mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 13:28:04 +00:00
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
[react-native.fast-image :as fast-image]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.messages.content.album.style :as style]
[status-im2.constants :as constants]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.messages.content.image.view :as image]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.messages.content.text.view :as text]
[utils.re-frame :as rf]))
(def rectangular-style-count 3)
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@
{:width (second size-arr) :height (first size-arr) :album-style album-style}))
(defn album-message
[{:keys [albumize?] :as message} context on-long-press]
(let [shared-element-id (rf/sub [:shared-element-id])
first-image (first (:album message))
album-style (if (> (:image-width first-image) (:image-height first-image))
@ -27,42 +29,48 @@
;; (portrait or landscape)
portrait? (and (= images-count rectangular-style-count) (= album-style :portrait))
text (:text (:content first-image))]
;; This text comp is temporary. Should later use
;; `status-im2.contexts.chat.messages.content.text.view`
(when (not= text "placeholder") [quo/text {:style {:margin-bottom 10}} text])
{:style (style/album-container portrait?)}
(fn [index item]
(let [images-size-key (if (< images-count constants/max-album-photos) images-count :default)
size (get-in constants/album-image-sizes [images-size-key index])
dimensions (if (not= images-count rectangular-style-count)
{:width size :height size}
(find-size size album-style))]
{:key (:message-id item)
:active-opacity 1
;; issue: https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/issues/14995
:on-long-press #(js/alert "Action drawer for albums is not supported yet")
:on-press (fn []
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/update-shared-element-id (:message-id item)])
(js/setTimeout #(rf/dispatch [:navigate-to :lightbox
{:messages (:album message) :index index}])
{:style (style/image dimensions index portrait? images-count)
:source {:uri (:image (:content item))}
:native-ID (when (and (= shared-element-id (:message-id item))
(< index constants/max-album-photos))
(when (and (> images-count constants/max-album-photos)
(= index (- constants/max-album-photos 1)))
{:style style/overlay}
{:weight :bold
:size :heading-2
:style {:color colors/white}}
(str "+" (- images-count (dec constants/max-album-photos)))]])]))
(:album message))]]))
(if (and albumize? (> images-count 1))
(when (not= text "placeholder")
[rn/view {:style {:margin-bottom 10}} [text/text-content first-image context]])
{:style (style/album-container portrait?)}
(fn [index item]
(let [images-size-key (if (< images-count constants/max-album-photos) images-count :default)
size (get-in constants/album-image-sizes [images-size-key index])
dimensions (if (not= images-count rectangular-style-count)
{:width size :height size}
(find-size size album-style))]
{:key (:message-id item)
:active-opacity 1
;; issue: https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/issues/14995
:on-long-press #(on-long-press message context)
:on-press (fn []
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/update-shared-element-id (:message-id item)])
(js/setTimeout #(rf/dispatch [:navigate-to :lightbox
{:messages (:album message)
:index index}])
{:style (style/image dimensions index portrait? images-count)
:source {:uri (:image (:content item))}
:native-ID (when (and (= shared-element-id (:message-id item))
(< index constants/max-album-photos))
(when (and (> images-count constants/max-album-photos)
(= index (- constants/max-album-photos 1)))
{:style style/overlay}
{:weight :bold
:size :heading-2
:style {:color colors/white}}
(str "+" (- images-count (dec constants/max-album-photos)))]])]))
(:album message))]]
(fn [index item]
[image/image-message index item context #(on-long-press message context)])
(:album message))])))
@ -1,25 +1,19 @@
(ns status-im2.contexts.chat.messages.content.image.view
[quo2.core :as quo]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[react-native.fast-image :as fast-image]
[status-im2.constants :as constants]
[utils.re-frame :as rf]))
[utils.re-frame :as rf]
[status-im2.contexts.chat.messages.content.text.view :as text]))
(defn calculate-dimensions
[width height]
(let [max-width (if (> width height) (* 2 constants/image-size) (* 1.5 constants/image-size))
max-height (if (> width height) (* 1.5 constants/image-size) (* 2 constants/image-size))]
(if (> height width)
(let [calculated-height (* (min height max-height) (/ (max width max-width) width))
calculated-width (* (max width max-width) (/ (min height max-height) height))]
{:width calculated-width :height calculated-height})
(let [calculated-height (* (max height max-height) (/ (min width max-width) width))
calculated-width (* (min width max-width) (/ (max height max-height) height))]
{:width calculated-width :height calculated-height}))))
{:width (min width max-width) :height (min height max-height)}))
(defn image-message
[_ {:keys [content image-width image-height message-id] :as message} context on-long-press]
[index {:keys [content image-width image-height message-id] :as message} context on-long-press]
(let [dimensions (calculate-dimensions (or image-width 1000) (or image-height 1000))
text (:text content)]
(fn []
@ -27,15 +21,15 @@
{:active-opacity 1
:key message-id
:on-long-press #(on-long-press message context)
:style {:margin-top (when (> index 0) 20)}
:on-long-press on-long-press
:on-press (fn []
(rf/dispatch [:chat.ui/update-shared-element-id message-id])
(js/setTimeout #(rf/dispatch [:navigate-to :lightbox
{:messages [message] :index 0}])
;; This text comp is temporary. Should later use
;; `status-im2.contexts.chat.messages.content.text.view`
(when (not= text "placeholder") [quo/text {:style {:margin-bottom 10}} text])
(when (and (not= text "placeholder") (= index 0))
[rn/view {:style {:margin-bottom 10}} [text/text-content message context]])
{:source {:uri (:image content)}
:style (merge dimensions {:border-radius 12})
@ -6,10 +6,8 @@
[status-im2.contexts.chat.messages.drawers.view :as drawers]))
(defn message-reactions-row
[chat-id message-id messages-ids]
(let [reactions (if messages-ids
(mapcat #(rf/sub [:chats/message-reactions % chat-id]) messages-ids)
(rf/sub [:chats/message-reactions message-id chat-id]))]
[chat-id message-id]
(let [reactions (rf/sub [:chats/message-reactions message-id chat-id])]
(when (seq reactions)
[rn/view {:margin-left 52 :margin-bottom 12 :flex-direction :row}
(for [{:keys [own emoji-id quantity emoji-reaction-id] :as emoji-reaction} reactions]
@ -30,12 +28,8 @@
:accessibility-label (str "emoji-reaction-" emoji-id)}]])
{:on-press (fn []
;; issue: https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/issues/14995
(if messages-ids
(js/alert "Reactions for albums is not yet supported")
(rf/dispatch [:dismiss-keyboard])
{:content (fn [] [drawers/reactions
{:chat-id chat-id :message-id message-id}])}]))))}]])))
(rf/dispatch [:dismiss-keyboard])
{:content (fn [] [drawers/reactions
{:chat-id chat-id :message-id message-id}])}]))}]])))
@ -76,12 +76,6 @@
constants/content-type-contact-request [not-implemented/not-implemented
[old-message/system-contact-request message-data]])))
(defn message-on-long-press
[message-data context]
(rf/dispatch [:dismiss-keyboard])
(rf/dispatch [:bottom-sheet/show-sheet
{:content (drawers/reactions-and-actions message-data context)}]))
(defn on-long-press
[message-data context]
(rf/dispatch [:dismiss-keyboard])
@ -102,7 +96,7 @@
outgoing (if (= content-type constants/content-type-album)
(:outgoing first-image)
context (assoc context :on-long-press #(message-on-long-press message-data context))
context (assoc context :on-long-press #(on-long-press message-data context))
response-to (:response-to content)]
{:accessibility-label (if (and outgoing (= outgoing-status :sending))
@ -154,9 +148,7 @@
[status/status outgoing-status])]]]])))])
(defn message-with-reactions
[{:keys [pinned-by mentioned in-pinned-view? content-type
last-in-group? message-id messages-ids]
:as message-data}
[{:keys [pinned-by mentioned in-pinned-view? content-type last-in-group? message-id] :as message-data}
{:keys [chat-id] :as context}]
{:style (style/message-container in-pinned-view? pinned-by mentioned last-in-group?)
@ -168,4 +160,4 @@
[system-message-content message-data]
[user-message-content message-data context])
[reactions/message-reactions-row chat-id message-id messages-ids]])
[reactions/message-reactions-row chat-id message-id]])
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
(assoc message-data :pinned message-not-pinned?)]))))
(defn get-actions
[{:keys [outgoing content pinned outgoing-status deleted? deleted-for-me?] :as message-data}
[{:keys [outgoing content pinned outgoing-status deleted? deleted-for-me? content-type]
:as message-data}
{:keys [edit-enabled show-input? community? can-delete-message-for-everyone?
message-pin-enabled group-chat group-admin?]}]
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@
:label (i18n/label :t/message-reply)
:icon :i/reply
:id :reply}])
(when-not (or deleted? deleted-for-me?)
(when (and (not (or deleted? deleted-for-me?)) (not= (get content :text) "placeholder"))
[{:type :main
:on-press #(react/copy-to-clipboard
@ -44,7 +45,8 @@
:label (i18n/label :t/copy-text)
:icon :i/copy
:id :copy}])
(when message-pin-enabled
;; pinning images are temporarily disabled
(when (and message-pin-enabled (not= content-type constants/content-type-image))
[{:type :main
:on-press #(pin-message message-data)
:label (i18n/label (if pinned
@ -126,18 +128,22 @@
(defn reactions-and-actions
[{:keys [message-id outgoing-status deleted? deleted-for-me?] :as message-data}
{:keys [chat-id] :as context}]
(fn []
(let [actions (get-actions message-data context)
main-actions (filter #(= (:type %) :main) actions)
danger-actions (filter #(= (:type %) :danger) actions)
admin-actions (filter #(= (:type %) :admin) actions)]
(let [data (if (contains? message-data :album-id)
(first (:album message-data))
{:keys [message-id deleted? deleted-for-me?]} data
outgoing-status (:outgoing-status data)
actions (get-actions data context)
main-actions (filter #(= (:type %) :main) actions)
danger-actions (filter #(= (:type %) :danger) actions)
admin-actions (filter #(= (:type %) :admin) actions)]
(when (and (not= outgoing-status :sending) (not (or deleted? deleted-for-me?)))
[reactions {:chat-id chat-id :message-id message-id}])
[rn/view {:style {:padding-horizontal 8}}
(for [action main-actions]
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
so we bucket both in 1999-12-31"
[{:keys [acc last-timestamp last-datemark]} {:keys [whisper-timestamp datemark] :as msg}]
(empty? acc) ; initial element
(empty? acc) ; initial element
{:last-timestamp whisper-timestamp
:last-datemark datemark
:acc (conj acc msg)}
@ -112,39 +112,27 @@
(defn albumize-messages
(fn [{:keys [messages albums]} message]
(let [album-id (:album-id message)
;; check if this image is the first image in an album (which is not albumized yet)
add-text? (when (and album-id (not (:albumize? message)) (> (count (get albums album-id)) 0))
(not (some #(= false %)
(mapv #(< (:timestamp message) (:timestamp %))
(get albums album-id)))))
albums (cond-> albums album-id (update album-id conj message))
;; keep text of the first album image only
message (if (or add-text? (<= (count (get albums album-id)) 1))
(assoc-in message [:content :text] nil))
messages (if (and (> (count (get albums album-id)) 1) (:albumize? message))
(conj (filterv #(not= album-id (:album-id %)) messages)
{:album (get albums album-id)
:album-id album-id
:albumize? (:albumize? message)
:messages-ids (mapv :message-id (get albums album-id))
:message-id album-id
:content-type constants/content-type-album})
;; remove text of other images in an album
(if add-text?
(conj (mapv #(when (= (:album-id %) album-id)
(assoc-in % [:content :text] nil))
(conj messages message)))]
{:messages messages
:albums albums}))
{:messages []
:albums {}}
(reduce (fn [{:keys [messages albums]} message]
(let [album-id (:album-id message)
albums (cond-> albums album-id (update album-id conj message))
messages (if album-id
(conj (filterv #(not= album-id (:album-id %)) messages)
{:album (get albums album-id)
:album-id album-id
:albumize? (:albumize? message)
:message-id (:message-id message)
:deleted? (:deleted? message)
:deleted-for-me? (:deleted-for-me? message)
:deleted-by (:deleted-by message)
:from (:from message)
:timestamp-str (:timestamp-str message)
:content-type constants/content-type-album})
(conj messages message))]
{:messages messages
:albums albums}))
{:messages []
:albums {}}
@ -7,25 +7,25 @@
[utils.re-frame :as rf]))
(def messages-state
[{:message-id "0x111" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true}
{:message-id "0x222" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true}
{:message-id "0x333" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true}
{:message-id "0x444" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true}
{:message-id "0x555" :album-id "edf" :timestamp 10 :content {:text "Wassup!"}}
{:message-id "0x666" :album-id "edf" :timestamp 20 :content {:text "Wassup!"}}])
[{:message-id "0x111" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true :from :xyz :timestamp-str "14:00"}
{:message-id "0x222" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true :from :xyz :timestamp-str "14:00"}
{:message-id "0x333" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true :from :xyz :timestamp-str "14:00"}
{:message-id "0x444" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true :from :xyz :timestamp-str "14:00"}])
(def messages-albumized-state
[{:album [{:message-id "0x444" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true}
{:message-id "0x333" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true}
{:message-id "0x222" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true}
{:message-id "0x111" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true}]
:album-id "abc"
:albumize? true
:message-id "abc"
:messages-ids ["0x444" "0x333" "0x222" "0x111"]
:content-type constants/content-type-album}
{:message-id "0x555" :album-id "edf" :timestamp 10 :content {:text "Wassup!"}}
{:message-id "0x666" :album-id "edf" :timestamp 20 :content {:text nil}}])
[{:album [{:message-id "0x444" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true :from :xyz :timestamp-str "14:00"}
{:message-id "0x333" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true :from :xyz :timestamp-str "14:00"}
{:message-id "0x222" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true :from :xyz :timestamp-str "14:00"}
{:message-id "0x111" :album-id "abc" :albumize? true :from :xyz :timestamp-str "14:00"}]
:album-id "abc"
:albumize? true
:message-id "0x444"
:deleted? nil
:deleted-for-me? nil
:deleted-by nil
:from :xyz
:timestamp-str "14:00"
:content-type constants/content-type-album}])
(deftest albumize-messages
(testing "Finding albums in the messages list"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user