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Raw Normal View History

(ns status-im.models.browser
(:require [status-im.data-store.browser :as browser-store]
[status-im.data-store.dapp-permissions :as dapp-permissions]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.ui.screens.browser.default-dapps :as default-dapps]
[status-im.utils.http :as http]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]))
(defn get-current-url [{:keys [history history-index]}]
(when (and history-index history)
(nth history history-index)))
(defn can-go-back? [{:keys [history-index]}]
(pos? history-index))
(defn can-go-forward? [{:keys [history-index history]}]
(< history-index (dec (count history))))
(defn check-if-dapp-in-list [{:keys [history history-index] :as browser}]
(let [history-host (http/url-host (try (nth history history-index) (catch js/Error _)))
dapp (first (filter #(= history-host (http/url-host (:dapp-url %))) (apply concat (mapv :data default-dapps/all))))]
(if dapp
(assoc browser :dapp? true :name (:name dapp))
(assoc browser :dapp? false :name (i18n/label :t/browser)))))
(defn update-browser-fx [{:keys [db now]} browser]
(let [updated-browser (check-if-dapp-in-list (assoc browser :timestamp now))]
{:db (update-in db [:browser/browsers (:browser-id updated-browser)]
merge updated-browser)
:data-store/tx [(browser-store/save-browser-tx updated-browser)]}))
(defn update-browser-history-fx [cofx browser url loading?]
(when-not loading?
(let [history-index (:history-index browser)
history (:history browser)
history-url (try (nth history history-index) (catch js/Error _))]
(when (not= history-url url)
(let [slash? (= url (str history-url "/"))
new-history (if slash?
(assoc history history-index url)
(conj (subvec history 0 (inc history-index)) url))
new-index (if slash?
(dec (count new-history)))]
(update-browser-fx cofx
(assoc browser :history new-history :history-index new-index)))))))
(defn update-browser-and-navigate [cofx browser]
(merge (update-browser-fx cofx browser)
{:dispatch [:navigate-to :browser (:browser-id browser)]}))
(def permissions {constants/dapp-permission-contact-code {:label (i18n/label :t/your-contact-code)}})
(defn update-dapp-permissions-fx [{:keys [db]} permissions]
{:db (assoc-in db [:dapps/permissions (:dapp permissions)] permissions)
:data-store/tx [(dapp-permissions/save-dapp-permissions permissions)]})
(defn request-permission [cofx
{:keys [dapp-name index requested-permissions permissions-allowed user-permissions
permissions-data webview]
:as params}]
;; iterate all requested permissions
(if (< index (count requested-permissions))
(let [requested-permission (get requested-permissions index)]
;; if requested permission exists and valid continue if not decline permission
(if (and requested-permission (get permissions requested-permission))
;; if permission already allowed go to next, if not, show confirmation dialog
(if ((set user-permissions) requested-permission)
{:dispatch [:next-dapp-permission params requested-permission permissions-data]}
{:show-dapp-permission-confirmation-fx [requested-permission params]})
{:dispatch [:next-dapp-permission params]}))
(assoc (update-dapp-permissions-fx cofx {:dapp dapp-name
:permissions (vec (set (concat (keys permissions-allowed)
:send-to-bridge-fx [{:type constants/status-api-success
:data permissions-allowed
:keys (keys permissions-allowed)}
(defn next-permission [cofx params & [permission permissions-data]]
(cond-> params
(update :index inc)
(and permission permissions-data)
(assoc-in [:permissions-allowed permission] (get permissions-data permission)))))
(defn web3-send-async [{:keys [db]} {:keys [method] :as payload} message-id]
(if (or (= method constants/web3-send-transaction)
(= method constants/web3-personal-sign))
{:db (update-in db [:wallet :transactions-queue] conj {:message-id message-id :payload payload})
:dispatch [:check-dapps-transactions-queue]}
{:call-rpc [payload
#(re-frame/dispatch [:send-to-bridge
{:type constants/web3-send-async-callback
:messageId message-id
:error %1
:result %2}])]}))