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(ns status-im.discovery.handlers
(:require [re-frame.core :refer [after dispatch enrich]]
[status-im.utils.handlers :refer [register-handler]]
[status-im.protocol.api :as api]
[status-im.navigation.handlers :as nav]
[status-im.discovery.model :as discoveries]
[status-im.utils.handlers :as u]))
(defmethod nav/preload-data! :discovery
[{:keys [discoveries] :as db} _]
(if-not (seq discoveries)
(-> db
(assoc :tags (discoveries/all-tags))
;; todo add limit
;; todo hash-map with whisper-id as key and sorted by last-update
;; may be more efficient here
(assoc :discoveries (discoveries/discovery-list)))
(register-handler :discovery-response-received
(fn [_ [_ from payload]]
(let [{:keys [name status hashtags location]} payload
location (or location "")
discovery [{:name name
:status status
:whisper-id from
:photo ""
:location location
:tags (map #(hash-map :name %) hashtags)
:last-updated (js/Date.)}]]
(dispatch [:add-discovery discovery])))))
(register-handler :broadcast-status
(fn [{:keys [name]} [_ status hashtags]]
(api/broadcast-discover-status name status hashtags))))
(register-handler :show-discovery-tag
(fn [db [_ tag]]
(dispatch [:navigate-to :discovery-tag])
(assoc db :current-tag tag)))
;; todo remove this
(register-handler :create-fake-discovery!
(fn [_ _]
(let [number (rand-int 999)
discovery {:name (str "Name " number)
:status (str "Status This is some longer status to get the second line " number)
:whisper-id (str number)
:photo ""
:location ""
:tags [{:name "tag1"}
{:name "tag2"}
{:name "tag3"}]
:last-updated (new js/Date)}]
(dispatch [:add-discovery discovery])))))
(defn add-discovery
[db [_ discovery]]
(-> db
(assoc :new-discovery discovery)
(update :discoveries conj discovery)))
(defn save-discovery!
[{:keys [new-discovery]} _]
(discoveries/save-discoveries [new-discovery]))
(defn reload-tags!
[db _]
(assoc db :tags (discoveries/all-tags)))
(register-handler :add-discovery
(-> add-discovery
((after save-discovery!))
((enrich reload-tags!))))