# This script automatically sets the version and short version string of
# an Xcode project from the Git repository containing the project.
# To use this script in Xcode, add the script's path to a "Run Script" build
# phase for your application target.
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
# First, check for git in $PATH
hash git 2>/dev/null ||{echo >&2"Git required, not installed. Aborting build number update script.";exit 0;}
# Alternatively, we could use Xcode's copy of the Git binary,
# but old Xcodes don't have this.
#GIT=$(xcrun -find git)
# Run Script build phases that operate on product files of the target that defines them should use the value of this build setting [TARGET_BUILD_DIR]. But Run Script build phases that operate on product files of other targets should use ?BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR? instead.