Overwrite default contacts with default.json

Also cleanup migration for changed whisper-identities
This commit is contained in:
Oskar Thorén 2017-10-27 15:36:51 +02:00 committed by Roman Volosovskyi
parent 88d368e970
commit 666ec73959
2 changed files with 16 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -37,5 +37,16 @@
(defn remove-contact! [new-realm whisper-identity]
(when-let [contact (some-> new-realm
(.objects "contact")
(.filtered (str "whisper-identity = \"" whisper-identity "\""))
(aget 0))]
(log/debug "v17 Removing contact" (pr-str contact))
(.delete new-realm contact)))
;; NOTE(oskarth): Resets Realm for some dApps to be loaded by default_contacts.json instead.
(defn migration [old-realm new-realm]
(log/debug "migrating v17 account database: " old-realm new-realm))
(log/debug "migrating v17 account database: " old-realm new-realm)
(doseq [contact ["oaken-water-meter" "gnosis" "Commiteth" "melonport"]]
(remove-contact! new-realm contact)))

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@ -211,15 +211,12 @@
:timestamp (random/timestamp)
:contacts (mapv #(hash-map :identity %) contacts)})]])
;; TODO(oskarth): Consider getting rid of the :when so we can overwrite default
;; contacts with default_contacts.json This requires changing semantics of
;; update-pending-status (from :add-contacts handler) too.
;; NOTE(oskarth): We now overwrite default contacts upon upgrade with default_contacts.json data.
(defn- prepare-default-contacts-events [contacts default-contacts]
(for [[id {:keys [name photo-path public-key add-chat? pending? description
dapp? dapp-url dapp-hash bot-url unremovable? mixable?]}] default-contacts
:let [id' (clojure.core/name id)]
:when (not (get contacts id'))]
:let [id' (clojure.core/name id)]]
{:whisper-identity id'
:address (public-key->address id')
:name (:en name)
@ -283,10 +280,10 @@
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ new-contacts]]
(let [{:contacts/keys [contacts]} db
identities (set (keys contacts))
new-contacts' (->> new-contacts
(map #(update-pending-status contacts %))
(remove #(identities (:whisper-identity %)))
;; NOTE(oskarth): Overwriting default contacts here
;;(remove #(identities (:whisper-identity %)))
(map #(vector (:whisper-identity %) %))
(into {}))]
{:db (update db :contacts/contacts merge new-contacts')