Fix failing mute till test (#16453)

This commit is contained in:
Ibrahem Khalil 2023-07-16 15:02:32 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent b2cbed444c
commit 0067468d57
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 132 additions and 115 deletions

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
[utils.i18n :as i18n]
[ :as rf]
[status-im2.common.mute-chat-drawer.view :as mute-chat-drawer]
[utils.datetime :as datetime]))
[status-im2.common.muting.helpers :refer [format-mute-till]]))
(defn- entry
[{:keys [icon label on-press danger? sub-label chevron? add-divider? accessibility-label]}]
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
:sub-label (when (and muted? (some? muted-till))
(str (i18n/label :t/muted-until)
" "
(datetime/format-mute-till muted-till)))
(format-mute-till muted-till)))
:on-press (if muted?
#(unmute-chat-action chat-id)
#(mute-chat-action chat-id chat-type))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
(ns status-im2.common.muting.helpers
(:require [cljs-time.core :as t]
[utils.i18n :as i18n]
[utils.datetime :refer
[go-default-time int->weekday months
time-zone-offset today? tomorrow?]])
(:require [cljs-time.format :as t.format]))
(defn- add-leading-zero
(if (> 10 input-string)
(str "0" input-string)
(defn format-mute-till
(let [parsed-time (t.format/parse (t.format/formatters :date-time-no-ms) muted-till-string)
hours-and-minutes (str (add-leading-zero (t/hour (t/plus parsed-time time-zone-offset)))
(add-leading-zero (t/minute parsed-time)))
when-to-unmute (cond (= go-default-time
muted-till-string) (i18n/label :t/until-you-turn-it-back-on)
(today? parsed-time) (str hours-and-minutes " today")
(tomorrow? parsed-time) (str hours-and-minutes " tomorrow")
:else (str hours-and-minutes
" "
(keyword "t"
(get int->weekday
" "
(t/day parsed-time)
" "
(keyword "t"
(get months
(t/month parsed-time))))))]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
(ns status-im2.common.muting.helpers-test
(:require [cljs-time.coerce :as time-coerce]
[cljs-time.core :as t]
[cljs-time.format :as t.format]
[cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest testing is are]]
[clojure.string :as string]
[utils.datetime :as datetime]
[status-im2.common.muting.helpers :as muting]))
(def mock-current-time-epoch 1655731506000)
(deftest format-mute-till-test
(with-redefs [t/*ms-fn* (constantly mock-current-time-epoch)]
(let [remove-msecs #(string/replace % #"\.\w*Z" "Z")
time-str-to-obj #(t.format/parse (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string %)))
curr-time (t/now)
custom-HH-MM-formatter (t.format/formatter "HH:mm")
custom-DD-formatter (t.format/formatter "DD")
get-hh-mm #(t.format/unparse custom-HH-MM-formatter %)
get-day #(t.format/unparse custom-DD-formatter %)
get-week-day #(->> %
(get datetime/int->weekday))
mock-today (t.format/unparse (t.format/formatters :date-time-no-ms) curr-time)
in-n-days #(-> (time-str-to-obj mock-today)
(t/plus (t/days %)))
in-n-minutes #(-> (time-str-to-obj mock-today)
(t/plus (t/minutes %)))
in-n-hours #(-> (time-str-to-obj mock-today)
(t/plus (t/hours %)))
mock-tomorrow (in-n-days 1)
mock-in-two-days (in-n-days 2)
mock-in-three-days (in-n-days 3)
mock-in-four-days (in-n-days 4)
mock-in-five-days (in-n-days 5)
mock-in-six-days (in-n-days 6)
mock-in-15-minutes (in-n-minutes 15)
mock-in-1-hour (in-n-hours 1)
mock-in-8-hour (in-n-hours 8)
get-month-day-int #(int (get-day %))
today? (fn [mocked curr-time]
(t.format/unparse (t.format/formatter "MM:DD") mocked)
(t.format/unparse (t.format/formatter "MM:DD") curr-time)))
tomorrow? (fn [mocked curr-time]
(some #(= %
(int (get-month-day-int mocked))
(int (get-month-day-int curr-time))))
[1 30 29 27]))
form-full-date #(str (get-hh-mm %)
" " (string/capitalize (get-week-day %))
" " (get-month-day-int %)
" " (string/capitalize (get datetime/months (t/month %))))
today-date #(str (get-hh-mm %) " today")
tomorrow-date #(str (get-hh-mm %) " tomorrow")
write-date #(cond (today? % curr-time) (today-date %)
(tomorrow? % curr-time) (tomorrow-date %)
:else (form-full-date %))
will-unmute-in-1-hour (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-1-hour))
will-unmute-in-8-hours (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-8-hour))
will-unmute-in-15-mins (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-15-minutes))
will-unmute-in-two-days (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-two-days))
will-unmute-tomorrow (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-tomorrow))
will-unmute-in-three-days (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-three-days))
will-unmute-in-four-days (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-four-days))
will-unmute-in-five-days (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-five-days))
will-unmute-in-six-days (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-six-days))]
(testing "Mute for minutes and hours"
(are [arg expected] (= (muting/format-mute-till arg) expected)
will-unmute-in-15-mins (write-date mock-in-15-minutes)
will-unmute-in-1-hour (write-date mock-in-1-hour)
will-unmute-in-8-hours (write-date mock-in-8-hour)))
(testing "Weekdays"
(are [arg expected] (= (muting/format-mute-till arg) expected)
will-unmute-tomorrow (write-date mock-tomorrow)
will-unmute-in-two-days (write-date mock-in-two-days)
will-unmute-in-three-days (write-date mock-in-three-days)
will-unmute-in-four-days (write-date mock-in-four-days)
will-unmute-in-five-days (write-date mock-in-five-days)
will-unmute-in-six-days (write-date mock-in-six-days)))
(testing "Until the user turns it back on"
(is (= "you turn it back on" (muting/format-mute-till datetime/go-default-time)))))))

View File

@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
[status-im.utils.types :as types]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[quo2.foundations.colors :as colors]
[utils.datetime :as datetime]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.async-storage.core :as async-storage]
[ :as shell.constants]))
[ :as shell.constants]
[status-im2.common.muting.helpers :refer [format-mute-till]]))
(defn- get-chat
[cofx chat-id]
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
:icon-color (colors/theme-colors colors/success-60
:text (mute-duration-text (when (some? muted-till)
(str (datetime/format-mute-till muted-till))))}]}))
(str (format-mute-till muted-till))))}]}))
(rf/defn mute-chat
{:events [:chat.ui/mute]}

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
(:require [quo2.core :as quo]
[status-im2.common.not-implemented :as not-implemented]
[utils.datetime :as datetime]
[utils.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im2.common.mute-chat-drawer.view :as mute-chat-drawer]
[ :as rf]))
[ :as rf]
[status-im2.common.muting.helpers :refer [format-mute-till]]
[status-im2.common.mute-chat-drawer.view :as mute-chat-drawer]))
(defn hide-sheet-and-dispatch
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
:sub-label (when muted
(str (i18n/label :t/muted-until)
" "
(datetime/format-mute-till muted-till)))
(format-mute-till muted-till)))
:on-press (if muted?
#(unmute-channel-action id)
#(mute-channel-action id chat-type))

View File

@ -296,35 +296,3 @@
(def ^:const go-default-time
"Zero value for golang's time var"
(defn- add-leading-zero
(if (> 10 input-string)
(str "0" input-string)
(defn format-mute-till
(let [parsed-time (t.format/parse (t.format/formatters :date-time-no-ms) muted-till-string)
hours-and-minutes (str (add-leading-zero (t/hour (t/plus parsed-time time-zone-offset)))
(add-leading-zero (t/minute parsed-time)))
when-to-unmute (cond (= go-default-time
muted-till-string) (i18n/label :t/until-you-turn-it-back-on)
(today? parsed-time) (str hours-and-minutes " today")
(tomorrow? parsed-time) (str hours-and-minutes " tomorrow")
:else (str hours-and-minutes
" "
(keyword "t"
(get int->weekday
" "
(t/day parsed-time)
" "
(keyword "t"
(get months
(t/month parsed-time))))))]

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
(def epoch 0)
;; 1970-01-03 00:00:00 UTC
(def epoch-plus-3d 172800000)
(def mock-current-time-epoch 1655731506000)
(deftest is-24-hour-locale-en-test
(is (= (#'utils.datetime/is-24-hour-locsym (i18n-goog/locale-symbols "en")) false)))
@ -189,77 +190,3 @@
(is (= (datetime/day-relative epoch) "01 gen 1970, 12:00:00 AM")))))
;; TODO(@ibrkhalil): This test sometimes fail in the CI. Make the test agnostic
;; of the current time and timezone.
#_(deftest format-mute-till-test
(let [remove-msecs #(string/replace % #"\.\w*Z" "Z")
time-str-to-obj #(t.format/parse (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string %)))
curr-time (t/now)
custom-HH-MM-formatter (t.format/formatter "HH:mm")
custom-DD-formatter (t.format/formatter "DD")
get-hh-mm #(t.format/unparse custom-HH-MM-formatter %)
get-day #(t.format/unparse custom-DD-formatter %)
get-week-day #(->> %
(get datetime/int->weekday))
mock-today (t.format/unparse (t.format/formatters :date-time-no-ms) curr-time)
in-n-days #(-> (time-str-to-obj mock-today)
(t/plus (t/days %)))
in-n-minutes #(-> (time-str-to-obj mock-today)
(t/plus (t/minutes %)))
in-n-hours #(-> (time-str-to-obj mock-today)
(t/plus (t/hours %)))
mock-tomorrow (in-n-days 1)
mock-in-two-days (in-n-days 2)
mock-in-three-days (in-n-days 3)
mock-in-four-days (in-n-days 4)
mock-in-five-days (in-n-days 5)
mock-in-six-days (in-n-days 6)
mock-in-15-minutes (in-n-minutes 15)
mock-in-1-hour (in-n-hours 1)
mock-in-8-hour (in-n-hours 8)
get-month-day-int #(int (get-day %))
today? (fn [mocked curr-time]
(t.format/unparse (t.format/formatter "MM:DD") mocked)
(t.format/unparse (t.format/formatter "MM:DD") curr-time)))
tomorrow? (fn [mocked curr-time]
(some #(= %
(int (get-month-day-int mocked))
(int (get-month-day-int curr-time))))
[1 30 29 27]))
form-full-date #(str (get-hh-mm %)
" " (string/capitalize (get-week-day %))
" " (get-month-day-int %)
" " (string/capitalize (get datetime/months (t/month %))))
today-date #(str (get-hh-mm %) " today")
tomorrow-date #(str (get-hh-mm %) " tomorrow")
write-date #(cond (today? % curr-time) (today-date %)
(tomorrow? % curr-time) (tomorrow-date %)
:else (form-full-date %))
will-unmute-in-1-hour (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-1-hour))
will-unmute-in-8-hours (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-8-hour))
will-unmute-in-15-mins (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-15-minutes))
will-unmute-in-two-days (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-two-days))
will-unmute-tomorrow (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-tomorrow))
will-unmute-in-three-days (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-three-days))
will-unmute-in-four-days (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-four-days))
will-unmute-in-five-days (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-five-days))
will-unmute-in-six-days (remove-msecs (time-coerce/to-string mock-in-six-days))]
(testing "Mute for minutes and hours"
(are [arg expected] (= (datetime/format-mute-till arg) expected)
will-unmute-in-15-mins (write-date mock-in-15-minutes)
will-unmute-in-1-hour (write-date mock-in-1-hour)
will-unmute-in-8-hours (write-date mock-in-8-hour)))
(testing "Weekdays"
(are [arg expected] (= (datetime/format-mute-till arg) expected)
will-unmute-tomorrow (write-date mock-tomorrow)
will-unmute-in-two-days (write-date mock-in-two-days)
will-unmute-in-three-days (write-date mock-in-three-days)
will-unmute-in-four-days (write-date mock-in-four-days)
will-unmute-in-five-days (write-date mock-in-five-days)
will-unmute-in-six-days (write-date mock-in-six-days)))
(testing "Until the user turns it back on"
(is (= "you turn it back on" (datetime/format-mute-till datetime/go-default-time))))))