[#6457] Implement extension data persistence

Signed-off-by: Andrey Shovkoplyas <motor4ik@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Shovkoplyas 2019-04-17 14:58:13 +02:00
parent 159199a1b3
commit 6f16ccf416
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: EAAB7C8622D860A4
15 changed files with 1028 additions and 925 deletions

View File

@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
fx {:db (assoc db :account/account new-account)
:data-store/base-tx [{:transaction (accounts-store/save-account-tx new-account)
:success-event success-event}]}
{:keys [name photo-path address]} new-account]
(if (or (:name new-account-fields) (:photo-path new-account-fields))
{:keys [name photo-path]} new-account-fields]
(if (or name photo-path)
(fx/merge cofx
#(send-account-update %))

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
(defn- deserialize-extensions [extensions]
(fn [acc _ {:keys [url] :as extension}]
(assoc acc url extension))
(assoc acc url (update extension :data core/deserialize)))
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
(defn- serialize-extensions [extensions]
(or (vals extensions) '()))
(or (map #(update % :data core/serialize) (vals extensions)) '()))
(defn- serialize-account [account]
(-> account

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
(ns status-im.extensions.camera
(ns status-im.extensions.capacities.camera.events
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.extensions.views :as ext-views]
[status-im.extensions.capacities.camera.views :as ext-views]
[status-im.ui.components.list-selection :as list-selection]
[status-im.qr-scanner.core :as qr-scanner]
[status-im.ui.screens.navigation :as navigation]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(ns status-im.extensions.views
(ns status-im.extensions.capacities.camera.views
(:require-macros [status-im.utils.views :refer [defview letsubs]])
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[reagent.core :as reagent]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
(ns status-im.extensions.capacities.components
(:require [status-im.ui.components.react :as react]
[status-im.chat.commands.impl.transactions :as transactions]
[status-im.ui.components.button.view :as button]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]
[status-im.ui.components.list.views :as list]
[status-im.ui.components.checkbox.view :as checkbox]
[status-im.ui.components.colors :as colors]
[status-im.ui.components.icons.vector-icons :as icons]
[status-im.extensions.capacities.map :as map-component]))
(defn button [{:keys [on-click enabled disabled] :as m} label]
[button/secondary-button (merge {:disabled? (or (when (contains? m :enabled) (or (nil? enabled) (false? enabled))) disabled)}
(when on-click {:on-press #(on-click {})})) label])
(defn on-input-change-text [on-change value]
(on-change {:value value}))
(defn- on-input-change-text-delay [current on-change value delay]
;; If an input change handler has been already scheduled cancel it.
(when-let [id @current]
(js/clearTimeout id))
(reset! current (js/setTimeout #(on-input-change-text on-change value) delay)))
(defn input [{:keys [keyboard-type style on-change change-delay placeholder placeholder-text-color selection-color
auto-focus on-submit default-value]}]
[react/text-input (merge {:placeholder placeholder}
(when placeholder-text-color {:placeholder-text-color placeholder-text-color})
(when selection-color {:selection-color selection-color})
(when style {:style style})
(when keyboard-type {:keyboard-type keyboard-type})
(when auto-focus {:auto-focus auto-focus})
(when default-value {:default-value default-value})
(when on-submit
{:on-submit-editing #(on-submit {})})
(when on-change
(if change-delay
(let [current (atom nil)]
#(on-input-change-text-delay current on-change % change-delay))
#(on-input-change-text on-change %))}))])
(defn touchable-opacity [{:keys [style on-press]} & children]
(into [react/touchable-opacity (merge (when on-press {:on-press #(on-press {})})
(when style {:style style}))] children))
(defn image [{:keys [source uri style]}]
[react/image (merge {:style (merge {:width 100 :height 100} style)} {:source (if source source {:uri uri})})])
(defn link [{:keys [uri style open-in text]}]
[react/text (merge {:style {:color colors/white
:text-decoration-line :underline}
:on-press (case open-in
:device #(.openURL react/linking uri)
:status #(re-frame/dispatch [:browser.ui/open-in-status-option-selected uri])
#(re-frame/dispatch [:browser.ui/message-link-pressed uri]))}
(when style {:style style}))
(or text uri)])
(defn map-link
"create a link-view which opens native map/navigation app with marker and label"
[{:keys [text lat lng style]}]
(let [uri (cond
platform/ios? (str "http://maps.apple.com/?q=" (js/encodeURIComponent text) "&ll=" lat "," lng)
platform/android? (str "geo:0,0?q=" lat "," lng "(" (js/encodeURIComponent text) ")")
:else (str "http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=" lat "&mlon=" lng))]
(link {:uri uri
:text text
:style style
:open-in :device})))
(defn flat-list [{:keys [key data item-view]}]
[list/flat-list {:data data :key-fn (or key (fn [_ i] (str i))) :render-fn item-view}])
(defn checkbox [{:keys [on-change checked]}]
[react/view {:style {:background-color colors/white}}
[checkbox/checkbox {:checked? checked
:style {:padding 0}
:on-value-change #(on-change {:value %})}]])
(defn activity-indicator-size [k]
(condp = k
:small "small"
:large "large"
(defn activity-indicator [{:keys [animating hides-when-stopped color size]}]
[react/activity-indicator (merge (when animating {:animating animating})
(when hides-when-stopped {:hidesWhenStopped hides-when-stopped})
(when color {:color color})
(when-let [size' (activity-indicator-size size)] {:size size'}))])
(defn picker [{:keys [style on-change selected enabled data]}]
[react/picker {:style style :on-change #(on-change {:value %}) :selected selected :enabled enabled :data data}])
(defn- wrap-text-child [o]
(if (ifn? o) o (str o)))
(defn text [o & children]
(if (map? o)
(into [react/text o] (map wrap-text-child children))
(into [react/text {} o] (map wrap-text-child children))))
(defn- wrap-view-child [child]
(if (vector? child) child [text {} child]))
(defn abstract-view [type o & children]
(if (map? o)
(into [type o] (map wrap-view-child children))
(into [type {} (wrap-view-child o)] (map wrap-view-child children))))
(defn view [o & children]
(apply abstract-view react/view o children))
(defn scroll-view [o & children]
(apply abstract-view react/scroll-view o children))
(defn keyboard-avoiding-view [o & children]
(apply abstract-view react/keyboard-avoiding-view o children))
(defn icon [{:keys [key] :as o}]
[icons/icon key o])
(def all
{'view {:data view}
'scroll-view {:data scroll-view :properties {:keyboard-should-persist-taps :keyword :content-container-style :map}}
'keyboard-avoiding-view {:data react/keyboard-avoiding-view}
'text {:data text}
'touchable-opacity {:data touchable-opacity :properties {:on-press :event}}
'icon {:data icon :properties {:key :keyword :color :any}}
'image {:data image :properties {:uri :string :source :string}}
'input {:data input :properties {:on-change :event :placeholder :string :keyboard-type :keyword
:change-delay? :number :placeholder-text-color :any :selection-color :any
:auto-focus? :boolean :on-submit :event :default-value :any}}
'button {:data button :properties {:enabled :boolean :disabled :boolean :on-click :event}}
'link {:data link :properties {:uri :string :text? :string :open-in? {:one-of #{:device :status}}}}
'list {:data flat-list :properties {:data :vector :item-view :view :key? :keyword}}
'checkbox {:data checkbox :properties {:on-change :event :checked :boolean}}
'activity-indicator {:data activity-indicator :properties {:animating :boolean :color :string :size :keyword :hides-when-stopped :boolean}}
'picker {:data picker :properties {:on-change :event :selected :string :enabled :boolean :data :vector}}
'nft-token-viewer {:data transactions/nft-token :properties {:token :string}}
'transaction-status {:data transactions/transaction-status :properties {:outgoing :string :tx-hash :string}}
'map {:data map-component/map-webview
:properties {:marker {:lng :number
:lat :number
:boundingbox {:lng1 :number
:lat1 :number
:lng2 :number
:lat2 :number}}
:fly? :boolean
:interactive? :boolean
:on-change :event}}
'map-link {:data map-link :properties {:text :string :lng :any :lat :any}}})

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(ns status-im.extensions.ethereum
(ns status-im.extensions.capacities.ethereum
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
(ns status-im.extensions.capacities.events
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.utils.handlers :as handlers]
[clojure.string :as string]
[status-im.chat.commands.sending :as commands-sending]
[status-im.ui.screens.navigation :as navigation]
[status-im.ipfs.core :as ipfs]
[status-im.browser.core :as browser]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.accounts.update.core :as accounts.update]
(defn- empty-value? [o]
(seqable? o) (empty? o)
:else (nil? o)))
(defn- put-or-dissoc [db id key value]
(if (empty-value? value)
(update-in db [:extensions/store id] dissoc key)
(assoc-in db [:extensions/store id key] value)))
(defn- append [acc k v]
(let [o (get acc k)
ve (cond (vector? o) o
(not (nil? o)) (vector o)
:else [])]
(assoc acc k (conj ve v))))
(defn- json? [res]
(when-let [type (get-in res [:headers "content-type"])]
(string/starts-with? type "application/json")))
(defn- parse-json [o]
(when o
(js->clj (js/JSON.parse o) :keywordize-keys true)))
(defn- parse-result [o on-success]
(let [res (if (json? o) (update o :body parse-json) o)]
(on-success res)))
(defn operation->fn [k]
(case k
:plus +
:minus -
:times *
:divide /))
(defn update-account-data [{db :db :as cofx} id data-fn]
(let [{:account/keys [account]} db
extensions (get account :extensions)]
{:extensions (update-in extensions [id :data] data-fn)}
(defn- put-or-dissoc-persis [current-data key value]
(if value
(assoc current-data key value)
(dissoc current-data key)))
(fx/defn put-persistent
[cofx id {:keys [key value]}]
(update-account-data cofx id
(fn [current-data]
(put-or-dissoc-persis current-data key value))))
(fx/defn put-in-persistent
[cofx id {:keys [keys value]}]
(update-account-data cofx id
(fn [current-data]
(assoc-in current-data keys value))))
(fx/defn puts-persistent
[cofx id {:keys [value]}]
(update-account-data cofx id
(fn [current-data]
(reduce #(put-or-dissoc-persis %1 (:key %2) (:value %2)) current-data value))))
(fx/defn append-persistent
[cofx id {:keys [key value]}]
(update-account-data cofx id
(fn [current-data]
(append current-data key value))))
(fx/defn clear-persistent
[{db :db :as cofx} id {:keys [key]}]
(let [{:account/keys [account]} db
extensions (get account :extensions)]
(when (get-in extensions [id :data key])
{:extensions (update-in extensions [id :data] dissoc key)}
(fx/defn clear-all-persistent
[{db :db :as cofx} id]
(let [{:account/keys [account]} db
extensions (get account :extensions)]
(when (get-in extensions [id :data])
{:extensions (update extensions id dissoc :data)}
(fn [{:keys [cb]}] (cb {})))
(fn [value] (js/alert value)))
(fn [value] (js/console.log value)))
(fn [{:keys [interval on-created on-result]}]
(let [id (js/setInterval #(on-result {}) interval)]
(on-created {:value id}))))
(fn [{:keys [value]}]
(js/clearInterval value)))
(fn [{:keys [value on-result]}]
(on-result {:value (parse-json value)})))
(fn [value on-result]
(on-result {:value (js/JSON.stringify (clj->js value))})))
(fn [{:keys [operation values on-result]}]
(on-result {:value (apply (operation->fn operation) values)})))
(fn [_ [_ _ m]]
{::identity-event m}))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
{::alert value}))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
{::log value}))
(fn [_ [_ _ m]]
{::schedule-start m}))
(fn [_ [_ _ m]]
{::schedule-cancel m}))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ {id :id} {:keys [key value persistent] :as arguments}]]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (put-or-dissoc db id key value)}
(when persistent
(put-persistent id arguments)))))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ {id :id} {:keys [keys value persistent] :as arguments}]]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (assoc-in db (into [] (concat [:extensions/store id] keys)) value)}
(when persistent
(put-in-persistent id arguments)))))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ {id :id} {:keys [value persistent] :as arguments}]]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (reduce #(put-or-dissoc %1 id (:key %2) (:value %2)) db value)}
(when persistent
(puts-persistent id arguments)))))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ {id :id} {:keys [key value persistent] :as arguments}]]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (update-in db [:extensions/store id] append key value)}
(when persistent
(append-persistent id arguments)))))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ {id :id} {:keys [key]}]]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (update-in db [:extensions/store id] dissoc key)}
(clear-persistent id key))))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ {id :id} _]]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (update db :extensions/store dissoc id)}
(clear-all-persistent id))))
(fn [_ [_ _ m]]
{::json-parse m}))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
{::json-stringify value}))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [url on-success on-failure timeout]}]]
{:http-raw-get (merge {:url url
:success-event-creator #(parse-result % on-success)}
(when on-failure
{:failure-event-creator on-failure})
(when timeout
{:timeout-ms timeout}))}))
(fn [cofx [_ _ args]]
(ipfs/cat cofx args)))
(fn [cofx [_ _ args]]
(ipfs/add cofx args)))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [url body on-success on-failure timeout]}]]
{:http-raw-post (merge {:url url
:body (clj->js body)
:success-event-creator #(parse-result % on-success)}
(when on-failure
{:failure-event-creator on-failure})
(when timeout
{:timeout-ms timeout}))}))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
{:dispatch [:chat.ui/set-command-parameter value]}))
(fn [{{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} :db} [_ _ {:keys [key value]}]]
{:db (assoc-in db [:chats current-chat-id :custom-params key] value)}))
(fn [{{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} :db} [_ _ {:keys [value params]}]]
{:db (update-in db [:chats current-chat-id :custom-params] merge params)
:dispatch [:chat.ui/set-command-parameter value]}))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
{:dispatch [:chat/send-plain-text-message value]}))
(fn [{{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} :db :as cofx} [_ {:keys [hook-id]} {:keys [params]}]]
(when hook-id
(when-let [command (last (first (filter #(= (ffirst %) (name hook-id)) (:id->command db))))]
(commands-sending/send cofx current-chat-id command params)))))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [topic navigate-to]}]]
{:dispatch [:chat.ui/start-public-chat topic {:dont-navigate? (not navigate-to) :navigation-reset? true}]}))
(fn [cofx [_ _ {:keys [on-select] :as params}]]
(navigation/navigate-to-cofx cofx
(assoc params :on-select #(do
(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-back])
(on-select %))))))
(fn [_ [_ _ m]]
{::arithmetic m}))
(fn [cofx [_ _ {:keys [url]}]]
(browser/open-url cofx url)))
(def all
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/identity-event
:arguments {:cb :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :alert
:arguments {:value :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/show-selection-screen
:arguments {:items :vector :on-select :event :render :view :title :string :extractor-key :keyword}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/set-parameter
:arguments {:value :any}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/set-custom-parameter
:arguments {:key :keyword :value :any}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/set-parameter-with-custom-params
:arguments {:value :string :params :map}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/send-plain-text-message
:arguments {:value :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/send-message
:arguments {:params :map}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/open-public-chat
:arguments {:topic :string :navigate-to :boolean}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :log
:arguments {:value :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/arithmetic
:arguments {:values :vector
:operation {:one-of #{:plus :minus :times :divide}}
:on-result :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/open-url
:arguments {:url :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/camera-picture
:arguments {:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/camera-qr-code
:arguments {:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/schedule-start
:arguments {:interval :number
:on-created :event
:on-result :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/schedule-cancel
:arguments {:value :number}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/json-parse
:arguments {:value :string
:on-result :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/json-stringify
:arguments {:value :string
:on-result :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/put
:arguments {:key :string :value :any :persistent :boolean}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/put-in
:arguments {:keys :vector :value :any :persistent :boolean}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/puts
:arguments {:value :vector :persistent :boolean}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/append
:arguments {:key :string :value :any :persistent :boolean}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/clear
:arguments {:key :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/clear-all}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :network/add
:arguments {:chain-id :number
:name :string
:url :string
:on-success? :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :network/select
:arguments {:chain-id :number
:on-success? :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :network/remove
:arguments {:chain-id :number
:on-success? :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :http/get
:arguments {:url :string
:timeout? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :http/post
:arguments {:url :string
:body :string
:timeout? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :ipfs/cat
:arguments {:hash :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :ipfs/add
:arguments {:value :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-transaction-receipt
:arguments {:value :string
:topics-hints :vector
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-await-transaction-receipt
:arguments {:value :string
:interval :number
:topics-hints :vector
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-sign
:arguments {:message? :string
:data? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-create-address
:arguments {:on-result :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-send-transaction
:arguments {:to :string
:gas? :string
:gas-price? :string
:value? :string
:method? :string
:params? :vector
:nonce? :string
:on-success? :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-logs
:arguments {:from? :string
:to? :string
:address? :vector
:topics? :vector
:block-hash? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-create-filter
:arguments {:type {:one-of #{:filter :block :pending-transaction}}
:from? :string
:to? :string
:address? :vector
:topics? :vector
:block-hash? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-logs-changes
:arguments {:id :string
:topics-hints :vector}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-cancel-filter
:arguments {:id :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-resolve-ens
:arguments {:name :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-total-supply
:arguments {:contract :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-balance-of
:arguments {:contract :string
:token-owner :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-transfer
:arguments {:contract :string
:to :string
:value :number
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-transfer-from
:arguments {:contract :string
:from :string
:to :string
:value :number
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-approve
:arguments {:contract :string
:spender :string
:value :number
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-allowance
:arguments {:contract :string
:token-owner :string
:spender :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc721-owner-of
:arguments {:contract :string
:token-id :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc721-is-approved-for-all
:arguments {:contract :string
:owner :string
:operator :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc721-get-approved
:arguments {:contract :string
:token-id :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc721-set-approval-for-all
:arguments {:contract :string
:operator :string
:approved :boolean
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc721-safe-transfer-from
:arguments {:contract :string
:from :string
:to :string
:token-id :string
:data? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-call
:arguments {:to :string
:method :string
:params? :vector
:outputs? :vector
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-post
:arguments {:from? :string
:to? :string
:topics :vector
:payload :string
:priority :string
:ttl :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-new-identity
:arguments {:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:value :extensions/shh-has-identity
:arguments {:address :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-new-group
:arguments {:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-add-to-group
:arguments {:address :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-new-filter
:arguments {:to? :string
:topics :vector
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-uninstall-filter
:arguments {:id :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-get-filter-changes
:arguments {:id :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-get-messages
:arguments {:id :string}}})

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(ns status-im.extensions.map
(ns status-im.extensions.capacities.map
[status-im.utils.slurp :refer [slurp]]
[status-im.utils.views :refer [defview letsubs]])

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(ns status-im.extensions.network
(ns status-im.extensions.capacities.network
(:require [status-im.utils.handlers :as handlers]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.network.core :as network]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
(ns status-im.extensions.capacities.subs
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.utils.ethereum.tokens :as tokens]
[status-im.utils.ethereum.core :as ethereum]
[status-im.utils.money :as money]))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
(defn get-token-for [network all-tokens token]
(if (= token "ETH")
{:decimals 18
:address "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"}
(tokens/token-for (ethereum/network->chain-keyword network) all-tokens token)))
:<- [:wallet/all-tokens]
:<- [:network]
:<- [:balance]
(fn [[all-tokens network balance] [_ _ {token :token}]]
(let [{:keys [decimals]} (get-token-for network all-tokens token)
value (or (get balance (keyword token)) (money/bignumber 0))]
{:value (money/token->unit value decimals)
:value-in-wei value})))
:<- [:wallet/all-tokens]
:<- [:network]
(fn [[all-tokens network] [_ _ {token :token amount :amount amount-in-wei :amount-in-wei}]]
(let [{:keys [decimals] :as m} (get-token-for network all-tokens token)]
(merge m
(when amount {:amount-in-wei (money/unit->token amount decimals)})
(when amount-in-wei {:amount (money/token->unit amount-in-wei decimals)})))))
(defn normalize-token [m]
(update m :symbol name))
:<- [:wallet/all-tokens]
:<- [:wallet/visible-tokens-symbols]
:<- [:network]
(fn [[all-tokens visible-tokens-symbols network] [_ _ {filter-vector :filter visible :visible}]]
(let [tokens (map normalize-token (filter #(and (not (:nft? %)) (if visible (contains? visible-tokens-symbols (:symbol %)) true))
(tokens/sorted-tokens-for all-tokens (ethereum/network->chain-keyword network))))]
(if filter-vector
(filter #((set filter-vector) (:symbol %)) tokens)
(fn [db [_ {id :id} {:keys [key] :as params}]]
(let [result (get-in db [:extensions/store id key])]
(if (:reverse params)
(reverse result)
(fn [db [_ {id :id} {:keys [keys]}]]
(get-in db (into [] (concat [:extensions/store id] keys)))))
(defn- ->contact [{:keys [photo-path address name public-key]}]
{:photo photo-path
:name name
:address (str "0x" address)
:public-key public-key})
:<- [:contacts/active]
(fn [[contacts] _]
(map #(update % :address ->contact))))
(fn [db [_ {id :id} {:keys [key]}]]
(vals (get-in db [:extensions/store id key]))))
(fn [_ _]
(.toLocaleString (js/Date.))))
(def all
{'identity {:data :extensions/identity :arguments {:value :map}}
'store/get {:data :store/get :arguments {:key :string :reverse? :boolean}}
'store/get-in {:data :store/get-in :arguments {:key :vector}}
'store/get-vals {:data :store/get-vals :arguments {:key :string}}
'time/now {:data :extensions.time/now}
'contacts/all {:data :extensions.contacts/all} ;; :photo :name :address :public-key
'wallet/collectibles {:data :get-collectible-token :arguments {:token :string :symbol :string}}
'wallet/balance {:data :extensions.wallet/balance :arguments {:token :string}}
'wallet/token {:data :extensions.wallet/token :arguments {:token :string :amount? :number :amount-in-wei? :number}}
'wallet/tokens {:data :extensions.wallet/tokens :arguments {:filter? :vector :visible? :boolean}}})

View File

@ -5,883 +5,41 @@
[pluto.storages :as storages]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[re-frame.registrar :as registrar]
[status-im.chat.commands.core :as commands]
[status-im.chat.commands.impl.transactions :as transactions]
[status-im.ui.components.button.view :as button]
[status-im.ui.components.checkbox.view :as checkbox]
[status-im.ui.components.icons.vector-icons :as icons]
[status-im.ui.components.list.views :as list]
[status-im.ui.components.react :as react]
[status-im.ui.screens.wallet.settings.views :as settings]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.ipfs.core :as ipfs]
[status-im.utils.money :as money]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.ui.components.colors :as colors]
[status-im.ui.screens.navigation :as navigation]
[status-im.utils.handlers :as handlers]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.extensions.map :as map]
[status-im.utils.ethereum.tokens :as tokens]
[status-im.utils.ethereum.core :as ethereum]
[status-im.chat.commands.sending :as commands-sending]
[status-im.browser.core :as browser]
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]
[status-im.utils.datetime :as datetime]))
(fn [{:keys [cb]}] (cb {})))
(fn [_ [_ _ m]]
{::identity-event m}))
(fn [value] (js/alert value)))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
{::alert value}))
(fn [value] (js/console.log value)))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
{::log value}))
(fn [{:keys [interval on-created on-result]}]
(let [id (js/setInterval #(on-result {}) interval)]
(on-created {:value id}))))
(fn [_ [_ _ m]]
{::schedule-start m}))
(fn [{:keys [value]}]
(js/clearInterval value)))
(fn [_ [_ _ m]]
{::schedule-cancel m}))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
(defn get-token-for [network all-tokens token]
(if (= token "ETH")
{:decimals 18
:address "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"}
(tokens/token-for (ethereum/network->chain-keyword network) all-tokens token)))
:<- [:wallet/all-tokens]
:<- [:network]
:<- [:balance]
(fn [[all-tokens network balance] [_ _ {token :token}]]
(let [{:keys [decimals]} (get-token-for network all-tokens token)
value (or (get balance (keyword token)) (money/bignumber 0))]
{:value (money/token->unit value decimals)
:value-in-wei value})))
:<- [:wallet/all-tokens]
:<- [:network]
(fn [[all-tokens network] [_ _ {token :token amount :amount amount-in-wei :amount-in-wei}]]
(let [{:keys [decimals] :as m} (get-token-for network all-tokens token)]
(merge m
(when amount {:amount-in-wei (money/unit->token amount decimals)})
(when amount-in-wei {:amount (money/token->unit amount-in-wei decimals)})))))
(defn normalize-token [m]
(update m :symbol name))
:<- [:wallet/all-tokens]
:<- [:wallet/visible-tokens-symbols]
:<- [:network]
(fn [[all-tokens visible-tokens-symbols network] [_ _ {filter-vector :filter visible :visible}]]
(let [tokens (map normalize-token (filter #(and (not (:nft? %)) (if visible (contains? visible-tokens-symbols (:symbol %)) true))
(tokens/sorted-tokens-for all-tokens (ethereum/network->chain-keyword network))))]
(if filter-vector
(filter #((set filter-vector) (:symbol %)) tokens)
(fn [db [_ {id :id} {:keys [key] :as params}]]
(let [result (get-in db [:extensions/store id key])]
(if (:reverse params)
(reverse result)
(fn [db [_ {id :id} {:keys [keys]}]]
(get-in db (into [] (concat [:extensions/store id] keys)))))
(defn- ->contact [{:keys [photo-path address name public-key]}]
{:photo photo-path
:name name
:address (str "0x" address)
:public-key public-key})
:<- [:contacts/active]
(fn [[contacts] _]
(map #(update % :address ->contact))))
(defn- empty-value? [o]
(seqable? o) (empty? o)
:else (nil? o)))
(defn put-or-dissoc [db id key value]
(if (empty-value? value)
(update-in db [:extensions/store id] dissoc key)
(assoc-in db [:extensions/store id key] value)))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {id :id} {:keys [key value]}]]
{:db (put-or-dissoc db id key value)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {id :id} {:keys [keys value]}]]
{:db (assoc-in db (into [] (concat [:extensions/store id] keys)) value)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {id :id} {:keys [value]}]]
{:db (reduce #(put-or-dissoc %1 id (:key %2) (:value %2)) db value)}))
(defn- append [acc k v]
(let [o (get acc k)]
(assoc acc k (conj (if (vector? o) o (vector o)) v))))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {id :id} {:keys [key value]}]]
{:db (update-in db [:extensions/store id] append key value)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {id :id} {:keys [key]}]]
{:db (update-in db [:extensions/store id] dissoc key)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {id :id} _]]
{:db (update db :extensions/store dissoc id)}))
(defn- json? [res]
(when-let [type (get-in res [:headers "content-type"])]
(string/starts-with? type "application/json")))
(defn- parse-json [o]
(when o
(js->clj (js/JSON.parse o) :keywordize-keys true)))
(fn [{:keys [value on-result]}]
(on-result {:value (parse-json value)})))
(fn [_ [_ _ m]]
{::json-parse m}))
(fn [value on-result]
(on-result {:value (js/JSON.stringify (clj->js value))})))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
{::json-stringify value}))
(defn- parse-result [o on-success]
(let [res (if (json? o) (update o :body parse-json) o)]
(on-success res)))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [url on-success on-failure timeout]}]]
{:http-raw-get (merge {:url url
:success-event-creator #(parse-result % on-success)}
(when on-failure
{:failure-event-creator on-failure})
(when timeout
{:timeout-ms timeout}))}))
(fn [cofx [_ _ args]]
(ipfs/cat cofx args)))
(fn [cofx [_ _ args]]
(ipfs/add cofx args)))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [url body on-success on-failure timeout]}]]
{:http-raw-post (merge {:url url
:body (clj->js body)
:success-event-creator #(parse-result % on-success)}
(when on-failure
{:failure-event-creator on-failure})
(when timeout
{:timeout-ms timeout}))}))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
{:dispatch [:chat.ui/set-command-parameter value]}))
(fn [{{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} :db} [_ _ {:keys [key value]}]]
{:db (assoc-in db [:chats current-chat-id :custom-params key] value)}))
(fn [{{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} :db} [_ _ {:keys [value params]}]]
{:db (update-in db [:chats current-chat-id :custom-params] merge params)
:dispatch [:chat.ui/set-command-parameter value]}))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [value]}]]
{:dispatch [:chat/send-plain-text-message value]}))
(fn [{{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} :db :as cofx} [_ {:keys [hook-id]} {:keys [params]}]]
(when hook-id
(when-let [command (last (first (filter #(= (ffirst %) (name hook-id)) (:id->command db))))]
(commands-sending/send cofx current-chat-id command params)))))
(fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [topic navigate-to]}]]
{:dispatch [:chat.ui/start-public-chat topic {:dont-navigate? (not navigate-to) :navigation-reset? true}]}))
(fn [cofx [_ _ {:keys [on-select] :as params}]]
(navigation/navigate-to-cofx cofx
(assoc params :on-select #(do
(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-back])
(on-select %))))))
(defn operation->fn [k]
(case k
:plus +
:minus -
:times *
:divide /))
(fn [{:keys [operation values on-result]}]
(on-result {:value (apply (operation->fn operation) values)})))
(fn [_ [_ _ m]]
{::arithmetic m}))
(fn [cofx [_ _ {:keys [url]}]]
(browser/open-url cofx url)))
(defn button [{:keys [on-click enabled disabled] :as m} label]
[button/secondary-button (merge {:disabled? (or (when (contains? m :enabled) (or (nil? enabled) (false? enabled))) disabled)}
(when on-click {:on-press #(on-click {})})) label])
(defn on-input-change-text [on-change value]
(on-change {:value value}))
(defn- on-input-change-text-delay [current on-change value delay]
;; If an input change handler has been already scheduled cancel it.
(when-let [id @current]
(js/clearTimeout id))
(reset! current (js/setTimeout #(on-input-change-text on-change value) delay)))
(defn input [{:keys [keyboard-type style on-change change-delay placeholder placeholder-text-color selection-color
auto-focus on-submit default-value]}]
[react/text-input (merge {:placeholder placeholder}
(when placeholder-text-color {:placeholder-text-color placeholder-text-color})
(when selection-color {:selection-color selection-color})
(when style {:style style})
(when keyboard-type {:keyboard-type keyboard-type})
(when auto-focus {:auto-focus auto-focus})
(when default-value {:default-value default-value})
(when on-submit
{:on-submit-editing #(on-submit {})})
(when on-change
(if change-delay
(let [current (atom nil)]
#(on-input-change-text-delay current on-change % change-delay))
#(on-input-change-text on-change %))}))])
(defn touchable-opacity [{:keys [style on-press]} & children]
(into [react/touchable-opacity (merge (when on-press {:on-press #(on-press {})})
(when style {:style style}))] children))
(defn image [{:keys [source uri style]}]
[react/image (merge {:style (merge {:width 100 :height 100} style)} {:source (if source source {:uri uri})})])
(defn link [{:keys [uri style open-in text]}]
[react/text (merge {:style
{:color colors/white
:text-decoration-line :underline}
:on-press (case open-in
:device #(.openURL react/linking uri)
:status #(re-frame/dispatch [:browser.ui/open-in-status-option-selected uri])
#(re-frame/dispatch [:browser.ui/message-link-pressed uri]))}
(when style {:style style}))
(or text uri)])
(defn map-link
"create a link-view which opens native map/navigation app with marker and label"
[{:keys [text lat lng style]}]
(let [uri (cond
platform/ios? (str "http://maps.apple.com/?q=" (js/encodeURIComponent text) "&ll=" lat "," lng)
platform/android? (str "geo:0,0?q=" lat "," lng "(" (js/encodeURIComponent text) ")")
:else (str "http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=" lat "&mlon=" lng))]
(link {:uri uri
:text text
:style style
:open-in :device})))
(defn list [{:keys [key data item-view]}]
[list/flat-list {:data data :key-fn (or key (fn [_ i] (str i))) :render-fn item-view}])
(defn checkbox [{:keys [on-change checked]}]
[react/view {:style {:background-color colors/white}}
[checkbox/checkbox {:checked? checked
:style {:padding 0}
:on-value-change #(on-change {:value %})}]])
(defn activity-indicator-size [k]
(condp = k
:small "small"
:large "large"
(defn activity-indicator [{:keys [animating hides-when-stopped color size]}]
[react/activity-indicator (merge (when animating {:animating animating})
(when hides-when-stopped {:hidesWhenStopped hides-when-stopped})
(when color {:color color})
(when-let [size' (activity-indicator-size size)] {:size size'}))])
(defn picker [{:keys [style on-change selected enabled data]}]
[react/picker {:style style :on-change #(on-change {:value %}) :selected selected :enabled enabled :data data}])
(defn- wrap-text-child [o]
(if (ifn? o) o (str o)))
(defn text [o & children]
(if (map? o)
(into [react/text o] (map wrap-text-child children))
(into [react/text {} o] (map wrap-text-child children))))
(defn- wrap-view-child [child]
(if (vector? child) child [text {} child]))
(defn abstract-view [type o & children]
(if (map? o)
(into [type o] (map wrap-view-child children))
(into [type {} (wrap-view-child o)] (map wrap-view-child children))))
(defn view [o & children]
(apply abstract-view react/view o children))
(defn scroll-view [o & children]
(apply abstract-view react/scroll-view o children))
(defn keyboard-avoiding-view [o & children]
(apply abstract-view react/keyboard-avoiding-view o children))
(defn icon [{:keys [key] :as o}]
[icons/icon key o])
(fn [db [_ {id :id} {:keys [key]}]]
(vals (get-in db [:extensions/store id key]))))
(fn [_ _]
(.toLocaleString (js/Date.))))
[status-im.extensions.capacities.components :as components]
[status-im.extensions.capacities.subs :as subs]
[status-im.extensions.capacities.events :as events]))
(def capacities
{:components {'view {:data view}
'scroll-view {:data scroll-view :properties {:keyboard-should-persist-taps :keyword :content-container-style :map}}
'keyboard-avoiding-view {:data react/keyboard-avoiding-view}
'text {:data text}
'touchable-opacity {:data touchable-opacity :properties {:on-press :event}}
'icon {:data icon :properties {:key :keyword :color :any}}
'image {:data image :properties {:uri :string :source :string}}
'input {:data input :properties {:on-change :event :placeholder :string :keyboard-type :keyword
:change-delay? :number :placeholder-text-color :any :selection-color :any
:auto-focus? :boolean :on-submit :event :default-value :any}}
'button {:data button :properties {:enabled :boolean :disabled :boolean :on-click :event}}
'link {:data link :properties {:uri :string :text? :string :open-in? {:one-of #{:device :status}}}}
'list {:data list :properties {:data :vector :item-view :view :key? :keyword}}
'checkbox {:data checkbox :properties {:on-change :event :checked :boolean}}
'activity-indicator {:data activity-indicator :properties {:animating :boolean :color :string :size :keyword :hides-when-stopped :boolean}}
'picker {:data picker :properties {:on-change :event :selected :string :enabled :boolean :data :vector}}
'nft-token-viewer {:data transactions/nft-token :properties {:token :string}}
'transaction-status {:data transactions/transaction-status :properties {:outgoing :string :tx-hash :string}}
'map {:data map/map-webview
:properties {:marker {:lng :number
:lat :number
:boundingbox {:lng1 :number
:lat1 :number
:lng2 :number
:lat2 :number}}
:fly? :boolean
:interactive? :boolean
:on-change :event}}
'map-link {:data map-link :properties {:text :string :lng :any :lat :any}}}
:queries {'identity {:data :extensions/identity :arguments {:value :map}}
'store/get {:data :store/get :arguments {:key :string :reverse? :boolean}}
'store/get-in {:data :store/get-in :arguments {:key :vector}}
'store/get-vals {:data :store/get-vals :arguments {:key :string}}
'time/now {:data :extensions.time/now}
'contacts/all {:data :extensions.contacts/all} ;; :photo :name :address :public-key
'wallet/collectibles {:data :get-collectible-token :arguments {:token :string :symbol :string}}
'wallet/balance {:data :extensions.wallet/balance :arguments {:token :string}}
'wallet/token {:data :extensions.wallet/token :arguments {:token :string :amount? :number :amount-in-wei? :number}}
'wallet/tokens {:data :extensions.wallet/tokens :arguments {:filter? :vector :visible? :boolean}}}
:events {'identity
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/identity-event
:arguments {:cb :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :alert
:arguments {:value :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/show-selection-screen
:arguments {:items :vector :on-select :event :render :view :title :string :extractor-key :keyword}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/set-parameter
:arguments {:value :any}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/set-custom-parameter
:arguments {:key :keyword :value :any}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/set-parameter-with-custom-params
:arguments {:value :string :params :map}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/send-plain-text-message
:arguments {:value :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/send-message
:arguments {:params :map}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions.chat.command/open-public-chat
:arguments {:topic :string :navigate-to :boolean}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :log
:arguments {:value :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/arithmetic
:arguments {:values :vector
:operation {:one-of #{:plus :minus :times :divide}}
:on-result :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/open-url
:arguments {:url :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/camera-picture
:arguments {:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/camera-qr-code
:arguments {:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/schedule-start
:arguments {:interval :number
:on-created :event
:on-result :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/schedule-cancel
:arguments {:value :number}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/json-parse
:arguments {:value :string
:on-result :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/json-stringify
:arguments {:value :string
:on-result :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/put
:arguments {:key :string :value :any}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/put-in
:arguments {:keys :vector :value :any}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/puts
:arguments {:value :vector}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/append
:arguments {:key :string :value :any}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/clear
:arguments {:key :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :store/clear-all}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :network/add
:arguments {:chain-id :number
:name :string
:url :string
:on-success? :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :network/select
:arguments {:chain-id :number
:on-success? :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :network/remove
:arguments {:chain-id :number
:on-success? :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :http/get
:arguments {:url :string
:timeout? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :http/post
:arguments {:url :string
:body :string
:timeout? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :ipfs/cat
:arguments {:hash :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :ipfs/add
:arguments {:value :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-transaction-receipt
:arguments {:value :string
:topics-hints :vector
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-await-transaction-receipt
:arguments {:value :string
:interval :number
:topics-hints :vector
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-sign
:arguments {:message? :string
:data? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-create-address
:arguments {:on-result :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-send-transaction
:arguments {:to :string
:gas? :string
:gas-price? :string
:value? :string
:method? :string
:params? :vector
:nonce? :string
:on-success? :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-logs
:arguments {:from? :string
:to? :string
:address? :vector
:topics? :vector
:block-hash? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-create-filter
:arguments {:type {:one-of #{:filter :block :pending-transaction}}
:from? :string
:to? :string
:address? :vector
:topics? :vector
:block-hash? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-logs-changes
:arguments {:id :string
:topics-hints :vector}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-cancel-filter
:arguments {:id :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-resolve-ens
:arguments {:name :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-total-supply
:arguments {:contract :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-balance-of
:arguments {:contract :string
:token-owner :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-transfer
:arguments {:contract :string
:to :string
:value :number
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-transfer-from
:arguments {:contract :string
:from :string
:to :string
:value :number
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-approve
:arguments {:contract :string
:spender :string
:value :number
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc20-allowance
:arguments {:contract :string
:token-owner :string
:spender :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc721-owner-of
:arguments {:contract :string
:token-id :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc721-is-approved-for-all
:arguments {:contract :string
:owner :string
:operator :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc721-get-approved
:arguments {:contract :string
:token-id :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc721-set-approval-for-all
:arguments {:contract :string
:operator :string
:approved :boolean
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-erc721-safe-transfer-from
:arguments {:contract :string
:from :string
:to :string
:token-id :string
:data? :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/ethereum-call
:arguments {:to :string
:method :string
:params? :vector
:outputs? :vector
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-post
:arguments {:from? :string
:to? :string
:topics :vector
:payload :string
:priority :string
:ttl :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-new-identity
:arguments {:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:value :extensions/shh-has-identity
:arguments {:address :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-new-group
:arguments {:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-add-to-group
:arguments {:address :string
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-new-filter
:arguments {:to? :string
:topics :vector
:on-success :event
:on-failure? :event}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-uninstall-filter
:arguments {:id :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-get-filter-changes
:arguments {:id :string}}
{:permissions [:read]
:data :extensions/shh-get-messages
:arguments {:id :string}}}
:hooks {:profile.settings
{:label :string
:view :view
:on-open? :event
:on-close? :event}}
{:label :string
:view :view
:on-open? :event
:on-close? :event}}
{:description? :string
:scope #{:personal-chats :public-chats :group-chats}
:short-preview? :view
:preview? :view
:on-send? :event
:on-receive? :event
:on-send-sync? :event
:parameters? [{:id :keyword
:type {:one-of #{:text :phone :password :number}}
:placeholder :string
:suggestions? :view}]}}}})
{:components components/all
:queries subs/all
:events events/all
:hooks {:profile.settings
{:label :string
:view :view
:on-open? :event
:on-close? :event}}
{:label :string
:view :view
:on-open? :event
:on-close? :event}}
{:description? :string
:scope #{:personal-chats :public-chats :group-chats}
:short-preview? :view
:preview? :view
:on-send? :event
:on-receive? :event
:on-send-sync? :event
:parameters? [{:id :keyword
:type {:one-of #{:text :phone :password :number}}
:placeholder :string
:suggestions? :view}]}}}})
(defn dispatch-events [_ events]
(doseq [event events]

View File

@ -95,11 +95,11 @@
(fx/defn add-to-registry
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} extension-id extension-data active?]
(let [{:keys [hooks]} extension-data
data {:hooks hooks
:active? active?}]
on-init (get-in extension-data [:lifecycle :on-init])]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (update-in db [:account/account :extensions extension-id] merge data)}
(update-hooks hook-in extension-id))))
{:db (update-in db [:account/account :extensions extension-id] merge {:hooks hooks :active? active?})}
(update-hooks hook-in extension-id)
(when on-init (on-init)))))
(fx/defn remove-from-registry
[cofx extension-id]
@ -111,11 +111,11 @@
(fx/defn change-state
[cofx extension-key active?]
(let [extensions (get-in cofx [:db :account/account :extensions])
new-extensions (assoc-in extensions [extension-key :active?] active?)
hook-fn (if active?
(let [extensions (get-in cofx [:db :account/account :extensions])
new-extensions (assoc-in extensions [extension-key :active?] active?)
hook-fn (if active?
lifecycle-event (if active?
(get-in extensions [extension-key :lifecycle :on-activation])
(get-in extensions [extension-key :lifecycle :on-deactivation]))]
@ -129,20 +129,20 @@
(fx/defn install
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} url {:keys [hooks] :as extension-data} modal?]
(let [{:account/keys [account]} db
on-installation (get-in extension-data [:lifecycle :on-installation])
on-activation (get-in extension-data [:lifecycle :on-activation])
ephemeral? (get-in extension-data [:lifecycle :ephemeral])
extension {:id url
:name (or (get-in extension-data [:meta :name]) "Unnamed")
:url url
:lifecycle {:on-installation on-installation
(let [{:account/keys [account]} db
on-installation (get-in extension-data [:lifecycle :on-installation])
on-activation (get-in extension-data [:lifecycle :on-activation])
ephemeral? (get-in extension-data [:lifecycle :ephemeral])
extension {:id url
:name (or (get-in extension-data [:meta :name]) "Unnamed")
:url url
:lifecycle {:on-installation on-installation
:on-deinstallation (get-in extension-data [:lifecycle :on-deinstallation])
:on-activation on-activation
:on-deactivation (get-in extension-data [:lifecycle :on-deactivation])
:ephemeral? ephemeral?}
:active? true}
new-extensions (assoc (:extensions account) url extension)]
:on-activation on-activation
:on-deactivation (get-in extension-data [:lifecycle :on-deactivation])
:ephemeral? ephemeral?}
:active? true}
new-extensions (assoc (:extensions account) url extension)]
(if ephemeral?
(fx/merge cofx
{:dispatch (if modal?
@ -163,14 +163,14 @@
(fx/defn uninstall
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} extension-key]
(let [{:account/keys [account]} db
extension (get-in cofx [:db :account/account :extensions extension-key])
active? (get extension :active?)
on-deinstallation (get-in extension [:lifecycle :on-deinstallation])
on-deactivation (get-in extension [:lifecycle :on-deactivation])
new-extensions (dissoc (:extensions account) extension-key)]
extension (get-in cofx [:db :account/account :extensions extension-key])
active? (get extension :active?)
on-deinstallation (get-in extension [:lifecycle :on-deinstallation])
on-deactivation (get-in extension [:lifecycle :on-deactivation])
new-extensions (dissoc (:extensions account) extension-key)]
(fx/merge cofx
{:utils/show-popup {:title (i18n/label :t/success)
:content (i18n/label :t/extension-uninstalled)}}
{:utils/show-popup {:title (i18n/label :t/success)
:content (i18n/label :t/extension-uninstalled)}}
(when (and active? on-deactivation) (on-deactivation))
(when on-deinstallation (on-deinstallation))
(remove-from-registry extension-key)
@ -190,17 +190,19 @@
(if (get-in cofx [:db :account/account :dev-mode?])
(load cofx url modal?)
{:title (i18n/label :t/confirm-install)
:content (i18n/label :t/extension-install-alert)
:on-accept #(do
(re-frame/dispatch [:accounts.ui/dev-mode-switched true])
(re-frame/dispatch [:extensions.ui/install-extension-button-pressed url]))}}))
{:title (i18n/label :t/confirm-install)
:content (i18n/label :t/extension-install-alert)
:on-accept #(do
(re-frame/dispatch [:accounts.ui/dev-mode-switched true])
(re-frame/dispatch [:extensions.ui/install-extension-button-pressed url]))}}))
(fx/defn initialize
[{{:account/keys [account]} :db}]
(let [{:keys [extensions dev-mode?]} account]
[{{:account/keys [account] :as db} :db}]
(let [{:keys [extensions dev-mode?]} account
ext-vals (vals extensions)]
(when dev-mode?
{:extensions/load {:extensions (vals extensions)
{:db (assoc db :extensions/store (into {} (map (fn [{:keys [id data]}] {id data}) ext-vals)))
:extensions/load {:extensions ext-vals
:follow-up :extensions/add-to-registry}})))
(defn existing-hooks-for

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
(spec/def :extension/name ::not-blank-string)
(spec/def :extension/url ::not-blank-string)
(spec/def :extension/active? boolean?)
(spec/def :extension/data (spec/nilable string?))
(spec/def :extension/data (spec/nilable map?))
(spec/def :extension/extension (spec/keys :req-un [:extension/id

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
[status-im.ui.screens.profile.contact.views :as profile.contact]
[status-im.ui.screens.profile.group-chat.views :as profile.group-chat]
[status-im.ui.screens.profile.photo-capture.views :as photo-capture]
[status-im.extensions.views :as extensions]
[status-im.extensions.capacities.camera.views :as extensions.camera.views]
[status-im.ui.screens.wallet.main.views :as wallet.main]
[status-im.ui.screens.wallet.collectibles.views :as collectibles]
[status-im.ui.screens.wallet.send.views :as send]
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
:new-chat new-chat/new-chat
:qr-scanner qr-scanner/qr-scanner
:profile-qr-viewer [:modal profile.user/qr-viewer]
:take-picture extensions/take-picture
:take-picture extensions.camera.views/take-picture
:new-group group/new-group
:add-participants-toggle-list group/add-participants-toggle-list
:contact-toggle-list group/contact-toggle-list

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(ns status-im.test.extensions.ethereum
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing]]
[status-im.extensions.ethereum :as ethereum]))
[status-im.extensions.capacities.ethereum :as ethereum]))
; ethereum/logs