mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 12:59:38 +00:00
Show ENS name only when confirmed
fix: only save the ENS username when the TX is confirmed feat: show when ens registration are in progress, done or errored feat: implement new design for the ENS registration Signed-off-by: Andrea Maria Piana <andrea.maria.piana@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,36 @@
(stateofus/subdomain username)))
(fx/defn update-ens-tx-state
{:events [:update-ens-tx-state]}
[{:keys [db]} new-state username custom-domain? tx-hash]
{:db (assoc-in db [:ens/registrations tx-hash] {:state new-state
:username username
:custom-domain? custom-domain?})})
(fx/defn redirect-to-ens-summary
{:events [::redirect-to-ens-summary]}
;; we reset navigation so that navigate back doesn't return
;; into the registration flow
(navigation/navigate-reset cofx
{:index 1
:key :profile-stack
:routes [{:name :my-profile}
{:name :ens-confirmation}]}))
(fx/defn update-ens-tx-state-and-redirect
{:events [:update-ens-tx-state-and-redirect]}
[cofx new-state username custom-domain? tx-hash]
(fx/merge cofx
(update-ens-tx-state new-state username custom-domain? tx-hash)
(fx/defn clear-ens-registration
{:events [:clear-ens-registration]}
[{:keys [db]} tx-hash]
{:db (update db :ens/registrations dissoc tx-hash)})
(fn [[registry name cb]]
@ -62,19 +92,20 @@
{:contract resolver-contract
:method "setPubkey(bytes32,bytes32,bytes32)"
:params [namehash x y]
:on-result [::save-username custom-domain? username]
:on-result [::save-username custom-domain? username true]
:on-error [::on-registration-failure]})))
(fx/defn save-username
{:events [::save-username]}
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} custom-domain? username]
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} custom-domain? username redirectToSummary]
(let [name (fullname custom-domain? username)
names (get-in db [:multiaccount :usernames] [])
new-names (conj names name)]
(fx/merge cofx
:usernames new-names
{:on-success #(re-frame/dispatch [::username-saved])})
(when redirectToSummary
{:on-success #(re-frame/dispatch [::redirect-to-ens-summary])}))
(when (empty? names)
:preferred-name name {})))))
@ -93,21 +124,10 @@
(ens/resolver registry-contract ens-name
#(re-frame/dispatch [::resolver-found %]))
(save-username cofx custom-domain? username)
(save-username cofx custom-domain? username true)
;; for other states, we do nothing
(fx/defn username-saved
{:events [::username-saved]}
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
;; we reset navigation so that navigate back doesn't return
;; into the registration flow
(navigation/navigate-reset cofx
{:index 1
:key :profile-stack
:routes [{:name :my-profile}
{:name :ens-confirmation}]}))
(defn- on-resolve-owner
[registry custom-domain? username address public-key response resolve-last-id* resolve-last-id]
(when (= @resolve-last-id* resolve-last-id)
@ -157,7 +177,7 @@
(money/unit->token amount 18)
(abi-spec/encode "register(bytes32,address,bytes32,bytes32)"
[(ethereum/sha3 username) address x y])]
:on-result [::save-username custom-domain? username]
:on-result [:update-ens-tx-state-and-redirect :submitted username custom-domain?]
:on-error [::on-registration-failure]})))
(defn- valid-custom-domain? [username]
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
[status-im.ethereum.eip55 :as eip55]
[status-im.ethereum.encode :as encode]
[status-im.ethereum.json-rpc :as json-rpc]
[status-im.ens.core :as ens]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.wallet.core :as wallet]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
@ -205,8 +206,7 @@
[{:keys [db]} address]
{:db (assoc-in db [:wallet :fetching address :all-fetched?] true)})
(fx/defn new-transfers
{:events [::new-transfers]}
(fx/defn handle-new-transfer
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} transfers {:keys [address limit]}]
(log/debug "[transfers] new-transfers"
"address" address
@ -234,6 +234,38 @@
(conj (tx-history-end-reached checksum)))]
(apply fx/merge cofx (tx-fetching-ended [checksum]) effects)))
(fx/defn check-ens-transactions
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} transfers]
(let [set-of-transactions-hash (reduce (fn [acc {:keys [hash]}] (conj acc hash)) #{} transfers)
registrations (filter
(fn [[hash {:keys [state]}]]
(or (= state :dismissed) (= state :submitted))
(contains? set-of-transactions-hash hash)))
(get db :ens/registrations))
fxs (map (fn [[hash {:keys [username custom-domain?]}]]
(let [transfer (first (filter (fn [transfer] (let [transfer-hash (get transfer :hash)] (= transfer-hash hash))) transfers))
type (get transfer :type)
transaction-success (get transfer :transfer)]
(= transaction-success true)
(fx/merge cofx
(ens/clear-ens-registration hash)
(ens/save-username custom-domain? username false))
(= type :failed)
(ens/update-ens-tx-state :failure username custom-domain? hash)
(apply fx/merge cofx fxs)))
(fx/defn new-transfers
{:events [::new-transfers]}
[cofx transfers params]
(fx/merge cofx
(handle-new-transfer transfers params)
(check-ens-transactions transfers)))
(fx/defn tx-fetching-failed
{:events [::tx-fetching-failed]}
[cofx error address]
@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
(reg-root-key-sub :ens/registration :ens/registration)
(reg-root-key-sub :ens/registrations :ens/registrations)
(reg-root-key-sub :ens/names :ens/names)
@ -2024,10 +2025,12 @@
:<- [:multiaccount/usernames]
:<- [:multiaccount]
:<- [:ens/preferred-name]
(fn [[names multiaccount preferred-name]]
{:names names
:multiaccount multiaccount
:preferred-name preferred-name}))
:<- [:ens/registrations]
(fn [[names multiaccount preferred-name registrations]]
{:names names
:multiaccount multiaccount
:preferred-name preferred-name
:registrations registrations}))
;;SIGNING =============================================================================================================
@ -597,12 +597,14 @@
[button {:on-press #(re-frame/dispatch [::ens/get-started-pressed])
:label (i18n/label :t/get-started)}]]]))
(defn- name-item [{:keys [name action]}]
(defn- name-item [{:keys [name action subtitle]}]
(let [stateofus-username (stateofus/username name)
s (or stateofus-username name)]
{:title s
:subtitle (when stateofus-username stateofus/domain)
:subtitle (if subtitle
(when stateofus-username stateofus/domain))
:on-press action
:icon :main-icons/username}]))
@ -627,12 +629,25 @@
[name-item {:name name :hide-chevron? true :action action}]]
[radio/radio (= name preferred-name)]]]))]]]])
(views/defview in-progress-registrations [registrations]
[react/view {:style {:margin-top 8}}
(for [[hash {:keys [state username]}] registrations
:when (or (= state :submitted) (= state :failure))]
^{:key hash}
[name-item {:name username
:action (when-not (= state :submitted)
#(re-frame/dispatch [:clear-ens-registration hash]))
:subtitle (case state
:submitted (i18n/label :t/ens-registration-in-progress)
:failure (i18n/label :t/ens-registration-failure)
(views/defview my-name []
(views/letsubs [contact-name [:multiaccount/preferred-name]]
(when-not (string/blank? contact-name)
(chat.utils/format-author (str "@" contact-name) message.style/message-author-name-container))))
(defn- registered [names {:keys [preferred-name] :as account} _]
(views/defview registered [names {:keys [preferred-name] :as account} _ registrations]
[react/view {:style {:flex 1}}
[react/view {:style {:margin-top 8}}
@ -644,12 +659,15 @@
[react/view {:style {:margin-top 22 :margin-bottom 8}}
[react/text {:style {:color colors/gray :margin-horizontal 16}}
(i18n/label :t/ens-your-usernames)]
(when registrations
[in-progress-registrations registrations])
(if (seq names)
[react/view {:style {:margin-top 8}}
(for [name names]
^{:key name}
[name-item {:name name :action #(re-frame/dispatch [::ens/navigate-to-name name])}])]
[react/text {:style {:color colors/gray :font-size 15}}
[react/text {:style {:color colors/gray :font-size 15
:margin-horizontal 16}}
(i18n/label :t/ens-no-usernames)])]
[react/view {:style {:padding-vertical 22 :border-color colors/gray-lighter :border-top-width 1}}
(when (> (count names) 1)
@ -678,9 +696,9 @@
[message/text-message message]]])]])
(views/defview main []
(views/letsubs [{:keys [names multiaccount show?]} [:ens.main/screen]]
(views/letsubs [{:keys [names multiaccount show? registrations]} [:ens.main/screen]]
[react/keyboard-avoiding-view {:style {:flex 1}}
[topbar/topbar {:title :t/ens-usernames}]
(if (seq names)
[registered names multiaccount show?]
(if (or (seq names) registrations)
[registered names multiaccount show? registrations]
@ -349,6 +349,9 @@
"ens-powered-by": "Powered by Ethereum Name Services",
"ens-primary-username": "Primary username",
"ens-register": "Register",
"ens-registration-in-progress": "Registration in progress...",
"ens-registration-failure": "Registration failed",
"ens-dismiss-message": "Click here to dismiss",
"ens-registration-failed": "To register the username, please try again.",
"ens-registration-failed-title": "Transaction failed",
"ens-release-username": "Release username",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user