mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 09:35:36 +00:00
feat: add ability to join open community in new-ui (#14001)
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,15 +47,17 @@
:size :paragraph-2}
(trim-public-key public-key)]]))
(defn context-tag [params photo name]
[base-tag (assoc-in params [:style :padding-left] 3)
[rn/image {:style {:width 20
:border-radius 10
:background-color :white
:height 20}
:source photo}]
[text/text {:weight :medium
:size :paragraph-2}
(str " " name)]])
(defn user-avatar-tag []
(fn [params username photo]
[base-tag (assoc-in params [:style :padding-left] 3)
[rn/image {:style {:width 20
:border-radius 10
:background-color :white
:height 20}
:source {:uri photo}}]
[text/text {:weight :medium
:size :paragraph-2}
(str " " username)]]))
[context-tag params {:uri photo} username]))
@ -28,9 +28,10 @@
(def view-type (reagent/atom :card-view))
(def sort-list-by (reagent/atom :name))
(def mock-community-item-data ;; TO Do remove once communities are loaded with this data.
{:data {:status :gated
(def mock-community-item-data ;; TODO: remove once communities are loaded with this data.
{:data {:status :gated
:locked true
:images {:thumbnail {:uri (resources/get-image :status-logo)}}
:cover (resources/get-image :community-cover)
:tokens [{:id 1 :group [{:id 1 :token-icon (resources/get-image :status-logo)}]}]
:tags [{:id 1 :tag-label (i18n/label :t/music) :resource (resources/get-image :music)}
@ -59,9 +60,6 @@
{:featured true})]
[community-card/community-card-view-item item #(>evt [:navigate-to :community-overview item])]))
(defn community-list-key-fn [item]
(:id item))
(defn get-item-layout-js [_ index]
#js {:length 64 :offset (* 64 index) :index index})
@ -69,39 +67,42 @@
[react/view {:flex 1
:margin-bottom 8
:padding-horizontal 20}
[react/view {:flex-direction :row
:padding-top 20
:padding-bottom 8
:height 60}
[react/view {:flex 1}
[quo2.tabs/tabs {:size 32
:on-change #(reset! selected-tab %)
:default-active :all
:data [{:id :all :label (i18n/label :t/all)}
{:id :open :label (i18n/label :t/open)}
{:id :gated :label (i18n/label :t/gated)}]}]]
[react/view {:flex-direction :row
:padding-top 20
:padding-bottom 8
:height 60}
[react/view {:flex 1}
[quo2.tabs/tabs {:size 32
:on-change #(reset! selected-tab %)
:default-active :all
:data [{:id :all
:label (i18n/label :t/all)}
{:id :open
:label (i18n/label :t/open)}
{:id :gated
:label (i18n/label :t/gated)}]}]]
[react/view {:flex-direction :row}
{:icon true
:type :outline
:size 32
:style {:margin-right 12}
:on-press #(re-frame/dispatch [:bottom-sheet/show-sheet :sort-communities {}])}
{:icon true
:type :outline
:size 32
:style {:margin-right 12}
:on-press #(re-frame/dispatch [:bottom-sheet/show-sheet :sort-communities {}])}
{:icon true
:type :outline
:size 32
:on-press #(if (= @view-type :card-view)
(reset! view-type :list-view)
(reset! view-type :card-view))}
{:icon true
:type :outline
:size 32
:on-press #(if (= @view-type :card-view)
(reset! view-type :list-view)
(reset! view-type :card-view))}
(if (= @view-type :card-view)
(defn featured-communities [communities]
{:key-fn str
{:key-fn :id
:horizontal true
:getItemLayout get-item-layout-js
:keyboard-should-persist-taps :always
@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
(defn other-communities [communities sort-list-by]
(let [sorted-communities (sort-by sort-list-by communities)]
{:key-fn str
{:key-fn :id
:getItemLayout get-item-layout-js
:keyboard-should-persist-taps :always
:shows-horizontal-scroll-indicator false
@ -206,34 +207,34 @@
(let [multiaccount (<sub [:multiaccount])
communities (<sub [:communities/communities])
featured-communities (<sub [:communities/featured-communities])]
(fn []
(fn [insets]
[react/view {:style {:flex 1
:padding-top (:top insets)
:background-color (quo2.colors/theme-colors
{:navigation :none
:left-component [react/view {:margin-left 16}
[photos/photo (multiaccounts/displayed-photo multiaccount)
{:size 32}]]
:right-component [react/view {:flex-direction :row
:margin-right 16}
:new-ui? true
:border-bottom false}]
[featured-communities-section featured-communities]
(when communities
[react/view {:margin-vertical 4
:padding-horizontal 20}
[community-segments-view communities]]])])))
(fn [insets]
[react/view {:style {:flex 1
:padding-top (:top insets)
:background-color (quo2.colors/theme-colors
{:navigation :none
:left-component [react/view {:margin-left 16}
[photos/photo (multiaccounts/displayed-photo multiaccount)
{:size 32}]]
:right-component [react/view {:flex-direction :row
:margin-right 16}
:new-ui? true
:border-bottom false}]
[featured-communities-section featured-communities]
(when communities
[react/view {:margin-vertical 4
:padding-horizontal 20}
[community-segments-view communities]]])]))
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
[quo2.components.markdown.text :as quo2.text]
[quo2.components.buttons.button :as quo2.button]
[quo2.components.community.community-view :as community-view]
[status-im.utils.handlers :refer [<sub]]
[status-im.ui.screens.communities.request-to-join-bottom-sheet-redesign :as request-to-join]
[status-im.utils.handlers :refer [<sub >evt]]
[status-im.ui.screens.communities.styles :as styles]
[status-im.ui.screens.communities.icon :as communities.icon]))
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
:size :label}
"placeholder for channel list component"]])
(defn community-card-page-view [{:keys [name description locked
(defn community-card-page-view [{:keys [name description locked joined
status tokens cover tags] :as community}]
@ -49,14 +50,18 @@
[community-view/community-stats-column :card-view]
[community-view/community-tags tags]
{:width "100%"
:margin-top 20
:margin-left :auto
:margin-right :auto}
:before :main-icons/community}
(i18n/label :join-open-community)]
(when (not joined)
{:on-press #(>evt [:bottom-sheet/show-sheet
{:content (fn [] [request-to-join/request-to-join community])
:content-height 300}])
{:width "100%"
:margin-top 20
:margin-left :auto
:margin-right :auto}
:before :main-icons/community}
(i18n/label :join-open-community)])
(defn overview []
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
(ns status-im.ui.screens.communities.request-to-join-bottom-sheet-redesign
(:require [status-im.i18n.i18n :as i18n]
[quo.core :as quo]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im.ui.components.list.views :as list]
[status-im.ui.components.react :as react]
[quo2.components.markdown.text :as quo2.text]
[quo2.components.buttons.button :as quo2.button]
[quo2.components.icon :as quo2.icon]
[status-im.utils.handlers :refer [>evt]]
[quo2.components.tags.context-tags :as quo2.context-tags]
[status-im.communities.core :as communities]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as quo2.colors]))
;; TODO: update with real data
(def community-rules [{:index 1
:title "Be respectful"
:content "You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards them. Treat others the way you want to be treated."}
{:index 2
:title "No Inappropriate Language"
:content "The use of profanity should be kept to a minimum. However, any derogatory language towards any user is prohibited."}
{:index 3
:title "No spamming"
:content "Don't send a lot of small messages right after each other. Do not disrupt chat by spamming."}
{:index 4
:title "No pornographic, adult or NSFW material"
:content "This is a community server and not meant to share this kind of material."}
{:index 5
:title "No advertisements"
:content "We do not tolerate any kind of advertisements, whether it be for other communities or streams."}
{:index 6
:title "No offensive names and profile pictures"
:content "You will be asked to change your name or picture if the staff deems them inappropriate."}])
(defn community-rule-item [{:keys [title content index]}]
{:style {:flex 1 :margin-top 16}}
{:flex 1
:flex-direction :row
:align-items :center}}
{:height 18
:width 18
:margin-left 1
:margin-right 9
:background-color quo2.colors/white
:border-color quo2.colors/neutral-20
:border-width 1
:border-radius 6}}
[quo2.text/text {:style
{:margin-left :auto
:margin-right :auto
:margin-top :auto
:margin-bottom :auto}
:accessibility-label :communities-rule-index
:weight :medium
:size :label}
(str index)]]
{:accessibility-label :communities-rule-title
:weight :semi-bold
:size :paragraph-2}
{:style {:margin-left 28}
:accessibility-label :communities-rule-content
:size :paragraph-2}
(defn community-rules-list [rules]
{:shows-horizontal-scroll-indicator false
:data rules
:render-fn community-rule-item}])
(defn rules-checkbox [agreed-to-rules?]
[react/view {:style
{:flex 1
:flex-direction :row
:margin-top 20
:background-color quo2.colors/neutral-20
:padding 12
:border-radius 12
:border-width 1
:border-color quo2.colors/neutral-30}}
[quo/checkbox {:value @agreed-to-rules?
:on-change #(swap! agreed-to-rules? not)}]
[quo2.text/text {:accessibility-label :communities-accept-rules
:size :paragraph-2
:style {:margin-left 8}}
(i18n/label :t/accept-community-rules)]])
(defn request-to-join [community]
(let [agreed-to-rules? (reagent/atom false)]
(fn []
[react/view {:style {:flex 1 :margin-left 20 :margin-right 20 :margin-bottom 20}}
[react/view {:style {:flex 1 :flex-direction :row :align-items :center :justify-content :space-between}}
[quo2.text/text {:accessibility-label :communities-join-community
:weight :semi-bold
:size :heading-1}
(i18n/label :t/join-open-community)]
[react/view {:style {:height 32
:width 32
:align-items :center
:background-color quo2.colors/white
:border-color quo2.colors/neutral-20
:border-width 1
:border-radius 6
:display :flex
:justify-content :center}}
[quo2.icon/icon :main-icons2/info]]]
[quo2.context-tags/context-tag {:style {:margin-right :auto :margin-top 8}} (get-in community [:images :thumbnail :uri]) (:name community)]
[quo2.text/text {:style {:margin-top 24}
:accessibility-label :communities-rules-title
:weight :semi-bold
:size :paragraph-1}
(i18n/label :t/community-rules)]
[community-rules-list community-rules]
[rules-checkbox agreed-to-rules?]
[react/view {:style {:width "100%"
:margin-top 32 :margin-bottom 16
:flex 1
:flex-direction :row
:align-items :center
:justify-content :space-evenly}}
[quo2.button/button {:on-press #(>evt [:bottom-sheet/hide])
:type :grey :style {:flex 1 :margin-right 12}} (i18n/label :t/cancel)]
{:on-press #(>evt [::communities/join (:id community)])
:disabled (not agreed-to-rules?) :style {:flex 1}} (i18n/label :t/join-open-community)]]])))
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"access-key": "Access key",
"access-existing-keys": "Access existing keys",
"accept-and-share-address": "Accept and share address",
"accept-community-rules": "I agree with the community rules",
"account-added": "Account added",
"account-color": "Account color",
"anyone": "Anyone",
@ -167,6 +168,7 @@
"one": "{{count}} member",
"other": "{{count}} members"
"community-rules": "Community rules",
"members-label": "Members",
"open-membership": "Open membership",
"member-kick": "Kick member",
@ -683,7 +685,7 @@
"invalid-username-or-key": "Invalid username or chat key",
"join-me": "Hey join me on Status: {{url}}",
"join-a-community": "or join a community",
"join-open-community": "Join community",
"join-open-community": "Join Community",
"http-gateway-error": "Oops, request failed!",
"sign-request-failed": "Could not sign message",
"invite-friends": "Invite friends",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user