"phew-here-is-your-passphrase":"Phew, that was hard. Here is your passphrase, *write this down and keep it safe!* You will need it to recover your account.",
"currency-display-name-nad":"Namibia Dollar",
"creating-your-account":"Creating your account...",
"save-password":"Save password until logout",
"currency-display-name-kes":"Kenyan Shilling",
"view-etheremon":"View in Etheremon",
"wallet-transaction-fee-details":"Gas limit caps the units of gas spent on the transaction. Gas price sets the price per unit of gas. Increasing gas price can make your transaction faster.",
"leave-group":"Leave group",
"wallet-set-up-confirm-description":"You won’t be able to see your 3-word transaction phrase again after this.",
"debug-enabled":"Debug server has been launched! You can now execute *status-dev-cli scan* to find the server from your computer on the same network.",
"recovery-phrase-unknown-words":"Some words might be misspelled",
"chat-settings":"Chat settings",
"update-status":"Update your status...",
"mailserver-connection-error":"Could not connect to mailserver",
"currency-display-name-kzt":"Kazakhstan Tenge",
"no-recent-chats":"Your Home screen will house your recent chats and DApp history. Tap the plus (+) button to get started.",
"address-explication":"Your public key is used to generate your address on Ethereum and is a series of numbers and letters. You can find it easily in your profile",
"transactions-delete-content":"Transaction will be removed from 'Unsigned' list",
"transactions-unsigned-empty":"You don't have any unsigned transactions",
"unable-to-read-this-code":"Unable to read this code",
"currency-display-name-pyg":"Paraguay Guarani",
"image-remove-current":"Remove current photo",
"transaction-moved-text":"The transaction will remain in the 'Unsigned' list for the next 5 mins",
"add-members":"Add members",
"leave-public-chat":"Leave public chat",
"sign-later-title":"Sign transaction later?",
"manage-permissions":"Manage permissions",
"currency-display-name-pln":"Poland Zloty",
"ropsten-network":"Ropsten test network",
"bootnode-details":"Bootnode details",
"popular-tags":"Popular #hashtags",
"invite-friends":"Invite friends",
"network-settings":"Network settings",
"twelve-words-in-correct-order":"12 words in correct order",
"save-password-unavailable":"Set device passcode to save password",
"currency-display-name-inr":"India Rupee",
"transaction-moved-title":"Transaction moved",
"phone-number":"Phone number",
"currency-display-name-uyu":"Uruguay Peso",
"photos-access-error":"To grant the required photos permission, please go to your system settings and make sure that Status > Photos is selected.",
"password-placeholder2":"Confirm your password",
"request-feature":"Request a feature",
"new-chat":"New chat",
"removed-from-chat":"removed you from group chat",
"show-more":"Show more",
"create-account":"Create account",
"remove-from-contacts":"Remove from contacts",
"currency-display-name-pkr":"Pakistan Rupee",
"currency-display-name-vnd":"Viet Nam Dong",
"currency-display-name-bgn":"Bulgarian Lev",
"enter-url":"Enter URL",
"delete-network-title":"Delete network?",
"delete-chat":"Delete chat",
"error-unable-to-get-transactions":"Unable to get transaction history",
"new-contract":"New Contract",
"new-group-chat":"New group chat",
"wrong-word":"Wrong word",
"edit-chats":"Edit chats",
"check-your-recovery-phrase":"Check your recovery phrase",
"your-recovery-phrase-description":"This is your recovery phrase. You use it to prove that this is your wallet. You only get to see it once! Write it on paper and keep it in a secure place. You will need it if you lose or reinstall your wallet.",
"currency-display-name-gel":"Georgian Lari",
"add-bootnode":"Add bootnode",
"currency-display-name-krw":"Korea (South) Won",
"browser-secure":"Connection is secure. Make sure you really trust this site before signing transactions or entering personal data.",
"receive-transaction":"Receive transaction",
"sign-in":"Sign in",
"currency-display-name-mdl":"Moldovan Leu",
"create-new-account":"Create new account",
"are-you-sure?":"Are you sure?",
"disconnected":"Connecting to peers...",
"sign-in-to-status":"Sign in to Status",
"leave-group-chat-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"dapp-profile":"ÐApp profile",
"sign-later-text":"Check the transaction history to sign this transaction",
"wallet-transaction-fee":"Transaction Fee",
"no-hashtags-discovered-body":"When a #hashtag becomes\npopular you will see it here.",
"currency-display-name-mnt":"Mongolia Tughrik",
"log-level":"Log level",
"search-chat":"Search chat",
"currency-display-name-ars":"Argentine Peso",
"got-it":"Got it",
"delete-group-confirmation":"This group will be removed from your groups. This will not affect your contacts",
"leave-group-chat":"Leave group chat",
"public-chats":"Public chats",
"specify-recipient":"Specify recipient...",
"not-applicable":"Not applicable for unsigned transactions",
"sent-at":"Sent at",
"move-to-internal-failure-message":"We need to move some important files from external to internal storage. To do this, we need your permission. We won't be using external storage in future versions.",
"need-help":"Need help?",
"currency-display-name-ngn":"Nigeria Naira",
"delete-network-error":"Please connect to a different network before deleting this one",
"wallet-insufficient-gas":"Not enough ETH for gas",
"validation-amount-is-too-precise":"Amount is too precise. Max number of decimals is {{decimals}}.",
"copy-transaction-hash":"Copy transaction ID",
"unknown-address":"Unknown address",
"received-invitation":"received chat invitation",
"show-qr":"Show QR code",
"start-chat":"Start chat",
"wallet-onboarding-title":"Simple and secure cryptocurrency wallet",
"logout":"Log out",
"status-not-sent":"Not sent. Tap for options",
"edit-network-config":"Edit network config",
"clear-history-confirmation":"Clear history?",
"choose-from-contacts":"Choose from contacts",
"currency-display-name-gyd":"Guyana Dollar",
"required-field":"Required field",
"wallet-address-from-clipboard":"Use Address From Clipboard",
"currency-display-name-cad":"Canada Dollar",
"account-generation-message":"Gimmie a sec, I gotta do some crazy math to generate your account!",
"remove-network":"Remove network",
"recovery-typo-dialog-description":"If you enter the wrong words, you will create a new account instead of recovering an old one.",
"no-messages":"No messages",
"recovery-confirm-phrase":"Confirm phrase",
"delete-group-chat-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete this group chat?",
"new-group":"New group",
"currency-display-name-vef":"Venezuela Bolívar",
"send-message":"Send message",
"no-extension":"No extension installed",
"phone-e164":"International 1",
"currency-display-name-nok":"Norway Krone",
"view-cryptokitties":"View in CryptoKitties",
"changed-amount-warning":"Amount was changed from {{old}} to {{new}}",
"network-chain":"Network chain",
"rpc-url":"RPC URL",
"currency-display-name-omr":"Oman Rial",
"changed-asset-warning":"Asset was changed from {{old}} to {{new}}",
"wallet-onboarding-set-up":"Let’s get set up",
"remove-from-group":"Remove from group",
"specify-rpc-url":"Specify a RPC URL",
"contacts-syncronized":"Your contacts have been synchronized",
"text-input-disabled":"Please wait a moment...",
"currency-display-name-aed":"Emirati Dirham",
"currency-display-name-egp":"Egypt Pound",
"transactions-sign-all":"Sign all",
"enter-contact-code":"Enter contact code or username",
"currency-display-name-twd":"Taiwan New Dollar",
"empty-chat-description-console":"Look under the hood! Console is a javascript runtime environment that exposes the whole web3 API. Type \"web3.\" to get started.",
"no-statuses-discovered-body":"When somebody posts\na status you will see it here.",
"add-json-file":"Add a JSON file",
"other-accounts":"Other accounts",
"browsing-open-in-status":"Open in Status",
"warning-message":"Sorry, we limit sending several messages in quick succession to prevent spam. Please try again in a moment",
"wallet-onboarding-description":"Send, receive, and store your cryptocurrency with the Status Wallet",
"extension-url":"Enter an extension URL",
"search-contacts":"Search contacts",
"transaction-sent":"Transaction sent",
"currency-display-name-dkk":"Denmark Krone",
"status-tx-not-found":"TX not found",
"extension-find":"Find extension",
"leave-chat":"Leave chat",
"transactions-delete":"Delete transaction",
"selected-dapps":"Selected ÐApps",
"mainnet-text":"You’re on the Mainnet. Real ETH will be sent",
"ok-got-it":"Ok, got it",
"main-currency":"Main currency",
"clear-history-title":"Clear history?",
"start-conversation":"Start conversation",
"you-are-all-set-description":"Now if you lose your phone you can restore your account and wallet using the recovery phrase.",
"topic-format":"Topic names use only lowercase letters (a to z) & dashes (-)",
"specify-name":"Specify a name",
"add-new-network":"Add new network",
"enter-valid-public-key":"Please enter a valid public key or scan a QR code",
"currency-display-name-bdt":"Bangladeshi Taka",
"logout-title":"Log out?",
"faucet-error":"Faucet request error",
"or-choose-a-contact":"Or choose a contact",
"add-existing-account":"Add existing account",
"sharing-copied-to-clipboard":"Copied to clipboard",
"confirmations-helper-text":"When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled.",
"reset-default":"Reset to default",
"search-for":"Search for...",
"test-networks":"Test networks",
"sharing-copy-to-clipboard":"Copy to clipboard",
"your-wallets":"Your wallets",
"phone-international":"International 2",
"error-unable-to-get-token-balance":"Unable to get token balance",
"enter-word":"Enter word",
"enter-password":"Enter password",
"logout-are-you-sure":"Are you sure you want\nto log out?",
"leave-group-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"enter-address":"Enter address",
"signing-message-phrase-description":"If you recognize these words, enter your login password to sign the message",
"selected-for-you":"Selected for you",
"switch-users":"Switch users",
"currency-display-name-qar":"Qatar Riyal",
"currency-display-name-hkd":"Hong Kong Dollar",
"your-recovery-phrase":"Your recovery phrase",
"transaction-history":"Transaction History",
"send-transaction":"Send transaction",
"currency-display-name-ltl":"Lithuanian Litas",
"step-i-of-n":"Step {{step}} of {{number}}",
"recover-access":"Recover access",
"currency-display-name-ron":"Romania Leu",
"log-level-settings":"Log level settings",
"invalid-key-content":"To protect yourself, you need to create new account and erase your old data by tapping “Apply”. If you have an existing account and would like to save your recovery phrase then choose “Cancel”, back it up, and restart the app. We strongly recommend creating new account because the old one is stored unencrypted.",
"advanced-settings":"Advanced settings",
"group-info":"Group info",
"currency-display-name-nio":"Nicaragua Cordoba",
"Sorry the code was incorrect, please enter it again"
"currency-display-name-ugx":"Ugandan Shilling",
"image-source-gallery":"Select from gallery",
"sync-synced":"In sync",
"currency-display-name-bmd":"Bermuda Dollar",
"delete-contact":"Delete contact",
"currency-display-name-try":"Turkish Lira",
"connecting-requires-login":"Connecting to another network requires login",
"send-transaction-request":"Send a transaction request",
"share-contact-code":"Share my contact code",
"use-valid-contact-code":"Please enter or scan a valid contact code or username",
"invalid-key-title":"We detected a problem with the encryption key",
"currency-display-name-czk":"Czech Koruna",
"extension-installed":"You installed an extension",
"mute-notifications":"Mute notifications",
"currency-display-name-bob":"Bolivia Bolíviano",
"invalid-phone":"Invalid phone number",
"privacy-policy":"Privacy Policy",
"scan-qr":"Scan QR code",
"currency-display-name-lak":"Laos Kip",
"recipient-code":"Enter recipient address",
"mainnet-is-default-alert-text":"Thanks for choosing Status! We are now in Beta, which means new installs are automatically connected to the Mainnet. If you upgraded, you may still need to switch networks, which you can do easily by navigating to your Profile -> Advanced Mode -> Switch Developer Mode on -> Choose your network. Now just have fun! Browse DApps, exchange assets, start your own #chats, and message your friends, all from the world's first decentralized, mobile client for Ethereum.\n\nPlease note that this is a beta release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds.",
"wallet-set-up-signing-phrase":"To increase security, we'll show you this phrase each time you initiate a transaction. When you see then you'll know it's safe to proceed. \n\nMemorize or store these words in a secure location. Only confirm transactions if you see them first.",
"currency-display-name-thb":"Thailand Baht",
"recent":"Recent statuses",
"wallet-send-token":"Send {{symbol}}",
"bootnodes-enabled":"Bootnodes enabled",
"your-data-belongs-to-you":"If you lose your recovery phrase you lose your data and funds",
"empty-chat-description-one-to-one":"Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and ",
"Thanks! We've sent you a text message with a confirmation ",
"code. Please provide that code to confirm your phone number"
"wallet-choose-from-contacts":"Choose from Contacts",
"send-sending-to":"to ",
"signing-phrase-description":"If you recognize these words, enter your login password to sign the transaction",
"no-contacts":"No contacts yet",
"currency-display-name-mad":"Moroccan Dirham",
"here-is-your-signing-phrase":"Here is your signing phrase. You will use it to verify your transactions. *Write it down and keep it safe!*",
"wants-to-access-profile":"wants to access to your profile",
"currency-display-name-huf":"Hungary Forint",
"currency-display-name-pgk":"Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency-display-name-cop":"Colombia Peso",
"decryption-failed-content":"We were not able to decrypt your data, you might need to create new account and erase your old data by tapping “Apply”. Clicking on “Cancel”, will try again",
"close-app-content":"The app will stop and close. When you reopen it, the selected network will be used",
"password-description":"You'll need this password to open the app and confirm transactions.",
"intro-message1":"Welcome to Status!\nTap this message to set your password and get started.",
"public-chat-user-count":"{{count}} people",
"transactions-history":"Transaction history",
"fetching-messages":"Fetching messages...",
"not-implemented":"!not implemented",
"password_error1":"Passwords don't match.",
"your-contact-code":"Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your contact code",
"new-contact":"New contact",
"password-placeholder":"At least 6 characters",
"request-requesting-from":"from ",
"is-typing":"is typing",
"version":"Version {{version}}",
"specify-mailserver-address":"Specify a mailserver address",
"scan-qr-code":"Scan a QR code with a wallet address",
"wallet-total-value":"Total value",
"currency-display-name-idr":"Indonesia Rupiah",
"mailserver-address":"Mailserver address",
"bootnodes-settings":"Bootnodes settings",
"allowing-authorizes-this-dapp":"Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3",
"currency-display-name-srd":"Suriname Dollar",
"transaction-request":"Transaction Request",
"decryption-failed-title":"We were not able to decrypt your data",
"word-n":"Word #{{number}}",
"command-sending":"Send transaction ",
"currency-display-name-hrk":"Croatia Kuna",
"currency-display-name-gbp":"British Pound",
"currency-display-name-etb":"Ethiopian Birr",
"new-network":"New network",
"enter-12-words":"Enter the 12 words of your recovery phrase, separated by single spaces",
"contact-already-added":"The contact has already been added",
"ok-continue":"Ok, continue",
"currency-display-name-gmd":"Gambian dalasi",
"browsing-open-in-web-browser":"Open in web browser",
"custom-networks":"Custom networks",
"delete-group-prompt":"This will not affect your contacts",
"wallet-insufficient-funds":"Insufficient funds",
"currency-display-name-ils":"Israel Shekel",
"sign-in-to-another":"Sign in to another account",
"edit-profile":"Edit profile",
"currency-display-name-crc":"Costa Rica Colon",
"help-center":"Help Center",
"testfairy-message":"You are using an app installed from a nightly build. If you're connected to WiFi, your interactions with the app will be saved as video and logs. These recordings do not save your passwords. They are used by our development team to investigate possible issues and only occur if the app is install from a nightly build. Nothing is recorded if the app is installed from PlayStore or TestFlight.",
"currency-display-name-mwk":"Malawian Kwacha",
"wallet-invalid-chain-id":"Network does not match: \n {{data}} but current chain is {{chain}}",
"search-tags":"Type your search tags here",
"wallet-send-min-wei":"Min 1 wei",
"transaction-failed":"Transaction failed",
"delete-mailserver":"Delete mailserver",
"public-key":"Public key",
"name-description":"Change this anytime in your Profile.",
"error-processing-json":"Error processing JSON",
"currency-display-name-sek":"Sweden Krona",
"recovery-typo-dialog-title":"Is the phrase correct?",
"your-data-belongs-to-you-description":"Status can’t help you recover your account if you lose your recovery phrase. You are in charge of the security of your data, and backing up your recovery phrase is the best safeguard.",
"transactions-filter-title":"Filter history",
"view-profile":"View profile",
"here-is-your-passphrase":"Here is your passphrase, *write this down and keep this safe!* You will need it to recover your account.",
"add-mailserver":"Add Mailserver",
"currency-display-name-ttd":"Trinidad and Tobago Dollar",
"are-you-sure-description":"You will not be able to see the whole recovery phrase again",
"notifications-new-message-body":"You have new message",
"currency-display-name-php":"Philippines Peso",
"image-source-title":"Edit picture",
"current-network":"Current network",
"new-request":"New request",
"dont-allow":"Don't Allow",
"edit-network-warning":"Be careful! Editing the network data may disable this network for you",
"change-fleet":"Change fleet to {{fleet}}",
"delete-chat-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete this chat?",
"currency-display-name-usd":"United States Dollar",