wip: refactor to use custom memo implementation and display demo of different behaviors

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Sean Hagstrom 2024-03-30 14:51:33 +00:00
parent cf4884a398
commit 855a98a1ee
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@ -35,6 +35,24 @@
;; ---
(def ^:private lookup-sentinel (js-obj))
(defn memo
"Returns a memoized version of a referentially transparent function. The
memoized version of the function keeps a cache of the mapping from arguments
to results and, when calls with the same arguments are repeated often, has
higher performance at the expense of higher memory use."
[mem f]
(fn [& args]
(js/console.log "lookup")
(let [v (get @mem args lookup-sentinel)]
(if (identical? v lookup-sentinel)
(let [ret (apply f args)]
(js/console.log "swap")
(swap! mem assoc args ret)
(defn make-state-ref
[state-ratom label]
(let [state-ref (atom nil)]
@ -57,63 +75,94 @@
:ref state-ref})))
(defn make-state-handler-factory [state-ref]
(fn [callback]
(fn [event]
(callback @state-ref event))))
(let [storage (rn/use-memo #(atom {}) [state-ref])
factory (rn/use-callback
(memo storage
(fn [callback]
(print "make state handler")
(fn [event]
(callback @state-ref event))))
[state-ref storage])]
{:factory factory
:storage storage}))
(defn make-snapshot-handler-factory [state-ref]
(let [snapshot @state-ref]
(fn [handler]
(fn [callback]
(fn [event]
(callback snapshot event))))
(defn make-snapshot-handler-factory [snapshot]
(let [storage (rn/use-memo #(atom {}) [])
capture (rn/use-memo #(atom snapshot) [])
factory (rn/use-memo
(do (swap! capture (fn [_] snapshot))
#(memo storage
(fn [callback]
(fn [event]
(callback @capture event)))))
[storage capture])]
{:factory factory
:storage storage}))
(defn make-snapshot-state-handler-factory [state-ref]
(let [snapshot @state-ref]
(fn [handler]
(fn [callback]
(fn [event]
(callback snapshot @state-ref event))))
(defn make-past-present-state-handler-factory [state-ref]
(let [storage (rn/use-memo #(atom {}) [state-ref])
capture (rn/use-memo #(atom @state-ref) [state-ref])
factory (rn/use-memo
(fn []
(fn [handler]
(reset! capture @state-ref)
((memo storage
(fn [callback]
(fn [event]
(callback @capture @state-ref event))))
[state-ref storage])]
{:factory factory
:storage storage}))
(defn use-bind-sub [state-sub]
(let [{:keys [ref sub]}
(rn/use-memo (fn []
(make-state-ref state-sub "bind-sub"))
(make-state-ref state-sub))
{:keys [factory storage]}
(make-state-handler-factory ref)]
(rn/use-unmount (fn []
(js/console.log "unmount bind-sub")
(prn "unmount storage" storage)
(reagent.ratom/dispose! sub)))
(make-state-handler-factory ref)))
(defn use-bind-sub-snapshot [state-sub]
(defn use-bind-past-present-sub [state-sub]
(let [{:keys [ref sub]}
(rn/use-memo (fn []
(make-state-ref state-sub "bind-sub-snapshot"))
(make-state-ref state-sub))
{:keys [factory storage]}
(make-past-present-state-handler-factory ref)]
(rn/use-unmount (fn []
(js/console.log "unmount bind-sub-snapshot")
(js/console.log "unmount bind-sub-and-snapshot")
(prn "unmount storage" storage)
(reagent.ratom/dispose! sub)))
(make-snapshot-state-handler-factory ref)))
(defn use-bind-state [state]
(let [state-ref (rn/use-ref-atom state)]
(reset! state-ref state)
(make-snapshot-handler-factory state-ref)))
(defn use-bind-snapshot [snapshot]
(let [{:keys [factory storage]}
(make-snapshot-handler-factory snapshot)]
(rn/use-unmount (fn []
(js/console.log "unmount bind-snapshot")
(prn "unmount storage" storage)))
;; ---
(defn on-message-submit
([snapshot state _event]
(js/console.log "on-press snapshot" (clj->js snapshot))
(js/console.log "on-press state" (clj->js state))
(let [{:keys [public-key message]} state]
;; (rf/dispatch [:hide-bottom-sheet])
;; (rf/dispatch [:contact.ui/send-contact-request
;; public-key message])
(rf/dispatch [:toasts/upsert
{:id :send-contact-request
:type :positive
:text message}])))
([state _event]
(js/console.log "on-press state" (clj->js state))
(let [{:keys [public-key message]} state]
@ -153,9 +202,9 @@
bind-sub (use-bind-sub state-sub)
bind-sub-alt (use-bind-sub state-sub)
bind-state (use-bind-state {:public-key public-key
:message message})]
bind-past-present-sub (use-bind-past-present-sub state-sub)
bind-snapshot (use-bind-snapshot {:public-key public-key
:message message})]
(fn []
(rf/dispatch [:ui/set-contact-request-message public-key ""])))
@ -194,14 +243,21 @@
:input-container-style {:flex-shrink 1}}]]
{:container-style {:style {:flex 1}}
:actions :two-actions
:actions :one-action
:button-one-props {:disabled? (string/blank? message)
:accessibility-label :send-contact-request
:customization-color customization-color
:on-press (bind-sub-alt on-message-submit)}
:button-one-label "Test Button One"
:customization-color :purple
:on-press (bind-past-present-sub on-message-submit)}
:button-one-label "Past Present Sub"}]
{:container-style {:style {:flex 1}}
:actions :two-actions
:button-one-props {:accessibility-label :send-contact-request
:customization-color :blue
:on-press (bind-snapshot on-message-submit)}
:button-one-label "Snapshot"
:button-two-props {:accessibility-label :test-button
:customization-color :danger
:customization-color :orange
:on-press (bind-sub on-message-submit)}
:button-two-label "Test Button Two"}]]))
:button-two-label "Sub"}]]))