mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 09:57:15 +00:00
supported languages and trans ids
rename test fix test `supported-locales-are-actually-supported` and improve failing message fix some coding standards rename old `str` namespace alias to `string` fixing cs rename translation id to label and explain checkpoints remove non-existent labels in translations add some comments add status 0.9.12 as first checkpoint in translations, plus current supported locales remove non-existent label from base checkpoint and fix locale->checkpoint and supported locales format checkpoint-0-9-12-labels in several lines add fn labels-that-are-not-in-current-checkpoint
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns status-im.i18n
[cljs.spec.alpha :as spec]
[status-im.react-native.js-dependencies :as rn-dependencies]
[status-im.translations.af :as af]
[status-im.translations.ar :as ar]
@ -52,73 +53,277 @@
[status-im.translations.zh-yue :as zh-yue]
[status-im.utils.js-resources :refer [default-contacts]]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[clojure.string :as str]))
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.set :as set]))
(set! (.-fallbacks rn-dependencies/i18n) true)
(set! (.-defaultSeparator rn-dependencies/i18n) "/")
;; translations
(def translations-by-locale {:af af/translations
:ar ar/translations
:be be/translations
:cs cs/translations
:da da/translations
:de de/translations
:de-ch de-ch/translations
:en en/translations
:es es/translations
:es-ar es-ar/translations
:es-mx es-mx/translations
:fi fi/translations
:fr fr/translations
:fr-ch fr-ch/translations
:fy fy/translations
:he he/translations
:hi hi/translations
:hu hu/translations
:id id/translations
:it it/translations
:it-ch it-ch/translations
:ja ja/translations
:ko ko/translations
:la la/translations
:lt lt/translations
:lv lv/translations
:ms ms/translations
:nb nb/translations
:ne ne/translations
:nl nl/translations
:pl pl/translations
:pt-br pt-br/translations
:pt-pt pt-pt/translations
:ro ro/translations
:ru ru/translations
:sl sl/translations
:sr sr-rs-cyrl/translations
:sr-RS_#Latn sr-rs-latn/translations
:sr-RS_#Cyrl sr-rs-cyrl/translations
:sv sv/translations
:sw sw/translations
:th th/translations
:tr tr/translations
:uk uk/translations
:ur ur/translations
:vi vi/translations
:zh zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-tw zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-sg zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-hk zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-cn zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-mo zh-hans/translations
:zh-hant zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-tw zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-sg zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-hk zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-cn zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-mo zh-hant/translations
:zh-wuu zh-wuu/translations
:zh-yue zh-yue/translations})
;; english as source of truth
(def labels (set (keys en/translations)))
(spec/def ::label labels)
(spec/def ::labels (spec/coll-of ::label :kind set? :into #{}))
(defn labels-for-all-locales []
(->> translations-by-locale
(mapcat #(-> % val keys))
;; checkpoints
;; Checkpoints specify milestones for locales.
;; With milestones we can ensure that expected supported languages
;; are actually supported, and visualize the translation state for
;; the rest of locales according to these milestones.
;; Checkpoints are defined by indicating the labels that need to be present
;; in a locale to achieve that checkpoint.
;; We need to define the checkpoint that needs to be achieved for
;; a locale to be considered supported. This is why as we develop
;; we add translations, so we need to be defining a new target
;; for supported languages to achieve.
;; Checkpoints are only used in dev and test. In dev when we want to
;; manually check the state of checkpoints for locales, and in test
;; to automatically check supported locales against the target checkpoint.
(spec/def ::checkpoint.id keyword?)
(spec/def ::checkpoint-defs (spec/map-of ::checkpoint.id ::labels))
;; We define here the labels for the first specified checkpoint.
(def checkpoint-0-9-12-labels
#{:validation-amount-invalid-number :transaction-details :confirm :description
:phone-national :amount :open :close-app-title :members-active :chat-name
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase :public-group-topic :debug-enabled
:chat-settings :offline :update-status :invited :chat-send-eth :address
:new-public-group-chat :datetime-hour :dropped-pin :wallet-settings
:datetime-ago-format :close-app-button :block :camera-access-error
:wallet-invalid-address :address-explication :remove
:transactions-delete-content :transactions-unsigned-empty
:transaction-moved-text :add-members :sign-later-title :sharing-cancel
:yes :dapps :popular-tags :network-settings :twelve-words-in-correct-order
:transaction-moved-title :phone-number :photos-access-error :hash
:removed-from-chat :done :remove-from-contacts :delete-chat :new-group-chat
:edit-chats :wallet :wallet-exchange :wallet-request :sign-in
:datetime-yesterday :create-new-account :sign-in-to-status :dapp-profile
:sign-later-text :datetime-ago :no-hashtags-discovered-body :contacts
:search-chat :got-it :delete-group-confirmation :public-chats
:not-applicable :move-to-internal-failure-message :active-online
:password :status-seen-by-everyone :edit-group :not-specified
:delete-group :send-request :paste-json :browsing-title
:wallet-add-asset :reorder-groups :transactions-history-empty
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard-coordinates :discover :wallet-error
:browsing-cancel :faucet-success :intro-status :name :gas-price
:phone-number-required :view-transaction-details
:validation-amount-is-too-precise :copy-transaction-hash :unknown-address
:received-invitation :show-qr :edit-network-config :connect
:choose-from-contacts :edit :wallet-address-from-clipboard
:account-generation-message :remove-network :no-messages :passphrase
:recipient :members-title :new-group :phone-e164 :suggestions-requests
:connected :rpc-url :settings :remove-from-group :specify-rpc-url
:contacts-syncronized :transactions-sign-all :gas-limit :wallet-browse-photos
:add-new-contact :no-statuses-discovered-body :add-json-file :delete
:search-contacts :chats :transaction-sent :transaction :public-group-status
:leave-chat :transactions-delete :mainnet-text :image-source-make-photo
:chat :start-conversation :topic-format :add-new-network :save
:enter-valid-public-key :faucet-error :phone-significant :all
:confirmations-helper-text :search-for :sharing-copy-to-clipboard
:your-wallets :phone-international :sync-in-progress :enter-password
:enter-address :switch-users :send-transaction :confirmations
:recover-access :incorrect-code :image-source-gallery :sync-synced
:currency :status-pending :delete-contact :connecting-requires-login
:no-hashtags-discovered-title :datetime-day :request-transaction
:wallet-send :mute-notifications :invalid-phone :scan-qr :contact-s
:unsigned-transaction-expired :status-sending :gas-used
:transactions-filter-type :next :recent :confirmation-code
:open-on-etherscan :share :status :from :your-current-location
:wrong-password :search-chats :transactions-sign-later :in-contacts
:transactions-sign :sharing-share :type-a-message :type-a-command
:usd-currency :existing-networks :node-unavailable :url :shake-your-phone
:add-network :unknown-status-go-error :contacts-group-new-chat :and-you
:wallets :clear-history :wallet-choose-from-contacts
:signing-phrase-description :no-contacts :here-is-your-signing-phrase
:soon :close-app-content :status-sent :status-prompt :testfairy-title
:delete-contact-confirmation :datetime-today :add-a-status
:web-view-error :notifications-title :error :transactions-sign-transaction
:edit-contacts :more :cancel :no-statuses-found :can-not-add-yourself
:transaction-description :add-to-contacts :available :open-map
:paste-json-as-text :You :main-wallet :process-json :testnet-text
:transactions :transactions-unsigned :members :intro-message1
:public-chat-user-count :eth :transactions-history :not-implemented
:new-contact :datetime-second :search-results :status-failed :is-typing
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard-address :recover :wallet-total-value
:places-nearby :suggestions-commands :nonce :new-network
:contact-already-added :datetime-minute :location
:browsing-open-in-web-browser :delete-group-prompt
:wallet-insufficient-funds :edit-profile :active-unknown :testfairy-message
:search-tags :transaction-failed :public-key :error-processing-json
:status-seen :transactions-filter-tokens :status-delivered :profile
:wallet-choose-recipient :no-statuses-discovered :none :removed :empty-topic
:no :transactions-filter-select-all :transactions-filter-title :message
:here-is-your-passphrase :wallet-assets :image-source-title :current-network
:left :edit-network-warning :to :data :cost-fee})
;; NOTE: the rest checkpoints are based on the previous one, defined
;; like this:
;; (def checkpoint-2-labels (set/union checkpoint-1-labels #{:foo :bar})
;; (def checkpoint-3-labels (set/union checkpoint-2-labels #{:baz})
;; NOTE: This defines the scope of each checkpoint. To support a checkpoint,
;; change the var `checkpoint-to-consider-locale-supported` a few lines
;; below.
(def checkpoints-def (spec/assert ::checkpoint-defs
{::checkpoint-0-9-12 checkpoint-0-9-12-labels}))
(def checkpoints (set (keys checkpoints-def)))
(spec/def ::checkpoint checkpoints)
(def checkpoint-to-consider-locale-supported ::checkpoint-0-9-12)
(defn checkpoint->labels [checkpoint]
(get checkpoints-def checkpoint))
(defn checkpoint-val-to-compare [c]
(-> c name (string/replace #"^.*\|" "") int))
(defn >checkpoints [& cs]
(apply > (map checkpoint-val-to-compare cs)))
(defn labels-that-are-not-in-current-checkpoint []
(set/difference labels (checkpoint->labels checkpoint-to-consider-locale-supported)))
;; locales
(def locales (set (keys translations-by-locale)))
(spec/def ::locale locales)
(spec/def ::locales (spec/coll-of ::locale :kind set? :into #{}))
;; NOTE: Add new locale keywords here to indicate support for them.
(def supported-locales (spec/assert ::locales #{:fr
(spec/def ::supported-locale supported-locales)
(spec/def ::supported-locales (spec/coll-of ::supported-locale :kind set? :into #{}))
(defn locale->labels [locale]
(-> translations-by-locale (get locale) keys set))
(defn locale->checkpoint [locale]
(let [locale-labels (locale->labels locale)
checkpoint (->> checkpoints-def
(filter (fn [[checkpoint checkpoint-labels]]
(set/subset? checkpoint-labels locale-labels)))
(defn locales-with-checkpoint []
(->> locales
(map (fn [locale]
[locale (locale->checkpoint locale)]))
(into {})))
(defn locale-is-supported-based-on-translations? [locale]
(let [c (locale->checkpoint locale)]
(and c (or (= c checkpoint-to-consider-locale-supported)
(>checkpoints checkpoint-to-consider-locale-supported c)))))
(defn actual-supported-locales []
(->> locales
(filter locale-is-supported-based-on-translations?)
(defn locales-with-full-support []
(->> locales
(filter (fn [locale]
(set/subset? labels (locale->labels locale))))
(defn supported-locales-that-are-not-considered-supported []
(set/difference (actual-supported-locales) supported-locales))
(set! (.-translations rn-dependencies/i18n)
(clj->js {:af af/translations
:ar ar/translations
:be be/translations
:cs cs/translations
:da da/translations
:de de/translations
:de-ch de-ch/translations
:en en/translations
:es es/translations
:es-ar es-ar/translations
:es-mx es-mx/translations
:fi fi/translations
:fr fr/translations
:fr-ch fr-ch/translations
:fy fy/translations
:he he/translations
:hi hi/translations
:hu hu/translations
:id id/translations
:it it/translations
:it-ch it-ch/translations
:ja ja/translations
:ko ko/translations
:la la/translations
:lt lt/translations
:lv lv/translations
:ms ms/translations
:nb nb/translations
:ne ne/translations
:nl nl/translations
:pl pl/translations
:pt-br pt-br/translations
:pt-pt pt-pt/translations
:ro ro/translations
:ru ru/translations
:sl sl/translations
:sr sr-rs-cyrl/translations
:sr-RS_#Latn sr-rs-latn/translations
:sr-RS_#Cyrl sr-rs-cyrl/translations
:sv sv/translations
:sw sw/translations
:th th/translations
:tr tr/translations
:uk uk/translations
:ur ur/translations
:vi vi/translations
:zh zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-tw zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-sg zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-hk zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-cn zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-mo zh-hans/translations
:zh-hant zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-tw zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-sg zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-hk zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-cn zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-mo zh-hant/translations
:zh-wuu zh-wuu/translations
:zh-yue zh-yue/translations}))
(clj->js translations-by-locale))
;:zh, :zh-hans-xx, :zh-hant-xx have been added until this bug will be fixed https://github.com/fnando/i18n-js/issues/460
@ -137,7 +342,7 @@
(when number
(let [{:keys [delimiter separator]} delimeters]
(.toNumber rn-dependencies/i18n
(str/replace number #"," ".")
(string/replace number #"," ".")
(clj->js {:precision 10
:strip_insignificant_zeros true
:delimiter delimiter
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Aflyn"
:invite-friends "Nooi vriende"
:faq "Vrae"
:switch-users "Verander gebruikers"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "ure"}
:datetime-day {:one "dag"
:other "dae"}
:datetime-multiple "e" ; TODO probably wrong
:datetime-ago "gelede"
:datetime-yesterday "gister"
:datetime-today "vandag"
:profile "Profiel"
:message "Boodskap"
:username "Gebruikernaam"
:not-specified "Nie gespesifiseer nie"
:public-key "Openbare sleutel"
:phone-number "Telefoonnommer"
:email "Epos"
:profile-no-status "Geen status"
:add-to-contacts "Voeg by kontakte"
:error-incorrect-name "Kies asseblief 'n ander naam"
:error-incorrect-email "Verkeerde epos"
:image-source-title "Profielbeeld"
:image-source-make-photo "Opname"
:image-source-gallery "Kies uit galery"
:image-source-cancel "Kanselleer"
:contacts-syncronized "U kontakte is gesinchroniseer"
:confirmation-code (str "Dankie! Ons het vir u 'n SMS gestuur met 'n bevestigings "
"kode. Verskaf asseblief daardie kode om u telefoonnommer te bevestig")
:incorrect-code (str "Jammer, die kode was nie korrek nie, voer asseblief weer in")
:generate-passphrase (str "Ek sal 'n tydelike wagwoord vir jou skep sodat jy jou "
"toegang kan herstel of van 'n ander toestel af kan aanteken")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Sjoe* dit was moeilik, hier is jou tydelike wagwoord, *skryf dit neer en hou dit veilig!* Jy sal dit nodig hê om jou rekening te herwin."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Hier is jou tydelike wagwoord, *skryf dit neer en hou dit veilig!* Jy sal dit nodig hê om jou rekening te herwin."
:written-down "Maak seker dat jy dit veilig neergeskryf het"
:phone-number-required "Tik hier om jou telefoonnommer in te voer & ek sal jou vriende opspoor"
:intro-status "Gesels met my om jou rekening op te stel en jou stellings te verander!"
:intro-message1 "Welkom by Status\nTik tik hierdie boodskap om jou wagwoord te stel & laat ons begin!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Geselsies"
:new-chat "Nuwe geselsie"
:new-group-chat "Nuwe groepgeselsie"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Kontakte"
:new-contact "Nuwe kontak"
:show-all "WYS ALMAL"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Mense"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Begin nuwe geselsie"
:no-contacts "Nog geen kontakte nie"
:show-qr "Wys QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Verwyder"
:save "Stoor"
:change-color "Verander kleur"
:clear-history "Maak geskiedenis skoon"
:delete-and-leave "Vee uit en gaan uit"
:chat-settings "Geselsie-stellings"
:edit "Wysig"
:add-members "Voeg lede by"
:blue "Blou"
:purple "Pers"
:green "Groen"
:red "Rooi"
:money-command-description "Stuur geld"
:location-command-description "Stuur ligging"
:phone-command-description "Stuur telefoonnommer"
:phone-request-text "Telefoonnommer-versoek"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Stuur bevestigingskode"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Bevestigingskode-versoek"
:send-command-description "Stuur ligging"
:request-command-description "Stuur versoek"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Help"
:request "Versoek"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH aan {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH van {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Bynaam"
:empty-group-chat-name "Voer assseblief 'n naam in"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Kies asseblief 'n ander naam"
:add-participants "Voeg deelnemers by"
:remove-participants "Verwyder deelnemers"
:received-invitation "geselsie-uitnodiging ontvang"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Voeg nuwe kontak by"
:import-qr "Voer in"
:scan-qr "Skandeer QR"
:name "Naam"
:whisper-identity "Whisper-identiteit"
:address-explication "Miskien moet hier 'n bietjie teks wees wat verduidelik wat 'n adres is en waar om daarvoor te soek."
:enter-valid-address "Voer asseblief 'n geldige adres in of skandeer 'n QR-kode"
:contact-already-added "Die kontak is alreeds bygevoeg"
:can-not-add-yourself "Jy kan nie jouself byvoeg nie"
:unknown-address "Onbekende adres"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Konnekteer"
:address "Adres"
:password "Wagwoord"
:login "Teken aan"
:wrong-password "Verkeerde wagwoord"
:recover-from-passphrase "Herstel van tydelike wagwoord"
:recover-explain "Voer asseblief die tydelike wagwoord vir jou wagwoord in om toegang te herstel"
:passphrase "Tydelike wagwoord"
:recover "Herstel"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Voer asseblief 'n tydelike wagwoord in"
:enter-valid-password "Voer asseblief 'n wagwoord in"
:recover-access "Herwin toegang"
:add-account "Voeg rekening by"
:done "Gedoen"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Ongeldige telefoonnommer"
:amount "Bedrag"
:not-enough-eth (str "Nie genoeg ETH in die rekening nie "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Bevestig transaksie"
:other "Bevestig {{count}} transaksies"
:zero "Geen transaksies"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Bevestiging hangende"
:recipient "Ontvanger"
:one-more-item "Nog een item"
:fee "Fooi"
:value "Waarde"
:web-view-error "oepsie, fout"
:confirm "Bevestig"
:phone-national "Nasionaal"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transaksie bevestig"
:other "{{count}} transaksies bevestig"
:zero "Geen transaksies bevestig"}
:public-group-topic "Onderwerp"
:debug-enabled "Ontfout-bediener is bekendgestel! U kan nou u DApp byvoeg deur *status-dev-cli scan* te hardloop vanaf u rekenaar"
:new-public-group-chat "Sluit aan by openbare klets"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Kanselleer"
:share-qr "Deel QR"
:feedback "Terugvoer ontvang?\nSkud u foon!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 woorde in korrekte volgorde"
:remove-from-contacts "Verwyder van kontakte"
:delete-chat "Skrap klets"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "kontak"
:other "kontakte"}
:group-name "Groepnaam"
:next "Volgende"
:from "Van"
:search-chats "Soek kletse"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "meer"
:cancel "Kanselleer"
:no-statuses-found "Geen statusse gevind nie"
:swow-qr "Wys QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Maak oop in webblaaier"
:delete-group-prompt "Dit sal nie kontakte affekteer nie"
:edit-profile "Redigeer profiel"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Bevestig transaksie deur u wagwoord te verskaf"
:other "Bevestig transaksies deur u wagwoord te verskaf"}
:unsigned-transactions "Ongetekende transaksies"
:empty-topic "Leë onderwerp"
:to "Aan"
:group-members "Groeplede"
:estimated-fee "Geraamde fooi"
:data "Data"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "غير متصل"
:invite-friends "دعوة الأصدقاء"
:faq "الأسئلة الشائعة"
:switch-users "التبديل بين المستخدمين"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "ساعات"}
:datetime-day {:one "يوم"
:other "أيام"}
:datetime-multiple "ث" ; TODO
:datetime-ago "منذ"
:datetime-yesterday "الأمس"
:datetime-today "اليوم"
:profile "الملف الشخصي"
:report-user "الإبلاغ عن مستخدم"
:message "الرسالة"
:username "اسم المستخدم"
:not-specified "غير محدد"
:public-key "المفتاح العمومي"
:phone-number "رقم الهاتف"
:email "البريد الإلكتروني"
:profile-no-status "لا توجد حالة"
:add-to-contacts "أضف إلى جهات الاتصال"
:error-incorrect-name "الرجاء اختيار اسم آخر"
:error-incorrect-email "بريد إلكتروني غير صحيح"
:image-source-title "الصورة الشخصية"
:image-source-make-photo "التقاط صورة"
:image-source-gallery "الاختيار من معرض الصور"
:image-source-cancel "إلغاء"
:contacts-syncronized "تمت مزامنة جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك"
:confirmation-code (str "شكراً! لقد أرسلنا لك رسالة نصية تتضمن رمز تأكيد"
"يرجى إدخال هذا الرمز لتأكيد رقم هاتفك")
:incorrect-code (str "عذراً الرمز غير صحيح، يرجى إدخاله مرة أخرى")
:generate-passphrase (str "سوف أقوم بإنشاء عبارة مرور لك حتى تتمكن من "
"الوصول أو الدخول ثانية من جهاز آخر")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*أف* لقد كان أمراً شاقاً، إليك عبارة المرور الخاصة بك، * قم بتسجيلها واحتفظ بها في مكان آمن!* سوف تحتاج إليها لاسترداد حسابك."
:here-is-your-passphrase "إليك عبارة المرور الخاصة بك، * قم بتسجيلها واحتفظ بها في مكان آمن! *سوف تحتاج إليها لاسترداد حسابك"
:written-down "تأكد بأنك قد دونتها بشكل آمن"
:phone-number-required "اضغط هنا لإدخال رقم الهاتف الخاص بك وسوف تعثر على أصدقائك"
:intro-status "دردش معي لتثبيت حسابك وقم بتغيير الإعدادات الخاصة بك!"
:intro-message1 "مرحبا بك في Status \n اضغط على هذه الرسالة لتعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك وابدأ!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "الدردشات"
:new-chat "دردشة جديدة"
:new-group-chat "مجموعة دردشة جديدة"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "جهات الاتصال"
:new-contact "جهة اتصال جديدة"
:show-all "عرض الكل"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "الناس"
:contacts-group-new-chat "ابدأ دردشة جديدة"
:no-contacts "لا توجد جهات اتصال بعد"
:show-qr "عرض شفرة التعريف"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "إزالة"
:save "حفظ"
:change-color "تغيير اللون"
:clear-history "حذف التاريخ"
:delete-and-leave "الحذف والمغادرة"
:chat-settings "إعدادات الدردشة"
:edit "تحرير"
:add-members "إضافة أعضاء"
:blue "أزرق"
:purple "أرجواني"
:green "أخضر"
:red "أحمر"
:money-command-description "إرسال الأموال"
:location-command-description "إرسال الموقع"
:phone-command-description "إرسال رقم الهاتف"
:phone-request-text "طلب رقم الهاتف"
:confirmation-code-command-description "إرسال رمز التأكيد"
:confirmation-code-request-text "طلب رمز التأكيد"
:send-command-description "إرسال الموقع"
:request-command-description "إرسال طلب"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "المساعدة"
:request "طلب"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH إلى {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH من {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "اسم الدردشة"
:empty-group-chat-name "الرجاء إدخال اسم"
:illegal-group-chat-name "الرجاء اختيار اسم آخر"
:add-participants "إضافة مشاركين"
:remove-participants "إزالة مشاركين"
:received-invitation "تسلم دعوة الدردشة"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "إضافة جهة اتصال جديدة"
:import-qr "جلب"
:scan-qr "مسح شفرة التعريف"
:name "اسم"
:whisper-identity "Whisper Identity"
:address-explication "ربما يتعين أن تتوافر هنا بعض النصوص التي تشرح ما هو العنوان وأين تبحث عنه"
:enter-valid-address "الرجاء إدخال عنوان صحيح أو قم بمسح شفرة التعريف"
:contact-already-added "تمت إضافة جهة الاتصال"
:can-not-add-yourself "لا يمكنك إضافة نفسك"
:unknown-address "عنوان غير معروف"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "اتصال"
:address "عنوان"
:password "كلمة مرور"
:login "تسجيل الدخول"
:wrong-password "كلمة مرور خاطئة"
:recover-from-passphrase "استرداد بواسطة عبارة المرور"
:recover-explain "الرجاء إدخال عبارة المرور الخاصة بكلمة المرور الخاصة بك لاستعادة إمكانية الوصول"
:passphrase "عبارة المرور"
:recover "استعادة"
:enter-valid-passphrase "الرجاء إدخال عبارة المرور"
:enter-valid-password "الرجاء إدخال كلمة المرور"
:recover-access "استعادة إمكانية الوصول"
:add-account "إضافة حساب"
:done "تم التنفيذ"
@ -205,18 +155,9 @@
:invalid-phone "رقم هاتف غير صحيح"
:amount "الكمية"
:not-enough-eth (str "لا يوجدETH كافي بالحساب "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "تأكيد المعاملة"
:other "تأكيد {{count}} معاملات"
:zero "لا توجد معاملات"}
:status "الحالة"
:pending-confirmation "في انتظار التأكيد"
:recipient "المستلم"
:one-more-item "بند واحد آخر"
:fee "الرسوم"
:value "القيمة"
:web-view-error "عفواً، حدث خطأ ما"})
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
:next "Працягнуць"
:invite-friends "Запрасіць сяброў"
:faq "ЧАВО"
:switch-users "Пераключыць карыстальнікау"
@ -55,30 +53,22 @@
:other "гадзін"}
:datetime-day {:one "дзень"
:other "дні"}
:datetime-multiple "c" ; TODO probably wrong
:datetime-ago "назад"
:datetime-yesterday "учора"
:datetime-today "сёння"
:profile "Профіль"
:message "Паведамленне"
:username "Імя карыстальніка"
:not-specified "Не пазначана"
:public-key "Публічны ключ"
:phone-number "Нумар тэлефона"
:email "Электронная пошта"
:profile-no-status "Няма статусу"
:add-to-contacts "Дадаць у кантакты"
:error-incorrect-name "Выбраць іншае імя"
:error-incorrect-email "Няправільная электронная пошта"
:image-source-title "Mалюнак профілю"
:image-source-make-photo "Сфатаграфаваць"
:image-source-gallery "Выбраць з галерэі"
:image-source-cancel "Адмена"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Скапіяваць"
@ -90,13 +80,10 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Дзякуй! Мы адправілі вам СМС з кодам пацверджання."
"Калі ласка, увядзіце гэты код для пацвярджэння свайго нумара тэлефона")
:incorrect-code (str "Выбачайце, код няправільны, увядзіце яшчэ раз")
:generate-passphrase (str "Я ствару для вас парольную фразу, каб вы змаглі аднавіць ваш"
"доступ або ўвайсці з іншага прылады")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase (str "*Уф*, эгэта было няпроста, вось ваша парольная фраза, *запішыце яе і захавайце ў надзейным месцы!* "
"Яна будзе патрэбна вам для аднаўлення акаўнта.")
:here-is-your-passphrase (str "Вось ваша парольная фраза, *запішыце яе і захавайце ў надзейным месцы!* "
"Яна будзе патрэбна вам для аднаўлення акаўнта.")
:written-down "Пераканайцеся, што вы запісалі яе ў надзейным месцы"
:phone-number-required "Націсніце сюды для ўводу свайго нумара тэлефона і пошуку сваіх сяброў"
:intro-status "Пагутарыце са мной у чаце, каб наладзіць свой рахунак і змяніць свае налады!"
:intro-message1 "Сардэчна запрашаем у Статус\nНацісніце на гэтае паведамленне, каб усталяваць пароль і пачаць!"
@ -104,7 +91,6 @@
:chats "Чаты"
:new-chat "Новы чат"
:new-group-chat "Новы групавы чат"
@ -122,9 +108,6 @@
:contacts "Кантакты"
:new-contact "Новы кантакт"
:edit-contacts "Рэдагаванне кантактаў"
:show-all "ПАКАЗАЦЬ УСЕ"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Людзі"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Пачаць новы чат"
:no-contacts "Пакуль няма кантактаў"
:show-qr "Паказаць QR"
@ -133,44 +116,19 @@
:remove "Выдаліць"
:save "Захаваць"
:change-color "Змяніць колер"
:clear-history "Ачысціць гісторыю"
:delete-and-leave "Выдаліць і пакінуць"
:chat-settings "Налады чата"
:edit "Змяніць"
:add-members "Дадаць членаў"
:blue "Сіні"
:purple "Фіялетавы"
:green "Зялёны"
:red "Чырвоны"
:money-command-description "Адправіць грошы"
:location-command-description "Адправіць месцазнаходжанне"
:phone-command-description "Адправіць нумар тэлефона"
:phone-request-text "Запыт нумара тэлефона"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Адправіць код пацверджання"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Запыт кода пацверджання"
:send-command-description "адправіць месцазнаходжанне"
:request-command-description "Адправіць запыт"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Дапамога"
:request "Запыт"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH на адрас {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH ад {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Імя чата"
:empty-group-chat-name "Ўвядзіце імя"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Трэба выбраць іншае імя"
:new-group "Новая група"
:group-name "Назва групы"
:reorder-groups "Упарадкаваць групы"
:add-participants "Дадаць удзельнікаў"
:remove-participants "Выдаліць удзельнікаў"
:received-invitation "атрымаў(ла) запрашэнне ў чат"
@ -182,12 +140,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Дадаць новы кантакт"
:import-qr "Iмпарт"
:scan-qr "Сканаваць QR"
:name "Імя"
:whisper-identity "Прыхаваная асоба"
:address-explication "Можа быць, тут павінен быць нейкі тэкст, які тлумачыць адрас і тое, дзе яго шукаць"
:enter-valid-address "Калі ласка, увядзіце сапраўдны адрас або скануйце QR-код"
:enter-valid-public-key "Калі ласка, увядзіце сапраўдны публічны ключ ці скануйце QR-код"
:contact-already-added "Кантакт ўжо дададзены"
:can-not-add-yourself "Вы не можаце дадаць сябе"
@ -198,20 +153,14 @@
:connect "Падлучыцца"
:address "Адрас"
:password "Пароль"
:login "Уваход"
:wrong-password "Няправільны пароль"
:recover-from-passphrase "Аднаўленне з дапамогай парольной фразы"
:recover-explain "Увядзіце парольную фразу замест вашага пароля для аднаўлення доступу"
:passphrase "Парольная фраза"
:recover "Аднавіць"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Увядзіце парольную фразу"
:enter-valid-password "Увядзіце пароль"
:recover-access "Аднавіць доступ"
:add-account "Дадаць аккаунт"
:done "Гатова"
@ -220,18 +169,9 @@
:invalid-phone "Няправільны нумар тэлефона"
:amount "Сума"
:not-enough-eth (str "Не хапае ETH на балансе "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Пацвердзіць транзакцыю"
:other "Пацвердзіце {{count}} транзакции(ый)"
:zero "Няма транзакций"}
:status "Статус"
:pending-confirmation "У чаканні пацверджання"
:recipient "Атрымальнік"
:one-more-item "Яшчэ адна пазіцыя"
:fee "Камісія"
:value "Сума"
:web-view-error "ой, памылка"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "Pro udělení potřebných oprávnění k fotoaparátu přejděte do nastavení systému a ujistěte se, že je vybráno Status > Fotoaparát."
:invite-friends "Pozvat přátele"
:faq "Otázky a odpovědi"
:switch-users "Přepnout uživatele"
:feedback "Máte návrh?\nZatřeste telefonem!"
:view-all "Zobrazit vše"
:current-network "Aktuální síť"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "hodin(y)"}
:datetime-day {:one "den"
:other "dny(ů)"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "uplynulo:"
:datetime-yesterday "včera"
:datetime-today "dnes"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "Profil"
:edit-profile "Upravit profil"
:message "Zpráva"
:username "Uživatel"
:not-specified "Není zadáno"
:public-key "Veřejný klíč"
:phone-number "Telefonní číslo"
:email "E-mail"
:update-status "Aktualizovat svůj status..."
:add-a-status "Přidat status..."
:status-prompt "Můžete vytvořit status, aby ostatní věděli, co nabízíte. Můžete používat i #hashtagy."
@ -92,15 +84,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "Odstranit z kontaktů"
:start-conversation "Zahájit konverzaci"
:send-transaction "Odeslat transakci"
:share-qr "Sdílet QR kód"
:error-incorrect-name "Prosím vyberte jiné jméno"
:error-incorrect-email "Nesprávný e-mail"
:image-source-title "Profilový obrázek"
:image-source-make-photo "Vyfotit"
:image-source-gallery "Vybrat z galerie"
:image-source-cancel "Storno"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Kopírovat do schránky"
@ -108,7 +96,6 @@
:sharing-cancel "Storno"
:browsing-title "Prohlížet"
:browsing-browse "@prohlížet"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Otevřít ve webovém prohlížeči"
:browsing-cancel "Storno"
@ -117,11 +104,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Díky! Poslali jsme Ti textovou zprávu s kódem pro potvrzení. "
"Prosím potvrď své telefonní číslo zadáním tohoto kódu.")
:incorrect-code (str "Tento kód není správný, prosím zkus to znovu.")
:generate-passphrase (str "Teď vytvořím skupinu anglických slov, se kterou se"
"dá obnovit přístup nebo přihlásit z jiného zařízení")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Uf*, to byla fuška, tady jsou bezpečnostní slova, *zapiš je a ulož na bezpečném místě!* Budou potřeba pro obnovení přístupu k účtu."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Tady jsou bezpečnostní slova, *zapiš je a ulož na bezpečném místě!* Budou potřeba pro obnovení přístupu k účtu."
:written-down "Ujisti se, že je máš uložené na bezpečném místě."
:phone-number-required "Klepnutím zde můžeš zadat své telefonní číslo a hledat přátele."
:shake-your-phone "Našel jsi chybu nebo máš návrh? Prostě --zatřes-- telefonem!"
:intro-status "Chat se mnou ti může pomoci nastavit ůčet a změnit další nastavení!"
@ -138,7 +122,6 @@
:chats "Chaty"
:new-chat "Nový chat"
:delete-chat "Smazat chat"
:new-group-chat "Nový skupinový chat"
:new-public-group-chat "Přidat se k veřejnému chatu"
@ -168,9 +151,6 @@
:remove-from-group "Odstranit ze skupiny"
:edit-contacts "Upravit kontakty"
:search-contacts "Hledat kontakty"
:show-all "UKÁZAT VŠE"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApky"
:contacts-group-people "Lidé"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Zahájit nový chat"
:choose-from-contacts "Vybrat z kontaktů"
:no-contacts "Ještě tu nejsou žádné kontakty"
@ -182,52 +162,26 @@
:remove "Odstranit"
:save "Uložit"
:delete "Smazat"
:change-color "Změnit barvu"
:clear-history "Vymazat historii"
:mute-notifications "Vypnout oznámení"
:leave-chat "Opustit chat"
:delete-and-leave "Smazat a odejít"
:chat-settings "Nastavení chatu"
:edit "Upravit"
:add-members "Přidat členy"
:blue "Modrá"
:purple "Purpurová"
:green "Zelená"
:red "Červená"
:money-command-description "Poslat peníze"
:location-command-description "Poslat umístění"
:phone-command-description "Poslat telefonní číslo"
:phone-request-text "Požadavek na telefonní číslo"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Poslat kód pro potvrzení"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Požadavek na kód pro potvrzení"
:send-command-description "Poslat umístění"
:request-command-description "Poslat požadavek"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Nápověda"
:request "Požadavek"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH pro {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH od {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Název chatu"
:empty-group-chat-name "Prosím zadejte název"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Prosím vyberte jiný název"
:new-group "Nová skupina"
:reorder-groups "Uspořádat skupiny"
:group-name "Název skupiny"
:edit-group "Upravit skupinu"
:delete-group "Smazat skupinu"
:delete-group-confirmation "Tato skupina bude odstraněna z tvých skupin. Kontaktů se to nedotkne."
:delete-group-prompt "Kontaktů se to nedotkne"
:group-members "Členové skupiny"
:contact-s {:one "kontakt"
:other "kontakty(ů)"}
:add-participants "Přidat účastníky"
:remove-participants "Odebrat účastníky"
:received-invitation "přijata pozvánka k chatu"
@ -239,13 +193,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Přidat nový kontakt"
:import-qr "Importovat"
:scan-qr "Načíst QR kód"
:swow-qr "Ukázat QR kód"
:name "Jméno"
:whisper-identity "Identita na Whisperu"
:address-explication "Identita na Whisperu je adresa blockchainové sítě Ethereum"
:enter-valid-address "Prosím zadejte platnou adresu nebo načtěte QR kód"
:enter-valid-public-key "Prosím zadejte platný veřejný klíč nebo načtěte QR kód"
:contact-already-added "Tento kontakt již byl přidán"
:can-not-add-yourself "Nemůžeš přidat sebe"
@ -256,23 +206,17 @@
:connect "Připojit"
:address "Adresa"
:password "Heslo"
:login "Přihlášení"
:sign-in-to-status "Přihlásit se do Statusu"
:sign-in "Přihlásit se"
:wrong-password "Špatné heslo"
:recover-from-passphrase "Obnovit z bezpečnostních slov"
:recover-explain "Pro obnovení přístupu prosím zadej bezpečnostní slova ke svému účtu"
:passphrase "Bezpečnostní slova"
:recover "Obnovit"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Prosím zadej bezpečnostní slova"
:enter-valid-password "Prosím zadej heslo"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 anglických slov ve správném pořadí"
:recover-access "Obnovit přístup"
:add-account "Přidat účet"
:create-new-account "Vytvořit nový účet"
@ -281,33 +225,15 @@
:invalid-phone "Neplatné telefonní číslo"
:amount "Množství"
:not-enough-eth (str "Nemáš na účtu dost ETH: "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "Potvrdit"
:confirm-transactions {:one "Potvrdit transakci"
:other "Potvrdit {{count}} transakce(í)"
:zero "Žádné transakce"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transakce potvrzena"
:other "Potvrzeno transakcí: {{count}}"
:zero "Žádná transakce nebyla potvrzena"}
:transaction "Transakce"
:unsigned-transactions "Nepodepsané transakce"
:no-unsigned-transactions "Žádné nepodepsané transakce"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Potvrdit transakce zadáním hesla"
:other "Potvrdit transakce zadáním hesla"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Čekající na potvrzení"
:recipient "Příjemce"
:one-more-item "Jedna další položka"
:fee "Poplatek"
:estimated-fee "Odhadovaný poplatek"
:value "Množství"
:to "Komu"
:from "Od"
:data "Data"
:got-it "Mám to"
:contract-creation "Vytvoření kontaktu"
:web-view-error "ups, chyba"
@ -325,12 +251,8 @@
:wallet-exchange "Směnárna"
:wallet-assets "Aktiva"
:transactions "Transakce"
:transactions-to "Komu"
:transactions-sign "Podepsat"
:transactions-sign-all "Podepsat vše"
:transactions-sign-all-text "Podepište transakci zadáním hesla.\nUjistěte se, že slova zobrazená výše odpovídají Vašim bezpečnostním slovům."
:transactions-sign-input-placeholder "Zadejte své heslo"
:transactions-sign-all-done "Hotovo"
:transactions-delete "Smazat"
:transactions-history "Historie"
:transactions-unsigned "Nepodepsáno"
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "Gå venligst til dine systemindstillinger og sørg for at du Status > Billeder er tilladt."
:invite-friends "Inviter venner"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Skift bruger"
:feedback "Ryst din telefon for at give os feedback!"
:view-all "Vis alle"
:current-network "Nuværende netværk"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "timer"}
:datetime-day {:one "dag"
:other "dage"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "siden"
:datetime-yesterday "i går"
:datetime-today "i dag"
@ -77,32 +72,23 @@
:profile "Profil"
:edit-profile "Rediger profil"
:report-user "Anmeld bruger"
:message "Meddelelser"
:username "Brugrenavn"
:not-specified "Ikke angivet"
:public-key "Offentlig nøgle"
:phone-number "Telefonnummer"
:email "Email"
:update-status "Opdater din status..."
:add-a-status "Tilføj en status..."
:status-prompt "Lav en status for at lade folk vide hvad du tilbyder. Du kan også bruge #hashtags."
:profile-no-status "Ingen status"
:add-to-contacts "Tilføj til kontakter"
:in-contacts "I kontakter"
:remove-from-contacts "Fjern fra kontakter"
:start-conversation "Begynd samtale"
:send-transaction "Send transaktion"
:share-qr "Del QR-kode"
:error-incorrect-name "Fejl: Forkert navn"
:error-incorrect-email "Fejl: Forkert email"
:image-source-title "Profilbillede"
:image-source-make-photo "Tag billede"
:image-source-gallery "Vælg fra galleri"
:image-source-cancel "Afbryd"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Kopier til udklipsholderen"
:sharing-share "Del..."
@ -117,10 +103,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Tak! Vi har sendt dig en sms med en bekræftelseskode. "
"Vær venlig at indtaste koden for at bekræfte dit telefonnummer")
:incorrect-code (str "Koden var desværre forkert. Prøv venligst igen")
:generate-passphrase (str "Jeg vil generere en kodesætning (passphrase) til dig, så du kan gendanne din adgang eller logge ind fra en anden enhed")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Puha* det var hårdt, her er din kodesætning (passphrase), *skriv den ned og gem den sikkert!* Du skal bruge den for at kunne gendanne din konto."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Her er din kodesætning (passphrase), *skriv den ned og gem den sikkert!* Du behøver den for at gendanne din konto."
:written-down "Sørg for at du har skrevet den sikkert ned"
:phone-number-required "Klik her for at indtaste dit telefonnummer, så vil jeg finde dine venner"
:shake-your-phone "Fundet en bug eller har du et foreslag. Blot ryst din telefon!"
:intro-status "Chat med mig for at opsætte din konto og ændre dine indstillinger!!"
@ -137,7 +121,6 @@
:chats "Samtaler"
:new-chat "Ny samtale"
:delete-chat "Fjern samtale"
:new-group-chat "Ny gruppsamtale"
:new-public-group-chat "Deltag i offentlig samtale"
@ -167,9 +150,6 @@
:remove-from-group "Fjern fra gruppe"
:edit-contacts "Rediger kontakter"
:search-contacts "Søg efter kontakter"
:show-all "Vis alle"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Mennesker"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Start en ny samtale"
:choose-from-contacts "Vælg fra kontakter"
:no-contacts "Ingen kontakter endnu"
@ -181,52 +161,26 @@
:remove "Fjern"
:save "Gem"
:delete "Slet"
:change-color "Ændre farve"
:clear-history "Fjern historik"
:mute-notifications "Sluk for notifikationer"
:leave-chat "Forlad samtale"
:delete-and-leave "Slet og forlad"
:chat-settings "Chatindstillinger"
:edit "Rediger"
:add-members "Tilføj medlemmere"
:blue "Blå"
:purple "Lilla"
:green "Grøn"
:red "Rød"
:money-command-description "Send penge"
:location-command-description "Send placering"
:phone-command-description "Send telefonnummer"
:phone-request-text "Telefonnummeranmodning"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Send bekræftelseskode"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Bekræftelseskodeanmodning"
:send-command-description "Send placering"
:request-command-description "Send anmodning"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Hjælp"
:request "Anmod"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH til {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH fra {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Gruppechat navn"
:empty-group-chat-name "Angiv et navn"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Vælg venligst et andet navn"
:new-group "Ny gruppe"
:reorder-groups "Arranger grupper"
:group-name "Gruppenavn"
:edit-group "Rediger gruppe"
:delete-group "Slet gruppe"
:delete-group-confirmation "Denne gruppe vil blivve fjernet fra dine grupper. Dette vil ikke påvirke dine kontakter."
:delete-group-prompt "Dette vil ikke påvirke dine kontakter"
:group-members "Gruppemedlemmer"
:contact-s {:one "kontakt"
:other "kontakter"}
:add-participants "Tilføj deltagere"
:remove-participants "Fjern deltagere"
:received-invitation "Accepterede chatinvitaion"
@ -238,13 +192,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Tilføj ny kontakt"
:import-qr "Importer QR-kode"
:scan-qr "Skan QR-kode"
:swow-qr "Vis QR"
:name "Navn"
:whisper-identity "Whisper identitet"
:address-explication "Maybe here should be some text explaining what an address is and where to look for it"
:enter-valid-address "Indtast venligst en gyldig adresse eller scan en QR-kode"
:enter-valid-public-key "Indtast venligst en gyldig offentlig nøgle eller scan en QR-kode"
:contact-already-added "Kontakten er allerede tilføjet"
:can-not-add-yourself "Du kan ikke tilføje dig selv fjolle"
@ -255,23 +205,17 @@
:connect "Tilslut"
:address "Adresse"
:password "Kodeord"
:login "Login"
:sign-in-to-status "Log på Status"
:sign-in "Log på"
:wrong-password "Forkert kodeord"
:recover-from-passphrase "Gendan fra kodesætning (passphrase)"
:recover-explain "Indtast kodesætningen (passphrase) til dit kodeord for at genoprette adgangen"
:passphrase "Kodesætning (passphrase)"
:recover "Gendan"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Angiv korrekt kodesætning (passphrase)"
:enter-valid-password "Angiv korrekt kodeord"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 ord i den korrekte rækkefølge"
:recover-access "Gendan adgang"
:add-account "Tilføj konto"
:create-new-account "Opret en ny konto"
@ -281,33 +225,15 @@
:invalid-phone "Ugyldigt telefonnummer"
:amount "Beløb"
:not-enough-eth (str "'Ikke tilstrækkeligt ETH på kontoen "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "Bekræft"
:confirm-transactions {:one "Bekræft transaktionen"
:other "Bekræft {{count}} transaktioner"
:zero "Ingen transaktioner"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transaktionen bekræftet"
:other "{{count}} transaktioner bekræftet"
:zero "Ingen transaktioner bekræftet"}
:transaction "Transaktion"
:unsigned-transactions "Usignerede transaktioner"
:no-unsigned-transactions "Ingen usignerede transaktioner"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Bekræft transaktionen ved at indtaste dit kodeord"
:other "Bekræft transaktionerne ved at indtaste dit kodeord"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Venter på bekræftelse"
:recipient "Modtager"
:one-more-item "En ting til"
:fee "Gebyr"
:estimated-fee "Forventet gebyr"
:value "Værdi"
:to "Til"
:from "Fra"
:data "Data"
:got-it "Forstået"
:contract-creation "Kontraktoprettelse"
:web-view-error "hovsa, fejl"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Lade Freunde ein"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Benutzer wechseln"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "Stunden"}
:datetime-day {:one "Tag"
:other "Tage"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "vor"
:datetime-yesterday "gestern"
:datetime-today "heute"
:profile "Profil"
:report-user "Benutzer melden"
:message "Nachricht"
:username "Benutzername"
:not-specified "Nicht spezifiziert"
:public-key "Öffentlicher Schlüssel"
:phone-number "Telefonnummer"
:email "Email"
:profile-no-status "Kein Status"
:add-to-contacts "Zu Kontakten hinzufügen"
:error-incorrect-name "Bitte wähle einen anderen Namen"
:error-incorrect-email "Inkorrekte E-mail"
:image-source-title "Profilbild"
:image-source-make-photo "Erfassen"
:image-source-gallery "Aus der Galerie auswählen"
:image-source-cancel "Stornieren"
:contacts-syncronized "Deine Kontakte wurden synchronisiert"
:confirmation-code (str "Vielen Dank! Wir haben Dir eine SMS mit einem Bestätigungcode"
"zugesandt. Bitte gebe diesen Code zur Bestätigung deiner Telefonnummer ein")
:incorrect-code (str "Leider ist der Code nicht korrekt. Bitte versuche es nochmals")
:generate-passphrase (str "Ich generiere eine Passphrase für dich, so dass du dein Zugriff wiederherstellen kannst "
"Zugriff und Anmeldung von einem anderen Gerät")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Phew* das war hart, hier ist deine Passphrase, *Schreibe diese auf und bewahre diese sicher auf!* Du benötigst diese, um dein Konto wiederherzustellen."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Hier ist deine Passphrase, *Schreibe diese auf und bewahre diese sicher auf!* Du benötigst diese, um dein Konto wiederherzustellen."
:written-down "Stelle sicher, dass du diese aufgeschrieben hast!"
:phone-number-required "Klicke hier, um deine Telefonnummer einzugeben & Ich finde deine Freunde für dich"
:intro-status "Chat mit mir, damit ich dein Konto einrichten und deine Einstellungen ändern kann!"
:intro-message1 "Willkommen zu Status\nTap diese Nachricht um dein Passwort einzurichten & loszulegen!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Neuer Chat"
:new-group-chat "Neuer Gruppenchat"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Kontakte"
:new-contact "Neuer Kontakt"
:show-all "Alle Kontakte anzeigen"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Leute"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Starte neuen Gruppenchat"
:no-contacts "Noch keine Kontakte"
:show-qr "QR-Code anzeigen"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Entfernen"
:save "Speichern"
:change-color "Farbe ändern"
:clear-history "Verlauf löschen"
:delete-and-leave "Löschen und Verlassen"
:chat-settings "Chat Einstellungen"
:edit "Bearbeiten"
:add-members "Mitglieder hinzufügen"
:blue "Blau"
:purple "Lila"
:green "Grün"
:red "Rot"
:money-command-description "Geld senden"
:location-command-description "Standort senden"
:phone-command-description "Telefonnummer senden"
:phone-request-text "Telefonnummer anfordern"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Bestätigungscode senden"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Bestätigungscode anfordern"
:send-command-description "Standort senden"
:request-command-description "Anforderung senden"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Hilfe"
:request "Anforderung"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH zu {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH von {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Chat Name"
:empty-group-chat-name "Bitte gib einen Namen ein"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Bitte wähle einen anderen Namen aus"
:add-participants "Teilnehmer hinzufügen"
:remove-participants "Teilnehmer entfernen"
:received-invitation "Chat Einladung erhalten"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Teilnehmer hinzufügen"
:import-qr "Importieren"
:scan-qr "QR scannen"
:name "Name"
:whisper-identity "Identität flüstern"
:address-explication "Vielleicht sollte hier ein Text stehen der erklärt, was eine Adresse ist und wo man suchen soll"
:enter-valid-address "Bitte gebe eine gültige Adresse ein oder scanne den QR-Code"
:contact-already-added "Der Kontakt wurde bereits hinzugefügt"
:can-not-add-yourself "Du kannst dich nicht selbst hinzufügen"
:unknown-address "Unbekannte Adresse"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Verbinden"
:address "Adresse"
:password "Passwort"
:login "Login"
:wrong-password "Falsches Passwort"
:recover-from-passphrase "Wiederherstellung von Passphrase"
:recover-explain "Bitte gebe die Passphrase für dein Passwort ein, um den Zugang wiederherzustellen"
:passphrase "Passphrase"
:recover "Wiederherstellen"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Bitte Passphrase eingeben"
:enter-valid-password "Bitte Passwort eingeben"
:recover-access "Zugriff wiederherstellen"
:add-account "Konto hinzufügen"
:done "Erledigt"
@ -205,18 +155,9 @@
:invalid-phone "Ungültige Telefonnummer"
:amount "Betrag"
:not-enough-eth (str "Nicht genug ETH zur Verfügung "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Transaktion bestätigen"
:other "Bestätige {{count}} Transaktion"
:zero "Keine Transaktion"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Konfirmation ausstehend"
:recipient "Empfänger"
:one-more-item "Noch ein Element"
:fee "Gebühren"
:value "Valuta"
:web-view-error "oops, Fehler"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Fuera de línea"
:invite-friends "Invitar amigos"
:faq "Preguntas frecuentes"
:switch-users "Cambiar de usuario"
@ -53,30 +51,22 @@
:other "horas"}
:datetime-day {:one "día"
:other "días"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "atrás"
:datetime-yesterday "ayer"
:datetime-today "hoy"
:profile "Perfil"
:report-user "REPORTAR USUARIO"
:message "Mensaje"
:username "Nombre de usuario"
:not-specified "No especificado"
:public-key "Clave pública"
:phone-number "Número telefónico"
:email "Correo electrónico"
:profile-no-status "Sin estatus"
:add-to-contacts "Agregar a contactos"
:error-incorrect-name "Elecciona otro nombre"
:error-incorrect-email "Correo electrónico incorrecto"
:image-source-title "Imagen de perfil"
:image-source-make-photo "Capturar"
:image-source-gallery "Seleccionar de la galería"
:image-source-cancel "Cancelar"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Copiar"
@ -88,11 +78,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "¡Gracias! Te hemos enviado un código de confirmación por mensaje de texto. "
"Ingresa este código para confirmar tu número telefónico")
:incorrect-code (str "Lo siento, el código no era correcto; ingrésalo de nuevo")
:generate-passphrase (str "Voy a generar una frase de contraseña para que puedas restablecer tu "
"acceso o iniciar sesión desde otro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Wow* eso estuvo difícil, aquí tienes tu contraseña, *¡anótala y mantenla segura!* La necesitarás para recuperar tu cuenta."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Aquí tienes tu frase de contraseña, *¡Anótala y mantenga segura!* La necesitarás para recuperar tu cuenta."
:written-down "Asegúrate de haberla anotado en un lugar seguro"
:phone-number-required "Pulsa aquí para ingresar tu número telefónico y yo encontraré a tus amigos"
:intro-status "Chatea conmigo para establecer tu cuenta y cambiar tu configuración!"
:intro-message1 "Bienvenido(a) a Status\n¡Pulsa en este mensaje para establecer tu contraseña y comenzar!"
@ -100,7 +87,6 @@
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Nuevo chat"
:new-group-chat "Nuevo chat de grupo"
@ -117,9 +103,6 @@
:contacts "Contactos"
:new-contact "Nuevo contacto"
:show-all "MOSTRAR TODOS"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Gente"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Iniciar nuevo chat"
:no-contacts "No hay contactos todavía"
:show-qr "Mostrar QR"
@ -127,41 +110,17 @@
:remove "Eliminar"
:save "Guardar"
:change-color "Cambiar color"
:clear-history "Borrar historial"
:delete-and-leave "Suprimir y dejar"
:chat-settings "Configuración del chat"
:edit "Editar"
:add-members "Agregar miembros"
:blue "Azul"
:purple "Púrpura"
:green "Verde"
:red "Rojo"
:money-command-description "Enviar dinero"
:location-command-description "Enviar ubicación"
:phone-command-description "Enviar número telefónico"
:phone-request-text "Solicitud de número telefónico"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Enviar código de confirmación"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Solicitud de código de confirmación"
:send-command-description "Enviar ubicación"
:request-command-description "Enviar solicitud"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Ayuda"
:request "Solicitud"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH a {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Nombre del chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Ingresa un nombre"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Selecciona otro nombre"
:add-participants "Agregar participantes"
:remove-participants "Retirar participantes"
:received-invitation "recibió invitación a chat"
@ -173,12 +132,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Agregar nuevo contacto"
:import-qr "Importar"
:scan-qr "Escanear QR"
:name "Nombre"
:whisper-identity "Identidad de Whisper"
:address-explication "Tal vez, aquí debería haber alguna indicación explicando qué es una dirección y dónde buscarla"
:enter-valid-address "Ingresa una dirección válida o escanea un código QR"
:contact-already-added "El contacto ya ha sido agregado"
:can-not-add-yourself "No puedes agregarte a ti mismo(a)"
:unknown-address "Dirección desconocida"
@ -188,20 +144,14 @@
:connect "Conectar"
:address "Dirección"
:password "Contraseña"
:login "Inicio de sesión"
:wrong-password "Contraseña incorrecta"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recuperar con frase de contraseña"
:recover-explain "Ingresa la frase de contraseña para tu contraseña para recuperar el acceso"
:passphrase "Frase de contraseña"
:recover "Recuperar"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Ingresa una frase de contraseña"
:enter-valid-password "Ingresa una contraseña"
:recover-access "Recuperar acceso"
:add-account "Agregar cuenta"
:done "Completado"
@ -210,33 +160,19 @@
:invalid-phone "Número telefónico inválido"
:amount "Monto"
:not-enough-eth (str "No hay suficiente ETH en tu saldo "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmar transacción"
:other "Confirmar {{count}} transacciones"
:zero "No hay transacciones"}
:status "Estatus"
:pending-confirmation "Esperando confirmación"
:recipient "Destinatario"
:one-more-item "Un artículo más"
:fee "Tarifa"
:value "Valor"
:web-view-error "oops, error"
:confirm "Confirmar"
:phone-national "Nacional"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transacción confirmada"
:other "{{count}} transacciones confirmadas"
:zero "No hay transacciones confirmadas"}
:public-group-topic "Tema"
:debug-enabled "¡Se inició el servidor de depuración! Ahora puede agregar su DApp ejecutando *status-dev-cli scan* desde su computadora"
:new-public-group-chat "Unirse al chat público"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:share-qr "Compartir QR"
:feedback "¿Tiene comentarios?\n¡Sacuda su teléfono!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 palabras en el orden correcto"
:remove-from-contacts "Eliminar de los contactos"
:delete-chat "Eliminar chat"
@ -275,7 +211,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "contacto"
:other "contactos"}
:group-name "Nombre del grupo"
:next "Siguiente"
:from "De"
:search-chats "Buscar chats"
@ -291,17 +226,11 @@
:more "más"
:cancel "Cancelar"
:no-statuses-found "No se encontraron estados"
:swow-qr "Mostrar QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Abrir en navegador web"
:delete-group-prompt "Esto no afectará a los contactos"
:edit-profile "Editar perfil"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Confirme la transacción ingresando su contraseña"
:other "Confirme las transacciones ingresando su contraseña"}
:unsigned-transactions "Transacciones sin firma"
:empty-topic "Tema vacío"
:to "Para"
:group-members "Miembros del grupo"
:estimated-fee "Costo calc."
:data "Datos"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "Para permitir el acceso a fotos, porfavor, ve a configuración de sistema y asegúrate que la opción 'Status > Fotos' está seleccionada."
:invite-friends "Invitar amigos"
:faq "Preguntas frecuentes"
:switch-users "Cambiar usuarios"
:feedback "Tienes comentarios?\n¡Agita tu teléfono!"
:view-all "Ver todo"
:current-network "Red actual"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "horas"}
:datetime-day {:one "día"
:other "días"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "hace"
:datetime-yesterday "ayer"
:datetime-today "hoy"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "Perfil"
:edit-profile "Editar perfil"
:report-user "REPORTAR USUARIO"
:message "Mensaje"
:username "Nombre de usuario"
:not-specified "No especificado"
:public-key "Llave pública"
:phone-number "Número de teléfono"
:email "Correo electrónico"
:update-status "Actualizar tu estado..."
:add-a-status "Agregar un estado..."
:status-prompt "Crea un estado para informar a los demás lo que ofreces. También puedes usar #hashtags."
@ -92,15 +84,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "Eliminar de contactos"
:start-conversation "Empezar conversación"
:send-transaction "Enviar transacción"
:share-qr "Compartir QR"
:error-incorrect-name "Por favor, selecciona otro nombre"
:error-incorrect-email "Correo electrónico incorrecto"
:image-source-title "Imagen de perfil"
:image-source-make-photo "Tomar foto"
:image-source-gallery "Seleccionar de la galería"
:image-source-cancel "Cancelar"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Copiar"
@ -108,7 +96,6 @@
:sharing-cancel "Cancelar"
:browsing-title "Navegar"
:browsing-browse "@navegar"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Abrir en navegador"
:browsing-cancel "Cancelar"
@ -117,11 +104,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "¡Gracias! Te hemos enviado un mensaje de texto con un código de confirmación "
". Por favor, usa el código para confirmar tu número de teléfono")
:incorrect-code (str "Lo sentimos, el código es incorrecto, escríbelo de nuevo")
:generate-passphrase (str "Te generaré una frase de contraseña para poder restablecer tu "
"acceso o inicia sesión desde otro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Uff* eso fue difícil, esta es tu frase de contraseña, *¡escríbela y guárdala en un lugar seguro!* La necesitarás para recuperar tu cuenta."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Esta es tu frase de contraseña, *¡escríbela y guárdala en un lugar seguro!* La necesitarás para recuperar tu cuenta."
:written-down "Cerciórate de haberla escrito de manera segura"
:phone-number-required "Toca aquí para ingresar tu número de teléfono y encontraré a tus amigos"
:shake-your-phone "¿Encontraste un bug o tienes una sugerencia? ¡~Agíta tu teléfono~!"
:intro-status "¡Chatea conmigo para establecer tu cuenta y modificar tu configuración!"
@ -138,7 +122,6 @@
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Nuevo chat"
:delete-chat "Eliminar chat"
:new-group-chat "Nuevo grupo de chat"
:new-public-group-chat "Unirte a chat público"
@ -167,9 +150,6 @@
:remove-from-group "Eliminar del grupo"
:edit-contacts "Editar contactos"
:search-contacts "Buscar contactos"
:show-all "MOSTAR TODOS"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Personas"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Iniciar chat nuevo"
:choose-from-contacts "Seleccionar de contactos"
:no-contacts "Aún no hay contactos"
@ -181,52 +161,26 @@
:remove "Remover"
:save "Guardar"
:delete "Eliminar"
:change-color "Cambiar color"
:clear-history "Borrar historial"
:mute-notifications "Silenciar notificaciones"
:leave-chat "Abandonar chat"
:delete-and-leave "Eliminar y salir"
:chat-settings "Ajustes de chat"
:edit "Editar"
:add-members "Agregar miembros"
:blue "Azul"
:purple "Morado"
:green "Verde"
:red "Rojo"
:money-command-description "Enviar dinero"
:location-command-description "Enviar ubicación"
:phone-command-description "Enviar número de teléfono"
:phone-request-text "Solicitar número de teléfono"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Enviar código de confirmación"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Solicitar código de confirmación"
:send-command-description "Enviar ubicación"
:request-command-description "Enviar solicitud"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Ayuda"
:request "Solicitar"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH a {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Nombre del chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Por favor ingresa un nombre"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Por favor selecciona otro nombre"
:new-group "Nuevo grupo"
:reorder-groups "Reordenar grupos"
:group-name "Nombre del grupo"
:edit-group "Editar grupo"
:delete-group "Eliminar grupo"
:delete-group-confirmation "Este grupo será eliminado de tus grupos. Esto no afectará tus contactos"
:delete-group-prompt "Esto no afectará tus contactos"
:group-members "Miembros del grupo"
:contact-s {:one "contacto"
:other "contactos"}
:add-participants "Agregar participantes"
:remove-participants "Eliminar participantes"
:received-invitation "recibió invitación de chat"
@ -238,13 +192,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Agregar nuevo contacto"
:import-qr "Importar"
:scan-qr "Escanear QR"
:swow-qr "Mostrar QR"
:name "Nombre"
:whisper-identity "Identidad whisper"
:address-explication "Tal vez aquí debería haber algún texto explicando qué es una dirección y dónde encontrarla"
:enter-valid-address "Por favor ingresa una dirección válida o escanea un código QR"
:enter-valid-public-key "Por favor ingresa una llave pública o escanea un código QR"
:contact-already-added "El contacto ya ha sido agregado"
:can-not-add-yourself "No puedes agregarte a ti mismo"
@ -255,23 +205,17 @@
:connect "Conectar"
:address "Dirección"
:password "Contraseña"
:login "Iniciar sesión"
:sign-in-to-status "Regístrate a Status"
:sign-in "Regístrate"
:wrong-password "Contraseña incorrecta"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recuperar con frase de contraseña"
:recover-explain "Por favor ingresa la frase de contraseña para recuperar acceso"
:passphrase "Frase de contraseña"
:recover "Recuperar"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Por favor ingresa la frase de contraseña"
:enter-valid-password "Por favor ingresa una contraseña"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 palabras en orden correcto"
:recover-access "Recuperar acceso"
:add-account "Agregar cuenta"
:create-new-account "Crear nueva cuenta"
@ -281,34 +225,16 @@
:invalid-phone "Número de teléfono incorrecto"
:amount "Cantidad"
:not-enough-eth (str "No hay suficiente ETH en tu balance"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "Confirmar"
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmar transacción"
:other "Confirmar {{count}} transacciones"
:zero "Sin transacciones"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transacción confirmada"
:other "{{count}} transacciones confirmadas"
:zero "Sin transacciones confirmadas"}
:transaction "Transacción"
:unsigned-transactions "Transacción firmada"
:no-unsigned-transactions "No hay transacciones sin firmar"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Confirma la transacción ingresando tu contraseña"
:other "Confirma las transacciones ingresando tu contraseña"}
:status "Estado"
:pending-confirmation "Confirmación pendiente"
:recipient "Receptor"
:one-more-item "Un artículo más"
:fee "Comisión"
:estimated-fee "Comisión estimada"
:value "Valor"
:to "Para"
:from "De"
:data "Datos"
:got-it "Entendido"
:contract-creation "Creación de contrato"
:web-view-error "oops, error"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "Myöntääksesi vaadittu kuvien käyttölupa, siirry järjestelmäasetuksiin ja varmista, että Status > Kuvat on valittu."
:invite-friends "Kutsu ystäviä"
:faq "UKK"
:switch-users "Vaihda käyttäjää"
:feedback "Anna palautetta?\nRavista puhelintasi!"
:view-all "Näytä kaikki"
:current-network "Nykyinen verkko"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "tuntia"}
:datetime-day {:one "päivä"
:other "päivää"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "sitten"
:datetime-yesterday "eilen"
:datetime-today "tänään"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "Profiili"
:edit-profile "Muokkaa profiilia"
:report-user "ILMIANNA KÄYTTÄJÄ"
:message "Viesti"
:username "Käyttäjätunnus"
:not-specified "Ei määritelty"
:public-key "Julkinen avain"
:phone-number "Puhelinnumero"
:email "Sähköposti"
:update-status "Päivitä tila..."
:add-a-status "Lisää tila..."
:status-prompt "Luo tila, jonka avulla ihmiset tietävät mitä asioita tarjoat. Voit myös käyttää #hashtag-merkintöjä."
@ -92,15 +84,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "Poista kontakteista"
:start-conversation "Aloita keskustelu"
:send-transaction "Lähetä tapahtuma"
:share-qr "Jaa QR koodi"
:error-incorrect-name "Ole hyvä ja valitse toinen nimi"
:error-incorrect-email "Virheellinen sähköposti"
:image-source-title "Profiilikuva"
:image-source-make-photo "Kuvakaappaus"
:image-source-gallery "Valitse galleriasta"
:image-source-cancel "Peruuta"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Kopioi leikepöydälle"
@ -108,7 +96,6 @@
:sharing-cancel "Peruuta"
:browsing-title "Selaa"
:browsing-browse "@selaa"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Avaa selaimessa"
:browsing-cancel "Peruuta"
@ -117,11 +104,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Kiitos! Olemme lähettäneet sinulle tekstiviestin, jossa on vahvistus "
"koodi. Ole hyvä ja anna koodi vahvistaaksesi puhelinnumerosi")
:incorrect-code (str "Virheellinen koodi, ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen")
:generate-passphrase (str "Luon sinulle tunnuslauseen, jotta voit palauttaa sinun "
"pääsysi tai kirjautua toisesta laitteesta")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Phew* se oli vaikeaa, tässä on tunnuslauseesi, *kirjoita tämä ylös ja pidä tallessa!* Tarvitset sitä palauttaaksesi tilisi."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Tässä on tunnuslauseesi, *kirjoita tämä ylös ja pidä tallessa!* Tarvitset sitä palauttaaksesi tilisi."
:written-down "Varmista, että olet tarkasti kirjoittanut sen talteen"
:phone-number-required "Napauta tähän syöttääksesi puhelinnumerosi niin löydän ystäväsi"
:shake-your-phone "Löysitkö vian tai onko sinulla ehdotus? Ravista puhelintasi!"
:intro-status "Keskustele kanssani määrittääksesi tai muuttaaksesi tilisi asetuksia!"
@ -138,7 +122,6 @@
:chats "Keskustelut"
:new-chat "Uusi keskustelu"
:delete-chat "Poista keskustelu"
:new-group-chat "Uusi ryhmäkeskustelu"
:new-public-group-chat "Liity julkiseen keskusteluun"
@ -168,9 +151,6 @@
:remove-from-group "Poista ryhmästä"
:edit-contacts "Muokkaa yhteystietoja"
:search-contacts "Etsi yhteystietoja"
:show-all "NÄYTÄ KAIKKI"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Ihmiset"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Aloita uusi keskustelu"
:choose-from-contacts "Valitse yhteystiedoista"
:no-contacts "No contacts yet"
@ -182,52 +162,26 @@
:remove "Poista"
:save "Tallenna"
:delete "Poista"
:change-color "Muuta väriä"
:clear-history "Tyhjennä historia"
:mute-notifications "Mykistä ilmoitukset"
:leave-chat "Poistu keskustelusta"
:delete-and-leave "Poista ja poistu"
:chat-settings "Keskustelun asetukset"
:edit "Muokkaa"
:add-members "Lisää käyttäjiä"
:blue "Sininen"
:purple "Violetti"
:green "Vihreä"
:red "Punainen"
:money-command-description "Lähetä rahaa"
:location-command-description "Lähetä sijainti"
:phone-command-description "Lähetä puhelinnumero"
:phone-request-text "Puhelinnumero pyyntö"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Lähetä vahvistuskoodi"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Vahvistuskoodi pyyntö"
:send-command-description "Lähetä sijainti"
:request-command-description "Lähetä pyyntö"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Apua"
:request "Pyyntö"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH käyttäjälle {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH käyttäjältä {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Keskustelun nimi"
:empty-group-chat-name "Ole hyvä ja annan nimi"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Ole hyvä ja valitse toinen nimi"
:new-group "Uusi ryhmä"
:reorder-groups "Järjestele ryhmät uudelleen"
:group-name "Ryhmän nimi"
:edit-group "Muokkaa ryhmää"
:delete-group "Poista ryhmä"
:delete-group-confirmation "Tämä ryhmä poistetaan ryhmistäsi. Tämä ei vaikuta yhteystietoihin"
:delete-group-prompt "Tämä ei vaikuta yhteystietoihin"
:group-members "Ryhmän jäsenet"
:contact-s {:one "yhteystieto"
:other "yhteystietoa"}
:add-participants "Lisää Osallistujia"
:remove-participants "Poista Osallistujia"
:received-invitation "poista keskustelukutsu"
@ -239,13 +193,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Lisää uusi yhteystieto"
:import-qr "Tuo"
:scan-qr "Skannaa QR"
:swow-qr "Näytä QR"
:name "Nimi"
:whisper-identity "Whisper Identiteetti"
:address-explication "Ehkä tässä pitäisi olla jokin teksti, jossa selitetään, mikä osoite on ja mistä etsiä sitä"
:enter-valid-address "Anna voimassaoleva osoite tai skannaa QR koodi"
:enter-valid-public-key "Anna voimassaoleva julkinen osoite tai skannaa QR koodi"
:contact-already-added "Tämä yhteystieto on jo lisätty"
:can-not-add-yourself "Et voi lisätä itseäsi"
@ -256,23 +206,17 @@
:connect "Yhdistä"
:address "Osoite"
:password "Salasana"
:login "Kirjaudu"
:sign-in-to-status "Luo Status -tili"
:sign-in "Luo tili"
:wrong-password "Väärä salasana"
:recover-from-passphrase "Palauta tunnuslauseella"
:recover-explain "Ole hyvä ja anna tunnuslause salasanan palauttamiseksi"
:passphrase "Tunnuslause"
:recover "Palauta"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Ole hyvä ja syötä tunnuslause"
:enter-valid-password "Ole hyvä ja anna salasana"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 sanaa oikeassa järjestyksessä"
:recover-access "Palauta käyttöoikeus"
:add-account "Lisää tili"
:create-new-account "Luo uusi tili"
@ -282,33 +226,15 @@
:invalid-phone "Virheellinen puhelinnumero"
:amount "Määrä"
:not-enough-eth (str "Not enough ETH on balance "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "Vahvista"
:confirm-transactions {:one "Vahvista tapahtuma"
:other "Vahvista {{count}} tapahtumaa"
:zero "Ei tapahtumia"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Tapahtuma vahvistettu"
:other "{{count}} tapahtumaa vahvistettu"
:zero "Ei vahvistettuja tapahtumia"}
:transaction "Tapahtuma"
:unsigned-transactions "Allekirjoittamattomat tapahtumat"
:no-unsigned-transactions "Ei allekirjoitettuja tapahtumia"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Vahvista tapahtuma syöttämällä salasana"
:other "Vahvista tapahtumat syöttämällä salasana"}
:status "Tila"
:pending-confirmation "Odottaa vahvistusta"
:recipient "Vastaanottaja"
:one-more-item "One more item"
:fee "Kulu"
:estimated-fee "Arvioitu kulu"
:value "Arvo"
:to "Vastaanottajalle"
:from "Lähettäjältä"
:data "Tieto"
:got-it "Vastaanotettu"
:contract-creation "Sopimusten Luominen"
:web-view-error "oops, virhe"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Hors ligne"
:invite-friends "Inviter des amis"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Changer d'utilisateur"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "heures"}
:datetime-day {:one "jour"
:other "jours"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "avant"
:datetime-yesterday "hier"
:datetime-today "aujourd'hui"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Message"
:username "Nom d'utilisateur"
:not-specified "Non spécifié"
:public-key "Clé publique"
:phone-number "Numéro de téléphone"
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Pas de statut"
:add-to-contacts "Ajouter aux contacts"
:error-incorrect-name "Veuillez sélectionner un autre nom"
:error-incorrect-email "E-mail incorrect"
:image-source-title "Image du profil"
:image-source-make-photo "Capture"
:image-source-gallery "Sélectionner dans la galerie"
:image-source-cancel "Annuler"
:contacts-syncronized "Vos contacts ont été synchronisés"
:confirmation-code (str "Merci! Nous vous avons envoyé un message de texte avec un code "
"de confirmation. Veuillez fournir ce code pour confirmer votre numéro de téléphone")
:incorrect-code (str "Désolé, le code est incorrect, veuillez réessayer")
:generate-passphrase (str "Je vais générer une phrase de passe pour vous afin que vous puissiez "
"rétablir l'accès ou vous connecter depuis un autre appareil")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Pffff* c'était dur, voici votre phrase de passe, *notez-la et gardez-la en sécurité!* Vous en aurez besoin pour récupérer votre compte."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Voici votre phrase de passe, *notez-la et gardez-la en sécurité!* Vous en aurez besoin pour récupérer votre compte."
:written-down "Assurez-vous de l'avoir notée de manière sûre"
:phone-number-required "Tapez ici pour saisir votre numéro de téléphone et je trouverai vos amis"
:intro-status "Chattez avec moi pour configurer votre compte et changer vos paramètres !"
:intro-message1 "Bienvenue dans le statut\nTapez ce message pour établir votre mot de passe et vous lancer !"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Nouveau chat"
:new-group-chat "Nouveau chat de groupe"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Contacts"
:new-contact "Nouveau Contact"
:show-all "MONTRER TOUS"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Personnes"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Lancer un nouveau chat"
:no-contacts "Pas encore de contacts"
:show-qr "Montrer QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Supprimer"
:save "Sauvegarder"
:change-color "Changer la couleur"
:clear-history "Effacer l'historique"
:delete-and-leave "Supprimer et quitter"
:chat-settings "Paramètres de chat"
:edit "Modifier"
:add-members "Ajouter des membres"
:blue "Bleu"
:purple "Violet"
:green "Vert"
:red "Rouge"
:money-command-description "Envoyer de l'argent"
:location-command-description "Envoyer un emplacement"
:phone-command-description "Envoyer un numéro de téléphone"
:phone-request-text "Demande de numéro de téléphone"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Envoyer un code de confirmation"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Demande de code de confirmation"
:send-command-description "Envoyer un emplacement"
:request-command-description "Envoyer une demande"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Aide"
:request "Demande"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH pour {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Nom du chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Veuillez entrer un nom"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Veuillez sélectionner un autre nom"
:add-participants "Ajouter des participants"
:remove-participants "Supprimer des participants"
:received-invitation "reçu une invitation à un chat"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Ajouter un nouveau contact"
:import-qr "Importer"
:scan-qr "Scannner QR"
:name "Nom"
:whisper-identity "Murmurer l'identité"
:address-explication "On pourrait mettre ici un texte qui explique ce qu'est une adresse et comment la rechercher"
:enter-valid-address "Veuillez saisir une adresse valable ou scanner un code QR"
:contact-already-added "Le contact a déjà été ajouté"
:can-not-add-yourself "Vous ne pouvez pas vous ajouter vous-même"
:unknown-address "Adresse inconnue"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Se connecter"
:address "Adresse"
:password "Mot de passe"
:login "Nom d'utilisateur"
:wrong-password "Mauvais mot de passe"
:recover-from-passphrase "Restaurer à partir d'une phrase de passe"
:recover-explain "Veuillez saisir la phrase de passe pour votre mot de passe afin de récupérer l'accès"
:passphrase "Phrase de passe"
:recover "Restaurer"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Veuillez taper une phrase de passe"
:enter-valid-password "Veuillez taper un mot de passe"
:recover-access "Récupérer l'accès"
:add-account "Ajouter un compte"
:done "Terminé"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Numéro de téléphone non valable"
:amount "Montant"
:not-enough-eth (str "Pas assez d'ETH sur le solde "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmer la transaction"
:other "Confirmer {{count}} transactions"
:zero "Pas de transactions"}
:status "Statut"
:pending-confirmation "Confirmation en attente"
:recipient "Destinataire"
:one-more-item "Encore un objet"
:fee "Tarif"
:value "Valeur"
:web-view-error "oups, erreur"
:confirm "Confirmer"
:phone-national "National"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transaction confirmée"
:other "{{count}} transactions confirmées"
:zero "Aucune transaction confirmée"}
:public-group-topic "Sujet"
:debug-enabled "Le serveur de débogage a été lancé ! Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter votre Dapp en exécutant *status-dev-cli scan* depuis votre ordinateur"
:new-public-group-chat "Rejoindre le chat public"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Annuler"
:share-qr "Partager le QR"
:feedback "Des commentaires ?\nSecouez votre natel !"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 mots dans le bon ordre"
:remove-from-contacts "Retirer des contacts"
:delete-chat "Supprimer la discussion"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "contact"
:other "contacts"}
:group-name "Nom du groupe"
:next "Suivant"
:from "De"
:search-chats "Rechercher dans les discussions"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "plus"
:cancel "Annuler"
:no-statuses-found "Aucun statut trouvé"
:swow-qr "Montrer le QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Ouvrir dans le navigateur"
:delete-group-prompt "Cela n'affectera pas les contacts"
:edit-profile "Modifier le profil"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Confirmez la transaction en entrant votre mot de passe"
:other "Confirmez les transactions en entrant votre mot de passe"}
:unsigned-transactions "Transactions non signées"
:empty-topic "Sujet vide"
:to "À"
:group-members "Membres du groupe"
:estimated-fee "Frais estimés"
:data "Données"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "Om ús tastimming te jaan oan dyn foto's, gea nei dyn systeem ynstellings en wêz wis dat Status > Foto's selektearre is."
:invite-friends "Freonen útnoegje"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Skeakel tusken brûkers "
:feedback "Hast do feedback?\nSkodzje dyn telefoan!"
:view-all "Alles besjen"
:current-network "Aktuele netwurk"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "oeren"}
:datetime-day {:one "dei"
:other "dagen"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "lyn"
:datetime-yesterday "juster"
:datetime-today "hjoed"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "Profyl"
:edit-profile "Profyl oanpasse"
:report-user "MELD BRÛKER"
:message "Berjocht"
:username "Brûkersnamme"
:not-specified "Net opjûn"
:public-key "Iepenbiere kaai"
:phone-number "Telefoannûmer"
:email "E-mailadres"
:update-status "Fernij dyn status..."
:add-a-status "Foegje in status ta..."
:status-prompt "Foeg in status ta om oare minsken te litte witte wast do oanbiedest, do kinst ek #hashtags gebroeke."
@ -92,15 +84,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "Fuortsmite út kontakten"
:start-conversation "Start konversaasje"
:send-transaction "Stjoer transaksje"
:share-qr "Deel QR"
:error-incorrect-name "Kies in oare namme"
:error-incorrect-email "ferkeard e-mailadres"
:image-source-title "Profylfoto"
:image-source-make-photo "Foto nimme"
:image-source-gallery "Kies út galerij"
:image-source-cancel "Annulearje"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Nei it klamboerd ta kopiearje"
@ -108,7 +96,6 @@
:sharing-cancel "Ôfbrekke"
:browsing-title "Blêdzje"
:browsing-browse "@blêdzje"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Iepenje yn web blêder"
:browsing-cancel "Ôfbrekke"
@ -117,11 +104,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Tiige tank! Wy ha dy in sms stjoerd mei in befêstigingskoade"
". Jou dyn koade op om dyn telefoannûmer te befêstigje")
:incorrect-code (str "Sorry, de koade wie ferkeard, fier hem opnei yn")
:generate-passphrase (str "Ik sil in wachtsin meitsje, sadatsto dyn"
"tagong kist kreie of fanôf in oar apparaat kist ynlogge")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Poah* dat wie dreech, hjir is dyn wachtsin, *skriuw dizze op en bewarje him goed!* Do silst him nedich ha om dyn account te herstelle."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Dat wie dreech, hjir is dyn wachtsin, *skriuw dizze op en bewarje him goed!* Do silst him nedich ha om dyn account te herstelle."
:written-down "Soarch derfoar datsto him feilich hast opskreaun"
:phone-number-required "Tik hjir om dyn telefoannûmer yn te fieren, dan sykje ik dyn freonen"
:shake-your-phone "Hast in bug fûn of hast in suggestje? ~Skodzje~ dyn telefoan!"
:intro-status "Chat mei my om dyn account yn te stellen en dyn ynstellingen te wizigjen!"
@ -138,7 +122,6 @@
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Nije chat"
:delete-chat "Chat fuortsmite"
:new-group-chat "Nije groepchat"
:new-public-group-chat "Doch mei yn iepenbare chat"
@ -168,9 +151,6 @@
:remove-from-group "Fuortsmite út groep"
:edit-contacts "Bewurkje kontakten"
:search-contacts "Sykje kontakten"
:show-all "Toan alles"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Minsken"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Start neie chat"
:choose-from-contacts "Kies út de kontakten"
:no-contacts "Noch gjin kontaktpersoanen"
@ -182,52 +162,26 @@
:remove "Fuortsmite"
:save "Opslaan"
:delete "Wiskje"
:change-color "Wizigje kleur"
:clear-history "Wis skiednis"
:mute-notifications "Mute notifikaasjes"
:leave-chat "Ferlit chat"
:delete-and-leave "Fuortsmite en ôfslute"
:chat-settings "Chatynstellingen"
:edit "Bewurkje"
:add-members "Foegje leden ta"
:blue "Blau"
:purple "Pears"
:green "Grien"
:red "Read"
:money-command-description "Stjoer jild"
:location-command-description "Stjoer lokaasje"
:phone-command-description "Stjoer telefoannûmer"
:phone-request-text "Telefoannûmer oanfraach"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Telefoannûmer oanfraach"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Befêstigingskoade oanfraach"
:send-command-description "Stjoer lokaasje"
:request-command-description "Stjoer oanfraach"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Help"
:request "Oanfraach"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH nei {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH fan {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Chatnamme"
:empty-group-chat-name "Fear in namme yn"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Kies in oare namme"
:new-group "Nije groep"
:reorder-groups "Reorder groepen"
:group-name "Groepsnamme"
:edit-group "Bewurkje group"
:delete-group "Wiskje groep"
:delete-group-confirmation "Dizze groep sille fuortsmiten wurde fan dyn groepen. Dit sil gjin ynfloed ha mei jo kontakten"
:delete-group-prompt "Dit sil gjin ynfloed ha mei jo kontakten"
:group-members "Groep leden"
:contact-s {:one "kontakt"
:other "kontakten"}
:add-participants "Foegje dielnimmers ta"
:remove-participants "Ferwiderje dielnimmers"
:received-invitation "Chatútnoeging ûntfange"
@ -239,13 +193,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Foegje nij kontaktpersoan ta "
:import-qr "QR ymportearje"
:scan-qr "QR scanne"
:swow-qr "Lit QR sjin"
:name "Namme"
:whisper-identity "Flúster identiteit"
:address-explication "Maybe here should be some text explaining what an address is and where to look for it"
:enter-valid-address "Fear in jildich adres yn of scan in QR-koade"
:enter-valid-public-key "Fear in jildich adres public kaai yn of scan in QR koade"
:contact-already-added "De kontaktpersoan is ol tafoege"
:can-not-add-yourself "Do kinst dysels net tafoegje"
@ -256,23 +206,17 @@
:connect "Ferbine"
:address "Adres"
:password "Wachtwurd"
:login "Ynlogge"
:sign-in-to-status "Oanmelde by Status"
:sign-in "Ynlogge"
:wrong-password "Ferkeard wachtwurd"
:recover-from-passphrase "Herstelle mei wachtsin"
:recover-explain "Fear dyn wachtsin yn fan dyn account om tagong te herstelle"
:passphrase "Wachtsin"
:recover "Herstelle"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Fear in wachtsin yn"
:enter-valid-password "Fear in wachtwurd yn"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 wurden yn de goeie folchoarder"
:recover-access "Tagong herstelle"
:add-account "Foegje account ta"
:create-new-account "Nij akkount oanmeitsje"
@ -282,33 +226,15 @@
:invalid-phone "Ûnjildich telefoannûmer"
:amount "Bedrach"
:not-enough-eth (str "Net genôch ETH op saldo"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "Befestigje"
:confirm-transactions {:one "Befestigje transaksje"
:other "Befestigje {{count}} transaksjes"
:zero "Gjin transaksjes"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transaksje befêstige"
:other "{{count}} Transaksjes befêstige"
:zero "Gjin transaksjes befêstige"}
:transaction "Transaksje"
:unsigned-transactions "Net-ûndertekene transaksjes"
:no-unsigned-transactions "Gjin unsigned transaksjes"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Befêstigje transaksje mei jo wachtwurd"
:other "Befêstigje transaksjes mei jo wachtwurd"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Yn ôfwachting fan bevestiging"
:recipient "Ûntfanger"
:one-more-item "Noch in item"
:fee "Kosten"
:estimated-fee "Est. kosten"
:value "Wearde"
:to "Ta"
:from "Fan"
:data "Data"
:got-it "Befetsje ik"
:contract-creation "Kontrakt kreaasje"
:web-view-error "oeps, flater"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error ".כדי להעניק את הרשאת התמונות הנדרשת, בבקשה, תלכו להגדרות המערכת ותוודאו שהאופציה שנבחרה היא סטטוס > תמונות"
:invite-friends "הזמן חברים"
:faq "שאלות נפוצות"
:switch-users "שנה משתמש"
:feedback "Got feedback?\nShake your phone!"
:view-all "View all"
:current-network "Current network"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "שעות"}
:datetime-day {:one "יום"
:other "ימים"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "לפני"
:datetime-yesterday "אתמול"
:datetime-today "היום"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "פרופיל"
:edit-profile "ערוך פרופיל"
:report-user "דווח על המשתמש"
:message "הודעה"
:username "שם משתמש"
:not-specified "לא מוגדר"
:public-key "מפתח פומבי"
:phone-number "מספר טלפון"
:email "אי-מייל"
:update-status "...עדכן סטטוס"
:add-a-status "...הוסף סטטוס"
:status-prompt ".#hashtags צור סטטוס כדי ליידע אחרים בקשר לדברים אותם אתה מציע. אתה יכול גם להשתמש ב"
@ -93,15 +85,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "הסר מאנשי קשר"
:start-conversation "התחל שיחה"
:send-transaction "שלח עיסקה"
:share-qr "שתף ברקוד"
:error-incorrect-name "אנא בחר שם אחר"
:error-incorrect-email "כתובת מייל שגויה"
:image-source-title "תמונת פרופיל"
:image-source-make-photo "צלם"
:image-source-gallery "בחר מהגלריה"
:image-source-cancel "בטל"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "העתק לשולחן העבודה"
@ -117,10 +105,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "תודה! שלחנו לך הודעה עם קוד"
"אישור. אנא ספק את הקוד כדי לאשר את מספר הטלפון שלך")
:incorrect-code (str "סליחה הקוד שגוי, אנא נסה שנית")
:generate-passphrase (str "אנא צור משפט קוד כדי שתוכל לשחזר את הגישה שלך או להתחבר ממכשיר אחר")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "פוו זה היה קשה, הנה משפט הקוד שלך, *תרשום אותו ותשמור עליו!* אתה תצטרך אותו כדי לשחזר את המשתמש שלך"
:here-is-your-passphrase "הנה משפט הקוד שלך, *תרשום אותו ותשמור עליו!* אתה תצטרך אותו כדי לשחזר את המשתמש שלך."
:written-down "אנא וודא ששמרת אותו בצורה מאובטחת"
:phone-number-required "הקש כאן כדי להזין את מספר הטלפון שלך ואני אמצא את החברים שלך"
:shake-your-phone "!מצאת באג או שיש לך הצעה? פשוט טלטל את הפלאפון"
:intro-status "דבר איתי כדי להסדיר את המשתמש שלך ולשנות את ההגדרות"
@ -137,7 +123,6 @@
:chats "צ'אטים"
:new-chat "צ'אט חדש"
:delete-chat "מחק צ'אט"
:new-group-chat "צ'אט קבוצתי חדש"
:new-public-group-chat "הצטרף לצ'אט פומבי"
@ -167,9 +152,6 @@
:remove-from-group "הסר מהקבוצה"
:edit-contacts "ערוך אנשי קשר"
:search-contacts "חפש באנשי הקשר"
:show-all "הראה את כולם"
:contacts-group-dapps "אפליקציות מבוזרות"
:contacts-group-people "אנשים"
:contacts-group-new-chat "התחל צ'אט חדש"
:choose-from-contacts "בחר מאנשי הקשר"
:no-contacts "אין שום אנשי קשר"
@ -181,52 +163,26 @@
:remove "הסר"
:save "שמור"
:delete "מחק"
:change-color "שנה צבע"
:clear-history "נקה היסטוריה"
:mute-notifications "השתק התראות"
:leave-chat "צא מהצ'אט"
:delete-and-leave "מחק וצא"
:chat-settings "הגדרות צ'אט"
:edit "ערוך"
:add-members "הוסף מספרים"
:blue "כחול"
:purple "סגול"
:green "ירוק"
:red "אדום"
:money-command-description "שלח כסף"
:location-command-description "שלח מיקום"
:phone-command-description "שלח מספר טלפון"
:phone-request-text "בקשת מספר טלפון"
:confirmation-code-command-description "שלח קוד אישור"
:confirmation-code-request-text "בקשת קוד אישור"
:send-command-description "שלח מיקום"
:request-command-description "שלח בקשה"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "עזרה"
:request "בקשה"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} אתר"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} אתר ל {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} מאתר {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "שם הצ'אט"
:empty-group-chat-name "אנא הזן שם"
:illegal-group-chat-name "אנא בחר שם שונה"
:new-group "קבוצה חדשה"
:reorder-groups "סדר מחדש את הקבוצה"
:group-name "שם הקבוצה"
:edit-group "ערוך את הקבוצה"
:delete-group "מחר את הקבוצה"
:delete-group-confirmation "הקבוצה הזאת תמחק מרשימת הקבוצות. פעולה זאת לא תשפיע על אנשי הקשר"
:delete-group-prompt "זה לא ישפיע על אנשי הקשר"
:group-members "חברי הקבוצה"
:contact-s {:one "איש קשר"
:other "אנשי קשר"}
:add-participants "הוסף משתתפים"
:remove-participants "הסר משתתפים"
:received-invitation "התקבלה הזמנה לצ'אט"
@ -238,13 +194,9 @@
:add-new-contact "הוסף איש קשר חדש"
:import-qr "לייבא"
:scan-qr "סרוק ברקוד"
:swow-qr "הראה ברקוד"
:name "שם"
:whisper-identity "לחש זהות"
:address-explication "Maybe here should be some text explaining what an address is and where to look for it"
:enter-valid-address "אנא הזן כתובת תקפה או סרוק ברקוד"
:enter-valid-public-key "אנא הזן קוד פומבי תקף או סרוק ברקוד"
:contact-already-added "איש הקשר כבר קיים"
:can-not-add-yourself "אתה לא יכול להוסיף את עצמך"
@ -255,23 +207,17 @@
:connect "התחבר"
:address "כתובת"
:password "סיסמא"
:login "כניסה תלמערכת"
:sign-in-to-status "התחבר לסטטוס"
:sign-in "התחבר"
:wrong-password "סיסמא שגויה"
:recover-from-passphrase "שחזר סיסמא ממשפט קוד"
:recover-explain "אנא הזן את משפט הקוד של הסיסמא שלך כדי לשחזר גישה"
:passphrase "משפט קוד"
:recover "שחזר"
:enter-valid-passphrase "אנא הקש משפט קוד"
:enter-valid-password "אנא הקש סיסמא"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 מילים בסדר הנכון"
:recover-access "שחזר גישה"
:add-account "הוסף איש קשר"
:create-new-account "יצר איש קשר חדש"
@ -281,33 +227,15 @@
:invalid-phone "מספר טלפון שגוי"
:amount "כמות"
:not-enough-eth (str "לא מספיק אתר בחשבון "
"({{balance}} אתר)")
:confirm "אשר"
:confirm-transactions {:one "אשר העברה"
:other "אשר {{count}} העברות"
:zero "אין העברות"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "העברה אושרה"
:other "{{count}} העברות אושרו"
:zero "אין העברות שהושלמו"}
:transaction "העברות"
:unsigned-transactions "העברות ללא חתימה"
:no-unsigned-transactions "אין העברות ללא חתימה"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "אשר העברה אל ידי הקשת סיסמתך"
:other "אשר העברות על ידי הקשת סיסמתך"}
:status "סטטוס"
:pending-confirmation "ממתיך לאישור העברה"
:recipient "מקבל"
:one-more-item "עוד פריט אחד"
:fee "עמלה"
:estimated-fee "עמלה מעורכת"
:value "שווי"
:to "ל"
:from "מ"
:data "נתונים"
:got-it "קיבלתי"
:contract-creation "יצירת חוזה"
:web-view-error "אופס,טעות"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "ऑफ़लाइन"
:invite-friends "दोस्तों को आमंत्रित करें"
:faq "अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न"
:switch-users "उपयोगकर्ताओं को स्विच करें"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "घंटे"}
:datetime-day {:one "दिन"
:other "दिन"}
:datetime-multiple "एस"
:datetime-ago "पहले"
:datetime-yesterday "बीता हुआ कल"
:datetime-today "आज"
:profile "प्रोफाइल"
:report-user "उपयोगकर्ता को रिपोर्ट करें"
:message "संदेश"
:username "उपयोगकर्ता नाम"
:not-specified "निर्दिष्ट नहीं"
:public-key "सार्वजनिक कुंजी"
:phone-number "फ़ोन नंबर"
:email "ईमेल"
:profile-no-status "कोई स्थिति नहीं"
:add-to-contacts "संपर्क में जोड़ें"
:error-incorrect-name "कृपया दूसरा नाम चयन करें"
:error-incorrect-email "गलत ई-मेल"
:image-source-title "प्रोफ़ाइल छवि"
:image-source-make-photo "प्राप्त करें"
:image-source-gallery "गैलरी से चयन करें"
:image-source-cancel "रद्द करें"
:contacts-syncronized "आपके संपर्कों को सिंक्रनाइज़ किया गया है"
:confirmation-code (str "धन्यवाद! हमने आपको \"पुष्टि कोड\" के साथ एक टेक्स्ट संदेश भेजा है "
"कृपया अपने फोन नंबर की पुष्टि करने के लिए वह कोड डालें।")
:incorrect-code (str "क्षमा करें, कोड गलत था, कृपया फिर से डालें")
:generate-passphrase (str "मैं आपके लिए एक पासफ्रेज जनरेट करूंगा ताकि आप अपना पासफ्रेज बहाल कर सकें "
"अन्य डिवाइस से उपयोग या लॉगिन करें")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*उफ़्फ़* यह बहुत मुश्किल था, यह रहा आपका पासफ्रेज, *इसे लिख लें और सुरक्षित रखें! * अपने खाते को ठीक करने के लिए आपको इसकी आवश्यकता होगी।"
:here-is-your-passphrase "यह रहा आपका पासफ्रेज, *इसे लिख लें और सुरक्षित रखें! * अपने खाते को ठीक करने के लिए आपको इसकी आवश्यकता होगी।"
:written-down "पक्का करें कि आपने इसे सुरक्षित रूप से लिख लिया था"
:phone-number-required "अपना फोन नंबर दर्ज करने के लिए यहां टैप करें और मैं आपके दोस्तों को ढूंढ निकालूंगा"
:intro-status "अपना खाता सेट करने और अपनी सेटिंग्स बदलने के लिए मेरे साथ चैट करें!"
:intro-message1 "स्टेटस में आपका स्वागत है\n अपना पासवर्ड सेट करने और शुरुआत करने के लिए इस संदेश पर करें!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "चैट"
:new-chat "नई चैट"
:new-group-chat "नई ग्रुप चैट"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "संपर्क"
:new-contact "नया संपर्क"
:show-all "सभी दिखाएं"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "लोग"
:contacts-group-new-chat "नई चैट शुरू करें"
:no-contacts "अभी तक कोई संपर्क नहीं"
:show-qr "QR दिखाएं"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "निकालें"
:save "सहेजें"
:change-color "रंग बदलें"
:clear-history "इतिहास साफ़ करें"
:delete-and-leave "हटाएं और छोड़ें"
:chat-settings "चैट सेटिंग्स"
:edit "संपादित करें"
:add-members "सदस्य जोड़ें"
:blue "नीला"
:purple "बैंगनी"
:green "हरा"
:red "लाल"
:money-command-description "पैसे भेजें"
:location-command-description "स्थान भेजें"
:phone-command-description "फोन नंबर भेजें"
:phone-request-text "फ़ोन नंबर अनुरोध"
:confirmation-code-command-description "पुष्टि कोड भेजें"
:confirmation-code-request-text "पुष्टि कोड अनुरोध"
:send-command-description "स्थान भेजें"
:request-command-description "अनुरोध भेजें"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "मदद करें"
:request "अनुरोध करें"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} {{chat-name}} को ETH"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} {{chat-name}} से ETH"
:group-chat-name "चैट नाम"
:empty-group-chat-name "कोई नाम दर्ज करें"
:illegal-group-chat-name "कृपया दूसरा नाम चयन करें"
:add-participants "प्रतिभागियों को जोड़ें"
:remove-participants "प्रतिभागियों को निकालें"
:received-invitation "चैट आमंत्रण प्राप्त हुआ"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "नया संपर्क जोड़ें"
:import-qr "आयात करें"
:scan-qr "QR स्कैन करें"
:name "नाम"
:whisper-identity "पहचान बताएं"
:address-explication "संभवतः यहाँ कुछ टेक्स्ट विवरण होना चाहिए कि पता क्या है और इसे कहाँ खोजा जाए"
:enter-valid-address "कृपया एक वैध पता दर्ज करें या एक QR कोड स्कैन करें"
:contact-already-added "संपर्क पहले से जोड़ लिया गया है"
:can-not-add-yourself "आप अपने आपको नहीं जोड़ सकते"
:unknown-address "अज्ञात पता"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "कनेक्ट करें"
:address "पता"
:password "पासवर्ड"
:login "लॉगिन करें"
:wrong-password "गलत पासवर्ड"
:recover-from-passphrase "पासफ्रेज से ठीक करें"
:recover-explain "पहुंच को ठीक करने के लिए कृपया अपने पासवर्ड का पासफ्रेज दर्ज करें"
:passphrase "पासफ्रेज"
:recover "ठीक करें"
:enter-valid-passphrase "कृपया एक पासफ्रेज दर्ज करें"
:enter-valid-password "कृपया पासवर्ड दर्ज करें"
:recover-access "पहुंच को ठीक करें"
:add-account "खाता जोड़ें"
:done "पूरा हो गया"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "अमान्य फोन नंबर"
:amount "राशि"
:not-enough-eth (str "बैलेंस पर पर्याप्त ETH नहीं "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "लेनदेन की पुष्टि करें"
:other "{{count}} लेनदेनों की पुष्टि करें"
:zero "कोई लेनदेन नहीं"}
:status "स्टेटस"
:pending-confirmation "लंबित पुष्टि"
:recipient "प्राप्तकर्ता"
:one-more-item "एक अन्य आइटम"
:fee "शुल्क"
:value "मूल्य"
:web-view-error "ओह, त्रुटि"
:confirm "पुष्टि करें"
:phone-national "राष्ट्रीय"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "लेनदेन की पुष्टि की गई"
:other "{{count}} लेनदेनों की पुष्टि की गई"
:zero "किसी भी लेनदेन की पुष्टि नहीं हुई"}
:public-group-topic "विषय"
:debug-enabled "डीबग सर्वर लाँच कर दिया गया है! है। अब आप अपने कम्प्यूटर से *status-dev-cli scan* चलाकर अपने DApp को शामिल कर सकते हैं"
:new-public-group-chat "सार्वजनिक चैट में शामिल हों"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "रद्द करें"
:share-qr "QR साझा करें"
:feedback "फीडबैक देना चाहते हैं?\nअपने फोन को हिलाएं!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "सही क्रम में 12 शब्द"
:remove-from-contacts "संपर्कों से हटाएं"
:delete-chat "चैट मिटाएं"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "संपर्क"
:other "संपर्क"}
:group-name "समूह का नाम"
:next "अगला"
:from "द्वारा"
:search-chats "चैट्स खोजें"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "अधिक"
:cancel "रद्द करें"
:no-statuses-found "कोई स्टैटस नहीं मिले"
:swow-qr "QR दिखाएं"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "वेब ब्राउज़र में खोलें"
:delete-group-prompt "इससे संपर्क प्रभावित नहीं होंगे"
:edit-profile "प्रोफाइल का संपादन करें"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "अपना पासवर्ड प्रविष्ट करके लेनदेन की पुष्टि करें"
:other "अपना पासवर्ड प्रविष्ट करके लेनदेनों की पुष्टि करें"}
:unsigned-transactions "साइन न किए गए लेनदेन"
:empty-topic "रिक्त विषय"
:to "प्रति"
:group-members "समूह के सदस्य"
:estimated-fee "संस्थान शुल्क"
:data "डेटा"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Barátok meghívása"
:faq "GYIK"
:switch-users "Felhasználók váltása"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "óra"}
:datetime-day {:one "nap"
:other "nap"}
:datetime-multiple "k"
:datetime-ago "ezelőtt"
:datetime-yesterday "tegnap"
:datetime-today "ma"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Üzenet"
:username "Felhasználónév"
:not-specified "Nincs megadva"
:public-key "Nyilvános kulcs"
:phone-number "Telefonszám"
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Nincs állapot"
:add-to-contacts "Hozzáadás a kapcsolatokhoz"
:error-incorrect-name "Kérjük, válassz ki másik nevet"
:error-incorrect-email "Hibás e-mail"
:image-source-title "Profilkép"
:image-source-make-photo "Rögzítés"
:image-source-gallery "Kiválasztás a galériából"
:image-source-cancel "Mégsem"
:contacts-syncronized "Kapcsolataid szinkronizálásra kerültek"
:confirmation-code (str "Köszönjük! Küldtünk neked egy szöveges üzenetet megerősítési "
"kóddal. Kérjük, add meg a kódot telefonszámod megerősítése érdekében")
:incorrect-code (str "Sajnáljuk, hibás kód, kérjük, add meg újból")
:generate-passphrase (str "Generálok neked egy jelmondatot hozzáférésed helyreállításához "
"vagy egy másik eszközről történő bejelentkezéshez")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Hűha* ez nehéz volt, de kész a jelmondatod, *írd fel valahova és vigyázz rá!* Szükséged lesz hozzá felhasználói fiókod helyreállításához."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Kész a jelmondatod, *írd fel valahová és őrizd meg!* Szükséged lesz hozzá felhasználói fiókod helyreállításához."
:written-down "Bizonyosodj meg arról, hogy biztonságos helyen tárolod"
:phone-number-required "Érints ide telefonszámod megadásához és megtalálom a barátaidat"
:intro-status "Csevegj velem felhasználói fiókod létrehozásáról és beállításaid megváltoztatásáról!"
:intro-message1 "Üdv az Állapotnál\nÉrints erre a üzenetre, állítsd be a jelszavad és fogj hozzá!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Csevegések"
:new-chat "Új csevegés"
:new-group-chat "Új csoportos csevegés"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Kapcsolatok"
:new-contact "Új kapcsolat"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Emberek"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Új csevegés indítása"
:no-contacts "Még nincsenek kapcsolatok"
:show-qr "QR mutatása"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Eltávolítás"
:save "Mentés"
:change-color "Szín megváltoztatása"
:clear-history "Előzmények törlése"
:delete-and-leave "Törlés és kilépés"
:chat-settings "Csevegés beállítások"
:edit "Szerkesztés"
:add-members "Tagok hozzáadása"
:blue "Kék"
:purple "Lila"
:green "Zöld"
:red "Piros"
:money-command-description "Pénz küldése"
:location-command-description "Halyszín küldése"
:phone-command-description "Telefonszám küldése"
:phone-request-text "Telefonszám irénylése"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Megerősítési kód küldése"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Megerősítési kód igénylése"
:send-command-description "Helyszín küldése"
:request-command-description "Küldési igény"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Segítség"
:request "Kérés"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH ide {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH innen {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Csevegés neve"
:empty-group-chat-name "Kérjük, add meg egy új nevet"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Kérjük, válassz egy új nevet"
:add-participants "Résztvevők hozzáadása"
:remove-participants "Résztvevők eltávolítása"
:received-invitation "csevegési meghívásban részesült"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Új kapcsolat hozzáadása"
:import-qr "Importálás"
:scan-qr "QR beolvasása"
:name "Név"
:whisper-identity "Whisper személyazonosság"
:address-explication "Itt talán szükség lenne egy kis szövegre, ami elmagyarázná, mi is az a cím és hol lehet megtalálni"
:enter-valid-address "Kérjük, adj meg egy helyes címet vagy olvass be egy QR kódot"
:contact-already-added "A kapcsolat már hozzáadásra került"
:can-not-add-yourself "Magadat nem adhatod hozzá"
:unknown-address "Ismeretlen cím"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Kapcsolódás"
:address "Cím"
:password "Jelszó"
:login "Bejelentkezés"
:wrong-password "Hibás jelszó"
:recover-from-passphrase "Visszaállítás jelmondatból"
:recover-explain "Kérjük, adj meg egy jelmondatot a jelszavaddal történő hozzáférés helyreállításához"
:passphrase "Jelmondat"
:recover "Visszaállítás"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Kérjük, adj meg egy jelmondatote"
:enter-valid-password "Kérjük, adj meg egy jelszót"
:recover-access "Hozzáférés helyreállítása"
:add-account "Felhasználói fiók hozzáadása"
:done "Kész"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Hibás telefonszám"
:amount "Összeg"
:not-enough-eth (str "Nincs elég ETH a számlán "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Tranzakció megerősítése"
:other "{{count}} tranzakció megerősítése"
:zero "Nincsenek tranzakciók"}
:status "Állapot"
:pending-confirmation "Függőben lévő megerősítés"
:recipient "Címzett"
:one-more-item "Még egy tétel"
:fee "Díj"
:value "Érték"
:web-view-error "hoppá, hiba"
:confirm "Megerősít"
:phone-national "Nemzeti"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Tranzakció megerősítve"
:other "{{count}} tranzakció megerősítve"
:zero "Nincs megerősített tranzakció"}
:public-group-topic "Téma"
:debug-enabled "A hibakereső szerver elindításra került! Mostantól hozzáadhatod a DAppod, ha futtatod a számítógépeden a következőt: *status-dev-cli scan*"
:new-public-group-chat "Csatlakozás nyilvános csevegéshez"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Mégse"
:share-qr "QR megosztása"
:feedback "Visszajelzésed van?\nRázd meg a telefonod!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 szó helyes sorrendben"
:remove-from-contacts "Eltávolítás a névjegyekből"
:delete-chat "Csevegés törlése"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "névjegy"
:other "névjegyek"}
:group-name "Csoportnév"
:next "Következő"
:from "Feladó"
:search-chats "Csevegések keresése"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "több"
:cancel "Mégse"
:no-statuses-found "Nem található állapot"
:swow-qr "QR megjelenítése"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Megnyitás új böngészőben"
:delete-group-prompt "Nem lesz hatással a névjegyekre"
:edit-profile "Profil szerkesztése"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Erősítsd meg a tranzakciót a jelszavad megadásával"
:other "Erősítsd meg a tranzakciókat a jelszavad megadásával"}
:unsigned-transactions "Aláíratlan tranzakciók"
:empty-topic "Üres téma"
:to "Címzett"
:group-members "Csoporttagok"
:estimated-fee "Becs. díj"
:data "Adatok"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "offline"
:invite-friends "undang teman"
:faq "faq"
:switch-users "beralih pengguna"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "jam"}
:datetime-day {:one "hari"
:other "hari"}
:datetime-multiple "detik"
:datetime-ago "dari"
:datetime-yesterday "kemarin"
:datetime-today "hari ini"
:profile "profil"
:report-user "laporkan penguna"
:message "pesan"
:username "nama pengguna"
:not-specified "tidak ditentukan"
:public-key "public key"
:phone-number "nomor telepon"
:email "email"
:profile-no-status "tidak ada informasi status"
:add-to-contacts "tambahkan ke Kontak"
:error-incorrect-name "nama tidak valid"
:error-incorrect-email "email tidak valid"
:image-source-title "foto profil"
:image-source-make-photo "capture"
:image-source-gallery "pilih dari Galeri"
:image-source-cancel "batalkan"
:contacts-syncronized "kontak telah disinkronkan"
:confirmation-code (str "terima kasih! Kami telah mengirim pesan teks untuk mengkonfirmasi akun anda "
"kode. untuk mengkonfirmasi nomor telepon Anda, masukkan kode ini")
:incorrect-code (str "maaf, kode yang anda masukan salah. Silakan coba lagi")
:generate-passphrase (str "generate passphrase "
"agar Anda dapat memulihkan akses atau login pada perangkat lain")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "* wah * hal yang rumit, inilah passphrase anda, * simpan dan jaga baik - baik! * anda akan membutuhkannya untuk mengembalikan akun Anda."
:here-is-your-passphrase "berikut adalah passphrase anda. * jaga agar tetap aman dan menyimpannya! * bila anda perlu untuk memulihkan akun Anda."
:written-down "pastikan Anda telah menulisnya dengan aman"
:phone-number-required "ketuk di sini untuk memasukkan nomor telepon Anda, anda akan menemukan teman-teman anda"
:intro-status "berbicara dengan saya untuk mengatur akun Anda dan mengubah pengaturan Anda!"
:intro-message1 "selamat datang di Status \n klik pesan ini untuk mengatur sandi Anda & memulai!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "obrolan"
:new-chat "obrolan baru"
:new-group-chat "obrolan grup baru"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "kontak"
:new-contact "kontak baru"
:show-all "tampilkan semua"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "pengguna"
:contacts-group-new-chat "untuk memulai obrolan baru"
:no-contacts "tidak ada kontak"
:show-qr "show QR kode"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "menghapus"
:save "menyimpan"
:change-color "ubah warna"
:clear-history "bersihkan riwayat"
:delete-and-leave "hapus dan tinggalkan"
:chat-settings "pengaturan obrolan"
:edit "edit"
:add-members "tambah anggota"
:blue "biru"
:purple "ungu"
:green "hijau"
:red "merah"
:money-command-description "kirim dana"
:location-command-description "kirim lokasi"
:phone-command-description "kirim nomor telepon"
:phone-request-text "meminta nomor telepon"
:confirmation-code-command-description "kirim kode verifikasi"
:confirmation-code-request-text "meminta kode konfirmasi"
:send-command-description "kirim lokasi"
:request-command-description "kirim permintaan"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "bantuan"
:request "permintaan"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH untuk: {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH dari: {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "nama obrolan"
:empty-group-chat-name "silakan masukkan nama"
:illegal-group-chat-name "silakan pilih nama lain"
:add-participants "tambahkan peserta"
:remove-participants "hapus peserta"
:received-invitation "telah menerima undangan untuk obrolan"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "menambahkan kontak baru"
:import-qr "import"
:scan-qr "memindai kode QR ini"
:name "nama"
:whisper-identity "whisper ID"
:address-explication "mungkin harus ada beberapa konten untuk menjelaskan alamat ini dan di mana menemukannya"
:enter-valid-address "harap masukkan alamat valid atau pindai kode QR"
:contact-already-added "Kontak yang telah ditambahkan"
:can-not-add-yourself "tidak dapat menambahkan anda sendiri"
:unknown-address "alamat tidak diketahui"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "terhubung"
:address "alamat"
:password "kata sandi"
:login "masuk"
:wrong-password "kata sandi salah"
:recover-from-passphrase "pulihkan dari passphrase"
:recover-explain "masukkan kata sandi anda untuk memulihkan akses"
:passphrase "passphrase"
:recover "pemulihan"
:enter-valid-passphrase "masukkan valid passphrase"
:enter-valid-password "masukkan kata sandi yang valid"
:recover-access "akses Pemulihan"
:add-account "tambahkan Akun"
:done "lengkap"
@ -205,18 +155,9 @@
:invalid-phone "nomor telepon salah"
:amount "jumlah dana"
:not-enough-eth (str "balance ETH tidak cukup"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "konfirmasi transaksi"
:other "{{count}} transaksi terkonfirmasi"
:zero "tidak ada transaksi"}
:status "kondisi"
:pending-confirmation "konfirmasi pending"
:recipient "penerima"
:one-more-item "tambahkan lagi item "
:fee "fee"
:value "nilai"
:web-view-error "oopss, error"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Invita amici"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Cambia utenti"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "ore"}
:datetime-day {:one "giorno"
:other "giorni"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "fa"
:datetime-yesterday "ieri"
:datetime-today "oggi"
:profile "Profilo"
:report-user "SEGNALA UTENTE"
:message "Messaggio"
:username "Nome utente"
:not-specified "Non specificato"
:public-key "Chiave pubblica"
:phone-number "Numero di telefono"
:email "Email"
:profile-no-status "Nessuno stato"
:add-to-contacts "Aggiungi ai contatti"
:error-incorrect-name "Seleziona un altro nome"
:error-incorrect-email "Email errata"
:image-source-title "Immagine profilo"
:image-source-make-photo "Scatta"
:image-source-gallery "Seleziona dalla galleria immagini"
:image-source-cancel "Annulla"
:contacts-syncronized "I tuoi contatti sono stati sincronizzati"
:confirmation-code (str "Grazie! Ti abbiamo inviato un messaggio con un codice di "
"conferma. Utilizza tale codice per confermare il tuo numero di telefono")
:incorrect-code (str "Il codice inserito è errato, riprova")
:generate-passphrase (str "Provvederò a generare una passphrase così potrai ripristinare il tuo "
"accesso o effettuare il login da un altro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Wow* È stato difficile, ecco qui la tua passphrase, *prendi nota e conservala in un luogo sicuro!* Ti servirà per ripristinare il tuo conto."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Ecco qui la tua passphrase, *prendi nota e conservala in un luogo sicuro!* Ti servirà per ripristinare il tuo conto."
:written-down "Assicurati di averla scritta correttamente"
:phone-number-required "Clicca qui per inserire il tuo numero di telefono e trovare i tuoi amici"
:intro-status "Avvia una conversazione con me per impostare il tuo conto e modificare le tue impostazioni!"
:intro-message1 "Benvenuto su Status\nTocca questo messaggio per impostare la tua password e iniziare!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Conversazioni"
:new-chat "Nuova conversazione"
:new-group-chat "Nuova conversazione di gruppo"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Contatti"
:new-contact "Nuovo contatto"
:show-all "MOSTRA TUTTI"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Persone"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Inizia una nuova conversazione"
:no-contacts "Nessun contatto registrato"
:show-qr "Mostra QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Rimuovi"
:save "Salva"
:change-color "Cambia colore"
:clear-history "Cancella cronologia"
:delete-and-leave "Elimina ed esci"
:chat-settings "Impostazioni conversazioni"
:edit "Modifica"
:add-members "Aggiungi membri"
:blue "Blu"
:purple "Viola"
:green "Verde"
:red "Rosso"
:money-command-description "Invia denaro"
:location-command-description "Invia posizione"
:phone-command-description "Invia numero di telefono"
:phone-request-text "Richiesta numero di telefono"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Invia codice di conferma"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Richiesta codice di conferma"
:send-command-description "Invia posizione"
:request-command-description "Invia richiesta"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Aiuto"
:request "Richiedi"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH a {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH da {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Nome conversazione"
:empty-group-chat-name "Inserire un nome"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Selezionare un altro nome"
:add-participants "Aggiungi partecipanti"
:remove-participants "Rimuovi partecipanti"
:received-invitation "ha ricevuto un invito di conversazione"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Aggiungi nuovo contatto"
:import-qr "Importa"
:scan-qr "Scansiona QR"
:name "Nome"
:whisper-identity "Whisper Identity"
:address-explication "Forse qui dovremmo spiegare cos'è un indirizzo e dove cercarlo"
:enter-valid-address "Inserire un indirizzo valido oppure effettuare la scansione del codice QR"
:contact-already-added "Il contatto è già stato aggiunto"
:can-not-add-yourself "Non puoi aggiungere te stesso"
:unknown-address "Indirizzo sconosciuto"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Effettua connessione"
:address "Indirizzo"
:password "Password"
:login "Login"
:wrong-password "Password errata"
:recover-from-passphrase "Ripristina tramite passphrase"
:recover-explain "Inserire la passphrase per ripristinare la password di accesso"
:passphrase "Passphrase"
:recover "Ripristina"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Inserire una passphrase"
:enter-valid-password "Inserire una password"
:recover-access "Ripristina l'accesso"
:add-account "Aggiungi conto"
:done "OK"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Numero di telefono non valido"
:amount "Saldo"
:not-enough-eth (str "Saldo ETH non sufficiente "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Conferma transazione"
:other "Conferma {{count}} transazioni"
:zero "Nessuna transazione"}
:status "Stato"
:pending-confirmation "Conferma pendente"
:recipient "Beneficiario"
:one-more-item "Ancora un elemento"
:fee "Commissione"
:value "Valore"
:web-view-error "Ops, si è verificato un errore"
:confirm "Conferma"
:phone-national "Nazionale"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transazione confermata"
:other "{{count}} transazioni confermata"
:zero "Nessuna transazione confermata"}
:public-group-topic "Argomento"
:debug-enabled "Il server di debug è stato avviato! Ora puoi aggiungere la tua DApp eseguendo *status-dev-cli scan* dal tuo computer"
:new-public-group-chat "Entra in chat pubblica"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Annulla"
:share-qr "Condividi QR"
:feedback "Hai ricevuto un feedback?\nScuoti il tuo telefono!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 parole in ordine corretto"
:remove-from-contacts "Rimuovi dai contatti"
:delete-chat "Elimina chat"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "contatto"
:other "contatti"}
:group-name "Nome del gruppo"
:next "Avanti"
:from "Da"
:search-chats "Cerca nelle chat"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "altro"
:cancel "Annulla"
:no-statuses-found "Nessuno stato trovato"
:swow-qr "Mostra QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Apri nel browser"
:delete-group-prompt "Questo non intaccherà i contatti"
:edit-profile "Modifica profilo"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Conferma la transazione inserendo la tua password"
:other "Conferma le transazioni inserendo la tua password"}
:unsigned-transactions "Transazioni non firmate"
:empty-topic "Argomento non definito"
:to "A"
:group-members "Membri del gruppo"
:estimated-fee "Commissione stimata"
:data "Dati"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "写真を取得できません。設定より写真へのアクセスを許可してください。"
:invite-friends "友だちを招待"
:faq "よくある質問"
:switch-users "ユーザーの切り替え"
:feedback "フィードバックがある場合はスマホを振って下さい!"
:view-all "全て見る"
:current-network "現在のネットワーク"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "時間"}
:datetime-day {:one "日"
:other "日"}
:datetime-multiple ""
:datetime-ago "前"
:datetime-yesterday "昨日"
:datetime-today "今日"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "プロフィール"
:edit-profile "プロフィールを編集"
:report-user "ユーザーを通報"
:message "メッセージ"
:username "ユーザー名"
:not-specified "特定されていません"
:public-key "公開鍵"
:phone-number "電話番号"
:email "メールアドレス"
:update-status "ステータスを更新..."
:add-a-status "ステータスを追加..."
:status-prompt "あなたのオファーを知らせるためにステータスを作成してください。#hashtagsも使用できます。"
@ -92,15 +84,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "連絡先から削除"
:start-conversation "会話を始める"
:send-transaction "トランザクションを送信"
:share-qr "QRを共有"
:error-incorrect-name "別の名前を選択してください"
:error-incorrect-email "メールアドレスが正しくありません"
:image-source-title "プロフィール画像"
:image-source-make-photo "カメラを起動"
:image-source-gallery "ギャラリーから選択"
:image-source-cancel "キャンセル"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "クリップボードにコピー"
@ -108,7 +96,6 @@
:sharing-cancel "キャンセル"
:browsing-title "閲覧"
:browsing-browse "@閲覧"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "ブラウザーで閲覧"
:browsing-cancel "キャンセル"
@ -117,11 +104,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "ありがとうございます! 確認コードが記載されたメッセージが"
:incorrect-code (str "申し訳ありません。コードが間違っています。もう一度入力してください")
:generate-passphrase (str "パスフレーズを生成すると、アクセスを復元したり、"
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*お疲れ様でした。*これがパスフレーズです。*書き留めて安全な場所に保管してください!*アカウントの復元に必要になります。"
:here-is-your-passphrase "これがパスフレーズです。*書き留めて安全な場所に保管してください!*アカウントの復元に必要になります。"
:written-down "書き留めて安全な場所に保管してください。"
:phone-number-required "ここをタップして電話番号を入力するとお友達を検索します。"
:shake-your-phone "問題点や改善点を報告する場合は、スマホを振って下さい!"
:intro-status "チャットしてアカウントを設定し、設定を変更してください!"
@ -138,7 +122,6 @@
:chats "チャット"
:new-chat "新規チャット"
:delete-chat "チャットを削除"
:new-group-chat "新規グループチャット"
:new-public-group-chat "公開チャットに参加"
@ -168,9 +151,6 @@
:remove-from-group "グループから削除"
:edit-contacts "連絡先を偏執"
:search-contacts "連絡先を検索"
:show-all "全て表示"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "人々"
:contacts-group-new-chat "新規チャットを開始"
:choose-from-contacts "連絡先から選択"
:no-contacts "まだ連絡先がありません"
@ -182,52 +162,26 @@
:remove "削除"
:save "保存"
:delete "削除"
:change-color "色を変更"
:clear-history "履歴の消去"
:mute-notifications "お知らせをミュート"
:leave-chat "チャットから退出"
:delete-and-leave "削除し退出する"
:chat-settings "チャット設定"
:edit "偏執"
:add-members "メンバーを追加"
:blue "ブルー"
:purple "パープル"
:green "グリーン"
:red "レッド"
:money-command-description "送金"
:location-command-description "位置を送信"
:phone-command-description "電話番号を送信"
:phone-request-text "電話番号をリクエスト"
:confirmation-code-command-description "確認コードを送信"
:confirmation-code-request-text "確認コードをリクエスト"
:send-command-description "位置を送信"
:request-command-description "リクエストを送信"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "ヘルプ"
:request "リクエスト"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETHを{{chat-name}}に"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETHを{{chat-name}}から"
:group-chat-name "チャット名"
:empty-group-chat-name "名前を入力して下さい"
:illegal-group-chat-name "別の名前を洗濯して下さい"
:new-group "新しいグループ"
:reorder-groups "グループを並び替え"
:group-name "グループ名"
:edit-group "グループを偏執"
:delete-group "グループを削除"
:delete-group-confirmation "このグループを削除します。連絡先には影響を与えません。"
:delete-group-prompt "連絡先には影響を与えません。"
:group-members "グループメンバー"
:contact-s {:one "連絡先"
:other "連絡先"}
:add-participants "参加者を追加"
:remove-participants "参加者を削除"
:received-invitation "チャット招待状を受信しました"
@ -239,13 +193,9 @@
:add-new-contact "新規連絡先を追加"
:import-qr "インポート"
:scan-qr "QRをスキャン"
:swow-qr "QRを表示"
:name "名前"
:whisper-identity "Whisper識別子"
:address-explication "ここにアドレスについての説明や、どこで見つけられるのかを入力してください"
:enter-valid-address "有効なアドレスを入力するかQRコードをスキャンしてください"
:enter-valid-public-key "有効な公開鍵を入力するかQRコードをスキャンしてください"
:contact-already-added "連絡先はすでに追加されています"
:can-not-add-yourself "自分自身を追加することはできません"
@ -256,23 +206,17 @@
:connect "接続"
:address "アドレス"
:password "パスワード"
:login "ログイン"
:sign-in-to-status "ステータスにサインイン"
:sign-in "サインイン"
:wrong-password "パスワードが間違っています"
:recover-from-passphrase "パスフレーズから復元"
:recover-explain "アクセスを復元するには、パスワードのパスフレーズを入力してください"
:passphrase "パスフレーズ"
:recover "復元"
:enter-valid-passphrase "パスフレーズを入力してください"
:enter-valid-password "パスワードを入力してください"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "正しい順序で12ワード"
:recover-access "アクセスを復元"
:add-account "アカウントを追加"
:create-new-account "新規アカウントを作成"
@ -282,33 +226,15 @@
:invalid-phone "無効な電話番号"
:amount "金額"
:not-enough-eth (str "十分なETH残高がありません"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "確認"
:confirm-transactions {:one "トランザクションを確認"
:other "{{count}}トランザクションを確認"
:zero "トランザクションがありません"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "トランザクションを確認済み"
:other "{{count}}トランザクションを確認済み"
:zero "確認済みトランザクションはありません"}
:transaction "トランザクション"
:unsigned-transactions "署名されていないトランザクション"
:no-unsigned-transactions "署名されていないトランザクションはありません"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "パスワードを入力してトランザクションを確認する"
:other "パスワードを入力してトランザクションを確認する"}
:status "ステータス"
:pending-confirmation "確認作業が保留中です"
:recipient "受信者"
:one-more-item "もう一つの項目"
:fee "手数料"
:estimated-fee "予想される手数料"
:value "値"
:to "宛先"
:from "送信元"
:data "データ"
:got-it "理解しました"
:contract-creation "契約作成"
:web-view-error "おっと、エラーが発生しました。"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "abesse"
:invite-friends "invitare amico"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "utens ex cambit"
@ -54,41 +52,28 @@
:other "horae"}
:datetime-day {:one "dies"
:other "dies"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "anto"
:datetime-yesterday "heri"
:datetime-today "hodie"
:profile "biographia"
:report-user "UTENS QUADRUPLARI"
:message "nuntium"
:username "utens nominis"
:not-specified "ne adnotans"
:public-key "publica clavis"
:phone-number "nummerus telephonicus"
:email "smaltum"
:profile-no-status "nullus status"
:add-to-contacts "adicere ad contagio"
:error-incorrect-name "optare alium nomen suis"
:error-incorrect-email "falsum smaltum"
:image-source-title "photographia bigraphiae"
:image-source-make-photo "photographere"
:image-source-gallery "eligere ad pinacothecae"
:image-source-cancel "defringere"
:contacts-syncronized "contagium sui synchronizatum esse."
:confirmation-code (str "gratias tibi! misimus nuntium conscriptionis cum notae. "
"transcribe notam, ut nummerum telefonicum possimus verificare.")
:incorrect-code (str "nos paenite, nota falsa, perscribe denuo")
:generate-passphrase (str "computo phrasis arcana pro suo, ut "
"arripiens recreare aut arripere alii instrumento profiteri potest.")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*uph* erat gravor. hic phrasis arcana sui est, *exscribe et adserva!* necesse est, ut benificium sui recreare."
:here-is-your-passphrase "hic phrasis arcana sui est, *exscribe et adserva!* necesse est, ut benificium sui recreare."
:written-down "exscribere omnes? nisi exscribe nunc"
:phone-number-required "attige ipse, et transcribe numerus telephonicus sui. deinde inveniar amici sui."
:intro-status "habere colloquium cum me, ut syngraphus sui congerit et moderationes sui mutare!"
:intro-message1 "salve! hic Status est!.\n attige id nuntium, ut signum arcanum sui congere et incipere!"
@ -96,7 +81,6 @@
:chats "colloquia"
:new-chat "novum colloquium"
:new-group-chat "novum colloquium circli"
@ -113,9 +97,6 @@
:contacts "contagiis"
:new-contact "novum contagium"
:show-all "elucere omnibus"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "poplus"
:contacts-group-new-chat "novum colloquium circli"
:no-contacts "Nulla contagio"
:show-qr "QR-nota elucere"
@ -123,42 +104,14 @@
:remove "amovere"
:save "apothecare"
:change-color "color mutare"
:clear-history "processus amovere"
:delete-and-leave "amovere et relinquere"
:chat-settings "moderationes colloquiorum"
:edit "commutare"
:add-members "sodalis adjungere"
:blue "caeruleum"
:purple "austrum"
:green "viridis"
:red "rubius"
:money-command-description "pecunia mittere"
:location-command-description "locum mittere"
:phone-command-description "numerus telephonicus mittere"
:phone-request-text "numerus telephonicus exquirere"
:confirmation-code-command-description "nota mittere"
:confirmation-code-request-text "nota exquirere"
:send-command-description "locum mittere"
:request-command-description "consulatio mittere"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "auxilium"
:request "consulatio"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH ad {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH ab {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "nomen colloquio circli"
:empty-group-chat-name "perscribe nomen colloquio circli"
:illegal-group-chat-name "perscribe nomen aliud"
:add-participants "adsecula adjungere"
:remove-participants "adsecula relinquere"
:received-invitation "nancisci colloquium circli"
:removed-from-chat "ex colloquium circli relinquere"
@ -169,12 +122,9 @@
:add-new-contact "nova contagio adjungere"
:import-qr "importare"
:scan-qr "QR-nota photographere"
:name "nomen"
:whisper-identity "identitas susurrare"
:address-explication "explain what adresses are" ; TODO
:enter-valid-address "perscribe ratum adloquium aut photographare QR-nota"
:contact-already-added "iste contagio jam adjunctum esse"
:can-not-add-yourself "ne potest adjungere ipse!"
:unknown-address "ignotum adloquium"
@ -184,21 +134,13 @@
:connect "iungere"
:address "adloquium"
:password "signum arcanum"
:login "profitere"
:wrong-password "falsum signum acranum"
:recover-from-passphrase "recreare alcis auxilio phrasis arcana"
:recover-explain "perscribe phrasis arcana pro signo arcano, ut recreare dicionem"
:passphrase "phrasis arcana"
:recover "recreare"
:enter-valid-passphrase "perscribe phrasis arcana"
:enter-valid-password "perscribe signum arcanum"
:recover-access "restituere possessio"
:add-account "benificium addere"
:done "paratus"
:main-wallet "crumera caput"
@ -206,18 +148,8 @@
:invalid-phone "nummerus telephonicus"
:amount "summa"
:not-enough-eth (str "crumera haud satis EHT habet"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "authenticare transmissio"
:other "{{count}} authenticare transmissiones"
:zero "nulla transmissio"}
:status "status"
:pending-confirmation "Confirmatio in tractatio"
:recipient "acceptor"
:one-more-item "etiam res"
:fee "theolonium"
:value "precium"
:web-view-error "Erratum ad adspectus"})
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
:contacts-syncronized "Jūsų kontaktai buvo sinchronizuoti"
:confirmation-code (str "Dėkui! Mes išsiuntėme jums teksto pranešimą su patvirtinimo kodu. "
"Prašau nurodyti šį kodą, kad patvirtintumėte savo telefono numerį")
"Prašau nurodyti šį kodą, kad patvirtintumėte savo telefono numerį")
:incorrect-code (str "Atsiprašome, kodas neteisingas, prašome įvesti jį dar kartą")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "Vajė, buvo sunkoka, čia yra jūsų slaptažodis, *išsaugokite jį!* jeigu reikės atkurti jūsų paskyrą."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Čia yra jūsų slaptafrazė, *išsaugokite ją!* jeigu reikės atkurti jūsų paskyrą."
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "Kļūda, nav atļaujas piekļūt fotogrāfijām. Lūdzu, iestatījumos pārliecinies, ka Status > Photos ir izvēlēts."
:invite-friends "Uzaicināt draugus"
:faq "FAQ un biežāk uzdotie jautājumi"
:switch-users "Mainīt lietotāju"
:feedback "Gribi atstāt atsauksmi? Krati telefonu!"
:view-all "Skatīt visu"
:current-network "Tīkls"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "stundas"}
:datetime-day {:one "diena"
:other "dienas"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "pirms"
:datetime-yesterday "vakar"
:datetime-today "šodien"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "Profils"
:edit-profile "Rediģēt profilu"
:report-user "Ziņot"
:message "Īsziņa"
:username "Lietotājvārds"
:not-specified "Nav norādīts"
:public-key "Public key"
:phone-number "Telefona numurs"
:email "E-pasts"
:update-status "Rediģēt aprakstu..."
:add-a-status "Pievienot aprakstu..."
:status-prompt "Pievieno aprakstu lai cilvēki zinātu ko tu piedāvā. Tu vari arī izlietot #hashtagus."
@ -92,16 +84,10 @@
:remove-from-contacts "Izdzēst kontaktu"
:start-conversation "Sākt sarunu"
:send-transaction "Sūtīt transakciju"
:share-qr "Dalīties ar QR kodu"
:error-incorrect-name "Lūdzu izmanto citu vārdu"
:error-incorrect-email "Nepareizs e-pasts"
:image-source-title "Profila bilde"
:image-source-make-photo "Fotografēt"
:image-source-gallery "Izvēlēties no galerijas"
:image-source-cancel "Atcelt"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Copy to clipboard"
@ -117,11 +103,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Paldies! Mēs nosūtijām tev īsziņu ar apstiprinājuma kodu"
"code. Lūdzu ievadi apstiprinājuma kodu lai verificētu savu telefona numuru")
:incorrect-code (str "Nepareizs kods, mēģiniet vēlreiz")
:generate-passphrase (str "Tu saņemsi jaunu passphrase lai"
"tu varētu ieiet no cita telefona")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Fuh* tas bija grūti, re, te ir tavs jauns passphrase, *pieraksti un sargā to!* Tev viņš būs vajadzīgs lai atgūtu pieju."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Te ir tavs jauns passphrase, *pieraksti un sargā to!* Tev viņš būs vajadzīgs lai atgūtu pieju savam kontam."
:written-down "Pārliecinies, ka pareizi pierakstīji to."
:phone-number-required "Ievadi savu telefonu un es atradīšu tavus draugus."
:shake-your-phone "Atradi kļūdu? Pastāsti mums par to! Krati telefonu!"
:intro-status "Čato ar mani, ja gribi mainīt ustatījumus!"
@ -138,7 +121,6 @@
:chats "Čati"
:new-chat "Jaunais čāts"
:delete-chat "Dzēst čatu"
:new-group-chat "Jauna grupa"
:new-public-group-chat "Pievienoties publiskajam čatam"
@ -168,9 +150,6 @@
:remove-from-group "Dzēst no grupas"
:edit-contacts "Rediģēt kontakts"
:search-contacts "Meklēt kontaktus"
:show-all "PARĀDĪT VISUS"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Cilvēki"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Sākt jaunu čatu"
:choose-from-contacts "Izvēlēties no kontaktiem"
:no-contacts "Kontaktu nav"
@ -182,52 +161,26 @@
:remove "Noņemt"
:save "Saglabāt"
:delete "Dzēst"
:change-color "Mainīt krāsu"
:clear-history "Dzēst vēsturi"
:mute-notifications "Mute"
:leave-chat "Iziet no čata"
:delete-and-leave "Dzēst un iziet"
:chat-settings "Čata iestatījumi"
:edit "Rediģēt"
:add-members "Pievienot biedrus"
:blue "Blue"
:purple "Purple"
:green "Green"
:red "Red"
:money-command-description "Sūtīt naudu"
:location-command-description "Sūtīt lokāciju"
:phone-command-description "Sūtīt numuru"
:phone-request-text "Telefona numura pieprasījums"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Sūtīt apstiprinājuma kodu"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Apstiprinājuma koda pieprasījums"
:send-command-description "Sūtīt lokāciju"
:request-command-description "Sūtīt pieprasījumu"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Palīdzība"
:request "Pieprasījums"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH kam {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH no {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Čata nosaukums"
:empty-group-chat-name "Ievadi vārdu"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Lūdzu, izvēlaties citu vārdu"
:new-group "Jauna grupa"
:reorder-groups "Reorder groups"
:group-name "Grupas nosaukums"
:edit-group "Rediģēt grupu"
:delete-group "Dzēst grupu"
:delete-group-confirmation "Grupa tiks noņēmta. Tas neietikmēs tavus kontaktus"
:delete-group-prompt "Tas neietikmēs kontaktus"
:group-members "Grupas biedri"
:contact-s {:one "kontakts"
:other "kontakti"}
:add-participants "Pievienot biedrus"
:remove-participants "Noņemt biedrus"
:received-invitation "čata uzaicinājums"
@ -239,13 +192,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Pievienot jaunu kontaktu"
:import-qr "Importēt"
:scan-qr "Skanēt QR"
:swow-qr "Parādīt QR"
:name "Vārds"
:whisper-identity "Whisper Identity"
:address-explication "Maybe here should be some text explaining what an address is and where to look for it"
:enter-valid-address "Lūdzu ievadi adresi jeb skanē QR kodu"
:enter-valid-public-key "Lūdzu ievadi publisko atslēgu, jeb skanē QR kodu"
:contact-already-added "Kontakts jau bija pievienots"
:can-not-add-yourself "Tu nevari pievienot sevi"
@ -256,23 +205,17 @@
:connect "Savienoties"
:address "Adrese"
:password "Parole"
:login "Lietotājvārds"
:sign-in-to-status "Ieiet Status"
:sign-in "Ieiet"
:wrong-password "Parole ievadīta nepareizi"
:recover-from-passphrase "Atgūt no passphrase"
:recover-explain "Ievadi passphrase lai atgūtu pieeju"
:passphrase "Passphrase"
:recover "Atgūt"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Ievadi passphrase"
:enter-valid-password "Ievadi paroli"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 vārdi"
:recover-access "Atgūt pieeju"
:add-account "Pievienot kontu"
:create-new-account "Izveidot jaunu kontu"
@ -282,33 +225,15 @@
:invalid-phone "Nepareizs telefona numurs"
:amount "Summa"
:not-enough-eth (str "Kontā nepietiek ETH "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "Apstiprināt"
:confirm-transactions {:one "Apstiprināt transakciju"
:other "Apstiprināt {{count}} transakcijas"
:zero "Nav transakciju"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transakcija apstiprināta"
:other "{{count}} transakcija apstiprinātas"
:zero "Nav apstiprinātas transakcijas"}
:transaction "Transakcija"
:unsigned-transactions "Neparakstītas transakcijas"
:no-unsigned-transactions "Nav neparakstītas transakcijas"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Apstiprināt transakciju (ievadi savu paroli)"
:other "Apstiprināt transakcija (ievadi savu paroli)"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Neizlemts apstiprinājums"
:recipient "Saņēmējs"
:one-more-item "Vel viena lieta"
:fee "Maksa"
:estimated-fee "~Maksa"
:value "Vērtība"
:to "Kam"
:from "No"
:data "Dati"
:got-it "Got it"
:contract-creation "Līguma izveidošana"
:web-view-error "ups, kļūda"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "Untuk memberi keizinan akses gambar yang diperlukan, sila pergi ke aturan sistem anda dan pastikan bahawa Status > Gambar telah dipilih."
:invite-friends "Jemput Rakan"
:faq "Soalan sering ditanya"
:switch-users "Tukar pengguna"
:feedback "Ada maklum balas?\nGoncang telefon anda!"
:view-all "Lihat semua"
:current-network "Rangkaian sekarang"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "jam"}
:datetime-day {:one "hari"
:other "hari"}
:datetime-multiple "2"
:datetime-ago "lalu"
:datetime-yesterday "semalam"
:datetime-today "hari ini"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "Profail"
:edit-profile "Ubah profail"
:report-user "LAPOR PENGGUNA"
:message "Mesej"
:username "Nama pengguna"
:not-specified "Tidak diberikan"
:public-key "Public key"
:phone-number "Nombor telefon"
:email "Emel"
:update-status "Kemaskini status anda..."
:add-a-status "Tambah pada status..."
:status-prompt "Ciptakan satu status untuk membantu pengguna lain mengetahui tentang perkara yang anda tawarkan. Anda juga boleh menggunakan #hashtag. "
@ -92,15 +84,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "Buang dari senarai kenalan"
:start-conversation "Mulakan perbualan"
:send-transaction "Hantar transaksi"
:share-qr "Kongsi kod QR"
:error-incorrect-name "Sila pilih nama lain"
:error-incorrect-email "Emel salah"
:image-source-title "Gambar profail"
:image-source-make-photo "Rakam"
:image-source-gallery "Pilih dari galeri"
:image-source-cancel "Batal"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Salin ke clipboard"
@ -108,7 +96,6 @@
:sharing-cancel "Batal"
:browsing-title "Pelayar"
:browsing-browse "@layar"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Buka dalam pelayar web"
:browsing-cancel "Batal"
@ -117,11 +104,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Terima kasih! Kami telah menghantar kepada anda satu mesej mengandungi kod"
"pengesahan. Sila berikan kod tersebut untuk mengesahkan nombor telefon anda")
:incorrect-code (str "Maaf kod salah, sila masukkan sekali lagi")
:generate-passphrase (str "Saya akan mencipta satu ayat pengesahan supaya anda dapat "
"memulihkan akses atau log masuk dari perangkat baru")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Wah* itu sangatlah susah, ini adalah ayat pengesahan anda, *sila tulis dan pastikan ini selamat!* Anda akan memerlukan ia untuk memulihkan akses ke akaun anda."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Ini adalah ayat pengesahan anda, *sila tulis dan pastikan ini selamat!* Anda akan memerlukan ia untuk memulihkan akses ke akaun anda."
:written-down "Sila pastikan anda telah menulisnya"
:phone-number-required "Sentuh disini untuk memasukkan nombor telefon anda & saya akan mecari rakan anda"
:shake-your-phone "Jumpa kerentanan atau terdapat cadangan? Hanya ~goncang~ telefon anda!"
:intro-status "Mulakan perbualan dengan saya untuk mencipta akaun anda dan mengubah aturan akaun anda!"
@ -138,7 +122,6 @@
:chats "Perbualan"
:new-chat "Perbualan baru"
:delete-chat "Padam perbualan"
:new-group-chat "Perbualan kumpulan baru"
:new-public-group-chat "Sertai perbualan umum"
@ -168,9 +151,6 @@
:remove-from-group "Buang dari kumpulan"
:edit-contacts "Ubah kenalan"
:search-contacts "Cari kenalan"
:show-all "TUNJUK SEMUA"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Pengguna"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Mulakan perbualan baru"
:choose-from-contacts "Pilih dari kenalan"
:no-contacts "Masih tiada kenalan"
@ -182,34 +162,15 @@
:remove "Buang"
:save "Simpan"
:delete "Padam"
:change-color "Tukar warna"
:clear-history "Padam sejarah perbualan"
:mute-notifications "Pemberitahuan senyap"
:leave-chat "Tinggalkan perbualan"
:delete-and-leave "Padam dan tinggalkan"
:chat-settings "Aturan perbualan"
:edit "Ubah"
:add-members "Tambah ahli"
:blue "Biru"
:purple "Ungu"
:green "Hijau"
:red "Merah"
:money-command-description "Hantar wang"
:location-command-description "Hantar lokasi"
:phone-command-description "Hantar nombor telefon"
:phone-request-text "Permintaan nombor telefon"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Hantar kod pengesahan"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Permintaan kod pengesahan"
:send-command-description "Hantar arahan"
:request-command-description "Hantar permintaan"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Bantuan"
:request "Permintaan"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH ke {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH dari {{chat-name}}"
;location command
:your-current-location "Lokasi terkini anda"
@ -222,22 +183,15 @@
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard-coordinates "Salin koordinat"
:group-chat-name "Nama perbualan"
:empty-group-chat-name "Sila masukkan satu nama"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Sila pilih nama lain"
:new-group "Kumpulan baru"
:reorder-groups "Susun kumpulan"
:group-name "Nama kumpulan"
:edit-group "Ubah kumpulan"
:delete-group "Padam kumpulan"
:delete-group-confirmation "Kumpulan ini akan dipadam dari senarai kumpulan anda. Ini tidak akan menjejaskan senarai kenalan anda"
:delete-group-prompt "Ini tidak akan menjejaskan senarai kenalan anda"
:group-members "Ahli kumpulan"
:contact-s {:one "kenalan"
:other "kenalan"}
:add-participants "Tambah ahli"
:remove-participants "Buang ahli"
:received-invitation "menerima permintaan bual"
@ -249,13 +203,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Tambah kenalan baru"
:import-qr "Impot kod QR"
:scan-qr "Imbas kod QR"
:swow-qr "Tunjuk kod QR"
:name "Nama"
:whisper-identity "Identiti Whisper"
:address-explication "Mungkin disini sepatutnya terdapat sedikit teks menjelaskan apa itu address dan dimana untuk melihatnya"
:enter-valid-address "Sila masukkan address yang sah atau imbas satu kod QR"
:enter-valid-public-key "Sila masukkan public key yang sah atau imbas kod QR"
:contact-already-added "Kenalan telah ditambah"
:can-not-add-yourself "Anda tidak boleh menambah diri anda sendiri"
@ -266,23 +216,17 @@
:connect "Sambung"
:address "Address"
:password "Kata laluan"
:login "Daftar masuk"
:sign-in-to-status "Daftar masuk ke Status"
:sign-in "Daftar masuk"
:wrong-password "Kata laluan salah"
:recover-from-passphrase "Pulihkn akaun daripada ayat pengesahan"
:recover-explain "Sila masukkan ayat pengesahan kepada kata laluan anda untuk memulihkan akses ke akaun anda"
:passphrase "Ayat pengesahan"
:recover "Pulihkan"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Sila masukkan ayat pengesahan"
:enter-valid-password "Sila masukkan kata laluan"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 perkataan dalam susunan yang betul"
:recover-access "Pulihkan akses"
:add-account "Tambah akaun"
:create-new-account "Cipta akaun baru"
@ -292,33 +236,15 @@
:invalid-phone "Nombor telefon salah"
:amount "Jumlah"
:not-enough-eth (str "Tidak cukup ETH dalam baki "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "Sahkan"
:confirm-transactions {:one "Sahkan transaksi"
:other "Sahkan {{count}} transaksi"
:zero "Tiada transaksi"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transaksi disahkan"
:other "{{count}} transaksi disahkan"
:zero "Tiada transaksi disahkan"}
:transaction "Transaksi"
:unsigned-transactions "Transaksi tidak berdaftar"
:no-unsigned-transactions "Tiada transaksi tidak berdaftar"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Sila sahkan transaksi dengan memasukkan kata laluan anda"
:other "Sila sahkan transaksi dengan memasukkan kata laluan anda"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Pengesahan belum selesai"
:recipient "Penerima"
:one-more-item "Satu lagi"
:fee "Bayaran transaksi"
:estimated-fee "Anggaran jumlah bayaran transaksi"
:value "Nilai"
:to "Ke"
:from "Dari"
:data "Maklumat"
:got-it "Ya"
:contract-creation "Cipta kontrak"
:web-view-error "oops, gagal"})
@ -21,11 +21,7 @@
:photos-access-error "For å tillate bruk av bilder, gå til systeminstillinger og sørg for at Status > Bilder er aktivert."
:invite-friends "Inviter venner"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Bytt brukere"
:feedback "Tilbakemelding?\nRist telefonen!"
:view-all "Vis alle"
:current-network "Nåværende nettverk"
@ -71,7 +67,6 @@
:other "timer"}
:datetime-day {:one "dag"
:other "dager"}
:datetime-multiple "er"
:datetime-ago "siden"
:datetime-yesterday "i går"
:datetime-today "i dag"
@ -79,13 +74,10 @@
:profile "Profil"
:edit-profile "Rediger profil"
:report-user "RAPPORTER BRUKER"
:message "Melding"
:username "Brukernavn"
:not-specified "Ikke spesifisert"
:public-key "Offentlig nøkkel"
:phone-number "Telefonnummer"
:email "E-post"
:update-status "Oppdater din status..."
:add-a-status "Legg til en status..."
:status-prompt "Legg til en status slik at andre forstår hva du tilbyr. Bruk gjerne #hashtag."
@ -94,15 +86,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "Fjern fra kontakter"
:start-conversation "Start en samtale"
:send-transaction "Send overføring"
:share-qr "Del QR-kode"
:error-incorrect-name "Vennligst velg et annet navn"
:error-incorrect-email "Feil e-post adresse"
:image-source-title "Profilbilde"
:image-source-make-photo "Opptak"
:image-source-gallery "Velg fra bilder"
:image-source-cancel "Avbryt"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Kopier til utklippstavle"
@ -110,7 +98,6 @@
:sharing-cancel "Avbryt"
:browsing-title "Utforsk"
:browsing-browse "@utforsk"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Åpne i nettleser"
:browsing-cancel "Avbryt"
@ -119,13 +106,10 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Topp! Vi har sendt deg en tekstmelding med bekreftelseskode."
"Vennligst send oss tilbake koden for å verifisere at dette er din telefon")
:incorrect-code (str "Beklager, prøv på ny")
:generate-passphrase (str "Jeg genererer en passordfrase til deg, så du kan gjenopprette tilgang "
"eller logge på fra andre enheter")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Phew* det var vrient, her er din nye passordfrase, *skriv den ned og hold den for deg selv!* Du vil trenge den for å kunne gjenopprette kontoen."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Her er din nye passordfrase, *skriv den ned og hold den for deg selv!* Du vil trenge den for å kunne gjenopprette kontoen."
:here-is-your-signing-phrase "Her er din signeringsfrase. Du vil bruke den til å verifisere dine transaksjoner. *skriv den ned og hold den for deg selv!*"
:written-down "Vær sikker på at du har skrevet den ned"
:phone-number-required "Trykk her og skriv ditt telefonnummer, så skal jeg finne vennene dine"
:shake-your-phone "Har du funnet en feil eller har du tilbakemelding til oss? Bare ~rist~ på telefonen!"
:intro-status "Chat med meg for å sette opp kontoen din og endre instillinger!"
@ -142,7 +126,6 @@
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Ny melding"
:delete-chat "Fjern melding"
:new-group-chat "Ny gruppemelding"
:new-public-group-chat "Bli med i offentlig chat"
@ -172,9 +155,6 @@
:remove-from-group "Fjern fra gruppen"
:edit-contacts "Rediger kontakter"
:search-contacts "Søk kontakter"
:show-all "VIS ALLE"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Folk"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Start ny chat"
:choose-from-contacts "Velg fra kontaker"
:no-contacts "Ingen kontaker enda"
@ -186,36 +166,17 @@
:remove "Fjern"
:save "Lagre"
:delete "Slett"
:change-color "Endre farge"
:clear-history "Fjern historikk"
:mute-notifications "Demp notifikasjoner"
:leave-chat "Forlat chat"
:delete-and-leave "Slett og forlat"
:chat-settings "Chat instillinger"
:edit "Rediger"
:add-members "Legg til medlemmer"
:blue "Blå"
:purple "Lilla"
:green "Grønn"
:red "Rød"
:money-command-description "Send penger"
:location-command-description "Send posisjon"
:phone-command-description "Send telefonnummer"
:phone-request-text "Etterspør telefonnummer"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Send bekreftelseskode"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Etterspør befkreftelseskode"
:send-command-description "Send kommando"
:request-command-description "Send forespørsel"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Hjelp"
:request "Forespørsel"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH til {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH fra {{chat-name}}"
;location command
:your-current-location "Din nåværende posisjon"
@ -228,23 +189,16 @@
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard-coordinates "Kopier koordinater"
:group-chat-name "Chat navn"
:empty-group-chat-name "Skriv et navn"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Vennligst velg et annet navn"
:new-group "Ny gruppe"
:reorder-groups "Organiser grupper"
:group-name "Gruppenavn"
:edit-group "Rediger gruppe"
:delete-group "Slett gruppe"
:delete-group-confirmation "Denne slettes fra gruppen, men vil fortsatt være tilgjengelig fra kontakter"
:delete-group-prompt "Dette vil ikke affektere kontakter"
:group-members "Gruppemedlemmer"
:contact-s {:one "kontakt"
:other "kontaker"}
:add-participants "Legg til deltager"
:remove-participants "Fjern deltager"
:received-invitation "Motatt chat-invitasjon"
@ -256,13 +210,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Legg til ny kontakt"
:import-qr "Importer"
:scan-qr "Skan QR-kode"
:swow-qr "Vis QR-kode"
:name "Navn"
:whisper-identity "Hvisk identiteten"
:address-explication "Her bør det kanskje være tekst som forklarer hva en adresse er og hvor du finner den"
:enter-valid-address "Skriv en adresse eller skan en QR-kode"
:enter-valid-public-key "Skriv en offentlig nøkkel eller skan en QR-kode"
:contact-already-added "Kontakten er allerede i kontaktlisten"
:can-not-add-yourself "Du kan ikke legge til deg selv"
@ -272,23 +222,17 @@
:connect "Koble til"
:address "Adresse"
:password "Passord"
:login "Logg på"
:sign-in-to-status "Logg på Status"
:sign-in "Logg på"
:wrong-password "Feil passord"
:recover-from-passphrase "Gjenopprett fra passordfrase"
:recover-explain "Vennligst skriv din passordfrase for å gjenopprette tilgang"
:passphrase "Passordfrase"
:recover "Gjenopprett"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Vennligst skriv passordfrase"
:enter-valid-password "Vennligst skriv passord"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 ord i riktig rekkefølge"
:recover-access "Få tilbake tilgang"
:add-account "Legg til konto"
:create-new-account "Opprett konto"
@ -297,33 +241,16 @@
:invalid-phone "Feil telefonnummer"
:amount "Beløp"
:not-enough-eth (str "Du har ikke nok ETH på kontoen ({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "Bekreft"
:confirm-transactions {:one "Bekreft transaksjon"
:other "Bekreft {{count}} transaksjon"
:zero "Ingen transaksjoner"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transaksjon bekreftet"
:other "{{count}} transaksjoner bekreftet"
:zero "Ingen transaksjoner bekreftet"}
:transaction "Transaksjon"
:unsigned-transactions "Usigner transaksjon"
:no-unsigned-transactions "Ingen usignerte transaksjoner"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Bekreft transaksjon ved å skrive passord"
:other "Bekreft transaksjon ved å skrive passord"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Venter på bekreftelse"
:recipient "Mottager"
:one-more-item "En artikkel til"
:fee "Avgift"
:estimated-fee "Estimert avgift"
:value "Verdi"
:to "Til"
:from "Fra"
:data "Data"
:got-it "Mottatt"
:contract-creation "Kontrakt opprettelse"
:web-view-error "oops, feil"
@ -348,8 +275,6 @@
:transactions "Transaksjoner"
:transactions-sign "Signer"
:transactions-sign-all "Signer alle"
:transactions-sign-all-text "Signer transaksjonen ved å bruke ditt passord.\nSjekk at ordene ovenfor passer med din hemmlige signeringsfrase"
:transactions-sign-input-placeholder "Skriv passordfrase"
:transactions-history "Historikk"
:transactions-unsigned "Usignert"
:transactions-history-empty "Du har ingen tidligere transaksjoner"
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "कृपया फोटो उपयोग गर्न आवश्यक अनुमति प्रदान गर्न, सिस्टम सेटिङ्ग भित्र गएर स्टेटस > फोटो चयन भएको स्थिति निश्चित गर्नुहोस् ।"
:invite-friends "साथीहरुलाई निम्त्याऔं"
:faq "प्राय सोधिने प्रश्नोत्तर"
:switch-users "उपयोगकर्ता बदलौं"
:feedback "प्रतिक्रिया"
:view-all "सबै हेर्ने"
:current-network "चल्ती नेटवर्क"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "घण्टा"}
:datetime-day {:one "दिन"
:other "दिन"}
:datetime-multiple "से"
:datetime-ago "पहिले"
:datetime-yesterday "हिजो"
:datetime-today "आज"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "प्रोफाइल"
:edit-profile "प्रोफाइल सम्पादन"
:report-user "उपयोगकर्ताबारे उजुरी पठाउनुहोस्"
:message "सन्देश"
:username "उपयोगकर्ता नाम"
:not-specified "नतोकिएको"
:public-key "सार्वजनिक सांचो"
:phone-number "फोन नम्बर"
:email "इमेल"
:update-status "तपाईंको स्टेटस अद्यतन गर्नुहोस् ॰॰॰"
:add-a-status "नया स्टेटस जोड्नुहोस् ॰॰॰"
:status-prompt "एउटा स्टेटस बनाउनुहोस् जसद्वारा तपांईले प्रस्ताव गर्नुभएको कुराहरु अरुहरुले थाहापाउन मद्दत पुगोस । तपांईले #ह्यास्ट्याग पनि प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।"
@ -92,15 +84,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "सम्पर्कहरुबाट हटाउनुहोस्"
:start-conversation "कुराकानी सुरु गर्नुहोस्"
:send-transaction "कारोबार पठाउनुहोस्"
:share-qr "QR बांड्नुहोस"
:error-incorrect-name "कृपया अरुनै नाम चयन गर्नुहोस्"
:error-incorrect-email "इमेल मिलेन"
:image-source-title "प्रोफाइल तस्विर"
:image-source-make-photo "खिच्नुहोस"
:image-source-gallery "ग्यालेरीबाट चयन गर्नुहोस्"
:image-source-cancel "रद्द गर्नुहोस्"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "क्लिप्बोर्डमा प्रतिलिपि राख्नुहोस्"
@ -108,7 +96,6 @@
:sharing-cancel "रद्द गर्नुहोस्"
:browsing-title "ब्राउज"
:browsing-browse "@ब्राउज"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "वेब ब्राउजरमा खोल्ने"
:browsing-cancel "रद्द गर्नुहोस्"
@ -117,11 +104,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "धन्यवाद! हामीले तपाईंलाई पुष्टि कोड सहितको सन्देश पठाएका छौं । "
"कृपया आफ्नो फोन नम्बर पुष्टि गर्न त्यो कोड प्रस्तुत गर्नुहोस् ।")
:incorrect-code (str "माफ गर्नुहोस्, त्यो कोड गलत रहेछ, कृपया पुनः प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्")
:generate-passphrase (str "तपाईंकोलागि म एउट गुप्तवाक्यांश उन्पन्न गर्छु, ताकि तपाईंले आफ्नो "
"पहुँच पुनर्स्थापना गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ, अथवा अर्को यन्त्रबाट लग इन गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*उफऽऽऽ* त्यो कठिन थियो, तपाईंको गुप्तवाक्यांश प्रस्तुत छ, *यसलाई लेखेर सुरक्षित राख्नुहोस्* आफ्नो खाता पुनर्स्थापना गर्न यो अति आवश्यक छ ।"
:here-is-your-passphrase "तपाईंको गुप्तवाक्यांश प्रस्तुत छ, *यसलाई लेखेर सुरक्षित राख्नुहोस्* आफ्नो खाता पुनर्स्थापना गर्न यो अति आवश्यक छ ।"
:written-down "निश्चित गर्नुहोस् कि तपाईंले त्यो सुरक्षित हिसाबले लेखेर राख्नुभयो ।"
:phone-number-required "यहाँ ट्याप गरेर तपाईंको फोन नम्बर प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस् अनि म तपाईंको साथीहरु भेट्टाइ दिन्छु ।"
:shake-your-phone "त्रुटि फेलापार्नुभयो, अथवा सुझाव दिनु छ? बस फोन ~हल्लाउनुहोस्~!"
:intro-status "तपाईंको खाता सेटअप गर्न र सेटिङ्ग बदल्नको लागि म सँग च्याट गर्नुहोस् ।"
@ -138,7 +122,6 @@
:chats "च्याटहरु"
:new-chat "नया च्याट"
:delete-chat "च्याट मेटाउने"
:new-group-chat "नया सामूहिक च्याट"
:new-public-group-chat "सार्वजनिक च्याटमा भाग लिने"
@ -168,9 +151,6 @@
:remove-from-group "समूह बाट हटाउने"
:edit-contacts "सम्पर्क सम्पादन"
:search-contacts "सम्पर्कहरुमा खोज"
:show-all "सबै देखाउने"
:contacts-group-dapps "डीएयापहरु"
:contacts-group-people "मानिसहरु"
:contacts-group-new-chat "नया च्याट सुरु"
:choose-from-contacts "सम्पर्कहरुबाट चयन गर्नुहोस्"
:no-contacts "हाल कुनै सम्पर्कहरु छैनन्"
@ -182,53 +162,27 @@
:remove "हटाउनुहोस्"
:save "साँच्नुहोस्"
:delete "मेटाउनुहोस्"
:change-color "रंग बदल्नुहोस्"
:clear-history "इतिहास खाली गर्नुहोस्"
:mute-notifications "सूचनाहरु मौन बनाउनुहोस्"
:leave-chat "च्याटबाट बाहिरिनुहोस्"
:delete-and-leave "मेटाउनुहोस् अनि बाहिरिनुहोस्"
:chat-settings "च्याट सेटिङ्गहरु"
:edit "सम्पादन"
:add-members "सदस्यहरु जोड्नुहोस्"
:blue "नीलो"
:purple "बैजनी"
:green "हरियो"
:red "रातो"
:money-command-description "पैसा पठाउनुहोस्"
:location-command-description "स्थान पठाउनुहोस्"
:phone-command-description "फोन नम्बर पठाउनुहोस्"
:phone-request-text "फोन नम्बर अनुरोध"
:confirmation-code-command-description "पुष्टि कोड पठाउनुहोस्"
:confirmation-code-request-text "पुष्टि कोड अनुरोध"
:send-command-description "स्थान पठाउनुहोस्"
:request-command-description "अनुरोध पठाउनुहोस्"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "मदत"
:request "अनुरोध"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH तर्फ {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH बाट {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "च्याट नाम"
:empty-group-chat-name "कृपया नाम प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्"
:illegal-group-chat-name "कृपया अन्यै नाम चयन गर्नुहोस्"
:new-group "नया समूह"
:reorder-groups "समूह पुन: क्रमबद्ध गर्नुहोस्"
:group-name "समूह नाम"
:edit-group "समूह सम्पादन"
:delete-group "समूह मेटाउनुहोस्"
:delete-group-confirmation "यो समूह तपाईंको समूहहरुबाट हटाइने छ । यसले सम्पर्कहरुमा असर गर्दैन ।"
:delete-group-prompt "यसले सम्पर्कहरुमा असर गर्दैन ।"
:group-members "समूहको सदस्यहरु"
:contact-s {:one "सम्पर्क"
:other "सम्पर्कहरु"}
:add-participants "सहभागीहरु जोड्नुहोस्"
:remove-participants "सहभागीहरु हटाउनुहोस्"
:received-invitation "च्याट निमन्त्रणा पाइयो"
@ -240,13 +194,9 @@
:add-new-contact "नया सम्पर्क जोड्नुहोस्"
:import-qr "आयात गर्नुहोस्"
:scan-qr "QR स्क्यान गर्नुहोस्"
:swow-qr "QR देखाउनुहोस्"
:name "नाम"
:whisper-identity "व्हिस्पर पहिचान"
:address-explication "सायद यहां ठेगाना बारे बयान गर्ने अनि त्यो कहाँ खोज्ने भन्ने कुराको कुनै पाठ हुनुपर्छ ।"
:enter-valid-address "कृपया एक मान्य ठेगाना प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस् वा QR कोड स्क्यान गर्नुहोस्"
:enter-valid-public-key "कृपया एक मान्य सार्वजनिक सांचो प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस् वा QR कोड स्क्यान गर्नुहोस् "
:contact-already-added "यो सम्पर्क पहिल्यै जोडीसकिएको छ"
:can-not-add-yourself "आफुले आफुलाइनै जोड्न मिल्दैन"
@ -256,23 +206,17 @@
:connect "कनेक्ट"
:address "ठेगाना"
:password "पासवर्ड"
:login "लगइन"
:sign-in-to-status "स्टेटसमा साइन-इन गर्नुहोस्"
:sign-in "साइन-इन"
:wrong-password "गलत पासवर्ड"
:recover-from-passphrase "गुप्तवाक्यांश मार्फत पुनर्स्थापना गर्नुहोस्"
:recover-explain "कृपया तपाईंको पहुँच पुनर्स्थापना गर्नको लागि पासवर्डको गुप्तवाक्यांश प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्"
:passphrase "गुप्तवाक्यांश"
:recover "पुनर्स्थापना"
:enter-valid-passphrase "कृपया गुप्तवाक्यांश प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्"
:enter-valid-password "कृपया पासवर्ड प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "१२ सब्दहरु सही क्रममा"
:recover-access "पहुँच पुनर्स्थापना गर्नुहोस्"
:add-account "खाता जोड्नुहोस्"
:create-new-account "नया खाता सिर्जना गर्नुहोस्"
@ -282,34 +226,16 @@
:invalid-phone "नमिल्ने फोन नम्बर"
:amount "रकम"
:not-enough-eth (str "ब्यालेन्समा अपर्याप्त ETH "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "पुष्टि गर्नुहोस्"
:confirm-transactions {:one "कारोबार पुष्टि गर्नुहोस्"
:other "{{count}} कारोबारहरु पुष्टि गर्नुहोस्"
:zero "कुनै कारोबारहरु छैनन्"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "कारोबार पुष्टि भयो"
:other "{{count}} कारोबारहरु पुष्टि भए"
:zero "कुनैपनि कारोबारहरु पुष्टि भएका छैन"}
:transaction "कारोबार"
:unsigned-transactions "हस्ताक्षर नभएका कारोबारहरु"
:no-unsigned-transactions "हस्ताक्षर नभएका कारोबारहरु छैनन्"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "तपाईंको पास्वर्ड प्रविष्ट गरेर कारोबार पुष्टि गर्नुहोस्"
:other "तपाईंको पास्वर्ड प्रविष्ट गरेर कारोबारहरु पुष्टि गर्नुहोस्"}
:status "स्टेटस"
:pending-confirmation "बांकि पुष्टिकरण"
:recipient "प्रापक"
:one-more-item "एउटा अरु आइटम"
:fee "शुल्क"
:estimated-fee "अनुमानित शुल्क"
:value "मूल्य"
:to "तर्फ"
:from "बाट"
:data "डाटा"
:got-it "पाइयो"
:contract-creation "सम्झौता सिर्जना"
:web-view-error "ओहोऽऽऽ, त्रुटि"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "Om fototoegang te geven, ga je naar systeem instellingen en zorg je dat Status > Foto's geselecteerd is."
:invite-friends "Nodig vrienden uit"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Schakel tussen gebruikers"
:feedback "Heb je feedback?\nSchud je telefoon!"
:view-all "Laat alles zien"
:current-network "Huidige netwerk"
@ -67,7 +63,6 @@
:other "uren"}
:datetime-day {:one "dag"
:other "dagen"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "geleden"
:datetime-yesterday "gisteren"
:datetime-today "vandaag"
@ -75,13 +70,10 @@
:profile "Profiel"
:edit-profile "Bewerk profiel"
:report-user "MELD GEBRUIKER"
:message "Bericht"
:username "Gebruikersnaam"
:not-specified "Niet opgegeven"
:public-key "Openbare sleutel"
:phone-number "Telefoonnummer"
:email "E-mailadres"
:update-status "Wijzig je status..."
:add-a-status "Voeg een status toe..."
:status-prompt "Maak een status aan om mensen te laten weten wat je te bieden hebt. Je kan ook #hashtags gebruiken."
@ -90,15 +82,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "Remove from contacts"
:start-conversation "Begin een gesprek"
:send-transaction "Verstuur een transactie"
:share-qr "Deel de QR"
:error-incorrect-name "Kies een andere naam"
:error-incorrect-email "Onjuist e-mailadres"
:image-source-title "Profielfoto"
:image-source-make-photo "Foto nemen"
:image-source-gallery "Kies uit galerij"
:image-source-cancel "Annuleren"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Kopieer naar klembord"
@ -114,11 +102,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Bedankt! We hebben je een sms gestuurd met een bevestigingscode"
". Geef die code op om jouw telefoonnummer te bevestigen")
:incorrect-code (str "Sorry, de code was onjuist, voer hem opnieuw in")
:generate-passphrase (str "Ik zal een wachtzin maken, zodat je jouw"
"toegang kunt herstellen of vanaf een ander apparaat kunt inloggen")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Foei* dat was moeilijk, hier is jouw wachtzin, *schrijf deze op en bewaar hem goed!* Je zult hem nodig hebben om jouw account te herstellen."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Hier is jouw wachtzin, *schrijf deze op en bewaar hem goed!* Je zult hem nodig hebben om jouw account te herstellen."
:written-down "Zorg ervoor dat je hem veilig hebt opgeschreven"
:phone-number-required "Tik hier om je telefoonnummer in te voeren, dan zoek ik jouw vrienden"
:shake-your-phone "Bug gevonden, of heb je een suggestie? ~Schud~ je telefoon!"
:intro-status "Chat met me om jouw account in te stellen en jouw instellingen te wijzigen!"
@ -135,7 +120,6 @@
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Nieuwe chat"
:delete-chat "Verwijder chat"
:new-group-chat "Nieuwe groepchat"
:new-public-group-chat "Neem deel in publieke chat"
@ -165,9 +149,6 @@
:remove-from-group "Remove from group"
:edit-contacts "Edit contacts"
:search-contacts "Search contacts"
:show-all "TOON ALLES"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Mensen"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Start nieuwe chat"
:choose-from-contacts "Choose from contacts"
:no-contacts "Nog geen contactpersonen"
@ -179,53 +160,27 @@
:remove "Verwijderen"
:save "Opslaan"
:delete "Delete"
:change-color "Wijzig kleur"
:clear-history "Wis geschiedenis"
:mute-notifications "Stille notificaties"
:leave-chat "Verlaat chat"
:delete-and-leave "Verwijderen en verlaten"
:chat-settings "Chatinstellingen"
:edit "Bewerken"
:add-members "Voeg leden toe"
:blue "Blauw"
:purple "Paars"
:green "Groen"
:red "Rood"
:money-command-description "Stuur geld"
:location-command-description "Stuur locatie"
:phone-command-description "Stuur telefoonnummer"
:phone-request-text "Telefoonnummer aanvraag"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Stuur bevestigingscode"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Bevestigingscode aanvraag"
:send-command-description "Stuur locatie"
:request-command-description "Stuur aanvraag"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Help"
:request "Aanvraag"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH naar {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH van {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Chatnaam"
:empty-group-chat-name "Voer een naam in"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Kies een andere naam"
:new-group "Nieuwe groep"
:reorder-groups "Hergroepeer groep"
:group-name "Groepsnaam"
:edit-group "Bewerk groep"
:delete-group "Verwijder groep"
:delete-group-confirmation "Deze groep zal worden verwijderd van jouw groepen. Dit heeft geen effect op je contacten."
:delete-group-prompt "This will not affect contacts"
:group-members "Groepsleden"
:contact-s {:one "contact"
:other "contacten"}
:add-participants "Voeg deelnemers toe"
:remove-participants "Verwijder deelnemers"
:received-invitation "ontving chatuitnodiging"
@ -237,13 +192,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Voeg nieuwe contactpersoon toe"
:import-qr "Importeren"
:scan-qr "QR scannen"
:swow-qr "QR weergeven"
:name "Naam"
:whisper-identity "Fluister identiteit"
:address-explication "Misschien zou hier wat tekst moeten staan waarin wordt uitgelegd wat een adres is en waar je deze kunt vinden"
:enter-valid-address "Voer een geldig adres in of scan een QR-code"
:enter-valid-public-key "Voer een geldig publieke sleutel in of scan een QR code"
:contact-already-added "De contactpersoon is al toegevoegd"
:can-not-add-yourself "Je kunt niet zelf toevoegen"
@ -253,23 +204,17 @@
:connect "Verbinden"
:address "Adres"
:password "Wachtwoord"
:login "Inloggen"
:sign-in-to-status "Meld u aan bij Status"
:sign-in "Meld aan"
:wrong-password "Verkeerd wachtwoord"
:recover-from-passphrase "Herstellen met wachtzin"
:recover-explain "Voer de wachtzin in voor jouw wachtwoord om toegang te herstellen"
:passphrase "Wachtzin"
:recover "Herstellen"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Voer een wachtzin in"
:enter-valid-password "Voer een wachtwoord in"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 woorden in goede volgorde"
:recover-access "Toegang herstellen"
:add-account "Voeg account toe"
:create-new-account "Maake een nieuwe account aan"
@ -279,34 +224,16 @@
:invalid-phone "Ongeldig telefoonnummer"
:amount "Bedrag"
:not-enough-eth (str "Niet genoeg ETH op saldo"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "Bevestigen"
:confirm-transactions {:one "Bevestig transactie"
:other "Bevestig {{count}} transacties"
:zero "Geen transacties"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transactie bevestigd"
:other "{{count}} transacties bevestigd"
:zero "Geen transacties bevestigd"}
:transaction "Transactie"
:unsigned-transactions "Ongetekend transacties"
:no-unsigned-transactions "Geen ongetekende transacties"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Bevetig de transactie door je wachtwoord in te voeren"
:other "Bevetig de transacties door je wachtwoord in te voeren"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "In afwachting van bevestiging"
:recipient "Ontvanger"
:one-more-item "Nog één item"
:fee "Kosten"
:estimated-fee "Geschatte kosten"
:value "Waarde"
:to "Naar"
:from "Van"
:data "Data"
:got-it "Got it"
:contract-creation "Contract Aanmaak"
:web-view-error "oeps, fout"
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Zaproś znajomych"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Przełącz użytkowników"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "godziny(y)"}
:datetime-day {:one "dzień"
:other "dni"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "temu"
:datetime-yesterday "wczoraj"
:datetime-today "dzisiaj"
:profile "Profil"
:report-user "ZGŁOŚ UŻYTOWNIKA"
:message "Wiadomość"
:username "Nazwa użytkownika"
:not-specified "Nie określono"
:public-key "Klucz publiczny"
:phone-number "Numer telefonu "
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Brak statusu"
:add-to-contacts "Dodaj do kontaktów"
:error-incorrect-name "Wybierz inną nazwę "
:error-incorrect-email "Nieprawidłowy e-mail"
:image-source-title "Zdjęcie profilowe "
:image-source-make-photo "Przechwyć"
:image-source-gallery "Wybierz z galerii "
:image-source-cancel "Anuluj"
:contacts-syncronized "Twoje kontakty zostały zsynchronizowane"
:confirmation-code (str "Dziękujemy! Wysłaliśmy ci SMS-a z kodem"
"potwierdzającym. Prosimy o podanie kodu w celu zweryfikowania swojego numeru telefonu")
:incorrect-code (str "Przepraszamy, kod jest nieprawidłowy. Prosimy wprowadzić kod ponownie")
:generate-passphrase (str "Wygenerujemy specjalne hasło, dzięki któremu będzie można przywrócić "
"dostęp lub zalogować się z innego urządzenia")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Uff*, to nie było łatwe. Oto twoje specjalne hasło, *zapisz je i przechowuj w bezpiecznym miejscu!* Będzie ci potrzebne podczas procedury odzyskiwania konta."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Oto twoje specjalne hasło, *zapisz je i przechowuj w bezpiecznym miejscu!* Będzie ci potrzebne podczas procedury odzyskiwania konta."
:written-down "Upewnij się, że je zapisałeś i przechowujesz w bezpiecznym miejscu"
:phone-number-required "Dotknij tutaj, aby wprowadzić swój numer telefonu, a my znajdziemy twoich znajomych "
:intro-status "Porozmawiaj ze mną na czacie, aby skonfigurować swoje konto i zmienić ustawienia!"
:intro-message1 "Witamy w sekcji Status\nWybierz tę wiadomość, aby ustawić hasło i rozpocząć!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Czaty"
:new-chat "Nowy czat"
:new-group-chat "Nowy czat grupowy"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Kontakty"
:new-contact "Nowy kontakt"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Ludzie"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Rozpocznij nowy czat"
:no-contacts "W tej chwili brak kontaktów"
:show-qr "Pokaż QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Usuń"
:save "Zapisz"
:change-color "Zmień kolor"
:clear-history "Wyczyść historię"
:delete-and-leave "Usuń i wyjdź"
:chat-settings "Ustawienia czatu"
:edit "Edytuj"
:add-members "Dodaj użytkowników"
:blue "Niebieski"
:purple "Fioletowy"
:green "Zielony"
:red "Czerwony"
:money-command-description "Wyślij pieniądze"
:location-command-description "Wyślij lokalizację"
:phone-command-description "Wyślij numer telefonu"
:phone-request-text "Prośba o numer telefonu"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Wyślij kod potwierdzający"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Prośba o kod potwierdzający"
:send-command-description "Wyślij lokalizację"
:request-command-description "Wyślij prośbę"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Pomoc"
:request "Prośba"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH do {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH od {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Nazwa czatu"
:empty-group-chat-name "Wprowadź nazwę"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Wybierz inną nazwę"
:add-participants "Dodaj uczestników"
:remove-participants "Usuń uczestników"
:received-invitation "otrzymano zaproszenie na czat"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Dodaj nowy kontakt"
:import-qr "Importuj"
:scan-qr "Skanuj QR"
:name "Nazwa"
:whisper-identity "Sekretna tożsamość"
:address-explication "Być może tutaj powinien znajdować się tekst wyjaśniający, czym jest adres i gdzie go szukać"
:enter-valid-address "Wprowadź prawidłowy adres lub przeskanuj kod QR"
:contact-already-added "Kontakt został już dodany"
:can-not-add-yourself "Nie możesz dodać samego siebie"
:unknown-address "Nieznany adres"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Połącz"
:address "Adres"
:password "Hasło"
:login "Login"
:wrong-password "Nieprawidłowe hasło"
:recover-from-passphrase "Odzyskaj na podstawie hasła specjalnego"
:recover-explain "Wprowadź hasło specjalne dla swojego hasła, aby odzyskać dostęp"
:passphrase "Hasło specjalne"
:recover "Odzyskaj"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Wprowadź hasło specjalne"
:enter-valid-password "Wprowadź hasło"
:recover-access "Odzyskaj dostęp"
:add-account "Dodaj konto "
:done "Zrobione"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Nieprawidłowy numer telefonu"
:amount "Kwota"
:not-enough-eth (str "Brak ETH na koncie "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Potwierdź transakcję"
:other "Potwierdź {{count}} transakcje(-i)"
:zero "Brak transakcji"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Oczekuje na potwierdzenie"
:recipient "Odbiorca"
:one-more-item "Dodatkowy element"
:fee "Opłata"
:value "Wartość"
:web-view-error "oj, mamy błąd"
:confirm "Potwierdź"
:phone-national "Krajowy"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Potwierdzono transakcję"
:other "Potwierdzone transakcje: {{count}}"
:zero "Brak potwierdzonych transakcji"}
:public-group-topic "Temat"
:debug-enabled "Uruchomiono serwer debugowania! Możesz teraz dodać program DApp, uruchamiając *status-dev-cli scan* na swoim komputerze"
:new-public-group-chat "Dołącz do publicznego czatu"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Anuluj"
:share-qr "Udostępnij QR"
:feedback "Chcesz przesłać opinię?\nPotrząśnij telefonem!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 słów w prawidłowym porządku"
:remove-from-contacts "Usuń z kontaktów"
:delete-chat "Usuń czat"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "kontakt"
:other "kontakty"}
:group-name "Nazwa grupy"
:next "Dalej"
:from "Z"
:search-chats "Przeszukaj czaty"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "więcej"
:cancel "Anuluj"
:no-statuses-found "Nie znaleziono statusów"
:swow-qr "Pokaż QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Otwórz w przeglądarce"
:delete-group-prompt "To nie będzie miało wpływu na kontakty"
:edit-profile "Edytuj profil"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Potwierdź transakcję, wprowadzając hasło"
:other "Potwierdź transakcje, wprowadzając hasło"}
:unsigned-transactions "Nieautoryzowane transakcje"
:empty-topic "Pusty temat"
:to "Do"
:group-members "Członkowie grupy"
:estimated-fee "Szacowana opłata"
:data "Dane"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Convidar amigos"
:faq "Dúvidas frequentes"
:switch-users "Trocar usuário"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "horas"}
:datetime-day {:one "dia"
:other "dias"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "atrás"
:datetime-yesterday "ontem"
:datetime-today "hoje"
:profile "Perfil"
:report-user "Denunciar usuário"
:message "Mensagem"
:username "Nome de usuário"
:not-specified "Não especificado"
:public-key "Chave pública"
:phone-number "Número de telefone"
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Nenhum status"
:add-to-contacts "Adicionar aos contatos"
:error-incorrect-name "Nome incorreto"
:error-incorrect-email "E-mail incorreto"
:image-source-title "Imagem do perfil"
:image-source-make-photo "Tirar foto"
:image-source-gallery "Escolher na galeria"
:image-source-cancel "Cancelar"
:contacts-syncronized "Seus contatos foram sincronizados"
:confirmation-code (str "Obrigado! Nós lhe enviamos uma mensagem de texto com um código de "
"confirmação. Por favor, informe esse código para confirmar seu número de telefone")
:incorrect-code (str "Desculpe, o código estava incorreto. Por favor, digite novamente")
:generate-passphrase (str "Vou gerar uma frase secreta para você poder restaurar o seu "
"acesso ou entrar a partir de outro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Ufa* isso foi difícil. Aqui está a sua frase secreta. *Anote-a e guarde-a em segurança!* Você precisará dela para recuperar a sua conta."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Aqui está a sua frase secreta. *Anote-a e guarde-a em segurança!* Você precisará dela para recuperar a sua conta."
:written-down "Certifique-se de tê-la anotado em segurança"
:phone-number-required "Toque aqui para inserir seu número de telefone e eu vou encontrar seus amigos"
:intro-status "Converse comigo para configurar a sua conta e alterar suas definições!"
:intro-message1 "Bem-vindo ao Status\nToque nesta mensagem para definir sua senha e começar!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Novo chat"
:new-group-chat "Novo grupo de chat"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Contatos"
:new-contact "Novo contato"
:show-all "Mostrar Todos"
:contacts-group-dapps "DApps"
:contacts-group-people "Pessoas"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Iniciar novo chat"
:no-contacts "Você ainda não tem contatos"
:show-qr "Mostrar QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Remover"
:save "Salvar"
:change-color "Alterar cor"
:clear-history "Apagar histórico"
:delete-and-leave "Excluir e sair"
:chat-settings "Configurações do chat"
:edit "Editar"
:add-members "Adicionar membros"
:blue "Azul"
:purple "Roxo"
:green "Verde"
:red "Vermelho"
:money-command-description "Enviar dinheiro"
:location-command-description "Enviar localização"
:phone-command-description "Enviar número de telefone"
:phone-request-text "Solicitação de número de telefone"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Enviar código de confirmação"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Solicitação de código de confirmação"
:send-command-description "Enviar localização"
:request-command-description "Enviar solicitação"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Ajuda"
:request "Solicitar"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH para {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Nome do chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Por favor, informe um nome"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Por favor, selecione outro nome"
:add-participants "Adicionar participantes"
:remove-participants "Remover participantes"
:received-invitation "recebeu o convite para o chat"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Adicionar novo contato"
:import-qr "Importar"
:scan-qr "Escanear QR"
:name "Nome"
:whisper-identity "Identidade Whisper"
:address-explication "Talvez aqui deveria haver algum texto explicando o que é um endereço e onde procurá-lo"
:enter-valid-address "Por favor, digite um endereço válido ou escaneie um código QR"
:contact-already-added "O contato já foi adicionado"
:can-not-add-yourself "Não é possível adicionar a si mesmo"
:unknown-address "E-mail desconhecido"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Conectar"
:address "Endereço"
:password "Senha"
:login "Entrar"
:wrong-password "Senha incorreta"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recuperar a partir da frase secreta"
:recover-explain "Por favor, digite a frase secreta da sua senha para recuperar o acesso"
:passphrase "Frase secreta"
:recover "Recuperar"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Por favor, digite uma frase secreta"
:enter-valid-password "Por favor, digite uma senha"
:recover-access "Recuperar o acesso"
:add-account "Adicionar conta"
:done "Concluído"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Número de telefone inválido"
:amount "Quantia"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH insuficiente no saldo "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmar a transação"
:other "Confirmar {{count}} transações"
:zero "Nenhuma transação"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Confirmação pendente"
:recipient "Destinatário"
:one-more-item "Mais um item"
:fee "Tarifa"
:value "Valor"
:web-view-error "Ops, erro"
:confirm "Confirmar"
:phone-national "Nacional"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transação confirmada"
:other "{{count}} transações confirmadas"
:zero "Nenhuma transação confirmada"}
:public-group-topic "Assunto"
:debug-enabled "O servidor de debug foi inicializado! Você agora pode adicionar seu DApp ao executar *status-dev-cli scan* a partir de seu computador."
:new-public-group-chat "Juntar-se a bate-papo público."
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Cancelar"
:share-qr "Compartilhar QR"
:feedback "Tem comentários a fazer?\nAgite seu telefone!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 palavras na ordem correta"
:remove-from-contacts "Remover dos contatos"
:delete-chat "Excluir bate-papo"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "contato"
:other "contatos"}
:group-name "Nome do grupo"
:next "Próximo"
:from "De"
:search-chats "Buscar bate-papos"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "mais"
:cancel "Cancelar"
:no-statuses-found "Nenhum status encontrado"
:swow-qr "Exibir QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Abrir no navegador de internet"
:delete-group-prompt "Isso não afetará os contatos"
:edit-profile "Editar perfil"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Confirme a transação ao inserir sua senha"
:other "Confirme as transações ao inserir sua senha"}
:unsigned-transactions "Transações não assinadas"
:empty-topic "Assunto vazio"
:to "Para"
:group-members "Participantes do grupo"
:estimated-fee "Taxa estimada"
:data "Dados"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Convidar amigos"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Mudar de utilizadores"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "horas"}
:datetime-day {:one "dia"
:other "dias"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "atrás"
:datetime-yesterday "ontem"
:datetime-today "hoje"
:profile "Perfil"
:message "Mensagem"
:username "Nome de utilizador"
:not-specified "Não especificado"
:public-key "Chave Pública"
:phone-number "Número de telefone"
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Sem estado"
:add-to-contacts "Adicionar aos contactos"
:error-incorrect-name "Por favor, selecione outro nome"
:error-incorrect-email "E-mail incorreto"
:image-source-title "Imagem de perfil"
:image-source-make-photo "Capturar"
:image-source-gallery "Selecionar a partir da galeria"
:image-source-cancel "Cancelar"
:contacts-syncronized "Os seus contactos foram sincronizados"
:confirmation-code (str "Obrigado! Enviámos-lhe uma mensagem de texto com um código de "
"confirmação. Por favor, forneça esse código para confirmar o seu número de telefone")
:incorrect-code (str "Desculpe, o código estava incorreto. Por favor, volte a digitar")
:generate-passphrase (str "Vou gerar uma frase-chave para si para poder recuperar o seu "
"acesso ou log in a partir de outro dispositivo")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Ufa* foi complicado, aqui está a sua frase-chave, *anote-a e mantenha-a em segurança!* Vai precisar dela para recuperar a sua conta."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Aqui está a sua frase-chave, *anote-a e mantenha-a em segurança!* Vai precisar dela para recuperar a sua conta."
:written-down "Certifique-se de que a anotou de forma segura"
:phone-number-required "Toque aqui para digitar o seu número de telefone e vou encontrar os seus amigos"
:intro-status "Fale comigo para configurar a sua conta e alterar as suas definições!"
:intro-message1 "Bem-vindo ao Status\nToque nesta mensagem para definir a sua palavra-passe e começar!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Chats"
:new-chat "Novo chat"
:new-group-chat "Novo chat em grupo"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Contactos"
:new-contact "Novo Contacto"
:show-all "MOSTRAR TUDO"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Pessoas"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Iniciar um novo chat"
:no-contacts "Ainda sem contactos"
:show-qr "Mostrar QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Remover"
:save "Guardar"
:change-color "Mudar de cor"
:clear-history "Limpar o histórico"
:delete-and-leave "Eliminar e sair"
:chat-settings "Definições de chat"
:edit "Editar"
:add-members "Adicionar Membros"
:blue "Azul"
:purple "Roxo"
:green "Verde"
:red "Vermelho"
:money-command-description "Enviar dinheiro"
:location-command-description "Enviar a localização"
:phone-command-description "Enviar o número de telefone"
:phone-request-text "Pedido de número de telefone"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Enviar o código de confirmação"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Pedido de código de confirmação"
:send-command-description "Enviar a localização"
:request-command-description "Enviar o pedido"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Ajuda"
:request "Pedido"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH para {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Nome no chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Por favor, digite um nome"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Por favor, selecione outro nome"
:add-participants "Adicionar Participantes"
:remove-participants "Remover os Participantes"
:received-invitation "recebeu um convite de chat"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Adicionar novo contacto"
:import-qr "Importar"
:scan-qr "Digitalizar QR"
:name "Nome"
:whisper-identity "Sussurar a Identidade"
:address-explication "Talvez aqui devesse aparecer algum texto a explicar o que é um endereço e onde procurá-lo"
:enter-valid-address "Por favor, digite um endereço válido ou digitalize um código QR"
:contact-already-added "O contacto já foi adicionado"
:can-not-add-yourself "Não pode adicionar-se a si mesmo"
:unknown-address "Endereço desconhecido"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Ligar"
:address "Endereço"
:password "Palavra-passe"
:login "Login"
:wrong-password "Palavra-passe errada"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recuperar a partir da frase-chave"
:recover-explain "Por favor, digite a frase-chave para a sua palavra-passe recuperar o acesso"
:passphrase "Frase-chave"
:recover "Recuperar"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Por favor, digite uma frase-chave"
:enter-valid-password "Por favor, digite uma palavra-passe"
:recover-access "Recuperar o acesso"
:add-account "Adicionar conta"
:done "Concluído"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Número de telefone inválido"
:amount "Montante"
:not-enough-eth (str "Não há ETH suficiente no saldo "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmar a transação"
:other "Confirmar as {{count}} transações"
:zero "Sem transações"}
:status "Estado"
:pending-confirmation "Confirmação pendente"
:recipient "Destinatário"
:one-more-item "Mais um item"
:fee "Taxa"
:value "Valor"
:web-view-error "ups, erro"
:confirm "Confirmar"
:phone-national "Nacional"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transação confirmada"
:other "{{count}} transações confirmadas"
:zero "Nenhuma transação confirmada"}
:public-group-topic "Tema"
:debug-enabled "Foi lançado o servidor de depuração! Agora, pode adicionar a sua DApp executando *status-dev-cli scan* do seu computador"
:new-public-group-chat "Juntar-se ao chat público"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Cancelar"
:share-qr "Partilhar QR"
:feedback "Tem feedback?\nAbane o seu telefone!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 palavras na ordem correta"
:remove-from-contacts "Remover dos contactos"
:delete-chat "Eliminar o chat"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "contacto"
:other "Contactos"}
:group-name "Nome do grupo"
:next "Próximo"
:from "De"
:search-chats "Pesquisar chats"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "mais"
:cancel "Cancelar"
:no-statuses-found "Nenhum estado encontrado"
:swow-qr "Mostrar QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Abrir no navegador Web"
:delete-group-prompt "Isto não afetará os contactos"
:edit-profile "Editar perfil"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Confirmar a transação digitando a sua palavra-passe"
:other "Confirmar as transações digitando a sua palavra-passe"}
:unsigned-transactions "Transações sem assinatura"
:empty-topic "Tema em branco"
:to "Para"
:group-members "Membros do grupo"
:estimated-fee "Taxa Est."
:data "Dados"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Invită prieteni"
:faq "Întrebări frecvente"
:switch-users "Schimbă utilizatori"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "ore"}
:datetime-day {:one "zi"
:other "zile"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "în urmă"
:datetime-yesterday "ieri"
:datetime-today "azi"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Mesaj"
:username "Nume de utilizator"
:not-specified "Nu este specificat"
:public-key "Cheie publică"
:phone-number "Număr de telefon"
:email "E-mail"
:profile-no-status "Nici un status"
:add-to-contacts "Adaugă la contacte"
:error-incorrect-name "Te rugăm să alegi un alt nume"
:error-incorrect-email "E-mail greșit"
:image-source-title "Imagine de profil"
:image-source-make-photo "Captează"
:image-source-gallery "Selectează din galerie"
:image-source-cancel "Anulează"
:contacts-syncronized "Contactele tale au fost sincronizate"
:confirmation-code (str "Mulțumim! Ți-am trims un mesaj text cu un cod "
"de confirmare. Te rugăm să ne transmiți acel cod pentru a-ți confirma numărul de telefon")
:incorrect-code (str "Ne pare rău, dar codul este greșit, te rugăm să-l introduci încă o dată")
:generate-passphrase (str "Voi genera o frază de acces pentru tine, ca să poți redobândi "
"accesul sau să te poți conecta de pe alt dispozitiv")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Pfui* a fost greu, iată fraza ta de acces, *noteaz-o și păstreaz-o în siguranță!* Vei avea nevoie de ea pentru a-ți redobândi accesul la cont."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Iată fraza ta de acces, *noteaz-o și păstreaz-o în siguranță!* Vei avea nevoie de ea pentru a-ți redobândi accesul la cont."
:written-down "Ai grijă să o notezi în condiții de siguranță"
:phone-number-required "Apasă aici ca să-ți introduci numărul de telefon și eu îți voi invita prietenii"
:intro-status "Hai să vorbim pe chat pentru a-ți seta contul și modifica setările!"
:intro-message1 "Bine ai vent în Status\nApasă pe acest mesaj pentru a-ți seta parola și a începe!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Discuții pe chat"
:new-chat "Discuție nouă"
:new-group-chat "Grup nou de chat"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Contacte"
:new-contact "Contact nou"
:show-all "AFIȘEAZĂ TOATE"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Oameni"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Începe discuție nouă"
:no-contacts "Nici un contact deocamdată"
:show-qr "Afișează QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Elimină"
:save "Salvează"
:change-color "Schimbă culoarea"
:clear-history "Șterge istoricul"
:delete-and-leave "Șterge și ieși"
:chat-settings "Setări chat"
:edit "Editare"
:add-members "Adăugare membri"
:blue "Albastru"
:purple "Violet"
:green "Verde"
:red "Roșu"
:money-command-description "Trimite bani"
:location-command-description "Trimite locație"
:phone-command-description "Trimite număr de telefon"
:phone-request-text "Solicitare număr de telefon"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Trimite cod de confirmare"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Solicitare cod de confirmare"
:send-command-description "Trimite locația"
:request-command-description "Trimite solicitarea"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Ajutor"
:request "Solicitare"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH pentru {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH de la {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Nume chat"
:empty-group-chat-name "Te rugăm să introduci un nume"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Te rugăm să selectezi un alt nume"
:add-participants "Adaugă participanți"
:remove-participants "Elimină participanți"
:received-invitation "A primit invitația de chat"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Adaugă contact nou"
:import-qr "Importă"
:scan-qr "Scanează QR"
:name "Nume"
:whisper-identity "Identitatea"
:address-explication "Poate că aici ar trebui să fie un text care să explice ce este o adresă și unde să o cauți"
:enter-valid-address "Te rugăm să introduci o adresă validă sau să scanezi un cod QR"
:contact-already-added "Contactul a fost adăugat deja"
:can-not-add-yourself "Nu te poți adăuga pe tine"
:unknown-address "Adresă necunoscută"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Conectare"
:address "Adresă"
:password "Parolă"
:login "Conectează-te"
:wrong-password "Parola greșită"
:recover-from-passphrase "Recuperează folosind fraza de acces"
:recover-explain "Te rugăm să introduci fraza de acces si parola ta pentru a redobandi accesul"
:passphrase "Fraza de acces"
:recover "Recuperează"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Te rugăm să introduci o frază de acces"
:enter-valid-password "Te rugăm să introduci o parolă"
:recover-access "Recuperează acces"
:add-account "Adaugă cont"
:done "Gata"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Număr de telefon nevalid"
:amount "Sumă"
:not-enough-eth (str "Sold ETH insuficient "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Confirmare tranzacție"
:other "Confirmare {{count}} tranzacții"
:zero "Nicio tranzacție"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Se așteaptă confirmarea"
:recipient "Beneficiar"
:one-more-item "Încă un articol"
:fee "Comision"
:value "Valoare"
:web-view-error "ups, eroare"
:confirm "Confirmare"
:phone-national "Național"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Tranzacție confirmată"
:other "{{count}} (de) tranzacții confirmate"
:zero "Nicio tranzacție confirmată"}
:public-group-topic "Subiect"
:debug-enabled "Serverul de curățare a fost lansat! Adresa dvs. Acum vă puteți adăuga DApp rulând *status-dev-cli scan* de pe computerul dvs."
:new-public-group-chat "Alăturați-vă chat-ului public"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Anulare"
:share-qr "Partajare QR"
:feedback "Aveți feedback?\nScuturați telefonul!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 de cuvinte în ordinea corectă"
:remove-from-contacts "Eliminare din contacte"
:delete-chat "Ștergere chat"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "contact"
:other "contacte"}
:group-name "Nume grup"
:next "Mai departe"
:from "De la"
:search-chats "Căutare discuții"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "mai mult"
:cancel "Anulare"
:no-statuses-found "Niciun status găsit"
:swow-qr "Afișare QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Deschide în browser web"
:delete-group-prompt "Aceasta nu va afecta contactele"
:edit-profile "Editare profil"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Confirmați tranzacția introducând parola"
:other "Confirmați tranzacțiile introducând parola"}
:unsigned-transactions "Tranzacții nesemnate"
:empty-topic "Subiect gol"
:to "Către"
:group-members "Membrii grupului"
:estimated-fee "Comision est."
:data "Date"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Nedosegljiv/-a"
:invite-friends "Povabi prijatelje"
:faq "Pogosta vprašanja"
:switch-users "Preklopi med uporabniki"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "ur"}
:datetime-day {:one "dan"
:other "dni"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "nazaj"
:datetime-yesterday "včeraj"
:datetime-today "danes"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Sporočilo"
:username "Uporabniško ime"
:not-specified "Ni navedeno"
:public-key "Javni ključ"
:phone-number "Telefonska številka"
:email "E-pošta"
:profile-no-status "Brez statusa"
:add-to-contacts "Dodaj med stike"
:error-incorrect-name "Prosimo, izberi drugo ime"
:error-incorrect-email "Nepravilna e-pošta"
:image-source-title "Fotografija profila"
:image-source-make-photo "Zajemi"
:image-source-gallery "Izberi iz galerije"
:image-source-cancel "Prekliči"
:contacts-syncronized "Tvoji stiki so bili sinhronizirani"
:confirmation-code (str "Hvala! Poslali smo ti sporočilo s potrditveno "
"kodo. Prosimo, vnesi to kodo in potrdi svojo telefonsko številko")
:incorrect-code (str "Koda na žalost ni bila pravilna, prosimo, da jo ponovno vneseš")
:generate-passphrase (str "Zate bom ustvaril šifrirno geslo, tako da boš lahko obnovil/-a svoj "
"dostop, ali se prijavil/-a iz druge naprave")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Pfuu* to pa je bilo težko, tukaj je tvoje šifrirno geslo, *zapiši si ga in shrani na varno mesto!* Potreboval/-a ga boš, da obnoviš svoj račun."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Tukaj je tvoje geslo, *zapiši si ga in shrani na varno mesto!* Potreboval/-a ga boš, da obnoviš svoj račun."
:written-down "Poskrbi, da si ga pazljivo zapišeš"
:phone-number-required "Pritisni tukaj in vnesi svojo telefonsko številko ter poiskal bom tvoje prijatelje"
:intro-status "Klepetaj z mano in nastavi svoj račun ter spremeni svoje nastavitve!"
:intro-message1 "Dobrodošel/-la v status\nPritisni to sporočilo in nastavi svoje geslo ter začni!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Klepeti"
:new-chat "Nov klepet"
:new-group-chat "Nov skupinski klepet"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Stiki"
:new-contact "Nov stik"
:show-all "POKAŽI VSE"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Osebe"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Začni nov klepet"
:no-contacts "Zaenkrat še ni stikov"
:show-qr "Prikaži QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Odstrani"
:save "Shrani"
:change-color "Spremeni barvo"
:clear-history "Počisti zgodovino"
:delete-and-leave "Izbriši in zapri"
:chat-settings "Nastavitve klepeta"
:edit "Uredi"
:add-members "Dodaj člane"
:blue "Modra"
:purple "Vijolična"
:green "Zelena"
:red "Rdeča"
:money-command-description "Pošlji denar"
:location-command-description "Pošlji lokacijo"
:phone-command-description "Pošlji telefonsko številko"
:phone-request-text "Prošnja za telefonsko številko"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Pošlji potrditveno kodo"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Prošnja za potrditveno kodo"
:send-command-description "Pošlji lokacijo"
:request-command-description "Pošlji prošnjo"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Pomoč"
:request "Prošnja"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH osebi {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH od osebe {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Ime za klepet"
:empty-group-chat-name "Prosimo, vnesi ime"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Prosimo, izberi drugo ime"
:add-participants "Dodaj udeležence"
:remove-participants "Odstrani udeležence"
:received-invitation "je prejel/-a povabilo za klepet"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Dodaj nov stik"
:import-qr "Uvozi"
:scan-qr "Skeniraj QR"
:name "Ime"
:whisper-identity "Skrivna identiteta"
:address-explication "Sem morda sodi besedilo, ki razlaga, kaj je naslov ter kje ga najti"
:enter-valid-address "Prosimo, vnesi veljaven naslov ali skeniraj QR kodo"
:contact-already-added "Stik je bil že dodan"
:can-not-add-yourself "Sebe ni mogoče dodati"
:unknown-address "Neznan naslov"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Poveži"
:address "Naslov"
:password "Geslo"
:login "Prijava"
:wrong-password "Napačno geslo"
:recover-from-passphrase "Povrni prek šifrirnega gesla"
:recover-explain "Prosimo, vnesi šifrirno geslo svojega gesla za povrnitev dostopa"
:passphrase "Šifrirno geslo"
:recover "Povrni"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Prosimo, vnesi šifrirno geslo"
:enter-valid-password "Prosimo, vnesi geslo"
:recover-access "Povrni dostop"
:add-account "Dodaj račun"
:done "Končano"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Neveljavna telefonska številka"
:amount "Vsota"
:not-enough-eth (str "Stanje ETH na računu je prenizko "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Potrdi transakcijo"
:other "Potrdi {{count}} transakcij"
:zero "Ni transakcij"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "Potrditev v teku"
:recipient "Prejemnik"
:one-more-item "Še en predmet"
:fee "Plačilo"
:value "Vrednost"
:web-view-error "ups, napaka"
:confirm "Potrdi"
:phone-national "Državno"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transakcija potrjena"
:other "Št. potrjenih transakcij: {{count}}"
:zero "Ni potrjenih transakcij"}
:public-group-topic "Tema"
:debug-enabled "Strežnik za odpravljanje napak je bil zagnan! Sedaj lahko aplikacijo DApp dodate tako, da zaženete *status-dev-cli scan* na vašem računalniku"
:new-public-group-chat "Pridruži se javnemu klepetu"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Prekliči"
:share-qr "Deli QR kodo"
:feedback "Imate povratne informacije?\nStresite vaš telefon!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 besed v pravilnem vrstnem redu"
:remove-from-contacts "Odstrani iz stikov"
:delete-chat "Izbriši klepet"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "stik"
:other "stiki"}
:group-name "Ime skupine"
:next "Naprej"
:from "Od"
:search-chats "Išči klepete"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "več"
:cancel "Prekliči"
:no-statuses-found "Ni statusov"
:swow-qr "Prikaži QR kodo"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Odpri v spletnem brskalniku"
:delete-group-prompt "To ne bo vplivalo na stike"
:edit-profile "Uredi profil"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Potrdite transakcijo z vnosom vašega gesla"
:other "Potrdite transakcije z vnosom vašega gesla"}
:unsigned-transactions "Nepodpisane transakcije"
:empty-topic "Prazna tema"
:to "Za"
:group-members "Člani skupine"
:estimated-fee "Predvideno plačilo"
:data "Podatki"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Offline"
:invite-friends "Bjud in vänner"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Byt användare"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "timmar"}
:datetime-day {:one "dag"
:other "dagar"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "sedan"
:datetime-yesterday "igår"
:datetime-today "idag"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Meddelande"
:username "Användarnamn"
:not-specified "Inte angivet"
:public-key "Offentlig nyckel"
:phone-number "Telefonnummer"
:email "E-post"
:profile-no-status "Ingen status"
:add-to-contacts "Lägg till i kontakter"
:error-incorrect-name "Var god välj ett annat namn"
:error-incorrect-email "Inkorrekt e-post"
:image-source-title "Profilbild"
:image-source-make-photo "Fånga"
:image-source-gallery "Välj från galleri"
:image-source-cancel "Avbryt"
:contacts-syncronized "Dina kontakter har synkroniserats"
:confirmation-code (str "Tack! Vi har skickat dig ett textmeddelande med en bekräftelse "
"kod. Var god ange den koden för att bekräfta ditt telefonnummer")
:incorrect-code (str "Tyvärr var koden felaktig, var god ange den igen")
:generate-passphrase (str "Jag kommer att generera en lösenordsfras för dig så att du kan återställa din "
"åtkomst eller logga in från en annan enhet")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Pust* det var svårt, här är din lösenordsfras, *skriv ner det här och förvara det säkert!* Du kommer att behöva det för att återställa ditt konto."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Här är din lösenordsfras, *skriv ner det här och förvara det säkert!* Du kommer att behöva det för att återställa ditt konto."
:written-down "Se till att du hade skrivit ner det säkert"
:phone-number-required "Tryck här för att ange ditt telefonnummer och jag kommer att hitta dina vänner"
:intro-status "Chatta med mig för att konfigurera ditt konto och ändra dina inställningar!"
:intro-message1 "Välkommen till Status\nTryck på detta meddelande för att ställa in ditt lösenord och komma igång!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Chattar"
:new-chat "Ny chatt"
:new-group-chat "Ny gruppchatt"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Kontakter"
:new-contact "Ny kontakt"
:show-all "VISA ALLA"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Människor"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Starta ny chatt"
:no-contacts "Inga kontakter ännu"
:show-qr "Visa QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Ta bort"
:save "Spara"
:change-color "Ändra färg"
:clear-history "Rensa historik"
:delete-and-leave "Radera och lämna"
:chat-settings "Chattinställningar"
:edit "Redigera"
:add-members "Lägg till medlemmar"
:blue "Blå"
:purple "Lila"
:green "Grön"
:red "Röd"
:money-command-description "Skicka pengar"
:location-command-description "Skicka plats"
:phone-command-description "Skicka telefonnummer"
:phone-request-text "Telefonnummerbegäran"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Skicka bekräftelsekod"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Bekräftelsekodbegäran"
:send-command-description "Skicka plats"
:request-command-description "Skicka begäran"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Hjälp"
:request "Begäran"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH till {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH från {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Chattnamn"
:empty-group-chat-name "Var god ange ett namn"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Var god välj ett annat namn"
:add-participants "Lägg till Deltagare"
:remove-participants "Ta bort Deltagare"
:received-invitation "tog emot chattinbjudan"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Lägg till ny kontakt"
:import-qr "Importera"
:scan-qr "Skanna QR"
:name "Namn"
:whisper-identity "Viskningsidentitet"
:address-explication "Kanske borde det finnas lite text som förklarar vad en adress är och var man hittar den"
:enter-valid-address "Var god ange en giltig adress eller skanna en QR-kod"
:contact-already-added "Kontakten har redan lagts till"
:can-not-add-yourself "Du kan inte lägga till dig själv"
:unknown-address "Okänd adress"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Anslut"
:address "Adress"
:password "Lösenord"
:login "Inloggning"
:wrong-password "Fel lösenord"
:recover-from-passphrase "Återställ från lösenordsfras"
:recover-explain "Var god ange lösenordsfrasen för ditt lösenord för att återställa åtkomsten"
:passphrase "Lösenordsfras"
:recover "Återställ"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Var god ange en lösenordsfras"
:enter-valid-password "Var god ange ett lösenord"
:recover-access "Återställ åtkomst"
:add-account "Lägg till konto"
:done "Klar"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Ogiltigt telefonnummer"
:amount "Belopp"
:not-enough-eth (str "'Inte tillräcklig ETH på balansen "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Bekräfta transaktion"
:other "Bekräfta {{count}} transaktioner"
:zero "Inga transaktioner"}
:status "Status"
:pending-confirmation "I väntan på bekräftelse"
:recipient "Mottagare"
:one-more-item "En artikel till"
:fee "Avgift"
:value "Värde"
:web-view-error "hoppsan, fel"
:confirm "Bekräfta"
:phone-national "Nationell"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Transaktion bekräftad"
:other "{{count}} transaktioner bekräftade"
:zero "Inga bekräftade transaktioner"}
:public-group-topic "Ämne"
:debug-enabled "Felsökningsserver startad! Lägg till din DApp genom att ange *status-dev-cli scan* på datorn"
:new-public-group-chat "Gå med i offentlig chatt"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Avbryt"
:share-qr "Dela QR"
:feedback "Har du synpunkter?\nSkaka din telefon!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 ord i korrekt följd"
:remove-from-contacts "Ta bort från kontakter"
:delete-chat "Radera chatt"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
:contact-s {:one "kontakt"
:other "kontakter"}
:group-name "Gruppnamn"
:next "Nästa"
:from "Från"
:search-chats "Sök i chattar"
@ -289,17 +224,11 @@
:more "mer"
:cancel "Avbryt"
:no-statuses-found "Inga statusar hittades"
:swow-qr "Visa QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Öppna i webbläsare"
:delete-group-prompt "Detta påverkar inte kontakter"
:edit-profile "Redigera profil"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "Bekräfta transaktion genom att ange ditt lösenord"
:other "Bekräfta transaktioner genom att ange ditt lösenord"}
:unsigned-transactions "Osignerade transaktioner"
:empty-topic "Tomt ämne"
:to "Till"
:group-members "Gruppmedlemmar"
:estimated-fee "Uppsk. avgift"
:data "Data"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Nje ya mtandao"
:invite-friends "Karibisha marafiki"
:faq "Maswali Ya Mara kwa mara"
:switch-users "Badili kwa watumiaji"
@ -53,30 +51,22 @@
:other "masaa"}
:datetime-day {:one "siku"
:other "siku"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "iliyopita"
:datetime-yesterday "jana"
:datetime-today "leo"
:profile "Profaili"
:report-user "RIPOTI MTUMIAJI"
:message "Ujumbe"
:username "Jina la mtumiaji"
:not-specified "Haijafafanuliwa"
:public-key "Ufunguo wa Umma"
:phone-number "Namba ya Simu"
:email "Barua pepe"
:profile-no-status "Hakuna hadhi"
:add-to-contacts "Ongeza kwa mawasiliano"
:error-incorrect-name "Tafadhali chagua jina lingine"
:error-incorrect-email "Barua pepe sio sahihi"
:image-source-title "Picha ya profaili"
:image-source-make-photo "Chukua picha"
:image-source-gallery "Chagua kutoka nyumba ya sanaa"
:image-source-cancel "Ghairi"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Kopiera"
@ -88,11 +78,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Asante! Tumekutumia ujumbe mfupi na uthibitisho "
"kificho. Tafadhali peana hicho kificho kuthibitisha namba yako ya simu")
:incorrect-code (str "Samahani kificho hakikuwa sahihi, tafadhali ingiza tena")
:generate-passphrase (str "Nitakutengenezea kaulisiri ili uweze kurejesha "
"upatikanaji au kuingia kwa kutumia kifaa kingine")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Phew* hiyo ilikuwa ngumu, hapa ni kaulisiri yako, *iandike na uiweke salama!* Utaihitaji kwa ajili ya kufufua akaunti yako."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Hapa ni kaulisiri yako, *iandike na uiweke salama!* Utaihitaji kwa ajili ya kufufua akaunti yako."
:written-down "Hakikisha umeiandika salama"
:phone-number-required "Bofya hapa kuingiza namba yako ya simu na nitapata marafiki zako"
:intro-status "Ongea nami kuanzisha akaunti yako na kubadilisha mipangilio yako!"
:intro-message1 "Karibu kwa Hali na Ubofye ujumbe huu ili kuweka nenosiri lako na uanze!"
@ -100,7 +87,6 @@
:chats "Gumzo"
:new-chat "Gumzo mpya"
:new-group-chat "Gumzo mpya ya kikundi"
@ -117,9 +103,6 @@
:contacts "Mawasiliano"
:new-contact "Mawasiliano mapya"
:show-all "ONYESHA YOTE"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Watu"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Anza gumzo mpya"
:no-contacts "Bado hakuna mawasiliano"
:show-qr "Onyesha QR"
@ -127,41 +110,17 @@
:remove "Ondoa"
:save "Hifadhi"
:change-color "Badilisha rangi"
:clear-history "Futa historia"
:delete-and-leave "Futa na uondoke"
:chat-settings "Mipangilio ya gumzo"
:edit "Hariri"
:add-members "Ongeza wanachama"
:blue "Bluu"
:purple "Zambarau"
:green "Kijani"
:red "Nyekundu"
:money-command-description "Tuma pesa"
:location-command-description "Tuma eneo"
:phone-command-description "Tuma namba ya simu"
:phone-request-text "Ombi la namba ya simu"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Tuma kificho cha uthibitisho"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Ombi la kificho cha uthibitisho"
:send-command-description "Tuma eneo"
:request-command-description "Tuma ombi"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Msaada"
:request "Ombi"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH kwa {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH kutoka {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Jina la gumzo"
:empty-group-chat-name "Tafadhali ingiza jina"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Tafadhali chagua jina lingine"
:add-participants "Ongeza Washirika"
:remove-participants "Ondoa Washirika"
:received-invitation "mwaliko wa gumzo ulipokelewa"
@ -173,12 +132,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Ongeza mawasiliano mapya"
:import-qr "Agiza"
:scan-qr "Piga picha QR"
:name "Jina"
:whisper-identity "Utambulisho wa Tetesi"
:address-explication "Labda hapa kunapaswa kuwa na baadhi ya maandishi kueleza anwani ni nini na ni wapi pa kuitafuta"
:enter-valid-address "Tafadhali ingiza anwani sahihi au upige picha ya kificho cha QR"
:contact-already-added "Tayari mawasiliano yameongezwa"
:can-not-add-yourself "Huwezi kujiongeza mwenyewe"
:unknown-address "Anwani Haijulikani"
@ -188,20 +144,14 @@
:connect "Unganisha"
:address "Anwani"
:password "Nenosiri"
:login "Ingia"
:wrong-password "Nenosiri sio halali"
:recover-from-passphrase "Okoa/fufua kutoka kaulisiri"
:recover-explain "Tafadhali ingiza kaulisiri ili nenosiri lako liokoe upatikanaji"
:passphrase "Kaulisiri"
:recover "Okoa"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Tafadhali ingiza kaulisiri"
:enter-valid-password "Tafadhali ingiza nenosiri"
:recover-access "Okoa ufikiaji/Upatikanaji"
:add-account "Ongeza akaunti"
:done "Imefanyika"
@ -210,18 +160,9 @@
:invalid-phone "Namba ya simu ni batili"
:amount "Kiasi"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH haitoshi kwenye salio "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Thibitisha mashirikiano"
:other "Thibitisha {{count}} mashirikiano"
:zero "Hakuna mashirikiano"}
:status "Hali"
:pending-confirmation "Uthibitisho unasubiriwa"
:recipient "Mpokeaji"
:one-more-item "Bidhaa moja zaidi"
:fee "Ada"
:value "Thamani"
:web-view-error "nadhani, hitilafu"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "ออฟไลน์"
:invite-friends "เชิญเพื่อน"
:faq "คำถามที่พบบ่อย"
:switch-users "สลับผู้ใช้"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "ชั่วโมง"}
:datetime-day {:one "วัน"
:other "วัน"}
:datetime-multiple ""
:datetime-ago "ที่ผ่านมา"
:datetime-yesterday "เมื่อวาน"
:datetime-today "วันนี้"
:profile "โปรไฟล์"
:report-user "รายงานผู้ใช้"
:message "ข้อความ"
:username "ชื่อผู้ใช้"
:not-specified "ไม่ระบุ"
:public-key "คีย์สาธารณะ"
:phone-number "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์"
:email "อีเมล"
:profile-no-status "ไม่มีสถานะ"
:add-to-contacts "เพิ่มไปยังผู้ติดต่อ"
:error-incorrect-name "โปรดเลือกชื่ออื่น"
:error-incorrect-email "อีเมลไม่ถูกต้อง"
:image-source-title "รูปโปรไฟล์"
:image-source-make-photo "ถ่ายภาพ"
:image-source-gallery "เลือกจากแกลเลอรี"
:image-source-cancel "ยกเลิก"
:contacts-syncronized "ไซิงค์รายชื่อผู้ติดต่อของคุณแล้ว"
:confirmation-code (str "ขอขอบคุณ! เราได้ส่งข้อความตัวอักษรพร้อมรหัสยืนยันแล้ว"
:incorrect-code (str "ขออภัย รหัสไม่ถูกต้อง โปรดกรอกอีกครั้ง")
:generate-passphrase (str "ฉันจะสร้างวลีรหัสผ่านให้คุณเพื่อให้คุณสามารถกู้คืน"
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*โล่งอกไปที* มันไม่ง่ายเลย นี่คือวลีรหัสผ่านของคุณ *จดมันไว้และรักษามันให้ปลอดภัย!* คุณจะจำเป็นต้องใช้มันเพื่อกู้คืนบัญชีของคุณ"
:here-is-your-passphrase "นี่คือวลีรหัสผ่านของคุณ *จดมันไว้และรักษามันให้ปลอดภัย!* คุณจะจำเป็นต้องใช้มันเพื่อกู้คืนบัญชีของคุณ"
:written-down "ตรวจสอบให้มั่นใจว่าคุณได้จดบันทึกมันไว้อย่างปลอดภัยแล้ว"
:phone-number-required "แตะที่นี่เพื่อกรอกหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของคุณ & ฉันจะค้นหาเพื่อนของคุณ"
:intro-status "แชทกับฉันเพื่อตั้งค่าบัญชีของคุณและเปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าของคุณ!"
:intro-message1 "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่สถานะ \n แตะข้อความนี้เพื่อตั้งรหัสผ่านของคุณ & เริ่มต้น!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "แชท"
:new-chat "แชทใหม่"
:new-group-chat "แชทกลุ่มใหม่"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "ผู้ติดต่อ"
:new-contact "ผู้ติดต่อใหม่"
:show-all "แสดงทั้งหมด"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "ผู้คน"
:contacts-group-new-chat "เริ่มแชทใหม่"
:no-contacts "ยังไม่มีผู้ติดต่อ"
:show-qr "แสดง QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "ลบ"
:save "บันทึก"
:change-color "เปลี่ยนสี"
:clear-history "ลบประวัติ"
:delete-and-leave "ลบและออก"
:chat-settings "การตั้งค่าแชท"
:edit "แก้ไข"
:add-members "เพิ่มสมาชิก"
:blue "น้ำเงิน"
:purple "ม่วง"
:green "เขียว"
:red "แดง"
:money-command-description "ส่งเงิน"
:location-command-description "ส่งตำแหน่ง"
:phone-command-description "ส่งหมายเลขโทรศัพท์"
:phone-request-text "คำร้องขอหมายเลขโทรศัพท์"
:confirmation-code-command-description "ส่งรหัสยืนยัน"
:confirmation-code-request-text "คำร้องขอรหัสยืนยัน"
:send-command-description "ส่งตำแหน่ง"
:request-command-description "ส่งคำร้องขอ"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "ช่วยเหลือ"
:request "คำร้องขอ"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH ไปยัง {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH จาก {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "ชื่อแชท"
:empty-group-chat-name "โปรดกรอกชื่อ"
:illegal-group-chat-name "โปรดเลือกชื่ออื่น"
:add-participants "เพิ่มผู้เข้าร่วม"
:remove-participants "ลบผู้เข้าร่วม"
:received-invitation "คำเชิญแชทที่ได้รับ"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "เพิ่มผู้ติดต่อใหม่"
:import-qr "นำเข้า"
:scan-qr "สแกน QR"
:name "ชื่อ"
:whisper-identity "กระซิบตัวตน"
:address-explication "บางที ในที่นี้คุณควรกรอกข้อความสักเล็กน้อยเพื่อแสดงที่อยู่หรือสถานที่ที่จะมองหามันได้"
:enter-valid-address "โปรดกรอกที่อยู่ที่ถูกต้องหรือสแกนรหัส QR"
:contact-already-added "ได้มีการเพิ่มผู้ติดต่อนี้แล้ว"
:can-not-add-yourself "คุณไม่สามารถเพิ่มตัวคุณเอง"
:unknown-address "ที่อยู่ที่ไม่ทราบ"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "เชื่อมต่อ"
:address "ที่อยู่"
:password "รหัสผ่าน"
:login "ล็อกอิน"
:wrong-password "รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง"
:recover-from-passphrase "กู้คืนจากวลีรหัสผ่าน"
:recover-explain "โปรดกรอกวลีรหัสผ่านสำหรับรหัสผ่านของคุณเพื่อกู้คืนการเข้าถึง"
:passphrase "วลีรหัสผ่าน"
:recover "กู้คืน"
:enter-valid-passphrase "โปรดกรอกวลีรหัสผ่าน"
:enter-valid-password "โปรดกรอกรหัสผ่าน"
:recover-access "กู้คืนการเข้าถึง"
:add-account "เพิ่มบัญชี"
:done "เสร็จสิ้น"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ไม่ถูกต้อง"
:amount "จำนวน"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH ไม่เพียงพอในยอดคงเหลือ "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "ยืนยันธุรกรรม"
:other "ยืนยัน {{count}} ธุรกรรม"
:zero "ไม่มีธุรกรรม"}
:status "สถานะ"
:pending-confirmation "การยืนยันที่ค้างอยู่"
:recipient "ผู้รับ"
:one-more-item "อีกหนึ่งรายการ"
:fee "ค่าธรรมเนียม"
:value "มูลค่า"
:web-view-error "อุ๊ย มีข้อผิดพลาด"
:confirm "ยืนยัน"
:phone-national "ระดับชาติ"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "ยืนยันการทำธุรกรรมแล้ว"
:other "ยืนยันการทำธุรกรรมแล้ว {{count}} รายการ"
:zero "ไม่มีการยืนยันการทำธุรกรรม"}
:public-group-topic "หัวข้อ"
:debug-enabled "มีการเปิดการดำเนินงานของเซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่ได้แก้ไขข้อบกพร่องแล้ว! ตอนนี้คุณสามารถเพิ่ม DApp ของคุณโดยการเปิดดำเนินการ *status-dev-cli scan* จากคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณ"
:new-public-group-chat "เข้าร่วมแชทสาธารณะ"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "ยกเลิก"
:share-qr "แชร์ QR"
:feedback "ได้รับคำติชม?\nเขย่าโทรศัพท์ของคุณ"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 คำตามลำดับที่ถูกต้อง"
:remove-from-contacts "ลบออกจากรายชื่อติดต่อ"
:delete-chat "ลบแชท"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
{:one "รายชื่อติดต่อ"
:other "รายชื่อติดต่อ"}
:group-name "ชื่อกลุ่ม"
:next "ถัดไป"
:from "จาก"
:search-chats "ค้นหาแชท"
@ -289,17 +224,10 @@
:more "เพิ่มเติม"
:cancel "ยกเลิก"
:no-statuses-found "ไม่พบสถานะ"
:swow-qr "แสดง QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "เปิดในเว็บเบราว์เซอร์"
:delete-group-prompt "การดำเนินการนี้จะไม่ส่งผลต่อรายชื่อติดต่อ"
:edit-profile "แก้ไขโปรไฟล์"
{:one "ยืนยันการทำธุรกรรมโดยการใส่รหัสผ่านของคุณ"
:other "ยืนยันการทำธุรกรรมโดยการใส่รหัสผ่านของคุณ"}
:unsigned-transactions "การทำธุรกรรมที่ยังไม่ได้ลงนาม"
:empty-topic "หัวข้อว่างเปล่า"
:to "ถึง"
:group-members "สมาชิกกลุ่ม"
:estimated-fee "ค่าธรรมเนียมโดยประมาณ"
:data "ข้อมูล"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Çevrimdışı"
:invite-friends "Arkadaşlarınızı davet edin"
:faq "SSS"
:switch-users "Kullanıcıları değiştir"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "saat"}
:datetime-day {:one "gün"
:other "gün"}
:datetime-multiple "sn"
:datetime-ago "önce"
:datetime-yesterday "dün"
:datetime-today "bugün"
:profile "Profil"
:message "Mesaj"
:username "Kullanıcı Adı"
:not-specified "Belirtilmemiş"
:public-key "Ortak Anahtar"
:phone-number "Telefon Numarası'"
:email "E-posta"
:profile-no-status "Durum yok"
:add-to-contacts "Kişi listesine ekle"
:error-incorrect-name "Hatalı isim"
:error-incorrect-email "Hatalı e-posta adresi"
:image-source-title "Profil Fotoğrafı"
:image-source-make-photo "Çek"
:image-source-gallery "Galeriden seç"
:image-source-cancel "İptal"
:contacts-syncronized "Kişi listeniz eşitlendi"
:confirmation-code (str "Teşekkürler! Size onay kodunu içeren bir kısa mesaj "
"gönderdim. Telefon numaranızı onaylamak için lütfen bu kodu girin")
:incorrect-code (str "Üzgünüm kod hatalıydı, lütfen yeniden girin")
:generate-passphrase (str "sizin için bir parola oluşturacağım, böylece başka bir cihazdan "
"erişebilecek ya da girişinizi kurtarabileceksiniz")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Oh* bu oldukça zor oldu işte parolanız, *bu parolayı bir yere not ederek saklayın!* Hesabınızı kurtarmak için bu parolaya ihtiyacınız olacaktır."
:here-is-your-passphrase "İşte parolanız, *bu parolayı bir yere not ederek saklayın!* Hesabınızı kurtarmak için bu parolaya ihtiyacınız olacaktır."
:written-down "Güvenli bir şekilde not ettiğinizden emin olun"
:phone-number-required "Telefon numaranızı girmek için buraya dokunun, arkadaşlarınızı ben bulacağım"
:intro-status "Hesabınızı kurmak ve ayarlarınızı değiştirmek için benimle sohbet edin!"
:intro-message1 "Status'e hoş geldiniz\nŞifrenizi oluşturmak ve hemen başlamak için bu mesaja dokunun!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Sohbetler"
:new-chat "Yeni sohbet"
:new-group-chat "Yeni grup sohbeti"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Kişiler"
:new-contact "Yeni Kişi"
:show-all "TÜMÜNÜ GÖSTER"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Kişiler"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Yeni sohbet başlat"
:no-contacts "Henüz herhangi bir kişi yok"
:show-qr "Kare Kodu göster"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Kaldır"
:save "Kaydet"
:change-color "Rengi değiştir"
:clear-history "Geçmişi temizle"
:delete-and-leave "Sil ve ayrıl"
:chat-settings "Sohbet ayarları"
:edit "Düzenle"
:add-members "Üye ekle"
:blue "Mavi"
:purple "Mor"
:green "Yeşil"
:red "Kırmızı"
:money-command-description "Para gönder"
:location-command-description "Konum gönder"
:phone-command-description "Telefon numarasını gönder"
:phone-request-text "Telefon numarası iste"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Onay kodunu gönder"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Onay kodu iste"
:send-command-description "Konum gönder"
:request-command-description "İstek gönder"
:keypair-password-command-description "Şifre gönder"
:help-command-description "Yardım"
:request "İstek"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH alıcı: {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH gönderen: {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Sohbet adı"
:empty-group-chat-name "Lütfen bir isim girin"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Lütfen başka bir isim seçin"
:add-participants "Katılımcı Ekle"
:remove-participants "Katılımcıları Sil"
:received-invitation "sohbet daveti alındı"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Yeni kişi ekle"
:import-qr "İçe aktar"
:scan-qr "Kare Kod tara"
:name "İsim"
:whisper-identity "Whisper Kimliği"
:address-explication "Burada belki de bir adresin ne olduğu ve bunu bulmak için nereye bakılmasıyla ilgili bazı metinler yer alabilir"
:enter-valid-address "Lütfen geçerli bir adres girin ya da bir Kare Kod tarayın"
:contact-already-added "Kişi zaten eklendi"
:can-not-add-yourself "Kendinizi ekleyemezsiniz"
:unknown-address "Bilinmeyen adres"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Bağlan"
:address "Adres"
:password "Şifre"
:login "Oturum Aç"
:wrong-password "Hatalı Şifre"
:recover-from-passphrase "Parolayı kullanarak kurtar"
:recover-explain "Erişimi kurtarmak için lütfen şifreniz için parolanızı girin"
:passphrase "Parola"
:recover "Kurtar"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Lütfen geçerli bir parola girin"
:enter-valid-password "Lütfen geçerli bir şifre girin"
:recover-access "Erişimi kurtar"
:add-account "Hesap ekle"
:done "Yapıldı"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Geçersiz telefon numarası"
:amount "Miktar"
:not-enough-eth (str "Yeterli ETH bakiyesi yok"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "İşlemi onayla"
:other "{{count}} işlemi onayla"
:zero "İşlem yok"}
:status "Durum"
:pending-confirmation "Bekleyen onay"
:recipient "Alıcı"
:one-more-item "Bir öğe daha"
:fee "Ücret"
:value "Değer"
:web-view-error "hoppala, hata"
:confirm "Onayla"
:phone-national "Ulusal"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "İşlem onaylandı"
:other "{{count}} işlem onaylandı"
:zero "Hiçbir işlem onaylanmadı"}
:public-group-topic "Başlık"
:debug-enabled "Hata ayıklama sunucusu başlatıldı! Artık şimdi bilgisayarınızdan *status-dev-cli scan* çalıştırarak DApp'inizi ekleyebilirsiniz"
:new-public-group-chat "Herkese açık sohbete katılın"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "İptal Et"
:share-qr "QR Paylaş"
:feedback "Geri bildirimde bulunmak ister misiniz?\nTelefonunuzu sallayın!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "Doğru sırayla 12 kelime"
:remove-from-contacts "Kişi listesinden çıkarın"
:delete-chat "Sohbeti silin"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
{:one "kişi"
:other "kişiler"}
:group-name "Grup ismi"
:next "Sonraki"
:from "Şuradan:"
:search-chats "Sohbetlerde arayın"
@ -289,17 +224,10 @@
:more "dahası"
:cancel "İptal Et"
:no-statuses-found "Durum bulunamadı"
:swow-qr "QR Göster"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Web tarayıcısında açın"
:delete-group-prompt "Bu, kişi listesini etkilemeyecektir"
:edit-profile "Profili düzenleyin"
{:one "Şifrenizi girerek işlemi onaylayın"
:other "Şifrenizi girerek işlemleri onaylayın"}
:unsigned-transactions "İmzalanmamış işlemler"
:empty-topic "Boş başlık"
:to "Gönderilen:"
:group-members "Grup üyeleri"
:estimated-fee "Tahmini ücret"
:data "Veri"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Оффлайн"
:invite-friends "Запросити друзів"
:faq "Часті питання"
:switch-users "Зміна користувача"
@ -53,30 +51,22 @@
:other "годин"}
:datetime-day {:one "день"
:other "днів"}
:datetime-multiple "с"
:datetime-ago "тому"
:datetime-yesterday "вчора"
:datetime-today "сьогодні"
:profile "Профіль"
:message "Повідомлення"
:username "Ім'я користувача"
:not-specified "Не вказано"
:public-key "Відкритий ключ"
:phone-number "Номер телефону"
:email "Ел. пошта"
:profile-no-status "Немає статусу"
:add-to-contacts "Додати до контактів"
:error-incorrect-name "Будь ласка, виберіть інше ім'я"
:error-incorrect-email "Невірна ел. пошта"
:image-source-title "Фото профілю"
:image-source-make-photo "Зробити знімок"
:image-source-gallery "Вибрати з галереї"
:image-source-cancel "Відміна"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "Скопіювати"
@ -88,11 +78,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Дякуємо! Ми відправили вам текстове повідомлення з кодом "
"підтвердження. Будь ласка, надайте цей код, щоб підтвердити свій номер телефону")
:incorrect-code (str "На жаль, код невірний, будь ласка, введіть ще раз")
:generate-passphrase (str "Я створю ключову фразу для вас, щоб ви могли відновити ваш "
"доступ або увійти з іншого пристрою")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Оце так*, було складно, ось ваша ключова фраза, *запишіть її та надійно зберігайте!* Вона вам знадобиться для відновлення облікового запису."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Ось ваша ключова фраза, *запишіть її та надійно зберігайте!* Вона вам знадобиться для відновлення облікового запису."
:written-down "Переконайтеся, що ви надійно її записали"
:phone-number-required "Торкніться тут, щоб ввести ваш номер телефону і я знайду ваших друзів"
:intro-status "Спілкуйтеся зі мною, щоб налаштувати свій обліковий запис і змінити налаштування!"
:intro-message1 "Вітаємо в Статус\nТоркніться цього повідомлення, щоб встановити пароль і почати!"
@ -100,7 +87,6 @@
:chats "Групи"
:new-chat "Новий чат"
:new-group-chat "Новий груповий чат"
@ -117,9 +103,6 @@
:contacts "Контакти"
:new-contact "Новий контакт"
:show-all "ПОКАЗАТИ ВСІ"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Люди"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Почати нову розмову"
:no-contacts "Поки що контактів немає"
:show-qr "Показати QR"
@ -127,41 +110,17 @@
:remove "Видалити"
:save "Зберегти"
:change-color "Змінити колір"
:clear-history "Очистити історію"
:delete-and-leave "Видалити та залишити"
:chat-settings "Налаштування розмови"
:edit "Редагувати"
:add-members "Додати учасників"
:blue "Голубий"
:purple "Фіолетовий"
:green "Зелений"
:red "Червоний"
:money-command-description "Надіслати гроші"
:location-command-description "Надіслати місцезнаходження"
:phone-command-description "Надіслати номер телефону"
:phone-request-text "Запит номеру телефону"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Надіслати код підтвердження"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Запит коду підтвердження"
:send-command-description "Надіслати місцезнаходження"
:request-command-description "Надіслати запит"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Допомога"
:request "Запит"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH для {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH від {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Назва розмови"
:empty-group-chat-name "Будь ласка, введіть назву"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Будь ласка, виберіть іншу назву"
:add-participants "Додайте учасників"
:remove-participants "Видаліть учасників"
:received-invitation "отримано запрошення до розмови"
@ -173,12 +132,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Додати новий контакт"
:import-qr "Імпорт"
:scan-qr "Сканувати QR"
:name "Назва"
:whisper-identity "Прошепотіти справжність"
:address-explication "Можливо тут повинен бути текст, який пояснює, що таке адреса і де її шукати"
:enter-valid-address "Будь ласка, введіть дійсну адресу або відскануйте QR-код"
:enter-valid-public-key "Будь ласка, введіть дійсний відкритий ключ або відскануйте QR-код"
:contact-already-added "Контакт вже додано"
:can-not-add-yourself "Ви не можете додати себе"
@ -189,20 +145,14 @@
:connect "Підключитися"
:address "Адреса"
:password "Пароль"
:login "Логін"
:wrong-password "Невірний пароль"
:recover-from-passphrase "Відновити з ключовою фразою"
:recover-explain "Будь ласка, введіть ключову фразу для вашого пароля, щоб відновити доступ"
:passphrase "Ключова фраза"
:recover "Відновити"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Будь ласка, введіть ключову фразу"
:enter-valid-password "Будь ласка, введіть пароль"
:recover-access "Відновити доступ"
:add-account "Додати обліковий запис"
:done "Готово"
@ -211,33 +161,19 @@
:invalid-phone "Невірний номер телефону"
:amount "Сума"
:not-enough-eth (str "Недостатньо ETH на балансі "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Підтвердити транзакцію"
:other "Підтвердити {{count}} транзакції"
:zero "Немає транзакцій"}
:status "Статус"
:pending-confirmation "Очікує підтвердження"
:recipient "Отримувач"
:one-more-item "Ще один пункт"
:fee "Комісія"
:value "Значення"
:web-view-error "ой, помилка"
:confirm "Підтвердити"
:phone-national "Національне"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Транзакцію підтверджено"
:other "Підтверджено {{count}} транзакцій"
:zero "Підтверджені транзакції відсутні"}
:public-group-topic "Тема"
:debug-enabled "Debug server запущено! Тепер ви можете додати свій DApp запустивши *status-dev-cli scan* зі свого комп’ютера"
:new-public-group-chat "Приєднатися до публічного чату"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:share-qr "Поділитись QR"
:feedback "Маєте відгук?\nСтряхніть свій телефон!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 слів в правильному порядку"
:remove-from-contacts "Видалити з контактів"
:delete-chat "Видалити чат"
@ -275,7 +211,6 @@
{:one "контакт"
:other "контакти"}
:group-name "Назва групи"
:next "Наступне"
:from "З"
:search-chats "Шукати чати"
@ -291,17 +226,10 @@
:more "ще"
:cancel "Відмінити"
:no-statuses-found "Статуси не знайдено"
:swow-qr "Показати QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Відкрити у браузері"
:delete-group-prompt "Це не вплине на контакти"
:edit-profile "Редагувати профіль"
{:one "Підтвердіть операцію, ввівши пароль"
:other "Підтвердіть операції, ввівши пароль"}
:unsigned-transactions "Непідписані транзакції"
:empty-topic "Тема пуста"
:to "До"
:group-members "Члени групи"
:estimated-fee "Прибл. комісія"
:data "Дані"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "آف لائن"
:invite-friends "دوستوں کو مدعو کریں"
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "صارف تبدیل کریں"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "گھنٹے"}
:datetime-day {:one "دن"
:other "دن"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "قبل"
:datetime-yesterday "کل"
:datetime-today "آج"
:profile "پروفائل"
:report-user "صارف کی رپورٹ کریں"
:message "پیغام"
:username "صارف کا نام"
:not-specified "واضح نہیں کیا گیا"
:public-key "Public Key"
:phone-number "فون نمبر"
:email "ای میل"
:profile-no-status "کوئی سٹیٹس نہیں"
:add-to-contacts "اپنے رابطوں میں درج کریں"
:error-incorrect-name "برائے مہربانی کوئی اور نام چنیں"
:error-incorrect-email "غلط ای میل"
:image-source-title "پروفائل تصویر"
:image-source-make-photo "کھینچیں"
:image-source-gallery "گیلری سے چنیں"
:image-source-cancel "کینسل"
:contacts-syncronized "آپ کے کانٹیکٹس سنکرونائز ہو گئے ہیں"
:confirmation-code (str "شکریہ! ہم نے آپ کو تصدیق کا پیغام بھیج دیا ہے "
"کوڈ کے ساتھ۔ برائے مہربانی اپنا نمبر کنفرم کرنے کے لیے وہ کوڈ فراہم کریں۔")
:incorrect-code (str "معذرت، کوڈ غلط تھا، برائے مہربانی دوبارہ درج کریں")
:generate-passphrase (str "میں آپ کے لیے passphrase تشکیل دوں گا تا کہ آپ "
"کسی دوسری ڈیوائس سے لاگ ان یا رسائی حاصل کر سکیں")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*اف* یہ مشکل تھا, یہ آپ کی passphrase ہے۔, *اسے لکھ لیں اور اپنے پاس محفوظ کر لیں۔* آپ کو اپنا اکاؤنٹ بحال کرنے کے لیے اس کی ضرورت ہو گی۔"
:here-is-your-passphrase "یہ آپ کی passphrase ہے۔, *ا اکاؤنٹ بحال کرنے کے لیے اس کی ضرورت * ہے۔, *اسے لکھ لیں اور اپنے پاس محفوظ کر لیں۔* آپ کو ا"
:written-down "یہ یقینی بنا لیں کہ آپ نے اسے بحفاظت لکھ لیا ہے۔"
:phone-number-required "اپنا فون نمبر درج کرنے کے لیے یہاں ٹیپ کریں اور میں آپ کے دوستوں کو تلاش کروں گا"
:intro-status "اپنا اکاؤنٹ سیٹ اپ کرنے اور سیٹنگز تبدیل کرنے کے لیے مجھ سے چیٹ کریں!"
:intro-message1 "سٹیٹس میں خوش آمدید اور اپنا پاسورڈ سیٹ کرنے کے لیے اس کو ٹیپ کریں اور شروعات کریں۔"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "چیٹ"
:new-chat "نئی چیٹ"
:new-group-chat "نئی گروپ چیٹ"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "رابطے"
:new-contact "نئے رابطے"
:show-all "سب دکھائیں"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "لوگ"
:contacts-group-new-chat "نئی چیٹ شروع کریں"
:no-contacts "ابھی یہاں کوئی کنٹیکٹ نہیں"
:show-qr "دکھائیں QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "نکالیں"
:save "محفوظ کریں"
:change-color "رنگ تبدیل کریں"
:clear-history "تاریخ مٹا دیں"
:delete-and-leave "حذف کریں اور چھوڑ دیں"
:chat-settings "چیٹ کی سیٹنگز"
:edit "تصحیح"
:add-members "ممبران شامل کریں"
:blue "نیلا"
:purple "جامنی"
:green "سبز"
:red "سرخ"
:money-command-description "رقم بھیجیں"
:location-command-description "مقام بھیجیں"
:phone-command-description "فون نمبر بھیجیں"
:phone-request-text "فون نمبر کی درخواست کریں"
:confirmation-code-command-description "برائے مہربانی یقین دہانی کا کوڈ بھیجیں"
:confirmation-code-request-text "تصدیقی کوڈ کی درخواست"
:send-command-description "مقام بھیجیں"
:request-command-description "درخواست بھیجیں"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "مدد"
:request "درخواست"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH کرنے {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH سے {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "چیٹ کا نام"
:empty-group-chat-name "برائے مہربانی کو ایک نام درج کریں"
:illegal-group-chat-name "برائے مہربانی کوئی اور نام درج کریں"
:add-participants "ساتھیوں کو شامل کریں"
:remove-participants "ساتھیوں کو نکالیں"
:received-invitation "چیٹ کا دعوت نامہ وصول ہوا ہے"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "نیا کانٹیکٹ شامل کریں"
:import-qr "امپورٹ"
:scan-qr "سکین کریں QR"
:name "نام"
:whisper-identity "شناخت بتائیں"
:address-explication "شائد یہاں آپ کو کچھ لکھنا چاہیے دیکھنے کے لیے کہ پتہ کیا ہے اور اسے کہاں ہونا چاہیے"
:enter-valid-address "برائے مہربانی درست پتہ یا QR سکین کریں"
:contact-already-added "کانٹیکٹ پہلے سے شامل ہے"
:can-not-add-yourself "آپ خود کو شامل نہیں کر سکتے"
:unknown-address "نامعلوم پتہ"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "ملیں"
:address "پتہ"
:password "پاسورڈ"
:login "لاگ ان"
:wrong-password "غلط پاسورڈ"
:recover-from-passphrase "passphrase کے ذریعے بحال کریں"
:recover-explain "رسائی حاصل کرنے کے لیے اپنے پاسورڈ کا passphrase درج کریں"
:passphrase "Passphrase"
:recover "بحال کریں"
:enter-valid-passphrase "برائے مہربانی passphrase درج کریں"
:enter-valid-password "برائے مہربانی پاسورڈ لکھیں"
:recover-access "رسائی بحال کریں"
:add-account "اکاؤنٹ شامل کریں"
:done "ہو گیا"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "غلط فون نمبر"
:amount "رقم"
:not-enough-eth (str "بیلنس میں کافی ETH موجود نہیں۔ "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "بیوپار کی تصدیق کریں"
:other "تصدیق {{count}} بیوپار"
:zero "کوئی بیوپار نہیں ہوا"}
:status "سٹیٹس"
:pending-confirmation "تصدیق کی ضرورت ہے"
:recipient "وصول کنندہ"
:one-more-item "ایک اور چیز"
:fee "فیس"
:value "رقم"
:web-view-error "اوہ، غلطی ہو گئی"
:confirm "توثیق کریں"
:phone-national "قومی"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "لین دین کی تصدیق ہوئی"
:other "{{count}} لین دین کی توثیق ہوئی"
:zero "کسی لین دین کی توثیق نہیں ہوئی"}
:public-group-topic "موضوع"
:debug-enabled "ڈی بگ سرور کو لانچ کیا گیا ہے! آپ کا آئی پتہ ہے۔ اب آپ اپنے کمپیوٹر سے *status-dev-cli scan* کو چلاتے ہوئے اپنا DApp شامل کر سکتے ہیں"
:new-public-group-chat "عوامی چیٹ میں شامل ہوں"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "منسوخ کریں"
:share-qr "کیو آر کوڈ کا اشتراک کریں"
:feedback "رائے موصول ہوئی؟\nاپنے فون کو ہلائیں!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "درست ترتیب میں 12 الفاظ"
:remove-from-contacts "روابط سے خارج کریں"
:delete-chat "چیٹ کو حذف کریں"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
{:one "رابطہ"
:other "روابط"}
:group-name "گروپ کا نام"
:next "اگلا"
:from "سے"
:search-chats "چیٹس تلاش کریں"
@ -289,17 +224,10 @@
:more "مزید"
:cancel "منسوخ کریں"
:no-statuses-found "کسی اسٹیٹس کا پتہ نہیں چلا"
:swow-qr "کیو آر دکھائیں"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "ویب براؤزر میں کھولیں"
:delete-group-prompt "اس سے روابط متاثر نہیں ہونگے"
:edit-profile "پروفائل میں ترمیم کریں"
{:one "اپنا پاس ورڈ داخل کرتے ہوئے لین دین کی توثیق کریں"
:other "اپنا پاس ورڈ داخل کرتے ہوئے لین دین کی توثیق کریں"}
:unsigned-transactions "غیر دستخط شدہ لین دین"
:empty-topic "خالی موضوع"
:to "بجانب"
:group-members "گروپ کا رکن"
:estimated-fee "ادارہ کی فیس"
:data "ڈیٹا"})
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
:offline "Không trực tuyến"
:invite-friends "Mời bạn bè "
:faq "FAQ"
:switch-users "Đổi người dùng"
@ -53,41 +51,30 @@
:other "giờ"}
:datetime-day {:one "ngày"
:other "ngày"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "trước đây"
:datetime-yesterday "hôm qua"
:datetime-today "hôm nay"
:profile "Hồ sơ"
:report-user "BÁO CÁO NGƯỜI DÙNG"
:message "Tin nhắn"
:username "Tên người dùng"
:not-specified "Không được xác định"
:public-key "Khóa công khai"
:phone-number "Số điện thoại"
:email "Email"
:profile-no-status "Không có trạng thái"
:add-to-contacts "Thêm vào liên hệ"
:error-incorrect-name "Vui lòng chọn một tên khác"
:error-incorrect-email "E-mail không chính xách"
:image-source-title "Ảnh đại diện"
:image-source-make-photo "Chụp"
:image-source-gallery "Chọn từ gallery"
:image-source-cancel "Hủy"
:contacts-syncronized "Các liên hệ của bạn đã được đồng bộ hóa"
:confirmation-code (str "Cảm ơn! Chúng tôi đã gửi cho bạn một tin nhắn văn bản với một xác nhận "
"Vui lòng cung cấp mã đó để xác nhận số điện thoại của bạn")
:incorrect-code (str "Xin lỗi mã không chính xác, vui lòng nhập lại")
:generate-passphrase (str "Tôi sẽ tạo ra một cụm mật khẩu để cho bạn có thể khôi phục "
"quyền truy cập của bạn hoặc đăng nhập từ một thiết bị khác")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Phù* điều đó thật khó khăn, đây là cụm mật khẩu của bạn, *hãy viết cụm này ra và giữ nó an toàn!* Bạn sẽ cần nó để khôi phục tài khoản của bạn."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Đây là cụm mật khẩu của bạn, *hãy viết cụm này ra và giữ nó an toàn!* Bạn sẽ cần nó để khôi phục tài khoản của bạn."
:written-down "Hãy đảm bảo rằng bạn đã viết nó ra một cách bảo mật"
:phone-number-required "Nhấp vào đây để nhập số điện thoại của bạn & tôi sẽ tìm kiếm bạn bè của bạn"
:intro-status "Trò chuyện với tôi để thiết lập tài khoản của bạn và thay đổi các thiết lập của bạn!"
:intro-message1 "Chào mừng đến với trang Trạng thái\nNhấp vào tin nhắn này để thiết lập mật khẩu của bạn & bắt đầu!"
@ -95,7 +82,6 @@
:chats "Trò chuyện"
:new-chat "Cuộc trò chuyện mới"
:new-group-chat "Cuộc trò chuyện theo nhóm mới"
@ -112,9 +98,6 @@
:contacts "Các liên hệ"
:new-contact "Liên hệ mới"
:show-all "HIỂN THỊ TOÀN BỘ"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "Cá nhân"
:contacts-group-new-chat "Bắt đầu cuộc trò chuyện mới"
:no-contacts "Chưa có liên hệ"
:show-qr "Hiển thị QR"
@ -122,41 +105,17 @@
:remove "Xóa"
:save "Lưu"
:change-color "Thay đổi màu sắc"
:clear-history "Xóa lịch sử"
:delete-and-leave "Xóa và rời đi"
:chat-settings "Thiết lập trò chuyện"
:edit "Điều chỉnh"
:add-members "Thêm Thành viên"
:blue "Màu xanh da trời"
:purple "Màu tím"
:green "Màu xanh lá cây"
:red "Màu đỏ"
:money-command-description "Gửi tiền"
:location-command-description "Gửi vị trí"
:phone-command-description "Gửi số điện thoại"
:phone-request-text "Yêu cầu số điện thoại"
:confirmation-code-command-description "Gửi mã xác nhận"
:confirmation-code-request-text "Yêu cầu mã xác nhận"
:send-command-description "Gửi vị trí"
:request-command-description "Gửi yêu cầu"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "Giúp đỡ"
:request "Yêu cầu"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH đến {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH từ {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "Tên trò chuyện"
:empty-group-chat-name "Vui lòng nhập một tên"
:illegal-group-chat-name "Vui lòng chọn một tên khác"
:add-participants "Thêm Người tham gia"
:remove-participants "Xóa Người tham gia"
:received-invitation "đã nhận lời mời trò chuyện"
@ -168,12 +127,9 @@
:add-new-contact "Thêm liên hệ mới"
:import-qr "Nhập"
:scan-qr "Quét QR"
:name "Tên"
:whisper-identity "Danh tính Whisper"
:address-explication "Có lẽ ở đây nên có một vài nội dung để giải thích địa chỉ này là gì và phải tìm nó ở đâu"
:enter-valid-address "Vui lòng nhập một địa chỉ hợp lệ hoặc quét một mã QR"
:contact-already-added "Liên hệ đã được thêm vào"
:can-not-add-yourself "Bạn không thể tự thêm mình"
:unknown-address "Địa chỉ không xác định"
@ -183,20 +139,14 @@
:connect "Kết nối"
:address "Địa chỉ"
:password "Mật khẩu"
:login "Đăng nhập"
:wrong-password "Mật khẩu sai"
:recover-from-passphrase "Khôi phục từ cụm mật khẩu"
:recover-explain "Vui lòng nhập cụm mật khẩu cho mật khẩu của bạn để khôi phục quyền truy cập"
:passphrase "Cụm mật khẩu"
:recover "Khôi phục"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Vui lòng nhập một cụm mật khẩu"
:enter-valid-password "Vui lòng nhập một mật khẩu"
:recover-access "Khôi phục quyền truy cập"
:add-account "Thêm tài khoản"
:done "Đã hoàn thành"
@ -205,34 +155,20 @@
:invalid-phone "Số điện thoại không hợp lệ"
:amount "Số tiền"
:not-enough-eth (str "Không đủ ETH trong số dư "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm-transactions {:one "Xác nhận giao dịch"
:other "Xác nhận {{count}} giao dịch"
:zero "Không có giao dịch"}
:status "Trạng thái"
:pending-confirmation "Chờ xác nhận"
:recipient "Người nhận"
:one-more-item "Thêm một mục nữa"
:fee "Phí"
:value "Giá trị"
:web-view-error "Ối, lỗi"
:confirm "Xác nhận"
:phone-national "Quốc gia"
:transactions-confirmed {:one "Đã xác nhận giao dịch"
:other "{{Count}} giao dịch đã được xác nhận"
:zero "Không có giao dịch nào được xác nhận"}
:public-group-topic "Chủ đề"
:debug-enabled "Máy chủ gỡ lỗi đã được khởi chạy! Bạn có thể thêm DApp bằng cách chạy *status-dev-cli scan* từ máy tính của mình"
:new-public-group-chat "Tham gia cuộc trò chuyện công khai"
:datetime-ago-format "{{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}}"
:sharing-cancel "Hủy"
:share-qr "Chia sẻ mã QR"
:feedback "Nhận phản hồi?\nLắc điện thoại của bạn!"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 từ theo đúng thứ tự"
:remove-from-contacts "Xóa khỏi danh bạ"
:delete-chat "Xóa cuộc trò chuyện"
@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
{:one "liên hệ"
:other "Danh bạ"}
:group-name "Tên nhóm"
:next "Tiếp theo"
:from "Từ"
:search-chats "Tìm kiếm các cuộc trò chuyện"
@ -289,17 +224,10 @@
:more "thêm"
:cancel "Hủy"
:no-statuses-found "Không tìm thấy trạng thái nào"
:swow-qr "Hiển thị mã QR"
:browsing-open-in-web-browser "Mở trong trình duyệt web"
:delete-group-prompt "Điều này sẽ không ảnh hưởng đến danh bạ"
:edit-profile "Chỉnh sửa hồ sơ"
{:one "Xác nhận giao dịch bằng cách nhập mật khẩu"
:other "Xác nhận giao dịch bằng cách nhập mật khẩu"}
:unsigned-transactions "Các giao dịch chưa được ký"
:empty-topic "Chủ đề trống"
:to "Đến"
:group-members "Thành viên nhóm"
:estimated-fee "Chi phí ước tính"
:data "Dữ liệu"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "要授予所需的照片許可,請轉到系統設置,並確保選擇“狀態“>“照片“。"
:invite-friends "邀請好友"
:faq "常見問題"
:switch-users "切換使用者"
:feedback "有反饋?\n搖動你的手機!"
:view-all "查看所有"
:current-network "當前網絡"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "時"}
:datetime-day {:one "天"
:other "天"}
:datetime-multiple "秒"
:datetime-ago "以前"
:datetime-yesterday "昨天"
:datetime-today "今天"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "個人資料"
:edit-profile "編輯個人資料"
:report-user "檢舉使用者"
:message "訊息"
:username "使用者名稱"
:not-specified "未指定"
:public-key "公開金鑰"
:phone-number "電話號碼"
:email "電子郵件"
:update-status "更新你的狀態..."
:add-a-status "添加狀態..."
:status-prompt "建立一個狀態以幫助人們了解您提供的內容。 你也可以使用#hashtags。"
@ -92,15 +84,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "從聯絡資訊中刪除"
:start-conversation "開始對話"
:send-transaction "發送交易"
:share-qr "分享QR碼"
:error-incorrect-name "錯誤的名稱"
:error-incorrect-email "錯誤的電子郵件地址"
:image-source-title "個人圖片"
:image-source-make-photo "拍攝"
:image-source-gallery "從相簿中選擇"
:image-source-cancel "取消"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "複製到剪貼板"
@ -116,11 +104,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "謝謝!我們已向您發送了帶有 "
:incorrect-code (str "很抱歉,代碼錯誤,請重新輸入")
:generate-passphrase (str "我會為您產生一個密碼短語,您可以使用它 "
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*啊哈*,這是您的密碼短語,*請寫下來,並好好保管!* 您需要它來回復您的帳號。"
:here-is-your-passphrase "這是您的密碼短語,*請寫下來,並好好保管!* 您需要它來回復您的帳號。"
:written-down "請確認您已將密碼短語寫下,並存放在安全的地點"
:phone-number-required "點選這裡輸入您的手機號碼,我會找到您的好友"
:shake-your-phone "發現錯誤或有建議? 只要〜搖一搖〜你的手機!"
:intro-status "與我聊天以設定您的帳號並變更設定!"
@ -137,7 +122,6 @@
:chats "聊天室"
:new-chat "新對話"
:delete-chat "刪除對話"
:new-group-chat "新群組"
:new-public-group-chat "加入公開聊天"
@ -167,9 +151,6 @@
:remove-from-group "從群組中移除"
:edit-contacts "編輯聯絡人"
:search-contacts "搜尋聯絡人"
:show-all "顯示全部"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "成員"
:contacts-group-new-chat "開始新對話"
:choose-from-contacts "從聯絡人中選擇"
:no-contacts "尚無聯絡資訊"
@ -181,52 +162,26 @@
:remove "移除"
:save "保存"
:delete "刪除"
:change-color "更改顏色"
:clear-history "清理歷史記錄"
:delete-and-leave "刪除並離開"
:mute-notifications "靜音通知"
:leave-chat "離開對話"
:chat-settings "聊天設定"
:edit "編輯"
:add-members "新增成員"
:blue "藍色"
:purple "紫色"
:green "綠色"
:red "紅色"
:money-command-description "匯款"
:location-command-description "傳送位置"
:phone-command-description "傳送手機號碼"
:phone-request-text "請求手機號碼"
:confirmation-code-command-description "傳送確認碼"
:confirmation-code-request-text "請求確認碼"
:send-command-description "傳送位置"
:request-command-description "傳送請求"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "幫助"
:request "請求"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH 給 {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH 來自 {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "群組名稱"
:empty-group-chat-name "請輸入名稱"
:illegal-group-chat-name "請選擇其他名稱"
:new-group "新增群組"
:reorder-groups "重新排序群組"
:group-name "群組名稱"
:edit-group "編輯群組"
:delete-group "刪除群組"
:delete-group-confirmation "此群組將從你的群組中移除。 這不會影響聯絡人"
:delete-group-prompt "這不會影響聯絡人"
:group-members "群組成員"
:contact-s {:one "contact"
:other "contacts"}
:add-participants "新增參與者"
:remove-participants "移除參與者"
:received-invitation "收到的聊天邀請"
@ -238,13 +193,9 @@
:add-new-contact "新增新的聯絡人"
:import-qr "匯入"
:scan-qr "掃描QR碼"
:swow-qr "顯示QR碼"
:name "名稱"
:whisper-identity "Whisper身份"
:address-explication "也許這裡要有些文字介紹位址是什麼,又能在哪裡找到它"
:enter-valid-address "請輸入有效位址或掃描QR碼"
:enter-valid-public-key "請輸入有效公鑰或掃描QR碼"
:contact-already-added "已新增該聯絡人"
:can-not-add-yourself "您不能新增自己"
@ -255,23 +206,17 @@
:connect "連線"
:address "地址"
:password "密碼"
:login "登入"
:sign-in-to-status "登入Status"
:sign-in "登入"
:wrong-password "密碼錯誤"
:recover-from-passphrase "使用密碼短語回復"
:recover-explain "請輸入此密碼的密碼短語來回復登入權限"
:passphrase "密碼短語"
:recover "回復"
:enter-valid-passphrase "請輸入密碼短語"
:enter-valid-password "請輸入密碼"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "正確排序12個字"
:recover-access "回復登入權限"
:add-account "新增帳號"
:create-new-account "建立新帳號"
@ -281,33 +226,15 @@
:invalid-phone "無效的手機號碼"
:amount "金額"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH餘額不足 "
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "確認"
:confirm-transactions {:one "確認交易"
:other "確認 {{count}} 筆交易"
:zero "無交易"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "已確認交易"
:other "已確認 {{count}} 筆交易"
:zero "無確認交易"}
:transaction "交易"
:unsigned-transactions "未確認交易"
:no-unsigned-transactions "無未確認交易"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "輸入密碼以確認交易"
:other "輸入密碼以確認交易"}
:status "狀態"
:pending-confirmation "等待確認中"
:recipient "接收方"
:one-more-item "再一項"
:fee "費用"
:estimated-fee "預算費用"
:value "價值"
:to "至"
:from "從"
:data "數據"
:got-it "得到了"
:contract-creation "創建合同"
:web-view-error "哎呀,出錯了"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "要授予所需的照片许可,请转到系统设置,并确保选择“状态“>“照片“。"
:invite-friends "邀请朋友"
:faq "常见问题"
:switch-users "切换用户"
:feedback "有反馈?\n摇动你的手机!"
:view-all "查看所有"
:current-network "当前网络"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "小时"}
:datetime-day {:one "日"
:other "日"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "之前"
:datetime-yesterday "昨天"
:datetime-today "今天"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "个人资料"
:edit-profile "编辑个人资料"
:report-user "报告用户"
:message "消息"
:username "用户名"
:not-specified "未指定"
:public-key "公共密钥"
:phone-number "电话号码"
:email "电子邮箱"
:update-status "更新你的状态..."
:add-a-status "添加状态..."
:status-prompt "建立一个状态以帮助人们了解您提供的内容。 你也可以使用#hashtags。"
@ -92,15 +84,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "从联系人中删除"
:start-conversation "开始对话"
:send-transaction "发送交易"
:share-qr "分享QR码"
:error-incorrect-name "请选择另一个名字"
:error-incorrect-email "不正确的电子邮箱"
:image-source-title "个人资料照片"
:image-source-make-photo "截图"
:image-source-gallery "从相册中选择"
:image-source-cancel "取消"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "复制到剪贴板"
@ -116,11 +104,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "谢谢!我们已经给您发了一个确认短信"
:incorrect-code (str "对不起,代码不正确,请再输入一次")
:generate-passphrase (str "我会为您生成一个口令短语,您可以恢复您的 "
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*唷* 是很难的,这是您的口令短语,*写下来并保证安全!* 您将需要它来恢复您的帐户。"
:here-is-your-passphrase "这是您的口令短语,*写下来并保证安全!* 您将需要它来恢复您的帐户。"
:written-down "确保您已经安全地写下来"
:phone-number-required "点击这里进入您的电话号码,我会找到您的朋友"
:shake-your-phone "发现错误或有建议? 只要〜摇一摇〜你的手机!"
:intro-status "与我聊天设置您的帐户,并更改您的设置!"
@ -137,7 +122,6 @@
:chats "聊天"
:new-chat "新的聊天"
:delete-chat "刪除聊天"
:new-group-chat "新的群聊"
:new-public-group-chat "加入公开聊天"
@ -167,9 +151,6 @@
:remove-from-group "从群组中移除"
:edit-contacts "编辑联络人"
:search-contacts "搜寻联络人"
:show-all "显示全部"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "人"
:contacts-group-new-chat "开始新的聊天"
:choose-from-contacts "从联络人中选择"
:no-contacts "暂无联系人"
@ -180,53 +161,27 @@
:remove "移动"
:save "保存"
:change-color "改变颜色"
:clear-history "清除历史"
:delete-and-leave "删除并离开"
:delete "刪除"
:mute-notifications "静音通知"
:leave-chat "离开对话"
:chat-settings "聊天设置"
:edit "编辑"
:add-members "添加会员"
:blue "蓝色"
:purple "紫色"
:green "绿色"
:red "红色"
:money-command-description "发送钱"
:location-command-description "发送地址"
:phone-command-description "发送电话号码"
:phone-request-text "请求电话号码"
:confirmation-code-command-description "发送确认码"
:confirmation-code-request-text "请求确认码"
:send-command-description "发送地址"
:request-command-description "发送请求"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "帮助"
:request "请求"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH至 {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH来自 {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "聊天名称"
:empty-group-chat-name "请输入一个名称"
:illegal-group-chat-name "选择另一个名称"
:new-group "新增群組"
:reorder-groups "重新排序群組"
:group-name "群組名稱"
:edit-group "編輯群組"
:delete-group "刪除群組"
:delete-group-confirmation "此群組將從你的群組中移除。 這不會影響聯絡人"
:delete-group-prompt "這不會影響聯絡人"
:group-members "群組成員"
:contact-s {:one "contact"
:other "contacts"}
:add-participants "添加参与者"
:remove-participants "删除参与者"
:received-invitation "接受聊天邀请"
@ -238,13 +193,9 @@
:add-new-contact "增加新的联系人"
:import-qr "导入"
:scan-qr "扫描QR"
:swow-qr "顯示QR碼"
:name "名称"
:whisper-identity "耳语身份"
:address-explication "也许这应该有一个文本,解释地址是什么以及在哪里寻找它"
:enter-valid-address "请输入一个有效的地址或扫描QR码"
:enter-valid-public-key "请输入有效公钥或扫描QR码"
:contact-already-added "联系人已被添加"
:can-not-add-yourself "您不能添加您自己"
@ -255,23 +206,17 @@
:connect "连接"
:address "地址"
:password "密码"
:login "登录"
:wrong-password "错误的密码"
:sign-in-to-status "登录Status"
:sign-in "登录"
:recover-from-passphrase "恢复口令短语"
:recover-explain "请输入密码的口令短语来恢复访问"
:passphrase "口令短语"
:recover "恢复"
:enter-valid-passphrase "请输入口令短语"
:enter-valid-password "请输入密码"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "正确排序12个字"
:recover-access "恢复访问"
:add-account "添加账户"
:create-new-account "建立新帐户"
@ -281,33 +226,15 @@
:invalid-phone "无效的电话号码"
:amount "金额"
:not-enough-eth (str "ETH余额不足"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "确认"
:confirm-transactions {:one "确认交易"
:other "确认{{count}} 交易"
:zero "无交易"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "已确认交易"
:other "已确认 {{count}} 笔交易"
:zero "无确认交易"}
:transaction "交易"
:unsigned-transactions "未确认交易"
:no-unsigned-transactions "无未确认交易"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "输入密码以确认交易"
:other "输入密码以确认交易"}
:status "状态"
:pending-confirmation "待确认"
:recipient "收件人"
:one-more-item "一个以上项目"
:fee "金额"
:value "价值"
:estimated-fee "预算费用"
:to "至"
:from "从"
:data "数据"
:got-it "得到了"
:contract-creation "创建合同"
:web-view-error "啊哦,错误"})
@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
:photos-access-error "要授予所需的照片許可,請轉到系統設置,並確保選擇“狀態“>“照片“。"
:invite-friends "邀請好友"
:faq "常見問題"
:switch-users "切換用戶"
:feedback "有反饋?\n搖動你的手機!"
:view-all "查看所有"
:current-network "當前網絡"
@ -69,7 +65,6 @@
:other "小時"}
:datetime-day {:one "天"
:other "天"}
:datetime-multiple "s"
:datetime-ago "之前"
:datetime-yesterday "昨天"
:datetime-today "今天"
@ -77,13 +72,10 @@
:profile "用戶簡介"
:edit-profile "編輯個人資料"
:report-user "投訴用戶"
:message "短訊"
:username "用戶名稱"
:not-specified "未標明"
:public-key "公共鑰匙"
:phone-number "電話號碼"
:email "電郵"
:update-status "更新你的狀態..."
:add-a-status "添加狀態..."
:status-prompt "建立一個狀態以幫助人們了解您提供的內容。 你也可以使用#hashtags。"
@ -92,15 +84,11 @@
:remove-from-contacts "從聯絡資訊中刪除"
:start-conversation "開始對話"
:send-transaction "發送交易"
:share-qr "分享QR"
:error-incorrect-name "請選擇其他名稱"
:error-incorrect-email "電郵錯誤"
:image-source-title "封面照片"
:image-source-make-photo "捕獲照片"
:image-source-gallery "從圖庫中選取"
:image-source-cancel "取消"
:sharing-copy-to-clipboard "複製到剪貼板"
@ -116,11 +104,8 @@
:confirmation-code (str "謝謝!我們已以短訊形式將確認信息發送給你"
:incorrect-code (str "對不起,代碼不正確,請重新輸入")
:generate-passphrase (str "正在為你產生臨時登入碼,以便恢復你的"
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*啊* 那可真不簡單。 這是你的臨時登入碼。 *請記錄並保存於安全地方!* 你將會需要它,以恢復你的帳戶。"
:here-is-your-passphrase "這是你的臨時登入碼。 *請記錄並保存於安全地方!* 你將會需要它,以恢復你的帳戶。"
:written-down "請確保你已經將其安全寫下來"
:phone-number-required "請點擊這裡輸入您的電話號碼,我們將為你尋覓你的好友"
:shake-your-phone "發現錯誤或有建議? 只要〜搖一搖〜你的手機!"
:intro-status "如需設置新帳戶或更改現有設置,請與我聊天!"
@ -137,7 +122,6 @@
:chats "聊天史"
:new-chat "新增聊天"
:delete-chat "刪除對話"
:new-group-chat "新增群聊"
:new-public-group-chat "加入公開聊天"
@ -167,9 +151,6 @@
:remove-from-group "從群組中移除"
:edit-contacts "編輯聯絡人"
:search-contacts "搜尋聯絡人"
:show-all "顯示所有"
:contacts-group-dapps "ÐApps"
:contacts-group-people "用戶"
:contacts-group-new-chat "開啟新聊天"
:choose-from-contacts "從聯絡人中選擇"
:no-contacts "No contacts yet"
@ -181,52 +162,26 @@
:remove "刪除"
:save "儲存"
:delete "刪除"
:change-color "更改顏色"
:clear-history "清除歷史記錄"
:delete-and-leave "刪除並離開"
:mute-notifications "靜音通知"
:leave-chat "離開對話"
:chat-settings "聊天設置"
:edit "編輯"
:add-members "增添成員"
:blue "藍"
:purple "紫"
:green "綠"
:red "紅"
:money-command-description "發送金錢"
:location-command-description "發送位置"
:phone-command-description "發送電話號碼"
:phone-request-text "請求電話號碼"
:confirmation-code-command-description "發送確認碼"
:confirmation-code-request-text "徵求確認碼"
:send-command-description "發送位置"
:request-command-description "發送請求"
:keypair-password-command-description ""
:help-command-description "幫助"
:request "徵求"
:chat-send-eth "{{amount}} ETH"
:chat-send-eth-to "{{amount}} ETH 予 {{chat-name}}"
:chat-send-eth-from "{{amount}} ETH 來自 {{chat-name}}"
:group-chat-name "聊天用戶名稱"
:empty-group-chat-name "請輸入名稱"
:illegal-group-chat-name "請選擇其他名稱"
:new-group "新增群組"
:reorder-groups "重新排序群組"
:group-name "群組名稱"
:edit-group "編輯群組"
:delete-group "刪除群組"
:delete-group-confirmation "此群組將從你的群組中移除。 這不會影響聯絡人"
:delete-group-prompt "這不會影響聯絡人"
:group-members "群組成員"
:contact-s {:one "contact"
:other "contacts"}
:add-participants "增添參與者"
:remove-participants "刪除參與者"
:received-invitation "收到聊天邀請"
@ -238,13 +193,9 @@
:add-new-contact "添加新聯繫人"
:import-qr "輸入"
:scan-qr "掃描 QR"
:swow-qr "顯示QR碼"
:name "名稱"
:whisper-identity "秘密身份"
:address-explication "請注意: 此文本解釋地址是什麼,以及在何處可找到它。"
:enter-valid-address "請輸入有效地址或掃描QR碼"
:enter-valid-public-key "請輸入有效公鑰或掃描QR碼"
:contact-already-added "此聯繫人已添加"
:can-not-add-yourself "你不能添加自己"
@ -255,23 +206,17 @@
:connect "連接"
:address "地址"
:password "密碼"
:login "登入"
:sign-in-to-status "登入Status"
:sign-in "登入"
:wrong-password "密碼錯誤"
:recover-from-passphrase "以臨時登入碼恢復"
:recover-explain "請輸入密碼的臨時登入碼,以恢復訪問"
:passphrase "臨時登入碼"
:recover "還原"
:enter-valid-passphrase "請輸入臨時登入碼"
:enter-valid-password "請輸入密碼"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "正確排序12個字"
:recover-access "恢復訪問"
:add-account "新增帳戶"
:create-new-account "建立新帳號"
@ -281,33 +226,15 @@
:invalid-phone "電話號碼無效"
:amount "金額"
:not-enough-eth (str "沒有足夠ETH餘額"
"({{balance}} ETH)")
:confirm "確認"
:confirm-transactions {:one "確認交易"
:other "確認{{{count}}個交易"
:zero "無交易"}
:transactions-confirmed {:one "已確認交易"
:other "已確認 {{count}} 筆交易"
:zero "無確認交易"}
:transaction "交易"
:unsigned-transactions "未確認交易"
:no-unsigned-transactions "無未確認交易"
:enter-password-transactions {:one "輸入密碼以確認交易"
:other "輸入密碼以確認交易"}
:status "狀態"
:pending-confirmation "待確認"
:recipient "收件人"
:one-more-item "多一件"
:fee "費用"
:estimated-fee "預算費用"
:value "價值"
:to "至"
:from "從"
:data "數據"
:got-it "得到了"
:contract-creation "創建合同"
:web-view-error "抱歉,錯誤"})
@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
(ns status-im.test.i18n
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is]]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]))
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[clojure.set :as set]
[cljs.spec.alpha :as spec]))
(deftest label-options
(is (not (nil? (:key (i18n/label-options {:key nil}))))))
(deftest locales-only-have-existing-tran-ids
(is (spec/valid? ::i18n/labels (i18n/labels-for-all-locales))
(->> i18n/locales
(remove #(spec/valid? ::i18n/labels (i18n/locale->labels %)))
(map (fn [l]
(str "Extra translations in locale " l "\n"
(set/difference (i18n/locale->labels l) i18n/labels)
(apply str))))
(deftest supported-locales-are-actually-supported
(is (set/subset? i18n/supported-locales (i18n/actual-supported-locales))
(->> i18n/supported-locales
(remove i18n/locale-is-supported-based-on-translations?)
(map (fn [l]
(str "Missing translations in supported locale " l "\n"
(set/difference (i18n/checkpoint->labels i18n/checkpoint-to-consider-locale-supported)
(i18n/locale->labels l))
(apply str))))
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