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(ns status-im.utils.utils
(:require [status-im.constants :as const]
[status-im.i18n :refer [label]]
[reagent.core :as r]
2017-07-16 12:04:35 +03:00
[clojure.string :as str]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[status-im.react-native.js-dependencies :as rn-dependencies]))
(defn show-popup [title content]
2017-07-16 12:04:35 +03:00
(.alert (.-Alert rn-dependencies/react-native)
(defn show-confirmation
([title content on-accept]
(show-confirmation title content nil on-accept))
([title content s on-accept]
(show-confirmation title content s on-accept nil))
([title content s on-accept on-cancel]
2017-07-16 12:04:35 +03:00
(.alert (.-Alert rn-dependencies/react-native)
;; Styles are only relevant on iOS. On Android first button is 'neutral' and second is 'positive'
(vector (merge {:text (label :t/cancel) :style "cancel"}
(when on-cancel {:onPress on-cancel}))
{:text (or s "OK") :onPress on-accept :style "destructive"})))))
(defn http-post
([action data on-success]
(http-post action data on-success nil))
([action data on-success on-error]
(-> (.fetch js/window
(str const/server-address action)
(clj->js {:method "POST"
:headers {:accept "application/json"
:content-type "application/json"}
:body (.stringify js/JSON (clj->js data))}))
(.then (fn [response]
2017-07-16 12:04:35 +03:00
(log/debug response)
(.text response)))
(.then (fn [text]
(let [json (.parse js/JSON text)
obj (js->clj json :keywordize-keys true)]
(on-success obj))))
(.catch (or on-error
(fn [error]
(show-popup "Error" (str error))))))))
(defn http-get
([url on-success on-error]
(http-get url nil on-success on-error))
2017-03-08 15:53:21 +02:00
([url valid-response? on-success on-error]
2017-05-16 16:24:51 +03:00
(-> (.fetch js/window url (clj->js {:method "GET"
:headers {"Cache-Control" "no-cache"}}))
(.then (fn [response]
2017-07-16 12:04:35 +03:00
(log/debug response)
2017-03-08 15:53:21 +02:00
(let [ok? (.-ok response)
ok?' (if valid-response?
(and ok? (valid-response? response))
2017-04-13 12:37:03 +03:00
[(.-_bodyText response) ok?'])))
(.then (fn [[response ok?]]
ok? (on-success response)
(and on-error (not ok?))
(on-error response)
:else false)))
(.catch (or on-error
(fn [error]
(show-popup "Error" (str error))))))))
(defn truncate-str
"Given string and max threshold, trims the string to threshold length with `...`
appended to end if length of the string exceeds max threshold, returns the same
string if threshold is not exceeded"
[s threshold]
(if (and s (< threshold (count s)))
(str (subs s 0 (- threshold 3)) "...")
(defn clean-text [s]
(-> s
2016-11-30 21:30:57 +03:00
(str/replace #"\n" "")
(str/replace #"\r" "")
(defn first-index
"Returns first index in coll where predicate on coll element is truthy"
[pred coll]
(->> coll
(keep-indexed (fn [idx e]
(when (pred e)
(defn hash-tag? [s]
(= \# (first s)))
(defn wrap-call-once!
"Returns a version of provided function that will be called only the first time wrapping function is called. Returns nil."
(let [called? (volatile! false)]
(fn [& args]
(when-not @called?
(vreset! called? true)
(apply f args)
(defn update-if-present
"Like regular `clojure.core/update` but returns original map if update key is not present"
[m k f & args]
(if (contains? m k)
(apply update m k f args)
2017-07-17 00:23:53 +02:00
(defn default-alert-handler
[error fatal?]
(show-popup "Error" (.-message error)))
(defn register-exception-handler
"Register a function that will be called for each exception thrown.
When `dev?` is true, always register; otherwise only register when goog.DEBUG is false.
Default function shows error details in an alert box."
([] (register-exception-handler default-alert-handler))
([f] (register-exception-handler true f))
([dev? f]
(if (and dev? (not js/goog.DEBUG))
2017-07-17 00:23:53 +02:00
(.setGlobalHandler js/ErrorUtils f dev?))))