lein-kibit suggestions

Former-commit-id: 529148c101
This commit is contained in:
Roman Volosovskyi 2016-04-26 12:42:08 +03:00
parent 56fa8214cb
commit 0a293ee74d
20 changed files with 64 additions and 102 deletions

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@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
:fontSize 12
:fontFamily font}}
"Active a minute ago"])]
(when (not group?)
(when-not group?
[view {:style {:position "absolute"
:top 10
:right 66}}

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
staged-commands @staged-commands-atom]
[view {:style {:backgroundColor color-white
:elevation 4}}
(when (and staged-commands (< 0 (count staged-commands)))
(when (and staged-commands (pos? (count staged-commands)))
[staged-commands-view staged-commands])
(if command
[special-input-view command]

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
(send-command chat-id command message))}
(if (< 0 (count message))
(if (pos? (count message))
[touchable-highlight {:on-press (fn []
(send-command chat-id command message))
:underlay-color :transparent}

View File

@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
:marginRight 18
:width 20
:height 20}}]
(when (or (< 0 (count input-message))
(< 0 (count @staged-commands-atom)))
(when (or (pos? (count input-message))
(pos? (count @staged-commands-atom)))
[touchable-highlight {:on-press (fn []
(send @chat input-message))
:underlay-color :transparent}

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
(let [suggestions-atom (subscribe [:get-suggestions])]
(fn []
(let [suggestions @suggestions-atom]
(when (not (empty? suggestions))
(when (seq suggestions)
[view {:style {:flexDirection "row"
:marginVertical 1
:marginHorizontal 0

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
:marginLeft 5}}
;;; new messages count
(when (< 0 new-messages-count)
(when (pos? new-messages-count)
[view {:style {:position "absolute"
:top 36
:right 0

View File

@ -61,6 +61,6 @@
:fontSize 16
:fontFamily font
:color text1-color}}
(if (< 0 (count name))
(if (pos? (count name))

View File

@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
(if-let [command (get-command db text)]
(do (dispatch [:set-chat-command (:command command)])
(let [msg (when (< 0 (count text))
(let [msg (when (pos? (count text))
(if (= chat-id "console")
(sign-up-service/send-console-msg text)
(let [{msg-id :msg-id
@ -449,8 +449,7 @@
(register-handler :remove-selected-participants
(fn [db [action navigator]]
(log/debug action)
(let [identities (-> (new-participants-selection db)
(let [identities (vec (new-participants-selection db))
chat-id (current-chat-id db)]
(chat-remove-participants chat-id identities)
(nav-pop navigator)
@ -468,8 +467,7 @@
(register-handler :add-new-participants
(fn [db [action navigator]]
(log/debug action)
(let [identities (-> (new-participants-selection db)
(let [identities (vec (new-participants-selection db))
chat-id (current-chat-id db)]
(chat-add-participants chat-id identities)
(nav-pop navigator)
@ -491,8 +489,7 @@
(register-handler :create-new-group
(fn [db [action group-name navigator]]
(log/debug action)
(let [identities (-> (new-group-selection db)
(let [identities (vec (new-group-selection db))
group-id (api/start-group-chat identities group-name)
db (create-chat db group-id identities true group-name)]
(dispatch [:show-chat group-id navigator :replace])

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
(defn- get-contact-name [phone-contact]
(cstr/join " "
(filter #(not (cstr/blank? %))
(remove cstr/blank?
[(:givenName phone-contact)
(:middleName phone-contact)
(:familyName phone-contact)])))

View File

@ -49,10 +49,7 @@
(defn execute-commands-js [body]
(.eval js/window body)
(let [commands (.-commands js/window)]
(dispatch [:set-commands (map (fn [command]
(update command :command
(fn [command-key]
(keyword command-key))))
(dispatch [:set-commands (map #(update % :command keyword)
(js->clj commands :keywordize-keys true))])))
(defn load-commands []

View File

@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
(defn chat-updated? [db chat-id]
(->> (db/updated-chat-signal-path chat-id)
(get-in db)))
(get-in db (db/updated-chat-signal-path chat-id)))
(defn update-new-group-selection [db identity add?]
(update-in db db/new-group-path (fn [new-group]

View File

@ -55,8 +55,7 @@
(signal-chats-updated db)))))
(defn chats-list []
(-> (r/get-all :chats)
(r/sorted :timestamp :desc)))
(r/sorted (r/get-all :chats) :timestamp :desc))
(defn chat-by-id [chat-id]
(-> (r/get-by-field :chats :chat-id chat-id)
@ -69,13 +68,11 @@
(let [contacts (-> (r/get-by-field :chats :chat-id chat-id)
(aget "contacts"))
colors-in-use (->> (.map contacts (fn [object index collection]
colors-in-use (set (.map contacts (fn [object index collection]
{:text-color (aget object "text-color")
:background-color (aget object "background-color")}))
colors (->> group-chat-colors
(filter (fn [color]
(not (contains? colors-in-use color)))))
:background-color (aget object "background-color")})))
colors (filter (fn [color]
(not (contains? colors-in-use color))) group-chat-colors)
new-contacts (mapv (fn [ident {:keys [background text]}]
{:identity ident
:background-color background
@ -87,18 +84,16 @@
(fn []
(let [query (include-query :identity identities)
chat (-> (r/get-by-field :chats :chat-id chat-id)
chat (r/single (r/get-by-field :chats :chat-id chat-id))]
(-> (aget chat "contacts")
(r/filtered query)
(defn active-group-chats []
(let [results (-> (r/get-all :chats)
(r/filtered "group-chat = true && is-active = true"))]
(->> (.map results (fn [object index collection]
(aget object "chat-id")))
(let [results (r/filtered (r/get-all :chats)
"group-chat = true && is-active = true")]
(js->clj (.map results (fn [object index collection]
(aget object "chat-id"))))))
(defn set-chat-active [chat-id active?]
@ -107,7 +102,7 @@
(aset "is-active" active?)))))
@ -141,4 +136,4 @@
(swap! re-frame.db/app-db (fn [db]
(create-chat db "A group chat")))

View File

@ -91,8 +91,7 @@
(defn contacts-list []
(-> (r/get-all :contacts)
(r/sorted :name :asc)))
(r/sorted (r/get-all :contacts) :name :asc))
(defn contacts-list-exclude [exclude-idents]
(let [query (exclude-query :whisper-identity exclude-idents)]
@ -107,8 +106,7 @@
(r/sorted :name :asc))))
(defn contact-by-identity [identity]
(-> (r/get-by-field :contacts :whisper-identity identity)
(r/single-cljs (r/get-by-field :contacts :whisper-identity identity)))
@ -136,4 +134,4 @@
(:new-group @re-frame.db/app-db)

View File

@ -22,12 +22,10 @@
:delivery-status nil} true)))))
(defn get-messages [chat-id]
(-> (r/get-by-field :msgs :chat-id chat-id)
(r/sorted :timestamp :desc)))
(r/sorted (r/get-by-field :msgs :chat-id chat-id) :timestamp :desc))
(defn message-by-id [msg-id]
(-> (r/get-by-field :msgs :msg-id msg-id)
(r/single-cljs (r/get-by-field :msgs :msg-id msg-id)))
(defn update-message! [{:keys [msg-id] :as msg}]
(log/debug "update-message!" msg)
@ -58,4 +56,4 @@

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@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
(defn update-identity [db identity]
(let [password (get-in db db/identity-password-path)
encrypted (->> (to-edn-string identity)
(password-encrypt password))]
encrypted (password-encrypt password (to-edn-string identity))]
(s/put kv/kv-store :identity encrypted)
(assoc db :user-identity identity)))
@ -23,10 +22,9 @@
(let [encrypted (s/get kv/kv-store :identity)
password (get-in db db/identity-password-path)]
(when encrypted
(-> (password-decrypt password encrypted)
(read-string (password-decrypt password encrypted)))))
(stored-identity @re-frame.db/app-db)

View File

@ -83,8 +83,7 @@
(defn get-by-field [schema-name field value]
(let [q (to-query schema-name :eq field value)]
(-> (.objects realm (name schema-name))
(.filtered q))))
(.filtered (.objects realm (name schema-name)) q)))
(defn get-all [schema-name]
(.objects realm (to-string schema-name)))
@ -108,9 +107,7 @@
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true)))
(defn list-to-array [record list-field]
(assoc record list-field (-> (get record list-field)
(update-in record [list-field] (comp vec vals)))
(defn decode-value [{:keys [key value]}]
(read-string value))
@ -119,8 +116,7 @@
(.delete realm obj))
(defn exists? [schema-name field value]
(> (.-length (get-by-field schema-name field value))
(pos? (.-length (get-by-field schema-name field value))))
(defn get-count [objs]
(.-length objs))
@ -131,4 +127,4 @@

View File

@ -23,18 +23,15 @@
(register-sub :get-chat-messages
(fn [db _]
(let [chat-id (-> (current-chat-id @db)
chat-updated (-> (chat-updated? @db @chat-id)
(let [chat-id (reaction (current-chat-id @db))
chat-updated (reaction (chat-updated? @db @chat-id))]
(let [_ @chat-updated]
(get-messages @chat-id))))))
(register-sub :get-current-chat-id
(fn [db _]
(-> (current-chat-id @db)
(reaction (current-chat-id @db))))
(register-sub :get-suggestions
(fn [db _]
@ -58,35 +55,29 @@
(register-sub :get-chat-command
(fn [db _]
(-> (get-chat-command @db)
(reaction (get-chat-command @db))))
(register-sub :get-chat-command-content
(fn [db _]
(-> (get-chat-command-content @db)
(reaction (get-chat-command-content @db))))
(register-sub :chat-command-request
(fn [db _]
(-> (get-chat-command-request @db)
(reaction (get-chat-command-request @db))))
;; -- Chats list --------------------------------------------------------------
(register-sub :get-chats
(fn [db _]
(let [chats-updated (-> (chats-updated? @db)
(let [chats-updated (reaction (chats-updated? @db))]
(let [_ @chats-updated]
(register-sub :get-current-chat
(fn [db _]
(let [current-chat-id (-> (current-chat-id @db)
chat-updated (-> (chat-updated? @db @current-chat-id)
(let [current-chat-id (reaction (current-chat-id @db))
chat-updated (reaction (chat-updated? @db @current-chat-id))]
(let [_ @chat-updated]
(when-let [chat-id @current-chat-id]
@ -131,11 +122,9 @@
(register-sub :all-new-contacts
(fn [db _]
(let [current-chat-id (-> (current-chat-id @db)
chat (-> (when-let [chat-id @current-chat-id]
(chat-by-id chat-id))
(let [current-chat-id (reaction (current-chat-id @db))
chat (reaction (when-let [chat-id @current-chat-id]
(chat-by-id chat-id)))]
(when @chat
(let [current-participants (->> @chat
@ -145,11 +134,9 @@
(register-sub :current-chat-contacts
(fn [db _]
(let [current-chat-id (-> (current-chat-id @db)
chat (-> (when-let [chat-id @current-chat-id]
(chat-by-id chat-id))
(let [current-chat-id (reaction (current-chat-id @db))
chat (reaction (when-let [chat-id @current-chat-id]
(chat-by-id chat-id)))]
(when @chat
(let [current-participants (->> @chat

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns syng-im.utils.crypt
(:require [goog.crypt :refer [byteArrayToHex]])
(:require [goog.crypt :refer [byteArrayToHex]]
[clojure.string :as s])
(:import goog.crypt.Sha256))
(set! js/window.RnRandomBytes (js/require "react-native-randombytes"))
@ -7,7 +8,7 @@
(def sha-256 (Sha256.))
(defn bytes-to-str [arr]
(apply str (map char arr)))
(s/join (map char arr)))
(defn str-to-bytes [s]
(map (comp int) s))
@ -15,8 +16,7 @@
(defn encrypt [s]
(.reset sha-256)
(.update sha-256 s)
(-> (.digest sha-256)
(byteArrayToHex (.digest sha-256)))
(defn gen-random-bytes [length cb]
(.randomBytes js/window.RnRandomBytes length (fn [& [err buf]]

View File

@ -3,11 +3,9 @@
(:require [syng-im.components.realm]))
(defn to-datasource [items]
(-> (data-source {:rowHasChanged (fn [row1 row2]
(not= row1 row2))})
(clone-with-rows items)))
(clone-with-rows (data-source {:rowHasChanged not=}) items))
(defn to-realm-datasource [items]
(-> (js/RealmReactNative.ListView.DataSource. (cljs.core/clj->js {:rowHasChanged (fn [row1 row2]
(not= row1 row2))}))
(clone-with-rows items)))
(-> (cljs.core/clj->js {:rowHasChanged not=})
(clone-with-rows items)))

View File

@ -43,8 +43,7 @@
(.then (fn [response]
(log response)
(.text response)))
(.then (fn [text]
(on-success text)))
(.then on-success)
(.catch (or on-error
(fn [error]
(toast (str error))))))))