2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(ns syng-im.chat.handlers
2016-05-16 10:45:59 +03:00
(:require [re-frame.core :refer [register-handler enrich after debug dispatch]]
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
[syng-im.models.commands :as commands]
[clojure.string :as str]
2016-05-13 14:58:58 +03:00
[syng-im.chat.suggestions :as suggestions]
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
[syng-im.protocol.api :as api]
[syng-im.models.messages :as messages]
[syng-im.constants :refer [text-content-type
[syng-im.utils.random :as random]
2016-05-17 13:32:20 +03:00
[syng-im.chat.sign-up :as sign-up-service]
2016-05-16 10:45:59 +03:00
[syng-im.models.chats :as chats]
[syng-im.navigation.handlers :as nav]
2016-05-17 13:32:20 +03:00
[syng-im.models.chats :as c]
2016-05-18 16:45:03 +03:00
[syng-im.handlers.server :as server]
[syng-im.utils.phone-number :refer [format-phone-number]]
2016-05-17 13:32:20 +03:00
[syng-im.utils.handlers :as u]))
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(register-handler :set-show-actions
(fn [db [_ show-actions]]
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(assoc db :show-actions show-actions)))
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(register-handler :load-more-messages
(fn [db _]
;; TODO implement
#_(let [chat-id (get-in db [:chat :current-chat-id])
messages [:chats chat-id :messages]
new-messages (gen-messages 10)]
(update-in db messages concat new-messages))))
(defn safe-trim [s]
(when (string? s)
(str/trim s)))
(register-handler :cancel-command
(fn [{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} _]
(-> db
(assoc-in [:chats current-chat-id :command-input] {})
(update-in [:chats current-chat-id :input-text] safe-trim))))
(register-handler :set-chat-command-content
(fn [db [_ content]]
(commands/set-chat-command-content db content)))
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(defn update-input-text
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} text]
(assoc-in db [:chats current-chat-id :input-text] text))
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(register-handler :stage-command
(fn [{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} _]
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(let [db (update-input-text db nil)
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
{:keys [command content]}
(get-in db [:chats current-chat-id :command-input])
command-info {:command command
:content content
:handler (:handler command)}]
(commands/stage-command db command-info))))
(register-handler :set-response-chat-command
(fn [db [_ to-msg-id command-key]]
(commands/set-response-chat-command db to-msg-id command-key)))
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(defn update-text
[db [_ text]]
(update-input-text db text))
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(defn update-command [db [_ text]]
(let [{:keys [command]} (suggestions/check-suggestion db text)]
(commands/set-chat-command db command)))
(register-handler :set-chat-input-text
((enrich update-command) update-text))
(register-handler :send-group-chat-msg
2016-05-17 13:32:20 +03:00
(fn [_ [_ chat-id text]]
(let [{msg-id :msg-id
{from :from} :msg} (api/send-group-user-msg {:group-id chat-id
:content text})
msg {:msg-id msg-id
:from from
:to nil
:content text
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing true}]
(messages/save-message chat-id msg)))))
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(defn console? [s]
(= "console" s))
(def not-console?
(complement console?))
(defn check-author-direction
[db chat-id {:keys [from outgoing] :as message}]
(let [previous-message (first (get-in db [:chats chat-id :messages]))]
(merge message
{:same-author (if previous-message
(= (:from previous-message) from)
:same-direction (if previous-message
(= (:outgoing previous-message) outgoing)
(defn add-message-to-db
[db chat-id message]
(let [messages [:chats chat-id :messages]]
(update-in db messages conj message)))
(defn prepare-message
[{:keys [identity current-chat-id] :as db} _]
(let [text (get-in db [:chats current-chat-id :input-text])
{:keys [command]} (suggestions/check-suggestion db (str text " "))
message (check-author-direction
db current-chat-id
{:msg-id (random/id)
:chat-id current-chat-id
:content text
:to current-chat-id
:from identity
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing true})]
(if command
(commands/set-chat-command db command)
(assoc db :new-message (when-not (str/blank? text) message)))))
(defn prepare-command [identity chat-id staged-command]
(let [command-key (get-in staged-command [:command :command])
content {:command (name command-key)
:content (:content staged-command)}]
{:msg-id (random/id)
:from identity
:to chat-id
:content content
:content-type content-type-command
:outgoing true
:handler (:handler staged-command)}))
(defn prepare-staged-commans
[{:keys [current-chat-id identity] :as db} _]
(let [staged-commands (get-in db [:chats current-chat-id :staged-commands])]
(->> staged-commands
(map #(prepare-command identity current-chat-id %))
;todo this is wrong :(
(map #(check-author-direction db current-chat-id %))
(assoc db :new-commands))))
(defn add-message
[{:keys [new-message current-chat-id] :as db}]
(if new-message
(add-message-to-db db current-chat-id new-message)
(defn add-commands
[{:keys [new-commands current-chat-id] :as db}]
#(add-message-to-db %1 current-chat-id %2)
(defn clear-input
[{:keys [current-chat-id new-message] :as db} _]
(if new-message
(assoc-in db [:chats current-chat-id :input-text] nil)
(defn clear-staged-commands
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} _]
(assoc-in db [:chats current-chat-id :staged-commands] []))
(defn send-message!
[{:keys [new-message current-chat-id]} _]
(when (and new-message (not-console? current-chat-id))
(api/send-user-msg {:to current-chat-id
:content (:content new-message)})))
(defn save-message-to-realm!
[{:keys [new-message current-chat-id]} _]
(when new-message
(messages/save-message current-chat-id new-message)))
(defn save-commands-to-realm!
[{:keys [new-commands current-chat-id]} _]
(doseq [new-command new-commands]
(messages/save-message current-chat-id (dissoc new-command :handler))))
(defn handle-commands
[{:keys [new-commands]}]
(doseq [{{content :content} :content
handler :handler} new-commands]
(when handler
(handler content))))
(register-handler :send-chat-msg
(-> prepare-message
((enrich prepare-staged-commans))
((enrich add-message))
((enrich add-commands))
((enrich clear-input))
((enrich clear-staged-commands))
((after send-message!))
((after save-message-to-realm!))
((after save-commands-to-realm!))
((after handle-commands))))
(register-handler :unstage-command
(fn [db [_ staged-command]]
(let []
(commands/unstage-command db staged-command))))
(register-handler :set-chat-command
(fn [db [_ command-key]]
;; todo what is going on there?!
(commands/set-chat-command db command-key)))
(register-handler :init-console-chat
(fn [db [_]]
(sign-up-service/init db)))
(register-handler :save-password
(fn [db [_ password]]
(sign-up-service/save-password password)
(assoc db :password-saved true)))
(register-handler :sign-up
2016-05-18 16:45:03 +03:00
(fn [db [_ phone-number]]
;; todo save phone number to db
(let [formatted (format-phone-number phone-number)]
(-> db
(assoc :user-phone-number formatted)
2016-05-18 18:40:01 +03:00
2016-05-18 16:45:03 +03:00
(server/sign-up formatted sign-up-service/on-sign-up-response)))))
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
2016-05-18 18:40:01 +03:00
(register-handler :stop-listening-confirmation-code-sms
(fn [db [_]]
(sign-up-service/stop-listening-confirmation-code-sms db)))
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(register-handler :sign-up-confirm
(fn [db [_ confirmation-code]]
2016-05-18 16:45:03 +03:00
(server/sign-up-confirm confirmation-code sign-up-service/on-send-code-response)
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(register-handler :set-signed-up
(fn [db [_ signed-up]]
(sign-up-service/set-signed-up db signed-up)))
(defn load-messages!
2016-05-16 10:45:59 +03:00
([db] (load-messages! db nil))
([db _]
(->> (:current-chat-id db)
(assoc db :messages))))
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(defn init-chat
2016-05-16 10:45:59 +03:00
([db] (init-chat db nil))
([{:keys [messages current-chat-id] :as db} _]
(assoc-in db [:chats current-chat-id :messages] messages)))
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(register-handler :init-chat
(-> load-messages!
((enrich init-chat))
(defn initialize-chats
[{:keys [loaded-chats] :as db} _]
(let [chats (->> loaded-chats
(map (fn [{:keys [chat-id] :as chat}]
[chat-id chat]))
2016-05-16 10:45:59 +03:00
(into {}))
ids (set (keys chats))]
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(-> db
(assoc :chats chats)
2016-05-16 10:45:59 +03:00
(assoc :chats-ids ids)
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
(dissoc :loaded-chats))))
(defn load-chats!
[db _]
(assoc db :loaded-chats (chats/chats-list)))
(register-handler :initialize-chats
((enrich initialize-chats) load-chats!))
(defn store-message!
[{:keys [new-message]} [_ {chat-id :from}]]
(messages/save-message chat-id new-message))
(defn receive-message
[db [_ {chat-id :from :as message}]]
(let [message' (check-author-direction db chat-id message)]
(-> db
(add-message-to-db chat-id message')
(assoc :new-message message'))))
(register-handler :received-msg
(-> receive-message
((after store-message!))))
(register-handler :group-received-msg
2016-05-17 13:32:20 +03:00
(fn [_ [_ {chat-id :group-id :as msg}]]
(messages/save-message chat-id msg))))
2016-05-16 10:45:59 +03:00
(defmethod nav/preload-data! :chat
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} [_ _ id]]
(-> db
(assoc :current-chat-id (or id current-chat-id))
(defn prepare-chat
[{:keys [contacts] :as db} [_ contcat-id]]
(let [name (get-in contacts [contcat-id :name])
chat {:chat-id contcat-id
:name name
:group-chat false
:is-active true
:timestamp (.getTime (js/Date.))
;; todo how to choose color?
;; todo do we need to have some color for not group chat?
:contacts [{:identity contcat-id
:text-color :#FFFFFF
:background-color :#AB7967}]}]
(assoc db :new-chat chat)))
(defn add-chat [{:keys [new-chat] :as db} [_ chat-id]]
(-> db
(update :chats assoc chat-id new-chat)
(update :chats-ids conj chat-id)))
(defn save-chat!
[{:keys [new-chat]} _]
(chats/create-chat new-chat))
(defn open-chat!
[_ [_ chat-id]]
(dispatch [:navigate-to :chat chat-id]))
(register-handler :start-chat
(-> prepare-chat
((enrich add-chat))
((after save-chat!))
((after open-chat!))
2016-05-16 12:31:08 +03:00
(register-handler :switch-command-suggestions
(fn [db [_]]
(suggestions/switch-command-suggestions db)))