
143 lines
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;; shadow-cljs configuration
{:source-paths ["src" "test/cljs"]
:dependencies [[reagent "1.0.0"]
Upgrade re-frame (#15997) This commit upgrades re-frame to v1.3.0 (latest stable release), released ~9 months ago, in 2022-08-27. This is a solid upgrade, with no breaking changes as far as I tested status-mobile. It's a great testament of re-frame's stability and commitment to backwards compatibility, as are many Clojure libs. Fixes The big, and truly relevant addition is the introduction of the :fx built-in effect that was added ~3 years ago in Aug/2020 in v1.1.0. Relevant changelog: - Global interceptors are now supported (added in v1.0.0). - reg-event-fx will just warn (not generate an error) if the effect map returned contains an unknown effect key. - re-frame will now warn us when we are calling subscribe outside of a reactive context. - "re-frame now guarantees that a :db effect, if present, will be actioned before any other sibling effects. re-frame continues to provide NO guarantees about the order in which other effects will be actioned." ( - There's syntactic sugar for trivial reg-sub declarations (added in v1.3.0). See the documentation for reg-sub for more details - "The built-in effect :dispatch-later can now take a single map value. Supplying a sequence of maps is now deprecated in favor of using multiple :dispatch-later effects within the new :fx effect."
2023-05-31 09:08:34 +00:00
[re-frame "1.3.0"]
[binaryage/oops "0.7.0"]
[com.andrewmcveigh/cljs-time "0.5.2"]
[status-im/timbre "4.10.0-2-status"]
[com.taoensso/encore "2.105.0"]
[hickory "0.7.1"]
[cljs-bean "1.3.0"]
[com.cognitect/transit-cljs "0.8.248"]
[mvxcvi/alphabase "1.0.0"]
[camel-snake-kebab "0.4.3"]
;; dev dependencies
[refactor-nrepl "2.5.0"]
[cider/cider-nrepl "0.25.3"]
[cider/piggieback "0.4.1"]
[re-frisk-remote "1.6.0"]
;; routing
[bidi "2.1.6"]
;; test dependencies
[ "0.1.5"]
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.1.0"]]
;; port and middleware for repl in development
:nrepl {:port 7888
:middleware [cider.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl
;; shadow-cljs web interface
:http {:port 3449
:host ""}
2020-05-14 13:00:06 +00:00
:cache-blockers #{status-im.utils.js-resources status-im.ui.components.icons.icons}
{:target :react-native
;; To match the folder created by Nix build of JSBundle.
:output-dir "result"
:init-fn status-im2.core/init
;; When false, the Shadow-CLJS watcher won't automatically refresh
;; the target files (a.k.a hot reload). When false, you can manually
;; reload by calling `shadow.cljs.devtools.api/watch-compile-all!`.
:devtools {:autobuild #shadow/env ["SHADOW_AUTOBUILD_ENABLED" :default true :as :bool]}
:dev {:devtools {:after-load
Make component test helpers usable from the REPL (#15468) This commit makes the test-helpers.component namespace loadable in the REPL, plus other changes that allow for a reasonably enjoyable RDD (REPL-Driven Development) workflow. Why? I want to be able to get instant feedback when I render a component with the RN Testing Library (RNTL), and only once I'm satisfied with my findings is when I proceed to write/update the tests. This nearly instant feedback loop is only feasible using the ClojureScript REPL, and I'd rather not endure long recompilation cycles. Note that by REPL I mean connecting to the CLJS REPL of the Shadow-CLJS :mobile target. Essentially, this is what this commit does: - [x] Allow the test-helpers.component namespace to be evaluated in the REPL. This is now possible because I changed all functions that assumed js/jest existed with a guard clause using the CLJS macro exists?. Without the guard clauses, evaluating the namespace explodes due to stuff like js/jest.useFakeTimers that fail in compile time (it's a syntax sugar macro). - [x] Change the family of functions to get the translation by text to either translate using i18n/label or translate with the dummy prefix tx:, depending if the code is running inside the Jest runtime or not. - [x] Wrap remaining RNTL query functions, except for the find-* ones, since they don't work at all outside the Jest runtime. - [x] All wrapped functions support the original arguments supported by RNTL. Arguments are always converted with clj->js. - [x] All wrapped functions can optionally take a node (ReactTestInstance) as their first argument, otherwise the global screen object will be used. This is very important! See the explanation on section Doesn't RNTL recommend using the screen object? - [x] Update Shadow-CLJS preloads, so that (in development) you can fire off the REPL and always be ready to call component test helpers. This is critical! What else would be possible? Just an idea, but now that we can easily render components using the same machinery provided by RNTL in the tests, we can roughly implement Storybook's Play function Lesson learned: In the REPL, you may need to call (re-frame.core/clear-subscription-cache!), otherwise you will experience subscriptions returning the same value if their arguments are the same. For example, I faced this while playing with the namespace There are better ways to solve this particular problem in the context of tests if we use the tooling provided by Doesn't RNTL recommend using the screen object? Indeed, it is recommended to use the screen object instead of destructuring the results of RNTL render. It's just easier and less error prone, but this only works reliably within the Jest runtime, since it automatically cleans up rendered state after each test. When using the REPL this is no longer the case, and I faced some errors, like Unable to find node on an unmounted component, where RNTL would refuse to re-render components, even if I explicitly unmounted them or called cleanup. The only reliable solution I found was to store the result of render (a node) and pass it to every subsequent call. This is not a workaround, it's officially supported, but it's a tad less convenient. You can also not pass the node reference and it should work most of the time. Practical examples Workflow suggestion: write your local experiments in the same namespace as the component spec and within the comment macro. This way, you can have the Jest watcher running and a REPL connected to :mobile, and they won't step on each other. For the test watcher, I usually change quo2-core-spec or status-im2.core-spec to only require what I'm interested, otherwise Jest consumes way too many resources. ```clojure ;; Namespace quo2.components.colors.color-picker.component-spec (h/test "color picker color changed" (let [selected (reagent/atom nil)] (h/render [color-picker/view {:on-change #(reset! selected %)}]) (h/fire-event :press (get (h/get-all-by-label-text :color-picker-item) 0)) (-> (h/expect @selected) (.toStrictEqual :blue)))) (comment (def selected (atom nil)) (def c (h/render [color-picker/view {:on-change #(reset! selected %)}])) (h/fire-event :press (get (h/get-all-by-label-text c :color-picker-item) 0)) ;; Options are passed down converted to JS types. (h/debug c {:message "Rendering header"}) @selected ; => :blue ) ``` ```clojure ;; Namespace quo2.components.tags.--tests--.status-tags-component-spec (h/test "renders status tag with pending type" (render-status-tag {:status {:type :pending} :label "Pending" :size :small}) (-> (h/expect (h/get-all-by-label-text :status-tag-pending)) (.toBeTruthy)) (-> (h/expect (h/get-by-text "Pending")) (.toBeTruthy))) (comment (def c (render-status-tag {:status {:type :pending} :label "Pending" :size :small})) (h/get-all-by-label-text c :status-tag-pending)) ``` ```clojure ;; Namespace (h/test "joined and muted community" (setup-subs {:communities/my-pending-request-to-join nil :communities/community {:joined true :muted true :token-gated? true}}) (h/render [options/community-options-bottom-sheet {:id "test"}]) (-> (h/expect (h/get-by-translation-text :unmute-community)) (.toBeTruthy))) (comment (setup-subs {:communities/my-pending-request-to-join nil :communities/community {:joined true :muted true :token-gated? true}}) (def c (h/render [options/community-options-bottom-sheet {:id "test"}])) (some? (h/get-by-translation-text c :invite-people-from-contacts)) ; => true ) ```
2023-03-27 14:54:56 +00:00
:preloads [re-frisk-remote.preload
;; In order to use component test helpers in
;; the REPL we need to preload namespaces
;; that are not normally required by
;; production code, such as
;; @testing-library/react-native.
2023-04-27 07:53:04 +00:00
{status-im2.config/POKT_TOKEN #shadow/env "POKT_TOKEN"
status-im2.config/INFURA_TOKEN #shadow/env "INFURA_TOKEN"
status-im2.config/OPENSEA_API_KEY #shadow/env "OPENSEA_API_KEY"
:compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es5
{re-frame.trace/trace-enabled? true}
:source-map false
:infer-externs true}
;; if you want to use a real device, set your local ip
;; in the SHADOW_HOST env variable to make sure that
;; it will use the right interface
:local-ip #shadow/env "SHADOW_HOST"}
:chunks {:fleets status-im.fleet.default-fleet/default-fleets}
2023-04-27 07:53:04 +00:00
{status-im2.config/POKT_TOKEN #shadow/env "POKT_TOKEN"
status-im2.config/INFURA_TOKEN #shadow/env "INFURA_TOKEN"
status-im2.config/OPENSEA_API_KEY #shadow/env "OPENSEA_API_KEY"
:compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es6
;;disable for android build as there
;;is an intermittent warning with deftype
:warnings-as-errors false
:infer-externs :auto
:static-fns true
:fn-invoke-direct true
:optimizations :advanced
:js-options {:js-provider :closure}}}}
;; the tests are ran with node, react-native dependencies are mocked
;; by using node --require override.js, which uses the node-library
;; produced by the target :mocks below and redefines node require
;; function to use the mocks instead of the rn libraries
{:output-to "target/test/test.js"
:output-dir "target/test"
:optimizations :simple
:target :node-test
;; When running tests without a REPL you can uncomment below line to `make test-watch` a specific file
;; :ns-regexp "$"
;; set :ui-driven to true to let shadow-cljs inject node-repl
2023-04-27 07:53:04 +00:00
{status-im2.config/POKT_TOKEN #shadow/env "POKT_TOKEN"
status-im2.config/INFURA_TOKEN #shadow/env "INFURA_TOKEN"
status-im2.config/OPENSEA_API_KEY #shadow/env "OPENSEA_API_KEY"
{;; needed because we override require and it
;; messes with source-map which reports callstack
;; exceeded exceptions instead of real issues
:source-map false
;; needed because we use deref in tests
:static-fns false
:optimizations :simple
:infer-externs true}}
;; mock.js-dependencies is mocking the react-native libraries
;; we build it as a node library so that it can be required by
;; override.js
{:target :node-library
:exports {:mocks mocks.js-dependencies/mock}
:output-to "target/mocks/mocks.js"
:output-dir "target/mocks"
:compiler-options {:optimizations :simple
:source-map false}}
:component-test {:target :npm-module
:entries [quo2.core-spec status-im2.core-spec]
:ns-regexp "component-spec$"
:output-dir "component-spec"
:compiler-options {:warnings-as-errors false
:static-fns false
:infer-externs true}}}}