[Feature] #2040 Show Recipient name if available in Unsigned/History
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,13 +4,11 @@
[clojure.string :as str]
[status-im.bots.constants :as bots-constants]))
(reg-sub :current-contact
(fn [db [_ k]]
(get-in db [:contacts/contacts (:current-chat-id db) k])))
(reg-sub :get-contacts
(fn [db _]
(:contacts/contacts db)))
@ -22,8 +20,7 @@
(clojure.string/lower-case name2))))
(vals contacts)))
(reg-sub :all-added-contacts
:<- [:get-contacts]
(fn [contacts]
(->> (remove (fn [[_ {:keys [pending? whisper-identity]}]]
@ -31,14 +28,12 @@
(bots-constants/hidden-bots whisper-identity))) contacts)
(reg-sub :all-added-people-contacts
:<- [:all-added-contacts]
(fn [contacts]
(remove #(true? (:dapp? %)) contacts)))
(reg-sub :people-in-current-chat
:<- [:current-chat-contacts]
(fn [contacts]
(remove #(true? (:dapp? %)) contacts)))
@ -47,13 +42,11 @@
(let [group-contacts' (into #{} (map #(:identity %) group-contacts))]
(filter #(group-contacts' (:whisper-identity %)) contacts)))
(reg-sub :group-contacts
(fn [db [_ group-id]]
(get-in db [:group/contact-groups group-id :contacts])))
(reg-sub :all-added-group-contacts
(fn [[_ group-id] _]
[(subscribe [:all-added-contacts])
(subscribe [:group-contacts group-id])])
@ -64,8 +57,7 @@
(let [group-contacts' (into #{} (map #(:identity %) group-contacts))]
(remove #(group-contacts' (:whisper-identity %)) contacts)))
(reg-sub :all-not-added-group-contacts
(fn [[_ group-id] _]
[(subscribe [:all-added-contacts])
(subscribe [:group-contacts group-id])])
@ -79,27 +71,23 @@
(fn [contacts [_ group-id limit]]
(take limit contacts)))
(reg-sub :all-added-group-contacts-count
(fn [[_ group-id] _]
(subscribe [:all-added-group-contacts group-id]))
(fn [contacts _]
(count contacts)))
(reg-sub :get-added-contacts-with-limit
:<- [:all-added-contacts]
(fn [contacts [_ limit]]
(take limit contacts)))
(reg-sub :added-contacts-count
:<- [:all-added-contacts]
(fn [contacts]
(count contacts)))
(reg-sub :all-added-groups
:<- [:get-contact-groups]
(fn [groups]
(->> (remove :pending? (vals groups))
@ -116,8 +104,7 @@
(filter #(search-filter text %) contacts)
(reg-sub :all-added-group-contacts-filtered
(fn [[_ group-id] _]
[(if group-id
(subscribe [:all-added-group-contacts group-id])
@ -126,60 +113,51 @@
(fn [[contacts text] _]
(search-filter-reaction contacts text)))
(reg-sub :contact-group-contacts
:<- [:get-contact-group]
(fn [group]
(:contacts group)))
(reg-sub :all-not-added-contact-group-contacts
(fn [_ _]
[(subscribe [:all-added-contacts])
(subscribe [:contact-group-contacts])])
(fn [[contacts group-contacts]]
(filter-not-group-contacts group-contacts contacts)))
(reg-sub :all-group-not-added-contacts-filtered
(fn [_ _]
[(subscribe [:all-not-added-contact-group-contacts])
(subscribe [:get-in [:toolbar-search :text]])])
(fn [[contacts text] _]
(search-filter-reaction contacts text)))
(reg-sub :contacts-filtered
(fn [[_ subscription-id] _]
[(subscribe [subscription-id])
(subscribe [:get-in [:toolbar-search :text]])])
(fn [[contacts text]]
(search-filter-reaction contacts text)))
(reg-sub :contact
(fn [db]
(let [identity (:contacts/identity db)]
(get-in db [:contacts/contacts identity]))))
(reg-sub :contact-by-identity
(fn [db [_ identity]]
(get-in db [:contacts/contacts identity])))
(reg-sub :contact-name-by-identity
:<- [:get-contacts]
(fn [contacts [_ identity]]
(:name (contacts identity))))
(reg-sub :chat-by-id
(fn [db [_ chat-id]]
(get-in db [:chats chat-id])))
(reg-sub :current-chat
(fn [db _]
(get-in db [:chats (:current-chat-id db)])))
@ -192,33 +170,28 @@
(fn #(current-participants (:whisper-identity %))
(vals contacts)))))
(reg-sub :contacts-current-chat
:<- [:current-chat]
:<- [:get-contacts]
(reg-sub :all-new-contacts
:<- [:contacts-current-chat remove]
(fn [contacts]
(reg-sub :current-chat-contacts
:<- [:contacts-current-chat filter]
(fn [contacts]
(reg-sub :contacts-by-chat
(fn [[_ fn chat-id] _]
[(subscribe [:chat-by-id chat-id])
(subscribe [:get-contacts])])
(reg-sub :chat-photo
(fn [[_ chat-id] _]
[(if chat-id
(subscribe [:chat-by-id chat-id])
@ -235,3 +208,13 @@
(identicon chat-id)))))
(reg-sub :contacts/by-address
:<- [:get-contacts]
(fn [contacts]
(reduce (fn [acc [_ {:keys [address] :as contact}]]
(if address
(assoc acc address contact)
@ -21,10 +21,25 @@
(fn [wallet]
(get wallet :current-tab 0)))
(defn enrich-transaction [{:keys [type to from] :as transaction} contacts]
;; TODO (yenda) proper wallet logic when wallet switching is implemented
(let [[contact-address key-contact key-wallet] (if (= type :inbound)
[from :from-contact :to-wallet]
[to :to-contact :from-wallet])
wallet (i18n/label :main-wallet)
contact (get contacts (utils.hex/normalize-hex contact-address))]
(cond-> transaction
contact (assoc key-contact (:name contact))
:always (assoc key-wallet wallet))))
(reg-sub :wallet.transactions/transactions
:<- [:wallet]
(fn [wallet]
(:transactions wallet)))
:<- [:contacts/by-address]
(fn [[wallet contacts]]
(reduce (fn [acc [hash transaction]]
(assoc acc hash (enrich-transaction transaction contacts)))
(:transactions wallet))))
(reg-sub :wallet.transactions/grouped-transactions
:<- [:wallet.transactions/transactions]
@ -40,8 +55,10 @@
:hash id))
(reg-sub :wallet/unsigned-transactions
(fn [db]
(vals (get-in db [:wallet :transactions-unsigned]))))
:<- [:wallet]
:<- [:contacts/by-address]
(fn [[wallet contacts]]
(map #(enrich-transaction % contacts) (vals (:transactions-unsigned wallet)))))
(reg-sub :wallet.transactions/unsigned-transactions
:<- [:wallet/unsigned-transactions]
@ -127,11 +144,7 @@
:nonce (i18n/label :not-applicable)
:hash (i18n/label :not-applicable)}
{:cost (money/wei->str :eth (money/fee-value gas-used gas-price))
:url (transactions/get-transaction-details-url network hash)})
;; TODO (yenda) proper wallet logic when wallet switching is implemented
(if (= type :inbound)
{:to-wallet "Main wallet"}
{:from-wallet "Main wallet"})))))
:url (transactions/get-transaction-details-url network hash)})))))
(reg-sub :wallet.transactions.details/confirmations
:<- [:wallet.transactions/transaction-details]
@ -147,15 +160,8 @@
(* 100 (/ confirmations max-confirmations))))))
(reg-sub :contacts-by-address
(fn [db]
(into {} (map (fn [[_ {:keys [address] :as contact}]]
(when address
[address contact]))
(:contacts/contacts db)))))
(reg-sub :contact-by-address
:<- [:contacts-by-address]
:<- [:contacts/by-address]
(fn [contacts [_ address]]
(let [address' (when address
(utils.hex/normalize-hex address))]
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
(:postponed :pending) (transaction-icon :icons/arrow-right styles/color-gray4-transparent styles/color-gray7)
(throw (str "Unknown transaction type: " k))))
(defn render-transaction [{:keys [hash to from type value symbol] :as transaction}]
(defn render-transaction [{:keys [hash from-contact to-contact to from type value symbol] :as transaction}]
[list/touchable-item #(re-frame/dispatch [:show-transaction-details hash])
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
(money/wei->str :eth value)
(if (inbound? type)
(str (i18n/label :t/from) " " from)
(str (i18n/label :t/to) " " to))
(str (i18n/label :t/from) " " from-contact " " from)
(str (i18n/label :t/to) " " to-contact " " to))
(when (unsigned? type)
[action-buttons transaction])]
[list/item-icon {:icon :icons/forward
@ -239,12 +239,19 @@
[react/text {:style transactions.styles/details-item-value} (str value)]
[react/text {:style transactions.styles/details-item-extra-value} (str extra-value)]]]))
(defn details-list [{:keys [block hash from from-wallet to to-wallet gas-limit gas-price-gwei gas-price-eth gas-used cost nonce data]}]
(defn details-list [{:keys [block hash
from from-wallet from-contact
to to-wallet to-contact
gas-limit gas-price-gwei gas-price-eth gas-used cost nonce data]}]
[react/view {:style transactions.styles/details-block}
[details-list-row :t/block block]
[details-list-row :t/hash hash]
[details-list-row :t/from (or from-wallet from) (when from-wallet from)]
[details-list-row :t/to (or to-wallet to) (when to-wallet to)]
[details-list-row :t/from
(or from-wallet from-contact from)
(when (or from-wallet from-contact) from)]
[details-list-row :t/to
(or to-wallet to-contact to)
(when (or to-wallet to-contact) to)]
[details-list-row :t/gas-limit gas-limit]
[details-list-row :t/gas-price gas-price-gwei gas-price-eth]
[details-list-row :t/gas-used gas-used]
Reference in New Issue