
61 lines
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;; -*- mode: clojure -*-
;; vi: ft=clojure
{:width 105
:remove {:fn-force-nl #{:noarg1-body}}
[;; community style
;; no comma in map
;; respect all newlines
;; respect blank line
;; hang multiline left-hand-thing
{"reg-sub" :arg1-pair
"h/describe" :arg1-body
Fix component tests, upgrade Jest & friends, and a few other goodies (#18276) Fix all component tests after the latest RN upgrade. Fixes Closes Dependency changes - Upgraded Jest: from 26.6.3 to latest 29.7.0. - Upgraded @testing-library/jest-native: from 5.3.0 to latest 5.4.3 - Upgraded @testing-library/react-native: from 11.5.4 to 12.4.2 - Removed explicit dependency on jest-circus, this is now the default test runner. - Removed explicit dependency on jest-environment-node. This is handled by the package manager. - Added jest-silent-reporter at version 0.5.0. ### Why component tests were failing? Many tests were failing because we were using RN Testing Library (RNTL) in an unreliable fashion. With the recent library upgrades, the unreliability was excerbated. Other times, the tests were incorrectly arranging data. ### with-redefs does not work with async code Generally speaking, with-redefs should not be used with async code, assume the worst. The scope of the macro will cease to exist by the time the async code runs. In many tests we were using with-redefs, then calling render, but for some components that use use-effect, JS timers, animations, etc it's unreliable and were the reason for failures. It's easy to reproduce too: ```clojure (defn foo [] :foo) (foo) ;; => :foo (with-redefs [foo (constantly :bar)] (foo)) ;; => :bar (js/setTimeout (fn [] (tap> [:calling-foo (foo)])) 100) ;; Taps [:calling-foo :foo] ;; As you would expect, when running without with-redefs, it prints :foo. ;; So far so good, but whatch what happens with async code: (with-redefs [foo (constantly :bar)] (js/setTimeout (fn [] (tap> [:calling-foo (foo)])) 100)) ;; Taps [:calling-foo :foo] ;; ====> PROBLEM: Taps :foo, not :bar as one might expect ``` ### Not waiting on wait-for When test-helpers.component/wait-for is used, subsequent assertions/etc should be done after the promise returned by wait-for is resolved. But remember to not perform side-effects inside the wait-for callback (check out the docs Most, if not all of our usages of wait-for were not waiting. #### Improvement 1 - Silence Jest on demand If you need to re-run component tests frequently, you may want to reduce the output verbosity. By passing JEST_USE_SILENT_REPORTER=true to make component-test or make component-test-watch you will see a lot less noise and be able to focus on what really matters to you. #### Improvement 2 - Selectively focus/disable tests Because of our need to first compile CLJS to JS before running tests via Jest, we couldn't easily skip or focus on specific tests. From this commit onwards, we should never again have to change the list of requires in files core_spec.cljs. Commenting out required namespaces gives a bad DX because it causes constant rebasing issues. #### Improvement 3 - Translations now work as in prod code (but only English) Translations performed by *-by-translation-text can be done now without any workaround under the hood. The query functions are now linted just like i18n/label, which means static translation keywords must be qualified with :t/, which is good for consistency.
2023-12-26 14:58:23 +00:00
"h/describe-skip" :arg1-body
"h/describe-only" :arg1-body
"h/test" :arg1-body
Fix component tests, upgrade Jest & friends, and a few other goodies (#18276) Fix all component tests after the latest RN upgrade. Fixes Closes Dependency changes - Upgraded Jest: from 26.6.3 to latest 29.7.0. - Upgraded @testing-library/jest-native: from 5.3.0 to latest 5.4.3 - Upgraded @testing-library/react-native: from 11.5.4 to 12.4.2 - Removed explicit dependency on jest-circus, this is now the default test runner. - Removed explicit dependency on jest-environment-node. This is handled by the package manager. - Added jest-silent-reporter at version 0.5.0. ### Why component tests were failing? Many tests were failing because we were using RN Testing Library (RNTL) in an unreliable fashion. With the recent library upgrades, the unreliability was excerbated. Other times, the tests were incorrectly arranging data. ### with-redefs does not work with async code Generally speaking, with-redefs should not be used with async code, assume the worst. The scope of the macro will cease to exist by the time the async code runs. In many tests we were using with-redefs, then calling render, but for some components that use use-effect, JS timers, animations, etc it's unreliable and were the reason for failures. It's easy to reproduce too: ```clojure (defn foo [] :foo) (foo) ;; => :foo (with-redefs [foo (constantly :bar)] (foo)) ;; => :bar (js/setTimeout (fn [] (tap> [:calling-foo (foo)])) 100) ;; Taps [:calling-foo :foo] ;; As you would expect, when running without with-redefs, it prints :foo. ;; So far so good, but whatch what happens with async code: (with-redefs [foo (constantly :bar)] (js/setTimeout (fn [] (tap> [:calling-foo (foo)])) 100)) ;; Taps [:calling-foo :foo] ;; ====> PROBLEM: Taps :foo, not :bar as one might expect ``` ### Not waiting on wait-for When test-helpers.component/wait-for is used, subsequent assertions/etc should be done after the promise returned by wait-for is resolved. But remember to not perform side-effects inside the wait-for callback (check out the docs Most, if not all of our usages of wait-for were not waiting. #### Improvement 1 - Silence Jest on demand If you need to re-run component tests frequently, you may want to reduce the output verbosity. By passing JEST_USE_SILENT_REPORTER=true to make component-test or make component-test-watch you will see a lot less noise and be able to focus on what really matters to you. #### Improvement 2 - Selectively focus/disable tests Because of our need to first compile CLJS to JS before running tests via Jest, we couldn't easily skip or focus on specific tests. From this commit onwards, we should never again have to change the list of requires in files core_spec.cljs. Commenting out required namespaces gives a bad DX because it causes constant rebasing issues. #### Improvement 3 - Translations now work as in prod code (but only English) Translations performed by *-by-translation-text can be done now without any workaround under the hood. The query functions are now linted just like i18n/label, which means static translation keywords must be qualified with :t/, which is good for consistency.
2023-12-26 14:58:23 +00:00
"h/test-skip" :arg1-body
"h/test-only" :arg1-body
"global.describe" :arg1-body
"global.test" :arg1-body
"list-comp" :binding
"defview" :arg1-body
"letsubs" :binding
"with-let" "let"
Migrate away from rf/defn and rf/merge (first step) (#17451) This commit shows how to move away from rf/defn & rf/merge and why we should do it. ## Problems Before jumping to solutions, let's understand the problems first, in no order of importance. ### Problem 1: Cyclic dependencies If you ever tried to move event handlers or the functions used inside them to different files in status-mobile, you probably stumbled in cyclic dependency errors. When an event is registered in re-frame, it is globally available for any other place to dispatch. The dispatch mechanism relies on globally unique keywords, the so called event IDs, e.g. :chat/mute-successfully. This means that event namespaces don't need to require other event namespaces, just like you don't need to require subscription namespaces in views. rf/merge increases the likelihood of cyclic dependencies because they force event namespaces to require each other. Although not as common, this happened a few times with devs in the team and it can be a big hassle to fix if you are unlucky. It is a problem we should not have in the first place (at least not as easily). ### Problem 2: We are not linting thousands of lines of code The linter (clj-kondo) is incapable of understanding the rf/defn macro. In theory, we could teach clj-kondo what the macro produces. I tried this, but gave up after a few tries. This is a big deal, clj-kondo can catch many issues and will continue to catch more as it continue to evolve. It's hard to precisely count how many lines are affected, but `find src/ -type f -name 'events.cljs' -exec wc -l {} +` gives us more than 4k LOC. ### Problem 3: Blocking RN's UI thread for too long Re-frame has a routing mechanism to manage events. When an event is dispatched, it is enqueued and scheduled to run some time later (very soon). This process is asynchronous and is optimized in such a way as to balance responsiveness vs the time to empty the queue. >[...] when processing events, one after the other, do ALL the currently queued >events. Don't stop. Don't yield to the browser. Hog that CPU. > >[...] but if any new events are dispatched during this cycle of processing, >don't do them immediately. Leave them queued. > >-- Decisions were made (way back in 2017) to reduce the number of registered re-frame events and, more importantly, to coalesce events into bigger ones with the rf/merge pattern. I tried to find evidence of real problems that were trying to be solved, but my understanding is that decisions were largely based on personal architectural preferences. Fast-forward to 2023, and we are in a situation where we have many heavy events that process a LOT of stuff in one go using rf/merge, thus blocking the UI thread longer than we should. See, for example, [](, [](, and many others. The following excerpt was generally used to justify the idea that coalescing events would make the app perform better. > We will reduce the the amount of subscription re-computations, as for each > distinct action, :db effect will be produced and swapped into app-db only once > > -- This is in fact incorrect. Re-frame, ever since 2015 (so before the original discussions in 2017) uses a concept of batching to process events, which means subscriptions won't re-run after every dispatched event, and thus components won't re-render either. Re-frame is smarter than that. > groups of events queued up will be handled in a batch, one after the other, > without yielding to the browser (previously re-frame yielded to the browser > before every single event). > > -- Here's a practical example you can try in a shadow-cljs :mobile REPL to see the batching behavior in practice. ```clojure ;; A dummy event that toggles between DEBUG and INFO levels. (re-frame/reg-event-fx :dummy-event (fn [{:keys [db]}] {:db (update-in db [:profile/profile :log-level] (fn [level] (if (= "DEBUG" level) "INFO" "DEBUG")))})) (def timer (js/setInterval #(re-frame/dispatch [:dummy-event]) 50)) ;; 1. In component status-im.ui.screens.advanced-settings.views/advanced-settings, ;; add a print call to see when it's re-rendered by Reagent because the ;; subscription :log-level/current-log-level will be affected by our dummy event. ;; ;; 2. Also add a print call to the subscription :log-level/current-log-level to ;; see that the subscription does NOT re-run on every dispatch. ;; Remember to eval this expression to cancel the timer. (js/clearInterval timer) ``` If you run the above timer with 50ms interval, you'll see a fair amount of batching happening. You can infer that's the case because you'll see way less than 20 print statements per second (so way less than 20 recomputations of the subscription, which is the max theoretical limit). When the interval is reduced even more, to say 10ms (to simulate lots of dispatches in a row), sometimes you don't see a single recomputation in a 5s window because re-frame is too busy processing events. This shows just how critical it is to have event handlers finishing as soon as possible to relinquish control back to the UI thread, otherwise responsiveness is affected. It also shows that too many dispatches in a row can be bad, just as big event handlers would block the batch for too long. You see here that dispatching events in succession does NOT cause needless re-computations. Of course there's an overhead of using re-frame.core/dispatch instead of calling a Clojure function, but the trade-off is clearly documented: the more we process in a single event, the less responsive the app may be because re-frame won't be able to relinquish control back to the UI thread. The total time to process the batch increases, but re-frame can't stop in the middle compared to when different dispatches are used. Thus, I believe this rf/merge pattern is harmful as a default practice in an environment such as ours, where it's desirable end-users feel a snappy RN app. I actually firmly believe we can improve the app's responsiveness by not coalescing events by default. We're also preventing status-mobile from taking the most advantage from future improvements in re-frame's scheduler. I can totally see us experimenting with other algorithms in the scheduler to best fit our needs. We should not blindly reduce the number of events as stated here Solution: only coalesce events into one pile when it's strictly desirable to atomically update the app db to avoid inconsistencies, otherwise, let the re-frame scheduler do its job by using fx, not rf/merge. When needed, embrace *eventual app db consistency* as a way to achieve lower UI latency, i.e. write fast and short events, intentionally use :dispatch-later or other timing effects to bend the re-frame's scheduler to your will. There's another argument in favor of using something like rf/merge which I would like to deconstruct. rf/merge gives us a way to reuse computations from different events, which is nice. The thing here is that we don't need rf/merge or re-frame to reuse functions across namespaces. rf/merge complects re-frame with the need to reuse transformations. Instead, the solution is as trivial as it gets, reuse app db "transformers" across events by extracting the logic to data store namespaces (src/status_im/data_store). This solution has the added benefit of not causing cyclic dependency errors. ### Problem 4: Clojure's language server doesn't understand code under rf/defn Nowadays, many (if not most) Clojure devs rely on the Clojure Language Server to be more effective. It is an invaluable tool, but it doesn't work well with the macro rf/defn, and it's a constant source of frustration when working in event namespaces. Renaming symbols inside the macro don't work, finding references, jumping to local bindings, etc. Solution: don't use rf/defn, instead use re-frame's reg-event-fx function and clojure-lsp will understand all the code inside event handlers. ### Problem 5: Unit tests for events need to "test the world" Re-frame's author strongly recommends testing events that contain non-trivial data transformations, and we do have many in status-mobile (note: let's not confuse with integration tests in status_im/integration_test.cljs). That, and non-trivial layer-3 subscriptions should be covered too. The reasoning is that if we have a well developed and tested state layer, many UI bugs can be prevented as the software evolves, since the UI is partially or greatly derived from the global state. See re-frame: What to Test? See PR Introduce subscription tests, where I share more details about re-frame's testing practices. When we use rf/merge, we make unit testing events a perennial source of frustration because too many responsibilities are aggregated in a single event. Unfortunately, we don't have many devs in the team that attempted to write unit tests for events to confirm my claim, but no worries, let's dive into a real example. In a unit test for an event, we want to test that, given a cofx and args, the event handler returns the expected map of effects with the correct values (usually db transformations). Let's assume we need to test the following event. The code is still using the combo rf/defn & rf/merge. ```clojure (rf/defn accept-notification-success {:events [:activity-center.notifications/accept-success]} [{:keys [db] :as cofx} notification-id {:keys [chats]}] (when-let [notification (get-notification db notification-id)] (rf/merge cofx ( (map data-store.chats/<-rpc chats)) (notifications-reconcile [(assoc notification :read true :accepted true)])))) ``` As you can see, we're "rf/merging" two other functions, namely ensure-chats and notifications-reconcile. In fact, ensure-chats is not registered in re-frame, but it's 99% defined as if it's one because it needs to be "mergeable" according to the rules of rf/merge. Both of these "events" are quite complicated under the hood and should be unit tested on their own. Now here goes the unit test. Don't worry about the details, except for the expected output. ```clojure (deftest accept-notification-success-test (testing "marks notification as accepted and read, then reconciles" (let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :type types/private-group-chat} notif-2 {:id "0x2" :type types/private-group-chat} notif-2-accepted (assoc notif-2 :accepted true :read true) cofx {:db {:activity-center {:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all} :notifications [notif-2 notif-1]}}} expected {:db {:activity-center {:filter {:type 0 :status :all} :notifications [notif-2-accepted notif-1]} :chats {} :chats-home-list nil} ;; *** HERE *** :dispatch-n [[:activity-center.notifications/fetch-unread-count] [:activity-center.notifications/fetch-pending-contact-requests]]} actual (events/accept-notification-success cofx (:id notif-2) nil)] (is (= expected actual))))) ``` Notice the map has a :dispatch-n effect and other stuff inside of it that are not the responsibility of the event under test to care about. This happens because rf/merge forces the event handler to compute/call everything in one go. And things get MUCH worse when you want to test an event A that uses rf/merge, but A calls other events B and C that also use rf/merge (e.g. event :profile.login/get-chats-callback). At that point you flip the table in horror 😱, but testing events and maintaining them should be trivial. Solution: Use re-frame's `fx` effect. Here's the improved implementation and its accompanying test. ```clojure (defn accept-notification-success [{:keys [db]} [notification-id {:keys [chats]}]] (when-let [notification (get-notification db notification-id)] (let [new-notifications [(assoc notification :read true :accepted true)]] {:fx [[:dispatch [:chat/ensure-chats (map data-store.chats/<-rpc chats)]] [:dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/reconcile new-notifications]]]}))) (re-frame/reg-event-fx :activity-center.notifications/accept-success accept-notification-success) (deftest accept-notification-success-test (testing "marks notification as accepted and read, then reconciles" (let [notif-1 {:id "0x1" :type types/private-group-chat} notif-2 {:id "0x2" :type types/private-group-chat} notif-2-accepted (assoc notif-2 :accepted true :read true) cofx {:db {:activity-center {:filter {:type types/no-type :status :all} :notifications [notif-2 notif-1]}}} ;; *** HERE *** expected {:fx [[:dispatch [:chat/ensure-chats []]] [:dispatch [:activity-center.notifications/reconcile [notif-2-accepted]]]]} actual (events/accept-notification-success cofx [(:id notif-2) nil])] (is (= expected actual))))) ``` Notice how the test expectation is NOT verifying what other events do (it's actually "impossible" now). Using fx completely decouples events and makes testing them a joy again. ### Problem 6: Unordered effects status-mobile still uses the legacy way to describe the effects map, which has the problem that their order is unpredictable. > Prior to v1.1.0, the answer is: no guarantees were provided about ordering. > Actual order is an implementation detail upon which you should not rely. > > -- > In fact, with v1.1.0 best practice changed to event handlers should only > return two effects :db and :fx, in which case :db was always done first and > then :fx, and within :fx the ordering is sequential. This new approach is more > about making it easier to compose event handlers from many smaller functions, > but more specificity around ordering was a consequence. > > -- ### Problem 7: Usage of deprecated effect dispatch-n We have 35 usages, the majority in new code using dispatch-n, which has been officially deprecated in favor of multiple dispatch tuples in fx. See ### Problem 8: Complexity 🧙‍♂️ Have you ever tried to understand and/or explain how rf/merge and rf/defn work? They have their fare share of complexity and have tripped up many contributors. This is not ideal if we want to create a project where contributors can learn re-frame as quickly as possible. Re-frame is already complicated enough to grasp for many, the added abstractions should be valuable enough to justify. Interestingly, rf/merge is a stateful function, and although this is not a problem in practice, it is partially violating re-frame's spirit of only using pure functions inside event handlers. ### Problem 9: Using a wrapping macro rf/defn instead of global interceptors When rf/defn was created inside status-mobile, re-frame didn't have global interceptors yet (which were introduced 3+ years ago). We no longer have this limitation after we upgraded our old re-frame version in PR Global interceptors are a simple and functional abstraction to specify functions that should run on every event, for example, for debugging during development, logging, etc. This PR already shows this is possible by removing the wrapping function without causing any breakage. ## Conclusion By embracing re-frame's best practices for describing effects, we can solve long standing issues that affect every contributor at different levels and bring the following benefits: - Simplify the codebase. - Bring back the DX we all deserve, i.e. Clojure Language Server and clj-kondo fully working in event namespaces. - Greatly facilitate the testability of events. - Give devs more flexibility to make the app more responsive, because the new default would not coalesce events, which in turn, would block the UI thread for shorter periods of time. At least that's the theory, but exceptions will be found. The actions to achieve those benefits are: - Don't use the macro approach, replace rf/defn with re-frame.core/reg-event-fx. - Don't use rf/merge, simply use re-frame's built-in effect :fx. - Don't call event handlers as normal functions, just as we don't directly call subscription handlers. Use re-frame's built-in effect :fx. ## How do we refactor the remainder of the code? Some numbers first: - There are 228 events defined with rf/defn in src/status-im2/. - There are 34 usages of rf/merge in src/status_im2/. ## Resources - Release notes where fx was introduced in re-frame:
2023-10-05 19:11:45 +00:00
"reg-event-fx" :arg1-pair
"reg-fx" :arg1-pair
"testing" :arg1-body
"deftest-sub" :arg1-body
"wait-for" :arg1-body
"with-deps-check" :arg1-body
Introduce malli library (#17867) This commit is the foundational step to start using malli ( in this project. Take in consideration we will only be able to realize malli's full power in future iterations. For those without context: the mobile team watched a presentation about malli and went through a light RFC to put everyone on the same page, among other discussions here and there in PRs. To keep things relatively short: 1. Unit, integration and component tests will short-circuit (fail) when inputs/outputs don't conform to their respective function schemas (CI should fail too). 2. Failed schema checks will not block the app from initializing, nor throw an exception that would trigger the LogBox. Exceptions are only thrown in the scope of automated tests. 3. There's zero performance impact in production code because we only instrument. Instrumentation is removed from the compiled code due to the usage of "^boolean". 4. We shouldn't expect any meaningful slowdown during development. **What are we instrumenting in this PR?** Per our team's agreement, we're only instrumenting the bare minimum to showcase 2 examples. - Instrument a utility function using the macro approach. - Instrument a quo component quo.components.counter.step.view/view using the functional approach. Both approaches are useful, the functional approach is powerful and allow us to instrument anonymous functions, like the ones we pass to subscriptions or event handlers, or the higher-order function quo.theme/with-theme. The macro approach is perfect for functions already defined with defn. **I evaluated the schema or function in the REPL but nothing changes** - If you evaluate the source function, you need to evaluate schema/=> or schema/instrument as well. - Remember to *var quote* when using schema/instrument. - You must call "(status-im2.setup.schema/setup!)" after any var is re-instrumented. It's advisable to add a keybinding in your editor to send this expression automatically to the CLJS REPL, or add the call at the end of the namespace you are working on (similar to how some devs add "(run-tests)" at the end of test namespaces). **Where should schemas be defined?** For the moment, we should focus on instrumenting quo components, so define each function schema in the same namespace as the component's public "view" var. To be specific: - A schema used only to instrument a single function and not used elsewhere, like a quo component schema, wouldn't benefit from being defined in a separate namespace because that would force the developer to constantly open two files instead of one to check function signatures. - A common schema reused across the repo, like ":schema.common/theme" should be registered in the global registry "schema.registry" so that consumers can just refer to it by keyword, as if it was a built-in malli schema. - A common schema describing status-go entities like message, notification, community, etc can be stored either in the respective "src/status_im2/contexts/*" or registered globally, or even somewhere else. This is yet to be defined, but since I chose not to include schemas for them, we can postpone this guideline.
2023-11-18 14:04:48 +00:00
"schema/=>" :arg1-body
"->" [:noarg1-body
{:list {:constant-pair? false :force-nl? false}
:next-inner-restore [[:list :constant-pair?]]}]
"set!" "reset!"
"assoc-when" "assoc"
"assoc-some" "assoc"
"conj-when" "conj"
"conj-some" "conj"}
{:no-comma {:map {:comma? false}}
{:doc "Justify everything using pre-1.1.2 approach"
:binding {:justify? true :justify {:max-variance 1000}}
:map {:justify? true :justify {:max-variance 1000}}
:pair {:justify? true :justify {:max-variance 1000}}}}}