mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 05:16:46 +00:00
@ -2,14 +2,18 @@
[status-im.translations.af :as af]
[status-im.translations.ar :as ar]
[status-im.translations.bel :as be]
[status-im.translations.da :as da]
[status-im.translations.de :as de]
[status-im.translations.de-ch :as de-ch]
[status-im.translations.en :as en]
[status-im.translations.es :as es]
[status-im.translations.es-ar :as es-ar]
[status-im.translations.fi :as fi]
[status-im.translations.fr :as fr]
[status-im.translations.fr-ch :as fr-ch]
[status-im.translations.fy :as fy]
[status-im.translations.he :as he]
[status-im.translations.hi :as hi]
[status-im.translations.hu :as hu]
[status-im.translations.id :as id]
@ -17,6 +21,10 @@
[status-im.translations.it-ch :as it-ch]
[status-im.translations.ja :as ja]
[status-im.translations.ko :as ko]
[status-im.translations.la :as la]
[status-im.translations.lv :as lv]
[status-im.translations.ms :as ms]
[status-im.translations.ne :as ne]
[status-im.translations.nl :as nl]
[status-im.translations.pl :as pl]
[status-im.translations.pt-br :as pt-br]
@ -45,14 +53,18 @@
(set! (.-translations i18n) (clj->js {:af af/translations
:ar ar/translations
:be be/translations
:da da/translations
:de de/translations
:de-ch de-ch/translations
:en en/translations
:es es/translations
:es-ar es-ar/translations
:fi fi/translations
:fr fr/translations
:fr-ch fr-ch/translations
:fy fy/translations
:he he/translations
:hi hi/translations
:hu hu/translations
:id id/translations
@ -60,6 +72,10 @@
:it-ch it-ch/translations
:ja ja/translations
:ko ko/translations
:la la/translations
:lv lv/translations
:ms ms/translations
:ne ne/translations
:nl nl/translations
:pl pl/translations
:pt-br pt-br/translations
@ -74,11 +90,24 @@
:uk uk/translations
:ur ur/translations
:vi vi/translations
:zh zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-tw zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-sg zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-hk zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-cn zh-hans/translations
:zh-hans-mo zh-hans/translations
:zh-hant zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-tw zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-sg zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-hk zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-cn zh-hant/translations
:zh-hant-mo zh-hant/translations
:zh-wuu zh-wuu/translations
:zh-yue zh-yue/translations}))
;:zh, :zh-hans-xx, :zh-hant-xx have been added until this bug will be fixed https://github.com/fnando/i18n-js/issues/460
(def delimeters
"This function is a hack: mobile Safari doesn't support toLocaleString(), so we need to pass
this map to WKWebView to make number formatting work."
@ -235,5 +235,3 @@
:web-view-error "ой, памылка"})
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@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"transcribe notam, ut nummerum telefonicum possimus verificare.")
:incorrect-code (str "nos paenite, nota falsa, perscribe denuo")
:generate-passphrase (str "computo phrasis arcana pro suo, ut "
"arripiens recreare aut arripere alii instrumento profiteri potest.”)
"arripiens recreare aut arripere alii instrumento profiteri potest.")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*uph* erat gravor. hic phrasis arcana sui est, *exscribe et adserva!* necesse est, ut benificium sui recreare."
:here-is-your-passphrase "hic phrasis arcana sui est, *exscribe et adserva!* necesse est, ut benificium sui recreare."
:written-down "exscribere omnes? nisi exscribe nunc"
@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
:type-a-command "Ievadi komandu..."
:error "Kļūda"
:camera-access-error "Kļūda, nav atļaujas piekļūt kamerai. Lūdzu, iestatījumos pārliecinies, ka "Status > Camera" ir izvēlēts."
:photos-access-error "Kļūda, nav atļaujas piekļūt fotogrāfijām. Lūdzu, iestatījumos pārliecinies, ka "Status > Photos" ir izvēlēts."
:camera-access-error "Kļūda, nav atļaujas piekļūt kamerai. Lūdzu, iestatījumos pārliecinies, ka Status > Camera ir izvēlēts."
:photos-access-error "Kļūda, nav atļaujas piekļūt fotogrāfijām. Lūdzu, iestatījumos pārliecinies, ka Status > Photos ir izvēlēts."
:invite-friends "Uzaicināt draugus"
:faq "FAQ un biežāk uzdotie jautājumi"
:switch-users "Mainīt lietotāju"
:feedback "Gribi atstāt atsauksmi?\Krati telefonu!"
:feedback "Gribi atstāt atsauksmi? Krati telefonu!"
:view-all "Skatīt visu"
:current-network "Tīkls"
:is-typing "raksta"
:and-you "un tu
:and-you "un tu"
:search-chat "Meklēt čatu"
:members {:one "1 dalībnieks"
:other "{{count}} dalībnieki"
@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
:confirmation-code (str "Paldies! Mēs nosūtijām tev īsziņu ar apstiprinājuma kodu"
"code. Lūdzu ievadi apstiprinājuma kodu lai verificētu savu telefona numuru")
:incorrect-code (str "Nepareizs kods, mēģiniet vēlreiz")
:generate-passphrase (str "Tu saņemsi jaunu "passphrase" lai"
:generate-passphrase (str "Tu saņemsi jaunu passphrase lai"
"tu varētu ieiet no cita telefona")
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Fuh* tas bija grūti, re, te ir tavs jauns "passphrase", *pieraksti un sargā to!* Tev viņš būs vajadzīgs lai atgūtu pieju."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Te ir tavs jauns "passphrase", *pieraksti un sargā to!* Tev viņš būs vajadzīgs lai atgūtu pieju savam kontam."
:phew-here-is-your-passphrase "*Fuh* tas bija grūti, re, te ir tavs jauns passphrase, *pieraksti un sargā to!* Tev viņš būs vajadzīgs lai atgūtu pieju."
:here-is-your-passphrase "Te ir tavs jauns passphrase, *pieraksti un sargā to!* Tev viņš būs vajadzīgs lai atgūtu pieju savam kontam."
:written-down "Pārliecinies, ka pareizi pierakstīji to."
:phone-number-required "Ievadi savu telefonu un es atradīšu tavus draugus."
:shake-your-phone "Atradi kļūdu? Pastāsti mums par to! Krati telefonu!"
@ -258,16 +258,16 @@
:address "Adrese"
:password "Parole"
:login "Lietotājvārds"
:sign-in-to-status "Ieiet "Status""
:sign-in-to-status "Ieiet Status"
:sign-in "Ieiet"
:wrong-password "Parole ievadīta nepareizi"
:recover-from-passphrase "Atgūt no "passphrase""
:recover-explain "Ievadi "passphrase" lai atgūtu pieeju"
:passphrase ""Passphrase""
:recover-from-passphrase "Atgūt no passphrase"
:recover-explain "Ievadi passphrase lai atgūtu pieeju"
:passphrase "Passphrase"
:recover "Atgūt"
:enter-valid-passphrase "Ievadi "passphrase""
:enter-valid-passphrase "Ievadi passphrase"
:enter-valid-password "Ievadi paroli"
:twelve-words-in-correct-order "12 vārdi"
@ -176,20 +176,6 @@
:enter-address "Enter address"
:more "more"
:remove "Verwijderen"
:save "Opslaan"
:change-color "Wijzig kleur"
:clear-history "Wis geschiedenis"
:delete-and-leave "Verwijderen en afsluiten"
:chat-settings "Chatinstellingen"
:edit "Bewerken"
:add-members "Voeg leden toe"
:blue "Blauw"
:purple "Paars"
:green "Groen"
:red "Rood"
:remove "Verwijderen"
:save "Opslaan"
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