2016-03-23 16:48:26 +02:00
(ns syng-im.handlers
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
[re-frame.core :refer [register-handler after dispatch debug enrich]]
2016-04-29 16:24:03 +03:00
[schema.core :as s :include-macros true]
2016-05-17 16:57:45 +03:00
[syng-im.persistence.realm :as r]
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
[syng-im.db :refer [app-db schema]]
2016-05-10 12:31:48 +03:00
[syng-im.persistence.simple-kv-store :as kv]
[syng-im.protocol.state.storage :as storage]
2016-04-29 16:24:03 +03:00
[syng-im.db :as db :refer [app-db schema]]
[syng-im.protocol.api :refer [init-protocol]]
[syng-im.protocol.protocol-handler :refer [make-handler]]
[syng-im.models.protocol :refer [update-identity
[syng-im.models.contacts :as contacts]
[syng-im.models.messages :refer [save-message
2016-05-16 15:19:13 +03:00
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
[syng-im.models.commands :refer [set-commands]]
2016-04-29 16:24:03 +03:00
[syng-im.handlers.server :as server]
2016-05-16 12:31:08 +03:00
[syng-im.chat.suggestions :refer [load-commands]]
2016-04-29 16:24:03 +03:00
[syng-im.models.chats :refer [chat-exists?
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
2016-05-10 13:58:37 +03:00
2016-04-29 16:24:03 +03:00
[syng-im.utils.logging :as log]
[syng-im.protocol.api :as api]
[syng-im.constants :refer [text-content-type
[syng-im.navigation :refer [nav-push
[syng-im.utils.crypt :refer [gen-random-bytes]]
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
[syng-im.utils.random :as random]
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
2016-05-16 19:38:35 +03:00
[syng-im.group-settings.handlers :refer [delete-chat]]
2016-05-13 14:58:58 +03:00
[syng-im.navigation.handlers :as nav]
2016-05-11 16:06:37 +03:00
2016-03-23 16:48:26 +02:00
;; -- Middleware ------------------------------------------------------------
;; See https://github.com/Day8/re-frame/wiki/Using-Handler-Middleware
(defn check-and-throw
"throw an exception if db doesn't match the schema."
[a-schema db]
2016-03-23 21:05:42 +02:00
(if-let [problems (s/check a-schema db)]
(throw (js/Error. (str "schema check failed: " problems)))))
2016-03-23 16:48:26 +02:00
(def validate-schema-mw
(after (partial check-and-throw schema)))
2016-03-29 23:45:31 +03:00
;; -- Common --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-03-23 16:48:26 +02:00
2016-05-11 14:47:40 +03:00
(register-handler :set
(fn [db [_ k v]]
(assoc db k v))))
2016-05-13 14:58:58 +03:00
(defn preload-data!
[{:keys [view-id] :as db} _]
(nav/preload-data! db [nil view-id]))
2016-03-23 21:05:42 +02:00
(register-handler :initialize-db
2016-05-10 12:31:48 +03:00
(fn [_ _]
(assoc app-db
2016-05-16 12:31:08 +03:00
:signed-up (storage/get kv/kv-store :signed-up))))
2016-03-23 16:48:26 +02:00
2016-03-28 15:14:57 +03:00
(register-handler :set-loading
(fn [db [_ value]]
(assoc db :loading value)))
2016-04-03 19:00:40 +03:00
(register-handler :initialize-crypt
(fn [db _]
(log/debug "initializing crypt")
(gen-random-bytes 1024 (fn [{:keys [error buffer]}]
(if error
(log/error "Failed to generate random bytes to initialize sjcl crypto")
(dispatch [:notify-user {:type :error
:error error}]))
(->> (.toString buffer "hex")
(.toBits (.. js/ecc -sjcl -codec -hex))
(.addEntropy (.. js/ecc -sjcl -random)))
(dispatch [:crypt-initialized])))))
(register-handler :crypt-initialized
(fn [db _]
(log/debug "crypt initialized")
2016-04-14 12:49:50 +03:00
(register-handler :load-commands
(fn [db [action]]
(log/debug action)
(register-handler :set-commands
2016-04-29 16:24:03 +03:00
(fn [db [action commands]]
(log/debug action commands)
(set-commands db commands)))
2016-04-14 12:49:50 +03:00
2016-03-23 21:05:42 +02:00
;; -- Protocol --------------------------------------------------------------
(register-handler :initialize-protocol
(fn [db [_]]
(init-protocol (make-handler db))
(register-handler :protocol-initialized
(fn [db [_ identity]]
(-> db
(update-identity identity)
(set-initialized true))))
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
(defn system-message [msg-id content]
{:from "system"
:msg-id msg-id
:content content
:content-type text-content-type})
2016-04-07 14:01:41 +03:00
(defn joined-chat-msg [chat-id from msg-id]
2016-04-11 16:45:01 +03:00
(let [contact-name (:name (contacts/contact-by-identity from))]
2016-04-07 14:01:41 +03:00
(save-message chat-id {:from "system"
2016-04-20 13:12:12 +03:00
:msg-id (str msg-id "_" from)
2016-04-07 14:01:41 +03:00
:content (str (or contact-name from) " received chat invitation")
:content-type text-content-type})))
2016-04-11 16:45:01 +03:00
(defn participant-invited-to-group-msg [chat-id identity from msg-id]
(let [inviter-name (:name (contacts/contact-by-identity from))
2016-04-29 16:24:03 +03:00
invitee-name (if (= identity (api/my-identity))
(:name (contacts/contact-by-identity identity)))]
2016-04-11 16:45:01 +03:00
(save-message chat-id {:from "system"
:msg-id msg-id
:content (str (or inviter-name from) " invited " (or invitee-name identity))
:content-type text-content-type})))
2016-04-11 19:44:02 +03:00
(defn participant-removed-from-group-msg [chat-id identity from msg-id]
(let [remover-name (:name (contacts/contact-by-identity from))
removed-name (:name (contacts/contact-by-identity identity))]
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
(->> (str (or remover-name from) " removed " (or removed-name identity))
(system-message msg-id)
(save-message chat-id))))
2016-04-11 19:44:02 +03:00
2016-04-11 22:57:20 +03:00
(defn you-removed-from-group-msg [chat-id from msg-id]
(let [remover-name (:name (contacts/contact-by-identity from))]
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
(->> (str (or remover-name from) " removed you from group chat")
(system-message msg-id)
(save-message chat-id))))
2016-04-11 22:57:20 +03:00
2016-04-11 23:12:47 +03:00
(defn participant-left-group-msg [chat-id from msg-id]
(let [left-name (:name (contacts/contact-by-identity from))]
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
(->> (str (or left-name from) " left")
(system-message msg-id)
(save-message chat-id))))
2016-04-11 23:12:47 +03:00
2016-04-11 19:20:58 +03:00
(defn removed-participant-msg [chat-id identity]
(let [contact-name (:name (contacts/contact-by-identity identity))]
2016-05-06 14:06:58 +03:00
(->> (str "You've removed " (or contact-name identity))
(system-message (random/id))
(save-message chat-id))))
2016-04-11 19:20:58 +03:00
2016-04-11 22:57:20 +03:00
(defn left-chat-msg [chat-id]
(save-message chat-id {:from "system"
:msg-id (random/id)
:content "You left this chat"
:content-type text-content-type}))
2016-04-07 14:01:41 +03:00
(register-handler :group-chat-invite-acked
(fn [db [action from group-id ack-msg-id]]
(log/debug action from group-id ack-msg-id)
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(joined-chat-msg group-id from ack-msg-id)))
2016-04-07 14:01:41 +03:00
2016-04-11 19:44:02 +03:00
(register-handler :participant-removed-from-group
(fn [db [action from group-id identity msg-id]]
(log/debug action msg-id from group-id identity)
(chat-remove-participants group-id [identity])
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(participant-removed-from-group-msg group-id identity from msg-id)))
2016-04-11 19:44:02 +03:00
2016-04-11 22:57:20 +03:00
(register-handler :you-removed-from-group
(fn [db [action from group-id msg-id]]
(log/debug action msg-id from group-id)
(you-removed-from-group-msg group-id from msg-id)
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(set-chat-active group-id false)))
2016-04-11 22:57:20 +03:00
2016-04-11 23:12:47 +03:00
(register-handler :participant-left-group
(fn [db [action from group-id msg-id]]
(log/debug action msg-id from group-id)
2016-04-29 16:24:03 +03:00
(if (= (api/my-identity) from)
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(participant-left-group-msg group-id from msg-id))))
2016-04-11 23:12:47 +03:00
2016-04-11 16:45:01 +03:00
(register-handler :participant-invited-to-group
(fn [db [action from group-id identity msg-id]]
(log/debug action msg-id from group-id identity)
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(participant-invited-to-group-msg group-id identity from msg-id)))
2016-04-11 16:45:01 +03:00
2016-03-28 19:00:07 +03:00
(register-handler :acked-msg
2016-04-07 14:21:02 +03:00
(fn [db [action from msg-id]]
(log/debug action from msg-id)
2016-03-28 19:00:07 +03:00
(update-message! {:msg-id msg-id
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
:delivery-status :delivered})))
2016-03-28 19:00:07 +03:00
(register-handler :msg-delivery-failed
2016-04-07 14:21:02 +03:00
(fn [db [action msg-id]]
2016-04-11 16:45:01 +03:00
(log/debug action msg-id)
2016-03-28 19:00:07 +03:00
(update-message! {:msg-id msg-id
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
:delivery-status :failed})))
2016-03-23 21:05:42 +02:00
2016-04-11 22:57:20 +03:00
(register-handler :leave-group-chat
2016-05-12 12:13:09 +03:00
(fn [db [action]]
2016-04-11 22:57:20 +03:00
(log/debug action)
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(let [chat-id (:current-chat-id db)]
2016-04-11 22:57:20 +03:00
(api/leave-group-chat chat-id)
(set-chat-active chat-id false)
(left-chat-msg chat-id)
2016-05-16 15:19:13 +03:00
(delete-chat chat-id)
2016-05-16 19:24:17 +03:00
(dispatch [:navigate-back]))))
2016-04-03 19:00:40 +03:00
2016-03-28 15:14:57 +03:00
;; -- User data --------------------------------------------------------------
(register-handler :load-user-phone-number
(fn [db [_]]
2016-05-13 14:58:58 +03:00
;; todo fetch phone number from db
(assoc db :user-phone-number "123")))
2016-05-11 13:05:33 +03:00
2016-05-06 17:12:24 +03:00
;; -- Chats --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(defn update-new-participants-selection [db identity add?]
(update db :new-participants (fn [new-participants]
(if add?
(conj new-participants identity)
(disj new-participants identity)))))
2016-04-01 18:05:55 +03:00
2016-04-07 14:21:02 +03:00
(register-handler :select-new-participant
(fn [db [action identity add?]]
(log/debug action identity add?)
(update-new-participants-selection db identity add?)))
2016-04-11 19:20:58 +03:00
(register-handler :remove-selected-participants
2016-05-13 18:56:52 +03:00
(fn [db [action]]
2016-04-11 19:20:58 +03:00
(log/debug action)
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(let [identities (vec (:new-participants db))
chat-id (:current-chat-id db)]
2016-04-11 19:20:58 +03:00
(chat-remove-participants chat-id identities)
2016-05-13 14:17:03 +03:00
(dispatch [:navigate-back])
2016-04-11 19:20:58 +03:00
(doseq [ident identities]
(api/group-remove-participant chat-id ident)
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(removed-participant-msg chat-id ident)))))
2016-04-07 14:21:02 +03:00
(register-handler :add-new-participants
(fn [db [action navigator]]
(log/debug action)
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(let [identities (vec (:new-participants db))
chat-id (:current-chat-id db)]
2016-04-07 14:21:02 +03:00
(chat-add-participants chat-id identities)
2016-05-13 14:17:03 +03:00
(dispatch [:navigate-back])
2016-04-07 14:21:02 +03:00
(doseq [ident identities]
(api/group-add-participant chat-id ident))
2016-05-17 16:57:45 +03:00
(defn chat-remove-member [db]
(let [chat (get-in db [:chats (:current-chat-id db)])
identity (:group-settings-selected-member db)]
(fn []
(r/create :chats
(update chat :contacts
(fn [members]
(filter #(not= (:identity %) identity) members)))
;; TODO temp. Update chat in db atom
(dispatch [:initialize-chats])
(register-handler :chat-remove-member
(fn [db [action]]
(let [chat-id (:current-chat-id db)
identity (:group-settings-selected-member db)
db (chat-remove-member db)]
(dispatch [:select-group-chat-member nil])
;; TODO fix and uncomment
(api/group-remove-participant chat-id identity)
(removed-participant-msg chat-id identity)
2016-04-07 14:21:02 +03:00
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(defn update-new-group-selection [db identity add?]
(update-in db :new-group (fn [new-group]
(if add?
(conj new-group identity)
(disj new-group identity)))))
2016-04-01 18:05:55 +03:00
(register-handler :select-for-new-group
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(fn [db [_ identity add?]]
2016-04-01 18:05:55 +03:00
(update-new-group-selection db identity add?)))
(register-handler :create-new-group
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(fn [db [action group-name]]
2016-04-01 18:05:55 +03:00
(log/debug action)
2016-05-10 17:40:21 +03:00
(let [identities (vec (:new-group db))
2016-04-04 17:03:40 +03:00
group-id (api/start-group-chat identities group-name)
db (create-chat db group-id identities true group-name)]
2016-05-10 15:25:36 +03:00
(dispatch [:show-chat group-id :replace])
2016-04-01 18:05:55 +03:00
2016-04-04 17:03:40 +03:00
(register-handler :group-chat-invite-received
(fn [db [action from group-id identities group-name]]
(log/debug action from group-id identities)
2016-04-29 02:06:15 +03:00
(if (chat-exists? group-id)
(re-join-group-chat db group-id identities group-name)
(create-chat db group-id identities true group-name))))