں',
password_validation_title: 'پاسورڈ'
vi: {
phone_title: 'Gửi số điện thoại',
phone_description: 'Tìm bạn bè bằng các sử dụng số điện thoại của bạn',
phone_placeholder: 'Số điện thoại',
confirm_description: 'Mã xác nhận',
confirm_validation_title: 'Mã xác nhận',
confirm_validation_description: 'Sai định dạng',
password_description: 'Mật khẩu',
password_placeholder: 'Gõ mật khẩu của bạn',
password_placeholder2: 'Vui lòng nhập lại mật khẩu để xác nhận',
password_error: 'Mật khẩu không được ít hơn 6 ký tự.',
password_error1: 'Xác nhận mật khẩu không khớp với mật khẩu.',
password_validation_title: 'Mật khẩu'
var phones = [ // TODO this is supposed to be regionalised
number: "89171111111",
description: "Number format 1"
@ -109,35 +673,35 @@ function phoneSuggestions(params) {
var phoneConfig = {
name: "phone",
icon: "phone_white",
title: "Send Phone Number",
description: "Find friends using your number",
title: I18n.t('phone_title'),
description: I18n.t('phone_description'),
color: "#5bb2a2",
params: [{
name: "phone",
type: status.types.PHONE,
suggestions: phoneSuggestions,
placeholder: "Phone number"
placeholder: I18n.t('phone_placeholder')
name: "help",
title: "Help",
description: "Request help from Console",
color: "#7099e6",
params: [{
name: "query",
type: status.types.TEXT
// status.command({
// name: "help",
// title: "Help",
// description: "Request help from Console",
// color: "#7099e6",
// params: [{
// name: "query",
// type: status.types.TEXT
// }]
// });
name: "confirmation-code",
color: "#7099e6",
description: "Confirmation code",
description: I18n.t('confirm_description'),
params: [{
name: "code",
type: status.types.NUMBER
@ -145,8 +709,8 @@ status.response({
validator: function (params) {
if (!/^[\d]{4}$/.test(params.code)) {
var error = status.components.validationMessage(
"Confirmation code",
"Wrong format"
return {errors: [error]}
@ -157,16 +721,16 @@ status.response({
name: "password",
color: "#7099e6",
description: "Password",
description: I18n.t('password_description'),
icon: "lock_white",
params: [{
name: "password",
type: status.types.PASSWORD,
placeholder: "Type your password"
placeholder: I18n.t('password_placeholder')
}, {
name: "password-confirmation",
type: status.types.PASSWORD,
placeholder: "Please re-enter password to confirm"
placeholder: I18n.t('password_placeholder2')
validator: function (params, context) {
var errorMessages = [];
@ -176,12 +740,12 @@ status.response({
currentParameter == "password" &&
params.password.length < 6
) {
errorMessages.push("Password should be not less then 6 symbols.");
if (currentParameter == "password-confirmation" &&
params.password != params["password-confirmation"]) {
errorMessages.push("Password confirmation doesn't match password.");
if (errorMessages.length) {
@ -189,7 +753,7 @@ status.response({
for (var idx in errorMessages) {
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
I18n.translations = {
en: {
browse_title: 'Browser',
browse_description: 'Launch the browser'
function wallet(params, context) {
var url = 'http://status.im/dapps/wallet';
@ -17,8 +25,8 @@ function wallet(params, context) {
name: "browse",
title: "Browser",
description: "Launch the browser",
title: I18n.t('browse_title'),
description: I18n.t('browse_description'),
color: "#ffa500",
fullscreen: true,
suggestionsTrigger: 'on-send',
@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
(.-Status (.-NativeModules r/react-native))))
(defn init-jail []
(.initJail status js-res/status-js #(log/debug "jail initialized")))
(let [init-js (str js-res/status-js "I18n.locale = '" i/i18n.locale "';")]
(.initJail status init-js #(log/debug "jail initialized"))))
(when status (call-module init-jail))
@ -1,13 +1,77 @@
(ns status-im.i18n
[status-im.translations.af :as af]
[status-im.translations.ar :as ar]
[status-im.translations.de :as de]
[status-im.translations.de-ch :as de-ch]
[status-im.translations.en :as en]
[status-im.translations.es :as es]
[status-im.translations.es-ar :as es-ar]
[status-im.translations.fr :as fr]
[status-im.translations.fr-ch :as fr-ch]
[status-im.translations.hi :as hi]
[status-im.translations.hu :as hu]
[status-im.translations.it :as it]
[status-im.translations.it-ch :as it-ch]
[status-im.translations.ja :as ja]
[status-im.translations.ko :as ko]
[status-im.translations.nl :as nl]
[status-im.translations.pl :as pl]
[status-im.translations.pt-br :as pt-br]
[status-im.translations.pt-pt :as pt-pt]
[status-im.translations.ro :as ro]
[status-im.translations.ru :as ru]
[status-im.translations.sl :as sl]
[status-im.translations.sv :as sv]
[status-im.translations.sw :as sw]
[status-im.translations.th :as th]
[status-im.translations.tr :as tr]
[status-im.translations.uk :as uk]
[status-im.translations.ur :as ur]
[status-im.translations.vi :as vi]
[status-im.translations.zh-hans :as zh-hans]
[status-im.translations.zh-hant :as zh-hant]
[status-im.translations.zh-wuu :as zh-wuu]
[status-im.translations.zh-yue :as zh-yue]
[status-im.utils.utils :as u]))
(def i18n (js/require "react-native-i18n"))
(set! (.-fallbacks i18n) true)
(set! (.-defaultSeparator i18n) "/")
(set! (.-translations i18n) (clj->js {:en en/translations}))
(set! (.-translations i18n) (clj->js {:af af/translations
:ar ar/translations
:de de/translations
:de-ch de-ch/translations
:en en/translations
:es es/translations
:es-ar es-ar/translations
:fr fr/translations
:fr-ch fr-ch/translations
:hi hi/translations
:hu hu/translations
:it it/translations
:it-ch it-ch/translations
:ja ja/translations
:ko ko/translations
:nl nl/translations
:pl pl/translations
:pt-br pt-br/translations
:pt-pt pt-pt/translations
:ro ro/translations
:ru ru/translations
:sl sl/translations
:sv sv/translations
:sw sw/translations
:th th/translations
:tr tr/translations
:uk uk/translations
:ur ur/translations
:vi vi/translations
:zh-hans zh-hans/translations
:zh-hant zh-hant/translations
:zh-wuu zh-wuu/translations
:zh-yue zh-yue/translations}))
(defn label
([path] (label path {}))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.af)
(def translations
:members-title "lede"
:not-implemented "!nie geimplimenteer nie"
:chat-name "Bynaam"
:notifications-title "Kennisgewings en klanke"
:offline "Aflyn"
:invite-friends "Nooi vriende"
:faq "Vrae"
:switch-users "Verander gebruikers"
:is-typing "is besig om te tik"
:and-you "en jy"
:search-chat "Deursoek geselsies"
:members {:one "1 lid"
:other "{{count}} lede"
:zero "geen lede"}
:members-active {:one "1 lid, 1 aktief"
:other "{{count}} lede, {{count}} aktief"
:zero "geen lede"}
:active-online "Aanlyn"
:active-unknown "Onbekend"
:available "Beskikbaar"
:no-messages "Geen boodskappe"
:suggestions-requests "Versoeke"
:suggestions-commands "Opdragte"
:sync-in-progress "Besig om te sinchroniseer..."
:sync-synced "gesinchroniseer"
:status-sending "Besig om te stuur"
:status-pending "Hangende"
:status-sent "Gestuur"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Deur almal gesien"
:status-seen "Gesien"
:status-delivered "Afgelewer"
:status-failed "Gefaal"
:datetime-second {:one "sekonde"
:other "sekondes"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minuut"
:other "minute"}
:datetime-hour {:one "uur"
:other "ure"}
:datetime-day {:one "dag"
:other "dae"}
:datetime-multiple "e" ; TODO probably wrong
:datetime-ago "gelede"
:datetime-yesterday "gister"
:datetime-today "vandag"
:profile "Profiel"
:message "Boodskap"
:username "Gebruikernaam"
:not-specified "Nie gespesifiseer nie"
:public-key "Openbare sleutel"
:phone-number "Telefoonnommer"
:email "Epos"
:profile-no-status "Geen status"
:add-to-contacts "Voeg by kontakte"
:error-incorrect-name "Kies asseblief 'n ander naam"
:error-incorrect-email "Verkeerde epos"
:image-source-title "Profielbeeld"
:image-source-make-photo "Opname"
:image-source-gallery "Kies uit galery"
:image-source-cancel "Kanselleer"
:contacts-syncronized "U kontakte is gesinchroniseer"
:confirmation-code (str "Dankie! Ons het vir u 'n SMS gestuur met 'n bevestigings "
"kode. Verskaf asseblief daardie kode om u telefoonnommer te bevestig")
:incorrect-code (str "Jammer, die kode was nie korrek nie, voer asseblief weer in")
:generate-passphrase (str "Ek sal 'n tydelike wagwoord vir jou skep sodat jy jou "
"toegang kan herstel of van 'n ander toestel af kan aanteken")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Sjoe* dit was moeilik, hier is jou tydelike wagwoord, *skryf dit neer en hou dit veilig!* Jy sal dit nodig hê om jou rekening te herwin."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Hier is jou tydelike wagwoord, *skryf dit neer en hou dit veilig!* Jy sal dit nodig hê om jou rekening te herwin."
:written-down "Maak seker dat jy dit veilig neergeskryf het"
:phone-number-required "Tik hier om jou telefoonnommer in te voer & ek sal jou vriende opspoor"
:intro-status "Gesels met my om jou rekening op te stel en jou stellings te verander!"
:intro-message1 "Welkom by Status\nTik tik hierdie boodskap om jou wagwoord te stel & laat ons begin!"
:account-generation-message "Net 'n oomblik, ek moet mal somme doen om jou rekening te skep!"
:chats "Geselsies"
:new-chat "Nuwe geselsie"
:new-group-chat "Nuwe groepgeselsie"
:discovery "Ontdekking"
:none "Geen"
:search-tags "Tik jou soek-oortjies hier in"
:popular-tags "Gewilde oortjies"
:recent "Onlangs"
:no-statuses-discovered "Geen statusse gevind nie"
:settings "Stellings"
:contacts "Kontakte"
:new-contact "Nuwe kontak"
:show-all "WYS ALMAL"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Mense"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Begin nuwe geselsie"
:no-contacts "Nog geen kontakte nie"
:show-qr "Wys QR"
:remove "Verwyder"
:save "Stoor"
:change-color "Verander kleur"
:clear-history "Maak geskiedenis skoon"
:delete-and-leave "Vee uit en gaan uit"
:chat-settings "Geselsie-stellings"
:edit "Wysig"
:add-members "Voeg lede by"
:blue "Blou"
:purple "Pers"
:green "Groen"
:red "Rooi"
:money-command-description "Stuur geld"
:location-command-description "Stuur ligging"
:phone-command-description "Stuur telefoonnommer"
:phone-request-text "Telefoonnommer-versoek"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Stuur bevestigingskode"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Bevestigingskode-versoek"
:send-command-description "Stuur ligging"
:request-command-description "Stuur versoek"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Help"
:request "Versoek"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH aan {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH van {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Ligging {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Webblaaier-blad: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transaksie: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Help"
:group-chat-name "Bynaam"
:empty-group-chat-name "Voer assseblief 'n naam in"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Kies asseblief 'n ander naam"
:add-participants "Voeg deelnemers by"
:remove-participants "Verwyder deelnemers"
:received-invitation "geselsie-uitnodiging ontvang"
:removed-from-chat "het jou van groepsgeselsie verwyder"
:left "uitgegaan"
:invited "uitgenooi"
:removed "verwyder"
:You "Jou"
:add-new-contact "Voeg nuwe kontak by"
:import-qr "Voer in"
:scan-qr "Skandeer QR"
:name "Naam"
:whisper-identity "Whisper-identiteit"
:address-explication "Miskien moet hier 'n bietjie teks wees wat verduidelik wat 'n adres is en waar om daarvoor te soek."
:enter-valid-address "Voer asseblief 'n geldige adres in of skandeer 'n QR-kode"
:contact-already-added "Die kontak is alreeds bygevoeg"
:can-not-add-yourself "Jy kan nie jouself byvoeg nie"
:unknown-address "Onbekende adres"
:connect "Konnekteer"
:address "Adres"
:password "Wagwoord"
:login "Teken aan"
:wrong-password "Verkeerde wagwoord"
:recover-from-passphrase "Herstel van tydelike wagwoord"
:recover-explain "Voer asseblief die tydelike wagwoord vir jou wagwoord in om toegang te herstel"
:passphrase "Tydelike wagwoord"
:recover "Herstel"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Voer asseblief 'n tydelike wagwoord in"
:enter-valid-password "Voer asseblief 'n wagwoord in"
:recover-access "Herwin toegang"
:add-account "Voeg rekening by"
:done "Gedoen"
:main-wallet "Hoofbeursie"
:invalid-phone "Ongeldige telefoonnommer"
:amount "Bedrag"
:not-enough-eth (str "Nie genoeg ETH in die rekening nie "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Bevestig transaksie"
:other "Bevestig {{count}} transaksies"
:zero "Geen transaksies"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Bevestiging hangende"
:recipient "Ontvanger"
:one-more-item "Nog een item"
:fee "Fooi"
:value "Waarde"
:web-view-error "oepsie, fout"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.ar)
(def translations
:members-title "الأعضاء"
:not-implemented "!غير مُطَبّق"
:chat-name "اسم الدردشة"
:notifications-title "الإخطارات والأصوات"
:offline "غير متصل"
:invite-friends "دعوة الأصدقاء"
:faq "الأسئلة الشائعة"
:switch-users "التبديل بين المستخدمين"
:is-typing "يكتب"
:and-you "وأنت أيضاً"
:search-chat "البحث في الدردشة"
:members {:one "1 عضو"
:other "{{count}} أعضاء"
:zero "لا يوجد أعضاء"}
:members-active {:one "1 عضو، 1 نشط"
:other "{{count}} أعضاء، {{count}} نشط"
:zero "لا يوجد أعضاء"}
:active-online "متصل بالانترنت"
:active-unknown "غير معروف"
:available "متاح"
:no-messages "لا توجد رسائل"
:suggestions-requests "الطلبات"
:suggestions-commands "الأوامر"
:sync-in-progress "قيد المزامنة..."
:sync-synced "بالتزامن"
:status-sending "إرسال"
:status-pending "ريثما"
:status-sent "تم الإرسال"
:status-seen-by-everyone "شوهد من قبل الجميع"
:status-seen "شوهد"
:status-delivered "تم الاستلام"
:status-failed "فشل"
:datetime-second {:one "ثانية"
:other "ثوان"}
:datetime-minute {:one "دقيقة"
:other "دقائق"}
:datetime-hour {:one "ساعة"
:other "ساعات"}
:datetime-day {:one "يوم"
:other "أيام"}
:datetime-multiple "ث" ; TODO
:datetime-ago "منذ"
:datetime-yesterday "الأمس"
:datetime-today "اليوم"
:profile "الملف الشخصي"
:report-user "الإبلاغ عن مستخدم"
:message "الرسالة"
:username "اسم المستخدم"
:not-specified "غير محدد"
:public-key "المفتاح العمومي"
:phone-number "رقم الهاتف"
:email "البريد الإلكتروني"
:profile-no-status "لا توجد حالة"
:add-to-contacts "أضف إلى جهات الاتصال"
:error-incorrect-name "الرجاء اختيار اسم آخر"
:error-incorrect-email "بريد إلكتروني غير صحيح"
:image-source-title "الصورة الشخصية"
:image-source-make-photo "التقاط صورة"
:image-source-gallery "الاختيار من معرض الصور"
:image-source-cancel "إلغاء"
:contacts-syncronized "تمت مزامنة جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك"
:confirmation-code (str "شكراً! لقد أرسلنا لك رسالة نصية تتضمن رمز تأكيد"
"يرجى إدخال هذا الرمز لتأكيد رقم هاتفك")
:incorrect-code (str "عذراً الرمز غير صحيح، يرجى إدخاله مرة أخرى")
:generate-passphrase (str "سوف أقوم بإنشاء عبارة مرور لك حتى تتمكن من "
"الوصول أو الدخول ثانية من جهاز آخر")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*أف* لقد كان أمراً شاقاً، إليك عبارة المرور الخاصة بك، * قم بتسجيلها واحتفظ بها في مكان آمن!* سوف تحتاج إليها لاسترداد حسابك."
:here-is-your-passphrase "إليك عبارة المرور الخاصة بك، * قم بتسجيلها واحتفظ بها في مكان آمن! *سوف تحتاج إليها لاسترداد حسابك"
:written-down "تأكد بأنك قد دونتها بشكل آمن"
:phone-number-required "اضغط هنا لإدخال رقم الهاتف الخاص بك وسوف تعثر على أصدقائك"
:intro-status "دردش معي لتثبيت حسابك وقم بتغيير الإعدادات الخاصة بك!"
:intro-message1 "مرحبا بك في Status \n اضغط على هذه الرسالة لتعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك وابدأ!"
:account-generation-message "امنحني ثانية واحدة، سوف أحتاج إلى إجراء بعض الحسابات الرياضية المجنونة لإنتاج الحساب الخاص بك!"
:chats "الدردشات"
:new-chat "دردشة جديدة"
:new-group-chat "مجموعة دردشة جديدة"
:discovery "اكتشاف"
:none "لا شيء"
:search-tags "اكتب بيانات بحثك هنا"
:popular-tags "العلامات المشهورة"
:recent "حديثة"
:no-statuses-discovered "لم يتم الكشف عن حالات"
:settings "الإعدادات"
:contacts "جهات الاتصال"
:new-contact "جهة اتصال جديدة"
:show-all "عرض الكل"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "الناس"
:contacts-group-new-chat "ابدأ دردشة جديدة"
:no-contacts "لا توجد جهات اتصال بعد"
:show-qr "عرض شفرة التعريف"
:remove "إزالة"
:save "حفظ"
:change-color "تغيير اللون"
:clear-history "حذف التاريخ"
:delete-and-leave "الحذف والمغادرة"
:chat-settings "إعدادات الدردشة"
:edit "تحرير"
:add-members "إضافة أعضاء"
:blue "أزرق"
:purple "أرجواني"
:green "أخضر"
:red "أحمر"
:money-command-description "إرسال الأموال"
:location-command-description "إرسال الموقع"
:phone-command-description "إرسال رقم الهاتف"
:phone-request-text "طلب رقم الهاتف"
:confirmation-code-command-description "إرسال رمز التأكيد"
:confirmation-code-request-text "طلب رمز التأكيد"
:send-command-description "إرسال الموقع"
:request-command-description "إرسال طلب"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "المساعدة"
:request "طلب"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH إلى {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH من {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "الموقع {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "تصفح صفحة الويب {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "المعاملة: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "المساعدة"
:group-chat-name "اسم الدردشة"
:empty-group-chat-name "الرجاء إدخال اسم"
:illegal-group-chat-name "الرجاء اختيار اسم آخر"
:add-participants "إضافة مشاركين"
:remove-participants "إزالة مشاركين"
:received-invitation "تسلم دعوة الدردشة"
:removed-from-chat "قام بإزالتك من مجموعة الدردشة"
:left "غادر"
:invited "مَدْعُوّ"
:removed "مُسْتَبْعَد"
:You "أنت"
:add-new-contact "إضافة جهة اتصال جديدة"
:import-qr "جلب"
:scan-qr "مسح شفرة التعريف"
:name "اسم"
:whisper-identity "Whisper Identity"
:address-explication "ربما يتعين أن تتوافر هنا بعض النصوص التي تشرح ما هو العنوان وأين تبحث عنه"
:enter-valid-address "الرجاء إدخال عنوان صحيح أو قم بمسح شفرة التعريف"
:contact-already-added "تمت إضافة جهة الاتصال"
:can-not-add-yourself "لا يمكنك إضافة نفسك"
:unknown-address "عنوان غير معروف"
:connect "اتصال"
:address "عنوان"
:password "كلمة مرور"
:login "تسجيل الدخول"
:wrong-password "كلمة مرور خاطئة"
:recover-from-passphrase "استرداد بواسطة عبارة المرور"
:recover-explain "الرجاء إدخال عبارة المرور الخاصة بكلمة المرور الخاصة بك لاستعادة إمكانية الوصول"
:passphrase "عبارة المرور"
:recover "استعادة"
:enter-valid-passphrase "الرجاء إدخال عبارة المرور"
:enter-valid-password "الرجاء إدخال كلمة المرور"
:recover-access "استعادة إمكانية الوصول"
:add-account "إضافة حساب"
:done "تم التنفيذ"
:main-wallet "المحفظة الرئيسية"
:invalid-phone "رقم هاتف غير صحيح"
:amount "الكمية"
:not-enough-eth (str "لا يوجدETH كافي بالحساب "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "تأكيد المعاملة"
:other "تأكيد {{count}} معاملات"
:zero "لا توجد معاملات"}
:status "الحالة"
:pending-confirmation "في انتظار التأكيد"
:recipient "المستلم"
:one-more-item "بند واحد آخر"
:fee "الرسوم"
:value "القيمة"
:web-view-error "عفواً، حدث خطأ ما"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.de)
(def translations
:members-title "Mitglieder"
:not-implemented "!nicht implementiert"
:chat-name "Chatname"
:notifications-title "Benachrichtigungen und Sounds"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Freunde einladen"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Benutzer wechseln"
:is-typing "gibt ein"
:and-you "und Sie"
:search-chat "Chat durchsuchen"
:members {:one "1 Mitglied"
:other "{{count}} Mitglieder"
:zero "keine Mitglieder"}
:members-active {:one "1 Mitglied, 1 aktiv"
:other "{{count}} Mitglieder, {{count}} aktiv"
:zero "keine Mitglieder"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Unbekannt"
:available "Verfügbar"
:no-messages "Keine Nachrichten"
:suggestions-requests "Anfragen"
:suggestions-commands "Befehle"
:sync-in-progress "Synchronisiere..."
:sync-synced "Synchronisiert"
:status-sending "Absenden"
:status-pending "Anhängig"
:status-sent "Verschickt"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Von allen gesehen"
:status-seen "Gesehen"
:status-delivered "Zugestellt"
:status-failed "Fehlgeschlagen"
:datetime-second {:one "Sekunde"
:other "Sekunden"}
:datetime-minute {:one "Minute"
:other "Minuten"}
:datetime-hour {:one "Stunde"
:other "Stunden"}
:datetime-day {:one "Tag"
:other "Tage"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "vor"
:datetime-yesterday "Gestern"
:datetime-today "Heute"
:profile "Profil"
:report-user "BENUTZER MELDEN"
:message "Nachricht"
:username "Benutzername"
:not-specified "Nicht angegeben"
:public-key "Öffentlicher Schlüssel"
:phone-number "Telefonnumer"
:email "E-Mail"
:profile-no-status "Kein Status"
:add-to-contacts "Zu Kontakten hinzufügen"
:error-incorrect-name "Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen"
:error-incorrect-email "Inkorrekte E-Mail"
:image-source-title "Profilfoto"
:image-source-make-photo "Fotografieren"
:image-source-gallery "Aus Galarie auswählen"
:image-source-cancel "Abbrechen"
:contacts-syncronized "Ihre Kontakte wurden synchronisiert"
:confirmation-code (str "Danke! Wir haben Ihnen eine Textnachricht mit einer Bestätigungscode"
"geschickt. Bitte geben Sie den Code ein, damit wir Ihre Telefonnummer verifizieren können")
:incorrect-code (str "Tut uns leid, der Code war nicht korrekt, bitte erneut eingeben")
:generate-passphrase (str "Ich werde eine Passphrase für Sie generieren, damit Sie Ihren"
"Zugriff wiederherstellen oder sich von einem anderen Gerät aus einloggen können")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Puh* das war schwer, hier ist Ihr Passphrase, *bitte aufschreiben und sicher aufbewahren!*Sie benötigen dies, um Ihren Account wiederherzustellen."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Hier ist Ihr Passphrase, *bitte aufschreiben und sicher verwahren!*Sie benötigen dies, um Ihren Account wiederherzustellen."
:written-down "Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie es sicher aufgeschrieben haben"
:phone-number-required "Tippen Sie hier, um Ihre Telefonnummer einzugeben & ich werde Ihre Freunde finden"
:intro-status "Chatten Sie mit mir, um Ihren Account einzurichten und Ihre Einstellungen zu ändern!"
:intro-message1 "Willkommen beim Status\nTippen Sie auf diese nachricht, um Ihr Passwort einzurichten und loszulegen!"
:account-generation-message "Eine Sekunde, ich muss wahnsinnig schwere Mathematik machen, um Ihr Konto zu generieren!"
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Neuer Chat"
:new-group-chat "Neuer Gruppenchat"
:discovery "Entdeckung"
:none "Nichts"
:search-tags "Geben Sie Ihre Suchbegriffe hier ein"
:popular-tags "Beliebte Begriffe"
:recent "Kürzlich"
:no-statuses-discovered "Kein Status gefunden"
:settings "Einstellungen"
:contacts "Kontakte"
:new-contact "Neuer Kontakt"
:show-all "ALLE ANZEIGEN"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Leute"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Neuen Chat beginnen"
:no-contacts "Noch keine Kontakte"
:show-qr "QR anzeigen"
:remove "Entfernen"
:save "Speichern"
:change-color "Farbe ändern"
:clear-history "Verlauf löschen"
:delete-and-leave "Löschen und verlassen"
:chat-settings "Chateinstellungen"
:edit "Bearbeiten"
:add-members "Mitglieder hinzufügen"
:blue "Blau"
:purple "Lila"
:green "Grün"
:red "Rot"
:money-command-description "Geld senden"
:location-command-description "Position senden"
:phone-command-description "Telefonnummer senden"
:phone-request-text "Telefonnummer anfragen"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Bestätitungscode senden"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Bestätigungscode anfragen"
:send-command-description "Position senden"
:request-command-description "Anfrage senden"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Hilfe"
:request "Anfrage"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH an {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH von {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Position: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Auf Webseite: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transaktion: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Hilfe"
:group-chat-name "Chatname"
:empty-group-chat-name "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen ein"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen"
:add-participants "Teilnehmer hinzufügen"
:remove-participants "Teilnehmer entfernen"
:received-invitation "Chateinladung erhalten"
:removed-from-chat "Aus dem Gruppenchat entfernt"
:left "Links"
:invited "Eingeladen"
:removed "Entfernt"
:You "Sie"
:add-new-contact "Neuen Kontakt hinzufügen"
:import-qr "Import"
:scan-qr "QR-Code scannen"
:name "Name"
:whisper-identity "Identität Flüstern"
:address-explication "Vielleicht sollte hier ein Text stehen, der erklärt, was eine Adresse ist und wo man danach sucht"
:enter-valid-address "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Adresse ein oder scannen Sie einen QR-Code"
:contact-already-added "Dieser Kontakt wurde bereits hinzugefügt"
:can-not-add-yourself "Sie können sich selbst nicht hinzufügen"
:unknown-address "Unbekannte Adresse"
:connect "Verbinden"
:address "Adresse"
:password "Passwort"
:login "Login"
:wrong-password "Falsches Passwort"
:recover-from-passphrase "Via Passphrase wiederherstellen"
:recover-explain "Bitte geben Sie den Passphrase für Ihr Passwort ein, um den Zugriff wiederherzustellen"
:passphrase "Passphrase"
:recover "Wiederherstellen"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Bitte geben Sie einen Passphrase ein"
:enter-valid-password "Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort ein"
:recover-access "Zugriff wiederherstellen"
:add-account "Konto hinzufügen"
:done "Fertig"
:main-wallet "Haupt-Konto"
:invalid-phone "Ungültige Telefonnummer"
:amount "Betrag"
:not-enough-eth (str "Nicht genug EHT auf dem Konto"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Transaktion bestätigen"
:other "{{count}} Transaktionen bestätigen"
:zero "Keine Transaktionen"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Bestätigung ausstehend"
:recipient "Empfänger"
:one-more-item "Noch ein Objekt"
:fee "Gebühr"
:value "Wert"
:web-view-error "Ups, Fehler"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.de-ch)
(def translations
:members-title "Mitglieder"
:not-implemented "!nicht implementiert"
:chat-name "Chat Name"
:notifications-title "Notifikationen and Klänge"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Lade Freunde ein"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Benutzer wechseln"
:is-typing "tippt"
:and-you "und du"
:search-chat "Suche Chat"
:members {:one "1 Mitglied"
:other "{{count}} Mitglieder"
:zero "Keine Mitglieder"}
:members-active {:one "1 Mitglied, 1 aktiv"
:other "{{count}} Mitglieder, {{count}} aktiv"
:zero "Keine Mitglieder"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Unbekannt"
:available "Verfügbar"
:no-messages "Keine Nachrichten"
:suggestions-requests "Fragt an"
:suggestions-commands "Kommandiert"
:sync-in-progress "Synchronisierung..."
:sync-synced "Synchron"
:status-sending "Senden"
:status-pending "Anhängig"
:status-sent "Gesendet"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Von allen gesehen"
:status-seen "Gesehen"
:status-delivered "Geliefert"
:status-failed "Fehlgeschlagen"
:datetime-second {:one "Sekunde"
:other "Sekunden"}
:datetime-minute {:one "Minute"
:other "Minuten"}
:datetime-hour {:one "Stunde"
:other "Stunden"}
:datetime-day {:one "Tag"
:other "Tage"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "vor"
:datetime-yesterday "gestern"
:datetime-today "heute"
:profile "Profil"
:report-user "BENUTZER MELDEN"
:message "Nachricht"
:username "Benutzername"
:not-specified "Nicht spezifiziert"
:public-key "Öffentlicher Schlüssel"
:phone-number "Telefonnummer"
:email "Email"
:profile-no-status "Kein Status"
:add-to-contacts "Zu den Kontakten hinzufügen"
:error-incorrect-name "Bitte wähle einen anderen Namen"
:error-incorrect-email "Inkorrekte E-mail"
:image-source-title "Profilbild"
:image-source-make-photo "Erfassen"
:image-source-gallery "Aus der Galerie auswählen"
:image-source-cancel "Stornieren"
:contacts-syncronized "Deine Kontakte wurden synchronisiert"
:confirmation-code (str "Vielen Dank! Wir haben Dir eine SMS mit einer Bestätigung zugesandt"
"code. Bitte gebe diesen Code zur Bestätigung deiner Telefonnummer an")
:incorrect-code (str "Leider ist der Code nicht korrekt. Bitte versuche es nochmals")
:generate-passphrase (str "Ich generiere eine Passphrase für dich, so dass du deine wiederherstellen kannst "
"Zugriff oder Anmelden von einem anderen Gerät")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Phew* das war hart, hier ist deine Passphrase, *Schreibe diese auf und bewahre diese sicher auf!* Du benötigst diese, um dein Konto wiederherzustellen."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Hier ist deine Passphrase, *Schreibe diese auf und bewahre diese sicher auf!* Du benötigst diese, um dein Konto wiederherzustellen."
:written-down "Stelle sicher, dass du diese aufgeschrieben hast!"
:phone-number-required "Klicke hier, um deine Telefonnummer einzugeben & Ich finde deine Freunde für dich"
:intro-status "Chat mit mir, damit ich dein Konto einrichten und deine Einstellungen ändern kann!"
:intro-message1 "Willkommen zu Status\nTap diese Nachricht um Passwort einzurichten & loszulegen!"
:account-generation-message "Gib mir eine Sekunde, Ich muss wie verrückt etwas berechnen um dein Konto zu generieren!"
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Neuer Chat"
:new-group-chat "Neuer Gruppenchat"
:discovery "Entdeckung"
:none "Keine"
:search-tags "Gebe hier deine Suchbegriffe ein"
:popular-tags "Beliebte Suchbegriffe"
:recent "Kürzlich"
:no-statuses-discovered "Es wurden keine Status gefunden"
:settings "Einstellungen"
:contacts "Kontakte"
:new-contact "Neuer Kontakt"
:show-all "ZEIGE ALLES"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Leute"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Starte neuer Chat"
:no-contacts "Noch keine Kontakte"
:show-qr "Zeige QR"
:remove "Entferne"
:save "Speichern"
:change-color "Farbe ändern"
:clear-history "Verlauf löschen"
:delete-and-leave "Löschen und Verlassen"
:chat-settings "Chat Einstellungen"
:edit "Bearbeiten"
:add-members "Mitglieder hinzufügen"
:blue "Blau"
:purple "Lila"
:green "Grün"
:red "Rot"
:money-command-description "Geld senden"
:location-command-description "Standort senden"
:phone-command-description "Telefonnummer senden"
:phone-request-text "Telefonnummer anfordern"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Bestätigungscode senden"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Bestätigungscode anfordern"
:send-command-description "Standort senden"
:request-command-description "Anforderung senden"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Hilfe"
:request "Anforderung"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH zu {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH von {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Standort: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Durchsuchen der Website: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transaktion: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Hilfe"
:group-chat-name "Chat Name"
:empty-group-chat-name "Bitte gib einen Namen ein"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Bitte wähle einen anderen Namen aus"
:add-participants "Teilnehmer hinzufügen"
:remove-participants "Teilnehmer entfernen"
:received-invitation "Chat Einladung erhalten"
:removed-from-chat "du wurdest vom Gruppenchat entfernt"
:left "verlassen"
:invited "eingeladen"
:removed "entfernt"
:You "Du"
:add-new-contact "Teilnehmer hinzufügen"
:import-qr "Importieren"
:scan-qr "QR scannen"
:name "Name"
:whisper-identity "Identität flüstern"
:address-explication "Vielleicht sollte hier ein Text stehen der erklärt, was eine Adresse ist und wo man suchen soll"
:enter-valid-address "Bitte gebe eine gültige Adresse ein oder scannen den QR-Code"
:contact-already-added "Der Kontakt wurde bereits hinzugefügt"
:can-not-add-yourself "Du kannst dich nicht selbst hinzufügen"
:unknown-address "Unbekannte Adresse"
:connect "Verbinden"
:address "Adresse"
:password "Passwort"
:login "Login"
:wrong-password "Falsches Passwort"
:recover-from-passphrase "Wiederherstellung von Passphrase"
:recover-explain "Bitte gebe die Passphrase für dein Passwort ein, um den Zugang wiederherzustellen"
:passphrase "Passphrase"
:recover "Wiederherstellen"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Bitte Passphrase eingeben"
:enter-valid-password "Bitte Passwort eingeben"
:recover-access "Zugriff wiederherstellen"
:add-account "Konto hinzufügen"
:done "Erledigt"
:main-wallet "Haupt-Portemonnaie"
:invalid-phone "Ungültige Telefonnummer"
:amount "Betrag"
:not-enough-eth (str "Nicht genug ETH zur Verfügung "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Transaktion bestätigen"
:other "Bestätige {{count}} Transaktion"
:zero "Keine Transaktion"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Konfirmation ausstehend"
:recipient "Empfänger"
:one-more-item "Noch ein Element"
:fee "Gebühr"
:value "Valuta"
:web-view-error "oops, Fehler"})
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
:status-sending "Sending"
:status-pending "Sending"
:status-pending "Pending"
:status-sent "Sent"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Seen by everyone"
:status-seen "Seen"
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
:contacts "Contacts"
:new-contact "New Contact"
:show-all "SHOW ALL"
:contacts-group-dapps "Dapps"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "People"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Start new chat"
:no-contacts "No contacts yet"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.es)
(def translations
:members-title "Miembros"
:not-implemented "¡No se ha implementado!"
:chat-name "Nombre del chat"
:notifications-title "Notificaciones y sonidos"
:offline "Desconectado"
:invite-friends "Invitar a los amigos"
:faq "Preguntas más frecuentes"
:switch-users "Cambiar usuarios"
:is-typing "está escribiendo"
:and-you "y tú"
:search-chat "Buscar chat"
:members {:one "1 miembro"
:other "{{count}} miembros"
:zero "no hay miembros"}
:members-active {:one "1 miembro, 1 activo"
:other "{{count}} miembros, {{count}} activos"
:zero " no hay miembros"}
:active-online "En línea"
:active-unknown "Desconocido"
:available "Disponible"
:no-messages "No hay mensajes"
:suggestions-requests "Peticiones"
:suggestions-commands "Comandos"
:sync-in-progress "Sincronización..."
:sync-synced "Sincronizados"
:status-sending "Enviando"
:status-pending "Pendiente"
:status-sent "Enviado"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Visto por todos"
:status-seen "Visto"
:status-delivered "Entregado"
:status-failed "Fallido"
:datetime-second {:one "segundo"
:other "segundos"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minuto"
:other "minutos"}
:datetime-hour {:one "hora"
:other "horas"}
:datetime-day {:one "día"
:other "días"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "hace"
:datetime-yesterday "ayer"
:datetime-today "hoy"
:profile "Perfil"
:message "Mensaje"
:username "Nombre de usuario"
:not-specified "No especificado"
:public-key "Clave pública"
:phone-number "Número de teléfono"
:email "Correo electrónico"
:profile-no-status "Sin estado"
:add-to-contacts "Añadir a contactos"
:error-incorrect-name "Por favor, selecciona otro nombre"
:error-incorrect-email "Correo electrónico incorrecto"
:image-source-title "Imagen de perfil"
:image-source-make-photo "Captura"
:image-source-gallery "Seleccionar de la galería"
:image-source-cancel "Cancelar"
:contacts-syncronized "Se han sincronizado tus contactos"
:confirmation-code (str "¡Gracias! Te hemos enviado un mensaje de texto con un código"
"de confirmación. Por favor, escribe ese código para confirmar tu número de teléfono")
:incorrect-code (str "Lo sentimos, el código era incorrecto. Escríbalo de nuevo.")
:generate-passphrase (str "Generaré una frase de contraseña para que puedas restaurar tu contraseña."
"Acceder o iniciar sesión desde otro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Uf* ha sido difícil, aquí está tu contraseña, * escríbela y ¡guárdala en un sitio seguro! * La necesitarás para recuperar tu cuenta."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Aquí está tu frase de contraseña, *escríbela y ¡guárdala en un sitio seguro! *La necesitarás para recuperar tu cuenta."
:written-down "Asegúrate de haberla escrito de manera segura"
:phone-number-required "Toca aquí para escribir tu número de teléfono y encontraré a tus amigos"
:intro-status "¡Habla conmigo para configurar tu cuenta y cambiar tu configuración!"
:intro-message1 "Bienvenido a estados\n¡Toca este mensaje para configurar tu contraseña y empezar!"
:account-generation-message "Dame un segundo, ¡tengo que hacer un poco de Matemáticas locas para generar tu cuenta!"
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Un nuevo chat"
:new-group-chat "Un nuevo grupo de chat"
:discovery "Descubrir"
:none "Ninguno"
:search-tags "Escribe tus etiquetas de búsqueda aquí"
:popular-tags "Etiquetas populares"
:recent "Reciente"
:no-statuses-discovered "No se han encontrado estados"
:settings "Ajustes"
:contacts "Contactos"
:new-contact "Un nuevo contacto"
:show-all "MOSTRAR TODOS"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Gente"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Empezar un Nuevo chat"
:no-contacts "No hay contactos todavía"
:show-qr "Mostrar QR"
:remove "Eliminar"
:save "Guardar"
:change-color "Cambiar el color"
:clear-history "Borrar el historial"
:delete-and-leave "Borrar y salir"
:chat-settings "Ajustes del chat"
:edit "Editar"
:add-members "Añadir miembros"
:blue "Azul"
:purple "Púrpura"
:green "Verde"
:red "Rojo"
:money-command-description "Enviar dinero"
:location-command-description "Enviar ubicación"
:phone-command-description "Enviar número de teléfono"
:phone-request-text "Solicitud de número de teléfono"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Enviar código de confirmación"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Solicitud de código de confirmación"
:send-command-description "Enviar ubicación"
:request-command-description "Enviar solicitud"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Ayuda"
:request "Solicitar"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH a {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de{{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Ubicación: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Navegación en la página web: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transacción: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Ayuda"
:group-chat-name "Nombre del chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Por favor, escribe un nombre"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Por favor, selecciona otro nombre"
:add-participants "Agregar participantes"
:remove-participants "Eliminar participantes"
:received-invitation "invitación de chat recibida"
:removed-from-chat "te ha eliminado del grupo de chat"
:left "salió"
:invited "invitado"
:removed "eliminado"
:You "Tú"
:add-new-contact "Añadir un nuevo contacto"
:import-qr "Importar"
:scan-qr "Escanear QR"
:name "Nombre"
:whisper-identity "Identidad de susurro"
:address-explication "Tal vez aquí debería haber algún texto explicando qué es una dirección y dónde buscarla"
:enter-valid-address "Por favor, escribe una dirección válida o escanea un código QR "
:contact-already-added "Ya se ha añadido el contacto"
:can-not-add-yourself "No puedes agregarte"
:unknown-address "Dirección desconocida"
:connect "Conectar"
:address "Dirección"
:password "Contraseña"
:login "Iniciar sesión"
:wrong-password "Contraseña incorrecta"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recuperar de la frase de contraseña"
:recover-explain "Por favor, escribe la frase de contraseña a modo de contraseña para poder entrar"
:passphrase "Frase de contraseña"
:recover "Recuperar"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Por favor, escribe la frase de contraseña"
:enter-valid-password "Por favor, escribe la contraseña"
:recover-access "Recuperar el acceso"
:add-account "Añadir cuenta"
:done "Hecho"
:main-wallet "Cartera principal"
:invalid-phone "El número de teléfono no es válido"
:amount "Cantidad"
:not-enough-eth (str "No hay suficiente ETH en conjunto "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmar transacción"
:other "Confirmar {{count}} transacciones"
:zero "No hay transacciones"}
:status "Estado"
:pending-confirmation "Confirmación pendiente"
:recipient "Beneficiario"
:one-more-item "Un elemento más"
:fee "Cuota"
:value "Valor"
:web-view-error "oops, error"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.es-ar)
(def translations
:members-title "Miembros"
:not-implemented "!no implementado"
:chat-name "Nombre del chat"
:notifications-title "Notificaciones y sonidos"
:offline "Fuera de línea"
:invite-friends "Invitar amigos"
:faq "Preguntas frecuentes"
:switch-users "Cambiar de usuario"
:is-typing "está escribiendo"
:and-you "y tú"
:search-chat "Buscar chat"
:members {:one "1 miembro"
:other "{{count}} miembros"
:zero "no hay miembros"}
:members-active {:one "1 miembro, 1 activo"
:other "{{count}} miembros, {{count}} activo(s)"
:zero "no hay miembros"}
:active-online "En línea"
:active-unknown "Desconocido"
:available "Disponible"
:no-messages "No hay mensajes"
:suggestions-requests "Solicitudes"
:suggestions-commands "Comandos"
:sync-in-progress "Sincronizando..."
:sync-synced "Sincronizado"
:status-sending "Enviando"
:status-pending "Pendiente"
:status-sent "Enviado"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Visto por todos"
:status-seen "Visto"
:status-delivered "Enviado"
:status-failed "Fallido"
:datetime-second {:one "segundo"
:other "segundos"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minuto"
:other "minutos"}
:datetime-hour {:one "hora"
:other "horas"}
:datetime-day {:one "día"
:other "días"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "atrás"
:datetime-yesterday "ayer"
:datetime-today "hoy"
:profile "Perfil"
:report-user "REPORTAR USUARIO"
:message "Mensaje"
:username "Nombre de usuario"
:not-specified "No especificado"
:public-key "Clave pública"
:phone-number "Número telefónico"
:email "Correo electrónico"
:profile-no-status "Sin estatus"
:add-to-contacts "Agregar a contactos"
:error-incorrect-name "Elecciona otro nombre"
:error-incorrect-email "Correo electrónico incorrecto"
:image-source-title "Imagen de perfil"
:image-source-make-photo "Capturar"
:image-source-gallery "Seleccionar de la galería"
:image-source-cancel "Cancelar"
:contacts-syncronized "Tus contactos se han sincronizado"
:confirmation-code (str "¡Gracias! Te hemos enviado un código de confirmación por mensaje de texto. "
"Ingresa este código para confirmar tu número telefónico")
:incorrect-code (str "Lo siento, el código no era correcto; ingrésalo de nuevo")
:generate-passphrase (str "Voy a generar una frase de contraseña para que puedas restablecer tu "
"acceso o iniciar sesión desde otro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Wow* eso estuvo difícil, aquí tienes tu contraseña, *¡anótala y mantenla segura!* La necesitarás para recuperar tu cuenta."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Aquí tienes tu frase de contraseña, *¡Anótala y mantenga segura!* La necesitarás para recuperar tu cuenta."
:written-down "Asegúrate de haberla anotado en un lugar seguro"
:phone-number-required "Pulsa aquí para ingresar tu número telefónico y yo encontraré a tus amigos"
:intro-status "Chatea conmigo para establecer tu cuenta y cambiar tu configuración!"
:intro-message1 "Bienvenido(a) a Status\n¡Pulsa en este mensaje para establecer tu contraseña y comenzar!"
:account-generation-message "¡Dame un segundo, necesito realizar un súper cálculo para generar tu cuenta!"
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Nuevo chat"
:new-group-chat "Nuevo chat de grupo"
:discovery "Descubrimiento"
:none "Ninguno"
:search-tags "Ingresa aquí tus etiquetas de búsqueda"
:popular-tags "Etiquetas populares"
:recent "Reciente"
:no-statuses-discovered "No se encontró ningún estatus"
:settings "Configuración"
:contacts "Contactos"
:new-contact "Nuevo contacto"
:show-all "MOSTRAR TODOS"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Gente"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Iniciar nuevo chat"
:no-contacts "No hay contactos todavía"
:show-qr "Mostrar QR"
:remove "Eliminar"
:save "Guardar"
:change-color "Cambiar color"
:clear-history "Borrar historial"
:delete-and-leave "Suprimir y dejar"
:chat-settings "Configuración del chat"
:edit "Editar"
:add-members "Agregar miembros"
:blue "Azul"
:purple "Púrpura"
:green "Verde"
:red "Rojo"
:money-command-description "Enviar dinero"
:location-command-description "Enviar ubicación"
:phone-command-description "Enviar número telefónico"
:phone-request-text "Solicitud de número telefónico"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Enviar código de confirmación"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Solicitud de código de confirmación"
:send-command-description "Enviar ubicación"
:request-command-description "Enviar solicitud"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Ayuda"
:request "Solicitud"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH a {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Ubicación: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Navegando la página web: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transacción: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Ayuda"
:group-chat-name "Nombre del chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Ingresa un nombre"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Selecciona otro nombre"
:add-participants "Agregar participantes"
:remove-participants "Retirar participantes"
:received-invitation "recibió invitación a chat"
:removed-from-chat "te retiró del grupo de chat"
:left "restantes"
:invited "invitado"
:removed "retirado"
:You "Tú"
:add-new-contact "Agregar nuevo contacto"
:import-qr "Importar"
:scan-qr "Escanear QR"
:name "Nombre"
:whisper-identity "Identidad de Whisper"
:address-explication "Tal vez, aquí debería haber alguna indicación explicando qué es una dirección y dónde buscarla"
:enter-valid-address "Ingresa una dirección válida o escanea un código QR"
:contact-already-added "El contacto ya ha sido agregado"
:can-not-add-yourself "No puedes agregarte a ti mismo(a)"
:unknown-address "Dirección desconocida"
:connect "Conectar"
:address "Dirección"
:password "Contraseña"
:login "Inicio de sesión"
:wrong-password "Contraseña incorrecta"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recuperar con frase de contraseña"
:recover-explain "Ingresa la frase de contraseña para tu contraseña para recuperar el acceso"
:passphrase "Frase de contraseña"
:recover "Recuperar"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Ingresa una frase de contraseña"
:enter-valid-password "Ingresa una contraseña"
:recover-access "Recuperar acceso"
:add-account "Agregar cuenta"
:done "Completado"
:main-wallet "Cartera principal"
:invalid-phone "Número telefónico inválido"
:amount "Monto"
:not-enough-eth (str "No hay suficiente ETH en tu saldo "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmar transacción"
:other "Confirmar {{count}} transacciones"
:zero "No hay transacciones"}
:status "Estatus"
:pending-confirmation "Esperando confirmación"
:recipient "Destinatario"
:one-more-item "Un artículo más"
:fee "Tarifa"
:value "Valor"
:web-view-error "oops, error"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.fr)
(def translations
:members-title "Membres"
:not-implemented "! non mis en œuvre"
:chat-name "Pseudo"
:notifications-title "Notifications et sons"
:offline "Hors ligne"
:invite-friends "Inviter des amis"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Changer d'utilisateur"
:is-typing "écrit..."
:and-you "et vous"
:search-chat "Rechercher un chat"
:members {:one "1 membre"
:other "{{count}} membres"
:zero "Aucun membre"}
:members-active {:one "1 membre, 1 actif"
:other "{{count}} membres, {{count}} actifs"
:zero "Aucun membre"}
:active-online "En ligne"
:active-unknown "Inconnu"
:available "Disponible"
:no-messages "Pas de messages"
:suggestions-requests "Demandes"
:suggestions-commands "Commandes"
:sync-in-progress "Synchronisation en cours..."
:sync-synced "En synchronisation"
:status-sending "Envoi en cours..."
:status-pending "En attendant..."
:status-sent "Envoyé"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Vu par tout le monde"
:status-seen "Vu"
:status-delivered "Livré"
:status-failed "Échec"
:datetime-second {:one "seconde"
:other "secondes"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minute"
:other "minutes"}
:datetime-hour {:one "heure"
:other "heures"}
:datetime-day {:one "jour"
:other "jours"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "il y a"
:datetime-yesterday "hier"
:datetime-today "aujourd'hui"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Message"
:username "Nom d'utilisateur"
:not-specified "Non spécifié"
:public-key "Clé publique"
:phone-number "Numéro de téléphone"
:email "Adresse e-mail"
:profile-no-status "Pas de statut"
:add-to-contacts "Ajouter aux contacts"
:error-incorrect-name "Veuillez choisir un autre nom"
:error-incorrect-email "Adresse e-mail incorrecte"
:image-source-title "Photo de profil"
:image-source-make-photo "Capturer"
:image-source-gallery "Sélectionner dans la galerie"
:image-source-cancel "Annuler"
:contacts-syncronized "Vos contacts ont été synchronisés"
:confirmation-code (str "Merci ! Nous vous avons envoyé un message texte contenant le code "
"de confirmation. Veuillez fournir ce code pour confirmer votre numéro de téléphone")
:incorrect-code (str "Désolé, le code est incorrect. Veuillez le saisir à nouveau.")
:generate-passphrase (str "Je vais créer une phrase de passe pour vous permettre de restaurer votre "
"accès ou de vous connecter depuis un autre périphérique")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Ouf* c'était dur, voici votre phrase secrète, *écrivez-la et gardez-la en lieu sûr !* Vous en aurez besoin pour récupérer votre compte."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Voici votre phrase secrète, *écrivez-la et gardez-la en lieu sûr !* Vous en aurez besoin pour récupérer votre compte."
:written-down "Assurez-vous de l'avoir bien écrite"
:phone-number-required "Appuyez ici pour entrer votre numéro de téléphone et je vais trouver vos amis"
:intro-status "Chattez avec moi pour configurer votre compte et modifier vos paramètres !"
:intro-message1 "Bienvenue dans Status\nAppuyez sur ce message pour définir votre mot de passe et commencer !"
:account-generation-message "Donnez-moi une seconde, je dois faire quelques calculs de ouf pour générer votre compte !"
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Nouveau chat"
:new-group-chat "Nouveau chat de groupe"
:discovery "Découverte"
:none "Aucun"
:search-tags "Entrez vos mots clés de"
:popular-tags "Mots-clés populaires"
:recent "Récent"
:no-statuses-discovered "Aucun statut découvert"
:settings "Paramètres"
:contacts "Contacts"
:new-contact "Nouveau contact"
:show-all "TOUT AFFICHER"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Personnes"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Démarrer un nouveau chat"
:no-contacts "Pas de contacts encore"
:show-qr "Afficher le QR"
:remove "Retirer"
:save "Sauvegarder"
:change-color "Changer la couleur"
:clear-history "Effacer l'historique"
:delete-and-leave "Supprimer et quitter"
:chat-settings "Paramètres de chat"
:edit "Modifier"
:add-members "Ajouter des membres"
:blue "Bleu"
:purple "Violet"
:green "Vert"
:red "Rouge"
:money-command-description "Envoyer de l'argent"
:location-command-description "Envoyer l'emplacement"
:phone-command-description "Envoyer le numéro de téléphone"
:phone-request-text "Demande de numéro de téléphone"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Envoyer le code de confirmation"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Demande de code de confirmation"
:send-command-description "Envoyer l'emplacement"
:request-command-description "Envoyer une demande"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Aide"
:request "Demande"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH à {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Emplacement : {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Page de navigation : {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transaction : {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Aide"
:group-chat-name "Pseudo"
:empty-group-chat-name "Veuillez saisir un nom"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Veuillez choisir un autre nom"
:add-participants "Ajouter des participants"
:remove-participants "Supprimer des participants"
:received-invitation "invitation de chat reçue"
:removed-from-chat "vous a retiré du chat de groupe"
:left "est parti(e)"
:invited "invité"
:removed "supprimé"
:You "Vous"
:add-new-contact "Ajouter un nouveau contact"
:import-qr "Importer"
:scan-qr "Scanner le QR"
:name "Nom"
:whisper-identity "Murmurer l'identité"
:address-explication "Peut-être qu'ici devrait se trouver un texte expliquant ce qu'est une adresse et où la chercher"
:enter-valid-address "Veuillez saisir une adresse valide ou scanner un code QR"
:contact-already-added "Le contact a déjà été ajouté"
:can-not-add-yourself "Vous ne pouvez pas vous ajouter vous-même"
:unknown-address "Adresse inconnue"
:connect "Connecter"
:address "Adresse"
:password "Mot de passe"
:login "Connexion"
:wrong-password "Mot de passe incorrect"
:recover-from-passphrase "Récupérer avec la phrase secrète"
:recover-explain "Veuillez saisir la phrase secrète de votre mot de passe pour restaurer votre accès"
:passphrase "Phrase secrète"
:recover "Récupérer"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Veuillez saisir une phrase secrète"
:enter-valid-password "Veuillez saisir un mot de passe"
:recover-access "Récupérer l'accès"
:add-account "Ajouter un compte"
:done "Terminé"
:main-wallet "Portefeuille principal"
:invalid-phone "Numéro de téléphone invalide"
:amount "Montant"
:not-enough-eth (str "Pas assez d'ETH sur le solde "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmer la transaction"
:other "Confirmer {{count}} transactions"
:zero "Aucune transaction"}
:status "Statut"
:pending-confirmation "Confirmation en attente"
:recipient "Destinataire"
:one-more-item "Encore un élément"
:fee "Frais"
:value "Valeur"
:web-view-error "Oops, erreur"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.fr-ch)
(def translations
:members-title "Membres"
:not-implemented "!pas mis en place"
:chat-name "Nom de chat"
:notifications-title "Notifications et sons"
:offline "Hors ligne"
:invite-friends "Inviter des amis"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Changer d'utilisateur"
:is-typing "est en train de taper"
:and-you "et vous"
:search-chat "Chercher dans une conversation"
:members {:one "1 membre"
:other "{{count}} membres"
:zero "pas de membres"}
:members-active {:one "1 membre, 1 actif"
:other "{{count}} membres, {{count}} actif(s)"
:zero "pas de membres"}
:active-online "En ligne"
:active-unknown "Inconnu"
:available "Disponible"
:no-messages "Pas de messages"
:suggestions-requests "Demandes"
:suggestions-commands "Commandes"
:sync-in-progress "En cours de synchronisation..."
:sync-synced "Synchronisé"
:status-sending "Envoi en cours"
:status-pending "En attendant"
:status-sent "Envoyé"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Vu par tous"
:status-seen "Vu"
:status-delivered "Livré"
:status-failed "Echoué"
:datetime-second {:one "seconde"
:other "secondes"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minute"
:other "minutes"}
:datetime-hour {:one "heure"
:other "heures"}
:datetime-day {:one "jour"
:other "jours"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "avant"
:datetime-yesterday "hier"
:datetime-today "aujourd'hui"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Message"
:username "Nom d'utilisateur"
:not-specified "Non spécifié"
:public-key "Clé publique"
:phone-number "Numéro de téléphone"
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Pas de statut"
:add-to-contacts "Ajouter aux contacts"
:error-incorrect-name "Veuillez sélectionner un autre nom"
:error-incorrect-email "E-mail incorrect"
:image-source-title "Image du profil"
:image-source-make-photo "Capture"
:image-source-gallery "Sélectionner dans la galerie"
:image-source-cancel "Annuler"
:contacts-syncronized "Vos contacts ont été synchronisés"
:confirmation-code (str "Merci! Nous vous avons envoyé un message de texte avec un code "
"de confirmation. Veuillez fournir ce code pour confirmer votre numéro de téléphone")
:incorrect-code (str "Désolé, le code est incorrect, veuillez réessayer")
:generate-passphrase (str "Je vais générer une phrase de passe pour vous afin que vous puissiez "
"rétablir l'accès ou vous connecter depuis un autre appareil")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Pffff* c'était dur, voici votre phrase de passe, *notez-la et gardez-la en sécurité!* Vous en aurez besoin pour récupérer votre compte."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Voici votre phrase de passe, *notez-la et gardez-la en sécurité!* Vous en aurez besoin pour récupérer votre compte."
:written-down "Assurez-vous de l'avoir notée de manière sûre"
:phone-number-required "Tapez ici pour saisir votre numéro de téléphone et je trouverai vos amis"
:intro-status "Chattez avec moi pour configurer votre compte et changer vos paramètres !"
:intro-message1 "Bienvenue dans le statut\nTapez ce message pour établir votre mot de passe et vous lancer !"
:account-generation-message "Une seconde svp, je dois lancer quelques formules magiques pour générer votre compte !"
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Nouveau chat"
:new-group-chat "Nouveau chat de groupe"
:discovery "Découverte"
:none "Aucun"
:search-tags "Tapez vos clés de recherche ici"
:popular-tags "Clés populaires"
:recent "Récent"
:no-statuses-discovered "Aucun statut trouvé"
:settings "Paramètres"
:contacts "Contacts"
:new-contact "Nouveau Contact"
:show-all "MONTRER TOUS"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Personnes"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Lancer un nouveau chat"
:no-contacts "Pas encore de contacts"
:show-qr "Montrer QR"
:remove "Supprimer"
:save "Sauvegarder"
:change-color "Changer la couleur"
:clear-history "Effacer l'historique"
:delete-and-leave "Supprimer et quitter"
:chat-settings "Paramètres de chat"
:edit "Modifier"
:add-members "Ajouter des membres"
:blue "Bleu"
:purple "Violet"
:green "Vert"
:red "Rouge"
:money-command-description "Envoyer de l'argent"
:location-command-description "Envoyer un emplacement"
:phone-command-description "Envoyer un numéro de téléphone"
:phone-request-text "Demande de numéro de téléphone"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Envoyer un code de confirmation"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Demande de code de confirmation"
:send-command-description "Envoyer un emplacement"
:request-command-description "Envoyer une demande"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Aide"
:request "Demande"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH pour {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Emplacement: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Site web de navigation: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transaction: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Aide"
:group-chat-name "Nom du chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Veuillez entrer un nom"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Veuillez sélectionner un autre nom"
:add-participants "Ajouter des participants"
:remove-participants "Supprimer des participants"
:received-invitation "reçu une invitation à un chat"
:removed-from-chat "vous a supprimé du chat de groupe"
:left "restant"
:invited "invité"
:removed "supprimé"
:You "Vous"
:add-new-contact "Ajouter un nouveau contact"
:import-qr "Importer"
:scan-qr "Scannner QR"
:name "Nom"
:whisper-identity "Murmurer l'identité"
:address-explication "On pourrait mettre ici un texte qui explique ce qu'est une adresse et comment la rechercher"
:enter-valid-address "Veuillez saisir une adresse valable ou scanner un code QR"
:contact-already-added "Le contact a déjà été ajouté"
:can-not-add-yourself "Vous ne pouvez pas vous ajouter vous-même"
:unknown-address "Adresse inconnue"
:connect "Se connecter"
:address "Adresse"
:password "Mot de passe"
:login "Nom d'utilisateur"
:wrong-password "Mauvais mot de passe"
:recover-from-passphrase "Restaurer à partir d'une phrase de passe"
:recover-explain "Veuillez saisir la phrase de passe pour votre mot de passe afin de récupérer l'accès"
:passphrase "Phrase de passe"
:recover "Restaurer"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Veuillez taper une phrase de passe"
:enter-valid-password "Veuillez taper un mot de passe"
:recover-access "Récupérer l'accès"
:add-account "Ajouter un compte"
:done "Terminé"
:main-wallet "Portefeuille principal"
:invalid-phone "Numéro de téléphone non valable"
:amount "Montant"
:not-enough-eth (str "Pas assez d'ETH sur le solde "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmer la transaction"
:other "Confirmer {{count}} transactions"
:zero "Pas de transactions"}
:status "Statut"
:pending-confirmation "Confirmation en attente"
:recipient "Destinataire"
:one-more-item "Encore un objet"
:fee "Tarif"
:value "Valeur"
:web-view-error "oups, erreur"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.hi)
(def translations
:members-title "सदस्य"
:not-implemented "!कार्यान्वित नहीं"
:chat-name "चैट नाम"
:notifications-title "सूचनाएं और आवाज"
:offline "ऑफ़लाइन"
:invite-friends "दोस्तों को आमंत्रित करें"
:faq "अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न"
:switch-users "उपयोगकर्ताओं को स्विच करें"
:is-typing "टाइप कर रहा है"
:and-you "और आप"
:search-chat "चैट खोजें"
:members {:one "1 सदस्य"
:other "{{count}} सदस्य"
:zero "कोई सदस्य नहीं"}
:members-active {:one "1 सदस्य, 1 सक्रिय"
:other "{{count}} सदस्य, {{count}} सक्रिय"
:zero "कोई सदस्य नहीं"}
:active-online "ऑनलाइन"
:active-unknown "अनजान"
:available "उपलब्ध"
:no-messages "कोई संदेश नहीं"
:suggestions-requests "अनुरोध"
:suggestions-commands "कमांड"
:sync-in-progress "सिंक किया जा रहा है..."
:sync-synced "सिंक में"
:status-sending "भेज रहे हैं"
:status-pending "विचाराधीन"
:status-sent "भेज दिया"
:status-seen-by-everyone "हर किसी ने देख लिया"
:status-seen "देखा गया"
:status-delivered "सौंप दिया"
:status-failed "विफल रहा"
:datetime-second {:one "सेकंड"
:other "सेकंड"}
:datetime-minute {:one "मिनट"
:other "मिनट"}
:datetime-hour {:one "घंटा"
:other "घंटे"}
:datetime-day {:one "दिन"
:other "दिन"}
:datetime-multiple "एस"
:datetime-ago "पहले"
:datetime-yesterday "बीता हुआ कल"
:datetime-today "आज"
:profile "प्रोफाइल"
:report-user "उपयोगकर्ता को रिपोर्ट करें"
:message "संदेश"
:username "उपयोगकर्ता नाम"
:not-specified "निर्दिष्ट नहीं"
:public-key "सार्वजनिक कुंजी"
:phone-number "फ़ोन नंबर"
:email "ईमेल"
:profile-no-status "कोई स्थिति नहीं"
:add-to-contacts "संपर्क में जोड़ें"
:error-incorrect-name "कृपया दूसरा नाम चयन करें"
:error-incorrect-email "गलत ई-मेल"
:image-source-title "प्रोफ़ाइल छवि"
:image-source-make-photo "प्राप्त करें"
:image-source-gallery "गैलरी से चयन करें"
:image-source-cancel "रद्द करें"
:contacts-syncronized "आपके संपर्कों को सिंक्रनाइज़ किया गया है"
:confirmation-code (str "धन्यवाद! हमने आपको \"पुष्टि कोड\" के साथ एक टेक्स्ट संदेश भेजा है "
"कृपया अपने फोन नंबर की पुष्टि करने के लिए वह कोड डालें।")
:incorrect-code (str "क्षमा करें, कोड गलत था, कृपया फिर से डालें")
:generate-passphrase (str "मैं आपके लिए एक पासफ्रेज जनरेट करूंगा ताकि आप अपना पासफ्रेज बहाल कर सकें "
"अन्य डिवाइस से उपयोग या लॉगिन करें")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*उफ़्फ़* यह बहुत मुश्किल था, यह रहा आपका पासफ्रेज, *इसे लिख लें और सुरक्षित रखें! * अपने खाते को ठीक करने के लिए आपको इसकी आवश्यकता होगी।"
:here-is-your-passphrase "यह रहा आपका पासफ्रेज, *इसे लिख लें और सुरक्षित रखें! * अपने खाते को ठीक करने के लिए आपको इसकी आवश्यकता होगी।"
:written-down "पक्का करें कि आपने इसे सुरक्षित रूप से लिख लिया था"
:phone-number-required "अपना फोन नंबर दर्ज करने के लिए यहां टैप करें और मैं आपके दोस्तों को ढूंढ निकालूंगा"
:intro-status "अपना खाता सेट करने और अपनी सेटिंग्स बदलने के लिए मेरे साथ चैट करें!"
:intro-message1 "स्टेटस में आपका स्वागत है\n अपना पासवर्ड सेट करने और शुरुआत करने के लिए इस संदेश पर करें!"
:account-generation-message "मुझे एक सेकंड का समय दें, आपका खाता जनरेट करने के लिए मुझे कुछ क्रेजी गणित का प्रयोग करना होगा!"
:chats "चैट"
:new-chat "नई चैट"
:new-group-chat "नई ग्रुप चैट"
:discovery "खोज"
:none "कोई नहीं"
:search-tags "अपने खोज टैग यहां टाइप करें"
:popular-tags "लोकप्रिय टैग"
:recent "नया"
:no-statuses-discovered "कोई स्टेटस नहीं मिला"
:settings "सेटिंग्स"
:contacts "संपर्क"
:new-contact "नया संपर्क"
:show-all "सभी दिखाएं"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "लोग"
:contacts-group-new-chat "नई चैट शुरू करें"
:no-contacts "अभी तक कोई संपर्क नहीं"
:show-qr "QR दिखाएं"
:remove "निकालें"
:save "सहेजें"
:change-color "रंग बदलें"
:clear-history "इतिहास साफ़ करें"
:delete-and-leave "हटाएं और छोड़ें"
:chat-settings "चैट सेटिंग्स"
:edit "संपादित करें"
:add-members "सदस्य जोड़ें"
:blue "नीला"
:purple "बैंगनी"
:green "हरा"
:red "लाल"
:money-command-description "पैसे भेजें"
:location-command-description "स्थान भेजें"
:phone-command-description "फोन नंबर भेजें"
:phone-request-text "फ़ोन नंबर अनुरोध"
:confirmation-code-command-description "पुष्टि कोड भेजें"
:confirmation-code-request-text "पुष्टि कोड अनुरोध"
:send-command-description "स्थान भेजें"
:request-command-description "अनुरोध भेजें"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "मदद करें"
:request "अनुरोध करें"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} {{chat-name}} को ETH"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} {{chat-name}} से ETH"
:command-text-location "स्थान: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "वेबपेज ब्राउजिंग: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "लेनदेन: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "मदद करें"
:group-chat-name "चैट नाम"
:empty-group-chat-name "कोई नाम दर्ज करें"
:illegal-group-chat-name "कृपया दूसरा नाम चयन करें"
:add-participants "प्रतिभागियों को जोड़ें"
:remove-participants "प्रतिभागियों को निकालें"
:received-invitation "चैट आमंत्रण प्राप्त हुआ"
:removed-from-chat "आपको ग्रुप चैट से निकाल दिया"
:left "बाएं"
:invited "आमंत्रित"
:removed "निकाल दिया"
:You "आप"
:add-new-contact "नया संपर्क जोड़ें"
:import-qr "आयात करें"
:scan-qr "QR स्कैन करें"
:name "नाम"
:whisper-identity "पहचान बताएं"
:address-explication "संभवतः यहाँ कुछ टेक्स्ट विवरण होना चाहिए कि पता क्या है और इसे कहाँ खोजा जाए"
:enter-valid-address "कृपया एक वैध पता दर्ज करें या एक QR कोड स्कैन करें"
:contact-already-added "संपर्क पहले से जोड़ लिया गया है"
:can-not-add-yourself "आप अपने आपको नहीं जोड़ सकते"
:unknown-address "अज्ञात पता"
:connect "कनेक्ट करें"
:address "पता"
:password "पासवर्ड"
:login "लॉगिन करें"
:wrong-password "गलत पासवर्ड"
:recover-from-passphrase "पासफ्रेज से ठीक करें"
:recover-explain "पहुंच को ठीक करने के लिए कृपया अपने पासवर्ड का पासफ्रेज दर्ज करें"
:passphrase "पासफ्रेज"
:recover "ठीक करें"
:enter-valid-passphrase "कृपया एक पासफ्रेज दर्ज करें"
:enter-valid-password "कृपया पासवर्ड दर्ज करें"
:recover-access "पहुंच को ठीक करें"
:add-account "खाता जोड़ें"
:done "पूरा हो गया"
:main-wallet "मुख्य वॉलेट"
:invalid-phone "अमान्य फोन नंबर"
:amount "राशि"
:not-enough-eth (str "बैलेंस पर पर्याप्त ETH नहीं "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "लेनदेन की पुष्टि करें"
:other "{{count}} लेनदेनों की पुष्टि करें"
:zero "कोई लेनदेन नहीं"}
:status "स्टेटस"
:pending-confirmation "लंबित पुष्टि"
:recipient "प्राप्तकर्ता"
:one-more-item "एक अन्य आइटम"
:fee "शुल्क"
:value "मूल्य"
:web-view-error "ओह, त्रुटि"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.hu)
(def translations
:members-title "Tagok"
:not-implemented "!nem végrehajtott"
:chat-name "Csevegés neve"
:notifications-title "Értesítések és hangok"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Barátok meghívása"
:faq "GYIK"
:switch-users "Felhasználók váltása"
:is-typing "gépel"
:and-you "és te"
:search-chat "Csevegés keresése"
:members {:one "1 tag"
:other "{{count}} tag"
:zero "nincsenek tagok"}
:members-active {:one "1 tag, 1 aktív"
:other "{{count}} tag, {{count}} aktív"
:zero "nincsenek tagok"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Ismeretlen"
:available "Elérhető"
:no-messages "Nincsenek üzenetek"
:suggestions-requests "Kérések"
:suggestions-commands "Parancsok"
:sync-in-progress "Szinkronizálás..."
:sync-synced "Szinkronizálás folyamatban"
:status-sending "Küldés"
:status-pending "Függőben levő"
:status-sent "Elküldve"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Látva mindenki által"
:status-seen "Látva"
:status-delivered "Kézbesítve"
:status-failed "Nem sikerült"
:datetime-second {:one "másodperc"
:other "másodperc"}
:datetime-minute {:one "perc"
:other "perc"}
:datetime-hour {:one "óra"
:other "óra"}
:datetime-day {:one "nap"
:other "nap"}
:datetime-multiple "k"
:datetime-ago "ezelőtt"
:datetime-yesterday "tegnap"
:datetime-today "ma"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Üzenet"
:username "Felhasználónév"
:not-specified "Nincs megadva"
:public-key "Nyilvános kulcs"
:phone-number "Telefonszám"
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Nincs állapot"
:add-to-contacts "Hozzáadás a kapcsolatokhoz"
:error-incorrect-name "Kérjük, válassz ki másik nevet"
:error-incorrect-email "Hibás e-mail"
:image-source-title "Profilkép"
:image-source-make-photo "Rögzítés"
:image-source-gallery "Kiválasztás a galériából"
:image-source-cancel "Mégsem"
:contacts-syncronized "Kapcsolataid szinkronizálásra kerültek"
:confirmation-code (str "Köszönjük! Küldtünk neked egy szöveges üzenetet megerősítési "
"kóddal. Kérjük, add meg a kódot telefonszámod megerősítése érdekében")
:incorrect-code (str "Sajnáljuk, hibás kód, kérjük, add meg újból")
:generate-passphrase (str "Generálok neked egy jelmondatot hozzáférésed helyreállításához "
"vagy egy másik eszközről történő bejelentkezéshez")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Hűha* ez nehéz volt, de kész a jelmondatod, *írd fel valahova és vigyázz rá!* Szükséged lesz hozzá felhasználói fiókod helyreállításához."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Kész a jelmondatod, *írd fel valahová és őrizd meg!* Szükséged lesz hozzá felhasználói fiókod helyreállításához."
:written-down "Bizonyosodj meg arról, hogy biztonságos helyen tárolod"
:phone-number-required "Érints ide telefonszámod megadásához és megtalálom a barátaidat"
:intro-status "Csevegj velem felhasználói fiókod létrehozásáról és beállításaid megváltoztatásáról!"
:intro-message1 "Üdv az Állapotnál\nÉrints erre a üzenetre, állítsd be a jelszavad és fogj hozzá!"
:account-generation-message "Adj egy percet, varázsolok egy kicsit és létre is hozom a felhasználói fiókodat!"
:chats "Csevegések"
:new-chat "Új csevegés"
:new-group-chat "Új csoportos csevegés"
:discovery "Felfedezés"
:none "Semmi"
:search-tags "Add meg keresési címkéidet itt"
:popular-tags "Népszerű címkék"
:recent "Legutóbbi"
:no-statuses-discovered "Nincsenek felfedezett állapotok"
:settings "Beállítások"
:contacts "Kapcsolatok"
:new-contact "Új kapcsolat"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Emberek"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Új csevegés indítása"
:no-contacts "Még nincsenek kapcsolatok"
:show-qr "QR mutatása"
:remove "Eltávolítás"
:save "Mentés"
:change-color "Szín megváltoztatása"
:clear-history "Előzmények törlése"
:delete-and-leave "Törlés és kilépés"
:chat-settings "Csevegés beállítások"
:edit "Szerkesztés"
:add-members "Tagok hozzáadása"
:blue "Kék"
:purple "Lila"
:green "Zöld"
:red "Piros"
:money-command-description "Pénz küldése"
:location-command-description "Halyszín küldése"
:phone-command-description "Telefonszám küldése"
:phone-request-text "Telefonszám irénylése"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Megerősítési kód küldése"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Megerősítési kód igénylése"
:send-command-description "Helyszín küldése"
:request-command-description "Küldési igény"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Segítség"
:request "Kérés"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH ide {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH innen {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Helyszín: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Böngészési weboldal: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Tranzakció: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Segítség"
:group-chat-name "Csevegés neve"
:empty-group-chat-name "Kérjük, add meg egy új nevet"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Kérjük, válassz egy új nevet"
:add-participants "Résztvevők hozzáadása"
:remove-participants "Résztvevők eltávolítása"
:received-invitation "csevegési meghívásban részesült"
:removed-from-chat "eltávolítva a csoportos csevegésből"
:left "maradt"
:invited "meghívott"
:removed "eltávolított"
:You "Te"
:add-new-contact "Új kapcsolat hozzáadása"
:import-qr "Importálás"
:scan-qr "QR beolvasása"
:name "Név"
:whisper-identity "Whisper személyazonosság"
:address-explication "Itt talán szükség lenne egy kis szövegre, ami elmagyarázná, mi is az a cím és hol lehet megtalálni"
:enter-valid-address "Kérjük, adj meg egy helyes címet vagy olvass be egy QR kódot"
:contact-already-added "A kapcsolat már hozzáadásra került"
:can-not-add-yourself "Magadat nem adhatod hozzá"
:unknown-address "Ismeretlen cím"
:connect "Kapcsolódás"
:address "Cím"
:password "Jelszó"
:login "Bejelentkezés"
:wrong-password "Hibás jelszó"
:recover-from-passphrase "Visszaállítás jelmondatból"
:recover-explain "Kérjük, adj meg egy jelmondatot a jelszavaddal történő hozzáférés helyreállításához"
:passphrase "Jelmondat"
:recover "Visszaállítás"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Kérjük, adj meg egy jelmondatote"
:enter-valid-password "Kérjük, adj meg egy jelszót"
:recover-access "Hozzáférés helyreállítása"
:add-account "Felhasználói fiók hozzáadása"
:done "Kész"
:main-wallet "Fő zseb"
:invalid-phone "Hibás telefonszám"
:amount "Összeg"
:not-enough-eth (str "Nincs elég ETH a számlán "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Tranzakció megerősítése"
:other "{{count}} tranzakció megerősítése"
:zero "Nincsenek tranzakciók"}
:status "Állapot"
:pending-confirmation "Függőben lévő megerősítés"
:recipient "Címzett"
:one-more-item "Még egy tétel"
:fee "Díj"
:value "Érték"
:web-view-error "hoppá, hiba"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.it)
(def translations
:members-title "Membri"
:not-implemented "!non implementato"
:chat-name "Nome chat"
:notifications-title "Notifiche e suoni"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Invita amici"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Cambia utente"
:is-typing "sta scrivendo"
:and-you "e tu"
:search-chat "Cerca chat"
:members {:one "1 membro"
:other "{{count}} membri"
:zero "nessun membro"}
:members-active {:one "1 membro, 1 attivo"
:other "{{count}} membri, {{count}} attivi"
:zero "nessun membro"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Sconosciuto"
:available "Disponibile"
:no-messages "Nessun messaggio"
:suggestions-requests "Richieste"
:suggestions-commands "Comandi"
:sync-in-progress "Sincronizzazione in corso..."
:sync-synced "Sincronizzato"
:status-sending "Invio"
:status-pending "In attesa di"
:status-sent "Inviato"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Visto da tutti"
:status-seen "Visto"
:status-delivered "Consegnato"
:status-failed "Fallito"
:datetime-second {:one "secondo"
:other "secondi"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minuto"
:other "minuti"}
:datetime-hour {:one "ora"
:other "ore"}
:datetime-day {:one "giorno"
:other "giorni"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "fa"
:datetime-yesterday "ieri"
:datetime-today "oggi"
:profile "Profilo"
:report-user "SEGNALA UTENTE"
:message "Messaggio"
:username "Username"
:not-specified "Non specificato"
:public-key "Chiave pubblica"
:phone-number "Numero di telefono"
:email "Email"
:profile-no-status "Nessuno stato"
:add-to-contacts "Aggiunto ai contatti"
:error-incorrect-name "Seleziona un altro nome"
:error-incorrect-email "e-mail non valida"
:image-source-title "Immagine del profilo"
:image-source-make-photo "Acquisisci"
:image-source-gallery "Scegli dalla galleria"
:image-source-cancel "Elimina"
:contacts-syncronized "I tuoi contatti sono stati sincronizzati"
:confirmation-code (str "Grazie! Ti abbiamo inviato un messaggio con un codice di conferma "
"codice. Fornisci questo codice per confermare il tuo numero di telefono")
:incorrect-code (str "Spiacenti, il codice era errato, reinseriscilo")
:generate-passphrase (str "Genereremo una passphrase da utilizzare per riattivare il tuo "
"accesso o accedere da un altro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Uff* è stato difficile, ecco la tua passphrase, *scrivila e tienila al sicuro!* Ti servirà per poter accedere al tuo account."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Questa è la tua passphrase, *scrivila e tienila al sicuro!* Ti servirà per poter accedere al tuo account."
:written-down "Assicurati di averla scritta e conservata"
:phone-number-required "Tocca qui per inserire il tuo numero di telefono e cercheremo i tuoi amici"
:intro-status "Fai una chat con me per impostare il tuo account e cambiare le tue impostazioni!"
:intro-message1 "Benvenuto su Status\nTocca questo messaggio per impostare la tua password e poter cominciare!"
:account-generation-message "Dammi un secondo, devo fare dei calcoli complicati per generare il tuo account!"
:chats "Chat"
:new-chat "Nuova chat"
:new-group-chat "Nuova chat di gruppo"
:discovery "Scopri"
:none "Nessuno"
:search-tags "Digita qui le tue etichette di ricerca"
:popular-tags "Tag popolari"
:recent "Recenti"
:no-statuses-discovered "Nessuno stato trovato"
:settings "Impostazioni"
:contacts "Contatti"
:new-contact "Nuovo contatto"
:show-all "MOSTRA TUTTI"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Persone"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Comincia una nuova chat"
:no-contacts "Ancora nessun contatto"
:show-qr "Mostra QR"
:remove "Rimuovi"
:save "Salva"
:change-color "Cambia colore"
:clear-history "Cancella cronologia"
:delete-and-leave "Cancella e lascia"
:chat-settings "Impostazioni chat"
:edit "Modifica"
:add-members "Aggiungi membri"
:blue "Blu"
:purple "Viola"
:green "Verde"
:red "Rosso"
:money-command-description "Invia denaro"
:location-command-description "Invia posizione"
:phone-command-description "Invia numero di telefono"
:phone-request-text "Richiesta numero di telefono"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Invia codice di conferma"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Codice di conferma richiesto"
:send-command-description "Invia posizione"
:request-command-description "Invia richiesta"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Aiuto"
:request "Richiesta"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH per {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH da {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Posizione: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Naviga la pagina web: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transazione: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Aiuto"
:group-chat-name "Nome chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Inserisci un nome"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Scegli un altro nome"
:add-participants "Aggiungi partecipanti"
:remove-participants "Rimuovi partecipanti"
:received-invitation "invito alla chat ricevuto"
:removed-from-chat "sei stato rimosso dalla chat di gruppo"
:left "lasciato"
:invited "invitato"
:removed "rimosso"
:You "Tu"
:add-new-contact "Aggiungi un nuovo contatto"
:import-qr "Importa"
:scan-qr "Scansiona codice QR"
:name "Nome"
:whisper-identity "Sussurra identità"
:address-explication "Forse qui bisognerebbe inserire un testo che spieghi cos'è un indirizzo e dove cercarlo"
:enter-valid-address "Inserisci un indirizzo valido o scansiona un codice QR"
:contact-already-added "Il contatto è stato già aggiunto"
:can-not-add-yourself "Non puoi aggiungere te stesso"
:unknown-address "Indirizzo sconosciuto"
:connect "Connetti"
:address "Indirizzo"
:password "Password"
:login "Accedi"
:wrong-password "Password errata"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recupera dalla passphrase"
:recover-explain "Inserisci la passphrase per poter accedere alla tua password"
:passphrase "Passphrase"
:recover "Recupera"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Inserisci una passphrase"
:enter-valid-password "Inserisci una password"
:recover-access "Recupera accessi"
:add-account "Aggiungi account"
:done "Fatto"
:main-wallet "Portafogli principale"
:invalid-phone "Numero di telefono non valido"
:amount "Ammontare"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH sul bilancio insufficiente "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Conferma transazione"
:other "Conferma {{count}} transazioni"
:zero "Nessuna transazione"}
:status "Stato"
:pending-confirmation "Conferma in attesa"
:recipient "Ricevente"
:one-more-item "Un altro oggetto"
:fee "Commissione"
:value "Valore"
:web-view-error "ops, errore"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.it-ch)
(def translations
:members-title "Membri"
:not-implemented "!non implementato"
:chat-name "Nome chat"
:notifications-title "Notifiche e suoni"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Invita amici"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Cambia utenti"
:is-typing "sta scrivendo"
:and-you "e tu"
:search-chat "Cerca chat"
:members {:one "1 membro"
:other "{{count}} membri"
:zero "nessun membro"}
:members-active {:one "1 membro, 1 attivo"
:other "{{count}} membri, {{count}} attivi"
:zero "nessun membro"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Sconosciuto"
:available "Disponibile"
:no-messages "Nessun messaggio"
:suggestions-requests "Richieste"
:suggestions-commands "Comandi"
:sync-in-progress "Sincronizzazione in corso..."
:sync-synced "Sincronizzato"
:status-sending "Invio in corso"
:status-pending "In attesa di"
:status-sent "Inviato"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Visto da tutti"
:status-seen "Visto"
:status-delivered "Consegnato"
:status-failed "Invio fallito"
:datetime-second {:one "secondo"
:other "secondi"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minuto"
:other "minuti"}
:datetime-hour {:one "ora"
:other "ore"}
:datetime-day {:one "giorno"
:other "giorni"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "fa"
:datetime-yesterday "ieri"
:datetime-today "oggi"
:profile "Profilo"
:report-user "SEGNALA UTENTE"
:message "Messaggio"
:username "Nome utente"
:not-specified "Non specificato"
:public-key "Chiave pubblica"
:phone-number "Numero di telefono"
:email "Email"
:profile-no-status "Nessuno stato"
:add-to-contacts "Aggiungi ai contatti"
:error-incorrect-name "Seleziona un altro nome"
:error-incorrect-email "Email errata"
:image-source-title "Immagine profilo"
:image-source-make-photo "Scatta"
:image-source-gallery "Seleziona dalla galleria immagini"
:image-source-cancel "Annulla"
:contacts-syncronized "I tuoi contatti sono stati sincronizzati"
:confirmation-code (str "Grazie! Ti abbiamo inviato un messaggio con un codice di "
"conferma. Utilizza tale codice per confermare il tuo numero di telefono")
:incorrect-code (str "Il codice inserito è errato, riprova")
:generate-passphrase (str "Provvederò a generare una passphrase così potrai ripristinare il tuo "
"accesso o effettuare il login da un altro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Wow* È stato difficile, ecco qui la tua passphrase, *prendi nota e conservala in un luogo sicuro!* Ti servirà per ripristinare il tuo conto."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Ecco qui la tua passphrase, *prendi nota e conservala in un luogo sicuro!* Ti servirà per ripristinare il tuo conto."
:written-down "Assicurati di averla scritta correttamente"
:phone-number-required "Clicca qui per inserire il tuo numero di telefono e trovare i tuoi amici"
:intro-status "Avvia una conversazione con me per impostare il tuo conto e modificare le tue impostazioni!"
:intro-message1 "Benvenuto su Status\nTocca questo messaggio per impostare la tua password e iniziare!"
:account-generation-message "Dammi un secondo, devo eseguire dei calcoli matematici complessi per generare il tuo conto!"
:chats "Conversazioni"
:new-chat "Nuova conversazione"
:new-group-chat "Nuova conversazione di gruppo"
:discovery "Scoperta"
:none "Nessuna"
:search-tags "Inserisci qui i tag di ricerca"
:popular-tags "Tag popolari"
:recent "Recente"
:no-statuses-discovered "Nessuno stato identificato"
:settings "Impostazioni"
:contacts "Contatti"
:new-contact "Nuovo contatto"
:show-all "MOSTRA TUTTI"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Persone"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Inizia una nuova conversazione"
:no-contacts "Nessun contatto registrato"
:show-qr "Mostra QR"
:remove "Rimuovi"
:save "Salva"
:change-color "Cambia colore"
:clear-history "Cancella cronologia"
:delete-and-leave "Elimina ed esci"
:chat-settings "Impostazioni conversazioni"
:edit "Modifica"
:add-members "Aggiungi membri"
:blue "Blu"
:purple "Viola"
:green "Verde"
:red "Rosso"
:money-command-description "Invia denaro"
:location-command-description "Invia posizione"
:phone-command-description "Invia numero di telefono"
:phone-request-text "Richiesta numero di telefono"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Invia codice di conferma"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Richiesta codice di conferma"
:send-command-description "Invia posizione"
:request-command-description "Invia richiesta"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Aiuto"
:request "Richiedi"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH a {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH da {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Posizione: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Pagina web: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transazione: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Aiuto"
:group-chat-name "Nome conversazione"
:empty-group-chat-name "Inserire un nome"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Selezionare un altro nome"
:add-participants "Aggiungi partecipanti"
:remove-participants "Rimuovi partecipanti"
:received-invitation "ha ricevuto un invito di conversazione"
:removed-from-chat "ti ha rimosso dalla conversazione di gruppo"
:left "È uscito"
:invited "È stato invitato"
:removed "È stato rimosso"
:You "Tu"
:add-new-contact "Aggiungi nuovo contatto"
:import-qr "Importa"
:scan-qr "Scansiona QR"
:name "Nome"
:whisper-identity "Whisper Identity"
:address-explication "Forse qui dovremmo spiegare cos'è un indirizzo e dove cercarlo"
:enter-valid-address "Inserire un indirizzo valido oppure effettuare la scansione del codice QR"
:contact-already-added "Il contatto è già stato aggiunto"
:can-not-add-yourself "Non puoi aggiungere te stesso"
:unknown-address "Indirizzo sconosciuto"
:connect "Effettua connessione"
:address "Indirizzo"
:password "Password"
:login "Login"
:wrong-password "Password errata"
:recover-from-passphrase "Ripristina tramite passphrase"
:recover-explain "Inserire la passphrase per ripristinare la password di accesso"
:passphrase "Passphrase"
:recover "Ripristina"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Inserire una passphrase"
:enter-valid-password "Inserire una password"
:recover-access "Ripristina l'accesso"
:add-account "Aggiungi conto"
:done "OK"
:main-wallet "Wallet principale"
:invalid-phone "Numero di telefono non valido"
:amount "Saldo"
:not-enough-eth (str "Saldo ETH non sufficiente "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Conferma transazione"
:other "Conferma {{count}} transazioni"
:zero "Nessuna transazione"}
:status "Stato"
:pending-confirmation "Conferma pendente"
:recipient "Beneficiario"
:one-more-item "Ancora un elemento"
:fee "Commissione"
:value "Valore"
:web-view-error "Ops, si è verificato un errore"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.ja)
(def translations
:members-title "メンバー"
:not-implemented "!実装されていません"
:chat-name "チャット名"
:notifications-title "通知と音声"
:offline "オフライン"
:invite-friends "友だちを招待"
:faq "よくある質問"
:switch-users "ユーザーを切り替え"
:is-typing "タイプ中です"
:and-you "そしてあなた"
:search-chat "チャットを検索"
:members {:one "1人のメンバー"
:other "{{count}}人のメンバー"
:zero "メンバーがいません"}
:members-active {:one "1人のメンバー、1人がアクティブ"
:other "{{count}}人のメンバー、{{count}}人がアクティブ"
:zero "メンバーがいません"}
:active-online "オンライン"
:active-unknown "不明"
:available "利用可能"
:no-messages "メッセージがありません"
:suggestions-requests "リクエスト"
:suggestions-commands "コマンド"
:sync-in-progress "同期中..."
:sync-synced "同期しています"
:status-sending "送信中"
:status-pending "保留中"
:status-sent "送信済み"
:status-seen-by-everyone "全員が閲覧"
:status-seen "閲覧"
:status-delivered "配達済み"
:status-failed "失敗しました"
:datetime-second {:one "秒"
:other "秒"}
:datetime-minute {:one "分"
:other "分"}
:datetime-hour {:one "時間"
:other "時間"}
:datetime-day {:one "日"
:other "日"}
:datetime-multiple "秒"
:datetime-ago "前"
:datetime-yesterday "昨日"
:datetime-today "今日"
:profile "プロフィール"
:report-user "ユーザーを通報"
:message "メッセージ"
:username "ユーザー名"
:not-specified "特定されていません"
:public-key "公開鍵"
:phone-number "電話番号"
:email "メールアドレス"
:profile-no-status "ステータスがありません"
:add-to-contacts "連絡先に追加"
:error-incorrect-name "別の名前を選択してください"
:error-incorrect-email "間違ったメールアドレス"
:image-source-title "プロフィール画像"
:image-source-make-photo "キャプチャ"
:image-source-gallery "ギャラリーから選択"
:image-source-cancel "キャンセル"
:contacts-syncronized "連絡先が同期されました"
:confirmation-code (str "ありがとうございます! 確認コードが記載されたメッセージが"
:incorrect-code (str "申し訳ありませんがコードが間違っています。もう一度入力してください")
:generate-passphrase (str "パスフレーズを生成してアクセスを復元したり、"
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*お疲れ様でした。*これがパスフレーズです。*書き留めて安全な場所に保管してください!*アカウントの復元に必要になります。"
:here-is-your-passphrase "これがパスフレーズです。*書き留めて安全な場所に保管してください!*アカウントの復元に必要になります。"
:written-down "書き留めて安全な場所に保管してください。"
:phone-number-required "ここをタップして電話番号を入力するとお友達を検索します。"
:intro-status "チャットしてアカウントを設定し、設定を変更してください!"
:intro-message1 "ステータスにようこそ\nこのメッセージをタップしてパスワードを設定して開始しましょう!"
:account-generation-message "少々お待ちください。アカウントを生成するには複雑な計算が必要です!"
:chats "チャット"
:new-chat "新規チャット"
:new-group-chat "新規グループチャット"
:discovery "発見"
:none "なし"
:search-tags "ここに検索タグを入力してください"
:popular-tags "人気のタグ"
:recent "最近"
:no-statuses-discovered "ステータスが見つかりませんでした"
:settings "設定"
:contacts "連絡先"
:new-contact "新規連絡先"
:show-all "全て表示"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "人々"
:contacts-group-new-chat "新規チャットを開始"
:no-contacts "まだ連絡先がありません"
:show-qr "QRを表示"
:remove "削除"
:save "保存"
:change-color "色を変更"
:clear-history "履歴を消去"
:delete-and-leave "削除して閉じる"
:chat-settings "チャット設定"
:edit "編集"
:add-members "メンバーを追加"
:blue "ブルー"
:purple "パープル"
:green "グリーン"
:red "レッド"
:money-command-description "送金"
:location-command-description "位置を送信"
:phone-command-description "電話番号を送信"
:phone-request-text "電話番号をリクエスト"
:confirmation-code-command-description "確認コードを送信"
:confirmation-code-request-text "確認コードリクエスト"
:send-command-description "位置を送信"
:request-command-description "リクエストを送信"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "ヘルプ"
:request "リクエスト"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETHを{{chat-name}}に"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETHを{{chat-name}}から"
:command-text-location "位置: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "ウェブページ閲覧: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "トランザクション: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "ヘルプ"
:group-chat-name "チャット名"
:empty-group-chat-name "名前を入力してください"
:illegal-group-chat-name "別の名前を選択してください"
:add-participants "参加者を追加"
:remove-participants "参加者を削除"
:received-invitation "チャット招待状を受信しました"
:removed-from-chat "グループチャットから削除されました"
:left "残り"
:invited "招待済み"
:removed "削除済み"
:You "あなた"
:add-new-contact "新規連絡先を追加"
:import-qr "インポート"
:scan-qr "QRをスキャン"
:name "名前"
:whisper-identity "Whisper Identity"
:address-explication "ここにアドレスについての説明やどこで見つけられるのかを入力してください"
:enter-valid-address "有効なアドレスを入力するかQRコードをスキャンしてください"
:contact-already-added "連絡先はすでに追加されています"
:can-not-add-yourself "自分自身を追加することはできません"
:unknown-address "不明のアドレス"
:connect "接続"
:address "アドレス"
:password "パスワード"
:login "ログイン"
:wrong-password "パスワードが間違っています"
:recover-from-passphrase "パスフレーズから復元"
:recover-explain "パスワードのためにパスフレーズを入力してアクセスを復元してください"
:passphrase "パスフレーズ"
:recover "復元"
:enter-valid-passphrase "パスフレーズを入力してください"
:enter-valid-password "パスワードを入力してください"
:recover-access "アクセスを復元"
:add-account "アカウントを追加"
:done "完了"
:main-wallet "主要のウォレット"
:invalid-phone "無効な電話番号"
:amount "金額"
:not-enough-eth (str "十分なETH残高がありません"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "トランザクションを確認"
:other "{{count}}トランザクションを確認"
:zero "トランザクションがありません"}
:status "ステータス"
:pending-confirmation "確認が保留中です"
:recipient "受信者"
:one-more-item "さらに一つの項目"
:fee "手数料"
:value "値"
:web-view-error "おっと、エラーが発生しました。"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.ko)
(def translations
:members-title "회원"
:not-implemented "!구현되지 않음"
:chat-name "채팅 이름"
:notifications-title "알림 및 소리"
:offline "오프라인"
:invite-friends "친구 초대"
:faq "자주묻는질문"
:switch-users "사용자 전환"
:is-typing "이(가) 입력 중"
:and-you "그리고 귀하"
:search-chat "채팅 검색"
:members {:one "회원 1명"
:other "회원 {{count}}명"
:zero "회원 없음"}
:members-active {:one "회원 1명, 활성 1명"
:other "회원 {{count}}명, 활성 {{count}}명"
:zero "회원 없음"}
:active-online "온라인"
:active-unknown "알 수 없음"
:available "이용 가능"
:no-messages "메시지 없음"
:suggestions-requests "요청"
:suggestions-commands "명령"
:sync-in-progress "동기화 중..."
:sync-synced "동기화됨"
:status-sending "보내는 중"
:status-pending "계류중인"
:status-sent "전송됨"
:status-seen-by-everyone "모든 사람이 조회함"
:status-seen "조회함"
:status-delivered "배달됨"
:status-failed "실패"
:datetime-second {:one "초"
:other "초"}
:datetime-minute {:one "분"
:other "분"}
:datetime-hour {:one "시간"
:other "시간"}
:datetime-day {:one "일"
:other "일"}
:datetime-multiple "초"
:datetime-ago "전"
:datetime-yesterday "어제"
:datetime-today "오늘"
:profile "프로필"
:report-user "사용자 신고하기"
:message "메시지"
:username "사용자명"
:not-specified "지정되지 않음"
:public-key "공용 키"
:phone-number "전화번호"
:email "이메일"
:profile-no-status "상태 정보 없음"
:add-to-contacts "연락처에 추가"
:error-incorrect-name "다음 이름을 선택해 주세요"
:error-incorrect-email "잘못된 이메일"
:image-source-title "프로필 이미지"
:image-source-make-photo "캡쳐"
:image-source-gallery "갤러리에서 선택하기"
:image-source-cancel "취소"
:contacts-syncronized "연락처가 동기화되었습니다"
:confirmation-code (str "감사합니다! 귀하께 확인 문자 메시지를 보내드렸습니다 "
"코드. 귀하의 전화번호를 확인하려면 해당 코드를 입력해 주세요")
:incorrect-code (str "죄송하지만 잘못된 코드입니다. 다시 입력해 주세요")
:generate-passphrase (str "액세스를 복원하거나 다른 기기에서 로그인할 수 있도록 "
"암호문을 생성해 드리겠습니다")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*휴~*어려운 작업이었네요, 여기 암호문이 있습니다. *이걸 적어두시고 안전하게 보관하세요!* 계정을 복구할 때 필요합니다."
:here-is-your-passphrase "여기 암호문이 있습니다. *이걸 적어두시고 안전하게 보관하세요!* 계정을 복구할 때 필요합니다."
:written-down "암호문을 안전하게 적어 두었는지 확인해 주세요"
:phone-number-required "여기를 탭하여 귀하의 전화번호를 입력하시면 친구들을 찾아드리겠습니다"
:intro-status "계정을 설정하고, 설정을 변경하려면 저와 채팅하세요!"
:intro-message1 "'상태'에 오신 것을 환영합니다\n이 메시지를 탭하여 비밀번호를 설정하고 시작하세요!"
:account-generation-message "잠깐만요, 귀하의 계정 생성을 위한 수학 연산 작업 좀 할게요!"
:chats "채팅"
:new-chat "새 채팅"
:new-group-chat "새 그룹 채팅"
:discovery "발견"
:none "없음"
:search-tags "여기에 검색 태그를 입력하세요"
:popular-tags "인기 태그"
:recent "최근"
:no-statuses-discovered "발견된 상태 정보가 없습니다"
:settings "설정"
:contacts "연락처"
:new-contact "새 연락처"
:show-all "모두 표시"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "사람들"
:contacts-group-new-chat "새 채팅 시작하기"
:no-contacts "연락처가 아직 없습니다"
:show-qr "QR 표시"
:remove "제거"
:save "저장"
:change-color "색상 변경"
:clear-history "내역 삭제"
:delete-and-leave "삭제하고 나가기"
:chat-settings "채팅 설정"
:edit "편집"
:add-members "회원 추가"
:blue "파란색"
:purple "자주색"
:green "녹색"
:red "빨간색"
:money-command-description "송금하기"
:location-command-description "위치정보 보내기"
:phone-command-description "전화번호 보내기"
:phone-request-text "전화번호 요청"
:confirmation-code-command-description "확인 코드 보내기"
:confirmation-code-request-text "확인 코드 요청"
:send-command-description "위치정보 보내기"
:request-command-description "요청 보내기"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "도움말"
:request "요청"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH 송금인: {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH 수금인: {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "위치: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "열람중인 웹페이지: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "거래: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "도움말"
:group-chat-name "채팅 이름"
:empty-group-chat-name "이름을 입력해 주세요"
:illegal-group-chat-name "다른 이름을 선택해 주세요"
:add-participants "참가자 추가"
:remove-participants "참가자 제거"
:received-invitation "채팅 초대를 받았습니다"
:removed-from-chat "귀하는 그룹 채팅에서 제거되었습니다"
:left "나감"
:invited "초대됨"
:removed "제거됨"
:You "귀하"
:add-new-contact "새 연락처 추가하기"
:import-qr "가져오기"
:scan-qr "QR코드 스캔"
:name "이름"
:whisper-identity "Whisper 아이디"
:address-explication "여기에는 주소가 어떻게 되는지, 그리고 해당 주소를 어디에서 찾을지를 설명하는 글이 있어야 합니다"
:enter-valid-address "유효한 주소를 입력하거나 QR 코드를 스캔해 주세요"
:contact-already-added "해당 연락처는 이미 추가되었습니다"
:can-not-add-yourself "나 자신을 추가할 수는 없습니다"
:unknown-address "알 수 없는 주소"
:connect "연결"
:address "주소"
:password "비밀번호"
:login "로그인"
:wrong-password "잘못된 비밀번호"
:recover-from-passphrase "암호문에서 복구하기"
:recover-explain "액세스를 복구하려면 비밀번호에 대한 암호문을 입력해 주세요"
:passphrase "암호문"
:recover "복구하기"
:enter-valid-passphrase "암호문을 입력해 주세요"
:enter-valid-password "비밀번호를 입력해 주세요"
:recover-access "액세스 복구하기"
:add-account "계정 추가"
:done "완료"
:main-wallet "주요 지갑"
:invalid-phone "잘못된 전화번호"
:amount "금액"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH 잔고가 부족합니다 "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "거래 확인"
:other "{{count}}개의 거래 확인"
:zero "거래 없음"}
:status "상태"
:pending-confirmation "보류 중인 확인"
:recipient "수취인"
:one-more-item "항목 하나 더"
:fee "요금"
:value "값"
:web-view-error "이런, 오류입니다"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.nl)
(def translations
:members-title "Leden"
:not-implemented "!niet geïmplementeerd"
:chat-name "Chatnaam"
:notifications-title "Meldingen en geluiden"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Nodig vrienden uit"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Schakel tussen gebruikers"
:is-typing "typt"
:and-you "en jij"
:search-chat "Zoek in de chat"
:members {:one "1 lid"
:other "{{count}} leden"
:zero "geen leden"}
:members-active {:one "1 lid, 1 actieve"
:other "{{count}} leden, {{count}} actieve"
:zero "geen leden"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Onbekend"
:available "Beschikbaar"
:no-messages "Geen berichten"
:suggestions-requests "Aanvragen"
:suggestions-commands "Commando’s"
:sync-in-progress "Wordt gesynchroniseerd..."
:sync-synced "Gesynchroniseerd"
:status-sending "Wordt verstuurd"
:status-pending "Hangende"
:status-sent "Verstuurd"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Door iedereen gezien"
:status-seen "Gezien"
:status-delivered "Bezorgd"
:status-failed "Mislukt"
:datetime-second {:one "seconde"
:other "seconden"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minuut"
:other "minuten"}
:datetime-hour {:one "uur"
:other "uren"}
:datetime-day {:one "dag"
:other "dagen"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "geleden"
:datetime-yesterday "gisteren"
:datetime-today "vandaag"
:profile "Profiel"
:report-user "MELD GEBRUIKER"
:message "Bericht"
:username "Gebruikersnaam"
:not-specified "Niet opgegeven"
:public-key "Openbare sleutel"
:phone-number "Telefoonnummer"
:email "E-mailadres"
:profile-no-status "Geen status"
:add-to-contacts "Aan contactpersonen toevoegen"
:error-incorrect-name "Kies een andere naam"
:error-incorrect-email "Onjuist e-mailadres"
:image-source-title "Profielfoto"
:image-source-make-photo "Foto nemen"
:image-source-gallery "Kies uit galerij"
:image-source-cancel "Annuleren"
:contacts-syncronized "Jouw contactpersonen zijn gesynchroniseerd"
:confirmation-code (str "Bedankt! We hebben je een sms gestuurd met een bevestigingscode"
". Geef die code op om jouw telefoonnummer te bevestigen")
:incorrect-code (str "Sorry, de code was onjuist, voer hem opnieuw in")
:generate-passphrase (str "Ik zal een wachtzin maken, zodat je jouw"
"toegang kunt herstellen of vanaf een ander apparaat kunt inloggen")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Foei* dat was moeilijk, hier is jouw wachtzin, *schrijf deze op en bewaar hem goed!* Je zult hem nodig hebben om jouw account te herstellen."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Hier is jouw wachtzin, * schrijf deze op en bewaar hem goed!* Je zult hem nodig hebben om jouw account te herstellen."
:written-down "Zorg ervoor dat je hem veilig hebt opgeschreven"
:phone-number-required "Tik hier om je telefoonnummer in te voeren, dan zoek ik jouw vrienden"
:intro-status "Chat met me om jouw account in te stellen en jouw instellingen te wijzigen!"
:intro-message1 "Welkom bij Status\nTik op dit bericht om jouw wachtwoord in te stellen en aan de slag te gaan!"
:account-generation-message "Geef me een momentje, ik moet wat ingewikkelde berekeningen doen om jouw account aan te maken!"
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Nieuwe chat"
:new-group-chat "Nieuwe groepchat"
:discovery "Ontdekking"
:none "Geen"
:search-tags "Typ hier jouw zoektags"
:popular-tags "Populaire tags"
:recent "Recent"
:no-statuses-discovered "Geen statussen ontdekt"
:settings "Instellingen"
:contacts "Contactpersonen"
:new-contact "Nieuwe contactpersonen"
:show-all "TOON ALLES"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Mensen"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Start nieuwe chat"
:no-contacts "Nog geen contactpersonen"
:show-qr "Toon QR"
:remove "Verwijderen"
:save "Opslaan"
:change-color "Wijzig kleur"
:clear-history "Wis geschiedenis"
:delete-and-leave "Verwijderen en afsluiten"
:chat-settings "Chatinstellingen"
:edit "Bewerken"
:add-members "Voeg leden toe"
:blue "Blauw"
:purple "Paars"
:green "Groen"
:red "Rood"
:money-command-description "Stuur geld"
:location-command-description "Stuur locatie"
:phone-command-description "Stuur telefoonnummer"
:phone-request-text "Telefoonnummer aanvraag"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Stuur bevestigingscode"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Bevestigingscode aanvraag"
:send-command-description "Stuur locatie"
:request-command-description "Stuur aanvraag"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Help"
:request "Aanvraag"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH naar {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH van {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Locatie: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Browsen op internetpagina: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transactie: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Help"
:group-chat-name "Chatnaam"
:empty-group-chat-name "Voer een naam in"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Kies een andere naam"
:add-participants "Voeg deelnemers toe"
:remove-participants "Verwijder deelnemers"
:received-invitation "ontving chatuitnodiging"
:removed-from-chat "verwijderde jou van groepchat"
:left "ging weg"
:invited "uitgenodigd"
:removed "verwijderd"
:You "Jou"
:add-new-contact "Voeg nieuwe contactpersoon toe"
:import-qr "Importeren"
:scan-qr "QR scannen"
:name "Naam"
:whisper-identity "Fluister identiteit"
:address-explication "Misschien zou hier wat tekst moeten staan waarin wordt uitgelegd wat een adres is en waar je deze kunt vinden"
:enter-valid-address "Voer een geldig adres in of scan een QR-code"
:contact-already-added "De contactpersoon is al toegevoegd"
:can-not-add-yourself "Je kunt niet zelf toevoegen"
:unknown-address "Onbekend adres"
:connect "Verbinden"
:address "Adres"
:password "Wachtwoord"
:login "Inloggen"
:wrong-password "Verkeerd wachtwoord"
:recover-from-passphrase "Herstellen met wachtzin"
:recover-explain "Voer de wachtzin in voor jouw wachtwoord om toegang te herstellen"
:passphrase "Wachtzin"
:recover "Herstellen"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Voer een wachtzin in"
:enter-valid-password "Voer een wachtwoord in"
:recover-access "Toegang herstellen"
:add-account "Voeg account toe"
:done "Klaar"
:main-wallet "Hoofdportemonnee"
:invalid-phone "Ongeldig telefoonnummer"
:amount "Bedrag"
:not-enough-eth (str "Niet genoeg ETH op saldo"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Bevestig transactie"
:other "Bevestig {{count}} transacties"
:zero "Geen transacties"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "In afwachting van bevestiging"
:recipient "Ontvanger"
:one-more-item "Nog één artikel"
:fee "Kosten"
:value "Waarde"
:web-view-error "oeps, fout"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.pl)
(def translations
:members-title "Użytkownicy"
:not-implemented "nie wprowadzono"
:chat-name "Nazwa czatu"
:notifications-title "Powiadomienia i dźwięki"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Zaproś znajomych"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Przełącz użytkowników"
:is-typing "wpisuje tekst"
:and-you "i ty"
:search-chat "Przeszukaj czat"
:members {:one "1 użytkownik"
:other "Użytkownicy: {{count}}"
:zero "brak użytkowników "}
:members-active {:one "1 użytkownik, 1 aktywny"
:other "Użytkownicy:{{count}}, aktywni:{{count}}"
:zero "brak użytkowników"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Nieznany"
:available "Dostępny"
:no-messages "Brak wiadomości"
:suggestions-requests "Żądania"
:suggestions-commands "Polecenia"
:sync-in-progress "Synchronizacja..."
:sync-synced "W synchronizacji"
:status-sending "Wysyłanie"
:status-pending "W oczekiwaniu"
:status-sent "Wysłano"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Przeczytane przez wszystkich"
:status-seen "Przeczytane"
:status-delivered "Dostarczono"
:status-failed "Niepowodzenie"
:datetime-second {:one "sekunda"
:other "sekund(y)"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minuta"
:other "minut(y)"}
:datetime-hour {:one "godzina"
:other "godziny(y)"}
:datetime-day {:one "dzień"
:other "dni"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "temu"
:datetime-yesterday "wczoraj"
:datetime-today "dzisiaj"
:profile "Profil"
:report-user "ZGŁOŚ UŻYTOWNIKA"
:message "Wiadomość"
:username "Nazwa użytkownika"
:not-specified "Nie określono"
:public-key "Klucz publiczny"
:phone-number "Numer telefonu "
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Brak statusu"
:add-to-contacts "Dodaj do kontaktów"
:error-incorrect-name "Wybierz inną nazwę "
:error-incorrect-email "Nieprawidłowy e-mail"
:image-source-title "Zdjęcie profilowe "
:image-source-make-photo "Przechwyć"
:image-source-gallery "Wybierz z galerii "
:image-source-cancel "Anuluj"
:contacts-syncronized "Twoje kontakty zostały zsynchronizowane"
:confirmation-code (str "Dziękujemy! Wysłaliśmy ci SMS-a z kodem"
"potwierdzającym. Prosimy o podanie kodu w celu zweryfikowania swojego numeru telefonu")
:incorrect-code (str "Przepraszamy, kod jest nieprawidłowy. Prosimy wprowadzić kod ponownie")
:generate-passphrase (str "Wygenerujemy specjalne hasło, dzięki któremu będzie można przywrócić "
"dostęp lub zalogować się z innego urządzenia")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Uff*, to nie było łatwe. Oto twoje specjalne hasło, *zapisz je i przechowuj w bezpiecznym miejscu!* Będzie ci potrzebne podczas procedury odzyskiwania konta."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Oto twoje specjalne hasło, *zapisz je i przechowuj w bezpiecznym miejscu!* Będzie ci potrzebne podczas procedury odzyskiwania konta."
:written-down "Upewnij się, że je zapisałeś i przechowujesz w bezpiecznym miejscu"
:phone-number-required "Dotknij tutaj, aby wprowadzić swój numer telefonu, a my znajdziemy twoich znajomych "
:intro-status "Porozmawiaj ze mną na czacie, aby skonfigurować swoje konto i zmienić ustawienia!"
:intro-message1 "Witamy w sekcji Status\nWybierz tę wiadomość, aby ustawić hasło i rozpocząć!"
:account-generation-message "Daj mi chwilkę, muszę wykonać szalone obliczenia, żeby utworzyć dla Ciebie konto!"
:chats "Czaty"
:new-chat "Nowy czat"
:new-group-chat "Nowy czat grupowy"
:discovery "Odkryte"
:none "Brak"
:search-tags "Tutaj wpisz swoje tagi wyszukiwania"
:popular-tags "Popularne tagi"
:recent "Najnowsze"
:no-statuses-discovered "Nie odkryto statusów"
:settings "Ustawienia"
:contacts "Kontakty"
:new-contact "Nowy kontakt"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Ludzie"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Rozpocznij nowy czat"
:no-contacts "W tej chwili brak kontaktów"
:show-qr "Pokaż QR"
:remove "Usuń"
:save "Zapisz"
:change-color "Zmień kolor"
:clear-history "Wyczyść historię"
:delete-and-leave "Usuń i wyjdź"
:chat-settings "Ustawienia czatu"
:edit "Edytuj"
:add-members "Dodaj użytkowników"
:blue "Niebieski"
:purple "Fioletowy"
:green "Zielony"
:red "Czerwony"
:money-command-description "Wyślij pieniądze"
:location-command-description "Wyślij lokalizację"
:phone-command-description "Wyślij numer telefonu"
:phone-request-text "Prośba o numer telefonu"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Wyślij kod potwierdzający"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Prośba o kod potwierdzający"
:send-command-description "Wyślij lokalizację"
:request-command-description "Wyślij prośbę"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Pomoc"
:request "Prośba"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH do {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH od {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Lokalizacja: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Przeglądana strona: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transakcja: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Pomoc"
:group-chat-name "Nazwa czatu"
:empty-group-chat-name "Wprowadź nazwę"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Wybierz inną nazwę"
:add-participants "Dodaj uczestników"
:remove-participants "Usuń uczestników"
:received-invitation "otrzymano zaproszenie na czat"
:removed-from-chat "usunięto z czatu grupowego"
:left "pozostało"
:invited "zaproszeni"
:removed "usunięci"
:You "Ty"
:add-new-contact "Dodaj nowy kontakt"
:import-qr "Importuj"
:scan-qr "Skanuj QR"
:name "Nazwa"
:whisper-identity "Sekretna tożsamość"
:address-explication "Być może tutaj powinien znajdować się tekst wyjaśniający, czym jest adres i gdzie go szukać"
:enter-valid-address "Wprowadź prawidłowy adres lub przeskanuj kod QR"
:contact-already-added "Kontakt został już dodany"
:can-not-add-yourself "Nie możesz dodać samego siebie"
:unknown-address "Nieznany adres"
:connect "Połącz"
:address "Adres"
:password "Hasło"
:login "Login"
:wrong-password "Nieprawidłowe hasło"
:recover-from-passphrase "Odzyskaj na podstawie hasła specjalnego"
:recover-explain "Wprowadź hasło specjalne dla swojego hasła, aby odzyskać dostęp"
:passphrase "Hasło specjalne"
:recover "Odzyskaj"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Wprowadź hasło specjalne"
:enter-valid-password "Wprowadź hasło"
:recover-access "Odzyskaj dostęp"
:add-account "Dodaj konto "
:done "Zrobione"
:main-wallet "Portfel główny"
:invalid-phone "Nieprawidłowy numer telefonu"
:amount "Kwota"
:not-enough-eth (str "Brak ETH na koncie "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Potwierdź transakcję"
:other "Potwierdź {{count}} transakcje(-i)"
:zero "Brak transakcji"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Oczekuje na potwierdzenie"
:recipient "Odbiorca"
:one-more-item "Dodatkowy element"
:fee "Opłata"
:value "Wartość"
:web-view-error "oj, mamy błąd"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.pt-br)
(def translations
:members-title "Membros"
:not-implemented "!não implementado"
:chat-name "Nome do bate-papo"
:notifications-title "Notificações e sons"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Convidar amigos"
:faq "Dúvidas frequentes"
:switch-users "Trocar usuário"
:is-typing "está digitando"
:and-you "e você"
:search-chat "Pesquisar bate-papo"
:members {:one "1 membro"
:other "{{count}} membros"
:zero "nenhum membro"}
:members-active {:one "1 membro, 1 ativo"
:other "{{count}} membros, {{count}} ativo"
:zero "nenhum membro"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Desconhecido"
:available "Disponível"
:no-messages "Nenhuma mensagem"
:suggestions-requests "Solicitações"
:suggestions-commands "Comandos"
:sync-in-progress "Sincronizando..."
:sync-synced "Sincronizado"
:status-sending "Enviando"
:status-pending "Pendente"
:status-sent "Enviado"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Visto por todos"
:status-seen "Visto"
:status-delivered "Entregue"
:status-failed "Malsucedido"
:datetime-second {:one "segundo"
:other "segundos"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minuto"
:other "minutos"}
:datetime-hour {:one "hora"
:other "horas"}
:datetime-day {:one "dia"
:other "dias"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "atrás"
:datetime-yesterday "ontem"
:datetime-today "hoje"
:profile "Perfil"
:report-user "DENUNCIAR USUÁRIO"
:message "Mensagem"
:username "Nome de usuário"
:not-specified "Não especificao"
:public-key "Chave pública"
:phone-number "Número de telefone"
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Nenhum status"
:add-to-contacts "Adicionar aos contatos"
:error-incorrect-name "Por favor, selecione outro nome"
:error-incorrect-email "E-mail incorreto"
:image-source-title "Imagem do perfil"
:image-source-make-photo "Tirar foto"
:image-source-gallery "Escolher na galeria"
:image-source-cancel "Cancelar"
:contacts-syncronized "Seus contatos foram sincronizados"
:confirmation-code (str "Obrigado! Nós lhe enviamos uma mensagem de texto com um código de "
"confirmação. Por favor, informe esse código para confirmar seu número de telefone")
:incorrect-code (str "Desculpe, o código estava incorreto. Por favor, digite novamente")
:generate-passphrase (str "Vou gerar uma frase secreta para você poder restaurar o seu "
"acesso ou entrar a partir de outro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Ufa* isso foi difícil. Aqui está a sua frase secreta. *Anote-a e guarde-a em segurança!* Você precisará dela para recuperar a sua conta."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Aqui está a sua frase secreta. *Anote-a e guarde-a em segurança!* Você precisará dela para recuperar a sua conta."
:written-down "Certifique-se de tê-la anotado em segurança"
:phone-number-required "Toque aqui para inserir seu número de telefone e eu vou encontrar seus amigos"
:intro-status "Converse comigo para configurar a sua conta e alterar suas definições!"
:intro-message1 "Bem-vindo ao Status\nToque nesta mensagem para definir sua senha e começar!"
:account-generation-message "Mê dê um segundinho. Tenho de fazer uns cálculos malucos para gerar a sua conta!"
:chats "Bate-papos"
:new-chat "Novo bate-papo"
:new-group-chat "Novo bate-papo em grupo"
:discovery "Descoberta"
:none "Nenhum(a)"
:search-tags "Digite suas tags de pesquisa aqui"
:popular-tags "Tags populares"
:recent "Recentes"
:no-statuses-discovered "Nenhum status descoberto"
:settings "Configurações"
:contacts "Contatos"
:new-contact "Novo contato"
:show-all "MOSTRAR TODOS"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Pessoas"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Iniciar novo bate-papo"
:no-contacts "Você ainda não tem contatos"
:show-qr "Mostrar QR"
:remove "Remover"
:save "Salvar"
:change-color "Alterar cor"
:clear-history "Apagar histórico"
:delete-and-leave "Excluir e sair"
:chat-settings "Configurações de bate-papo"
:edit "Editar"
:add-members "Adicionar membros"
:blue "Azul"
:purple "Roxo"
:green "Verde"
:red "Vermelho"
:money-command-description "Enviar dinheiro"
:location-command-description "Enviar localização"
:phone-command-description "Enviar número de telefone"
:phone-request-text "Solicitação de número de telefone"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Enviar código de confirmação"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Solicitação de código de confirmação"
:send-command-description "Enviar localização"
:request-command-description "Enviar solicitação"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Ajuda"
:request "Solicitar"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH para {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Localização: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Página de navegação: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transação: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Ajuda"
:group-chat-name "Nome do bate-papo"
:empty-group-chat-name "Por favor, informe um nome"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Por favor, selecione outro nome"
:add-participants "Adicionar participantes"
:remove-participants "Remover participantes"
:received-invitation "recebeu o convite para o bate-papo"
:removed-from-chat "removeu você do bate-papo em grupo"
:left "saiu"
:invited "convidou"
:removed "removeu"
:You "Você"
:add-new-contact "Adicionar novo contato"
:import-qr "Importar"
:scan-qr "Escanear QR"
:name "Nome"
:whisper-identity "Identidade Whisper"
:address-explication "Talvez aqui deveria haver algum texto explicando o que é um endereço e onde procurá-lo"
:enter-valid-address "Por favor, digite um endereço válido ou escaneie um código QR"
:contact-already-added "O contato já foi adicionado"
:can-not-add-yourself "Não é possível adicionar a si mesmo"
:unknown-address "E-mail desconhecido"
:connect "Conectar"
:address "Endereço"
:password "Senha"
:login "Entrar"
:wrong-password "Senha incorreta"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recuperar a partir da frase secreta"
:recover-explain "Por favor, digite a frase secreta da sua senha para recuperar o acesso"
:passphrase "Frase secreta"
:recover "Recuperar"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Por favor, digite uma frase secreta"
:enter-valid-password "Por favor, digite uma senha"
:recover-access "Recuperar o acesso"
:add-account "Adicionar conta"
:done "Concluído"
:main-wallet "Carteira principal"
:invalid-phone "Número de telefone inválido"
:amount "Quantia"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH insuficiente no saldo "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmar a transação"
:other "Confirmar {{count}} transações"
:zero "Nenhuma transação"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Confirmação pendente"
:recipient "Destinatário"
:one-more-item "Mais um item"
:fee "Tarifa"
:value "Valor"
:web-view-error "Opa, erro"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.pt-pt)
(def translations
:members-title "Membros"
:not-implemented "!não implementado"
:chat-name "Nome no chat"
:notifications-title "Notificações e sons"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Convidar amigos"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Mudar de utilizadores"
:is-typing "está a digitar"
:and-you "e você"
:search-chat "Pesquisar chat"
:members {:one "1 membro"
:other "{{count}} membros"
:zero "sem membros"}
:members-active {:one "1 membro, 1 ativo"
:other "{{count}} membros, {{count}} ativos"
:zero "sem membros"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Desconhecido"
:available "Disponível"
:no-messages "Sem mensagens"
:suggestions-requests "Pedidos"
:suggestions-commands "Comandos"
:sync-in-progress "A sincronizar..."
:sync-synced "Em sincronização"
:status-sending "A enviar"
:status-pending "Pendente"
:status-sent "Enviado"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Visto por todos"
:status-seen "Visto"
:status-delivered "Entregue"
:status-failed "Falhou"
:datetime-second {:one "segundo"
:other "segundos"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minuto"
:other "minutos"}
:datetime-hour {:one "hora"
:other "horas"}
:datetime-day {:one "dia"
:other "dias"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "atrás"
:datetime-yesterday "ontem"
:datetime-today "hoje"
:profile "Perfil"
:message "Mensagem"
:username "Nome de utilizador"
:not-specified "Não especificado"
:public-key "Chave Pública"
:phone-number "Número de telefone"
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Sem estado"
:add-to-contacts "Adicionar aos contactos"
:error-incorrect-name "Por favor, selecione outro nome"
:error-incorrect-email "E-mail incorreto"
:image-source-title "Imagem de perfil"
:image-source-make-photo "Capturar"
:image-source-gallery "Selecionar a partir da galeria"
:image-source-cancel "Cancelar"
:contacts-syncronized "Os seus contactos foram sincronizados"
:confirmation-code (str "Obrigado! Enviámos-lhe uma mensagem de texto com um código de "
"confirmação. Por favor, forneça esse código para confirmar o seu número de telefone")
:incorrect-code (str "Desculpe, o código estava incorreto. Por favor, volte a digitar")
:generate-passphrase (str "Vou gerar uma frase-chave para si para poder recuperar o seu "
"acesso ou log in a partir de outro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Ufa* foi complicado, aqui está a sua frase-chave, *anote-a e mantenha-a em segurança!* Vai precisar dela para recuperar a sua conta."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Aqui está a sua frase-chave, *anote-a e mantenha-a em segurança!* Vai precisar dela para recuperar a sua conta."
:written-down "Certifique-se de que a anotou de forma segura"
:phone-number-required "Toque aqui para digitar o seu número de telefone e vou encontrar os seus amigos"
:intro-status "Fale comigo para configurar a sua conta e alterar as suas definições!"
:intro-message1 "Bem-vindo ao Status\nToque nesta mensagem para definir a sua palavra-passe e começar!"
:account-generation-message "Dê-me um segundo, tenho de fazer alguns cálculos doidos para gerar a sua conta!"
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Novo chat"
:new-group-chat "Novo chat em grupo"
:discovery "Descoberta"
:none "Nenhum"
:search-tags "Digite aqui os seus tags de pesquisa"
:popular-tags "Tags populares"
:recent "Recente"
:no-statuses-discovered "Não foi descoberto nenhum estado"
:settings "Definições"
:contacts "Contactos"
:new-contact "Novo Contacto"
:show-all "MOSTRAR TUDO"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Pessoas"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Iniciar um novo chat"
:no-contacts "Ainda sem contactos"
:show-qr "Mostrar QR"
:remove "Remover"
:save "Guardar"
:change-color "Mudar de cor"
:clear-history "Limpar o histórico"
:delete-and-leave "Eliminar e sair"
:chat-settings "Definições de chat"
:edit "Editar"
:add-members "Adicionar Membros"
:blue "Azul"
:purple "Roxo"
:green "Verde"
:red "Vermelho"
:money-command-description "Enviar dinheiro"
:location-command-description "Enviar a localização"
:phone-command-description "Enviar o número de telefone"
:phone-request-text "Pedido de número de telefone"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Enviar o código de confirmação"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Pedido de código de confirmação"
:send-command-description "Enviar a localização"
:request-command-description "Enviar o pedido"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Ajuda"
:request "Pedido"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH para {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Localização: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Página Web de Navegação: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transação: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Ajuda"
:group-chat-name "Nome no chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Por favor, digite um nome"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Por favor, selecione outro nome"
:add-participants "Adicionar Participantes"
:remove-participants "Remover os Participantes"
:received-invitation "recebeu um convite de chat"
:removed-from-chat "removeu-o do chat em grupo"
:left "saiu"
:invited "convidado"
:removed "removido"
:You "Você"
:add-new-contact "Adicionar novo contacto"
:import-qr "Importar"
:scan-qr "Digitalizar QR"
:name "Nome"
:whisper-identity "Sussurar a Identidade"
:address-explication "Talvez aqui devesse aparecer algum texto a explicar o que é um endereço e onde procurá-lo"
:enter-valid-address "Por favor, digite um endereço válido ou digitalize um código QR"
:contact-already-added "O contacto já foi adicionado"
:can-not-add-yourself "Não pode adicionar-se a si mesmo"
:unknown-address "Endereço desconhecido"
:connect "Ligar"
:address "Endereço"
:password "Palavra-passe"
:login "Login"
:wrong-password "Palavra-passe errada"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recuperar a partir da frase-chave"
:recover-explain "Por favor, digite a frase-chave para a sua palavra-passe recuperar o acesso"
:passphrase "Frase-chave"
:recover "Recuperar"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Por favor, digite uma frase-chave"
:enter-valid-password "Por favor, digite uma palavra-passe"
:recover-access "Recuperar o acesso"
:add-account "Adicionar conta"
:done "Concluído"
:main-wallet "Carteira Principal"
:invalid-phone "Número de telefone inválido"
:amount "Montante"
:not-enough-eth (str "Não há ETH suficiente no saldo "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmar a transação"
:other "Confirmar as {{count}} transações"
:zero "Sem transações"}
:status "Estado"
:pending-confirmation "Confirmação pendente"
:recipient "Destinatário"
:one-more-item "Mais um item"
:fee "Taxa"
:value "Valor"
:web-view-error "ups, erro"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.ro)
(def translations
:members-title "Membri"
:not-implemented "!nu a fost implementat"
:chat-name "Nume chat"
:notifications-title "Notificări și sunete"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Invită prieteni"
:faq "Întrebări frecvente"
:switch-users "Schimbă utilizatori"
:is-typing "tastează"
:and-you "Și cu tine"
:search-chat "Caută în chat"
:members {:one "1 membru"
:other "{{count}} membri"
:zero "nici un membru"}
:members-active {:one "1 membru, 1 activ"
:other "{{count}} membri, {{count}} activi"
:zero "nici un membru"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Necunoscut"
:available "Disponibil"
:no-messages "Nici un mesaj"
:suggestions-requests "Solicitări"
:suggestions-commands "Comenzi"
:sync-in-progress "Se sincronizează…"
:sync-synced "Sincronizat"
:status-sending "Se trimite"
:status-pending "În așteptare"
:status-sent "Trimis"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Văzut de toată lumea"
:status-seen "Văzut"
:status-delivered "Livrat"
:status-failed "Eșuat"
:datetime-second {:one "secundă"
:other "secunde"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minut"
:other "minute"}
:datetime-hour {:one "oră"
:other "ore"}
:datetime-day {:one "zi"
:other "zile"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "în urmă"
:datetime-yesterday "ieri"
:datetime-today "azi"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Mesaj"
:username "Nume de utilizator"
:not-specified "Nu este specificat"
:public-key "Cheie publică"
:phone-number "Număr de telefon"
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Nici un status"
:add-to-contacts "Adaugă la contacte"
:error-incorrect-name "Te rugăm să alegi un alt nume"
:error-incorrect-email "E-mail greșit"
:image-source-title "Imagine de profil"
:image-source-make-photo "Captează"
:image-source-gallery "Selectează din galerie"
:image-source-cancel "Anulează"
:contacts-syncronized "Contactele tale au fost sincronizate"
:confirmation-code (str "Mulțumim! Ți-am trims un mesaj text cu un cod "
"de confirmare. Te rugăm să ne transmiți acel cod pentru a-ți confirma numărul de telefon")
:incorrect-code (str "Ne pare rău, dar codul este greșit, te rugăm să-l introduci încă o dată")
:generate-passphrase (str "Voi genera o frază de acces pentru tine, ca să poți redobândi "
"accesul sau să te poți conecta de pe alt dispozitiv")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Pfui* a fost greu, iată fraza ta de acces, *noteaz-o și păstreaz-o în siguranță!* Vei avea nevoie de ea pentru a-ți redobândi accesul la cont."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Iată fraza ta de acces, *noteaz-o și păstreaz-o în siguranță!* Vei avea nevoie de ea pentru a-ți redobândi accesul la cont."
:written-down "Ai grijă să o notezi în condiții de siguranță"
:phone-number-required "Apasă aici ca să-ți introduci numărul de telefon și eu îți voi invita prietenii"
:intro-status "Hai să vorbim pe chat pentru a-ți seta contul și modifica setările!"
:intro-message1 "Bine ai vent în Status\nApasă pe acest mesaj pentru a-ți seta parola și a începe!"
:account-generation-message "O secundă, trebuie să fac niște calcule complicate ca să-ți generez contul!"
:chats "Discuții pe chat"
:new-chat "Discuție nouă"
:new-group-chat "Grup nou de chat"
:discovery "Descoperire"
:none "Niciuna"
:search-tags "Tastează aici etichetele de căutat"
:popular-tags "Etichete populare"
:recent "Recente"
:no-statuses-discovered "Nici un status găsit"
:settings "Setări"
:contacts "Contacte"
:new-contact "Contact nou"
:show-all "AFIȘEAZĂ TOATE"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Oameni"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Începe discuție nouă"
:no-contacts "Nici un contact deocamdată"
:show-qr "Afișează QR"
:remove "Elimină"
:save "Salvează"
:change-color "Schimbă culoarea"
:clear-history "Șterge istoricul"
:delete-and-leave "Șterge și ieși"
:chat-settings "Setări chat"
:edit "Editare"
:add-members "Adăugare membri"
:blue "Albastru"
:purple "Violet"
:green "Verde"
:red "Roșu"
:money-command-description "Trimite bani"
:location-command-description "Trimite locație"
:phone-command-description "Trimite număr de telefon"
:phone-request-text "Solicitare număr de telefon"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Trimite cod de confirmare"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Solicitare cod de confirmare"
:send-command-description "Trimite locația"
:request-command-description "Trimite solicitarea"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Ajutor"
:request "Solicitare"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH pentru {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de la {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Locație: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Se răsfoiește pagina web: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Tranzacție: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Ajutor"
:group-chat-name "Nume chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Te rugăm să introduci un nume"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Te rugăm să selectezi un alt nume"
:add-participants "Adaugă participanți"
:remove-participants "Elimină participanți"
:received-invitation "A primit invitația de chat"
:removed-from-chat "te-a elimination din grupul de chat"
:left "a plecat"
:invited "invitat"
:removed "eliminat"
:You "Tu"
:add-new-contact "Adaugă contact nou"
:import-qr "Importă"
:scan-qr "Scanează QR"
:name "Nume"
:whisper-identity "Identitatea"
:address-explication "Poate că aici ar trebui să fie un text care să explice ce este o adresă și unde să o cauți"
:enter-valid-address "Te rugăm să introduci o adresă validă sau să scanezi un cod QR"
:contact-already-added "Contactul a fost adăugat deja"
:can-not-add-yourself "Nu te poți adăuga pe tine"
:unknown-address "Adresă necunoscută"
:connect "Conectare"
:address "Adresă"
:password "Parolă"
:login "Conectează-te"
:wrong-password "Parola greșită"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recuperează folosind fraza de acces"
:recover-explain "Te rugăm să introduci fraza de acces si parola ta pentru a redobandi accesul"
:passphrase "Fraza de acces"
:recover "Recuperează"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Te rugăm să introduci o frază de acces"
:enter-valid-password "Te rugăm să introduci o parolă"
:recover-access "Recuperează acces"
:add-account "Adaugă cont"
:done "Gata"
:main-wallet "Portofelul principal"
:invalid-phone "Număr de telefon nevalid"
:amount "Sumă"
:not-enough-eth (str "Sold ETH insuficient "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmare tranzacție"
:other "Confirmare {{count}} tranzacții"
:zero "Nicio tranzacție"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Se așteaptă confirmarea"
:recipient "Beneficiar"
:one-more-item "Încă un articol"
:fee "Comision"
:value "Valoare"
:web-view-error "ups, eroare"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
(ns status-im.translations.ru)
(def translations
:members-title "Участники"
:not-implemented "!не реализовано"
:chat-name "Имя чата"
:notifications-title "Уведомления и звуки"
:offline "Оффлайн"
:invite-friends "Пригласить друзей"
:faq "ЧАВО"
:switch-users "Переключить пользователей"
:is-typing "печатает"
:and-you "и вы"
:search-chat "Поиск по чату"
:members {:one "1 член"
:other "{{count}} члена(ов)"
:zero "нет членов"}
:members-active {:one "1 член, 1 активный"
:other "{{count}} члена(ов), {{count}} активных"
:zero "нет членов"}
:active-online "В сети"
:active-unknown "Неизвестно"
:available "Доступно"
:no-messages "Нет сообщений"
:suggestions-requests "Запросы"
:suggestions-commands "Команды"
:sync-in-progress "Синхронизация..."
:sync-synced "Синхронизируется"
:status-sending "Отправляется"
:status-pending "в ожидании"
:status-sent "Отправить"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Просмотрено всеми"
:status-seen "Просмотрено"
:status-delivered "Доставлено"
:status-failed "Ошибка"
:datetime-second {:one "секунда"
:other "секунды"}
:datetime-minute {:one "минута"
:other "минуты"}
:datetime-hour {:one "час"
:other "часы"}
:datetime-day {:one "день"
:other "дни"}
:datetime-multiple "c" ; TODO probably wrong
:datetime-ago "назад"
:datetime-yesterday "вчера"
:datetime-today "сегодня"
:profile "Профиль"
:message "Сообщение"
:username "Имя пользователя"
:not-specified "Не указано"
:public-key "Публичный ключ"
:phone-number "Номер телефона"
:email "Электронная почта"
:profile-no-status "Нет статуса"
:add-to-contacts "Добавить в контакты"
:error-incorrect-name "Выберите другое имя"
:error-incorrect-email "Неправильная электронная почта"
:image-source-title "Изображение профиля"
:image-source-make-photo "Сфотографировать"
:image-source-gallery "Выбрать из галереи"
:image-source-cancel "Отмена"
:contacts-syncronized "Ваши контакты синхронизированы"
:confirmation-code (str "Спасибо! Мы отправили вам СМС с кодом подтверждения."
"Введите этот код для подтверждения своего номера телефона")
:incorrect-code (str "Извините, код неправильный, введите еще раз")
:generate-passphrase (str "Я создам для вас парольную фразу, чтобы вы смогли восстановить ваш"
"доступ или войти с другого устройства")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase (str "*Уф*, это было непросто, вот ваша парольная фраза, *запишите ее и сохраните в надежном месте!* "
"Она будет нужна вам для восстановления аккаунта.")
:here-is-your-passphrase (str "Вот ваша парольная фраза, *запишите ее и сохраните в надежном месте!* "
"Она будет нужна вам для восстановления аккаунта.")
:written-down "Убедитесь, что вы записали ее в надежном месте"
:phone-number-required "Нажмите сюда для ввода своего номера телефона и поиска своих друзей"
:intro-status "Пообщайтесь со мной в чате, чтобы настроить свой аккаунт и изменить свои настройки!"
:intro-message1 "Добро пожаловать в Статус\nНажмите на это сообщение, чтобы установить пароль и начать!"
:account-generation-message "Секундочку, мне нужно выполнить безумно сложные расчеты для создания вашего аккаунта!"
:chats "Чаты"
:new-chat "Новый чат"
:new-group-chat "Новый групповой чат"
:discovery "Поиск"
:none "Нет"
:search-tags "Введите теги для поиска сюда"
:popular-tags "Популярные теги"
:recent "Последние"
:no-statuses-discovered "Статусы не обнаружены"
:settings "Настройки"
:contacts "Контакты"
:new-contact "Новый контакт"
:show-all "ПОКАЗАТЬ ВСЕ"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Люди"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Начать новый час"
:no-contacts "Пока нет контактов"
:show-qr "Показать QR"
:remove "Удалить"
:save "Сохранить"
:change-color "Изменить цвет"
:clear-history "Очистить историю"
:delete-and-leave "Удалить и оставить"
:chat-settings "Настройки чата"
:edit "Изменить"
:add-members "Добавить членов"
:blue "Синий"
:purple "Фиолетовый"
:green "Зеленый"
:red "Красный"
:money-command-description "Отправить деньги"
:location-command-description "Отправить местоположение"
:phone-command-description "Отправить номер телефона"
:phone-request-text "Запрос номера телефона"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Отправить код подтверждения"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Запрос кода подтверждения"
:send-command-description "Отправить местоположение"
:request-command-description "Отправить запрос"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Помощь"
:request "Запрос"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH в адрес {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH от {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Место {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Просматривается веб-страница {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Транзакция {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Помощь"
:group-chat-name "Имя чата"
:empty-group-chat-name "Введите имя"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Выберите другое имя"
:add-participants "Добавить участников"
:remove-participants "Удалить участников"
:received-invitation "получил(а) приглашение в чат"
:removed-from-chat "удалил(а) вас из группового чата"
:left "осталось"
:invited "приглашен(а)"
:removed "удален(а)"
:You "Вы"
:add-new-contact "Добавить новый контакт"
:import-qr "Импорт"
:scan-qr "Сканировать QR"
:name "Имя"
:whisper-identity "Скрытая личность"
:address-explication "Может быть, здесь должен быть какой-то текст, поясняющий адрес и то, где его искать"
:enter-valid-address "Введите действительный адрес или сканируйте QR-код"
:contact-already-added "Контакт уже добавлен"
:can-not-add-yourself "Вы не можете добавить себя"
:unknown-address "Неизвестный адрес"
:connect "Подключиться"
:address "Адрес"
:password "Пароль"
:login "Вход"
:wrong-password "Неверный пароль"
:recover-from-passphrase "Восстановление с помощью парольной фразы"
:recover-explain "Введите парольную фразу вместо вашего пароля для восстановления доступа"
:passphrase "Парольная фраза"
:recover "Восстановить"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Введите парольную фразу"
:enter-valid-password "Введите пароль"
:recover-access "Восстановить доступ"
:add-account "Добавить аккаунт"
:done "Готово"
:main-wallet "Основной кошелек"
:invalid-phone "Неверный номер телефона"
:amount "Сумма"
:not-enough-eth (str "Не хватает ETH на балансе "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Подтвердить транзакцию"
:other "Подтвердите {{count}} транзакции(ий)"
:zero "Нет транзакций"}
:status "Статус"
:pending-confirmation "В ожидании подтверждения"
:recipient "Получатель"
:one-more-item "Еще одна позиция"
:fee "Комиссия"
:value "Сумма"
:web-view-error "ой, ошибка"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.sl)
(def translations
:members-title "Člani"
:not-implemented "!ni implementirano"
:chat-name "Ime za klepet"
:notifications-title "Obvestila in zvoki"
:offline "Nedosegljiv/-a"
:invite-friends "Povabi prijatelje"
:faq "Pogosta vprašanja"
:switch-users "Preklopi med uporabniki"
:is-typing "piše"
:and-you "in ti"
:search-chat "Iskanje po klepetu"
:members {:one "1 član"
:other "{{count}} članov"
:zero "ni članov"}
:members-active {:one "1 član, 1 aktiven"
:other "{{count}} članov, {{count}} aktivnih"
:zero "ni članov"}
:active-online "Dosegljiv/-a"
:active-unknown "Neznano"
:available "Na voljo"
:no-messages "Ni sporočil"
:suggestions-requests "Prošnje"
:suggestions-commands "Ukazi"
:sync-in-progress "Sinhronizacija..."
:sync-synced "Sinhronizirano"
:status-sending "Pošiljanje"
:status-pending "V teku"
:status-sent "Poslano"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Vsi so videli"
:status-seen "Videno"
:status-delivered "Dostavljeno"
:status-failed "Ni uspelo"
:datetime-second {:one "sekunda"
:other "sekund"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minuta"
:other "minut"}
:datetime-hour {:one "ura"
:other "ur"}
:datetime-day {:one "dan"
:other "dni"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "nazaj"
:datetime-yesterday "včeraj"
:datetime-today "danes"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Sporočilo"
:username "Uporabniško ime"
:not-specified "Ni navedeno"
:public-key "Javni ključ"
:phone-number "Telefonska številka"
:email "E-pošta"
:profile-no-status "Brez statusa"
:add-to-contacts "Dodaj med stike"
:error-incorrect-name "Prosimo, izberi drugo ime"
:error-incorrect-email "Nepravilna e-pošta"
:image-source-title "Fotografija profila"
:image-source-make-photo "Zajemi"
:image-source-gallery "Izberi iz galerije"
:image-source-cancel "Prekliči"
:contacts-syncronized "Tvoji stiki so bili sinhronizirani"
:confirmation-code (str "Hvala! Poslali smo ti sporočilo s potrditveno "
"kodo. Prosimo, vnesi to kodo in potrdi svojo telefonsko številko")
:incorrect-code (str "Koda na žalost ni bila pravilna, prosimo, da jo ponovno vneseš")
:generate-passphrase (str "Zate bom ustvaril šifrirno geslo, tako da boš lahko obnovil/-a svoj "
"dostop, ali se prijavil/-a iz druge naprave")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Pfuu* to pa je bilo težko, tukaj je tvoje šifrirno geslo, *zapiši si ga in shrani na varno mesto!* Potreboval/-a ga boš, da obnoviš svoj račun."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Tukaj je tvoje geslo, *zapiši si ga in shrani na varno mesto!* Potreboval/-a ga boš, da obnoviš svoj račun."
:written-down "Poskrbi, da si ga pazljivo zapišeš"
:phone-number-required "Pritisni tukaj in vnesi svojo telefonsko številko ter poiskal bom tvoje prijatelje"
:intro-status "Klepetaj z mano in nastavi svoj račun ter spremeni svoje nastavitve!"
:intro-message1 "Dobrodošel/-la v status\nPritisni to sporočilo in nastavi svoje geslo ter začni!"
:account-generation-message "Počakaj sekundo, opraviti moram noro računico, da ustvarim tvoj račun!"
:chats "Klepeti"
:new-chat "Nov klepet"
:new-group-chat "Nov skupinski klepet"
:discovery "Odkrivanje"
:none "Brez"
:search-tags "Sem vnesi svoje priljubljene oznake"
:popular-tags "Priljubljene oznake"
:recent "Nedavno"
:no-statuses-discovered "Ni odkritih statusov"
:settings "Nastavitve"
:contacts "Stiki"
:new-contact "Nov stik"
:show-all "POKAŽI VSE"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Osebe"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Začni nov klepet"
:no-contacts "Zaenkrat še ni stikov"
:show-qr "Prikaži QR"
:remove "Odstrani"
:save "Shrani"
:change-color "Spremeni barvo"
:clear-history "Počisti zgodovino"
:delete-and-leave "Izbriši in zapri"
:chat-settings "Nastavitve klepeta"
:edit "Uredi"
:add-members "Dodaj člane"
:blue "Modra"
:purple "Vijolična"
:green "Zelena"
:red "Rdeča"
:money-command-description "Pošlji denar"
:location-command-description "Pošlji lokacijo"
:phone-command-description "Pošlji telefonsko številko"
:phone-request-text "Prošnja za telefonsko številko"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Pošlji potrditveno kodo"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Prošnja za potrditveno kodo"
:send-command-description "Pošlji lokacijo"
:request-command-description "Pošlji prošnjo"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Pomoč"
:request "Prošnja"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH osebi {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH od osebe {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Lokacija: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Brskanje po spletni strani: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transakcija: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Pomoč"
:group-chat-name "Ime za klepet"
:empty-group-chat-name "Prosimo, vnesi ime"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Prosimo, izberi drugo ime"
:add-participants "Dodaj udeležence"
:remove-participants "Odstrani udeležence"
:received-invitation "je prejel/-a povabilo za klepet"
:removed-from-chat "te je odstranil/-a iz skupinskega klepeta"
:left "preostane"
:invited "povabil/-a"
:removed "odstranil/-a"
:You "Ti"
:add-new-contact "Dodaj nov stik"
:import-qr "Uvozi"
:scan-qr "Skeniraj QR"
:name "Ime"
:whisper-identity "Skrivna identiteta"
:address-explication "Sem morda sodi besedilo, ki razlaga, kaj je naslov ter kje ga najti"
:enter-valid-address "Prosimo, vnesi veljaven naslov ali skeniraj QR kodo"
:contact-already-added "Stik je bil že dodan"
:can-not-add-yourself "Sebe ni mogoče dodati"
:unknown-address "Neznan naslov"
:connect "Poveži"
:address "Naslov"
:password "Geslo"
:login "Prijava"
:wrong-password "Napačno geslo"
:recover-from-passphrase "Povrni prek šifrirnega gesla"
:recover-explain "Prosimo, vnesi šifrirno geslo svojega gesla za povrnitev dostopa"
:passphrase "Šifrirno geslo"
:recover "Povrni"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Prosimo, vnesi šifrirno geslo"
:enter-valid-password "Prosimo, vnesi geslo"
:recover-access "Povrni dostop"
:add-account "Dodaj račun"
:done "Končano"
:main-wallet "Glavna denarnica"
:invalid-phone "Neveljavna telefonska številka"
:amount "Vsota"
:not-enough-eth (str "Stanje ETH na računu je prenizko "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Potrdi transakcijo"
:other "Potrdi {{count}} transakcij"
:zero "Ni transakcij"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Potrditev v teku"
:recipient "Prejemnik"
:one-more-item "Še en predmet"
:fee "Plačilo"
:value "Vrednost"
:web-view-error "ups, napaka"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.sv)
(def translations
:members-title "Medlemmar"
:not-implemented "!inte implementerad"
:chat-name "Chattnamn"
:notifications-title "Aviseringar och ljud"
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Bjud in vänner"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Byt användare"
:is-typing "skriver"
:and-you "och du"
:search-chat "Sök chatt"
:members {:one "1 medlem"
:other "{{count}} medlemmar"
:zero "inga medlemmar"}
:members-active {:one "1 medlem, 1 aktiv"
:other "{{count}} medlemmar, {{count}} aktiva"
:zero "inga medlemmar"}
:active-online "Online"
:active-unknown "Okänd"
:available "Tillgänglig"
:no-messages "Inga meddelanden"
:suggestions-requests "Begäranden"
:suggestions-commands "Kommandon"
:sync-in-progress "Synkroniserar..."
:sync-synced "Synkroniserad"
:status-sending "Skickar"
:status-pending "Avvaktan"
:status-sent "Skickad"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Sedd av alla"
:status-seen "Sedd"
:status-delivered "Levererad"
:status-failed "Misslyckad"
:datetime-second {:one "sekund"
:other "sekunder"}
:datetime-minute {:one "minut"
:other "minuter"}
:datetime-hour {:one "timma"
:other "timmar"}
:datetime-day {:one "dag"
:other "dagar"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "sedan"
:datetime-yesterday "igår"
:datetime-today "idag"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Meddelande"
:username "Användarnamn"
:not-specified "Inte angivet"
:public-key "Offentlig nyckel"
:phone-number "Telefonnummer"
:email "E-post"
:profile-no-status "Ingen status"
:add-to-contacts "Lägg till i kontakter"
:error-incorrect-name "Var god välj ett annat namn"
:error-incorrect-email "Inkorrekt e-post"
:image-source-title "Profilbild"
:image-source-make-photo "Fånga"
:image-source-gallery "Välj från galleri"
:image-source-cancel "Avbryt"
:contacts-syncronized "Dina kontakter har synkroniserats"
:confirmation-code (str "Tack! Vi har skickat dig ett textmeddelande med en bekräftelse "
"kod. Var god ange den koden för att bekräfta ditt telefonnummer")
:incorrect-code (str "Tyvärr var koden felaktig, var god ange den igen")
:generate-passphrase (str "Jag kommer att generera en lösenordsfras för dig så att du kan återställa din "
"åtkomst eller logga in från en annan enhet")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Pust* det var svårt, här är din lösenordsfras, *skriv ner det här och förvara det säkert!* Du kommer att behöva det för att återställa ditt konto."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Här är din lösenordsfras, *skriv ner det här och förvara det säkert!* Du kommer att behöva det för att återställa ditt konto."
:written-down "Se till att du hade skrivit ner det säkert"
:phone-number-required "Tryck här för att ange ditt telefonnummer och jag kommer att hitta dina vänner"
:intro-status "Chatta med mig för att konfigurera ditt konto och ändra dina inställningar!"
:intro-message1 "Välkommen till Status\nTryck på detta meddelande för att ställa in ditt lösenord och komma igång!"
:account-generation-message "Vänta ett ögonblick, jag måste göra lite galna beräkningar för att generera ditt konto!"
:chats "Chattar"
:new-chat "Ny chatt"
:new-group-chat "Ny gruppchatt"
:discovery "Upptäckt"
:none "Inga"
:search-tags "Skriv dina söktaggar här"
:popular-tags "Populära taggar"
:recent "Senaste"
:no-statuses-discovered "Inga statusar upptäckta"
:settings "Inställningar"
:contacts "Kontakter"
:new-contact "Ny kontakt"
:show-all "VISA ALLA"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Människor"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Starta ny chatt"
:no-contacts "Inga kontakter ännu"
:show-qr "Visa QR"
:remove "Ta bort"
:save "Spara"
:change-color "Ändra färg"
:clear-history "Rensa historik"
:delete-and-leave "Radera och lämna"
:chat-settings "Chattinställningar"
:edit "Redigera"
:add-members "Lägg till medlemmar"
:blue "Blå"
:purple "Lila"
:green "Grön"
:red "Röd"
:money-command-description "Skicka pengar"
:location-command-description "Skicka plats"
:phone-command-description "Skicka telefonnummer"
:phone-request-text "Telefonnummerbegäran"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Skicka bekräftelsekod"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Bekräftelsekodbegäran"
:send-command-description "Skicka plats"
:request-command-description "Skicka begäran"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Hjälp"
:request "Begäran"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH till {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH från {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Plats: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Läser webbsidan: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Transaktion: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Hjälp"
:group-chat-name "Chattnamn"
:empty-group-chat-name "Var god ange ett namn"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Var god välj ett annat namn"
:add-participants "Lägg till Deltagare"
:remove-participants "Ta bort Deltagare"
:received-invitation "tog emot chattinbjudan"
:removed-from-chat "tog bort dig från gruppchatten"
:left "lämnade"
:invited "inbjudna"
:removed "borttagna"
:You "Du"
:add-new-contact "Lägg till ny kontakt"
:import-qr "Importera"
:scan-qr "Skanna QR"
:name "Namn"
:whisper-identity "Viskningsidentitet"
:address-explication "Kanske borde det finnas lite text som förklarar vad en adress är och var man hittar den"
:enter-valid-address "Var god ange en giltig adress eller skanna en QR-kod"
:contact-already-added "Kontakten har redan lagts till"
:can-not-add-yourself "Du kan inte lägga till dig själv"
:unknown-address "Okänd adress"
:connect "Anslut"
:address "Adress"
:password "Lösenord"
:login "Inloggning"
:wrong-password "Fel lösenord"
:recover-from-passphrase "Återställ från lösenordsfras"
:recover-explain "Var god ange lösenordsfrasen för ditt lösenord för att återställa åtkomsten"
:passphrase "Lösenordsfras"
:recover "Återställ"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Var god ange en lösenordsfras"
:enter-valid-password "Var god ange ett lösenord"
:recover-access "Återställ åtkomst"
:add-account "Lägg till konto"
:done "Klar"
:main-wallet "Huvudplånbok"
:invalid-phone "Ogiltigt telefonnummer"
:amount "Belopp"
:not-enough-eth (str "'Inte tillräcklig ETH på balansen "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Bekräfta transaktion"
:other "Bekräfta {{count}} transaktioner"
:zero "Inga transaktioner"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "I väntan på bekräftelse"
:recipient "Mottagare"
:one-more-item "En artikel till"
:fee "Avgift"
:value "Värde"
:web-view-error "hoppsan, fel"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.sw)
(def translations
:members-title "Wanachama"
:not-implemented "!haijatekelezwa"
:chat-name "Jina la gumzo"
:notifications-title "Notisi na sauti"
:offline "Nje ya mtandao"
:invite-friends "Karibisha marafiki"
:faq "Maswali Ya Mara kwa mara"
:switch-users "Badili kwa watumiaji"
:is-typing "anaandika"
:and-you "na wewe"
:search-chat "Tafuta gumzo"
:members {:one "Mwanachama 1"
:other "{{count}} wanachama"
:zero "hakuna wanachama"}
:members-active {:one "Mwanachama 1, Aliyewajibika 1"
:other "{{count}} wanachama, {{count}} waliowajibika"
:zero "hakuna wanachama"}
:active-online "Mtandaoni"
:active-unknown "Hawajulikani"
:available "Wanapatikana"
:no-messages "Hakuna ujumbe"
:suggestions-requests "Maombi"
:suggestions-commands "Amri"
:sync-in-progress "Kulandanisha..."
:sync-synced "Katika ulandanishaji"
:status-sending "Kutuma"
:status-pending "Inasubiri"
:status-sent "Tuma"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Imeonekana na kila mtu"
:status-seen "Imeonekana"
:status-delivered "Imefikishwa"
:status-failed "Imeshindwa"
:datetime-second {:one "sekunde"
:other "sekunde"}
:datetime-minute {:one "dakika"
:other "dakika"}
:datetime-hour {:one "saa"
:other "masaa"}
:datetime-day {:one "siku"
:other "siku"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "iliyopita"
:datetime-yesterday "jana"
:datetime-today "leo"
:profile "Profaili"
:report-user "RIPOTI MTUMIAJI"
:message "Ujumbe"
:username "Jina la mtumiaji"
:not-specified "Haijafafanuliwa"
:public-key "Ufunguo wa Umma"
:phone-number "Namba ya Simu"
:email "Barua pepe"
:profile-no-status "Hakuna hadhi"
:add-to-contacts "Ongeza kwa mawasiliano"
:error-incorrect-name "Tafadhali chagua jina lingine"
:error-incorrect-email "Barua pepe sio sahihi"
:image-source-title "Picha ya profaili"
:image-source-make-photo "Chukua picha"
:image-source-gallery "Chagua kutoka nyumba ya sanaa"
:image-source-cancel "Ghairi"
:contacts-syncronized "Mawasiliano yako yamelandanishwa"
:confirmation-code (str "Asante! Tumekutumia ujumbe mfupi na uthibitisho "
"kificho. Tafadhali peana hicho kificho kuthibitisha namba yako ya simu")
:incorrect-code (str "Samahani kificho hakikuwa sahihi, tafadhali ingiza tena")
:generate-passphrase (str "Nitakutengenezea kaulisiri ili uweze kurejesha "
"upatikanaji au kuingia kwa kutumia kifaa kingine")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Phew* hiyo ilikuwa ngumu, hapa ni kaulisiri yako, *iandike na uiweke salama!* Utaihitaji kwa ajili ya kufufua akaunti yako."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Hapa ni kaulisiri yako, *iandike na uiweke salama!* Utaihitaji kwa ajili ya kufufua akaunti yako."
:written-down "Hakikisha umeiandika salama"
:phone-number-required "Bofya hapa kuingiza namba yako ya simu na nitapata marafiki zako"
:intro-status "Ongea nami kuanzisha akaunti yako na kubadilisha mipangilio yako!"
:intro-message1 "Karibu kwa Hali na Ubofye ujumbe huu ili kuweka nenosiri lako na uanze!"
:account-generation-message "Nipe sekunde, naenda kufanya baadhi ya hisabati kutengeneza akaunti yako!"
:chats "Gumzo"
:new-chat "Gumzo mpya"
:new-group-chat "Gumzo mpya ya kikundi"
:discovery "Ugunduzi"
:none "Hakuna"
:search-tags "Andika vitambulisho vyako vya kutafuta hapa"
:popular-tags "Vitambulisho maarufu"
:recent "Hivi karibuni"
:no-statuses-discovered "Hakuna hali zimegundulika"
:settings "Mipangilio"
:contacts "Mawasiliano"
:new-contact "Mawasiliano mapya"
:show-all "ONYESHA YOTE"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Watu"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Anza gumzo mpya"
:no-contacts "Bado hakuna mawasiliano"
:show-qr "Onyesha QR"
:remove "Ondoa"
:save "Hifadhi"
:change-color "Badilisha rangi"
:clear-history "Futa historia"
:delete-and-leave "Futa na uondoke"
:chat-settings "Mipangilio ya gumzo"
:edit "Hariri"
:add-members "Ongeza wanachama"
:blue "Bluu"
:purple "Zambarau"
:green "Kijani"
:red "Nyekundu"
:money-command-description "Tuma pesa"
:location-command-description "Tuma eneo"
:phone-command-description "Tuma namba ya simu"
:phone-request-text "Ombi la namba ya simu"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Tuma kificho cha uthibitisho"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Ombi la kificho cha uthibitisho"
:send-command-description "Tuma eneo"
:request-command-description "Tuma ombi"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Msaada"
:request "Ombi"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH kwa {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH kutoka {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Eneo: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Ukurasa wa tovuti wa kutafuta: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Mashirikiano: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Msaada"
:group-chat-name "Jina la gumzo"
:empty-group-chat-name "Tafadhali ingiza jina"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Tafadhali chagua jina lingine"
:add-participants "Ongeza Washirika"
:remove-participants "Ondoa Washirika"
:received-invitation "mwaliko wa gumzo ulipokelewa"
:removed-from-chat "uliondolewa kwenye kikundi cha gumzo"
:left "uliondoka"
:invited "ulialikwa"
:removed "uliondolewa"
:You "Wewe"
:add-new-contact "Ongeza mawasiliano mapya"
:import-qr "Agiza"
:scan-qr "Piga picha QR"
:name "Jina"
:whisper-identity "Utambulisho wa Tetesi"
:address-explication "Labda hapa kunapaswa kuwa na baadhi ya maandishi kueleza anwani ni nini na ni wapi pa kuitafuta"
:enter-valid-address "Tafadhali ingiza anwani sahihi au upige picha ya kificho cha QR"
:contact-already-added "Tayari mawasiliano yameongezwa"
:can-not-add-yourself "Huwezi kujiongeza mwenyewe"
:unknown-address "Anwani Haijulikani"
:connect "Unganisha"
:address "Anwani"
:password "Nenosiri"
:login "Ingia"
:wrong-password "Nenosiri sio halali"
:recover-from-passphrase "Okoa/fufua kutoka kaulisiri"
:recover-explain "Tafadhali ingiza kaulisiri ili nenosiri lako liokoe upatikanaji"
:passphrase "Kaulisiri"
:recover "Okoa"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Tafadhali ingiza kaulisiri"
:enter-valid-password "Tafadhali ingiza nenosiri"
:recover-access "Okoa ufikiaji/Upatikanaji"
:add-account "Ongeza akaunti"
:done "Imefanyika"
:main-wallet "Mkoba Mkuu"
:invalid-phone "Namba ya simu ni batili"
:amount "Kiasi"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH haitoshi kwenye salio "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Thibitisha mashirikiano"
:other "Thibitisha {{count}} mashirikiano"
:zero "Hakuna mashirikiano"}
:status "Hali"
:pending-confirmation "Uthibitisho unasubiriwa"
:recipient "Mpokeaji"
:one-more-item "Bidhaa moja zaidi"
:fee "Ada"
:value "Thamani"
:web-view-error "nadhani, hitilafu"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.th)
(def translations
:members-title "สมาชิก"
:not-implemented "!ยังไม่ได้ดำเนินการ"
:chat-name "ชื่อแชท"
:notifications-title "การแจ้งเตือนและเสียง"
:offline "ออฟไลน์"
:invite-friends "เชิญเพื่อน"
:faq "คำถามที่พบบ่อย"
:switch-users "สลับผู้ใช้"
:is-typing "กำลังพิมพ์"
:and-you "และคุณ"
:search-chat "ค้นหาแชท"
:members {:one "1 สมาชิก"
:other "{{count}} สมาชิก"
:zero "ไม่มีสมาชิก"}
:members-active {:one "1 สมาชิก, 1 ใช้งานอยู่"
:other "{{count}} สมาชิก, {{count}} ใช้งานอยู่"
:zero "ไม่มีสมาชิก"}
:active-online "ออนไลน์"
:active-unknown "ไม่ทราบ"
:available "มีให้ใช้ได้"
:no-messages "ไม่มีข้อความ"
:suggestions-requests "คำร้องขอ"
:suggestions-commands "คำสั่ง"
:sync-in-progress "กำลังซิงค์..."
:sync-synced "ระหว่างการซิงค์"
:status-sending "กำลังส่ง"
:status-pending "อยู่ระหว่างดำเนินการ"
:status-sent "ส่งแล้ว"
:status-seen-by-everyone "อ่านแล้วโดยทุกคน"
:status-seen "อ่านแล้ว"
:status-delivered "ส่งแล้ว"
:status-failed "ล้มเหลว"
:datetime-second {:one "วินาที"
:other "วินาที"}
:datetime-minute {:one "นาที"
:other "นาที"}
:datetime-hour {:one "ชั่วโมง"
:other "ชั่วโมง"}
:datetime-day {:one "วัน"
:other "วัน"}
:datetime-multiple ""
:datetime-ago "ที่ผ่านมา"
:datetime-yesterday "เมื่อวาน"
:datetime-today "วันนี้"
:profile "โปรไฟล์"
:report-user "รายงานผู้ใช้"
:message "ข้อความ"
:username "ชื่อผู้ใช้"
:not-specified "ไม่ระบุ"
:public-key "คีย์สาธารณะ"
:phone-number "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์"
:email "อีเมล"
:profile-no-status "ไม่มีสถานะ"
:add-to-contacts "เพิ่มไปยังผู้ติดต่อ"
:error-incorrect-name "โปรดเลือกชื่ออื่น"
:error-incorrect-email "อีเมลไม่ถูกต้อง"
:image-source-title "รูปโปรไฟล์"
:image-source-make-photo "ถ่ายภาพ"
:image-source-gallery "เลือกจากแกลเลอรี"
:image-source-cancel "ยกเลิก"
:contacts-syncronized "ไซิงค์รายชื่อผู้ติดต่อของคุณแล้ว"
:confirmation-code (str "ขอขอบคุณ! เราได้ส่งข้อความตัวอักษรพร้อมรหัสยืนยันแล้ว"
:incorrect-code (str "ขออภัย รหัสไม่ถูกต้อง โปรดกรอกอีกครั้ง")
:generate-passphrase (str "ฉันจะสร้างวลีรหัสผ่านให้คุณเพื่อให้คุณสามารถกู้คืน"
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*โล่งอกไปที* มันไม่ง่ายเลย นี่คือวลีรหัสผ่านของคุณ *จดมันไว้และรักษามันให้ปลอดภัย!* คุณจะจำเป็นต้องใช้มันเพื่อกู้คืนบัญชีของคุณ"
:here-is-your-passphrase "นี่คือวลีรหัสผ่านของคุณ *จดมันไว้และรักษามันให้ปลอดภัย!* คุณจะจำเป็นต้องใช้มันเพื่อกู้คืนบัญชีของคุณ"
:written-down "ตรวจสอบให้มั่นใจว่าคุณได้จดบันทึกมันไว้อย่างปลอดภัยแล้ว"
:phone-number-required "แตะที่นี่เพื่อกรอกหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของคุณ & ฉันจะค้นหาเพื่อนของคุณ"
:intro-status "แชทกับฉันเพื่อตั้งค่าบัญชีของคุณและเปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าของคุณ!"
:intro-message1 "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่สถานะ \n แตะข้อความนี้เพื่อตั้งรหัสผ่านของคุณ & เริ่มต้น!"
:account-generation-message "ให้เวลาฉันหนึ่งวินาที ฉันจะต้องคำนวณอย่างหนักเพื่อสร้างบัญชีของคุณ!"
:chats "แชท"
:new-chat "แชทใหม่"
:new-group-chat "แชทกลุ่มใหม่"
:discovery "การค้นพบ"
:none "ไม่มี"
:search-tags "พิมพ์แท็กการค้นหาของคุณที่นี่"
:popular-tags "แท็กยอดนิยม"
:recent "เมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้"
:no-statuses-discovered "ไม่พบสถานะใด ๆ"
:settings "การตั้งค่า"
:contacts "ผู้ติดต่อ"
:new-contact "ผู้ติดต่อใหม่"
:show-all "แสดงทั้งหมด"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "ผู้คน"
:contacts-group-new-chat "เริ่มแชทใหม่"
:no-contacts "ยังไม่มีผู้ติดต่อ"
:show-qr "แสดง QR"
:remove "ลบ"
:save "บันทึก"
:change-color "เปลี่ยนสี"
:clear-history "ลบประวัติ"
:delete-and-leave "ลบและออก"
:chat-settings "การตั้งค่าแชท"
:edit "แก้ไข"
:add-members "เพิ่มสมาชิก"
:blue "น้ำเงิน"
:purple "ม่วง"
:green "เขียว"
:red "แดง"
:money-command-description "ส่งเงิน"
:location-command-description "ส่งตำแหน่ง"
:phone-command-description "ส่งหมายเลขโทรศัพท์"
:phone-request-text "คำร้องขอหมายเลขโทรศัพท์"
:confirmation-code-command-description "ส่งรหัสยืนยัน"
:confirmation-code-request-text "คำร้องขอรหัสยืนยัน"
:send-command-description "ส่งตำแหน่ง"
:request-command-description "ส่งคำร้องขอ"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "ช่วยเหลือ"
:request "คำร้องขอ"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH ไปยัง {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH จาก {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "ตำแหน่ง: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "กำลังท่องชมหน้าเว็บ: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "ธุรกรรม: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "ช่วยเหลือ"
:group-chat-name "ชื่อแชท"
:empty-group-chat-name "โปรดกรอกชื่อ"
:illegal-group-chat-name "โปรดเลือกชื่ออื่น"
:add-participants "เพิ่มผู้เข้าร่วม"
:remove-participants "ลบผู้เข้าร่วม"
:received-invitation "คำเชิญแชทที่ได้รับ"
:removed-from-chat "ลบคุณออกจากแชทกลุ่ม"
:left "ออกไปแล้ว"
:invited "เชิญแล้ว"
:removed "ลบแล้ว"
:You "คุณ"
:add-new-contact "เพิ่มผู้ติดต่อใหม่"
:import-qr "นำเข้า"
:scan-qr "สแกน QR"
:name "ชื่อ"
:whisper-identity "กระซิบตัวตน"
:address-explication "บางที ในที่นี้คุณควรกรอกข้อความสักเล็กน้อยเพื่อแสดงที่อยู่หรือสถานที่ที่จะมองหามันได้"
:enter-valid-address "โปรดกรอกที่อยู่ที่ถูกต้องหรือสแกนรหัส QR"
:contact-already-added "ได้มีการเพิ่มผู้ติดต่อนี้แล้ว"
:can-not-add-yourself "คุณไม่สามารถเพิ่มตัวคุณเอง"
:unknown-address "ที่อยู่ที่ไม่ทราบ"
:connect "เชื่อมต่อ"
:address "ที่อยู่"
:password "รหัสผ่าน"
:login "ล็อกอิน"
:wrong-password "รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง"
:recover-from-passphrase "กู้คืนจากวลีรหัสผ่าน"
:recover-explain "โปรดกรอกวลีรหัสผ่านสำหรับรหัสผ่านของคุณเพื่อกู้คืนการเข้าถึง"
:passphrase "วลีรหัสผ่าน"
:recover "กู้คืน"
:enter-valid-passphrase "โปรดกรอกวลีรหัสผ่าน"
:enter-valid-password "โปรดกรอกรหัสผ่าน"
:recover-access "กู้คืนการเข้าถึง"
:add-account "เพิ่มบัญชี"
:done "เสร็จสิ้น"
:main-wallet "กระเป๋าเงินหลัก"
:invalid-phone "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ไม่ถูกต้อง"
:amount "จำนวน"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH ไม่เพียงพอในยอดคงเหลือ "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "ยืนยันธุรกรรม"
:other "ยืนยัน {{count}} ธุรกรรม"
:zero "ไม่มีธุรกรรม"}
:status "สถานะ"
:pending-confirmation "การยืนยันที่ค้างอยู่"
:recipient "ผู้รับ"
:one-more-item "อีกหนึ่งรายการ"
:fee "ค่าธรรมเนียม"
:value "มูลค่า"
:web-view-error "อุ๊ย มีข้อผิดพลาด"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.tr)
(def translations
:members-title "Üyeler"
:not-implemented "!uygulanmadı"
:chat-name "Sohbet adı"
:notifications-title "Bildirimler ve sesler"
:offline "Çevrimdışı"
:invite-friends "Arkadaşlarınızı davet edin"
:faq "SSS"
:switch-users "Kullanıcıları değiştir"
:is-typing "yazıyor"
:and-you "ve siz"
:search-chat "Sohbette ara"
:members {:one "1 üye"
:other "{{count}} üye"
:zero "üye yok"}
:members-active {:one "1 üye, 1 aktif"
:other "{{count}} üye, {{count}} aktif"
:zero "üye yok"}
:active-online "Çevrimiçi"
:active-unknown "Bilinmiyor"
:available "Uygun"
:no-messages "Mesaj yok"
:suggestions-requests "İstekler"
:suggestions-commands "Komutlar"
:sync-in-progress "Eşitleniyor..."
:sync-synced "Eşitleme"
:status-sending "Gönderiliyor"
:status-pending "Beklemede"
:status-sent "Gönderildi"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Herkes tarafından görüldü"
:status-seen "Görüldü"
:status-delivered "Teslim edildi"
:status-failed "Başarısız"
:datetime-second {:one "saniye"
:other "saniye"}
:datetime-minute {:one "dakika"
:other "dakika"}
:datetime-hour {:one "saat"
:other "saat"}
:datetime-day {:one "gün"
:other "gün"}
:datetime-multiple "sn"
:datetime-ago "önce"
:datetime-yesterday "dün"
:datetime-today "bugün"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Mesaj"
:username "Kullanıcı adı"
:not-specified "Belirtilmemiş"
:public-key "Ortak Anahtar"
:phone-number "Telefon numarası'"
:email "E-posta"
:profile-no-status "Durum yok"
:add-to-contacts "Kişi listesine ekle"
:error-incorrect-name "Lütfen başka bir isim seçin"
:error-incorrect-email "Hatalı e-posta adresi"
:image-source-title "Profil resmi"
:image-source-make-photo "Çek"
:image-source-gallery "Galeriden seç"
:image-source-cancel "İptal"
:contacts-syncronized "Kişi listeniz eşitlendi"
:confirmation-code (str "Teşekkürler! Size onay kodunu içeren bir kısa mesaj "
"gönderdik. Telefon numaranızı onaylamak için lütfen bu kodu girin")
:incorrect-code (str "Üzgünüz kod hatalıydı, lütfen yeniden girin")
:generate-passphrase (str "sizin için bir parola oluşturacağım, böylece başka bir cihazdan "
"erişim ya da girişinizi kurtarabileceksiniz")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Oh* bu oldukça zor oldu işte parolanız, *bu parolayı bir yere not ederek saklayın!* Hesabınızı kurtarmak için bu parolaya ihtiyacınız olacaktır."
:here-is-your-passphrase "İşte parolanız, *bu parolayı bir yere not ederek saklayın!* Hesabınızı kurtarmak için bu parolaya ihtiyacınız olacaktır."
:written-down "Güvenli bir şekilde not ettiğinizden emin olun"
:phone-number-required "Telefon numaranızı girmek için buraya dokunun, arkadaşlarınızı ben bulacağım"
:intro-status "Hesabınızı kurmak ve ayarlarınızı değiştirmek için benimle sohbet edin!"
:intro-message1 "Status'e hoş geldiniz\nŞifrenizi oluşturmak ve hemen başlamak için bu mesaja dokunun!"
:account-generation-message "Bana birkaç saniye ayırın, hesabınızı oluşturmak için biraz matematik yapmam gerekecek!"
:chats "Sohbetler"
:new-chat "Yeni sohbet"
:new-group-chat "Yeni grup sohbeti"
:discovery "Keşfet"
:none "Hiçbiri"
:search-tags "Arama etiketlerinizi buraya girin"
:popular-tags "Popüler etiketler"
:recent "Güncel"
:no-statuses-discovered "Herhangi bir durum keşfedilmedi"
:settings "Ayarlar"
:contacts "Kişiler"
:new-contact "Yeni Kişi"
:show-all "TÜMÜNÜ GÖSTER"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Kişiler"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Yeni sohbet başlat"
:no-contacts "Henüz herhangi bir kişi yok"
:show-qr "Kare Kodu göster"
:remove "Kaldır"
:save "Kaydet"
:change-color "Rengi değiştir"
:clear-history "Geçmişi temizle"
:delete-and-leave "Sil ve ayrıl"
:chat-settings "Sohbet ayarları"
:edit "Düzenle"
:add-members "Üye Ekle"
:blue "Mavi"
:purple "Mor"
:green "Yeşil"
:red "Kırmızı"
:money-command-description "Para gönder"
:location-command-description "Konum gönder"
:phone-command-description "Telefon numarasını gönder"
:phone-request-text "Telefon numarası iste"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Onay kodunu gönder"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Onay kodu iste"
:send-command-description "Konum gönder"
:request-command-description "İstek gönder"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Yardım"
:request "İstek"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH alıcı: {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH gönderen: {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Konum: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Web sayfası: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "İşlem: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Yardım"
:group-chat-name "Sohbet adı"
:empty-group-chat-name "Lütfen bir isim girin"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Lütfen başka bir isim seçin"
:add-participants "Katılımcı Ekle"
:remove-participants "Katılımcıları Sil"
:received-invitation "grup sohbeti daveti alındı"
:removed-from-chat "sizi grup sohbetinden sildi"
:left "ayrıldı"
:invited "davet edildi"
:removed "silindi"
:You "Siz"
:add-new-contact "Yeni kişi ekle"
:import-qr "İçe¨aktar"
:scan-qr "Kare Kod tara"
:name "İsim"
:whisper-identity "Whisper Kimliği"
:address-explication "Burada belki de bir adresin ne olduğu ve bunu bulmak için nereye bakılmasıyla ilgili bazı metinler yer alabilir"
:enter-valid-address "Lütfen geçerli bir adres girin ya da bir Kare Kod tarayın"
:contact-already-added "Kişi zaten eklendi"
:can-not-add-yourself "Kendinizi ekleyemezsiniz"
:unknown-address "Bilinmeyen adres"
:connect "Bağlan"
:address "Adres"
:password "Şifre"
:login "Oturum Aç"
:wrong-password "Hatalı şifre"
:recover-from-passphrase "Parolayı kullanarak kurtar"
:recover-explain "Erişimi kurtarmak için lütfen şifreniz için parolanızı girin"
:passphrase "Parola"
:recover "Kurtar"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Lütfen bir parola girin"
:enter-valid-password "Lütfen bir şifre girin"
:recover-access "Erişimi kurtar"
:add-account "Hesap ekle"
:done "Yapıldı"
:main-wallet "Ana Cüzdan"
:invalid-phone "Geçersiz telefon numarası"
:amount "Miktar"
:not-enough-eth (str "Yeterli ETH bakiyesi yok"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "İşlemi onayla"
:other "{{count}} işlemi onayla"
:zero "İşlem yok"}
:status "Durum"
:pending-confirmation "Bekleyen onay"
:recipient "Alıcı"
:one-more-item "Bir öğe daha"
:fee "Ücret"
:value "Değer"
:web-view-error "hoppala, hata"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.uk)
(def translations
:members-title "Учасники"
:not-implemented "!не реалізовано"
:chat-name "Назва групи"
:notifications-title "Сповіщення та звуки"
:offline "Оффлайн"
:invite-friends "Запросити друзів"
:faq "Часті питання"
:switch-users "Зміна користувача"
:is-typing "друкує"
:and-you "і ви"
:search-chat "Пошук групи"
:members {:one "1 учасник"
:other "{{count}} учасників"
:zero "немає учасників"}
:members-active {:one "1 учасник, 1 активний"
:other "{{count}} учасників, {{count}} активних"
:zero "немає учасників"}
:active-online "Онлайн"
:active-unknown "Невідомо"
:available "Доступно"
:no-messages "Немає повідомлень"
:suggestions-requests "Запити"
:suggestions-commands "Команди"
:sync-in-progress "Синхронізація..."
:sync-synced "Синхронізовано"
:status-sending "Відправлення"
:status-pending "Очікує відправлення"
:status-sent "Надіслано"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Переглянуто всіма"
:status-seen "Переглянуто"
:status-delivered "Доставлено"
:status-failed "Помилка"
:datetime-second {:one "секунда"
:other "секунд"}
:datetime-minute {:one "хвилина"
:other "хвилин"}
:datetime-hour {:one "година"
:other "годин"}
:datetime-day {:one "день"
:other "днів"}
:datetime-multiple "с"
:datetime-ago "тому"
:datetime-yesterday "вчора"
:datetime-today "сьогодні"
:profile "Профіль"
:message "Повідомлення"
:username "Ім'я користувача"
:not-specified "Не вказано"
:public-key "Відкритий ключ"
:phone-number "Номер телефону"
:email "Ел. пошта"
:profile-no-status "Немає статусу"
:add-to-contacts "Додати до контактів"
:error-incorrect-name "Будь ласка, виберіть інше ім'я"
:error-incorrect-email "Невірна ел. пошта"
:image-source-title "Фото профілю"
:image-source-make-photo "Зробити знімок"
:image-source-gallery "Вибрати з галереї"
:image-source-cancel "Відміна"
:contacts-syncronized "Ваші контактні дані було синхронізовано"
:confirmation-code (str "Дякуємо! Ми відправили вам текстове повідомлення з кодом "
"підтвердження. Будь ласка, надайте цей код, щоб підтвердити свій номер телефону")
:incorrect-code (str "На жаль, код невірний, будь ласка, введіть ще раз")
:generate-passphrase (str "Я створю ключову фразу для вас, щоб ви могли відновити ваш "
"доступ або увійти з іншого пристрою")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Оце так*, було складно, ось ваша ключова фраза, *запишіть її та надійно зберігайте!* Вона вам знадобиться для відновлення облікового запису."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Ось ваша ключова фраза, *запишіть її та надійно зберігайте!* Вона вам знадобиться для відновлення облікового запису."
:written-down "Переконайтеся, що ви надійно її записали"
:phone-number-required "Торкніться тут, щоб ввести ваш номер телефону і я знайду ваших друзів"
:intro-status "Спілкуйтеся зі мною, щоб налаштувати свій обліковий запис і змінити налаштування!"
:intro-message1 "Вітаємо в Статус\nТоркніться цього повідомлення, щоб встановити пароль і почати!"
:account-generation-message "Почекайте секунду, маю виконати страшенно складні розрахунки, щоб створити ваш обліковий запис!"
:chats "Групи"
:new-chat "Новий чат"
:new-group-chat "Новий груповий чат"
:discovery "Відкриття"
:none "Жоден"
:search-tags "Введіть теги для пошуку тут"
:popular-tags "Популярні теги"
:recent "Нещодавні"
:no-statuses-discovered "Статусів не знайдено"
:settings "Налаштування"
:contacts "Контакти"
:new-contact "Новий контакт"
:show-all "ПОКАЗАТИ ВСІ"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Люди"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Почати нову розмову"
:no-contacts "Поки що контактів немає"
:show-qr "Показати QR"
:remove "Видалити"
:save "Зберегти"
:change-color "Змінити колір"
:clear-history "Очистити історію"
:delete-and-leave "Видалити та залишити"
:chat-settings "Налаштування розмови"
:edit "Редагувати"
:add-members "Додати учасників"
:blue "Голубий"
:purple "Фіолетовий"
:green "Зелений"
:red "Червоний"
:money-command-description "Надіслати гроші"
:location-command-description "Надіслати місцезнаходження"
:phone-command-description "Надіслати номер телефону"
:phone-request-text "Запит номеру телефону"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Надіслати код підтвердження"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Запит коду підтвердження"
:send-command-description "Надіслати місцезнаходження"
:request-command-description "Надіслати запит"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Допомога"
:request "Запит"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH для {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH від {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Місцезнаходження: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Перегляд веб-сторінки: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Транзакція: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Допомога"
:group-chat-name "Назва розмови"
:empty-group-chat-name "Будь ласка, введіть назву"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Будь ласка, виберіть іншу назву"
:add-participants "Додайте учасників"
:remove-participants "Видаліть учасників"
:received-invitation "отримано запрошення до розмови"
:removed-from-chat "видалив вас з розмови"
:left "вийшов"
:invited "запрошений"
:removed "видалив"
:You "Ви"
:add-new-contact "Додати новий контакт"
:import-qr "Імпорт"
:scan-qr "Сканувати QR"
:name "Назва"
:whisper-identity "Прошепотіти справжність"
:address-explication "Можливо тут повинен бути текст, який пояснює, що таке адреса і де її шукати"
:enter-valid-address "Будь ласка, введіть дійсну адресу або відскануйте QR-код"
:contact-already-added "Контакт вже додано"
:can-not-add-yourself "Ви не можете додати себе"
:unknown-address "Невідома адреса"
:connect "Підключитися"
:address "Адреса"
:password "Пароль"
:login "Логін"
:wrong-password "Невірний пароль"
:recover-from-passphrase "Відновити з ключовою фразою"
:recover-explain "Будь ласка, введіть ключову фразу для вашого пароля, щоб відновити доступ"
:passphrase "Ключова фраза"
:recover "Відновити"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Будь ласка, введіть ключову фразу"
:enter-valid-password "Будь ласка, введіть пароль"
:recover-access "Відновити доступ"
:add-account "Додати обліковий запис"
:done "Готово"
:main-wallet "Основний гаманець"
:invalid-phone "Невірний номер телефону"
:amount "Сума"
:not-enough-eth (str "Недостатньо ETH на балансі "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Підтвердити транзакцію"
:other "Підтвердити {{count}} транзакції"
:zero "Немає транзакцій"}
:status "Статус"
:pending-confirmation "Очікує підтвердження"
:recipient "Отримувач"
:one-more-item "Ще один пункт"
:fee "Комісія"
:value "Значення"
:web-view-error "ой, помилка"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.ur)
(def translations
:members-title "ممبران"
:not-implemented "نافذ نہیں ہوا!"
:chat-name "چیٹ کا نام"
:notifications-title "نوٹیفیکیشن اور آوازیں"
:offline "آف لائن"
:invite-friends "دوستوں کو مدعو کریں"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "صارف تبدیل کریں"
:is-typing "اندراج کر رہا ہے"
:and-you "اور آپ"
:search-chat "چیٹ تلاش کریں"
:members {:one "1 ممبر"
:other "{{count}} ممبران"
:zero "کوئی ممبر نہیں"}
:members-active {:one "1 ممبر, 1 فعال"
:other "{{count}} ممبران, {count}} فعال"
:zero "کوئی ممبر نہیں"}
:active-online "آن لائن"
:active-unknown "نامعلوم"
:available "دستیاب"
:no-messages "کوئی پیغام نہیں"
:suggestions-requests "درخواستیں"
:suggestions-commands "کمانڈ"
:sync-in-progress "سنکرونائز ہو رہا ہے"
:sync-synced "دوران سنکرونائز"
:status-sending "بھیجا جا رہا ہے"
:status-pending "زیر غور"
:status-sent "بھیج دیا گیا"
:status-seen-by-everyone "ہر ایک نے دیکھ لیا ہے"
:status-seen "دیکھ لیا گیا"
:status-delivered "پہنچا دیا گیا"
:status-failed "ناکام ہو گیا"
:datetime-second {:one "سیکنڈ"
:other "سیکنڈ"}
:datetime-minute {:one "منٹ"
:other "منٹ"}
:datetime-hour {:one "گھنٹہ"
:other "گھنٹے"}
:datetime-day {:one "دن"
:other "دن"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "قبل"
:datetime-yesterday "کل"
:datetime-today "آج"
:profile "پروفائل"
:report-user "صارف کی رپورٹ کریں"
:message "پیغام"
:username "صارف کا نام"
:not-specified "واضح نہیں کیا گیا"
:public-key "Public Key"
:phone-number "فون نمبر"
:email "ای میل"
:profile-no-status "کوئی سٹیٹس نہیں"
:add-to-contacts "اپنے رابطوں میں درج کریں"
:error-incorrect-name "برائے مہربانی کوئی اور نام چنیں"
:error-incorrect-email "غلط ای میل"
:image-source-title "پروفائل تصویر"
:image-source-make-photo "کھینچیں"
:image-source-gallery "گیلری سے چنیں"
:image-source-cancel "کینسل"
:contacts-syncronized "آپ کے کانٹیکٹس سنکرونائز ہو گئے ہیں"
:confirmation-code (str "شکریہ! ہم نے آپ کو تصدیق کا پیغام بھیج دیا ہے "
"کوڈ کے ساتھ۔ برائے مہربانی اپنا نمبر کنفرم کرنے کے لیے وہ کوڈ فراہم کریں۔")
:incorrect-code (str "معذرت، کوڈ غلط تھا، برائے مہربانی دوبارہ درج کریں")
:generate-passphrase (str "میں آپ کے لیے passphrase تشکیل دوں گا تا کہ آپ "
"کسی دوسری ڈیوائس سے لاگ ان یا رسائی حاصل کر سکیں")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*اف* یہ مشکل تھا, یہ آپ کی passphrase ہے۔, *اسے لکھ لیں اور اپنے پاس محفوظ کر لیں۔* آپ کو اپنا اکاؤنٹ بحال کرنے کے لیے اس کی ضرورت ہو گی۔"
:here-is-your-passphrase "یہ آپ کی passphrase ہے۔, *ا اکاؤنٹ بحال کرنے کے لیے اس کی ضرورت * ہے۔, *اسے لکھ لیں اور اپنے پاس محفوظ کر لیں۔* آپ کو ا"
:written-down "یہ یقینی بنا لیں کہ آپ نے اسے بحفاظت لکھ لیا ہے۔"
:phone-number-required "اپنا فون نمبر درج کرنے کے لیے یہاں ٹیپ کریں اور میں آپ کے دوستوں کو تلاش کروں گا"
:intro-status "اپنا اکاؤنٹ سیٹ اپ کرنے اور سیٹنگز تبدیل کرنے کے لیے مجھ سے چیٹ کریں!"
:intro-message1 "سٹیٹس میں خوش آمدید اور اپنا پاسورڈ سیٹ کرنے کے لیے اس کو ٹیپ کریں اور شروعات کریں۔"
:account-generation-message "مجھے ایک سیکنڈ دیں، اپ کا اکاؤنٹ تشکیل دینے کے لیے مجھے کچھ ریاضی سے کام کرنا ہے۔!"
:chats "چیٹ"
:new-chat "نئی چیٹ"
:new-group-chat "نئی گروپ چیٹ"
:discovery "دریافت"
:none "کوئی نہیں"
:search-tags "اپنا تلاش کا ٹیگ یہاں درج کریں"
:popular-tags "مشہور ٹیگ"
:recent "حالیہ"
:no-statuses-discovered "کوئی سٹیٹس نہیں پایا گیا"
:settings "سیٹنگز"
:contacts "رابطے"
:new-contact "نئے رابطے"
:show-all "سب دکھائیں"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "لوگ"
:contacts-group-new-chat "نئی چیٹ شروع کریں"
:no-contacts "ابھی یہاں کوئی کنٹیکٹ نہیں"
:show-qr "دکھائیں QR"
:remove "نکالیں"
:save "محفوظ کریں"
:change-color "رنگ تبدیل کریں"
:clear-history "تاریخ مٹا دیں"
:delete-and-leave "حذف کریں اور چھوڑ دیں"
:chat-settings "چیٹ کی سیٹنگز"
:edit "تصحیح"
:add-members "ممبران شامل کریں"
:blue "نیلا"
:purple "جامنی"
:green "سبز"
:red "سرخ"
:money-command-description "رقم بھیجیں"
:location-command-description "مقام بھیجیں"
:phone-command-description "فون نمبر بھیجیں"
:phone-request-text "فون نمبر کی درخواست کریں"
:confirmation-code-command-description "برائے مہربانی یقین دہانی کا کوڈ بھیجیں"
:confirmation-code-request-text "تصدیقی کوڈ کی درخواست"
:send-command-description "مقام بھیجیں"
:request-command-description "درخواست بھیجیں"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "مدد"
:request "درخواست"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH کرنے {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH سے {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "مقام: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "ویب پیج براؤز کریں: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "بیوپار: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "مدد"
:group-chat-name "چیٹ کا نام"
:empty-group-chat-name "برائے مہربانی کو ایک نام درج کریں"
:illegal-group-chat-name "برائے مہربانی کوئی اور نام درج کریں"
:add-participants "ساتھیوں کو شامل کریں"
:remove-participants "ساتھیوں کو نکالیں"
:received-invitation "چیٹ کا دعوت نامہ وصول ہوا ہے"
:removed-from-chat "گروپ سے نکال دیا ہے"
:left "چھوڑ دیا"
:invited "مدعو"
:removed "نکال دیا گیا"
:You "آپ"
:add-new-contact "نیا کانٹیکٹ شامل کریں"
:import-qr "امپورٹ"
:scan-qr "سکین کریں QR"
:name "نام"
:whisper-identity "شناخت بتائیں"
:address-explication "شائد یہاں آپ کو کچھ لکھنا چاہیے دیکھنے کے لیے کہ پتہ کیا ہے اور اسے کہاں ہونا چاہیے"
:enter-valid-address "برائے مہربانی درست پتہ یا QR سکین کریں"
:contact-already-added "کانٹیکٹ پہلے سے شامل ہے"
:can-not-add-yourself "آپ خود کو شامل نہیں کر سکتے"
:unknown-address "نامعلوم پتہ"
:connect "ملیں"
:address "پتہ"
:password "پاسورڈ"
:login "لاگ ان"
:wrong-password "غلط پاسورڈ"
:recover-from-passphrase "passphrase کے ذریعے بحال کریں"
:recover-explain "رسائی حاصل کرنے کے لیے اپنے پاسورڈ کا passphrase درج کریں"
:passphrase "Passphrase"
:recover "بحال کریں"
:enter-valid-passphrase "برائے مہربانی passphrase درج کریں"
:enter-valid-password "برائے مہربانی پاسورڈ لکھیں"
:recover-access "رسائی بحال کریں"
:add-account "اکاؤنٹ شامل کریں"
:done "ہو گیا"
:main-wallet "مرکزی والٹ"
:invalid-phone "غلط فون نمبر"
:amount "رقم"
:not-enough-eth (str "بیلنس میں کافی ETH موجود نہیں۔ "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "بیوپار کی تصدیق کریں"
:other "تصدیق {{count}} بیوپار"
:zero "کوئی بیوپار نہیں ہوا"}
:status "سٹیٹس"
:pending-confirmation "تصدیق کی ضرورت ہے"
:recipient "وصول کنندہ"
:one-more-item "ایک اور چیز"
:fee "فیس"
:value "رقم"
:web-view-error "اوہ، غلطی ہو گئی"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.vi)
(def translations
:members-title "Các thành viên"
:not-implemented "!không được thực hiện"
:chat-name "Tên trò chuyện"
:notifications-title "Thông báo và âm thanh"
:offline "Không trực tuyến"
:invite-friends "Mời bạn bè "
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Đổi người dùng"
:is-typing "đang gõ"
:and-you "và bạn"
:search-chat "Tìm kiếm trò chuyện"
:members {:one "1 thành viên"
:other "{{count}} thành viên"
:zero "không thành viên"}
:members-active {:one "1 thành viên, 1 đang hoạt động"
:other "{{count}} thành viên, {{count}} đang hoạt động"
:zero "không thành viên"}
:active-online "Trực tuyến"
:active-unknown "Không rõ"
:available "Sẵn sàng"
:no-messages "Không có tin nhắn"
:suggestions-requests "Các yêu cầu"
:suggestions-commands "Các lệnh"
:sync-in-progress "Đang đồng bộ..."
:sync-synced "Đồng bộ"
:status-sending "Đang gửi"
:status-pending "Chưa giải quyết"
:status-sent "Đã gửi"
:status-seen-by-everyone "Được nhìn thấy bởi mọi người"
:status-seen "Đã nhìn thấy "
:status-delivered "Đã gửi"
:status-failed "Đã thất bại"
:datetime-second {:one "giây"
:other "giây"}
:datetime-minute {:one "phút"
:other "phút"}
:datetime-hour {:one "giờ"
:other "giờ"}
:datetime-day {:one "ngày"
:other "ngày"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "trước đây"
:datetime-yesterday "hôm qua"
:datetime-today "hôm nay"
:profile "Hồ sơ"
:report-user "BÁO CÁO NGƯỜI DÙNG"
:message "Tin nhắn"
:username "Tên người dùng"
:not-specified "Không được xác định"
:public-key "Khóa công khai"
:phone-number "Số điện thoại"
:email "Email"
:profile-no-status "Không có trạng thái"
:add-to-contacts "Thêm vào liên hệ"
:error-incorrect-name "Vui lòng chọn một tên khác"
:error-incorrect-email "E-mail không chính xách"
:image-source-title "Ảnh đại diện"
:image-source-make-photo "Chụp"
:image-source-gallery "Chọn từ gallery"
:image-source-cancel "Hủy"
:contacts-syncronized "Các liên hệ của bạn đã được đồng bộ hóa"
:confirmation-code (str "Cảm ơn! Chúng tôi đã gửi cho bạn một tin nhắn văn bản với một xác nhận "
"Vui lòng cung cấp mã đó để xác nhận số điện thoại của bạn")
:incorrect-code (str "Xin lỗi mã không chính xác, vui lòng nhập lại")
:generate-passphrase (str "Tôi sẽ tạo ra một cụm mật khẩu để cho bạn có thể khôi phục "
"quyền truy cập của bạn hoặc đăng nhập từ một thiết bị khác")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Phù* điều đó thật khó khăn, đây là cụm mật khẩu của bạn, *hãy viết cụm này ra và giữ nó an toàn!* Bạn sẽ cần nó để khôi phục tài khoản của bạn."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Đây là cụm mật khẩu của bạn, *hãy viết cụm này ra và giữ nó an toàn!* Bạn sẽ cần nó để khôi phục tài khoản của bạn."
:written-down "Hãy đảm bảo rằng bạn đã viết nó ra một cách bảo mật"
:phone-number-required "Nhấp vào đây để nhập số điện thoại của bạn & tôi sẽ tìm kiếm bạn bè của bạn"
:intro-status "Trò chuyện với tôi để thiết lập tài khoản của bạn và thay đổi các thiết lập của bạn!"
:intro-message1 "Chào mừng đến với trang Trạng thái\nNhấp vào tin nhắn này để thiết lập mật khẩu của bạn & bắt đầu!"
:account-generation-message "Cho tôi một giây, tôi phải làm vài thuật toán điên khùng để khởi tạo tài khoản của bạn!"
:chats "Trò chuyện"
:new-chat "Cuộc trò chuyện mới"
:new-group-chat "Cuộc trò chuyện theo nhóm mới"
:discovery "Khám phá"
:none "Không"
:search-tags "Gõ các thẻ tìm kiếm của bạn tại đây"
:popular-tags "Các thẻ phổ biến"
:recent "Gần đây"
:no-statuses-discovered "Không có trạng thái được tìm thấy"
:settings "Các thiết lập"
:contacts "Các liên hệ"
:new-contact "Liên hệ mới"
:show-all "HIỂN THỊ TOÀN BỘ"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Cá nhân"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Bắt đầu cuộc trò chuyện mới"
:no-contacts "Chưa có liên hệ"
:show-qr "Hiển thị QR"
:remove "Xóa"
:save "Lưu"
:change-color "Thay đổi màu sắc"
:clear-history "Xóa lịch sử"
:delete-and-leave "Xóa và rời đi"
:chat-settings "Thiết lập trò chuyện"
:edit "Điều chỉnh"
:add-members "Thêm Thành viên"
:blue "Màu xanh da trời"
:purple "Màu tím"
:green "Màu xanh lá cây"
:red "Màu đỏ"
:money-command-description "Gửi tiền"
:location-command-description "Gửi vị trí"
:phone-command-description "Gửi số điện thoại"
:phone-request-text "Yêu cầu số điện thoại"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Gửi mã xác nhận"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Yêu cầu mã xác nhận"
:send-command-description "Gửi vị trí"
:request-command-description "Gửi yêu cầu"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Giúp đỡ"
:request "Yêu cầu"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH đến {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH từ {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "Vị trí: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "Trình duyệt trang web: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "Giao dịch: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "Giúp đỡ"
:group-chat-name "Tên trò chuyện"
:empty-group-chat-name "Vui lòng nhập một tên"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Vui lòng chọn một tên khác"
:add-participants "Thêm Người tham gia"
:remove-participants "Xóa Người tham gia"
:received-invitation "đã nhận lời mời trò chuyện"
:removed-from-chat "đã xóa bạn khỏi cuộc trò chuyện theo nhóm"
:left "đã rời đi"
:invited "đã mời"
:removed "đã xóa"
:You "Bạn"
:add-new-contact "Thêm liên hệ mới"
:import-qr "Nhập"
:scan-qr "Quét QR"
:name "Tên"
:whisper-identity "Danh tính Whisper"
:address-explication "Có lẽ ở đây nên có một vài nội dung để giải thích địa chỉ này là gì và phải tìm nó ở đâu"
:enter-valid-address "Vui lòng nhập một địa chỉ hợp lệ hoặc quét một mã QR"
:contact-already-added "Liên hệ đã được thêm vào"
:can-not-add-yourself "Bạn không thể tự thêm mình"
:unknown-address "Địa chỉ không xác định"
:connect "Kết nối"
:address "Địa chỉ"
:password "Mật khẩu"
:login "Đăng nhập"
:wrong-password "Mật khẩu sai"
:recover-from-passphrase "Khôi phục từ cụm mật khẩu"
:recover-explain "Vui lòng nhập cụm mật khẩu cho mật khẩu của bạn để khôi phục quyền truy cập"
:passphrase "Cụm mật khẩu"
:recover "Khôi phục"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Vui lòng nhập một cụm mật khẩu"
:enter-valid-password "Vui lòng nhập một mật khẩu"
:recover-access "Khôi phục quyền truy cập"
:add-account "Thêm tài khoản"
:done "Đã hoàn thành"
:main-wallet "Ví chính"
:invalid-phone "Số điện thoại không hợp lệ"
:amount "Số tiền"
:not-enough-eth (str "Không đủ ETH trong số dư "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Xác nhận giao dịch"
:other "Xác nhận {{count}} giao dịch"
:zero "Không có giao dịch"}
:status "Trạng thái"
:pending-confirmation "Chờ xác nhận"
:recipient "Người nhận"
:one-more-item "Thêm một mục nữa"
:fee "Phí"
:value "Giá trị"
:web-view-error "Ối, lỗi"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.zh-hans)
(def translations
:members-title "成员"
:not-implemented "!未实现"
:chat-name "聊天名称"
:notifications-title "通知和声音"
:offline "离线"
:invite-friends "邀请朋友"
:faq "常问问题解答"
:switch-users "S切换用户"
:is-typing "正在打字"
:and-you "你"
:search-chat "搜索聊天"
:members {:one "1个成员"
:other "{{count}}个成员"
:zero "没有成员"}
:members-active {:one "1个成员,1个活跃"
:other "{{count}}个成员,{{count}}个活跃"
:zero "没有成员"}
:active-online "在线"
:active-unknown "未知"
:available "可用"
:no-messages "没有消息"
:suggestions-requests "请求"
:suggestions-commands "命令"
:sync-in-progress "正在同步…"
:sync-synced "同步中"
:status-sending "正在发送"
:status-pending "发送中"
:status-sent "已发送"
:status-seen-by-everyone "所有人可见"
:status-seen "看到"
:status-delivered "已交付"
:status-failed "失败"
:datetime-second {:one "秒"
:other "秒"}
:datetime-minute {:one "分钟"
:other "分钟"}
:datetime-hour {:one "小时"
:other "小时"}
:datetime-day {:one "天"
:other "天"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "前"
:datetime-yesterday "昨天"
:datetime-today "今天"
:profile "个人资料"
:report-user "举报用户"
:message "信息"
:username "用户名"
:not-specified "未指定"
:public-key "公钥"
:phone-number "电话号码"
:email "电子邮件"
:profile-no-status "无状态"
:add-to-contacts "添加到联系人"
:error-incorrect-name "请选择其它名称"
:error-incorrect-email "电子邮件不正确"
:image-source-title "个人资料图片"
:image-source-make-photo "拍摄"
:image-source-gallery "从图库中选择"
:image-source-cancel "取消"
:contacts-syncronized "已同步你的联系人"
:confirmation-code (str "谢谢!我们向你发送了一条包含确认信息的短信 "
:incorrect-code (str "抱歉,代码不正确,请重新输入")
:generate-passphrase (str "我会为你生成一个密码短语,以便你恢复自己的密码 "
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*唷* 真不容易,这是你的密码短语,*写下来,好好保管它!*你需要用它来恢复你的帐户。"
:here-is-your-passphrase "这是你的密码短语,*写下来,好好保管它!*你需要用它来恢复你的帐户。"
:written-down "确保你把它安全地写下来"
:phone-number-required "点击此处输入你的电话号码,我会找到你的朋友"
:intro-status "跟我聊天,以设置你的帐户并更改你的设置!"
:intro-message1 "欢迎来到状态\n点击该消息,以设置你的密码并开始!"
:account-generation-message "给我一点时间,我得疯狂地计算一下,以生成你的帐户!"
:chats "聊天"
:new-chat "新的聊天"
:new-group-chat "新的群聊"
:discovery "发现"
:none "无"
:search-tags "在此处输入搜索标签"
:popular-tags "热门标签"
:recent "最近"
:no-statuses-discovered "未发现状态"
:settings "设置"
:contacts "联系人"
:new-contact "新的联系人"
:show-all "显示所有"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "联系人"
:contacts-group-new-chat "开始新的聊天"
:no-contacts "还没有联系人"
:show-qr "显示QR"
:remove "删除"
:save "保存"
:change-color "更改颜色"
:clear-history "清除历史记录"
:delete-and-leave "删除并退出"
:chat-settings "聊天设置"
:edit "编辑"
:add-members "添加成员"
:blue "蓝色"
:purple "紫色"
:green "绿色"
:red "红色"
:money-command-description "汇款"
:location-command-description "发送位置"
:phone-command-description "发送电话号码"
:phone-request-text "电话号码请求"
:confirmation-code-command-description "发送确认码"
:confirmation-code-request-text "确认码请求"
:send-command-description "发送位置"
:request-command-description "发送请求"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "帮助"
:request "请求"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "给{{chat-name}}的{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-from "来自{{chat-name}}的{{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-location "位置: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "浏览网页: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "交易: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "帮助"
:group-chat-name "聊天名称"
:empty-group-chat-name "请输入名称"
:illegal-group-chat-name "请选择其它名称"
:add-participants "添加参与者"
:remove-participants "删除参与者"
:received-invitation "收到了聊天邀请"
:removed-from-chat "已将你从群聊中删除"
:left "剩余"
:invited "已邀请"
:removed "已删除"
:You "你"
:add-new-contact "添加新的联系人"
:import-qr "导入"
:scan-qr "扫描QR"
:name "名称"
:whisper-identity "Whisper身份"
:address-explication "也许这里应该有一些文本来解释什么是地址,以及在哪里查找它"
:enter-valid-address "请输入有效地址或扫描QR码"
:contact-already-added "已添加该联系人"
:can-not-add-yourself "不能添加自己"
:unknown-address "未知地址"
:connect "连接"
:address "地址"
:password "密码"
:login "登录"
:wrong-password "密码错误"
:recover-from-passphrase "从密码短语恢复"
:recover-explain "请输入密码短语,以便使密码恢复访问"
:passphrase "密码短语"
:recover "恢复"
:enter-valid-passphrase "请输入密码短语"
:enter-valid-password "请输入密码"
:recover-access "恢复访问"
:add-account "添加帐户"
:done "完成"
:main-wallet "主钱包"
:invalid-phone "电话号码无效"
:amount "金额"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH余额不足"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "确认交易"
:other "确认{{count}}笔交易"
:zero "无交易"}
:status "状态"
:pending-confirmation "待确认"
:recipient "接受方"
:one-more-item "另一项"
:fee "费用"
:value "值"
:web-view-error "糟糕,出错了"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.zh-hant)
(def translations
:members-title "成員"
:not-implemented "還未實施"
:chat-name "聊天名稱"
:notifications-title "通知與聲音"
:offline "離線"
:invite-friends "邀請好友"
:faq "常見問題"
:switch-users "切換使用者"
:is-typing "正在鍵入中"
:and-you "和您"
:search-chat "搜尋聊天"
:members {:one "1個成員"
:other "{{count}} 個成員"
:zero "沒有成員"}
:members-active {:one "1 個成員, 1 個活動"
:other "{{count}} 個成員, {{count}} 個活動"
:zero "沒有成員"}
:active-online "離線"
:active-unknown "未知"
:available "可用"
:no-messages "沒有訊息"
:suggestions-requests "請求"
:suggestions-commands "命令"
:sync-in-progress "同步中..."
:sync-synced "同步"
:status-sending "正在發送"
:status-pending "待定"
:status-sent "已發送"
:status-seen-by-everyone "全部可見"
:status-seen "可見"
:status-delivered "已送達"
:status-failed "送達失敗"
:datetime-second {:one "秒"
:other "秒"}
:datetime-minute {:one "分"
:other "分"}
:datetime-hour {:one "時"
:other "時"}
:datetime-day {:one "天"
:other "天"}
:datetime-multiple "秒"
:datetime-ago "以前"
:datetime-yesterday "昨天"
:datetime-today "今天"
:profile "簡況"
:report-user "報告使用者"
:message "訊息"
:username "使用者名稱"
:not-specified "未指定"
:public-key "公開金鑰"
:phone-number "手機號碼"
:email "電子郵件"
:profile-no-status "無狀態"
:add-to-contacts "添加到聯絡資訊"
:error-incorrect-name "請選擇另一個姓名"
:error-incorrect-email "錯誤的電子郵寄地址"
:image-source-title "個人照片"
:image-source-make-photo "捕捉"
:image-source-gallery "從相簿中選擇"
:image-source-cancel "取消"
:contacts-syncronized "您的聯絡資訊已同步"
:confirmation-code (str "謝謝!我們已向您發送了包含 "
:incorrect-code (str "很抱歉,代碼不正確,請重新鍵入")
:generate-passphrase (str "我會給您生成一條口令句,您可以使用它 "
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "啊哈,這是您的口令句,*請記下來並 好好保管! *您需要使用它以回復您帳號。"
:here-is-your-passphrase "這是您的口令句,*請記下來並 好好保管! *您需要使用它以回復您帳號。"
:written-down "請一定要把它記下來"
:phone-number-required "點選這裡以鍵入您的手機號碼,我會發現您的好友"
:intro-status "與我聊天以配置您的帳號,變更您的設定!"
:intro-message1 "歡迎來到Status\n點選此訊息以設定您的密碼並開始使用!"
:account-generation-message "給我幾秒鐘,我正在努力生成您的帳號!"
:chats "聊天"
:new-chat "新聊天"
:new-group-chat "新的群聊"
:discovery "發現"
:none "無"
:search-tags "在這裡鍵入您的搜尋標籤"
:popular-tags "熱門標籤"
:recent "最近"
:no-statuses-discovered "未發現狀態"
:settings "設定"
:contacts "聯絡資訊"
:new-contact "新聯絡資訊"
:show-all "顯示全部"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "人"
:contacts-group-new-chat "開始新聊天"
:no-contacts "還沒有聯絡資訊"
:show-qr "顯示QR碼"
:remove "移除"
:save "保存"
:change-color "變更顏色"
:clear-history "清理歷史記錄"
:delete-and-leave "刪除並離開"
:chat-settings "聊天設定"
:edit "編輯"
:add-members "添加成員"
:blue "藍"
:purple "紫"
:green "綠"
:red "紅"
:money-command-description "轉帳"
:location-command-description "發送位置"
:phone-command-description "發送手機號碼"
:phone-request-text "請求手機號碼"
:confirmation-code-command-description "發送確認碼"
:confirmation-code-request-text "請求確認碼"
:send-command-description "發送位置"
:request-command-description "發送請求"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "幫助"
:request "請求"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH 給 {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH 來自 {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "位置: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "流覽網頁: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "交易: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "幫助"
:group-chat-name "聊天名稱"
:empty-group-chat-name "請鍵入一個名稱"
:illegal-group-chat-name "請選擇其他名稱"
:add-participants "添加參與人"
:remove-participants "移除參與人"
:received-invitation "接受的聊天邀請"
:removed-from-chat "把您移出了群聊"
:left "留下的"
:invited "邀請的"
:removed "移出的"
:You "您"
:add-new-contact "添加新的聯絡資訊"
:import-qr "匯入"
:scan-qr "掃描QR碼"
:name "名稱"
:whisper-identity "私聊身份"
:address-explication "也許這裡會有文本介紹是什麼樣的位址,在哪裡能找到它"
:enter-valid-address "請鍵入有效的位址或掃描QR碼"
:contact-already-added "聯絡資訊已添加"
:can-not-add-yourself "您無法添加自己"
:unknown-address "未知得的地址"
:connect "連線"
:address "地址"
:password "密碼"
:login "登入"
:wrong-password "密碼錯誤"
:recover-from-passphrase "從口令句恢復"
:recover-explain "請鍵入密碼的口令句以恢復訪問"
:passphrase "口令句"
:recover "恢復"
:enter-valid-passphrase "請鍵入口令句"
:enter-valid-password "請鍵入密碼"
:recover-access "恢復訪問"
:add-account "添加帳號"
:done "完成"
:main-wallet "錢包"
:invalid-phone "無效的手機號碼"
:amount "金額"
:not-enough-eth (str "餘額中ETH不足 "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "確認交易"
:other "確認 {{count}} 交易"
:zero "無交易"}
:status "狀態"
:pending-confirmation "等待確認"
:recipient "接收人"
:one-more-item "再來一個"
:fee "費用"
:value "價值"
:web-view-error "哎呀,出錯了"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.zh-wuu)
(def translations
:members-title "会员"
:not-implemented "!未实现"
:chat-name "聊天名称"
:notifications-title "通知和声音"
:offline "离线"
:invite-friends "邀请朋友"
:faq "常见问题"
:switch-users "切换用户"
:is-typing "正在输入"
:and-you "和您"
:search-chat "搜索聊天"
:members {:one "1人"
:other "{{count}}会员"
:zero "无会员"}
:members-active {:one "1个会员,1个活跃成员"
:other "{{count}} 会员, {{count}} 活跃成员"
:zero "无会员"}
:active-online "在线"
:active-unknown "未知"
:available "可用"
:no-messages "无信息"
:suggestions-requests "请求"
:suggestions-commands "命令"
:sync-in-progress "同步中..."
:sync-synced "同步"
:status-sending "发送中"
:status-pending "待定"
:status-sent "已发送"
:status-seen-by-everyone "每个人已阅"
:status-seen "已阅"
:status-delivered "已发送"
:status-failed "发送失败"
:datetime-second {:one "秒"
:other "秒"}
:datetime-minute {:one "分钟"
:other "分钟"}
:datetime-hour {:one "小时"
:other "小时"}
:datetime-day {:one "日"
:other "日"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "之前"
:datetime-yesterday "昨天"
:datetime-today "今天"
:profile "个人资料"
:report-user "报告用户"
:message "消息"
:username "用户名"
:not-specified "未指定"
:public-key "公共密钥"
:phone-number "电话号码"
:email "电子邮箱"
:profile-no-status "无状态"
:add-to-contacts "添加至通讯录"
:error-incorrect-name "请选择另一个名字"
:error-incorrect-email "不正确的电子邮箱"
:image-source-title "个人资料照片"
:image-source-make-photo "截图"
:image-source-gallery "从相册中选择"
:image-source-cancel "取消"
:contacts-syncronized "您的联系人已同步"
:confirmation-code (str "谢谢!我们已经给您发了一个确认短信"
:incorrect-code (str "对不起,代码不正确,请再输入一次")
:generate-passphrase (str "我会为您生成一个口令短语,您可以恢复您的 "
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*唷* 是很难的,这是您的口令短语,*写下来并保证安全!* 您将需要它来恢复您的帐户。"
:here-is-your-passphrase "这是您的口令短语,*写下来并保证安全!* 您将需要它来恢复您的帐户。"
:written-down "确保您已经安全地写下来"
:phone-number-required "点击这里进入您的电话号码,我会找到您的朋友"
:intro-status "与我聊天设置您的帐户,并更改您的设置!"
:intro-message1 "欢迎来到\n点击这一消息设置您的密码并开始!"
:account-generation-message "给我一秒,我要做一些疯狂的计算生成您的帐号!"
:chats "聊天"
:new-chat "新的聊天"
:new-group-chat "新的群聊"
:discovery "发现"
:none "无"
:search-tags "在这里键入您的搜索标签"
:popular-tags "热门标签"
:recent "最近"
:no-statuses-discovered "未发现状态"
:settings "设置"
:contacts "联系人"
:new-contact "新的联系人"
:show-all "显示全部"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "人"
:contacts-group-new-chat "开始新的聊天"
:no-contacts "暂无联系人"
:show-qr "显示QR"
:remove "移动"
:save "保存"
:change-color "改变颜色"
:clear-history "清除历史"
:delete-and-leave "删除并离开"
:chat-settings "聊天设置"
:edit "编辑"
:add-members "添加会员"
:blue "蓝色"
:purple "紫色"
:green "绿色"
:red "红色"
:money-command-description "发送钱"
:location-command-description "发送地址"
:phone-command-description "发送电话号码"
:phone-request-text "请求电话号码"
:confirmation-code-command-description "发送确认码"
:confirmation-code-request-text "请求确认码"
:send-command-description "发送地址"
:request-command-description "发送请求"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "帮助"
:request "请求"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH至 {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH来自 {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "地址: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "浏览网页: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "交易: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "帮助"
:group-chat-name "聊天名称"
:empty-group-chat-name "请输入一个名称"
:illegal-group-chat-name "选择另一个名称"
:add-participants "添加参与者"
:remove-participants "删除参与者"
:received-invitation "接受聊天邀请"
:removed-from-chat "将您从群聊中移除"
:left "离开"
:invited "已邀请"
:removed "已移除"
:You "您"
:add-new-contact "增加新的联系人"
:import-qr "导入"
:scan-qr "扫描QR"
:name "名称"
:whisper-identity "耳语身份"
:address-explication "也许这应该有一个文本,解释地址是什么以及在哪里寻找它"
:enter-valid-address "请输入一个有效的地址或扫描QR码"
:contact-already-added "联系人已被添加"
:can-not-add-yourself "您不能添加您自己"
:unknown-address "未知地址"
:connect "连接"
:address "地址"
:password "密码"
:login "登录"
:wrong-password "错误的密码"
:recover-from-passphrase "恢复口令短语"
:recover-explain "请输入密码的口令短语来恢复访问"
:passphrase "口令短语"
:recover "恢复"
:enter-valid-passphrase "请输入口令短语"
:enter-valid-password "请输入密码"
:recover-access "恢复访问"
:add-account "添加账户"
:done "完成"
:main-wallet "主要钱包"
:invalid-phone "无效的电话号码"
:amount "金额"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH余额不足"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "确认交易"
:other "确认{{count}} 交易"
:zero "无交易"}
:status "状态"
:pending-confirmation "待确认"
:recipient "收件人"
:one-more-item "一个以上项目"
:fee "金额"
:value "价值"
:web-view-error "啊哦,错误"})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
(ns status-im.translations.zh-yue)
(def translations
:members-title "會員"
:not-implemented "!未能實現"
:chat-name "用戶名稱"
:notifications-title "通知及聲音設定"
:offline "離線"
:invite-friends "邀請好友"
:faq "常見問題"
:switch-users "切換用戶"
:is-typing "正在輸入"
:and-you "與你"
:search-chat "搜索聊天記錄"
:members {:one "1位成員"
:other "{{count}} 位成員"
:zero "暫無成員"}
:members-active {:one "1位成員, 1位活躍"
:other "{{count}}位成員, {{count}}位活躍"
:zero "暫無成員"}
:active-online "在線"
:active-unknown "未知"
:available "有空"
:no-messages "沒有新訊息"
:suggestions-requests "徵求"
:suggestions-commands "指令"
:sync-in-progress "正在同步..."
:sync-synced "已同步"
:status-sending "發送中"
:status-pending "待定"
:status-sent "發送成功"
:status-seen-by-everyone "所有人已讀"
:status-seen "已讀"
:status-delivered "已發送"
:status-failed "失敗"
:datetime-second {:one "秒"
:other "秒"}
:datetime-minute {:one "分鐘"
:other "分鐘"}
:datetime-hour {:one "小時"
:other "小時"}
:datetime-day {:one "天"
:other "天"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "之前"
:datetime-yesterday "昨天"
:datetime-today "今天"
:profile "用戶簡介"
:report-user "投訴用戶"
:message "短訊"
:username "用戶名稱"
:not-specified "未標明"
:public-key "公共鑰匙"
:phone-number "電話號碼"
:email "電郵"
:profile-no-status "無狀態"
:add-to-contacts "添加到通訊錄"
:error-incorrect-name "請選擇其他名稱"
:error-incorrect-email "電郵錯誤"
:image-source-title "封面照片"
:image-source-make-photo "捕獲照片"
:image-source-gallery "從圖庫中選取"
:image-source-cancel "取消"
:contacts-syncronized "你的聯繫人已同步"
:confirmation-code (str "謝謝!我們已以短訊形式將確認信息發送給你"
:incorrect-code (str "對不起,代碼不正確,請重新輸入")
:generate-passphrase (str "正在為你產生臨時登入碼,以便恢復你的"
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*啊* 那可真不簡單。 這是你的臨時登入碼。 *請記錄並保存於安全地方!* 你將會需要它,以恢復你的帳戶。"
:here-is-your-passphrase "這是你的臨時登入碼。 *請記錄並保存於安全地方!* 你將會需要它,以恢復你的帳戶。"
:written-down "請確保你已經將其安全寫下來"
:phone-number-required "請點擊這裡輸入您的電話號碼,我們將為你尋覓你的好友"
:intro-status "如需設置新帳戶或更改現有設置,請與我聊天!"
:intro-message1 "歡迎來到Status\n請點擊此短訊,以設置你的密碼及開始!"
:account-generation-message "請給我一秒鐘。我正在瘋狂地運算,以啟動你的帳戶!"
:chats "聊天史"
:new-chat "新增聊天"
:new-group-chat "新增群聊"
:discovery "新發現"
:none "不存在"
:search-tags "請輸入你的搜索標籤"
:popular-tags "熱門標籤"
:recent "最近發現"
:no-statuses-discovered "沒有發現任何狀態"
:settings "設置"
:contacts "聯絡人"
:new-contact "新增聯絡"
:show-all "顯示所有"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "用戶"
:contacts-group-new-chat "開啟新聊天"
:no-contacts "No contacts yet"
:show-qr "暫無聯絡人"
:remove "刪除"
:save "儲存"
:change-color "更改顏色"
:clear-history "清除歷史記錄"
:delete-and-leave "刪除並離開"
:chat-settings "聊天設置"
:edit "編輯"
:add-members "增添成員"
:blue "藍"
:purple "紫"
:green "綠"
:red "紅"
:money-command-description "發送金錢"
:location-command-description "發送位置"
:phone-command-description "發送電話號碼"
:phone-request-text "請求電話號碼"
:confirmation-code-command-description "發送確認碼"
:confirmation-code-request-text "徵求確認碼"
:send-command-description "發送位置"
:request-command-description "發送請求"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "幫助"
:request "徵求"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH 予 {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH 來自 {{chat-name}}"
:command-text-location "地點: {{address}}"
:command-text-browse "瀏覽網頁: {{webpage}}"
:command-text-send "交易: {{amount}} ETH"
:command-text-help "幫助"
:group-chat-name "聊天用戶名稱"
:empty-group-chat-name "請輸入名稱"
:illegal-group-chat-name "請選擇其他名稱"
:add-participants "增添參與者"
:remove-participants "刪除參與者"
:received-invitation "收到聊天邀請"
:removed-from-chat "已將你從群組聊天中刪除"
:left "離開"
:invited "邀請"
:removed "刪除"
:You "你"
:add-new-contact "添加新聯繫人"
:import-qr "輸入"
:scan-qr "掃描 QR"
:name "名稱"
:whisper-identity "秘密身份"
:address-explication "請注意: 此文本解釋地址是什麼,以及在何處可找到它。"
:enter-valid-address "請輸入有效地址或掃描QR碼"
:contact-already-added "此聯繫人已添加"
:can-not-add-yourself "你不能添加自己"
:unknown-address "未知地址"
:connect "連接"
:address "地址"
:password "密碼"
:login "登入"
:wrong-password "密碼錯誤"
:recover-from-passphrase "以臨時登入碼恢復"
:recover-explain "請輸入密碼的臨時登入碼,以恢復訪問"
:passphrase "臨時登入碼"
:recover "還原"
:enter-valid-passphrase "請輸入臨時登入碼"
:enter-valid-password "請輸入密碼"
:recover-access "恢復訪問"
:add-account "新增帳戶"
:done "完成"
:main-wallet "主錢包"
:invalid-phone "電話號碼無效"
:amount "金額"
:not-enough-eth (str "沒有足夠ETH餘額"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "確認交易"
:other "確認{{{count}}個交易"
:zero "無交易"}
:status "狀態"
:pending-confirmation "待確認"
:recipient "收件人"
:one-more-item "多一件"
:fee "費用"
:value "價值"
:web-view-error "抱歉,錯誤"})
Reference in New Issue
Block a user